December 20, 2015 - January 9, 2016: Issue 245
2015 In Pictures: By Others Reprise
All of 2015, in every Issue, we've been fortunate and privileged to publish the most wonderful images to show what's happening where and when by great photographers - those who live in Pittwater and are out and about doing their thing. Some of these have been for the Community News page, others have brightened our Front Pages and some have been full Pictorials and Articles.
Someone may need to own the company and run the business but this magazine is also owned by Community Spirit - it is all of you who have helped expand, maintain and lift our For, About and By Pittwater.
It is your voices, unedited, uninterpreted, that are contributing to a record of and a reflection of a community that cares about each other, their environment, their sports, their children and everyone else they may meet here - people they've known for decades, people they have just met, visitors to our beautiful part of Sydney.
This week's Pictorial, the last for 2015, is a reprise of all these photographs By Others - thank you very much for sharing these with those less mobile, those far from home who pop in here to see what the weather's like, and those who were not there at that moment a dolphin raced across your bow near Barrenjoey or a Lorikeet feasted on magnificent Spring blooms or the boys won the premiership or the children made music for elders or you and your mates planted trees, cleaned rubbish from waterways.
Thank you all very very much - You have helped us all....'get the picture'!
Jemma, Billie and Ava - photo courtesy Karina Friend
In follow up to your story on Billie and Jemma raising funds for cancer (November 23 - 29, 2014: Issue 190), I thought it might be nice to mention that they made $82 from the generous people that bought their books and will be donating the money to CanTeen. Billie and Ava donated the books and Jemma helped to sell them. See Front Page Issue 198 - January 2015
Sydney angophora at Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park - by Selena Griffith - February 2015 Biophilia Mondo Launches - See Issue 201
Alice Tarnawski, Milly Bennett, Chelsea Connor, Seldon Coverntry and Jess Russel - photos by Stephen Collopy, RPAYC
After two years of finishing runners-up, the best of five final on the deciding day of the Australian Women’s Match Racing Championship 2015 went to Milly Bennett and her Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club crew. See Issue 233

Narrabeen Lagoon Trail completed - early morning walk - photos by Christine Hopton

Tumbledown Dick RFB Crew members earlier this year checking fire trails - photos courtesy Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade
Dolphins In Pittwater: September 10th and 11th, 2015 – picture by Pittwater Photography
Trevor Gourlay's Photo of Sandy Point, Palm Beach after April 2015 Sydney Storm - See Issue 211
Winners 2015!! Picture courtesy Michael Birtwhistle, Avalon Bulldogs President - See Issue 231
Doryanthes palmeri, commonly called the Giant Spear Lily with Lorikeets feasting - Maureen Darcy Smith photo, 2015.
Sea Shepherd Sydney Monthly Clean Up of Curl Curl Lagoon - photo courtesy Jools Farrell
The Flint and Steel Track in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park - photos by Paul Wheeler
Friends of Currawong members Sue Martin, Geoff Bentley, Ken Hughes, Polly Thompson and Michael Mannington with MP for Pittwater Rob Stokes. Photo by Andrew Johnston - Currawong State Park Established March 2015 and Funding For August 2015
Maria Regina Catholic Primary School Training Band (Years 3 & 4) and Concert Band (Years 4, 5 & 6) at the Pittwater Palms Retirement Village in Avalon - photos by Joanne Seve - See Issue 236
McCarrs Creek Reserve - photos by Bea Pierce
Grandparents and Friends Day at Maria Regina Catholic Primary School - photos by Peta Wise - See Issue 233
Pictures by Many, 2015.