Avalon Beach Historical Society March 2019 Meeting: focus on Trappers Way

Held on Tuesday night 12 March 2019
At Avalon Beach Bowling Club
Even when you've lived in Avalon Beach for 50 years and you see that the topic for the next ABHS meeting is a talk on Trappers Way, your first thought is: what could I possibly learn about Trappers Way?
But then, you know that President for Life Geoff Searl OAM's evenings are always informative and interesting for anyone living in Avalon Beach.
Last night was no exception.
Over 70 people were entertained and informed by Geoff, David Lyall PSM ESMM FAIB and Mrs Gail Lonnon, accompanied by John Stone on the projector.
ABHS Members and Visitors at March 2019 Meeting - photo by Roger Sayers
Geoff brought members and visitors up to the minute on the happenings of the ABHS, and on some current living history of Avalon Beach including a walk around Avalon Beach with the new CEO of Northern Beaches Council, Ray Brownlee PSM, hosted by the Avalon Preservation Trust to discuss a number of current issues of interest to residents. This included a brief look in at the Society's office, which is kindly made available by John Stone, and its displays in Bowling Green lane. And the Surf Club has set up a Heritage Committee to categorise Club memorabilia.
David Lyall and Gail Lonnon, both residents of Trappers Way individually and collectively provided background on the street's name and on some of the various and amusing quirks of living on a private road owned by the residents, including at one stage the road being deemed too unsafe for mail deliveries by the post office. The notice to each of the residents advising them of this cessation of service, was delivered by the mailman! It took an episode of a TV current affairs program "The Investigators" to have this overturned. The background to the subdivision and road name is in the information below from David's notes.

You may have know that, but did you that one of the residents, sculptor Robin Blau, provided the striking Australian coat of arms above the entrance to our National Parliament in Canberra? I didn't. Pretty cool.
Everyone had a convivial evening with questions and laughs over supper and refreshments at the Av Bowlo.
Next time you see a notice of an upcoming ABHS meeting be sure not to miss it. New members and visitors are always welcome.
Roger Sayers
ABHS member.
To find out more visit: abhs.org.au
David Lyall's Trappers Way History

J. T. Stapleton, ABHS photo - courtesy ABHS and Stapleton family.

Avalon Beach Commercial Area
This classic photo shows the commercial area of Avalon Beach in the late 1930s. ‘Avalon Beach Store’ was built by Stan Wickham in 1934 and in the same year, the ‘Avalon Service Station’ and the neighbouring NRMA Patrol Hut were built by A.J. Small.
J.T. Stapleton’s huge real estate advertising sign and agency has been erected on the northwest corner of Avalon Parade and Old Barrenjoey Road (the old Westpac site). Note the condition of the surface of Avalon Parade, especially as it begins to climb the headland. Obviously kerb and guttering was not a priority in Avalon Beach at that time. - Geoff Searl OAM, ABHS photo

A few extras:
NB: Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your name - Avalon Beach and Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your name - Clareville will run soon
Available now: The Roads And Tracks Of Yesterday: How The Avalon Beach Subdivisions Changed The Green Valley Tracks