November 29 - December 5, 2015: Issue 242
2015 Year in Review: Nature - Earth, Air, Water, Stone
Pittwater Online News has millions of individuals visit our Pittwater Online News Photo Albums on the Google + website and here in the magazine website each year. We love images and so do our readers, they prove that a picture is worth a thousand words.
A chance to showcase and celebrate the fantastic array of local photographers, both professional and amateur, underlines our ethos of Everyone Is Welcome, Everyone Belongs - and we'd like to take this chance to thank each and everyone of you who has contributed an item or an image to keep a record of what Pittwater is. Your images have made more people than just us go 'wow!'.
Each week our Front Page features, at its base, one or a few snapshots taken that week which celebrate our Environment - its shifts, what's flowering, what's out and about in feathered, furred or scaled form. The Seasonal shifts, the tempests, sunrises and sunsets are a great way of reminding all that Pittwater has it's own basis in being a beautiful place that protects and builds up its natural environment - it's the place we all turn or return to when we need a good clean breath of fresh air - to exhale anything that ails us and inhale all that is good.
As we here head towards a quiet end of year review we'd like to share some of these, from all compass points, as each year is best opened and closed on very positive notes.
Some of these you will have already seen - others have been shared on various platforms affiliated with the main site but not recorded here. We'd like to begin this Issue, with Pittwater's base nature, and all the overlaps and interminglings of where our Earth, Water, Air and Sky...Meet.




Pictures by A J Guesdon, 2015.