August 26 - September 1, 2012: Issue 73
Palm Beach Golf Course: Some History
The fairways at Palm Beach are our final field of dreams for this first look at Pittwater fields, their shifts, progressions and who dreamed what where. Originally a sand tombola and short coastal grasses from which Garigal people would fish, with Light Keepers for the Barrenjoey Lighthouse once living in cottages located near the present 6th tee of the Palm Beach Golf Course, and a vegetable garden just south of its perimeters, these 8 or so hectares have played host to the an Attorney General about to become Prime Minister during WWII, launched the golfing careers of Joan Hammond, Pat Borthwick and Jan Delaney, and even appeared in an infamous divorce case as the greens where a snob occurred, was witnessed, reported and recorded.
Album 52: Photographs of the Allen family, November 1909 Digital Order No. a1373019. Caption reads 'Sunday 21st of November 1909; Barranjoey Lighthouse, Lion Island on extreme left'
Although NSW Records and Archives records indicate Palm Beach visitors having a bit of a putt in the earliest days of the Barrenjoey Land company 1920's, the official Council permission was granted in 1926:
Use of the Barrenjoey Lighthouse Reserve as a golf links by the Barrenjoey Company. Contents Date Range; 01-01-1911 to 31-12-1915
This was a few years after the first paddocks were groomed in 1920 by Henry Wilshire for use as a golf range for summer visitors. According to the Certificate of Title, Henry Austin Wilshire, purchased the land opposite "Sunrise Cottage" from the Barrenjoey Land Company in 1913, and built his home, which in 1922 he sold to Lady Maitland, wife of Sir Herbert Lethington Maitland, eminent Sydney surgeon. This property was at 19 Palm Beach Road.
MR. HENRY AUSTIN WILSHIRE. The death occurred recently of Mr. Henry Austin Wilshire, a well-known city architect, who, amongst other things, was closely associated with Furlough House, Narrabeen, the well-known seaside holiday resort for the wives and children of soldiers, of which he was honorary architect and adviser. He was one of the pioneers of Palm Beach, and was one of the founders of the Australasian Pioneers' Club. The deceased was the youngest son of the late James R. Wilshire, M.L.C., Sydney's second Mayor, whose grandfather (James Wilshire) arrived in Sydney in 1792 as Deputy Commissioner-General [sic: he was deputy commissary from about 1808], and married Esther Pitt, a relative of Admiral Lord Nelson. In the Registrar-General's Department are some quaint references to the grants of land given to James Wilshire, including 570 acres extending from Strathfield to Cook's River, and several acres at Brickfield-hill, Sydney. The deceased leaves a widow and one daughter. MR. HENRY AUSTIN WILSHIRE. (1923, August 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
By 1924 things were beginning to be a bit more organised and early in 1925 a meeting was held:
A well-attended meeting of the club was held at Palm Beach, when Mr. C. R. Crossman was unanimously elected the first president, Mr. Crossman (who is an old member of, and ex-president of the Cammeray Golf Club) and the late Mr. Henry Wilshire, laid the foundations of the Palm Beach Club, setting out the original course and putting In much labour In clearing and setting up the greens. The links are charmingly situated on Pittwater at sea level, and there is offered to golfers the opportunity of play in pleasant and attractive conditions.
A new course has now been set out, and a general scheme of improvement of the links is projected, which, with the necessary financial support from residents and visitors, it is hoped will be possible of realisation during 1925. The club membership now numbers about fifty, and a substantial increase is expected. GOLF. (1925, January 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
The people behind the Palm Beach Recreation Club
Palm Beach Recreation Club, Limited, capital £3000, divided Into 600 shares of £5 each. First directors, C. R. Crossman, E. R. Moser,H. L. Tress, A. A. Oxlade, S H. Hammond, S.B. Hooper, and A. C. F. Webb. COMPANY NEWS. (1926, August 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved August 8, 2012, from
Originally there was no fence between the park and the course. In 1932 the course was fenced with a low painted rail fence and white painted stones marked the tees.

Palm Beach Again
PALM BEACH is setting new fashions in all directions, and the vogue is not confined to bathing togs alone. Sydney shrugged its shoulders when it learnt that society danced in. shorts during the season, and now comes word that the "gay young things" are sporting diminutive trousers on the golf links, in place of the usual very smart sports suit. Last week some very "fetching" ones made their appearance on this exclusive sports ground, and the fair wearers could not have been unconscious of the effect, when, in between dips they strolled to the links and played a round or two. Fancy! (1930, March 10). Daily Pictorial (Sydney, NSW : 1930 - 1931), p. 19. Retrieved from

As with all things Pittwater during her agricultural eras, cows used to roam over those fair grasses. Residents clearly recall the dairy cows that used to provide milk for their families from the 1920’s and through the 1930’s. Not without complaint from visitors however;
CLUB NOTES. DANGER OF WANDERING STOCK. Straying cattle have become a nuisance and a danger at several resorts which are popular with motorists says the RACA notably at Palm Beach, where wandering beasts upset the hampers of picnic parties, and crane their heads into cars in search of food. In addition, the presence of such animals on the adjacent roads is also troublesome and dangerous at night. The R.A.C.A. urges that steps should be taken to compel owners of such stock to keep them off the roads and away from picnic and camping areas. CLUB NOTES. (1933, January 26). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Gonsalves family home in Waratah Street, Palm Beach. From Verrills family album, courtesy Peter Verrills.
It was during these years that this renowned course, and her teachers, gave NSW golf some of the best amateurs (no one was paid then) to make and break records.
The first and perhaps most well known is Joan Hammond. Joan’s family would holiday at Palm Beach and Joan was encouraged by her father, after a bad accident which damaged her arm, to take up golf to strengthen this arm:
"I began to play golf," said Miss Hammond, "in a most haphazard fashion. My family thought it would help to strengthen my arm if I played golf regularly. I was at boarding school at the Presbyterian Ladies' College, Pymble, so that few opportunities for golf arose, but in the holidays at Palm Beach I spent my days in the water or on the links. I played with the men, and that is one reason why I think I got on so quickly. They were so much better than I was that I always had good opponents to try to emulate."
Her first competition was won at thirteen years of age at Palm Beach, and then when she was a year older she won the Palm Beach championship, and held it for three successive years. At sixteen she entered for the junior championship of New South Wales and won it on her first appearance. This was in 1929. Miss Hammond was again successful in 1930. "But I was ineligible by one day to compete for the third year," she said. , ‘I think I was the first to begin surfboard riding among the girls at Palm Beach," she said; .'to me I think it is one of the most exciting sports." Sailing has always been one of Miss Hammonds chief Interests. Jottings on Sport. (1935, November 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 20 Supplement: Women's Supplement. Retrieved August 8, 2012, from

Joan Hammond, 1935-36, Australian Golf Club (Rosebery, N.S.W.) Home and Away Hood Image 32922, courtesy State Library of NSW
Shortly before her death this lady was interviewed at length and her origins at Palm Beach golf course was spoken of:
Well, we had a weekend place at Palm Beach, north of Sydney, and there again my father gave me a little set of golf clubs, as ... a miniature set, at first to try,... our place was right on the golf links and the ninth green — it was a short course, only nine holes, and the ninth green was right by our front verandah,... our old home is now the clubhouse, and I used to just hop over and practise on the ninth green, and putt and chip and do these things, and then I got a full set. Not only, I think, as we said in those days a driver — you don't call them that today: they're numbered one, two, three and four, etc — but I had a driver, I had a clique, I had a machet and a putter but they were the full, and ... eventually, friends of my father, three very well-known Sydney men who used to come to Palm Beach, I can remember them now, there was Percy Hunter, Alan Box and a Mr Moses, I never knew his other name, and these three men one day they called over and said, ‘Would Joan like to join us and make a four?’ So I did. And from that time on, I made a four when I came back from school in the holidays, this time of the year, Christmas always, I played with these three men, and so my game ... I never had a lesson, but I learned from watching them, and hitting just as they did, and Alan Box was a very good golfer, Percy Hunter was ... not that I knew it, I didn't, I just knew Mr Hunter and Mr Box and ... just played the game and enjoyed every moment of it.
That was another thing, I was very naive, and I went on being very naive for many many many years because I don't know whether they had bets on the go ... on the side, but I expect they do — all the men did evidently — and I never knew anything about having bets, and even in my championship, when I was winning the championships, there the caddies would be betting, and my ... evidently my opponents were betting and I ... betting was going on everywhere, but I didn't know, and for some ... reason, nobody even thought of asking me to put money up or would I play for so much or anything. I had ... I was never asked, they must have known that I wouldn't know what they were talking about anyhow. So my golf improved because of playing with these men, and that's really how I learned to hit through and, you might say, put some oomph into it. - Joan Hammond on Palm Beach Golf Course and Clubhouse from transcription of Biography: From; Aust. Govt. Biographies HERE
Miss Hammond won the women's junior golf championship for New South Wales in 1929, and the women's state championship in 1932, 1934, and 1935. 1929 was also the year her father lost all his wealth and the family fortunes changed. Joan Hammond had always wanted to sing though and in 1935, through Sydney wide golf club and community group support through the ‘Joan Hammond Fund’ she was enabled to go to Vienna to study. This support continued throughout her studies.
To Joan Hammond FUND TOTALS £1250
If Miss Joan Hammond needed any further encouragement before she sails by the Dagfred tomorrow to continue her singing studies in Vienna, the large attendance, floral tribute and spontaneous applause in the Town Hall last night for her farewell concert must certainly have supplied it.
A LOVELY frock of chalk- blue chiffon, falling In graceful folds and made with a sequin studded yoke, belt and wrist bands, was worn by the singer, who received numbers of baskets and bouquets of flowers at the conclusion of the first half of the programme. A huge spray of lily of the valley with an exquisite mauve orchid as a centre piece was pinned, to the frock of deep amythest color worn by Miss Gladys Moncrieff, who with Miss Beatrice Tange, Miss Lillian Frost, Messrs. Lionel Lawson, Sidney Burchall, Frank Hutchens, Lindley Evans and the Mastersingers Male Quartet, was an assisting artist. Miss Tange's moulded frock of silver lame had a band of shirring down the centre front as its only adornment.
Lady Gordon, whose frock of black crepe was embroidered In a small gold motif; Mrs. Penfold Hyland, who wore a moulded frock of black novelty crepe with long shoulder draperies, and Miss Leo Wray, who pinned a spray of lily of the valley on the shoulder of her tailored black velvet frock, were the organisers of the concert. At its conclusion Miss Wray thanked all those who had assisted with the concert and with similar entertainments for the Joan Hammond Fund and announced that the committee had achieved its objective and was sending Miss Hammond abroad with the sum of £1250.
Although black was foremast in the frocking of the audience floral sprays and posies gave color relief. Feople well-known in musical and golfing circles were noticeable among those present.
Singer's Parents Attend
In the audience were the singer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hood-Hammond, the latter In a black velvet frock and short coat of lotus blue velvet, and the Messrs. Noel and Len Hood Hammond, Mrs. A. E. Andrews (Joint-treasurer of the fund), who covered her black frock with a net cape banded in ruchings of black satin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowie, Mrs. N. McGhie, Misses M. and B. Blomfield, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Friend, Mr. and Mrs. Delamore McCay, the latter in a frock of black sheer, with draperies shirred at the shoulder line, Mrs. Charles Rundle, Mrs. Roland Foster, Miss Eileen Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Buclcland, Miss A. Casey and Mrs. H. McCoy. Lady Julius, who wore a short black velvet cape over hor black gown, was accompanied by Mrs. J. L. Ruthven, who was also In blnck, and who added a black velvot coat with on ermine collar, and others present were Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Leventhal, the latter In navy and white floured satin, with elbow length oufit of white fox fur, Dr. and Mrs. Hugh' Poate, Miss Enid Driscoll, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dixson, Mr. nnd Mrs. David Maughan, and the Misses Joan and Jennifer Maughan, Miss Judy Molesworth, Mrs. W. A, Mackay, Lady Wilson, the Misses Audrey and Joy Wilson, Mrs. R. H. Bettington, Mr. Andrew Reid, Mrs. T. Nixon. Miss M. Gould, and Mr. Clive Ogilvy. Mrs. Clive Robinson assisted with the programme arrangements, and the programme sellers Included Misses June Munro, Noppy Wilkinson. Bettie Buchanan, Joy Berrington, Dorise Hill, Judy Burleigh. Pat Goldsmid, Betty McDonnell, Gladys Fortescue. Meryl Sherwood, and Peggy Stuart. GALA FAREWELL (1936, April 3). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 14 (COUNTRY EDITION). Retrieved from
This lady went on to become a world renowned soprano, selling over 1 million copies of her recording of the aria "O mio babbino caro" from Puccini's opera Gianni Schicchi. Recorded in English under the title "O My Beloved Father", Ms Hammond received a Gold Record award for 1 million sold copies on 27 August 1969.
MISS JOAN HAMMOND. Sportswoman and Songster. FROM GOLF TO GRAND OPERA. "Just as my championship golf career had an unexpected beginning so ii is to have a sudden end," said Miss Joan Hammond, the associate golf champion of New South Wales. Miss Hammond will leave for Vienna early in the new year to finish her musical education, and, as she possesses a voice of rare quality, it is expected that Australia will soon possess another singer of international fame.
MISS HAMMOND was expected by many to gain an international reputation as a golfer if she was given the opportunity of competition overseas. Now in the space of a few months the whole aspect of her career has changed. Miss Hammond, despite her versatility on the sports field, has always placed singing before everything else. She has appeared on the opera stage in Sydney as recently as this year with the Fuller company, and in the hope that she would one day be given her big chance she has continued her linguistic as well as her musical education. Fortune smiled on her a few months ago when Lady Hore-Ruthven heard her sing at an afternoon function. Lady Hore-Ruthven's extensive knowledge of music-she finished her musical studies in Vienna-recognised the beauty of Miss Hammond's voice, and she has been a fairy godmother to her ever since.; Jottings on Sport
The committee in charge of the Joan Hammond Fund is holding a novelty event at the Palm Beach Golf Club on May 15 The event will be a Canadian foursome, and players will be restricted to the use of three clubs each The day will be more of a picnic outing than one of serious competition Entries will close on May 8 GOLF SEASON OPENS. (1939, April 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 32. Retrieved from
In the Queen's Birthday Honours of 1953, she was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for her singing. In the Queen's Birthday Honours of 1963 she was promoted to Commander (CBE). In the Queen's Birthday Honours of 1974 she was promoted within the order to Dame Commander (DBE) for distinguished services to singing. In the New Year's Day Honours of 1972 she was made a Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG) for services to young opera singers.
Dame Joan Hammond in opera gown
Joan Hilda Hood Hammond was born in Christchurch, New Zealand on May 24th, 1912, just six months after her family arrived there. Her father, Samuel Hood, was born in England. He married his first wife, Edith, then left her and took up with Hammond's mother, Hilda Blandford, by whom he also had two sons in England. He informally added "Hammond" to his name and they represented themselves as "Mr and Mrs Samuel H. Hammond" although they were not married at the time.
Joan was six months old when her family moved again, to Sydney, Australia. Her parents finally married in Sydney on 25 May 1927, the day after her 15th birthday. She attended Pymble Ladies' College and excelled in both sports and music. She studied violin and singing at the New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music in Sydney, and played violin for three years with the Sydney Philharmonic Orchestra before studying singing in Vienna in 1936.
While Joan Hammond was beloved of the public, others were creating notoriety for themselves. In 1931 one of the, then, longest divorce cases between grazier and master butcher Sydney John Field and his soon to be ex-wife Ivy Gladys brought up the subject of other goings on on the greens;
IN DIVORCE. (Before the Judge in Divorce, Mr. Justice Owen.) FIELD V FIELD. The hearing was continued of the consolidated suit In which Ivy Gladys Field (formerly Ongley) and her husband, Sydney John Field, master butcher and grazier, on the ground of his alleged adultery with Clare Meta Wilson, who was given leave to intervene. are both petitioning for divorce on the ground of adultery, the wife adding the issue of cruelty. Ronald Nott, one of the three co-respondents, cross-examined by Mr Maxwell, K C, said he paid the rent of Mr Powell’s house in Portland-street on one occasion Asked to produce his cheque-butts for the years 1929-1930-1931, witness said they were all destroyed
Mr Maxwell asked the witness how a surf towel given him by Mr Field last Christmas came to be found in the Portland-street house Mr Nott explained that he brought It up from Palm Beach to get it washed at Ms sister's, at Rose Bay He called at Portland-street, and left the towel there by mistake Mr Maxwell Will you swear that you were not at the Powells on January 3 last?-YesI was at Palm Beach, and did not come up until January 7
Frances Alice Burgess, wife of a Melbourne barrister, and a sister of the co-respondent, Nott, said she remembered witnessing a meeting between her brother and Mr Field, at the Palm Beach golf course in 1930. She noticed that they were not speaking to one another, and asked the reason Mr Field said, "We had a bit of a tiff There was nothing in it and I have forgotten all about it I have got nothing against Ronnie at all " Mr Will Prior, who was present, said "Shake hands and don't be foolish " They did so, and were good friends again. The suit is part heard. IN DIVORCE. (1931, December 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
1939 was a good year for being social: Member Entertained.Associates of the Palm Beach Golf Club entertained one of their members, Mrs. J. F. Giles, at afternoon tea at the club house on Saturday afternoon to say farewell. Mrs. Giles will leave with her husband in the Orion on March 22 for a tour of England and the Continent. She was presented with a travelling bag. On Friday a number of friends entertained her at Farmer's, and presented her with a travelling case. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. (1939, March 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
A few years later the second lady champion to rise from these greens:
The winner of the "Golf In Australia" Cup, Miss Pat Borthwick, is only 13 years of age. Her net score of 02 was four strokes below the scratch score. She played in her school tunic, and since there are years of junior golf ahead of her, she would win the junior title eventually if she continues to improve. Her game was learnt on the Palm Beach course during the school holidays and it is from that club she entered the competition. MISS BARBARA CRAGO'S RECORD. (1939, June 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 24. Retrieved August 8, 2012, from
Seventeen years later this girl was still winning:
N.S.W. CHAMPION LEADING IN WOMEN'S GOLF MELBOURNE, Thursday. Miss Pat Borthwick, NSW champion, took two strokes off the course record at Commonwealth Links when she finished the leader in today's qualifying round of the Women's National Golf Championship. Her record of 76, automatically reduces her handicap of 3, the lowest held by any woman golfer in Australia. N.S.W. CHAMPION LEADING IN WOMEN'S GOLF. (1948, September 24). The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
MISS BORTHWICK WINS WOMENS GOLF MELBOURNE, Thursday. In a keenly fought match, in which fortunes fluctuated throughout, Miss Pat Borthwick (N.S.W.) defeated Miss Joan Fletcher (Q.), 5 and 4 in the final of the women's golf championship to-day. Miss Borthwick had a scratchy start, but went to one up at the9th, then lost four holes In a row. Fighting back she held Miss Fletcher to one hole at the 18th,and led two up at the 27th. MISS BORTHWICK WINS WOMEN'S GOLF. (1948, October 1).The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
In 1950, when she sailed for England as part of t he Australian Women's Golf Team, she was Australian as well as NSW champion.

Members of the Australian Women's Golf Team who sailed for England yesterday, 11 April 1950. Left-right: Miss Pat Borthwick (Aust. and N.S.W. champion), Burtta Cheney (Vic.), Joan Fletcher (Qld) Maxine Bishop (W.A.), Miss Cheney is not a member of the team but is travelling to England and will play the Women's Open Golf Championship in Ireland. Photo courtesy State library of Western Australia
As Pat Borthwick was south of the border, winning, a few birds were playing with those who played on the links:
THOSE PALM BEACH CROWS who have an appetite for golf balls. Captain "Dusty" Rhodes with skill and cunning had managed to collect half-a-dozen new (repeat, new) golf balls and set off to enjoy a round or two with Rear-Admiral G. D. Moore. . . No sooner did they drive off with the new balls than the crows swooped and "holed in one" . . .Sydney's Talking About—. (1947, March 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from

Palm Beach & Lion Island, 1945 - note the submarine net and boom across water between Barrenjoey Headland entrance. From NSW Government Printer series: Pittwater, courtesy NSW State Records and Archives. Item: FL3734311
During the years Pat Borthwick was still practicing on the Palm Beach greens during her summer holidays, there were others who would visit due to their passion for the game and the beauty of the course and its environment:
MR. HUGHES ON 77th BIRTHDAY Mr. W. M. Hughes, Attorney-General and Minister for the Navy, celebrated his.77th birthday yesterday with a round of golf at Palm Beach Golf Course. He is shown about to enter his car after completing the game. MR. HUGHES ON 77th BIRTHDAY. (1941, September 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from

W M Hughes at Anniversary Regatta on Sydney Harbour, 1939, hood_19493, courtesy State Library of NSW.
From the same paper, listing his birthday gifts: Mr W. M. Hughes, celebrated his 77th birthday yesterday at his home at Lindfield ... in addition he received golf clubs…
William Morris Hughes, born on 25th of September 1862, would have actually been 79 in 1941. He was our 7th Prime Minister (1915 to 1923) and longest serving Parliamentarian, not retiring and serving from the 1st parliament in 1901 to the 20th in 1952, a total of 51 years and 7 months.
Jan Delaney is another who dreamed of doing and did courtesy of the Palm Beach Golf course:
Golf Finalist Is Only 15: Fifteen-year-old Jan Delaney will play Carole Adamson, 17,in the State junior girls' golf championship final at Royal Sydney today. Miss Delaney, of Manly Club, is the youngest player ever to reach the final. Miss Adamson, Wollongong, is playing in her fifth junior championship, and was beaten in last year's final. Because of her greater experience she is expected to beat Miss Delaney today. The match begins at 10 a.m. In the semi-finals yesterday, Miss Delaney beat 18-yearold June Gillespie at the 19thhole. Miss Adamson beat; fellow Wollongong player Mary Dorahy, five and four. Miss Delaney has a good drive, and yesterday was superior to-Miss Gillespie in her short game and on the greens. She started playing golf on the short Palm Beach course when 12, and was taught by professional Sam Richardson. Golf Finalist Is Only 15. (1952, May 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved , from
TITLE WINNER YOUNGEST EVER Manly player Miss Jan Delaney yesterday became the youngest golfer ever to win the State junior championship. Miss Delaney turned 15 years of age on January 29 (May 1952 SMH report)
Fifteen-year-old Manly junior Jan Delaney teamed with 18-year-old June Gillespie to win the Ladies' Golf Union foursomes handicap at Royal Sydney yesterday. (May 13th, 1952 SMH Report)
The Club has also been part of the community for all its existence and, during times of scarcity, applied a 'waste not, want not' policy to help ensure visitors would be looked after. Warringah Shore Records - Minutes of Meetings records:
31. 18/3/1941: Barrenjoey S.L.S. Club, requesting permission to erect a small structure in a central position overlooking Barrenjoey surf beach for the housing of a surf reel, box line and for life - saving gear, the structure to be a temporary one-as-it is the Club's intention to seek the Council’s permission to erect a Clubhouse at some future date if circumstances permit the surf club to remain in being, and to supply active patrols Saturdays Sundays and holidays (b) stating the Palm Beach Golf Club-has given the Club its shelter shed at No 4 tee and if the Council approves, the Club will re-erect this building. Resolved: that the Council agree to the proposal provided that the Works Committee of the site after an inspection in company with the club’s representatives.
Fifty years later, in 2002, the Palm Beach Golf Course is a 9-hole, par 32 course that is mostly flat and occupies 8 hectares of land. A pro-shop is located on the golf course. The golf club’s clubhouse is now located on the southern side of Beach Road opposite the golf course entrance. In 2002 the Club had approximately 800 members and around 30,000 rounds of golf were played.
Palm Beach 1946. From NSW Government Printer series: Pittwater, courtesy NSW State Records and Archives. Item: FL3733992

Above: EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). 1917, Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 13 , retrieved from
PIC P865 LOC photographs in Hurley Stack 52/4-Enemark collection of panoramic photographs [picture]/Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 13 [picture] - Below: sections from showing Gonsalves home and cows and horses on the golf course

Palm Beach Golf Course from Verrills Family Albums. Circa 1929-1930. Courtesy Peter Verrills.

Before we take our readers around the links at Palm Beach we "should like to say a few words on the clubhouse steps," lest they misunderstand the nature of the links. It is only a small nine-hole course, but possibly, it is one of the prettiest courses in the State, particularly in the late afternoon, with the sun setting behind the wooded hills of Kuring-gai Chase Lion Island rampant in the north, and Barrenjoey overlooking the peaceful calm of Pittwater
To the ordinary golfer the course is probably not difficult, especially of late, with the splendid improvements made by the enthusiastic club officials but our point is, that Palm Beach is remarkable, in that so many who use the links in holiday time are not golfers.
One other thing-if the course is not difficult to the golf, its environs are, and it is in the environs that we spent our lound, and because so many others are just beginners they too spend most of their time on the seashore, in the timber, winding a club around the windmill, or playing "catch-as-catch-can" with the trees If the environs were removed from the links the poor beginner would have a chance-on the other hand, it would take "the spice" from the game and spoil the beauty of the links-that must never happen.
We were invited to Palm Beach for a surf and some golf yesterday It is an enchanting place, and the golf links, after an hour on the beach seemed most inviting.
Lazily we made out way to the first tee observing the rather crowded combe and commenting upon the number of people with clubs in hand who were exploring the seashore that ran parallel with the first three holes. We were not to wonder for long.
After several impressive practice swings we teed up and approached the first green, but not quite in the manner we expected Being slightly off the line with out first shots, we found ourselves nicely ensconced in a cluster of seaweed-in fact, we had joined the exploring party on the shore. The weed was there in layers, and, no doubt, the golf club will offer a handsome reward to the pet son discovering some sea monsters that will appear at regular intervals to eat up the weed on the shore
Carefully selecting our wood, when the exasperating search came to an end, we 'exploded 'in more ways than one. The ball had moved exactly two feet and was now lying on the sand surrounded by still more weed. Having exploited every club, the green was at last reached, but we thought It wiser not to keep a card.
The second hole was even more disconcerting. Another sojourn on the weed brought about an excursion into the water. We now realised why so many players wore shorts, but a bathing costume was often necessary. We picked up and wondered what luck we would find at the third. It wasn't quite so bad; a shovel would have been useful in some parts of the "rough," but we gathered strength from this effort to continue.
We were unprepared for the jungle that con-fronted us at the fourth. The best drives were ruined by the "come-back" propensities of the timber. We thought it better to admire the stalwart gums than to try to play golf, a comptometer would have been essential to count the number of strokes.
Finding very little "pleasure in the pathless woods," we continued on our way, tilting at the windmill in the manner of a Quixote, visiting the camping area beyond the links, only to find the wretched little ball in a somewhat impossible "lie"-reposing in the frying-pan with the camper's midday meal-finally we approached the ninth.
The ninth gave us the "all clear signal"-surely we could not be utter "goofs" and get into trouble at this delightful hole. It was our best hole as it happened, but to our chagrin we didn't miss an Innocuous bunker lying in front of the green. The attempts of one of the party to get out of it gave pleasure to a crowd of derisive schoolboys. Using her mashle niblick, she drove It straight into a wall of sand, and the resultant sandstorm well-nigh buried her.
JOTTINGS ON SPORT. (1934, January 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 20 Supplement: Women's Supplement. Retrieved from

Above and Below: from Album 54 aerial views of Sydney golf courses by Hall & Co., ca. 193-? No. a2802046 and a2802045 Courtesy State Library of NSW

Pittwater Fields of Dreams First Month (Spring 2012):
Palm Beach Golf Course: some History - Threads Collected and Collated by A J Guesdon, 2012.