June 30 - July 20, 2024: Issue 630

This Issue: full list in Contents page 

Front Page Issue 630Pittwater Residents Attend Council Meeting Calling For Fundamental Shift In Approach To Trees + Wildlife: Ruskin Rowe Tree Vigil Update

Palm Beach Headland Becomes Australia’s First Urban Night Sky Place: Barrenjoey High School Alumni Marnie Ogg's Hard Work Realises Long-Held Dream For Everyone

Paris 2024 Olympic Games - Australia's Skateboard Team: Two Narrabeen Sports High School Girls Make Their Mark

From The Council Chamber June 25, 2024 by Pittwater Greens Councillor Miranda Korzy - includes Ruskin Rowe Tree Vigil Update

Aged Care Providers With Low Covid-19 Vaccination Rates Have Been Identified: 26 Facilities Across The Peninsula Listed

Vapes Reform Bill Passes: Pharmacies To Sell Them Over The Counter From October 1 Without A Prescription

Northern Beaches Council's Budget 2024-25 Passes - Just!

Seas The Day 2024 A Huge Success 

Pictures: Turimetta Moods: June 2024 by Joe Mills

PNHA Georegion Excursion To West Head Sites

A Journey in India Part 4 by Robyn McWilliam

Chasing Titles and Records In Sydney To Auckland Ocean Race 2025 by Di Pearson

Aquatics: Maritime Fee Increases From 1 July 2024 - 90% Will Pay $8 More; Jet Ski Riders Will Pay $35 

Park Bench Philosophers Ella McFadyen's Love Of Pittwater: Children's Champion - for youngsters, for Winter School Holiday Break

DIY Ideas Winter School Holiday Ideas 2024: Woodworking Projects For Beginners, An Artfull Garden, Vegepods For Little Hands, Easy To Make Lego Table Or Student Desk That Can Be Dismantled

NSW Parliamentary Inquiry Into E-Scooters, E-Bikes Opens

AEC Proposal To Abolish Division Of North Sydney: Open For Feedback Until July 12 2024

Whale Migration Season: Grab A Seaside Pew For The Annual Whalesong But Keep Them Safe If Going Out On The Water

Profile of the Week Permaculture Northern Beaches - Manly, Warringah, Pittwater

Website: www.permaculturenorthernbeaches.org.au
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/permaculturenb
Email: info@permaculturenorthernbeaches.org.au

Want to know where your food is coming from? Do you like to enrich the earth as much as benefit from it?

This local organisation has many ways to support you in such an endeavour. The primary purpose of Permaculture Northern Beaches (PNB) is to share knowledge, resources, and hands-on experience with a growing community of like-minded individuals who care about the production of safe food and the practice of sustainability.

PNB is committed to the principle and practice of ecological sustainability. PNB aims to achieve this through educating ourselves and others by sharing experience, knowledge, and practical skills. Our guiding ethics are ‘Earth care, People care, and a Fair share’.

PNB aims to: Educate – Connect – Influence – Inspire – Support – Protect – Make a difference.

Permaculture Northern Beaches are currently in need of more volunteers who have some time and skills in certain areas such as events, education, and communications. 

We warmly invite volunteers that would help us tremendously! 

This Issue find out what it's all about.

By William (Bill) James Goddard II
Photos Courtesy Of The Milton Family

This series delves into the Snapperman Beach to Sandy Point section of Palm Beach on the Pittwater side. As there are a lot of aspects to the changes - from that described by Charles De Boos in 'My Holiday' in 1861, to the installation of a jetty by the Barrenjoey Company in 1911, the development of Gows' and Gonsalves Boatshed, Goldthrope and Smith Boatshed, the creeks that once flooded the flat area, Barrenjoey House and subdivisions for homes and the changes to Palm Beach shops - this runs in sections and focus pieces compiled through research done by William James Goddard, Christine Ellis, Geoff Searl OAM, Robert Mackinnon and A J Guesdon and photos sourced from private collections and that made available by State Libraries, Australian National Archives, the National Library of Australia, NSW Records, the Australian Museum and resources tracked down in overseas institutions and through conversations with relatives.

The series will be placed into a one page overview once completed.

Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: June 1, 2024

Click on Logo to access the latest PON:  

Contents: The Tuesday Discussion Group; Market Day: call to stall holders; Winter Café and Market Day; International Folk Dancing; Island Fire Brigade AGM; Free: sideboard; For sale: woodworking tools

To contact Roy:  editor@scotlandisland.org.au

New accessible changerooms at Rowland Reserve completed

Council has completed works at Bayview and accessible amenities are now open at Rowland Reserve, Bayview. 

The public amenities building includes a new accessible toilet with a baby change table, male and female changing areas and toilets and a new accessible Changing Places changing room. 

These enhancements were made possible through the generous funding from the NSW Government’s Places to Swim and Community Building Partnerships programs, along with contributions from Council.

Located off Pittwater Road at Bayview, Rowland Reserve features boat ramps, pontoons, picnic facilities, storage for boats and watercraft, and an off-leash dog exercise area.

The upgraded amenities now meet the needs of all visitors to the reserve, including local organisation Pittwater Sailability, who provide sailing opportunities for people with a disability. 

The Changing Places changeroom is larger than standard accessible toilets and includes a hoist system and adult change table. With these special features, it is available for anyone who has an MLAK key.

The MLAK Key was an initiative that came out of Pittwater Council.

David Lyall explained during his Profile interview:
''In 1994 I was on a committee called the Access Committee as part of Pittwater Council. Our job was to make things better for people with disabilities. One of the chaps said we had big problems with the disabled toilets; if someone vandalises them or damages them it causes problems. So we invented what was called the MLAK Key – Master Locksmiths Access Key. That key is now universal in the whole of Australia and New Zealand. If you go to a disabled toilet you will see a little blue outline of a Yale key and that symbolises an access key. I still have key number 3 – for my birthday 3-3-33!''

The contract for the works was awarded to ASCO Group (AUST) Pty Ltd, based in Victoria.
Estimated amount payable to the contractor under the contract (exc gst): $199,594.95.

The MLAK Launch, September 1994; The Pittwater Access Committee, photo courtesy David Lyall

Photo: the new works completed - AJG/PON

Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: Winners!

Tumble participated in the RFS Greater Sydney Field Day on Saturday June 29 2024 at Hawkesbury Showgrounds which saw brigades from across the Sydney basin take part in various exercises across the day. 

''We’re very proud of our crew who took 1st place in the structure fire exercise and 3rd in the grass fire exercise.  

It was a great day where we all learned a lot, met awesome fellow Sydney crews and got to see some pretty sophisticated kit including the RFS chopper, giant water tanker and new boats. We look forward to the event returning next year.''

Photos: Tumble RFB

Thanks Frank: 50 Years Of Volunteer Service To Commuunity Rugby League

Members, friends, family and supporters  met up at Beverly Job Park on Saturday June 29 to thank Frank Cridland for 50 years of volunteer service to both the Narraweena Hawks and rugby league itself.

In the Manly Warringah District Junior Rugby Football League Incorporated Season 2014 Annual Report Brian Friend OAM stated:

Judiciary Report
The 2014 season was a challenge for my first year as Director of Judiciary when I replaced my learned college Mr Frank Cridland who, after many years decided to retire. Over the past few years Frank and myself have conducted the ‘process’ of Judiciary in a manner that was required when dealing with players who were charged with Misconduct under the Rules and Regulations of the NSW Rugby League. Frank was always fair in his dealings with players of all ages and I must say, I learnt a hell of a lot on how to control these proceedings in a just and fair manner. I suppose my 32 years as a copper also helped when dealing with all types on individuals on what was fair and just.

In the Manly Warringah District Junior Rugby Football League Incorporated Season 2011 Annual Report, Eric Galloway, President, stated:

One of our greatest assets is our volunteers and without doubt we have some exceptional volunteers helping the Junior League. These days the games start very early on Saturday morning Club volunteers set out to ensure their Clubs under 6 teams have plenty of fun. People like Frank Cridland, Narraweena, Bob Butcher, Harbord, and Brian Friend, Avalon, have been doing the first team coaching for 20 to 30 years. I am sure they love what they are doing but their experienced actions add stability and growth to the Junior League as well as their Clubs.

I would like to acknowledge the contribution of these three. The smiling faces on Saturday morning is one of the best parts of Junior League. 

Brian Friend attended the celebrations of Frank's 50 years, taking the following photos:

''Thanks Frank the sign says after 50 years of coaching. Great work old mate, thanks for all the effort you put in and the many years of assistance you gave me on the Judiciary.'' - Brian Friend OAM.

In his 2012 Profile Friendly explained:

''... So I started coaching and also some touch. I knew Frank had been doing this at Narraweena; and I said to him ‘how are you finding it, I’m ripping my hair out.’ 

And he said, no, no, this is what you do; and Frank was a great guiding light to 16’s and 17’s. I stayed with the 7’s. I saw him one day…and then another bloke from Harbord, Bob Butcher, took over 7’s at Harbord, so the three of us old blokes got together and formed this pact to do whatever we can to protect kids and ensure they get a good go at life and make sure they enjoy footy.

Whenever we have a Gala Day and the three of us are there the kids have a ball. I don’t want the kids to call me ‘Mr’, no one ever calls me 'Mr', they all call me ‘Friendly’.

(Friendly is referring to Frank Cridland, Narraweena and Bob Butcher, Harbord; Manly Warringah District Junior Rugby Football League Incorporated. All Life Members.)

Frank, a grandfather and retired teacher, along with his lovely wife Pauline, have been devoted to ensuring the youngsters have a fun time at the footy for decades now.

Thank you Frank!

Council Grants program open

Council has announced its grants program is accepting applications. Now in its seventh year, the grants program funds projects from local environment groups, sporting clubs, artists, individuals and not-for-profit organisations.

Mayor Sue Heins said the grants help fund vital projects, creating a more enriched and sustainable community.

“The grants program assists a wide range of projects with the aim of strengthening the community’s collective environmental, economic, social, community and cultural experience. 

“Our grants program enables individuals and groups that are often unable to fully fund their ideas or activities to gain the green light, greatly benefiting our community. 

“The selection process is rigorous and comprehensive, selecting projects with strong merit, that fit the criteria of the category, meet our sustainability requirements and enhance outcomes for the community.” 

The 2024/25 grant categories cover:
Applications for arts and creativity, community development, environmental and placemaking grants close on Monday 5 August 2024. 

Sports and recreation infrastructure grants close Friday 9 August 2024. 

For more information on each grant program, and to view videos and resources which may help applications stand out from the crowd, head to the grants page on Council's website

Protect our older community with a COVID-19 vaccine

The Australian Department of Health and Aged Care has stated COVID-19 vaccination rates are lower than needed to protect our older community, particularly aged care residents.

On June 25 the Department stated older age continues to be the biggest risk factor for severe COVID-19 disease.

Everyone aged 75 years and over is recommended to have a COVID-19 vaccination every 6 months.

For those aged 65 to 74 years, a COVID-19 vaccination is recommended at least every 12 months.

You don’t have to wait 6 months anymore between your last infection and having a COVID-19 vaccination.

''COVID-19 vaccines are free, safe and effective. The vaccine will protect our older community and you, from serious illness.'' The Department stated

''If you have a family member, friend or loved one living or working in an aged care home, please help them to get their COVID-19 vaccine now.

COVID-19 vaccination helps reduce the risk of serious illness, hospitalisation and death.''

Book a vaccination
To find a COVID-19 vaccine clinic near you: 
  • speak with your aged care provider, doctor, community health centre or pharmacist
  • book an appointment on the health service finder
Call the healthdirect helpline on 1800 022 222 if you need COVID-19 advice. 

Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade:  Seeking Recruits

Ingleside is recruiting now. Do you live in the local area of Ingleside, Elanora Heights, Bayview, Warriewood, Mona Vale and North Narrabeen?

Are you interested in learning new skills, meeting new people and helping the local and the wider community?

We are holding a new member information night on Tuesday the 2nd of July from 7pm at Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade, King Road Ingleside.

Find out more at: www.inglesiderfs.org.au


Click on logo above to visit their website.

Letters to the Editor

Letters should preferably be 150 to 175 words, but considering the magazines inability to word limit itself - that remains optional. Letters must include the writer's address and phone number and 'permission to publish'. Letters should not contain attachments - these will be requested if required to illustrate content/subject.  Letters should be exclusive to Pittwater Online News. The editor's prerogative includes editing letters for length, grammar or legal reasons, among other considerations. Email: pittwateronlinenews@live.com.au

Pittwater Community Groups: 

Sports (plus Social Members)

Gardens and Environment

Rural Fire Brigades
Services - Community Organisations

Arts and Social

Issue 631

Please note Pittwater Online News is closing early for the Winter School Holidays break. 
The news service returns for a full Issue on July 21 - Issue 631. 

Events and news will be added to Issue 630 if sent in and as is required in the instance of reports. 


Tribute to Bill Wall 
Sunday 28th July @ 3.15pm, 
immediately following the Avalon Beach SLSC AGM 
Entrance via the beach side stairs.
Everyone welcome, please spread the news.

Avalon Beach SLSC Life Member William (Bill) Wall passed away 01 May 2024.
Bill was born 27/12/41, in Mt Tye Northumberland, most northern county to Scotland.
He trained as a fitter and turner in the UK’s largest city Newcastle.

He first came to Australia as a ten pound Pom in 1961, came back in 1964 with wife Jill both worked for BHP on Groote Island NT. They had two sons Nathan born in 1969 and Simon in 1972.

The family moved into Catalina Crescent Avalon Beach and the beach soon became their second home. The boys joined Nippers, Bill was asked by Ken Brown to help out with the wade and that was the start of a very long association with Avalon Beach SLSC.

Bill qualified for his Bronze Medallion 20 May 1979, and these awards followed ARC, Patrol Captain, Trainer, IRB Crew Certificate, IRB Captain, Training Officer IRB, IRB Instructor, Assessor IRB, Silver Medallion IRB Driver, First Aid Certificate, CPR, Operate Communications Systems and equipment.

In 1985/86 He did 135 Patrol Hours on the beach as Club Captain. He was part of our team to win an IRB Bronze Medal in the NSW State Championships in 1980/81. He was crew with Roger Sayers driving they undertook a mass rescue on the Australia Day Long Weekend 2008 where they saved four people. He was  one of our volunteers that took to the water in Pittwater when bushfires threatened people living on the Western Foreshores.
Bill held various positions Club Captain, Deputy President, Branch Delegate, Judiciary, Life Membership Committee, Radio Officer, and a short time as President July 1989/February 1990. He ran the Club Bar QY’s for many years was Club Caretaker 1985/86.

As a Sales Manager for Formica, CSR and other building suppliers he was successful in arranging sponsorship for of our club in various ways.
He received his 40 year Long Service Award in July 2020.

Never shy of a challenge he paddled in the Sydney Harbour Surfboard Challenge, Palm Beach to Whale Beach Big Swim, Blue Mountains Canyon trek with 5 club members, climbed to the Base Camp in the Himalayas with club member Bowie Wolthers was riding a Harley Davidson motorbike at the ripe age of 82 !

Bill was also part of Craig Goozee’s team with A2B4C raising funds for children’s cancer research in honour of Lisa and Craigs daughter Jessica. Bill completed three campaigns with Craig, the charity raising in excess of $5 million dollars.

I would like to invite you all to remember the special moments, words, experiences you shared with a Bill, a man that appreciated people, took the time to listen to them, understand their stories, to be there for people in their time of need. A man that enjoyed life to the fullest, proud of his heritage, proud of his family and proud to be an Aussie.

AS BILLY WOULD SAY  ''gan canny, man”, GORDIE to say goodbye, take care or take it easy. 
Rest in Peace our mate Billy
Warren Young OAM, Life Member
Avalon Beach SLSC.

Paradise Beach Pool Renewal Project update: June 2024

Reconstruction of the Paradise Beach tidal pool, wharf and groyne has now commenced. Demolition of the old structure has been completed and the timber work construction will continue over the next few months.

Council anticipates the project will be completed in September, weather permitting.
Council's webpage states:

'Staff have considered this feedback and have decided that the groyne will not be reduced in size and re-built. Instead, the groyne will undergo maintenance including a new sand coloured concrete top. A stainless steel handrail adjacent the repaired groyne is also being considered. The installation of a shower has been put on hold and will be considered in future if funding is available.'

'Due to its heritage listing, the footprint of the new wharf and pool would have similar proportions as the existing structure, to maintain its heritage aesthetic as well as minimise any impact to the threatened species of Posidonia seagrass in the vicinity.

Council prepared a seahorse relocation plan in consultation with the Fisheries Department. Both a heritage impact study and aquatic ecology study of the works area have been undertaken. These studies and plans informed a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) that was considered by Council staff prior to the works being approved. Appropriate mitigation measures outlined in the REF and Fisheries Permit will be applied during the construction phase to minimise environmental impacts.'

Successful Tenderer: GPM Marine Constructions Pty Ltd
Estimated amount payable to the contractor under the contract (excluding GST): $810 706.00

TfNSW – Boating Now Round 3 grant program 2021 provided Paradise Beach Wharf Upgrade Design ($20,655).

The Boating Now Program, under Round 3, also provided funds for Bilarong Reserve Boat Ramp Improvements, Narrabeen Lagoon ($60,000), Church Point Commuter Wharf Feasibility Study ($40,250), Currawong Wharf Investigation and Detailed Design ($82,500), Mackerel Beach Wharf Investigation and Detailed Design ($70,657).

Images: pre- renewal. Pics: AJG/PON.

Council launches campaign to Target illegal dumping

Council has announced it wants to know if people are illegally dumping items so it can hold dumpers to account and stamp out this anti-social behaviour.

Is there building rubble in your local bushland reserve or an abandoned fridge in your street? 

This is Illegal dumping, and is not only an eyesore, but puts you at risk of fire and injury, pollutes your neighbourhood and can harm native wildlife.

Illegal dumping happens when individuals or businesses dispose of waste or litter on land or in water without legal approval. It includes:
  • Dumping rubbish or green waste in the bush or by the side of a road
  • Abandoning items on a footpath when there’s no pre-booked council collection
  • Adding to other people's bulky goods clean-up piles 
  • Asbestos waste
  • Littering
Council states:
''Recent updates to Environment Protection have strengthened our powers to prosecute offenders, including doubling of penalties and increased fines for repeat offenders and large-scale waste dumping. 

''Our investigators have issued numerous waste and litter fines over the past few months.
In a recent case, residents in Bantry Bay Road, Frenchs Forest reported a ute entering the street and the driver unloading vegetation waste at the side of the road.  

On arrival, our officers discovered a second load being dumped by the same person. The offender admitted the activities, was directed to clean up the discarded vegetation on the spot and was ultimately prosecuted and fined $1,000. '' Council stated

Council states their Rangers can’t be everywhere at once; so they rely on the eyes of the community to keep them informed about illegal dumping.  

''If you do see dumped material in your neighbourhood or bushland areas - whether you know who’s responsible or not – let us know, so we can take action to identify those involved, issue fines and arrange removal of material. ''

For residents wanting to dispose legally of their end-of-life items, every household has the opportunity to book two free bulky good collections in every 12-month period. 

Or for on-the-spot disposal, you can take your waste to Kimbriki Recycling and Resource Centre, for a fee.  Alternatively the items may be able to be disposed for free at one of Council's drop-off waste reduction events.

Building and vegetation waste can also be taken to Kimbriki, where you can substantially reduce disposal prices by separating waste loads for recycling.

''Together we can all work harder to stop illegal dumping and maintain our beautiful Northern Beaches and reduce what we waste. '' Council states

For more information, visit Council's 'How to report Illegal dumping' webpage at: www.northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au/services/rubbish-and-recycling/illegal-dumping

Avalon Craft Cottage at Warriewood Square

We are pleased to be back at Warriewood Square for our mid Winter sale. For one week only commencing on Monday, July 1st until Sunday, July 7th at our usual location outside K-Mart.

We will be trading 9am-5.30pm and until 7pm on the Thursday and will pack up at 4pm on Sunday.

Our stall will showcase our skills in handmade goods; Australiana, screen printed items, cards, homewares, children's clothing, patchwork quilts, local art, jewellery, hand-painted silks, bed-socks, and hand knits for babies and children, baby shawls, rugs, scarves and beanies.

We hope to see you there.
Avalon Craft Cottage Members.

Northern Beaches Para Surfer BC - July comp at Mona Vale

Calling all para surfers! 
Our July comp is next Sunday 7th. Grab your boards, strap on your courage. and join us at the NB Para Surfing Boardriders Club down at Mona Vale Beach alongside Mona Vale Boardriders Club where a really awesome community is being created!

You don’t have to be local!!! We welcome everyone…

If you are traveling and do have a SCI, thanks to our partnership with Sargood Collaroy we can help you out with 1 x night accommodation at the resort. Please contact us for more details.

If your able to assist with set up, please head down at 7am.
Sign up here >> https://tr.ee/SignMeUp .

A Night With The Blokes Of Avalon

When: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM AEST
Where: Ocean Room, Avalon Beach SLSC, Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach
Join us to explore where traditional masculinity has taken us and what tomorrow’s man might look like, as well as looking out for each other within your community.

The tide is changing for men, young + old, and living by outdated stereotypes can leave some of our mates, teammates, workmates, or loved ones stranded without the tools to live a healthy life.

We're getting together to have a no holds barred, honest, open convo about the state of man in today's society. This Tomorrow Man workshop is entirely free.

Doors open at 6:30pm
Workshop begins at 7:00pm

This FREE Tomorrow Man event is proudly brought to you by Avalon Beach SLSC.

18 years+ (under 18 years supervised)

For more information contact: workshops@tomorrowman.com.au

About Tomorrow Man: We facilitate workshops for boys and parents in schools, and men in sporting clubs, workplaces and communities. We question traditional masculinity norms and explore how we can look after ourselves, our mates and families better, training the emotional tools needed for a healthy life, while carving out our own healthier version of the Aussie man.

About Gotcha4Life: Gotcha4Life is Australia’s mental fitness charity, creating meaningful mateship and building emotional muscle and social connection in local communities to end suicide. Visit: https://www.gotcha4life.org

council eco Grants awarded to local schools 

June 27, 2024
Northern Beaches Council has awarded six local schools up to $2,000 for sustainability programs in the 2024 Eco Schools Grant Program, all of them in the Wakehurst Electorate. Only 8 schools applied across the LGA.

Council states it annually commits $10,000 to the program to fund initiatives partly or fully in the fields of bush regeneration, carbon reduction, waste reduction, water reuse and reduction as well as sustainability education.

This year’s recipients include:
  • Belrose Public School,            Water reuse and reduction $ 2,000
  • The Beach School, Allambie,  Bush regeneration                 $ 2,000
  • John Colet School, Belrose Sustainability education         $ 1,985
  • Kamaroi Rudolf Steiner School, Belrose Sustainability education $1,760
  • Kambora Public School, Davidson Sustainability education $1,470
  • St Kevin's Primary School, Dee Why Waste reduction $    785
  • Total                                                                         $10,000
One of the recipients – The Beach School in Allambie will apply their grant to creating wildlife nest boxes and installing them in the bushland reserve on school grounds. Selected native tree species will also be planted to increase the canopy cover of the school. 

Supporting future marine champions: NSW Marine Estate Agents Program

Are you a NSW primary school educator?
If so, NSW Marine Estate would love to see you at one of two webinars they’re hosting to support you to implement the NSW Marine Estate Agents Program, at your school.

Please register via the link on your preferred date:
The new primary schools Marine Estate Agents Program will assist young people to build knowledge, skills and motivation to be environmental custodians of the marine estate, use the marine estate in a safe and sustainable way and better understand the benefits of connecting with nature.

The program is free, funded by the NSW Marine Estate Management Strategy.
To jump straight into the program, visit their webpage which includes teacher guides, activity books, fact sheets and presentations:

There are even six great marine estate career videos to check out.

Alternatively, feel free to email NSW Marine Estate at contact.us@marine.nsw.gov.au

Council: proposed changes to developer contribution scheme

With a shortfall in affordable housing on the Northern Beaches, Council is considering options for a flat rate affordable housing contribution to apply across the local government area.

Council has set a target of 1,884 new social and affordable housing dwellings by 2036 in the Local Housing Strategy, which will primarily be achieved through Council’s Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme.

The current scheme requires developers to make contributions towards affordable housing, either as new dwellings or monetary contributions, but only on land that has been rezoned for higher density development. It currently applies to the Frenches Forest precinct and to a site in Narrabeen (1294-1300 Pittwater Road and 2-4 Albert Street, Narrabeen). 

The scheme does not currently apply to development in other areas on land that has not been rezoned. 

Northern Beaches Mayor Sue Heins said the current policy needs to change if Council is to meet its target for greater social and affordable housing.

“In recent years we have seen building activity subdued, primarily due to the pandemic, high interest rates and rising building costs. This has reduced the amount of development in places like Frenchs Forest and consequently limited the contributions developers are making towards affordable housing,” Mayor Heins said.

“The rate of new development is simply too slow to meet our affordable housing targets. 

“In some places where development is charging ahead, developers are not required to contribute to affordable housing. New developments in Dee Why Town Centre, for example, are not subject to the affordable housing contributions scheme as the land was rezoned for higher density development before the current controls were introduced. 

“By broadening the reach of our affordable housing contributions scheme, we have a better chance of reaching our targets and ensuring there is enough affordable and social housing available for current and future residents.

“We have seen this approach work in other local government areas, including the City of Sydney and Willoughby, and other councils like Newcastle and Waverley are also looking at broadening their contribution schemes, with planning proposals currently before the state government.”

Concerningly, the state government’s proposed “low and mid-rise” housing reforms will permit higher density development across the LGA without any requirements for affordable housing to be provided. 

“If these housing reforms proceed, thousands of additional dwellings will be constructed but none will be affordable or social housing,” Mayor Heins said.

“We will continue to raise our concerns with the state government, but in the meantime, we must find a way to ensure that at least some of these new developments include a provision for affordable housing. A broad-based affordable housing contributions scheme will help us achieve that.” 

Council has endorsed the preparation of a feasibility study, draft amendments to Council’s Affordable Housing Policy and Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme and the preparation of a draft Planning Proposal to amend Council’s current Local Environment Plans, to introduce a flat rate affordable housing contribution for development not subject to a rezoning proposal.

This follows independent advice from SGS Economics that Council should consider a more broad-based affordable housing contributions scheme, applying to land other than that which has been ‘up-zoned’.

Council will undertake further research and financial viability testing to determine the types of development applications to which the broad-based affordable housing contribution scheme would apply and the most appropriate contribution rates to be introduced.

Once this work is complete, Council will draft amendments to the Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme and prepare a Planning Proposal for the consideration of Council prior to sending to the NSW Department of Planning. Any proposed changes will be placed on public exhibition and changes will not come into effect until submissions have been considered by Council and Ministerial/Departmental approval has been given.

Monika's Doggie Rescue Pets of the Week


12mths Dachsy X Foxy

Venus is one of our planet pups together with Jupiter and Mars and came from a rural pound. They are all well socialised with other dogs and easy to handle and pick up. They are very affectionate with people and have a very inquisitive nature.  They are just getting used to suburban living. Venus is only girl in the litter and came in with mange which has been treated. She is a little shyer than her brothers, but so sweet! She has a short coat and weighs 5.2kg. She suits apartment living and part-time hours alone. All our dogs come with desexed, fully vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DoggieRescue Vet. Her adoption fee is $700. 


Jack Russell X 12 mths

Leroy is a very active friendly boy. He loves playing with active young small dogs and toys and balls of course. He is easy to handle and pick up. He has a short coat and weighs about 6kg. His hips on x rays are not in good shape but the orthopaedic surgeon advised against any surgery at this stage as he is able to walk and run.  On his advice we have started a course of zydax injections, and he is on Antinol to manage the joints better. All our dogs come with desexed, fully vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DoggieRescue Vet. His adoption fee is $700. 

For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133  or email  Monika@DoggieRescue.com.  RON R251000024

Sails to Shelter: 2024

Do you have aging sails or sails you no longer need? RPAYC is supporting Bambak, a new business repurposing retired sails from ending up in landfills through their Sail-to-Shelter program in Vanuatu. They repurpose recycled sails to build shelters and household goods in Vanuatu and Australia, promoting community well-being and environmental health.

On the weekend of 20-21 July, a special drop-off bin will be on-site at RPAYC. 
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club - RPAYC
16 Mitala Street, Newport

McCarrs Creek Road Upgrade - 'Have your say'

Opened: June 3 2024
Closes: July 1 2024
[Part of the Church Point Precinct Masterplan]
Council states the current road network spanning McCarrs Creek Road and Pittwater Road features high pedestrian activity with insufficient pedestrian crossing facilities and poor sightline for vehicles.

''The proposed road safety improvements will aim to prevent accidents, create safer pedestrian access, reduce speed and create a safer neighbourhood for Church Point residents and visitors.

The proposed design has been assessed by an independent Traffic Engineer and a Road Safety Assessment Report has been completed.'' the consultation webpage states

Proposed changes include:
  • a pedestrian refuge to provide safer pedestrian access to/from the bus stop
  • safety improvements to bus stop
  • traffic calming devices
  • line delineation to separate laneway and parking areas
  • improved signage
  • new Watts profile thresholds
  • footpath upgrade on southside of road
  • some kerb and guttering.
Council's webpage state that all existing trees will be retained as part of this proposal.

The proposed road safety upgrade follows the completion of stage one of the Masterplan, which saw the construction of the new car park, cargo wharf and boardwalk extension.

Council states improvements to Thomas Stephens Reserve, near the Ferry Wharf, will commence following the proposed road safety upgrades.

Please join us in celebrating 100 years  of  Creative Leisure: 1924 – 2024

What are your memories of Creative Leisure?
Calling past participants in any Creative Leisure Movement activities, to send us your stories or experiences.
By Post: Northern Beaches Creative Leisure & Learning Inc
PO Box 1718  WARRIEWOOD 2102
Phone: 9944 6027

Slow Down: Wildlife Crossing

Please contact Sydney Wildlife Rescue on (02) 9413 4300 for advice if you hit a native animal or come across an injured one while driving. It is helpful if you can provide an accurate location or landmark to assist our rescuers who will pouch check marsupials for joeys, so little lives like Phoebe can be saved. 

Photo: Phoebe the Swamp Wallaby by Jane Notice by Sydney Wildlife Rescue

Mona Vale Residents Association

Mona Vale Residents Association is a community group encouraging involvement on important matters within the Mona Vale area. Email: mvrasydney@gmail.com

Report Hate Crimes

If you are subjected to hate on social media or online you should keep evidence by taking screen shots of the abuse including usernames, URLs and any other relevant information. 
You can report the abuse directly to the platform and report in person at any Police Station. If you witness a hate incident or hate crime but are not the victim, you can still make a report to the NSW Police.

In an Emergency call Triple Zero (000). If not urgent, you can report online at crimestoppers.com.au or call 1800 333 000 or report in person at any Police Station. 

JP Public Register

You can find a Justice of the Peace (JP) using the online Public Register. You can search by postcode, name of a JP, day of availability, language spoken and JP registration number. The register lists a JP’s location, availability and telephone number. Please note that JPs are volunteers and may not be available at all times. Click here to access the JP Public RegisterNB: There are  3 J.P’s working in Pittwater RSL Sub-Branch office, we work every Monday (10:30am to 15:30)except on public holidays:
  1. Terry Jones J.P.
  2. Robert (Bob) Wood J.P.
  3. Deborah Hendy(Carter) J.P

Speed humps on McCarrs Creek Rd: please share Wildlife Data 

Local wildlife rescuers are asking all members of the public to report any roadkill on McCarrs Ck Rd or any other road in the NB (Wakehurst Parkway or Mona Vale Road for instance) on www.wildlifemapping.org

It records the GPS position, date, sex, species. Photos can be added as they help in identification. The data is then forwarded to OEH and Transport NSW as it can help establish the best places to place  mitigation. Thanking you all in advance for your help with this. There is so much wildlife on the move in our area at present due to various pressures. Although we have had pictures sent to us, many of these have no date or location. There is a database that volunteers maintain but this needs three pieces of information:
  1. The position via GPS or road and suburb
  2. The date
  3. The animal
The details can be entered into the database directly by you at: www.wildlifemapping.org

Community News

Community News Pages list articles that ran each week as well as reports run in other pages: Inbox and Environment News archives etc.

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