March 1 - 31, 2025: Issue 640


Annie Wyatt Reserve Palm Beach - Pittwater Fields of Dreams II

With Council inviting feedback on its new draft Tree Management Policy until Sunday March 30, a policy which aims 'to strengthen tree assessment and protection requirements and expand the local green links between natural areas’, two insights into the history of Pittwater's trees are coming your way.

This week an oldie in a few insights into Annie Forsyth Wyatt OBE, conservationist with more than a few local links. Celebrated as the driving force behind the establishment of the National Trust movement in Australia, establishing the organisation in 1945 to protect Sydney's historic natural and built sites - some know her more for the work that led to this as part of the Tree Lovers League.

Next week a delve into what we were doing to trees even further back - for instance, did you know that by 1803 colonisers along the Hawkesbury had cut down so many trees that they had created the flooding Sydney is still trying to deal with along the Haweksbury-Nepean and Pittwater channels. 

Despite then Governor of New South Wales Captain Philip Gidley King ordering settlers to stop and start replanting, the wholesale tree massacre continued. 

They had landed on these shores just a scant 15 year prior to this. They would steal millions of tonnes of the virgin bush by the 1850's. Some would argue this is still going on today.

But first, a few songs about our girl Annie.

Annie Forsyth Evans with wildflowers at her family's home Girrahween in Manly circa 1905 - from from family album held by Lynnette Lee. 


The Tree-Lovers' Civic League, Kuring-gai, which interested the Government into acquiring the viewpoint over Palm Beach as a public reserve, has now been informed that at the league's request, the area will named Annie Wyatt Reserve, In honour of the founder of the associated Tree-Lovers' Leagues. PALM BEACH LOOKOUT. (1938, May 18).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 18. Retrieved from 
Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 8 [picture] / EB Studios - Enemark collection of panoramic photographs between 1917 and 1946 - (circa 1921 from article and Palm Beach Panorama 9 in same series) Call Number PIC P865/207/10, Courtesy National Library of Australia - and sections from to show detail
The point of the Urban Reserve was to put aside and PRESERVE original ecosystems and the fauna and flora they supported so future generations could visit and be in these places and see what was there – since so much was gone and being taken for housing.

This is especially poignant in the case of Annie Forsyth Wyatt as her grandfather, Archibald Forsyth, who came to Australia in 1848 (or 1841) was a timber cutter when he first came here, working to satisfy the huge appetite of timber for buildings.

Less than 100 years later his granddaughter was working to reverse the wholesale destruction of our forests, a journey begun in her childhood and stated, in this 1931 letter as;

Sir,-In reply to a letter from "Redgum" in your Issue of March 13, headed "Tree Chopping and Tree Spoiling," may I once more ask a little space? _
In November, 1927, The Tree Lovers' Civic League was formed In Gordon with the following objects.
1 To save as many trees already here as possible;
2 To suggest tree and shrub planting, especially Australian natives,
3 To encourage the love of trees; and 
4. To foster civic pride.
Our membership fee is one shilling per annum, and we hold largely-attended monthly meetings, to which all are welcomed, and at which many fine lectures have been delivered. We arrange yearly essay competitions on tree subjects in the Public schools of the municipality, and have organised two public lantern lectures In the Killara Memorial Hall, which were largely attended by reason of the fact that the lectures were delivered by such widely known tree lovers as Mr. David Stead, and the late Mr. Cambage.

We work in harmony with our Municipality of Ku-ring-gai, which for the past two years has enclosed with every rate notice one of our tree leaflets, and we are In close touch with the Forest League and the Wild Life Preservation Society. True, our membership has not yet soared above the hundreds, but we do aspire to "Redgum's" 10,000.

Here then is the machinery, already in full working swing, and which has used for three years the very name he suggests. There is a. hearty welcome to our ranks awaiting Mr. "Redgum," and all other tree lovers; and if we get anything like the public backing suggested we will soon have such tree laws as the older countries enjoy, and adequate powers to protect the rich heritage of Australia's beauty.
I am, etc.
Tree Lovers' Civic League, Gordon, March 13. TREE LOVERS' LEAGUE. (1931, March 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from 

The catalyst for founding a Tree Lovers Civic League (later the Ku-ring- gai Tree lovers League as other branches began) was the total clearing of bushland for home sites and the use of Gordon gully for waste. Clear-felling blocks of land prior to development of all their stately trees and native fauna, was common practice. Annie invited neighbours to her home to discuss a way to turn this tide and these women sought to stop this wholesale destruction. The organisation of Tree Lovers protested against activities destroying natural areas, became involved in conducting school education programs, and sought to engage local council with preserving the bushland areas within suburbs. One article under Tree Leagues Growth - More Articles: 'Preserve Australian Timber!' - The Gosford Times and Wyong District Advocate, 1930, explains how Ku-ring-gai council began sending out notices to residents asking them to reconsider cutting down trees for building.

Annie Forsyth Wyatt - Photographic portrait by Harold Cazneaux 1930

For Annie Wyatt this love of views of the bush and ocean may have begun in childhood. Her mother moved from the family home 'Fairholme' pus 50 acres surrounding it in then rural Rooty Hill, in 1905, to Lauderdale Avenue, Manly. Her mother, Isabella Anne Forsyth, had spent some years of her childhood at Manly, where her father Archibald had purchased land and moved his sons and daughters after a fire in the residence they were living in prior to this. One of Isabella's sisters was born in Manly and Annie gave birth to both her children at 'Wonga - North Harbour, Manly' too.

This love of the bush and retaining this in its original form then evolved The National Trust – in which structures themselves, of historic value may need to be retained for everyone who comes afterwards to see, to be near, to appreciate, were what needed to be preserved.

The need to preserve our trees became very obvious earlier than this when Australia’s first national park, the (now Royal) National Park was created in 1879 just south of Sydney. It was only the second in the world to be set aside thus. An interesting Annual Report from 1887 (In Extras) shares some of the work done in the making of roads there, and land acquired and even the introduction of deer at Deer Park - something a shift in knowledge and awareness would not permit today.

Stopping the destruction of whole forests began in trying to ensure the perpetuation of wood's use in a commercial basis initially though, and resulted in:

Royal Commission on Forestry. 
The position of the State forests has been engaging the attention of the Cabinet. Serious complaints have for some time been made of the cutting out of valuable timbers, and their export to other countries, with the result that the supply of sleepers for our railways and of timber for girders and numerous other purposes is becoming alarmingly short. There is a general impression also that the State is not obtaining value for the timber allowed to be cut, and that other countries are exploiting some of our most valuable areas, and denuding them of their best growths. The Government seems to think that the time for taking some action has arrived. In any case, whatever the reason may be, we are informed that the Cabinet has decided to appoint a Royal Commission to inquire into matters appertaining to forestry. The commission will be asked to report upon the extent and nature of the timber resources of the State, the adequacy of existing reservations and the need for afforestation, the fairness of present royalty rates, whether any restrictions should be imposed upon the export of any classes of timber, and the general question of future administration. The personnel of the commission has not yet been determined. Royal Commission on Forestry. (1907, April 30). The Kiama Independent, and Shoalhaven Advertiser (NSW : 1863 - 1947), p. 2. Retrieved from

The Royal Commission went on for a bit, as these things tend to do given the scope of matters to be determined, visiting all rural areas and places and industries which may be affected for public input. On October 29th 1908 a final report was submitted to Government by Commissioners A. Kethel, William Freeman and J.A. Curtis.

The report made by the recent Royal Commission on Forestry is at present receiving the consideration of the "Minister fur Lands, Mr. Moore, and will be placed before the Cabinet as soon as possible. It was remarked by Mr. Moore, when his Estimate was being discussed in Parliament, that there were phases of the question of forestry which were so important and so difficult, and in regard to which there were conflicting views, that he would be glad to have the benefit of the opinions and advice of those hon. members who were competent to speak on that important subject. Mr. Moore went on to say that he must be prepared, when Parliament met again, with some legislation. He could only say that nothing would be done without the fullest consideration. If hon. members had any suggestions to make to him, he would be glad to hear them. He undertook to say he would not act precipitately, and he would be glad if hon. members would let him have the benefit of their views as soon as possible. FORESTRY MATTERS. (1909, January 12).Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 - 1915), p. 6. Retrieved from

The resulting Legislation was the Forestry Act 1909 in which among other things, every place, under Section 14, had an appointed officer who would issue licences and permits to take trees for timber or fuel. 

The long title: 'Act No. 6, 1909An Act to provide for the dedication, reservation, and management of State forests and timber reserves; for regulating the obtaining and removing of timber and other products; for regulating saw-mills; for imposing fees, rents, and royalties ; to regulate ring barking ;
to amend the Crown Land s Act of 1884, the Crown Lands Amendment Act of 1905, the Crown Land s (Amendment) Act, 1908, the Mining Act, 1906, the Public Works Act, 1900, and the Impounding Act of 1898; and for purposes consequent thereon or incidental thereto . [11th November, 1909.] 
Short title and repeal.
1. This Act may be cited as the " Forestry Act, 1909. " 

Was this a huge leap forward from this?:

MONTHLY list of persons who have taken out Licenses to Depasture Stock, Strip Bark, and to Cut Timber on Crown Lands, in the District, of Port Phillip, from the 1st to the 31st December 1844
Licenses to Cut Timber.; 
WESTERN PORT. Field William; Hanlon Bernard.
BOURKE. Dewer William ; Forsyth Archibald ; Gilligan Thomas; Synnott Thomas: … Government Gazette Notices (1845, February 7). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 140. Retrieved from 

Probably not; the focus was still on commercial exploitation of the forests, on 'forestry as an industry' - not something composed of and comprised from an ecosystem in which the larger plants, trees, predominate. Flora of others kinds, and the fauna dependent thereon, did not form part of the view. It did, however, incorporate such notions as trees taking time to grow and felling the larger ones, those two years old or more, and leaving the youngsters to grow up to be a bit bigger before they were cut down:

(To the Editor.)
Sir,—By "Government Gazette" of October 2, 1913, It was noticed for public information, "That no ironbark tree, of a less girth than 6ft., inclusive of bark, measured at a height of 5 feet from the ground, shall be felled on any Crown lands, available for timber licenses, west of the Dividing Range; unless permitted by the special conditions of a license or by the written authority of an authorised forest officer.''

It is further notified that unless permitted by the special conditions of a llccnse : or the written authority of an authorised forest officer no Ironbark tree on Crown lands west of the Dividing Range shall be felled at a stumpage height or more than two feet measured from the ground."

The object of the regulation providing the girth restriction with regard to our timber trees is to allow the tree to mature before it is exploited thereby causing the maximum of best quality timber to be obtained.

Previously, the prescribed girth for bark west of the Dividing Range was 4 feet at 5 feet from the ground. It was ascertained that an ironbark tree of that size was seldom mature, hence the Increase.  This notice is of utmost Importance to timber getters, particularly sleeper cutters.
Forest Guard,
Gunnedah. NOTICE UNDER FORESTRY ACT. 1909. (1913, November 28). The Tamworth Daily Observer (NSW : 1910 - 1916), p. 3. Retrieved from

The legislation was amended in 1916 to not make that much of a huge step forward in the notion of preservation of trees for their sake but to keep onexploiting the forests - this was not, after all, a mindset directed on establishing National Parks for the people but on handling an industry so it could beperpetuated - periodicals of the time are filled with warm supporting letters regarding the new Act from sawmillers and tree harvesters. What ispertinent in the act, and possibly had these timber industry workers rubbing their hands with glee, was removal of the exempting of all crown lands from the tree takers. The idea that Australia may ever run out of forests doesn't seem to be part of the discussion - as yet:

The new Forestry Act came into force in New South Wales on the first day of this month, but it will not come fully into operation until the regulations under the act, now being drafted, shall have been issued. The preamble of the act sets out that the object is 'to provide for the dedication, reservation, control, and use of State forests, timber reserves, and crown lands for forestry and other purposes; to appoint a commission to administer the act, with power to; sell and convert timber and products; and to purchase and sell horses, cattle, and sheep to be depastured on State forests and timber reserves.
The Minister for Lands will combine with his portfolio that of Minister for Forestry. The present Director of Forests (Mr. R. Dalrymple Hay) has beenappointed Chief Commissioner at the salary of £1250 per annum provided for in the act. Two commissioners at £1000 a year each have yet to be secured. 
The new act provides for two systems of working — a special one to apply to State forests, timber reserves, and other exempted lands, and a general one to apply to ordinary crown lands. Under the new policy all crown lands under definite tenure will be administered as ex-exempted lands, as already explained by the Minister for Lands. Consequently future operations so far as they apply to licensing, and the larger proportion of forest resources, will be governed by attached conditions and prescribed regulations, which will have a general application only. An essential preliminary in organisation will, therefore, be a study of local conditions in each district, in order to define the scope of the respective systems. 

A School of Forestry. 
A first consideration being to train men to provide for the building up of the field staff, a forestry school will be established upon the lines of the recommendations of the interstate conference, at which will be imparted a sound scientific training and also short practical and technical courses.The site for this college has already been selected near Gosford, and it is expected that it will serve as a forestry educational centre for Australia. The full course will cover three  years, and to qualify for entry a boy will probably have to pass an examination of similar standard to that for admission to the Hawkesbury Agricultural College. The terms under which students will be taken promise to be most liberal. While a charge may be made for those from other States, New South Wales boys will not only pay no fees, but may be renumerated for their labor in their second and third years, when they will be called upon to do considerable practical field work. The forestry course offers opportunities for lads with a taste for the work and for outdoor, life, as upon graduating at the school they will heroine eligible for positions of forest cadets on the staff at £156 per annum. This is the first rung on the ladder upon which they may rise through several grades to inspectorships. N.S.W. FORESTRY ACT (1916, November 14). The Farmer and Settler(Sydney, NSW : 1906 - 1955), p. 3. Retrieved from

This doesn't mean people were unaware that the forests and bush were diminishing around them, the streets less shaded, the places where you may run to for a fresh breath of air shrinking. As early as 1926 laments were sounding from those who enjoyed these places a portion from one of these poems by Charles Thomson (1807-1883):

Fair Castlereagh
I trace thy landscape round,
Each well known spot to me is sacred ground;
In ev'ry mead - in every bow'r or tree,
Some dear companion - some old friend I see:
The myrtle grove that skirts thy sloping sides,
And the tall summit from the plain divides,
The rich acacias waving o'er the rill
That pours its scanty stream beneath the hill;
Thy spreading vale - but here let mem'ry tax
The rude invasions of the spoiling axe,
That chased the dryads from th'affrighted glade,
And lopped each shrub that once composed their shade. 
Published in 1826 in his 'Wild Notes From the Lyre of A Native Minstrel' regarded as the 'First Substantial Book of Verse' written by a person born in Australia.  Download the PDF E-Book of this  at

Closer to home, and one hundred years on, Dorothea Mackellar, sometimes of Lovett Bay during this era, laments tree killing and speaks for Tree Lovers in an August 1926 published article 'Trees - An Oppressed People' (in full under Extras):
"....Is there another country in the world where trees are so despised, neglected, misunderstood, slaughtered as they are here? Of the slaughter I hope to speak later: It may be an unconscious memory of pioneering days which makes us fell trees so recklessly on any pretext or none. There is no such explanation tor the way we despise them. Many of us sweep away trees Indiscriminately In order to tree a view which owed more than half Its beauty to being been through their screen. ...."

On the same page and beside this article appears:

Commenting on the proposal of the City Council to destroy the Moreton Bay fig trees on the Parramatta-road, adjoining the University, In the area illus-trated In the photograph, a correspondent writes:-"The beauty of the lake and the University as seen from the City-road and Parramatta-road is remark-ably striking. Such beauty of architecture and landscape gardening is unique In Australia, because no other city has a building as beautiful as the main building of Sydney University or a site so appropriately secluded and removed from city surroundings by the art of the gardener. Yet this great public 
asset the City Council Is said to desire to throw away for a new widening scheme of no evident necessity, and one not thought of when the land was 
exchanged. (1925, August 15). THE UNIVERSITY TREES. (1925, August 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from

A few more voices began to propose a bigger view, which can be considered as beginning in being focused on educationthe next generation - the further on years of which, in some local Arbor Day events, can be seen in the Avalon Beach Public School and Mona Vale Public School history pages.

This item sounds those keynotes:

The forest and educational authorities of Victoria are co-operating in a plan to inaugurate in the schools, of the State a League of Tree Lovers on the model of the Gould League of Bird Lovers, which has aroused great interest in and educated public opinion on bird study. They appear to observe Arbor Day more generally in Victoria than in our State and it is hoped to extend the usefulness of that by encouraging the schools to co-operate in making plantations away from the school grounds. It is pointed out that where school committees are willing to undertake the making of a small plantation of from 10 to 20 acres, not only will useful educational results be achieved, but the venture should ultimately yield a fine revenue for school purposes. As an evidence of what is being attempted, it is pointed out that the teacher at Lexton is organising the schools in his district with the view of having a long bare stretch of road between Waubra and Lexton planted with appropriate shelter trees. This indicates a way in which we might be able to secure that fine avenue of trees which has often been suggested in these columns from West Maitland to Morpeth.  

In towns it might be possible for the schools and municipal authorities to co-operate in the matter of the planting and care of trees for street beautification, the residents in the benefited areas subscribing to school enterprises in return for the services rendered. There would be a peculiarfitness in a work of this kind because it would be an education for the young people, concerned in the performances of civic duties and inspiration to community service and those most actively concerned in the good work would in future years themselves be the gainers through their own work for their own town in their early days. It would mean a great deal for the young and rising generation to be in inspired in the days of their youth with a love for trees. The next generation would be much more intent than the present on conserving our forest resources and would enrich rather than rob succeeding generations with respect to this great natural inheritance. It would be well to see our forest and educational authorities co-operating in this very needful work of developing an intelligent opinion in regard to forest conservation. If each parents and citizens association were to secure a copy monthly of  to ‘The Australian Forestry journal' they would get many a practical suggestion of what might be done through the schools in the matter of increasing our young peoples interest in the planting and care of trees.LEAGUE OF TREE LOVERS. (1922, September 5). The Maitland Daily Mercury (NSW : 1894 - 1939), p. 4. Retrieved from 

The Australian Forestry League

From left to right: Robert Kaleski (Executive), Miss Leplastrier (Ex.). Dalrymple Hay (Pres.), W. W. Froggatt (Entomologist to the Dept.), W. Watson (hon. treas.), F. T. Berman (hon. sec.). A GROUP OF OVERSEAS TEACHERS. IRON-BARK POLE FOREST. The Australian Forestry League. (1924, October 24). The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from

Australian Forestry League.
Annual Report
The first annual report of the Australian Forestry League in to hand. It covers the period from July 24, 1923, to October 31, 1924. Readers of "The Land" are familiar with the work done by the League since its inception, but the following extracts from the report may be of public interest: -
The New South Wales Branch was brought into being as the result of a request made by Mr. S. H. Smith, Director of Education, to the Teachers' Federation Horticultural Society to endeavour to organise such a body. Representatives of that Society and of the Wattle League, Gould League, and Naturalists' Society held a preliminary meeting on 24th July, as the outcome of which at the Education Department on September 12th, 1923, the League was established.

The Council's first work was (1) the appointment of a Committee of the Schools Branch; and (2) the adoption of a plan of campaign, the carrying out of which provided the bulk of the work for the remainder of the period.

Appeal to Public Bodies,-In February Council issued an appeal, to 300 Shire and Municipal Councils and other bodies to plant up and improve parks, reserves, roads and streets under their care, and to establish National Parks. Gratifying response was made by a large number-Blackheath, Concord,; Coraki, Dundas, Gloucester, Granville, Illawarra North, Inverell, Junee, Lismore, Mosman, Newcastle, Petersham, Tintenbar and Urana being amongst those which were already, working on the lines desired or talking steps to do so, whilst many others undertook to give careful consideration. All welcomed the formation of the League. 

From time to time reports from different parts of the country come to hand showing that the leaven of the League is working. In this connection two events of national and local importance for neither of which the league claims credit are here recorded with great satisfaction, viz;, (1) The reservation by the State Government of the Meryla Valley-some 20,000 acres-as a National Park: (2) The gift of Mr. Victor White to the town of Scone of a beautiful and extensive park and a substantial sum for its endowment. 

Representation will be made as opportunity offers to induce similar action in particular cases thus,' e.g., the trustees of Griffith Park, Collaroy, are now being, urged to make that beautiful area a sanctuary for the preservation and regeneration of the vanishing flora of the Manly district.

A Forest League Section was incorporated in the Schedule of the Teachers' Federation Horticultural Society's Spring and Autumn Shows at the Education Department with prizes for Australian Wild Flower Plot at the School, specimens of flora, timber, etc. This shows great promise. A beautiful exhibit of Australian timber by the Forestry Commission at the Autumn Show attracted great attention, whilst the opening of the show by the Chief Commissioner enabled Mr. Hay to place before a popular audience some aspects of Forestry that were entirely new to them, (c) An Art Competition for a design for a Children's Certificate, the prize for which was won by Miss Mildred Raymond, Redlands, Cremorne.

The metropolitan dailies and the country press have given valuable assistance to the League in placing its work before the public. The League has been extremely fortunate, in having the "Forestry Journal" as its official organ, whilst the "Land" has been a valued ally; the latter has recently consented to act as the League's weekly popular organ. Provincial papers, notably the Maitland "Mercury," Wagga "Advertiser," Scone "Advocate," and Moree "Examiner" have carried its work right into the country districts. Most of the newspapers willingly allow their columns to be used in advocacy of tree preservation, a case in point, being the interesting correspondence started in the "Daily Telegraph" by Mr. Stanger, of Curlewis, on the destruction of Irons along country roads.

Miscellaneous.-Early in the year Mr. A. H. Petrie prepared an excellent report upon "Reserves for Scientific Research" that will, it is hoped, ultimately lead to the establishment of such reserves in various parts of the State.

Mr. C. Webster, of Hobart, is endeavouring to interest the Rotary Club of that city in a scheme of city beautification, using the League's literature largely for the purpose. Inquiries from New Zealand show that the same literature is doing useful propaganda work in the Dominion.

Effort is being made to enrol the senior officers of the Boy Scouts as Honorary Field Rangers, with, a view of ensuring protection for all wildlife. Visits have been paid by the Scouts to the Gosford Nursery, and Mr. Gollan has been asked to prepare for them a syllabus of elementary forestry instruction.
This report would be incomplete if it did not make some reference to the retirement of Mr. Maiden from his position of Director of the Botanic Gardens. The League's first official act was to elect Mr. Maiden as Hon. Life President in recognition of his monumental work on behalf of Australian flora, not the least important part of which has been the way in which he succeeded in interesting others in the subject, thus ensuring- a continuous supply of disciples to carry on. Mr. Maiden's numberless friends in and out of the league hope he will be long spared to see the work he loves so much grow in favour and usefulness.

There is every reason to believe that as a result of the League's work the public apathy regarding forestry is being replaced by an intelligent interest, and that a steady insistence by the League on this great national question will ensure its ultimate treatment in a manner commensurate with its importance. R. DALRYMPLE HAY, President. FRED. T. BERMAN, Hon. Sec. Australian Forestry League. (1924, December 5). The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from 

Annual Meeting.
(By Robt. Kaleski, Hon. Publicity Officer.)
The second annual meeting of the Australian Forest League, N.S.W. branch, was held in the Assembly Hall of the Education Dept., Bridge Street, Sydney, on Thursday evening last. The president, Mr. R. Dalrymple Hay, occupied the chair. Owing to the inclement weather the attendance was small, but representative. Apologies were received from Messrs. Kelso King (Boy Scouts), and Danvers Powers. 

The president asked those present, before going on with the business of the evening, to pass a motion of regret for the loss of their Hon. Life President, Mr. J. H Maiden. The motion was passed, all standing in silence.

The minutes of the previous annual meeting were read and confirmed, and the annual report and balance sheet adopted. The president said that members would see from them that the League had done good work for the forests, and the balance sheet showed that the League was in a good financial position.
A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. George Robertson, of Angus and Robertson, for his assistance in giving the League's work publicity. Three new life members were elected, making a total of 31 up to the present. Two important amendments of the rules, giving representation on the Council to life members, were moved by the hon. secretary, Mr. Berman, and carried, Mr. Bennett, secretary of the Boy Scouts' movement, speaking in support. All the former office-bearers were elected unopposed.

Mr. David Stead moved that the Federal Government, in view of the approaching world timber famine, be asked to make a grant to the States of a million pounds for afforestation, on the same principle as the Road Grant. After discussion by Mr. Langley, the President, and Mrs. George Taylor, the motion was passed unanimously.

Mr. Stead gave a lecture on Hawaii, illustrated with lantern slides, Before starting, he spoke of the way other countries, especially California, appreciated our eucalypts. There they have been growing our hardwoods for 90 years, till now they speak of them as their own. In France and Italy it is common to see growing the Cootamundra and Queensland wattles. He must speak a word in appreciation of their president (Mr. Dalrymple Hay's) work as a practical forester, and as Commissioner for Forests for N.S.W. In the earlier stages, when he was only building up his department, he must have felt like a shipwrecked mariner on a sailless sea. (Applause.) No one then had any sympathy for the forests. The despised Eastern races had been doing good forestry work for thousands of years. They loved their forests. In 1909 he had journeyed over vast tracts of Australia. They were then well-timbered. He had been over these areas again recently, and there were practically no trees left. The Forestry League was gradually inculcating a forest sense into the people. Last year he revisited the Hawaiian Islands. Australian trees there were making them much more beautiful. What was described by visitors as the loveliest avenue of trees in the world' was at Honolulu. It was composed of Australian Casuarina, 1 ½ miles long! It gave an Australian a thrill of delight to look at them. (Applause.)
A vote of thanks to Mr. Stead terminated the meeting.

(The following is an extract from the second annual report, signed by Messrs. R. Dalrymple Hay (President), and Fred T. Berman (Secretary):
"An important project has been initiated by the League to have the Great Southern Road tree-planted, from Sydney to Goulburn-spreading operations over about five years. Of the sixteen Local Government bodies concerned, practically all viewed the proposal with favour. One or two, mainly on "safety first" considerations, have felt it unwise to undertake their share; several are giving it more mature consideration. The important districts of Ashfield, Camden and Goulburn have definitely agreed to carry on their share of the work. With this substantial first instalment it is safe to predict that the work will be done.
"Thanks largely to the League's Hon. Organiser, Mr. David G. Stead (who originated the proposal) in co-ordinating the efforts of local enthusiasts and the various bodies affiliated with the League, success has been achieved in the agitation to secure as a National Park Reserve, the glorious natural scrub country on the slopes of historic Mount Warning, in the Tweed River district. This will be not merely a permanent preserve for our wonderful northern flora and fauna, but will stand out as a grand memorial to the great navigator, James Cook, who named it. The area being set aside includes the mountain itself at present a part of the Wollumbin State Forest. It is hoped that this great reservation will given the name of "Wollumbin" (Captain Cook Memorial) Park, Mount Warning. As a crowning effort, there has been secured by the Forestry Commission, the last remaining portion (about sixty acres) of the original Cumberland Forest at Pymble. This will be publicly dedicated early next year as the "Sydney National Forest and Arboretum." AUSTRALIAN FORESTRY LEAGUE. (1925, November 27). The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from 

The Minister for Lands (Mr. Loughlin) has reserved about 50 acres of land near Pymble for a demonstration forest. It contains many varieties of Australian timber.
The opening ceremony will be performed by the Minister this afternoon. In recognition of the work of the present Commissioner for Forests (Mr. R. Dalrymple Hay), who conceived the Idea of reserving the area, the Minister has decided to name it the Dalrymple Hay Demonstration Forest.DEMONSTRATION FOREST. (1926, May 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from 

New Forest.
The Australian Forest League, according to Mr. Loughlin, Minister for Lands,, is destined to be one of the most important bodies in the State. He said so on Saturday, when opening the Dalrymple Hay demonstration forest at Pymble.
Mr. Loughlin said the 56-acre forest area would prove a boon to the State. Soon there would be a forest school at Canberra, which would greatly benefit by Pymble's demonstration forest. "When we consider that we have only so far allotted 3 per cent, of Australia to the forest reserves, while Germany devotes 25 per cent., we perceive that our forest sense is lacking," he continued. "And though France is not as large as New South Wales, it is dedicating 24,000,000 acres to forestry, as against the Australian proposal of 8,000,000 acres." 'Mr. Loughlin paid a tribute to Mr. R. Dalrymple Hay, Forest Commissioner. In future the Forestry Department's claims would receive preference over the Lands Department's. No further areas would be allotted for agricultural purposes until the Forestry Department had intimated that the land was not wanted for forestry purposes.  New Forest. (1926, May 26). The Manning River Times and Advocate for the Northern Coast Districts of New South Wales (Taree, NSW : 1898 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from 

In the olden days an excursion to a forest usually comprised half a dozen bush families (mostly with swarms of children), who would drive in their buggies and springscarts with faithful old "Toby" or "Nugget" In the shafts, out to a special patch of tall timber, mostly on a river bank or creek side, where the billy was boiled by the men while the womenfolk set out the eatables on the grass, and everyone helped themselves to fowl, corned beef, scones, and bread and butter, washed down with copious draughts of sweet "black" tea.
After dinner the boys and girls would engage in games whilst their fathers and uncles swapped yarns and talked about stock and crops, and the womenfolk "washed up." The smaller children usually had a tomahawk or two, and would scour the surrounding bush for 'possums or bees' nests. If they found one in a climbable tree they cut steps in the trunk with the tomahawk, and climbed up and secured it. If they drew a blank, they too often amused themselves by chopping down valuable saplings indiscriminately till they were tired, and it was time to harness up and go home.
In those days there were no forest reservations In the county of Cumberland, and the settlers simply took the timber as they wanted it. The results of this can be seen today; where, instead of each shire and municipality having its own forest reserve for the use of the people for all time, only three are in existence-Kuring-gai Chase on the northern side, the National Park on the southern, and the Dalrymple-Hay Demonstrating Forest at Pymble in the middle.
The two big ones are rather too far away for Saturday afternoon excursions, but the demonstration forest, nine miles up the North Shoreline from the Quay, and a -mile to the east of Pymble station, is ideal for the purpose, particularly for Nature students. Now that the forest has been formally opened the Australian Forestry League, with commendable promptitude, has organised an excursion there to-day. Practically all the various societies interested in the study and preservation of our flora and fauna will be present as well as a large number of prominent citizens.
Tomahawks and chopped saplings will be conspicuous by their absence; Brer Possum will be left undisturbed in his hole or nest. Instead of being thrown down to the hungry kangaroo and cattle dogs beneath; and in lieu of the springcart and buggy motor buses will bring the nature students from Pymble to the forest.
The time-table arranged is a highly sensible one. The public can arrive any old time in the morning, and up to 3 p.m. can inspect the forest and its contents at their leisure. Those who come early can get hot water from the caretaker for the indispensable tea for lunch. At 3 p.m. a community song ("A Tree-planting Song," by Miss Constance Le Plastrier) will be sung; after which Australian trees and shrubs will be planted by representatives of affiliated and kindred societies. At 3.30 afternoon tea of the "billy" variety will be partaken of; and at 4 p.m. a community song ( 'A Forest Benediction") and the National Anthem will be sung to fit-tingly finish the day. DALRYMPLE-HAY FOREST. (1926, June 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from 

In January 1927 the idea of planting trees to enable a continuance to cut them down to make weatherboards for homes continued and areas that had been 'reserved' were somehow, inexplicably, unreserved and needed to be fought for again, The Darymple-Hay reserve among these:

Wanted-A Forest Consciousness
NEED FOR TREE PLANTING; Lessons from Scotland and Belgium.
That a national forest consciousness is of great Importance to Australia is generally admitted by deep thinking people. In this connection the ‘Garden Lover' recently gave some very interesting suggestions from the pen of Mr. Alex Davidson, who in an American magazines relates several instances of forest care, such as we would wish to hear of in Australia. 

Of the shores of the St, Lawrence River (Canada), he says— 'Although there were 'saw-mills and pulp-mills located in almost every inlet, there were no denuded hills, where the trees had been cut down Indiscriminately, I noted the systematic thinning out of the trees In view of developing the stand left for future use,' 

Referring to a recent visit to Scotland, he says— 'When I was employed at Durris, on Doonside, Kineardineshire, which incidentally was about 40 years ago, they were planting from 60 to 100 acres every year, and I now look in amazement at the beautiful stand of timber that I had helped to plant with four-year-old trees. It made me think of the thousands of acres of waste land throughout Australia, that could be planted every year, and what it would mean to the future wealth of our country,'
It might well suggest similar thoughts to the people of every State In the Commonwealth,’.

Continuing his travels from Scotland to sadder lands, Mr. Davidson says— 'I stood on a knoll, and looked across several hundred acres of what in 1914 was one of the finest forests in Belgium. All that remained was a shattered mass of splintered stumps. Those heroic people, knowing the economic value of timber to any country, were busily engaged in clearing away the ruins and replanting for future generations.' 

The article concludes thus— 'Our horticultural societies would do well to take up and try to further the Interest of forestry, especially among young men. I do not think there is a healthier or more interesting vocation to follow. Horticulture and agriculture are both important factors In the welfare of a nation, but no more essential factors for the economic welfare of the future generations than is arboriculture. And it is we of today that have to look out for those of tomorrow, for trees do not grow into boards in a day,' 

He is, indeed, pleading for 'the erection of a national forest consciousness,' one of the avowed objects of the Australian Forest League' and the desire and aim of the tree-lovers.  Wanted—A Forest Consciousness (1927, January 14). The Farmer and Settler (Sydney, NSW : 1906 - 1955), p. 11. Retrieved from 

A TREE SANCTUARY! In the Dalrymple Hay Forest Reserve, Pymble. Community Quilts (1933, December 27).Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 48. Retrieved from 

Proposal to add Ten Acres.
Pymble Forest, an area of almost virgin gum tree country, within a mile of the intersection of the Pacific Highway and Stony Creek road at Gordon is again a matter of public interest.

A proposal has been made by the members of the Rangers' League to purchase an additional 10 acres of the original 50 acres out of which the Crown purchased 26 ½ acres in 1925 to be held in perpetuity as an example of the beautiful woodlands of the nearer northern gullies for the days when most of the stately giant eucalypts will have vanished for ever from the more accessible landscapes within the metropolitan area.

The 10 acres It is proposed to purchase, or regain by any legitimate means, will be added to the 26 ½ acres now known as the Pymble Forest, to increase a nearby roadside reservation that is easily visible from the roadway of the Sydney Harbour bridge and while the trees hold together it will remain one of the most conspicuous and beautiful of the grey-green landmarks on the northern hillsides.

The area in question is priced at £ 1310, and at that price an option has been taken by the Rangers' League who have an assurance from the owners that the odd £310 will be handed over as a gift if a like sum is contributed by the tree-loving public for the purchase of so desirable and so lovely and so easily accessible a 10-acre forest property.

On three occasions during the last three years the Kuring-gai Municipal Council has been pleaded with to regain possession of as much of the 29 ½  acres as possible. Sympathetic consideration was given to the requests, and every effort was made that the council could make, but the purchase of further lands out of council funds was not recommended.

The Mayor and aldermen of Kuring gai have for some years been lavish in their purchase and construction of playing and recreation areas for the benefit of the ratepayers The work which the Rangers' League are now pro-posing to do is certain to receive the support of the aldermen and the tree-loving residents of Kuring-gai.

"Brown's Brook" was the name under which the new forest area was originally known. It lies on the south side of the Pittwater or Stony Creek road and begins a few yards of the St Ives side of Mr F. E. Pratten's well-known residence on the Telegraph-road corner, from which the Macquarie lighthouse on South Head and the blue Pacific Ocean are easily visible at any hour of the day when the sky is clear of rainclouds.

Mr. Thomas Brown held the property for many years and times almost without number refused the offers which the timber cutters made for the privilege of milling and marketing the stately and colourful grey gums, the stiingybark, the blackbutts, the bloodwoods, peppermints, and ironbaiks.

"Old Tom," as he was known to the axe-men, was as hard of heart as any of his beloved gum trees, not one of the wily wood-men of the northern hills could get him to look at the colour of their silver or gold.

' While I live those trees live with me You boys remember this," said the gum tree lover and orange grower over and over again. Had any other owner been in charge of the area, all the big tree trunks would have been chipped out and wheeled away long ago. How the Crown ever managed to get hold of the key of his gate lock I do not know. However, they did what to other people was impossible.
Mr Dalrymple Hay it was who conceived the idea of acquiring the area for a small demonstration forest I remember the metropolitan forester of that day (Mr McLeod) saying that the area was one of the prettiest and most suitable under his hand. That opinion has been confirmed time and again.

I have no hesitation in saying that my heart and interest are with the young men of the Rangers' League in their great effort to save for the nation the thousands of stalwart young eucalypts from the fate that awaits so many other splendid trees that are not so happily placed. The future belongs to the young men and to the young gum trees they so much admire. No more splendid effort has been made since the Bush Walking Clubs bought and saved the Blue Gum Forest area in the valley of the Grose.
Pymble forest is almost within the city gates. That makes it so much more valuable This proposal has already burned a hob in my shallow pocket. A call from our gum trees is irresistible. An appeal for funds has been issue by the Rangers' League, of which the honorary treasurer is Mr Chas R Barton, 5 Macquarie-place, Sydney. 
A picture of some of the land it is proposed to purchase is to be seen on the illustrations page.
PYMBLE FOREST. (1934, March 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from 

 [Typical forest land, 10 acres of which the Rangers' League wishes to have added to the existing reserve of 26 ½  acres. IN THE HEART OF PYMBLE FOREST. (1934, March 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from 

Ald. W. Creswell O'Reilly will preside at a meeting In the Killara Memorial Hall next Thursday, when an appeal will be made for contributions to preserve portion of the Dalrymple-Hay forest at Pymble, which is to be subdivided. This forest is the last remaining portion of the original Cumberland forest. Crossed cheques made payable to the Dalrymple-Hay: Forest Preservation Fund may be sent to the Rangers' League, Box 3607S., G.P.O., Sydney, or Mr. Chas. R. Barton, Barton and Co., 7 Macquarie-place, Sydney. The total area of the forest is 50 acres. The southern section, of 26½ acres, was resumed in 1925 by the Government as a State forest, while the now privately owned northern section comprises 29½ acres. FOREST RESERVE WANTED (1934, March 11). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from 

Mrs. A. F. Wyatt and Mr. F. T. Berman (joint hon. secretaries of the Dalrymple-Hay Forest Preservation Committee) write:— The committee wishes to express its appreciation of your valuable paper's assistance in giving such splendid publicity to the movement to save the Pymble (Brown's) Forest or so much of it as is available to our committee under an option to purchase. Unfortunately, though the whole area of 56 acres was resumed by the Crown in 1925 and dedicated as a State forest reserve, half of it was allowed to revert to the owners in 1931. If this unique belt of natural forest is to be saved for all time, funds must be speedily forthcoming. The Wild Life Preservation Society gave outright 25 guineas, but also guaranteed a similar amount in addition, should It prove necessary, rather than see the area lost to the public. Donations may be forwarded to the hon. treasurers, care of Mr. Chas. R. Barton (the organiser of the present movement), 5 Macquarie-place, Sydney. A BUNDLE OF LETTERS (1934, May 11).The Sun(Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 11 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from 

Dalrymple-Hay Forest
The Dalrymple-Hay forest, Pittwater-road, Pymble, is now open to the public. This 11 ½ acres, with the adjoining 26 acres held by the Forestry Commission, is now a forest reserve. Arrangements are now in hand for a scheme of joint management, for the removal of certain noxious growths from the areas and for the erecting of notice boards. OPEN TO PUBLIC (1934, September 12).The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 16 (LAST RACE EDITION). Retrieved from 

Forest Reserve Near Pymble
THE Dalrymple-Hay forest reserve, beside the Pittwater road between Pymble and St. Ives, is now open to the public. Cars may be parked inside the entrance. It is very gratifying that after many difficulties this fine area of native timber should have been secured for the enjoyment of the public, and motorists who have not visited the forest will be astonished at the beauty of the surroundings and the peace and quiet of this delightful spot, which is within half an hour's run of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Forest Reserve Near Pymble (1934, September 19). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 44. Retrieved from 

WILD FLOWERS AND NATIVE PLANTS PROTECTION ACT, 1927. Appointment of Honorary Rangers. THE undermentioned persons have been appointed as Honorary Hangers in pursuance of the provision of the Wild Flowers and Native Plants Protection Act, 1927: - 
Ivor Bertie Wyatt, Esq., 26 Park-avenue, Gordon. Mrs. Annie Forsyth Wyatt, 26 Park-avenue, Gordon. (L.G. 1934-S. 3,915)… WILD FLOWERS AND NATIVE PLANTS PROTECTION ACT, 1927. (1934, October 12). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3698. Retrieved from 

Honorary Rangers actually patrolled these areas ensuring vandalism did not occur. Later their son, Ivor Forsyth Wyatt, would take on a similar duty.

"Official Vandalism" Alleged.
A conference of the Naturalists, Wild Life Preservation, and other societies last night decided that the proposed provision of recreational facilities in National Park would destroy the natural character of the area.
The conference decided to do all in its power to prevent what it described as the "official vandalism" of the National Park Trust.
Mr. David G. Stead, secretary of the Wild Life Preservation Society, said the progressive spoliation of the park by the sporadic destruction of trees and the introduction of deer over the past few years was crowning shame and a national scandal.
"I have known the beauties of National Park, but it seems that they will be lost to my children," said Mrs. A. F. Wyatt, of the Ku-ring-gai Tree Lovers' Civic League. "The trustees need to have the meaning of that word 'trustee' drummed into them. They hold on trust for the nation this gift which they have to administer."
"We don't ask the trustees to make improvements, but merely to preserve wild life and the scenic value of our national park," said Mr. J. Turner, treasurer of the Wild Life Preservation Society.
"We need a new Parks Act—a reform of the existing laws which permit this official vandalism,'" said Mr. C. D'Arcy Roberts, of the Parks and Playgrounds Movement.
Mr. Roberts declared that three reforms were needed: The appointment of an advisory council, the appointment of a central authority in which the control of parks would be vested, and the classification of parks as either local, district, national, or historic parks. A new Act, he said, would codify laws relating to parks, which were now in a chaotic state.
The present administration of the National Park was defended by two trustees, Messrs. Neville Cayley and W. H. Cheels.
Mr. Cayley said that the present trust had prevented the destruction of the natural beauty of the park. The spoliation done before the control passed into their hands could not be rectified, but the trustees were doing all in their power to prevent a recurrence. Some of the allegations were unfair. The trust had to cater for the majority of people, who were not ardent bushlovers, as he was. There were still 30,000 acres of virgin forest for such people.
The proposed golf links, he added, were to be made on a rubbish dump, for which members of the general public were responsible.
Mr. Cheels said that the duty of the trust was to cater for all types of people and any plans for development had been made on that basis. NATIONAL PARK. (1938, May 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from 

Sir,—The president of the National Park Trust has dissipated the cloud of misapprehension under which many nature lovers have laboured, in believing this unique heritage to be safe for all time in its primeval charm and beauty. It becomes evident that the Government of 1887, while sufficiently foresighted to reserve this area, bungled badly in drawing up the terms of the trust. Surely all those who read Mr. Whiddon's horrifying revelation will hasten to request the present Government to put matters right which can only be done by ensuring the preservation of National Park as a primeval and uniquely beautiful remnant of what the first fleet found in rich abundance.
Mr. Whiddon assures us that the trustees will not avail themselves of these powers but the matter is of far too great import to be left to the discretion of a very small group whose personnel is changing from year to year. We have only to recall that a few years ago a timber mill was set up by authority of previous trustees in what had been one of the loveliest glades, and irreparable destruction took place before public-spirited citizens could intervene.
I am, etc., Gordon, June 3. ANNIE F. WYATT. NATIONAL PARK TRUST. (1938, June 6).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from 

BONDI AMUSEMENT PARK: Opposition to Scheme.
Evidence in opposition to the proposal to establish an amusement park on portion of Bondi Park was given before the Metropolitan Land Board yesterday. The inquiry will conclude today. Tomorrow the board will hear evidence regarding the proposed incinerator near The Spit, Mr. John White, president of the North Bondi Progress Association, said his organisation was opposed to the alienation of any of the parklands at Bondi Beach.

Alderman John Albert Lucas, of Waverley Council, said he was a real estate agent. The Waverley Council was not unanimous regarding the proposal for the construction of the amusement park. There was considerable division of opinion. He opposed the scheme. No authority had been given by the council for the calling of applications for the leasing of the park. The scheme would ruin the district. He did not think there was any prospect of the scheme succeeding. There had been two amusement parks at Bondi, one run by the ambulance brigade, and the other by a private person. The latter had ceased business. The owner had undertaken not to use mechanical music, or to open on Sundays. He had broken both undertakings.

From his experience as an estate agent, said Alderman Lucas, the presence of an amusement park would have a detrimental effect on properties at Bondi, The people of Bondi did not want the amusement park. They feared that property values and rents would fall appreciably.

In reply to Mr. N. Mcintosh (for the Waverley Council), Alderman Lucas said he had always opposed the leasing of Bondi Park. He had favoured the calling of offers to establish an amusement park, but he did not favour any leasing of the park.

Mr. Arthur James Small, president of the Town Planning Association, said his organisation strongly opposed the alienation of public park reserves other than for purposes Incidental to their use for general public benefit.
"I strongly condemn the proposal for Bondi Park, and I am amazed that aldermen of any municipality in this State should bring such a proposition forward," said Mr. Small. "I consider the proposal is opposed to the public Interest."

He added that there was a shortage of park and recreation space In the metropolitan area, particularly in seaside areas. The proposals for an amusement park at Bondi would be Inharmonious with the surroundings, and detrimental to business buildings, and would destroy the aesthetic appearance of that part of the foreshores reserve. The screams of users of scenic railways would be disturbing. A scenic railway in the park would destroy the trees. From the point of view of town planning, he thought the scheme would be detrimental to Bondi generally. It might have immediate benefit from a financial standpoint, but this would only be temporary.

In reply to the chairman (Mr. Kenny), Mr. Small said a Melbourne commission had laid down that 10 per cent, of the area of any municipality, or five acres for every 1000 of population, whichever was the greater, should be devoted to parks and playgrounds. Waverley municipality had a population of 52,000, and on the basis mentioned above there was a deficiency of about 43 acres of parks and playgrounds. The area of the municipality was 2185 acres, and there were 210 acres of parklands.

Professor Leslie Wilkinson, Professor of Architecture at Sydney University, said he did not favour the leasing of portion of Bondi Park. Although it was possible to make a scenic railway architecturally beautiful, he had never seen one that was so. The grass would be destroyed, the trees would be detrimentally affected, and the natural beauty of the park would be taken away.

In reply to Mr. Della Ca (for the Crown), Professor Wilkinson said he had seen Luna Park, Melbourne, but had not been Inside. "I was frightened by the grotesque entrance," he said.
Mrs. Annie Forsyth Wyatt, secretary of the Tree Lovers' Civic League of Kuring-gai, and Mr. John Gilmour Lockley, Journalist, with 25 years experience of writing on trees and gardens, both said the establishment of a scenic railway In Bondi Park would Injure the 60 trees there, and spoil the park. The roots and branches would be interfered with by the tramping of feet, and presence of structures.
The Inquiry was adjourned till 9.30 o'clock this morning. BONDI AMUSEMENT PARK. (1933, February 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from 

Regarding this proposal the state government would not allow "the further alienation of the people's preserves" - AMUSEMENT PARK. (1933, August 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from 

These items clearly indicate a rising consciousness that the destroying swathes of bush purely for profit would see the end of all profit in commercial harvesting of trees and that people, as in 1879, really did benefit from having areas set aside where what was there at the beginning could be appreciated in its first form and the clean good air breathed in.

Meanwhile: At Palm Beach

A description of the place in 1927 from one who may have had a tinge of another hue of green about them... and noticed the influx of housing and retained bush areas:

The position of Palm Beach on Barrenjoey Peninsula is unique; on the easterly side Is a surfing beach, and on the west lies Pittwater. It is fortunate that the beautiful natural bush has been preserved and that the prosperity which has come- to Palm Beach has not marred the beauty of beach or hill, nor destroyed the palm trees from which the name was evolved. Professional men have made Palm Beach their own, and medical men predominate: the list of residents savors strongly of Macquarie-street.
At Palm Beach, Barrenjoey, the bungalows are of every design and every type, from Mr. A. J. Hordern's 'Kalua,' which the Vice-Regal party frequently occupy, and Mr. Curlewis’s substantial residence, where his wife, world famous as Ethel Turner, has written some or her books, to the diminutive rough-hewn shacks of some of the week-enders. The motor has made this pretty beach a popular resort on Sundays and holidays, and the completion of the Sydney Harbor Bridge and the eventual advent of concrete roads and the railway will undoubtedly further popularise Palm Beach. Surfing, bathing, yachting and fishing are all available under ideal conditions for the lotus-eaters of Palm Beach, but lest content should become fulsome an expert had designed a golf course alone the Pittwater Shore. The fairway Is all too wide, but the sidelong leer or a sardonic lion has caused many a man to pull his drive into the unruffled bosom of the Pittwater. PALM BEACH (1927, October 21). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 19. Retrieved from

A few years on:

"BEAUTY Born of MURMURING SOUND" Overshadows Mode & Manners At Palm Beach: PALM BEACH, Sydney's famous seaside resort, once the happy hunting ground of a few of Sydney's chosen rich and fortunate, is now in the throes of its summer season. Not quite in the throes, perhaps, for the great rush does not actually begin until Christmas Eve. 

PALM BEACH is no longer a place of Arcadian simplicity, of isolated loveliness, destitute of the "mod. cons." of civilisation. Its loveliness remains, for its greatness must ever triumph over the changes wrought by man. But where, only a comparatively few years ago, the regular Palm Beach devotees could pass through thickly-timbered bushland to the yellow sands, the residents now follow a formal road or track, pick their way through hundreds of cars parked along the asphalted road, and step either over or on a mass of humanity sunbaking on the seashore.

It is a sophisticated humanity in the main, with a "right thing at the right time" code. There is a code of manners, a code of dress, a code of entertaining, a code of speech with seasonal fashions in the choice of slang, forms of salutation, and so on.  By these things are the genuine "Palm Beachers" known. They have their own particular pass-word, as it were.

Palm Beach ca. 1900-1927, Sydney & Ashfield : Broadhurst Post Card Publishers. Image No. a106132h Courtesy State Library of NSW

If one fails to do the "right" thing at Palm Beach in the season, one can be as much a frozen outsider as a bootlegger at a prohibitionist rally. This intimate circle is not as remote as it was. In the busy season, at any rate it is submerged in the vast hordes that invade the beaches, the people who come by motor cars, by motor lorries, or who form part of the camping community near the golf links or on the Pittwater side. Cheaper and better transport facilities have robbed Palm Beach of its remoteness. The beach is now fringed with beautiful homes, complete with modern conveniences, and in many instances modern art.  But its golden sands and tree-studded hills, its turbulent or quiet sea, the nearby harbor with its myriad bays and inlets, will always invite lovers of the beautiful, and proffer charm and repose to those who seek its charm.

The Peters' home in Beach Rd (now PBSLSC) is one of the most outstanding. Mr. Peters, who is the engineer of Burrinjuck fame, bought the land long before he built the house. During the war years he considered it would not do to build, so the family camped on the land in a most complicated and wonderful system of tents—tents which were far superior to most seaside cottages for comfort.  The McKays' home is particularly noted for its lovely garden, perfectly kept. The first frangipanni grown at the Beach was in this garden. Mr. Weldon, who owns "The Moorings," is so fond of gardening that he will even drive, after a rush day at the office, all the way to the Beach to plant a baby staghorn. Previously, however, an even more romantic owner lived in "The Moorings," the late Mr. Walter Lipscomb. He had the nameplate of this, the first bungalow built  at Palm Beach  (by an American architect, with keystone to the chimney piece by Theo Cowan), "moored" to a tree, not the fence, as it is at present, and the verandah not comfortably closed in as now with glass and awnings, but open to the four winds.

Palm Beach has two little characteristic "originalities." One is to name the Hill containing the homes of Doctors Godsall, Gordon Brown, and Bullmore "Pill" Hill, and to have nicknamed "Sunset Rise" "Spinsters' Rise" because of Dr. Lucy GullettMiss Garran, and Miss Bowman (Mrs.Macarthur now) having residences there. "BEAUTY Born of MURMURING SOUND". (1933, December 16). The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), p. 27. Retrieved from

Right: The view over the beach; 'PALM BEACH, nestling in the curve of the sea-shore'. "BEAUTY Born of MURMURING SOUND". (1933, December 16). The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), p. 27. Retrieved from

At the other reach of this hill equally committed to raising the tone of our lives people had holiday homes with gardens they opened year after year to the public in order to raise funds for charity. Their works are commemorated in the names of streets and reserves;

The Poinsettia Gardens of Boanbong, Palm Beach - THE gardens of Boanbong, the Palm Beach home of Mr. R. T. McKay, were open to the public on Saturday in sweet charity's cause. "The Old Gardener," whose articles are a regular feature of The Australian Women's Weekly, speaks enthusiastically on the picturesque setting of this beautiful home, situated within a stone's throw of the beach.

In the glorious sunshine of Saturday, the concerted blaze of something like ten thousand poinsettias was a never-to-be-forgotten sight, he says, and Mr. McKay is to be commended on his choice and foresight, and general planning of the spacious grounds.

Not even Brazil, their native home, or Queensland, which has adopted the poinsettia as its national flower, could produce a finer display. The Poinsettia Gardens of Boanbong, Palm Beach. (1934, June 30). The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), p. 4 Section: THE AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S WEEKLY HOME MAKER. Retrieved from

Palm Beach Season Opens
This . . . . WEEK-END
PALM BEACH opened Its summer season in the beautiful sunshine of yesterday and this lovely and fashion- many old-timers returning, as well as new identities putting in an appearance. Several well-known hostesses were down putting their lovely homes in order for the invasion that will be theirs to-day and to-morrow if yesterday's perfect weather holds. Already a few gramophones and wirelesses can be heard, which always suggest gaiety as Palm Beach knows it. Among those who arc taking advantage of the holiday week-end arc two blonde daughters of Dr. A. H. Rutherford, of Point Piper, Gcrnldinc and Bath. Both of them, however, have been going down all through the winter with their sisters. Their home was designed and , it is said, built by one of the girls and has an attractive green and white striped barn door at the front entrance. This home is in Pacific-street. Turn down to Florida-road and you find "The Moorings." the first bungalow to be built at Palm Beach. It was designed by an American architect for the late Mr. W. Lippscomb, who gave a commission to Theo Cowan to do a keystone to the great fireplace. The present owner, Mrs. L. K. Weldon, is down with a house party for the week-end, comprising her two daughters, the Misses Lorna and Betty Weldon, and Messrs. Bill Gardner and Alan Hewitt. Mr. and Mrs. P. Peters ran down for an hour yesterday to cast an eye over their house before they open it for the season. Going down from "Merriwing," Mrs. Alrema Samuels was seen with her surf board. She Is Palm Beach's great woman surfer. This daughter of Louis Beck, the author, has stayed put at Palm Beach all the winter and has acquired a splendid sun-tan. At home her thirteen tame kookaburras keep things cheerful. The gardeners have a wonderful blaze of red geraniums at "Kalua," the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hordern, in Florida-road. On the Pacific-rood, Mr. Dan Carroll's home Is Ideal— a bird's-eye view of Palm Beach lies at one's feet. Inside, the house is of rough-cast plaster, with huge Oregon beams. The doors are of the design of "Lift up the latch and walk in." An Esse stove is there, should the weather be cold. The floors of Cyprus pine give a .delightful aspect to the house. Mrs. Dan was going down last night after the races.

Mr. and Mrs. Stiver, of "Windy Ridge," are entertaining an early house party, including Misses Barbara Robison and Rita Johnston, of Wellington. "The Haven," at Newport, the holiday home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Reichard, of Pymble, has a still water pool, so the daughters, the Misses Margot and Lulu Reichard, often hop into their car and go to Palm Beach for a surf and sun-tan. They were down there yesterday. The recently married Dr. and Mrs. Fred Chenhall have been staying down for their honeymoon.

Mrs. Michael Stiver, wearing a shady hat has her toenails painted a deep red in color. She has with her Miss Barbara Robison and Miss Rita Johnstone, of Wellington, New Zealand.

A house party at Dr. A. H . Rutherford's Palm Beach home , comprises Dr. John Cameron Loxton , recently returned from England , Miss Beryl Druce, Kath and Geraldine Rutherford. Mr. Lewis McLennan and Mr. Harry Williams.

Above : Mrs. Alrema Samuels champion woman surfboard rider of the State, who is an all-timer at Palm Beach. She will entertain her sister, Miss Niya Beck, and others over the Week-end.

Sun tanning by two blondes. They are the Misses Margot and Lulu Reichard.

A down-for-the-day picnic party comprises from left to right: Mrs. F. Wallen, Miss Betty Knight, Miss Kay Wallen and Mrs . B. S. Wells.

Miss Edith Willshire, of Yoorima, and her guest. Miss Muriel Mitchell. 

This wonderful vista of beach is seen from the porch of Dr . Rutherford's house. In the picture are silhouetted Miss Rutherford, and Miss Druce.

Left : Miss Lorna Weldon in dark costume, with her sister, Betty, entertaining Mr. Bill Gardner, standing , and Mr. Alan Hewett at "The Moorings. Palm Beach Season Opens (1935, October 6). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 34. Retrieved from

Palm Beach during the 1920's, and from 1930 on, became a place that attracted many. Homes and holiday houses were rising fast. 
As early as August 1927 requests were being made to set aside land as 'reserves' for parking - this followed on from resumptions being made earlier that year on the Pittwater side that today incorporate Pittwater Park and the selling off of the 'Old School site' by the Palm Beach Land Company which Warringah Shire Council would only allow if what we now have as Iluka Park was set aside for all for all time.

Warringah Shire Council had embarked on a whole program of setting aside reserves throughout the area from Manly to Palm Beach and when they could not purchase the lands required at what they considered the market rate, or as some Minutes record 'reasonable', they were simply resumed. They were bent on ensuring public access to waterfronts, on views without houses blocking them, in beachfront reserves 'for the people', on setting aside large tracts of pristine bush for all for all time and that proposed new residential developments consider and incorporate green areas when subdividing blocks of land for sale. Many of these tracts of land had remained as is since earliest times so the new push to sell everything everywhere for holiday homes or permanent residences, and the notion to incorporate green spaces as part of these, and permanent access to the waterfronts they had, nicely reflects the rising mood and thought of this time.

A case in point is Snapperman Beach Reserve. Charles John Edward Forssberg purchased over 30 acres of the original Napier Grant fronting Pittwater from the then Wentworth Estate on the 23 August 1900. His wife, Catherine, had spent much time on the Hawkesbury and would have known of the beauty of this place. 

Pittwater side of Palm Beach showing what would become Snapperman, Sand Point and recently named Pittwater Park - Album 52: Photographs of the Allen family, November 1909 - Digital Order Numbers: a1373025h and a1373021h courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.

When he passed away in 1921 his daughters, sons and wife wished to subdivide and sell off this area around Sand Point and including Snapperman and prepared plans in 1922 which reads as three subdivisions. 

The council refused to pass these plans. A report on a court case that ensued cites their grounds as, "respondent council disapproved of the plan on the grounds that it was not in accordance with ordinance 32 of the Local Government Act, 1919, and that in its opinion the amount of public, garden, and recreation space proposed to be provided by the subdivision was Insufficient. The council also asked that there should be a 30ft reservation above high water mark along the foreshores, and that the menus of access from the rear allotments in the subdivision to the foreshores should be 66ft wide in every instance, instead of 20ft, as provided In the plan for certain of the passages." DISTRICT COURT. (1922, November 2).The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from 

An earlier report on this first submitting of plans states the owners should not be expected to give up land for a reserve at no cost - as did happen for other subdividers during the 1920 to 1930's boom in Palm Beach real estate, although some of these appeared to have the same mindset as the then council and wished to ensure not only the smooth passage of their subdivision plans but to keep the green in Palm Beach:

In the appeal under section-841 of the Local Government Act, on behalf of the executrices and trustees of the estate of the late Charles John Edward Forssberg, against the decision and disapproval of the Warringah Shire Council of a plan and design submitted by the appellants of a subdivision of three sections of the Bennett Darley Estate, fronting Pittwater Bay, the matter was allowed to stand over generally, to allow the appellants to consider whether they were prepared to allow three means of access to a frontage of 900 feet, or two to a frontage of 800 feet, with a depth of 30 feet above high water mark. His Honor said he thought some provision should be made for purchasers of the back portions of the subdivision for access to the water-side, and also some provision for certain portions of the frontage to Pittwater Bay for public recreation. Taking into consideration the area and situation generally of the land, it was proposed to subdivide, he was of opinion that an 800 feet frontage, with a depth of 30 feet divided into two portions should be allowed, or to divided into three portions, the frontage should be 900 feet. He did not think the appellants should be called upon to give up free of cost a 30 feet reservation along the whole frontage of their property. DISTRICT COURT. (1922, October 18).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from 

In 1926 Mrs. Forssberg passed away. 1927, when the Forssberg No.3 Subdivision went to council a further 30ft was negotiated, for which the council also paid. These items indicate the owners did not do too badly out of their sales:

two lots in Forsberg's estate, No. 3, at Palm Beach, £380; REAL ESTATE. (1927, December 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from 

Messrs. Raine and Horne At auction on the ground last Saturday this firm, In conjunction with Robey, Hanson, and Strong, Ltd., of Manly, submitted Forssberg's Estate No. 3. Palm Bench. A number of allotments were disposed of at prices ranging from £4 to £10 per foot. The sales totalled £8924. A representative of the firm will be on the estate from 2 pm. to-day for the convenience of Intending purchasers. During the week Messrs. Raine and Horne sold buy private treaty the following:
Palm Beach. Foresberg's Estate, two lots, £438.  REAL ESTATE. (1927, December 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from 

On the ocean side and the hills ranging above it, a gentlemen first approached council in August 1927, the same time Annie began the Tree Lovers. In November 1927, at the second council meeting of November 1927: 

"At this juncture, a deputation of five ratepayers from Palm Beach waited upon the Council to urge, firstly, request the Palm Beach Road frontages from Mr. Peters property to Gallagher' s Store at Palm Beach Road, be resumed for the public and that the eastern slopes of Palm  Beach be declared a reserve area. Messrs Weldon, McKay, Hinds and Bell each addressed the Council in turn, advocating the two proposals. President in reply promised the deputation that their request would receive the Council's serious consideration. On the deputation retiring it was resolved (Crs. Atkins, Corkery... )That the members of the deputation be written to asking … will give an undertaking to finance the resumption of the blocks occupied by business premises, fronting Ocean Road, consequent on an area to be defined: being declared a residential area, and that the Councillors for A. Riding are requested to call a public meeting for the purpose of an expression of opinion from the people of the district."

The formation of these areas, as McKay Reserve (abbrev.) and Hordern Park, form part of an early history page. In Mr McKay we have Robert Thomas McKay, a gentleman who pointed out during the mid-1930's, and before then, that those deliberately lighting bush fires and destroying timber were ensuring a rapid rate of soil erosion recurred annually too. In Mr. Leslie Richard Weldon we have another successful businessman with a love of gardens. The Weldons, apart from their holiday home at Palm Beach, also had their main residence at Pymble and both Mr. and Mrs. were keen golf players at their local club, even sponsoring a trophy. Mr. Lindsay Bell was a successful woolbuyer while his wife was among a group of women, which spread from Gordon and Pymble to Mosman and Neutral Bay, whose time, outside of being mothers and wives, was devoted to doing for others. From there it spread further.

A 1951 article, in explaining the beginnings of The National Trust, states the idea inherent behind this began in 'many private conversations', and although we cannot share these, the results and the connections, through sport, business and a love of Palm Beach, speak for themselves.

Would we still have these places, this small and large pockets of remnant original vegetation without these people, as private citizens and in their capacities on councils, through their own generosity and their willingness to work as one to ensure a richer inheritance? It is doubtful. Tree Lovers and Forest League organisations, and ideas to enrich and ensure the inheritance for our children beginning in schools and then spreading outwards, and these ideas being adopted and supported, marks the turning point for all who came afterwards. More of those Tree League articles run in their sequance, as they happened, below.

What stands out, two generations on, is such a deep love of the Australian landscape, and a consciousness that they want their children and their children's children to have access to the same beauty. What stands up is this was an overwhelming 'movement' of sorts with everyone from those who benefited by maintaining an industry to those who were the hidden mothers, known only by their husbands names when mentioned in articles, to children in schools and those working in state and local government had one objective - to save what remained of the original tracts of bush in each place they could.

Annie Wyatt Reserve is 0.7 hectares and on Rock Bath Road with tree framed views over Palm Beach. The vegetation conserves a small sample of bushland in a similar condition to that when this area was first settled, Sydney Sandstone Ridgetop Woodland.  The dominant tree species are Broad-leaved White Mahogany (E. umbra), Red Bloodwood and Scribbly Gum (E. haemastoma). Thick groundcover and rocky outcrops are softened by masses of flannel flowers in Spring, three versions of native peas, bottlebrushes and paperbark.

How much did an allotment of clear land cost in Palm Beach in 1937-1938? A few sold notices grant an insight:

allotment at Palm Beach, £175. REAL ESTATE. (1937, May 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from

Annie was also active and supporting in other suburbs within Pittwater - in Avalon Beach Golf Course research we find her part of ensuring Angophora Reserve saved a tree and then all that around it. Likewise research into Mona Vale Public SchoolNewport Public School and Avalon Public School showed an emphasis on ensuring Arbor Day, and trees for children to play under, have shade from, and watch grow, was reversing or replying to the mass destruction of trees during the development of suburbs.

A FOREST KING — And His Loyal Subjects.

Members of the Boomerang Club in this picture appear to have formed themselves into a bodyguard about the splendid redgum. 

To preserve this noble tree the Wild Life Preservation Society has purchased a bush tract at Avalon, north of Manly. The girth of the giant may be guessed by the fact that with linked hands the four figures only reach halfway round its base. 
Cinderella’s Page (1937, September 1).Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 47. Retrieved from 

Centre of New Reserve.

'Set aside by' the Wild Life Preservation Society of Australia, primarily for the preservation of a giant example of the Sydney red-gum (Angophora lanceolata), the Angophora Reserve, at Avalon, was officially opened on Saturday afternoon by Sir Philip Street. 

The president of the society (Mr. W. G. Kett) said the reserve was a memorial to the line work in the cause of science done by their secretary, Mr. D. G. Stead.

Sir Philip Street said that the society, in preserving this great tree as a natural monument and setting apart the area with its interesting fauna and flora, was rendering a public service. 

The magnificent angophora, on which many axemen must have cast covetous eyes, was. he had been told, about 1,000 years old.

Mr. Kett said that, in the reserve, which contained about six and a half acres, there were many varieties of Australian trees and shrubs, and it was also the rendezvous of some of the most beautiful Australian birds. 

Other speakers were the president of Warringah Shire, Councillor Green, Messrs. R. T. Baker, and D. G. Stead.

The reserve is a fine example of Australian bush land, rising from a small valley to the top of a hill overlooking the coast and Broken Bay. 

About 150 persons attended Saturday's function. 

After the function, the visitors were entertained at afternoon tea by the society at the Avalon Golf House. 

ANCIENT RED GUM. (1938, March 21).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 9. Retrieved from 

Searle, E. W. Red gum, angophora lanceolata, Avalon, New South Wales, circa. 1935 Retrieved from 

Annie Wyatt Reserve 

The Need To Establish A More Permanent Trusteeship

"I used to lie awake and wonder desperately what could be done about the destruction. The great essential, of course, was permanence. That could not be found in either Government or Local government bodies, as however sincere the intentions of the members when they accepted Trusteeship, they have no power to control beyond their own term of office. It had to be some new organisation pledged to perpetual responsibility. Moreover, it had to arise among the people themselves." - Annie Wyatt

As seen in the Darymple-Hay Forest experience, land to preserve the old and beautiful trees could be set aside, but then the rules could be changed, and that reserve can be diminished, even disappear.

People who have an understanding of the history inherent in natural places will also have a love for the history of people and the buildings they made rise. This too should form part of what should go forward, untouched, so that we who live today may stand where those who came before us stood and see these places, be in these places, just as they did to fully appreciate where we came from.

The 1934 the demolition of Burdekin House, Macquarie Street, and the Commissariat Stores at West Circular Quay in 1939 (which Annie stated was 'official vandalism at its worst') which was removed so a new building could be built for the Maritime services Board as theirs was being demolished to make room for the new overhead railway.

Protests Unavailing.
Despite the protests of the Royal Australian Historical Society a start was made yesterday with the demolition of the old Commissariat Stores the oldest Government building in the State facing the waterfront at Circular Quay.

West side of Circular Quay, looking south - photo by E G Shaw, 1923–24, Courtesy State Library of NSW Imae No.: a7813005

This historic building the construction of which was begun in 1809 In pre- Macquarie days, together with the old Taxation Building in George Street a Macquarie building erected in 1812 is to be razed to provide a park In which will stand a new administrative block for the Maritime Services Board.
Workmen from the firm of G L Cooper and Son Pty Ltd who have received a contract for the demolition of the building started yesterday to remove the windows and Interior fittings. They expect to begin demolishing the roof tomorrow.

Mr H G Cooper Joint managing director of the firm said that even effort would be made to preserve stones or relics that might be of historical interest. Indeed a clause had been inserted in the contract permitting the Maritime Services Board to claim any material possessing a historical value. That would apply for example to anything found In the foundations.
The Historical Society has asked particularly that the inscribed stone over the main window of the Taxation Building should be preserved. The words appearing on the stone are ‘Erected in the year 1812 L Macquarie Esq. Governor’
It was learned yesterday that 6000ft of sandstone blocks to be removed from the walls of the Commissariat Stores have been sold to the parish council of St Philips Church, Church Hill Itself an old building (begun 1847 completed 1850) standing near the site of Sydney’s first stone church built in 1807
The old blocks many of them bearing the initials of the convict stonemasons who cut them out of the rock, will be used in the construction of the new parish hall which will be built facing Clarence Street.

“Although the stone we have bought has no ecclesiastical association with our church” said the assistant minister Mr S G Stewart yesterday, “we eagerly seized the opportunity to use it because it has a very close association in point of time. The old Commissariat Stores, which are now being demolished were begun In 1801 at the suggestion and under the supervision of Lieutenant-Colonel Foveaux and they were completed during the time of Governor Macquarie. The first St. Philips Church was built about the same time and from stone hewed in the same quarries. So there Is a historic and sentimental association which we feel It well worth while to preserve.
The demolition of the two old buildings Is being carried out In accordance with the Butters Plan for the improvement of Circular Quay. Under that plan all buildings now standing in the quadratic bounded by George Street Argyle street, Circular Quay West and Barton Street are to be demolished and in their place erected a new administrative building for the Maritime Services Board. The new block the architect plans for which are nearly completed, will stand approximately on the site now occupied by the two old buildings It will be surrounded on all sides by gardens walks and shrubberies.
The demolition of the old Taxation Building in George street will be commenced shortly after the old Commissariat Stores have been pulled down. Tenants In occupation of the building hue been under notice to leave since May.
The preservation of these two ancient buildings has long been urged by the Royal Australian Historical  Society and architects, painters and persons interested in the maintenance of historical relics. To all protests against their removal, however, the State government has been adamant.

Their destruction will involve, also, the demolition of the only remaining section of one of Governor Macquarie’s famous prison like walls standing 12ft high and surmounted by fragments of broken glass.
Fortunately the Immediate plans of the Government do not provide for the destruction of the ancient sandstone cottage standing in the grounds of the Sailor Home and used as the residence of the Governors coxswain and boat’s crew more than 100 years ago. The cottage, built in 1816 or 1817 was occupied after 1847 by the water police and the basement rooms which were then used as prison cells are still in existence.
The cottage was removed last year with funds obtained partly as a result of an appeal made through the columns of the Herald.
The outer walls are 3ft thick and the wooden roofing shingles still In existence, are preserved beneath a new iron roof. The cottage, surrounded by a well-kept garden, is now used for the accommodation of officers of the mercantile marine
Picture on page 10 : DEMOLISHING HISTORIC STORES. The demolition of the historic Mercantile Free Store at Circular Quay began yesterday. A workman is removing a window overlooking the Quay. The building, formerly known as the Commissariat Stores, was built in 1809. RELICS OF OLD SYDNEY. (1939, July 6).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from 

In April 1939 Annie Wyatt began discussing her idea for a National Trust that could establish the permanence needed at a Tree Lovers meeting. 

World War II caused some delay but in 1944 Mrs. Wyatt was among the representatives of 30 organisations that attended an Australian Forest League. While there, she put a Motion, unanimously supported and adopted, that they;
"approach the Government to as quickly as possible to give us security in the form of a National Trust for the preservation of particular parklands and forests and any object of beauty and historical interest

Forest League
Some thirty organisations— departmental, educational, commercial, aesthetic, recreational, etc. have constituted themselves into a general management committee to hold a forestry conference in Sydney on Nov. 1 and 2, the purpose of which is to arouse such public interest as will ensure from governments and other bodies in authority recognition of the claims of forestry as affecting the timber man, the builder, the town planner, the landholders, the apiarist and others commercially concerned, as well as in relation to the conservation of our beautiful bushland and its fauna and flora. State-wide appeals are being made to 'All Whom the Tree May Concern' to back up the movement by goodwill and financial support. The Committee, of which Mr G. Ross Thomas is President and Mr Fred T. Berman Organiser, points out that country folk will probably be concerned with the dire effects of bush fire and of erosion due to wholesale timber spoliation, the silting up of watercourses and the denudation of hillsides; to the planting up of stock routes and saleyards for shelter; the conservation of existing forests and the reforesting of denuded areas; to the establishment of public picnic and camping reserves near watercourses and of municipal 'woodlots' for the provision of the now all but non-existent supply of firewood. Mr Herman's address is 55 William St., Roseville, and he will be pleased to hear from all interested. Forest League (1944, October 26). The Uralla Times (NSW : 1923 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from 

To Urge More Forest Areas
Resumption of areas of land not suitable for grazing or agriculture, and setting aside of such State-owned land for the production of timber will be urged at a "save the Trees" conference in Sydney tomorrow and Thursday. The conference will be opened by the Minister for Conservation (Mr. W. P. Dunn), at Federation House, Phillip-street, at 9 am tomorrow. It has been organised by the Australian Forest League. Delegates from 29 Interested organisations will attend. Other proposals are establishment of a national park near western rivers, to preserve flora and fauna, and the setting-up of a trust to govern national parks, monuments and reserves. To Urge More Forest Areas (1944, October 31). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 4 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from 

This conference formed the basis for the formation of the Forestry Advisory Council of NSW and this body undertook to take forward the need for a National Trust:

HISTORIC BUILDINGS Why Not a National Trust?
Sir-fifty years ago The National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty was formed in Britain. This trust of which Queen Mary is president has saved and preserved for posterity hundreds of things of beautv-not only buildings and their associated craftsman ship and furnishings but areas of countryside as well-which but for its work -may have been alienated or destroyed forever. Since the war the area of property held by the trust has doubled.

While architectural gems in Australia are naturally not in such profusion as in England there are still many beautiful and interesting buildings which could with advantage to the nation be preserved as may be appreciated from Hardy Wilson's magnificent book Old Colonial Architecture in NSW and Tasmania. It is strongly urged that an organisation similar to the British National Trust should be formed in Australia before a burst of building activity sweeps away other buildings like Burdekin House. Unless there is some general approach to this problem on a national basis no matter how earnest and sincere the endeavour s of individual persons and oranisations (such as the Royal Australian Historical Society ) it will be Impossible to achieve anything but isolated action.

It is only right that the youth of the nation should be able not only to lead about but also to sece the long ribbon of history that runs through their land and to appreciate the best of the work of their forebears just as it is incumbent upon them to preserve their contributions for generations of Australians yet unborn. Mosman. ADRIAN ASHTON. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (1945, May 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved  from

A move has begun to form a National Trust similar to the National Trust of England. The Trust seeks the preservation of ancient buildings or park lands. The Forestry Advisory Council, which was represented at a meeting, hopes to encourage public bodies and individuals to support the idea. The secretary of the council is Mr. Fred T. Berman.  NATIONAL TRUST (1945, November 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from

Formation of a National Trust to acquire historic buildings and areas for the nation was discussed at a representative meeting yesterday and a committee to prepare the ground was appointed.
The meeting was held at the Royal Zoological Society's rooms. The committee will report before the end of January. The president of the Royal Austra-lian Historical Society, Mr G. D. Blaxland, said that as a result of the society's activities Cadman's cottage, the first built in the vicinity of the Tank Stream, would be preserved to the nation. NATIONAL TRUST PLANNED (1945, November 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from

The establishment of a National Trust similar to that in Great Britain was urged at a meeting called by a sub-committee of the Forestry Advisory Council which was held at the Rural Bank yesterday. It was decided lo ascertain the Government's attitude to the formation of such a trust.
The chairman of the recreational areas of the National Fitness Council Mr. J.H. McClemens, advocated the formation of a vigorous body with power to carry out plans and to work in advance for the preservation of places and buildings. NATIONAL TRUST ADVOCATED (1946, February 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from

The work begun straight after the conference, and carried forward, culminated in the formation of a National Trust with a provisional committee of:

A further meeting on the proposal to establish a National Trust for Australia similar to that in Great Britain, was held yesterday afternoon at the lecture hall, Rural Bank, Sydney. Two addresses were given, one by Mr. Adrian Ashton, A.R.I.B.A., who outlined the ideals and functioning of the British National Trust. The other by Mr. J. H. McClemens, of the National Fitness Council, who expressed views as to how the Trust could best be formed. A film entitled "The People's Land" in technicolour, which showed the activities of the National Trust in England, was screened by courtesy of the Rural Bank. 

Although it was considered desirable that the Trust should be primarily a body of enthusiastic citizens imbued with the National importance of the Trust's work, such as is the case in England, as it was understood that the State Government were also interested in the subject, it was decided to approach the Premier and ascertain the Government's attitude to the formation of such a Trust. The Committee formed to deal with the matter comprises: Mr. W. Cresswell O'Reilly, Chairman; Mr. Ross Thomas, Mr. F. T. Berman (Forestry Advisory Council), Mr. Adrian Ashton Mr. Alfred Stephen, Mr. G. D. Blaxland, Mr. C. Price Conigreve (Royal Australian Historical Society), Mrs. I. B, Wyatt (Hon. Secretary), Rev. F. R. Swynny, Mr. K. R. Cramp, Professor S. H. Roberts, Mr. Oliver Whyndham, and Mr. J. F. Ludowici. A NATIONAL TRUST FOR AUSTRALIA. (1946, February 6). Construction(Sydney, NSW : 1938 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from

By the end of the year an Australian National Trust and a NSW branch, with Mr. Creswell O'Reilly as chairman:

Early Link With Wool Industry To Be Preserved
A NATIONAL Trust recently launched in Sydney aims at the preservation in perpetuity of ancient buildings of historical or architectural merit, places of natural scenic beauty and other objects of Interest.
Chairman of the N.S.W. Movement (Mr. W. Cresswell O'Reilly) stated it was obviously very desirable that buildings and places linked with the history and development of Australia from the country concerning historic buildings and scenic spots worthy of preservation would be appreciated. 'In this State certain powers have been conferred on local Government Councils 'to protect, acquire, preserve and maintain, places of historic or scentific Interest or natural scenery, said Mr, O'Reilly, 'It Is now fairly apparent, however, that most Councils have neither the time, nor can find the resources, to take advantage or these powers.' He added that a recent amendment of the Act provided that town planning schemes could make certain provisions along the same lines. A list of buildings and sites In and around Sydney, regarded as worthy or preservation has already been drawn up. Among the buildings and areas which it proposes to preserve, . the National Trust has selected the Elisabeth Farm House at Harris Park. This was built by John MacArthur In 1793 and is the oldest home In Australia, It Is of particular Interest to the country since it was the site of the establishment of the wool Industry. 'Fernholme,' built by the Macarthur family about 1797, and recently acquired by an Industrial firm, Is considered by the National Trust to be too old and too good to be demolished, Government House, Parramatta, Is marked for preservation. Now occupied as part of the King's School, Its early history was connected with Governors Hunter, Brisbane and Fitzroy. Other places on the list Include 'Mamre,' Rev. Samuel Marsden's residence near St. Mary's and the site of his experiments In sheep growing; the area around the ford where Blaxland, Wentworth and Lawson crossed the Nepean In 1813: Sir Henry Parkcs' residence at Faulconbridge; and Brush Farm, from which the first wool was exported from Australia.. Country women's interests (1946, November 1). The Farmer and Settler (Sydney, NSW : 1906 - 1955), p. 13. Retrieved from 

A National Trust
'THE threat of demolition to some of the historic buildings in Sydney has led to the formation of a National Trust, to safeguard for posterity these buildings so rich in tradition and early history. This is a sound move, not only because certain edifices will be preserved, but' because it is also a sign that as a nation we are becoming historically-minded, realising that the future is also linked with the past.
In Britain, the National Trust has done marvellous work P during recent years in securing for the nation famous buildings, parks and beauty spots. It may seem at first, that in our own land- there is little need for such a Trust, but from this small beginning there may spring an Australian-wide organisation which will develop along its own lines to preserve and enhance the beauty of our countryside. Already, we have our national reserves, such as Bruxner Park and Point Lookout, to name but two in our own district; to place these and all our beauty spots under one control would be an excellent plan. We can go still further, for a National Trust could embrace areas of forests and rivers, mountains and beaches, and besides preserving the past and glorifying the present, could build for the future. A national library, theatre and orchestra could flourish under its guidance and protection; festivals, such as our famous Jacaranda Week, could be supported and encouraged, whilst the varied beauty of the Australian countryside could be presented to the Empire and the world. 

As a nation we hold many sacred things in trust, but so much of our glorious scenery is comparatively unknown and neglected, or in danger of being destroyed, that every true Australian will rejoice in the opportunities which lie before this new organisation. The great Australian loneliness is a term loosely used to express the silence which broods in the forest depths and mountain fastnesses. Actually, the country man is unaware of this loneliness, which may appal the city dweller, but which speaks peace and solace to those who dwell among our sylvan solitudes. However, there is a very real loneliness which hems in the thoughtful country man, the lack of books, of art, music and drama, and the general remoteness from the fellowship and culture of great minds. Men returning from war service in Britain tell of lectures, plays and concerts produced in the smallest centres by famous men and companies on tour among the remotest hamlets in the land. In America, travel-ling libraries bring culture within the reach of all. Because our distances are vast and our population sparse we need these cultural amenities all the more. By road, rail and air these things could be brought to the bush dwellers, for besides famine of the body, we can be mentally .starved and spiritually undernourished, a danger to be averted at all costs. It will mean, a reorganisation of rural life. Each country town and district will require a community centre, transport will have to be available, men of vision and evangelists of culture, will be necessary, but it is no impossible task for a National Trust to achieve such results. For the moment we can ' but state our needs and long for the day when the blessings of mental inspiration and cultural nourishment will be within the reach of all. A National Trust (1946, April 11). Daily Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1915 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from

Will fight to save historic buildings
The National Trust of Australia (New South Wales) has been formed to fight for the preservation of historic buildings, and the reservation of places of natural beauty for the benefit of the people.
Twelve months ago, during some of the recurring periods when some of Sydney's historic buildings-the Hyde Park Barracks in particular-seemed to be in jeopardy, a group of Sydney citizens began a series of more or less private conversations on the need for calling a halt in the destruction of buildings associated with the early history of the city and the State. Individual societies had not achieved much, although they were imbued with the highest motives. Historic building after historic building was demolished in the name of "progress." 

The Trust in Britain 
As a result of the meetings of a year ago, attention became directed to the work of the National Trust of Great Britain, which has, by persistency, achieved remarkable success in preserving historic buildings and beauty spots in the British Isles. It was, therefore, decided to launch a movement on the lines of the British Trust. Organisations which had achieved considerable success in guiding public opinion in particular avenues, were approached with a view of consolidating the forces which, in general, had objects in keeping with those of the National Trust.
There was an immediate, and almost unanimous response from the various bodies invited to express their views on the suggestions of the sponsors of a National Trust for New South Wales. And there has now come into existence the National Trust of Australia (N.S.W.).

Organisations affiliated include the Royal Australian Historical Society, and other historical societies, the University of Sydney,  the National Art Gallery, the Public Library of New South Wales, the Royal Australian Institute of Architects (N.S.W. Chapter), Local Government Association, the Shires Association, Parks and Playgrounds Movement, Town and Country Planning Institute, Forestry Advisory Council, Country Women's Association; N.S.W. Federation of Bushwalking Clubs, N.S.W.. Council of the Federated Music Clubs of Australia, Tree Lovers' Civic League, Forest League and other interested bodies. The President of the Trust, Mr. Adrian Ashton, said "The British organisation was begun very modestly 50 years ago by a few enthusiastic citizens, and is still largely maintained by private subscription. As in England, the success of the work of the Australian organisation will rest with the people themselves." 

Throughout the organising period there has been no thought of antagonism to Governments or local governing bodies, on the contrary, the Trust, representing the citizens and public opinion, plans to co-operate with governmental bodies, and at the same time make the organisation sufficiently influential, that when the Trust recommends the preservation of a historic building, or of an area of natural beauty, its views will be treated as authoritative and worthy of respect. The Trust will seek to educate public opinion to its views, and particular attention is likely to be paid to the rising generation. The new organisation does not hold, the view that old buildings should be preserved merely because they are old. To be worthy of preservation an old building must have substantial historical association, and also have a real place in the history of the country.

Officers of the Trust are: President, Mr Adrian Ashton, A.R.I.B.A., F.R.A.I.A.; vice-president; Mr. K. R. Cramp, O.B.E., M.A.; hon. secretary, Mr. O. H. Wyndham, F.C.A. (Aust.); hon. treasurer, Mr. W. Cresswell O'Reilley, B.A.;. executive: Professor E. G. Waterhouse, M.A., Mr. G. A. King, Mr. John Metcalfe, B.A., F.L.A., Mrs. Ivor B. Wyatt. Council: Professor E. R. Holme, O.B;E.; M.A., Councillor J. P. Tate, A.R.A.I.A.; Messrs. Ross Thomas, C.M.G., B.A., G. D. Blaxland, W. G. Wright, A. L. C. Irving, J. K. Houison, K. Bernard Smith, Miss M. Swain, -Rev: F. R. Swynny, and R. Else Mitchell, LL.B. Representing Affiliated Organisations: Professor S. H. Roberts, M.A., Messrs B. J. Waterhouse, O.B.E., F.R.I.B.A., Neil Abercrombie, M.A., A.R.I.B.A., G. C. Remington, P.W. Gledhill, Guy Moore, A. Mainerd, A. F. Thomas, A.I.C.A: Councillor A. R. Townsend, Mr. W. H. Childs, Mesdames I. Blaxland and C. W. D'Arcy, Ald. A. S. McDonald, Mr. James Jervis, A.S.T.C. WILL FIGHT TO SAVE HISTORIC BUILDINGS (1948, March 17). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 5. Retrieved from 

AUSTRALIA, as a nation, is comparatively young. But it is not too young for us to begin to think seriously of our tradition and some of the achievements of the past.
In fact we have done so much damage to the natural beauty and the wildlife of our country in little more than 150 years of settlement that the cry "too late" may yet be heard unless we take practical steps now to remedy the position. Similarly many of our historic buildings and landmarks — real direct links with the past and the pioneering days — have been lost to the people for all time.
It is with the object of trying to "stop the rot" and preserve for the nation its real heritage — its very soul — that the National Trust of Australia (N.S.W.) has been formed.

This organisation was established in Sydney a few years ago by public spirited citizens anxious to give practical expression to the need for preserving the nation's historic buildings and places of natural beauty.

This year the Trust was registered as a company operating without profit to its members and an effort is now being made to have a special Act of Parliament passed in N.S.W. to empower the Trust to hold historic buildings, land and other monuments on behalf of the nation.
The National Trust in England has this power and is incorporated under Act of Parliament. It has done a tremendously important job for the British people during its existence of a little more than 50 years. It is felt that a similar body, with adequate powers, could do an equally important work in Australia.

BECAUSE the Trust was established in Sydney, naturally its initial efforts have been directed towards the preservation of buildings and other historic places in Sydney and the immediate environs. But it is generally recognised that the Trust must expand its work throughout the whole of the State, with particular attention being given to rural areas, many of which have great historic interest. In fact, it may well be that the main work of the Trust will be concentrated outside the city. The march of "progress" has not been so fast in many of the country areas, and possibly it may be found that there will be more to save in areas outside the great centres of population.

Undoubtedly, the success of the Trust will depend largely on the goodwill and active co-operation of country people—many of whom are the direct descendants of those early pioneers who laid the foundations and helped to write the early history of this country.
While it is admitted that historical societies, local trusts and similar bodies have done good work in their own spheres in preserving historic buildings and places, it has often been found that because there has been no organisation willing and capable of holding property on behalf of the people, important historic relics and buildings have been lost to the nation for all time.

Some years ago the owners of an old farming property in N.S.W., which had links with the early pioneering days, expressed a desire that their property should be preserved intact as a national monument. The owners made tentative inquiries in several quarters but they found that there were no means of meeting their wishes. Even the Government, while sympathetic, had no body with the necessary authority to take over the property and maintain it on behalf of the nation.

Here was a typical case where the National Trust, had it been in existence, could have met the wishes of the owners. In England, hundreds of similar cases have been handled by the National Trust, with undoubted benefit to the people as a whole and satisfaction to those owners desiring to leave valuable property to the nation on their death.

WELL-KNOWN journalist and prominent historian, Mr. G. A. King, is President of the National Trust of Australia (N.S.W.). He is strongly imbued with the desire for action on the lines envisaged in the objects of the Trust, and is proving to be a real driving force.
He points out that the Trust needs authority not merely to accept and hold buildings of historical and architectural importance and places of natural beauty, but to accept and hold such building places for the people.

An artist's idea of the early Hyde Park barracks, in what is known as the Georgian corner of Sydney. The National Trust wants the barracks restored to its original condition and preserved.

MR. G. A. King, is President of the National Trust of Australia (N.S.W.).

ELIZABETH FARM HOUSE, at Parramatta, still in a good state of preservation, is claimed to be the oldest house in Australia. It was built in 1793 by John Macarthur, the father of wool growing in Australia.

The House of Commons granted that authority and power to the National Trust in England and surely we in Australia, should be able to obtain similar treatment from our legislature, adds Mr. King.
The greatest strength of our National Trust, he says, is the affiliation of more than 30 organisations having, in part, at least, the basic objects of the National Trust. The number of affiliated bodies will, it is anticipated, be increased in the near future.
With even the affiliations we already have, we feel that our influence will be such that our aims and objects will not be disregarded.
Mr. King believes the outlook for the Trust is bright and encouraging, but he says we must look back with sadness at what has been lost to the people over the years.
"Personally, however, I am proud to have been associated with other historically-minded folk in endeavoring to inculcate into the minds of fellow citizens a historic sense and the need for building up a tradition," said Mr. King. "At times we have felt discouraged, and we have been regarded as so many 'cranks,' but during the past 20 years or so—before and since the National Trust was established—considerable progress has been achieved. To-day, thousands of our fellow citizens, including many of our young people, have come to our way of thinking, and they are according the Trust and its affiliated societies welcome support and encouragement.
"Without making any invidious distinctions, I pay tribute to the work and influence of the Royal Australian Historical Society (which is affiliated with the National Trust) and many of its individual members over the years. Every obelisk or tablet erected by the Society has been another step towards 'educating' our fellow citizens in the direction in which we wish to extend further the education of the whole community.
"The number of really historical buildings remaining in Sydney is lamentably small indeed, and further depletion of them must not be tolerated," continued Mr. King. "The out-standing example of the real old Sydney comprises three buildings in Queen's Square, in what has aptly been described as the 'Georgian Corner' of Sydney—the Hyde Park Barracks, which it is urged should be turned into a historical museum, now considerably overdue; the Mint Building, which would make an admirable 'home' for the National Trust and its affiliated historical and conservation bodies; and St. James's Church, a historical spiritual centre in the life of Sydney.
"Until quite recently, 'kites' were flown periodically regarding the removal of these buildings—the Barracks and Mint in particular—but we feel that the ever-growing public opinion in favour of retaining the remaining bits of old Sydney has eliminated forever any suggestion of interfering with the 'Georgian Corner,' excepting, of course, the removal of 'the hideous tin sheds and other excrescences which have been built around the Hyde Park Barracks and hide the architectural beauty of the building.
"The 'Georgian Corner' buildings stand at the top of the Trust's list of historic places to be preserved. There are also many others, in both city and country, that the Trust will exercise its power and influence to have retained.
"I emphasise that the Trust is not merely another Sydney organisation, but its activities are just as much concerned with our country cities and towns and villages as with the metropolis."
The National Trust in England had a modest beginning. It was conceived in the minds of three people who saw the need for preserving stretches of countryside of varying types and of historic buildings, not for a limited period, but for all time.
The moving spirits in the fight for the establishment of the Trust were Miss Octavia Hill, Sir Robert Hunter and Canon H. D. Rawnsley. They were the real founders of the Trust which was established in 1894. Their appeal for the help and support of all those who were anxious safeguard for the future what had been left of the national heritage, met with a quick and generous response.
Soon after its establishment the Trust was presented with its first gift of land, four and a half acres overlooking the sea in North Wales. Now the land under its control, comprising all types of country and seashore, amounts to thousands of acres. To obtain and put into repair some outstanding examples of early British buildings and architecture, public subscriptions were called for. These appeals met with an immediate response, and the real national work of the Trust began. Now, after a little more than SO years, the Trust has become the guardian of nearly £3,000,000 worth of British national treasure.
Since the last war, particularly, the Trust has made big strides and has shown that it has ! the goodwill and active co-operation of both the people and government. Only this year it was announced that the late George Bernard- Shaw's home had been vested in the National Trust in England.
Her Majesty, Queen Mary, is President of the Trust, which has a membership of 20,000. It owns or controls between 900 and 1,000 homes and properties of historic interest.

THE LENNOX BRIDGE, of Glenbrook on Blue Mountains of N.S.W, the oldest bridge on the mainland of Australia - constructed by David Lennox in 1833 

From left: Mr. K. R. Cramp, vice president; Mrs, .A. F. Wyatt, of the National Trust, Mr. O. H. Wyandham. hon. Secretary.

The British Parliament has conferred on the Trust powers under a special Act to enable the Trust to hold on behalf of the nation lands and buildings of historic interest, and for the benefit of the whole people. The Trust has been responsible for the general public in England having access to some of the most beautiful and historic spots in the country—places that would have remained a closed book to most people but for the activities and far-sightedness of the public spirited men and women who form the Trust.

The idea of forming a National Trust for N.S.W., somewhat on the lines of the Trust which had been operating so successfully in England, was originally put forward in 1944 by Mrs. Annie F. Wyatt. 

Mrs. Wyatt is an enthusiast on the subject of tree planting and conservation and has played an important part in various bodies having for their object the development of a tree consciousness and a love of our natural-beauty on the part of all Australians.
As a member of the Tree Lovers' Civic League, Mrs. Wyatt put forward the suggestion for a National Trust at a conference called by the late F. T. Berman on behalf of the Australian Forest League. At that conference, which established the present Forestry Advisory Council of N.S.W., a motion submitted by Mrs. Wyatt, affirming the desirability of establishing a National Trust, was carried unanimously.
When originally voicing the proposal Mrs. Wyatt submitted a statement setting forth her ideas on some of the basic principles on which the Trust should work. These suggestions are most valuable and indicate the deep thought she had given the subject.
She emphasised that in order to avoid opposition from trusts and councils which already may have done good conservation work, 'such bodies should continue to act as guardians, under the supervision of and' responsibility to the Trust. Where, such bodies remain in. control they should undertake not to permit the destruction of any natural, object, other than noxious growths, nor alienate any portion of the land; whatsoever. They should not permit the use of a building for any purpose which should, in any degree, alter its original lay-out or its appearance.
Mrs. Wyatt emphasised that no natural areas should be defaced by the construction of motor, roads through their fastnesses. Access to these areas should only be by foot or horse trails.
Among the reservations which Mrs. Wyatt suggested could come under the control of the National Trust were: Historic buildings, old gardens, areas of natural forest or wildflower patches, single trees notable for size, beauty or rarity; view points, lake or river frontages, rocks of geological or other interest, aboriginal carvings, the breeding places of sea birds and animals and of native land birds and animals, suitable foreshores of sea beaches and stone bridges, such as those at Lansdown and Lap-stone.
Mrs. Wyatt, who is now a vice-president of the Trust, makes special mention of the out-standing service rendered the Trust by the present secretary, Mr. Oliver H. Wyndham. Mrs. Wyatt says he joined as a delegate from the Federation of Bush Walking Societies very early in the Trust's formative period and in 1946 relieved her of the position of secretary.
In a tribute to Mr. Wyndham, Mrs. Wyatt says he has given without stint of his professional advice, his office space and, above all, his energy and faith as a driving force when the Trust's need was greatest.
She agrees that undoubtedly the Trust's activities will have a much wider application than merely the preservation of historic buildings in Sydney. Eventually, she says, the Trust's work will reach out to the countryside where there is a wealth of historic buildings and, places that must be preserved for the nation. PRESERVE OUR HERITAGE! (1951, October 10). The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from 

Our National Trust remains, in this its 70th year, something we simply cannot do without, so that in these beautiful buildings and in these beautiful natural reserves we permanent access...

"..that we might learn from the past..." - Annie Wyatt

But where did all this come from in the lady whom we have a reserve named for...where did she begin?

Where Annie Came From: What Led To This Lifelong Pursuit Of Other People's Happiness

The Manly Connection

Despite these public roles Annie Forsyth Wyatt lived a private life. Whenever her name appears in connection with her works outside the home she is always 'Mrs. Ivor Wyatt' or 'Mrs. I. B. Wyatt' - the instances of 'Annie' appearing are rare. In some articles what she considered then as 'unorthodox' in approaching builders to not cut down trees on blocks of land at Gordon and St. Ives, or pointing out the same to council officers, many would consider not so unorthodox today.

A love of music, a love of flowers, a love of history and countryside - even a talent for painting fine bone china with flowers and fruits as well as being devoted to her son and daughter, they all speak of 'genteelness' - a lady. A fine mind with the eloquence to express itself succinctly, with no wasted words, are the marks of the upright, the forthright.

Annie Forsyth Wyatt was born - EVANS.—January 3, at her residence, Verona, Cleveland-street, Redfern, the wife of George T. Evans, of a daughter. Family Notices (1885, January 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from 

Annie was the eldest of eight children of George Trotter Evans, an English-born railway superintendent, and his second wife Isabella Anne, a daughter of Archibald Forsyth. Isabella Anne was born in 1857 in Victoria. Her father was the youngest son of a Scottish farmer, John Forsyth and he became a successful businessman through establishing a lumber yard for building products in Victoria and then moving to Sydney where he opened the first colonial rope factory in 1865 at a time when all rope was coming in on ships. 
And as all ships needed rope the business thrived.

An important branch of industry has just been started at the Surry Hills, in the erection of buildings and machinery for the manufacture of rope A few months ago Mr. Archibald Forsyth secured about two acres and a half of land a little beyond the upper end of Bourke street upon which some substantial brick buildings and a von extensive rope walk have been put up. One of the buildings is 112 feet by 42 feet, and another 64 feet by 30 feet, the rope walk, which is enclosed with ironbark palings and roofed with Tasmanian timber, is 1056 feet in length , there is also an engine house, the chimney of which is 46 feet in height. At present only a part of the spinning machinery, which has been imported from New York is at work, the machinery for rope making, which has been sent out from Glasgow, is being fixed, and will be in operation in the course of a few days, the engine, which is of twenty-horse power, and the boiler, are the manufacture of Messrs P N Russell and Co. The raw material used for the manufacture is Manila hemp, a quantity of which is now going through the preliminary processes. Rope of the various sizes in general use will shortly be produced at this establishment, and Mr. Forsyth confidently expects to be able to compete in price with the importers of the article, in which case there can be little doubt that the orders for colonial rope will keep the factory busily employed, and that the enterprise will be successful. The Sydney Morning Herald. (1865, July 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from 

An early photo of the Sydney factory

Having now finished the erection of works for the manufacture of Rope and Cordage, I will be prepared from this date to execute wholesale orders for Manila Rope of the best quality, all sizes and makes, at prices below present current rates. ARCHIBALD FORSYTH, City Rope
Works, Surry Hills, Sydney.  Advertising (1865, July 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from 

This incident may have contributed towards Mr. Forsyth moving his family out of the city area.
FIRE,-About a quarter to nine o'clock last evening, some back premises belonging to a house in the occupation of Mr. Archibald Forsyth, ropemaker, Waterloo Estate, were totally destroyed by fire. The buildings, which were constructed of weatherboards, and were used as a stable or lumber-room, burned very rapidly, and were consumed before the fire-engines had time to arrive.
A young man named Carrol was on the premises at the time, and was so severely injured that it was found necessary to remove him to the Infirmary. The premises were insured ; the origin of the fire is unknown.--S. M.Herald, Dec 22. GENERAL NEWS. (1866, December 25).The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), p. 3. Retrieved from 

By 1872 records indicate he had settled his family at Manly - beginning successive generations of his family living at and associating with Manly.

On the 5th October, at Esplanade, Manly Beach, Mrs. A. Forsyth, of a daughter. Family Notices (1872, October 26).Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 29. Retrieved from 

Jury : Mr. Archibald Forsyth, of Manly Beach ;  LAW. SUPREME COURT.—WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13. (1873, August 14). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from 

APPLICATIONS having been made to bring the Lands hereunder described under the provisions of the Real Properly Act, Certificates of Indefeasible Title will issue unless Caveats be lodged in Form B of the said Act on or before the date named opposite each case respectively. 
No. 3,535. Manly, 1 acre 2 roods 25 perches: Bounded on the south by Raglan-street, 194 feet; east by Whistler-street, 372 feet; north by Denison-street, 197 feet; and west by Belgrave-street, 368 feet 6 inches,—being lots 134 to 152 inclusive, of section H of the Brighton Estate. Archibald Forsyth – Resides at: Manly. April 30th. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1874, February 20). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 541. Retrieved from 

In 1882 Isabella Anne married a widower with four children, three boys and a girl:

EVANS—FORSYTH.—October 25, at St. Michael's Church, Surry Hills, by the Rev. C. F. Gamsey, assisted by the Rev. H. King, George T. Evans (Railway Department), to Annie, second daughter of Archibald Forsyth, Esq., Manila House, Bourke- street, Surry Hills. Family Notices (1882, November 11). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 866. Retrieved from

Two other children were born at 'Verona' Redfern, one tragically passing away due to being born prematurely. In 1889 the family moved to 'Fairholme', Rooty Hill. George retired from the NSW Railways on the 1st October 1889 - Govt Gazette (14 June 1889) also Govt Gazette Announcement in SMH Sat 15 June 1889, where he had risen to the position of being a Commissioner for Stores, due to having patented an idea:

EVANS' NEW PATENT COMBINATION RAILWAY TRUCK. EVANS' NEW PATENT COMBINATION RAILWAY TRUCK. (1883, December 22).Illustrated Sydney News (NSW : 1881 - 1894), p. 19. Retrieved from 

This would be one of a few Patents George Evans would register - improvements for axels for railway trucks and an improved plough (for farming) are listed with the Australian National Archives from 1883 through to 1888. His occupation is listed as 'orchardist' later on and sales notices for stock also appear - Penrith was where he and his first wife and his children from this marriage were born:
WILL Sell by Auction on account of MR. GEO. EVANS, at TINDALES'S SALE YARD,
Penrith, on Saturday, March 16th, at 12 o'clock,
350 HEAD FIRST-CLASS STOCK, comprising,
230 STEERS, 18 months to 3 years old.
80 HEIFERS, IS months to 3 years old.
30 MILCH COWS, with Calves at foot. .
The above will be found a really excellent and well bred lot of young Stock, they are now running in first class paddocks, near Penrith, where purchasers will have the option of letting them remain for one month FREE OF CHARGE.
TRAINS LEAVE SYDNEY FOR PENRITH at 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. on morning of Sale. Advertising (1889, March 16). Nepean Times (Penrith, NSW : 1882 - 1962), p. 5. Retrieved from 

An article describing a dinner at The Imperial Hotel as a tribute to its owner and builder, Mr. Weston, with George Evans as its chairman, shares his remarks:
Mr. Evans, in responding, paid a very high compliment to the residents of the district for their go aheadness, especially during the ten months he had resided among them. The time he had resided at Rooty Hill had been the happiest portion of his life.
Some more toasts - were drunk, songs were sung, and the jolly company dispersed at about …'o'clock all well pleased with the entertainment provided.Banquet at Rooty Hill. (1890, September 27). Nepean Times (Penrith, NSW : 1882 - 1962), p. 3. Retrieved from 

'Penfolds' Wines sign on Imperial Hotel, Rooty Hill' - date: 4/1939 - Image No.: hood_19684, courtesy the State Library of NSW.

A description of this premises from a 1921 sale notice - G. T. Evans passed away on December 30th, 1920:

A Beautiful home, in country surroundings, with suburban conveniences.
Viewing a Contour of Green hills and Sheltered Glades,
Eight Minutes form the Station.
BRICK VILLA on concrete foundations, iron roof, contains hall, 8 rooms, open court, kitchen, laundry, pantry, storeroom, cellar, dairy, larder, bathroom. Detached brick garage, coachhouse, stable, harness room, workshop, loft, shed.
Vacant – Caretaker in charge.
LAND – 45 acres, with frontages to BEACONSFIELD, EVANS and GREAT WESTERN ROADS. Grounds laid out in cultivation and grazing paddocks, garden and orchard. 
HARDIE AND GORMAN PTY LIMITED will sell the above by Public Auction, at the Sale Rooms, Ocean House, 86/36 Martin Place, at 1.30 o’clock, on WEDNESDAY 7th DECEMBER, 1921. Advertising (1921, November 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from 

This home is now on the State Heritage Register and listed in NSW Government's Heritage website (Environment and Heritage department).

Isabella and George had three more children while living at Fairholme, two sons and a daughter.

When aged 10 Annie began attending the Methodist Ladies' College, Burwood, as a boarder. It was here that she met lifelong friend and later neighbour at Gordon, Susannah Hennessy (Susie) O'Reilly, the sister of Walter Cresswell O'Reilly who was so instrumental in later Ku-ring-gai Council, Tree Lovers and National Trust activities - among his many other achievements. Susannah became a medical practitioner(honours graduate and fourth in her year - the University of Sydney; B.Sc., 1903; M.B., Ch.M., 1905) and joined her father, Dr Walter William Joseph O'Reilly's practice, started at Pymble in 1896. 

For Annie, too, the years at Fairholme were some of her happiest:

"The foundations were the scenes and joys of a country child’s life – and subsequent griefs as these precious things were laid waste. It is my firm belief that if such a childhood as mine could be the lot of most children there would never have been the need for a National Trust – because  everyone in full possession of their senses would be a conservationist and a defender of all art and beauty." - Annie Wyatt

In 1905 Isabella moved to Manly, to 'Girrahween' in Lauderdale Avenue. George stayed on the farm seemingly growing fruit. Rooty Hill had a large fruit cannery business in 'Woodstock' from at least 1886 and flourishing in 1889 (Walter Lamb's - see under extras). 

Annie Forsyth Evans with wildflowers at her family's home Girrahween in Manly circa 1905 - from from family album held by Lynnette Lee. 

A private family matter which was brought to court by George, edited here, tells us Annie came to live at Manly too:

Plaintiff originally purchased 'Fairholme,' which consisted of an orchard of 50 acres, and at the request of Mr. Forsyth, he settled the property on Mrs. Evans. In 1905, it was agreed that Mrs. Evans and the family should come to Sydney to live, and that her husband should lease the orchard from her and pay her £1 a week rent. Subsequently, it was alleged Mrs. Evans sold the property to her father. During his father-in-law's lifetime, which ended in March, 1908, plaintiff regularly paid the rent to Mrs. Evans, or her son, who acted as her agent. The Rent at Rooty Hills (1909, September 25). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 11. Retrieved from 

'Girrahween' is an Aboriginal word meaning place of flowers.

Opening: of the Military-road Electric Tramway.

On Thursday, the 21st, an event took place which is of special interest to the residents of Mosman and Manly, and, indeed, to the residents of that remarkably picturesque part of the colony lying between Manly and Pittwater, a branch of the far-famed Hawkesbury River. The event we refer to was the opening to public traffic of the recently completed electric tramway running from St. Leonards Reserve to the junction of the Military and Spit roads, Mosman, a length of about two miles.
The present completed section is the first of the line which it is proposed to construct to the Spit at Middle Harbour and thence to Manly. A branch line will be built to connect with the fortifications at Middle Head. The track is a capital one, and in laying the line care has been taken to use sleepers and rails that will be strong enough to carry a light railway and serve not only the necessities of the fortifications but the growing traffic in the district.

I. View near Tram Terminus, looking out to sea. 2 and 3. Views from the Lauderdale Avenue, the new coach road into Manly, overlooking North Harbour. 4. The Lauderdale AvenueOPENING OF THE TRAM TO THE SPIT-ROAD.— VIEWS ON THE OVERLAND TRIP TO MANLY.

The following gentlemen left Manly between 8 and 9 o'clock by one of Mr. Black's coaches to proceed to the tram terminus, where they were to meet the members of the Mosman Council : — Aldermen C. H. Hayes (acting-Mayor), Farmer, Fletcher, Thomas, and Moss : also Messrs. C. B. Austin, T. C. Haylock (council clerk), H. T. Robey (secretary of Manly and Pittwater Railway League), John Woods, E. Ridge, S. Smith, and A. Hilder. 

The route taken was along Lauderdale-avenue, a roadway that was completed some six months ago at a cost of about £2000. Manly looked charming in the morning light, and the coach journey was a delightful one. The air was laden with perfume of wild flowers, which were everywhere in abundance, lending an added charm to the other beauties of the landscape. The picturesqueness of the scenery is so striking that the people of the district look to its becoming a favourite resort of excursionists on that account, and also as favourite residence suburbs, now that the tram service renders the district so accessible to Sydney. The extension of the tram line to Manly is also eagerly looked forward to. The present extension gives residents of that village a double service to Sydney, making them to an extent independent of the steamers during rough or foggy weather, the connection with the present tram terminus being maintained by coach, but the completion of the tram service into Manly is regarded as a desideratum. 
.... Opening of the Military-road Electric Tramway. (1893, September 30). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 699. Retrieved from 

Archibald Forsyth is credited with looking after his grandchildren, Isabella's five surviving sons and two daughters, after the move to Manly. He was not just a rope manufacturer. Mr. Forsyth was commissioned as a Justice of the Peace in 1875, Founder and first President of Chamber of Manufactures in 1885,  Leader of the Protection Union 1886 and assisted in founding the committee of Animals Protection Society in 1873. He had a passion for bowling and was foundation President of City Bowling Club 1880 - 1883 and a founder of Randwick Bowling Club.

He gave and gave and gave to health organisations such as hospitals or those who helped those less fortunate. He must certainly have been a big influence on Annie:


Profound regret was expressed in the city to-day when it was learned that Mr. Archibald Forsyth, the senior member of the well-known rope-making firm of Messrs. A. Forsyth and Co., had died at his residence, "Elgin, The Avenue, Randwick, at 11.30 yesterday morning, at the age of 82 years. The deceased gentleman, who was a man of fine physique, enjoyed robust health until about two years ago, but It was not until a fortnight ago that he was comprised to take lo his bed. From then he gradually sank, despite the constant attendance of Dr. Redell, the family physician. 

By Mr. Forsyth's death another link in the fast disappearing chain of old pioneers Is broken. He had lived in Australia for over 60 years, and few lives of men who immigrated from the old country to Sunny Australia over half a century ago were fraught with the same Interest, and few careers were so varied as his. He was the youngest of a family of nine sons of a Kingston, Scotland, farmer, and at the age of 22 years he sailed for New South Wales with a fixed determination to try his fortune In a country  whose population at that time consisted mainly of blackfellows and prisoners deported here for both trivial and serious offences. 

There are few alive now who are able to relate the privations of the young men from the old land while they eked out an existence in their new surroundings, and perhaps there is no one with more vivid recollections of wild colonial life than Mr. Patrick Hogan, of Randwick, who was an old and esteemed friend of the deceased gentleman. They first met in the cedar industry at a time when New South Wales Wales blessed with a growth of timber equal to any in the world. Many young men were attracted to the Richmond and Tweed River districts by the employment which cedar cutting afforded, and the late Mr. Forsyth started his life In the Australian bush In this way. He was a man admired by his fellow-workers for his fine stature, and many a giant of the forest fell to his axe, which he invariably swung from daylight to dark. At first the deceased and another 12 timber-cutters were the only white men in the Richmond River district, and many Interesting anecdotes could be told of their life us monarchs of all they surveyed in the lord of the aboriginal. 

After a time Mr. Forsyth changed his quarters to Apollo Bay, and was pursuing his occupation there as a cedar chopper when the gold fever broke out. The men who manned the boats used to convey provisions to the choppers, and bring the cedar down to the Sydney market, but contracted the gold fever so strongly that the boats were deserted, and the cutters at Apollo Bay and other places were left to exist as best they could. The late Mr. Forsyth was among those who were stranded from civilisation, and for nearly two months he and the others working with him had to live on what game they could catch. Often they were so hard pushed or food that they were compelled to eat snakes and shark. Eventually, however, they got away from the place, and the deceased then decided to try his fortune as a gold fossicker. He visited various places, both in this State and in Victoria, in search of the "yellow stuff," and met with fair success. 

After living a Bohemian life for many years, Mr. Forsyth decided to start a business in Melbourne, and by 1862 he commenced the well-known establishment of Messrs Forsyth and Anthony. Mr. Forsyth was keen business man who dealt honourably with his clients, and expected honourable treatment in return. So respected was he by those with whom he had commercial dealings that flourished, and his entry into commercial life was marked with more than ordinary success. Ultimately he sold his interest in the business, and returned to Sydney to open the rope works for which he and his firm soon became noted. Business extended, and so did the firm. Upwards of 30 years ago his nephew, Mr. John Forsyth, joined him as partner, and about 30 years ago the business was floated into a company, the shares being devoted to the members of the Forsyth family. The deceased had not taken an active part in the management of the works for the past 20-years, but he by no means lived a retired life. His was on active mind, with a sympathetic disposition, ready at all times to assist those whose lot in life was less fortunate than his.

As a philanthropist he was noted, although many or his acts of charity were never recorded, and few people knew bow many times he relieved the poor and distressed. On one occasion, not long ago, he asked to be shown over the institution known as the Sisters of the Poor. He voluntarily paid £5 to be introduced to the place, and so Impressed was he with the relief being afforded the elderly Inmates that before leaving he handed the lady in charge a cheque for £100. Not six months ago he purchased a new car and horse (for the Civil Ambulance Brigade, so that they would be better equipped in times of accident. 

Although many opportunities were presented the late Mr. Forsyth never entered municipal life but he had  a short political career. In 1886 he was elected to represent South Sydney in the Legislative Assembly, being the first candidate to stand in the protectionist Interest. He sat for only one session. He was an ardent bowler, being one of the fathers of the game In Sydney, and at the time of his death was a member of the Randwick Club. Mr. Forsyth appeared as an author in 1897, when he published a book entitled "Rapara, or the Rights of the Individual In the State." In this work he dealt exhaustively and logically with "equable Individualism," pointing out that all natural wealth belonged to the community; and should therefore be treated so as to bestow the greatest benefits on the greatest number. From a literary standpoint the work won high encomiums for the author. In addition to Mrs. Forsyth, a family of four sons and five daughters survive, all being married with the exception of the youngest daughter. The funeral takes place at 2.45 p.m. .tomorrow, at the Long Bay Cemetery. THE LATE MR. ARCHIBALD FORSYTH. DEATH OF MR. A. FORSYTH (1908, March 16). The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), p. 4. Retrieved from 

This wasn't the only work Mr. Forsyth wrote or published. Some sources state all his children were very well educated, and he too seems to have a fine mind and the skills to express his ideas:
Free, fair and protected trade : which is the best for England, New South Wales and Australia? / byArchibald Forsyth
by Forsyth, Archibald. Sydney : William Dymock, 1885
Freetrade [i.e. Free trade] : (a discussion between a freetrader and protectionist, as to which is the best policy for New South Wales) / by Archibald Forsyth by Forsyth, Archibald. Sydney : Printed & published by C.E. Fuller, at the Lightning Printing Works, [ca. 1889]
Paper by A. Forsyth, J.P. on land taxation and nationalisation by Forsyth, Archibald [Sydney : s.n.], 1890
Australian national federation on democratic lines [microform] : the draft constitution of the Federal Convention examined, and amendments suggested / by Archibald Forsyth by Forsyth, Archibald Sydney : Turner and Henderson, 1891
Suggestions on Australian federation : including the prevention of preferential railway rates / by A. Forsyth by Forsyth, Archibald
[Melbourne : A. Forsyth], 1897

Letters from Mr. Archibald Forsyth, ex-member for South Sydney, have reached this city. At the time of writing he was just about to start for Japan, after having visited Hong Kong, Canton, Shanghai, and Pekia.
The letter is full of interesting information. Mr. Forsyth will proceed from Japan to England, probably staying a short time in India, and he Intends returning in time for the next general election, when he will contest a country seat in the interests of Protection. NEWS OF THE DAY. (1887, December 8).The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), p. 4. Retrieved from 

Presentation of a new Ambulance Waggon by Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Forsyth to the city of Sydney for use by the Civil Ambulance Brigade.
The presentation took place at the main entrance to the Sydney Town Hall on November 8, among those present being the Lord Mayor, Mr. Justice Cohen, Professor Anderson Stuart Mr. A. Forsyth, Mr. R. Anderson, Dr. Mullins, and a number of prominent medical men and others. Mr. Forsyth, the donor of the waggon, In a few appropriate remarks, conveyed the ownership to the Mayor, and requested his Lordship to present it to the association, which the Lord Mayor did in a suitable speech. FRUITGROWING IN THE CUMBERLAND DISTRICT. (1907, November 13). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 25. Retrieved from 

In his will Mr. Forsyth: his executors Testator bequeathed the following amounts to public charities:-Animals Protection Society of New South Wales, £50; Women's Animals Protection Society, £50; Sydney Hospital, £100; Prince Alfred Hospital, £100; St. Vincent's Hospital, £100; Benevolent Society of Sydney, £100; Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Asylum, Newtown-road, £50; Industrial Home for Blind Women, Ashfield, £25; Industrial Blind Institution, Boomerang-street, £25; Sacred Heart Hospice, Darlinghurst, £25. - THE LATE ARCHIBALD FORSYTH. (1908, April 17). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from 

This focus on health would be perpetuated in Annie who was a long term supporter of the Red Cross. 
IN December 1913 she married Ivor Bertie Wyatt. Ivor had emigrated with his family per the Cuzco in 1882 when he was only a year old. 

From the Victorian Ships Register - unassisted passengers inwards - courtesy Birth, Deaths, Marriage records of Victoria:
WYATT EDITH MISS 10         APR 1882 CUZCO B 402 008
WYATT JOHN MR 41        APR         1882 CUZCO B 402 008
WYATT LILY MISS 2        APR         1882 CUZCO B 402 008
WYATT M E MRS 36        APR         1882 CUZCO B 402 008
WYATT MARIE MISS 4        APR         1882 CUZCO B 402 008

Arrival of the Cuzco at Adelaide.
The Orient liner Cuzco, Captain Bidler, arrived from London early this morning. The following is a list of her passengers : — First saloon : Mrs. and Mr. Whitaway, Rev. and Mrs. Taylor, Eev. J. D. Paterson, Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson and infant, Misses Flett, Harris, Mrs. A. Warner, Mr. and Mrs. E. Thornton and family (7), Mr. and Mrs. John Wyatt and family (6) and nurse, Messrs. Miller, J. Malcolm, D. Malcolm, D. Sturt, W. Quick, T. O'Sullivan, W, Rutnewsky, Chas Richards. Arrival of the Cuzco at Adelaide. (1882, April 15 - Saturday). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 591. Retrieved from 

Although it is stated Ivor was a salesman and later a tea merchant, there was a lot more to this gentleman. He too was articulate and wrote. A love of music and commanding ovations as a tenor mark his early 20's as does putting on cencerts to support hospitals and the Benevolence Society (more below).

WYATT-FORSYTH.-December 6, 1913, at the Presbyterian Church, Manly, by the Rev. Dr. F. W. Dunlop, Ivor B., son of John Wyatt, of Neutral Bay, to Annie Forsyth, elder daughter of Mrs. A. F. Evans, of Girrahween, ManlyFamily Notices (1914, January 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 20. Retrieved from 

In what few descriptions of the marriages of Archibald Forsyth's daughters and granddaughters are available, it is clear these were beautiful women. Tall, willowy, with a natural graciousness. Images of a younger Annie show an equally beautiful young woman.

An evening wedding took place on Saturday December 6, at the Manly Presbyterian Church, when Annie Forsyth, elder daughter of Mrs. Evans, of 'Girrahween,' Manly, was married to Mr. Ivor B. Wyatt, of Neutral Bay.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. F.W. Dunlop, of the Glebe Presbyterian Church. The bride, who was given away by her uncle, Mr. Robert Forsyth, of Narromine, wore ivory white duchesse satin, draped with Limerick lace, which was caught with trails of orange blossom. The long transparent sleeves were of ivory white chiffon, finished with deep frills over the hands. The corner of the train was caught back with pale pink satin rose and. blossom. She wore an unhemmed tulle veil over a chaplet of orange blossom. The bridegroom's gifts included an aquamarine necklet, and her bouquet of La France and Bride roses, white heath and ferns. She was attended by her sister, Miss Alice Evans as chief bridesmaid, and by Miss Madeline Wyatt (sister of bridegroom), and Miss Essie Forsyth (cousin of bride.) They were gowned alike in pale pink silk crepe and rose-bud ninon, and wore in their hair twists of pink and black tulle. Their 'bouquets of pale pink carnations and ferns had streamers of black tulle knotted with blossoms. The bridegroom's gifts were, to the chief bridesmaid, a pink cameo bracelet, and to the others, gold bracelet and white sapphire ring. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. S. B. Coy as best man, with Mr. Alec, and Mr. Keith Evans (brothers of the bride), as groomsmen. Miss Alice Macdonald, of Neutral Bay, presided at the organ, and during the signing of the register, 'Love's Carnation' was sung by Mr. Cruickshank. After the ceremony, a reception was held at 'Girrahween,' the grounds being illuminated by lanterns hung among the trees. The wedding presents were displayed in the dining room, and supper was served in a marquee on the lawn. Later the bride and bridegroom left by motor car for their honeymoon, the bride wearing a black and white striped sponge cloth coat and skirt over a blouse of ivory ninon and shadow lace. Her leghorn hat was massed with pink and brown shaded lace, with velvet streamers. She also wore a white ostrich feather boa. WYATT—EVANS. (1914, February 1).Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), , p. 7. Retrieved from 

Both of Mr. and Mrs. I B Wyatt's children were born at Manly:

WYATT.-October 26, at their residence, Wonga, North Harbour, Manly, to Mr. and Mrs. Ivor B. Wyatt - a son. Family Notices (1915, November 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 16. Retrieved from - Ivor

WYATT. - June 26, at their residence, Wonga, North Harbour, Manly, to Mr. and Mrs. Ivor B. Wyatt-a  daughter. Family Notices (1919, July 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 12. Retrieved from - Lynette 

The Move to Gordon and Civic Investing

In 1926 the Wyatts moved to Park Street Gordon to live in a home designed by them and one of Annie's brothers, architect Eric Douglas Forsyth Evans, known as Douglas(Goodwin street, Narrabeen). It was in this home that the first unofficial meeting for the National Trust took place.

Annie, with two young children, and supported by her husband throughout, began investing her self and her time in trees, in saving beautiful buildings and spaces. Doors that slam: a romance of early Sydney, Sydney: G.M. Dash. 1941, a book written by Annie, and a historical romance, was published by her with all proceeds gong to the Red Cross.

This combined so many threads in this one instance - her husband using 'entertainments' when he was younger to raise funds for caring for others, her love of history, her agile and intelligent mind.

Members of the Gordon Red Cross branch met at a farewell party to Miss Mildred Cox at the residence of the Misses Graham, Essex street, Killara. Miss Cox will be married shortly, and will reside in Brisbane.  During the afternoon Mrs MacKinnon and Miss Rosa Piper, members of the Red Cross executive, spoke of the valuable work Miss Cox had done for the society. The president of the Gordon branch, Mrs Ivor Wyatt, presented Miss Cox with a set of Bohemian glasses on a stand, on behalf of the members. NEAR AND FAR. (1929, December 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved  from 

The Lindfield branch of the Red Cross Society has forwarded the sum of £75 to headquarters as a result of Its annual appeal and sale of badges on Red Cross Day. A younger set has been formed in connection with this branch. The Gordon branch has sent in £50 as a result of its appeal for the society. Mrs. Ivor Wyatt has been re-elected president, Mrs. Mackellar White treasurer, and Miss M. Baxter, hon. secretary, of this branch.  RED CROSS NOTES. (1930, September 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from 

The Gordon branch of the Red Cross  Society held Its annual meeting recently, when Miss Rosa Piper gave an address on the work of the Aftercare Department of the Society Mrs Wyatt was elected president of the branch, Mrs William Livett, honorary secretary, and Mrs McKellar White, honorary treasurer. NEAR AND FAR. (1932, August 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from 

Mrs. J. E. Wyatt, founder of the Tree Lovers' Civic League, will be entertained at a luncheon party to be given to-day at the Junior Red Cross Cafe, Angus and Coote's Building, by the Wednesday Club of the J.RO. Sir Charles Rosenthal will preside. SOCIAL & PERSONAL. (1933, December 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from 

This would become 'Willow Bend' of four acres, on an original orchard of St. Ives, which, like Pymble, was all orchards at one stage. Some of these fruit trees were retained by the Wyatts - a hearkening back to Annie's own childhood and providing the same for her own children and grandchildren:

APPLICATIONS have been made to bring the lands respectively described under the provisions of the Real Property Act. Caveats may be lodged on or before the respective dates mentioned:—
4th July, 1930.
No. 30,337. Ivor Bertie Wyatt, 8 a. 3 r. 24 p., cor. Mudies and Cowan Creek rds., St. Ives NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1930, May 30). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2079. Retrieved from 

Welcome Home
A MEETING to arrange a "Davis Cup" welcome was held at the Australia Hotel today, when Lady Waldor presided. It was decided by a committee of women to hold a card party at the Blaxland Galleries on August 20, in aid of the Royal Hospital for Women, Paddington. It was also decided to ask Mrs. Frank Peach to be president of the party. Miss Eileen Peach is honorary secretary and Mrs. Ivor Wyatt honorary treasurer. Lady Waldor will be patroness. Mrs. T. H. Cox, mother of Mrs. Jack Crawford, and Mrs. Roland Conway were present. MORNING MEETINGS (1934, August 17).The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 14 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from 

MR- and MRS. IVOR WYATT, of Gordon, anticipated a quiet dinner, followed by an evening at the ballet, when they arrived last night at the city flat of Mr. D. Forsyth Evans for their silver wedding anniversary. They were surprised to find, instead, a host of old and new friends, about 40 in all. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pryce, Mr. and Mrs, Alan Innes. Miss Nina MacDonald, Mrs. Belle Forsyth, Miss Winsome Hume, the Misses Prescott and Mr. and Mrs. Marina. Spotlight on Society (1938, December 7).The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 15 (LAST RACE ALL DETAILS). Retrieved from 

Appointment of Honorary Rangers.
THE undermentioned persons have been appointed as Honorary Hangers in pursuance of the provision of the Wild Flowers and Native Plants Protection Act, 1927:—
Ivor Bertie Wyatt, Esq., 26 Park-avenue, Gordon. Mrs. Annie Forsyth Wyatt, 26 Park-avenue, Gordon. (L.G. 1934-S. 3,915)… WILD FLOWERS AND NATIVE PLANTS PROTECTION ACT, 1927. (1934, October 12). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3698. Retrieved from 

FAUNA. Protection Act, 1948.—Mr. Ivor Bertie Wyatt, Willow Bend, Stanley-street, St. lves, has been appointed an Honorary Ranger for the purposes of this Act. (8920) ' J. M, BADDELBY. APPOINTMENT OF HONORARY RANGER. (1949, August 26). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2523. Retrieved from 

Annie worked for the Prisoners' Aid Association of New South Wales for twenty years, including a term as president of the women's section during 1938–1941. During regular visits to prisons she gained the trust of notorious prisoners Tilly Devine and Kate Leigh, and advocated for the prisoners and successfully pushed for less ugly clothing, and permission to use lipstick and face powder. 

In Ivor Forsyth Wyatt all their good works were carried forward. He enlisted in the Australian Army on 3 April 1941 and was discharged in November 1944,  with a Rank of Staff Sergeant with the 16th ATT Battalion. Ivor became involved in the St Ives-Pymble Community Centre Fund Committee
which recommended that Council acquire the 8.6ha (20 acre) site known today as the St Ives Village Green (see Tree Planting at Community Centre - Tree Lovers League- More Article, below). This is a Memorial Garden in part for those who served.

From the Australian National Archives:
WYATT IVOR FORSYTH : Service Number - N9702 : Date of birth - 26 Oct 1915 : Place of birth - SYDNEY : Place of enlistment - GLENFIELD : Next of Kin - WYATT IVOR
WYATT, Richard (Army Service No.: 7532663) born in Shanghai, China on 7 September 1922; Uncle: Ivor Bertie WYATT - Application dated: Sydney, 14 December 1945 

Ivor Forsyth Wyatt was an active member of the National Trust since 1947, Hon. Secretary from 1952 to 1969 when he was elected President, stepping down from that office in 1973 to become Vice-President until 1976. In all, he worked for 51 years in an honorary capacity for the National Trust and was appointed an Honorary Life Member of the Trust in 1959, continuing to serve on Trust committees until 2003.

And he too did his patrols:
FAUNA Protection Act, 1948.—The undermentioned persons have been appointed as Honorary Bangers for the purposes of the above Act:—
Mr. Ivor Forsyth Wyatt, Stanley-street, St. Ives. (A. 50-1,213, A. 50-1,408)
   (6247) CLIVE EVATT. APPOINTMENT OF HONORARY RANGERS. (1950, September 1).Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2675. Retrieved from 

Appointment of Honorary Fire Patrol Officer
THE undermentioned person has been appointed an Honorary
Fire Patrol Officer for ,the purposes of the abovenamed Act:— Mr. Ivor Forsyth Wyatt, 22 Stanley-street, St. Ives. (A. 59 837) (2267) C. A. KELLY, Chief Secretary. BUSH FIRES ACT, 1949 (1959, September 4). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2687. Retrieved from 

   “An Act to make provisions for the protection and preservation of fauna; to repeal the Birds and Animals Protection Act, 1918-1930, and to amend certain other Acts ; and for purposes connected therewith. [Assented to, 24th December, 1948.”]
“This Act may be cited as the "Fauna Protection Act, 1948." At; 

ACT, 1927-1945.
Appointment of Honorary Rangers, THE undermentioned persons have been appointed Honorary Rangers for the purposes of this Act:—
Ivor Forsyth Wyatt, "Willow Bend", Stanley-street, St. Ives; Allan Haitland Fox, Public School Residence, Victoria-road, Rydalmere; Frank Alwyn Hamilton, 56 Dee Why parade, Dee Why.
J. B. RENSHAW, for Minister for Local Government. WILD FLOWERS AND NATIVE PLANTS PROTECTION ACT, 1927-1945. (1953, January 23).Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 214. Retrieved from 

An Act to make further provision for the protection of wild flowers and native plants; to amend the Wild Flowers and Native Plants Protection Act, 1927-1931, in certain respects; and for purposes connected therewith. [Assented to, 14th March, 1945.]” At: 

Our National Assets
Sir,-Congratulations to the Municipality of Ku-ring-gai for its recent decision to increase protection, wherever possible, of flora within its boundaries.
It is also pleasing to note that the trustees of the Lane Cove National Park have decided to retain and recondition an old stone cottage associated with the early history and development of the district.
Such actions encourage various organisations and individuals endeavouring to preserve the history and natural assets of our country.
I. F. WYATT.  hon. sec. National Trust of Australia (N.S.W.). Our National Assets (1954, October 2).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from

Sydney, 13th November, 1964.
IT is hereby notified that in accordance with the provisions of section 26 of the Crown Lands Consolidation Act, 1913, Ivor Forsyth Wyatt is hereby appointed as a trustee of Reserve No. 61,196, parish of Cowan, county of Cumberland, area 18.. perches, notified 14th June, 1929, for Preservation of Aboriginal Carvings and Drawings, in the place of D. G. Wyles, retired. Pks. 62-4,897.
K. C. COMPTON, Minister for Lands. NOTICE APPOINTING A TRUSTEE UNDER THE CROWN LANDS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1913 (1964, November 13).Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3627. Retrieved from 

This is clearly a pretty amazing family devoted to each other and everyone else around them.

The Friends of Ku-ring-gai Environment, formed in 1994 to defend and promote Ku-ring-gai’s cultural and natural heritage, is carrying forward this work, as is the National Trust, and locally, organisations such as the great Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment.

Hopefully this small insight will inspire a greater appreciation of why even a small park has value beyond what it may be sold for, and why a 'reserve', 'to keep (something) for a special or future use.' and as in 'an area of land where animals and plants are given special protection' has acquired a permanence as long as we don't keep thinking we can spend it and still have it too. 

Tree Leagues Growth - More Articles

Preserve Australian Timber!
What this organisation needs more than anything else is the help of local bodies interesting themselves in tree or wild Nature preservation. Unfortunately, these are too few. An excellent example is the Tree-Lovers' Civic League in the Gordon-Killara area of the northern suburbs of Sydney. This League has done splendid service throughout the whole of the northern suburbs of Sydney in focussing public attention on the preservation of trees and birds. In the same district the Kuringai Municipal Council has also been extremely active. The whole district is already showing most apparent signs of this patriotic care. In no part of Sydney have so many trees been left undisturbed or been planted. 
One of the circulars distributed by the Council (prompted by the Civic League) contains the following wording:— 'Think- Before — Not After. Trees take years to grow. Be Australian. Save as many of the native trees on your block of land as possible. They are the best suited to the environment. Plant Australian shrubs first, but plant trees and shrubs. The Sydney summer is long, shade is welcome. No trees and shrubs — no birds. Australian birds prefer Australian trees. No birds mean insect pests. Trees mean health! ' 
The Council has also prepared a number of rubber stamps bearing wording calculated to arrest the attention of the resident. These are stamped on all official notices to ratepayers in the district. One of these reads: 'Spare the native trees on your Property and help maintain the beauty of Kuringai Municipality.' Another reads: 'Native trees once destroyed are seldom replaced: Preserve those on your property.' Members and friends are invited to use their influence with their local Councils and prominent people in an endeavor to get this sort of thing done throughout our land as far as possible. It must result in the maintenance of much of our arboreal beauty and the preservation of many of our glorious songsters, useful insectivorous birds and smaller tree-living mammals. Preserve Australian Timber! (1930, November 6). The Gosford Times and Wyong District Advocate (NSW : 1906 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from 

Sir,-Mrs. A. F. Wyatt's letter in today's issue of the "Herald" puts the whole matter of tree preservation succinctly and very nicely, I think. The work done by Mrs. Wyatt and Mrs. Wrigley, with the assistance of a number of other private citizens in the Gordon district, and strongly backed up by the Municipality of Ku-ring-gai, has been quite monumental. What we need is the local organisation of such bodies as the Gordon Tree Lovers' Civic League in every district of Australia these then to link up closely with the work of the Australian Forest League and the Wild Life Preservation Society, through whose constant watchfulness in past years literally tens of thousands of trees are now growing which would have otherwise been lost for all time.
But however watchful such central bodies are, they rely mainly for future preservation measures upon the development of the "forest conscience" among our people, and much of their work is devoted to that end In any case, they cannot always do what is requisite, nor at any time do it so well, In the absence of organised local interest in the part affected
We in Australia are only Just beginning nationally speaking-to awaken to the extreme beauty and utility of our tree life and to a sense of its value In town planning With such organisations as the Gordon League spread everywhere and working in happy concert with the central bodies, we can do much toward the rehabilitation of our forests and the embowering of our streets, parks and homes by the representatives of one or other of the many beautiful kinds of our Australian flora I am, etc ,
president, Australian Forest League,
past-president, Wild Life Preservation Society. TREE-LOVERS' LEAGUE. (1931, March 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from 

Memory trees have very often been planted in by-gone towns, and remain for years as a monument to those who were kind enough to plant them for a friend. How many years the good old fig trees stood planted by the early pioneers. Mrs. Cresswell O'Reilly planted a young cedar tree last week in memory of Lady de chair, on behalf of the Civic League of Tree Lovers. The tree was planted near the memorial gates at Lindfield Park. Also at Killara a Jacaranda tree in memory of the late Mr. H. Selkirk, a well-known amateur gardener of Killara. An 'Arbor Day' tree planting to the memory of the first pioneers and a small memorial would be a compliment to the early settlers of Narrabri. Home and Social (1931, September 10).The North Western Courier (Narrabri, NSW : 1913 - 1955), p. 5. Retrieved from 

The Gordon Civic Tree Lovers' League is holding an inspection of the Kuring-gai Municipal Tree Propagation Depot to-morrow, and has Invited members of the Forest League to Join In. All will meet at Gordon railway station at 2.30 p.m. Tree-Lovers (1931, October 9). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 8 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from 

The Kuring-gai Tree-lovers' Civic League held an enjoyable social evening at the home of Mrs. Mackellar White Gordon last Wednesday About 70 guests were present including the Mayor and Mayoress Mr. and Mrs. Creswell O'Reilly and representatives of the Beecroft and Lane Cove branches of the league Mr. C. B Swan gave an interesting address on parks parklands and famous trees throughout the world.
The annual report was read by the non secretary and founder of the league Mrs. Ivor Wyatt who was presented with a basket of flowers on behalf of the members Mrs. Townsend, the president, and members of the tea committee also received bouquets. A musical programme and guessing competitions added to the enjoyment of the evening. TREE-LOVERS' CIVIC LEAGUE. (1931, December 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from 

League Formed In Mosman
Over 50 tree lovers attended a meeting held In "The Barn," Mosman Bay, last night to form the Mosman Civic Tree Lovers' League, which was presided over by Captain Roy Bennet, who later was elected president. After outlining the objects of the League, which aims at saving the local flora, the League was formed, the following additional officers being appointed: — Vice-presidents, Ald. C. Camplin (Mayor of Mosman), and Mrs. A. Evatt; honorary treasurer, Mr. Mark Young; honorary secretary, Miss M. Cromelin. The following bodies were represented at the meeting: — Kuring-gai, Gordon, Lane Cove, and Beecroft Tree Lovers' Leagues, Australian Forestry League, Wild Life Preservation Society, Parks and Playgrounds Movement, and North Sydney Rotary Club. TREE LOVERS (1932, April 15). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 12 (FINAL EDITION). Retrieved from 

Garden of Memory

Unveiled at Henry-street Gordon, by Miss Cambage. — Seat dedicated to the citizens of Kuring - gai by the Tree Lovers' Civic League on land given by Kuring- gai Council. The area will be called The Garden of Memory. — From left, front row : Mr. Sommerville, Mr, Frojet, Mrs. Maiden, Mrs. Wyatt (secretary ), Mrs. E. W. Wrigley (president). Back: Miss Cambage, Mr. Stead. Garden of Memory (1933, July 5). The Newcastle Sun (NSW : 1918 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from 

Alleged Destruction of Trees.
It was reported to a meeting of the council of the Royal Zoological Society this week that a large part of the State forest near Castlereagh, between Penrith and Richmond, had been cleared, apparently to plant pine trees. In other areas trees had been ring-barked with a view to subsequent clearing.
Members claimed that the forest was one of the few remaining refuges for the fauna and flora peculiar to the Wianamatta shale country, as it was surrounded by close settlement. It was resolved to make representations to the Minister to achieve the complete preservation of the forest.CASTLEREAGH FOREST. (1934, November 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from 

Mr. Hawkey (Director of the Botanic Gardens) and Mrs. I. B. Wyatt (organising secretary of the Tree Lovers' Civic League) will give short addresses at the meeting organised by Farmer's Children's Radio Birthday Club, at the Wishing Tree, in the Botanic Gardens to-day at 4 p.m. The meeting has been convened to choose a site for a new wishing tree, and to arrange a suitable date for its planting. NEW WISHING TREE (1934, December 8).The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 4 (CRICKET STUMPS). Retrieved from 

THE Benevolent Society of New South Wales with its wonderful record of service to the needy for the past one hundred and twenty one years Is making its annual Christmas Cheer appeal, and- next Friday a collection will be made on railway stations, ferry wharves, and In various parts of the city. Miss Marie Bremner will sell Christmas bush and bells in the vestibule of the Theatre Royal, assisted by Mrs. Ivo Wyatt, and Mrs. R. Robertson. The society confidently appeals to the general public to lend Its support to this Important work on behalf of the needy mothers and children. All for a Good Cause (1934, December 9).The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 30 (COUNTRY EDITION). Retrieved from 

A Tree-lovers' League 
Newcastle has done something in recent years, particularly in the period when Aid. C. J. Parker was Mayor of the city, to remedy its deficiencies from the point of view of trees and shrubs, but it must be said that there are still deficiencies waiting for the interest of enlightened town-planning under the drive of a strong, purposeful civic spirit. Recognising this, we welcome the movement to establish a Forest and Tree-Lovers' League, to be affiliated with the Australian Forest League. A meeting is to be held next week. and it is to be hoped that it will provide proof of a healthy interest in this form of beautification. Much can be done at present, but the first requirement is the cultivation of a tree sense. Vandalism reigns even today. This is to be seen in public parks and in such a promising development at Gordon-avenue, Hamilton. Such a League as that proposed would set its face against this sort of thing, but at the same time it would seek the cooperation of the Department of Education in a definite campaign to bring home to the minds of the younger generation the meaning and significance of trees in any scheme of civic improvement. It is to be noted that the Director of Education (Mr. G. R. Thomas) will be a speaker at next week's meeting. Apart from what has been done in the schools in other parts, Mr. Thomas's presence will be evidence of the interest of the department. It is not to be supposed that nothing is being done in the schools at present, but if the League is formed schools will be encouraged to appoint their own wardens, and in this way boys and girls will be induced to see that trees and shrubs are really in their care as trustees for future generations. In this district, there are a number of new schools. In addition to the Girls' High School, the Boys' High School, the Domestic Science School, there is the Hamilton South Infants' School. In each there is evidence of a desire to enrich the future with appropriate trees and shrubs, but if this kind of work could be linked with a League such as that proposed, the vision of the future would be brighter. Apart from the schools, there are public reserves and parks. One area calling to the vision of the town-planner and tree-lover is National Park. It may be bare and uninviting at present, but it is not difficult to build pictures of playing fields surrounded by beautiful trees and shrubs. Now Is the time to prepare for this kind of development. We have mentioned but a few of the opportunities for this kind of work. There are others, and there is not the slightest doubt that there would be promise of achievement with the formation of a Forest and Tree Lovers' League. Every public spirited citizen, whether of the city or the suburbs, should be behind the movement. To be indifferent to it would be to be false both to the present and the future. A Tree-lovers' League (1935, March 5).Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954) , p. 6. Retrieved from 

Mr. Creswell O'Reilly has been elected president of the Tree-Lovers' Civic League, Ku-ring-gai, with Mrs E W Wrigley and Miss Graham as vice-presidents. Miss V Zowe has been re-elected hon. treasurer, with Mrs W L Nicholls as hon. recording secretary, and Mrs Wyatt hon. corresponding secretary. TREE-LOVERS' CIVIC LEAGUE. (1935, April 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 21. Retrieved from 

Tree-Lovers' Essays
THE Tree-Lovers' Civic League of Kuring-gai offered prizes to our young readers for essays on tree culture and preservation. The prize-list is as follows: Junior Section: 'Why I Should Love Trees,' Georgina Parrington, 1; Irene Jordan, Margaret Davies. equal, 2. Senior Section: 'The Value of Australia's Trees,' Margaret Elizabeth Crawford, 1; Barbara Liekefelt, 2. Ingle Nook: 'Tree Leagues and Bush Sanctuaries,' Joyce Buffett, 1; Edward Jordan, highly com
mended. The League will at some future date again invite expressions of ideas on the care and value of our trees, from our young readers. This year's work may be looked upon as a beginning. Extracts from the essays will be published later as space can be found. Tree-Lovers' Essays (1936, November 11).Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 47. Retrieved from 

Prize - Winning Essays
Tree-Lovers' League.
Dear Cinderella— After some unavoidable delays, the Tree-Lovers' Civic League (Kuring-gai) has finally dealt with the essay competition and awarded prizes as shown on the enclosed list. We were a little
disappointed that the number of essays was not greater, but were pleased with the quality of many of them and the fact that they came from widely different' localities, which of course means spreading the interest. You will see by the prize -list that no prizes were awarded in the intermediate division, as these papers dwelt almost entirely on the fact that birds build their nests in trees, without referring to the many other interesting forms of co-operation between certain birds and trees. Instead, two extra prizes — four in all — were allotted in the junior division, in addition to the two in the senior division. Much interest was shown in a very nice little essay by six-year-old June Crawford. We hope that she and all the other contributors of essays will go on loving trees and birds all their lives. Our League wishes to thank you for your assistance in bringing the competition before the readers of your Cinderella page. We realise that much of your time and thought' must have been given to the organising of it, and are grateful for your help and interest. With our thanks and kind regards, I am, yours sincerely, FRANCES GRAHAM. Tree-Lovers Civic League , Kuring-gai Essay Competilion, 1937 SENIORS: First prize: Norah Ward; second prize, Joyce Buffett. JUNIORS: Wallace Jordan, David John Missingham, John Biddle, June Crawford. Prizes have been forwarded direct from the League to the above competitors. Prize - Winning Essays (1937, December 22). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 47. Retrieved from 

Sir,—The Tree-Lovers' Civic League, Ku-ring-gai, wishes very warmly to support protests you have published against proposals of the trust to provide artificial "playgrounds" within the park. As workers for the preservation of trees and natural features of our beautiful surroundings, including wild life, we are strongly of opinion that our great National Park should be maintained for all time in a state of nature, sympathetically ad-ministered from the point of view of protection, rather than of exploitation for artificial uses.
I am, etc.,
Hon. Org. Sec., Tree-Lovers' Civic League,
Ku-ring-gai. Pymble, May 15. TO THE EDITOR OF THE HERALD. (1938, May 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from 

ECHUCA -WED., NOV.. 22, 1944
Due largely to lack of knowledge of the value of green timber as a protective agent, huge tracts of country were practically denuded of trees in the early days to make way for the plough and to encourage the growth of herbage. The result today is that many of those areas are without protection from the bleak winds and storms of winter and the blazing heat of summer. And with the disappearance of timber has also come the problem of soil erosion, which in many parts is rabidly converting, fertile lands into 'barren windswept wastes. To make the land productive it was necessary to destroy timber, but in their desire to see every square yard growing either crop or grass, many of the early settlers were too ruthless in their methods with the result that those who followed after them inherited the bitter fruits of their shortsightedness. Certainly some did realise the value of trees and set a splendid example in judicious conservation of timber for shelter purposes. But there are still people who apparently are not alive to the Value of our timber resources, a witness the disastrous forest fires, which are such a tragic feature at every summer. A great many of these fires, inflicting an appalling, loss of life, are believed to the due to human agency, either  through wanton carelessness, ignorance in the use of fire, or other reasons. 

To combat, this dangerous attitude a "Save the Forests" organisation has been formed, the objectives of which are to arouse public- interest in forestry and to enlist public assistance in preventing and in fighting bush and forest fires; to build up an organisation that will ensure the continuance of active public interest in our forests; and to take all possible action to ensure that the timber, Water and soil resources of the State, shall be fully conserved. To give the widest publicity to these objectives, a 'Forest Week' will be observed throughout Victoria from November 27th to December 2nd, and during that period 'forest products will be attractively displayed in many metropolitan and suburban shop windows; all municipal councils outside  the metropolitan area, will be invited to co-operate by calling public meetings for the purpose of forming district committees and stimulating interest in forest preservation; - the Education Department is circulating all departmental schools asking that lessons by teachers and addresses by visitors be arranged to inform the children on the need for preservation in order to conserve the natural resources of the State and how they can help in this direction; registered schools are being asked to take similar action; the assistance of all newspapers is being sought and all national and commercial; broadcasting stations are being asked to arrange for brief talks on forestry.

Because we in this northern part of Victoria are far removed from the main forest areas, it should not be thought that this is a matter which does need concern us. Our forests are a national asset both from the point of view of timber production and prevention of soil erosion, therefore it is our duty to do all we can to protect that asset, to advocate a Rigorous policy of reafforestation and to encourage the planting of more shelter trees in those areas that are now wide open to the elements. In an article entitled "Soil Erosion Through Deterioration of Forests," Mr H. Hanslow of the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission draws a startling picture of thousands of acres of first-class farming land washed away; rivers suffering badly from erosion; rivers once navigable no longer so; 'heavy deposits of sand being carried on to valuable flats, reducing their value enormously; serious gullying of hillsides, with enormous amounts of soil washed down to reduce the depth of streams and filling valuable reservoirs such us the Eldon and Hume. And so the story of devastation goes on. "Why is this so?" asks the writer. "The answer is,' he says, "through the deterioration of the catchments, caused mainly by the destruction o trees." It is this destruction that the "Save the Forests" organisation :s striving to arrest toy arousing public interest in our forests and a realisation of their immense value to the State. RIVERINE HERALD (1944, November 22).Riverine Herald (Echuca, Vic. : Moama, NSW : 1869 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from 

It is gratifying to note the quickening of public interest in the necessity for wise conservation of forests and trees to provide timber supplies and to prevent soil erosion and the siltation of reservoirs in Australia. In the past settlers commonly regarded forests as an enemy to be destroyed, and, with the assistance of firestick and axe, made indiscriminate clearings often in prime forest land without regard for the value of trees. Many areas cleared were unsuitable for agriculture or pasture, were often over grazed and, as erosion took its toll were ruined. In addition to providing timber and preventing erosion, trees in forests, on farmlands and along watercourses serve many other useful purposes, giving facilities for sport and recreation, picturesque scenery for tourists, honey production, and shelter for native animals and beneficial insectivorous birds. Active campaigns to arouse further public sup' port have this year been launched in Victoria and New South Wales. 

In January, 1944, a "Save the Forests Campaign" was launched in Victoria with the following objectives: 
1. To arouse public interest in forestry and to enlist public assistance in preventing and in fighting bush and forest fires. 
2. To build up an organisation that will en' sure the continuance of active public interest in our forests. 
3. To take all possible action to ensure that the, timber, water and soil resources of the State shall be fully conserved. 

In New South Wales a "Save the Trees—Conserve the Forests Campaign" sponsored by the Australian Forest League was recently inaugurated and its aims are similar to those for the Victorian campaign. As these are attained increased Australian timber production will be possible. This may be achieved not only because more trees will be available for cutting, but also through more complete utilisation of those trees if integrated wood using industries are established. This would ensure trees would be converted to veneers, sawn timber, piles, poles, used for wall boards, pulp and paper or chemical industries, fuel or other purposes according to their suitability. Well managed forests and permanent forest industries provide regular employment, good living conditions for workers and their families and are beneficial to the nation's economy. Let us there fore, develop strongly a forest consciousness, integrate our wood using industries and demand of everyone "SAVE THE FORESTS"! SAVE THE FORESTS (1944, December 27). Construction (Sydney, NSW : 1938 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from 

Tree Planting at Community Centre
Kuring- Gai Municipal council on Sydney's North, now recognised as one of the most tree-minded councils in the State, is giving full co-operation to local residents in carrying out a big programme of tree planting in the in the grounds of the St. Ives Community Centre.
The programme provides for the planting of over 1,000 trees
President of the St. Ives community centre committee.
In what must be one of the most beautifully situated community centres anywhere in the state. Planned as a practical war memorial this Centre will ultimately be one of the finest recreational areas in Sydney, says Mr, W. Cresswell O'Reilly, of St. Ives Community Committee,
Spread over 20 acres it will include memorial gardens, village green, tennis courts, sports oval, playgrounds, library, club room, bowling green, baby centre, etc. For the children's playground an extensive clump of native trees, mainly well matured Turpentines, has been preserved.This section of the Centre and some of the tennis courts, are already in use.
Memorial Avenue Residents of St. Ives were blessed with a day of brilliant sunshine when, last Saturday, they assembled to plant a memorial avenue of 100 conifers that will extend along one side of the Community Centre's village green.
Holes for the trees had been well prepared by "the sweat of the residents' brow" to quote one speaker. On this occasion, as limited numbers of trees were to be planted, groups of three and four persons, sometimes spaded in the earth about one tree.

Throughout Kuring-gai Municipality, noted for its lovely settings of trees, Mr. W. Cresswell O'Reilly has, for practically a lifetime, worked tirelessly to preserve and plant trees and set aside beautiful parks of native trees that now extend over many acres. Indeed these parklands exceed 10 per cent, of the Municipality's total acreage; this 10 per cent, is now recognised as the ideal proportion of parks to a residential area. In these parks flourish many lovely species of trees, wild flowers and ferns. One primitive area has been reserved but, in every case, these bushlands will preserve many valuable species of coastal flora for posterity.

Mayor of Kuring- gai Council from 1929 to 1933 inclusive, Mr. O'Reilly became known as far afield as Western Australia as "The Tree Mayor."
He established the Council's tree nurseries where thousands of fine trees have been raised for local plantings; many have also been sold to other Councils. Possessed of a great civic spirit, he did much while a member of Kuring-gai Council to publicise the natural beauty of the North Shore Line by making cars available for weekly tours of the district. Thus hundreds of nature lovers were attracted, bought property and became, in turn, the wardens of the trees.
Sydney owes Mr. O'Reilly an incalculable debt. Long before men awoke to the nation's need of trees he was planting and protecting them. Had other Municipalities adopted the same high ideals, Sydney would now have been rated the world's loveliest "City of Trees."

League Saves Hundreds of Beautiful Trees
LAST week, some forty members of Kuring-gai Tree Lovers' Civic League and their friends met at "Willow Bend," St. Ives, the home of Mrs. I. Wyatt.
The day was perfect, spring weather. The plum trees were pictures of dripping snow, the leaves of the Weeping Willow, so recently jolted from sleep, were tender green and among the dark foliage of the orange trees, hung a golden harvest.
Rock lilies and spiraes, blossoming peaches and plums, irises and primroses, freesias and forget-me-nots, were parts of this floral wealth. And there was still many another flowering shrub withholding its blossom for the summer. In the bushlands preserved in the grounds, we found some of the loveliest Australians: the fragile white and pale pink ground orchids.
Everywhere were the bees joyously pouring out a torrent of humming and all through the day the thrushes sang.
Once, sometimes twice, every spring, members of this Tree League gather for a full-day meeting, talk over their tree experiences and get to know each other.
Back of the founding of this Tree League by Mrs. I. Wyatt is the story of the devastation of a gully area. At a meeting of residents held concerning it, it was decided to form a Tree League. It was further decided that, since the men's duties took them to the city each day, the women should in those hours, act as the guardians of the trees.

Women Help the Councils
AT the outset the Councils were somewhat hostile, but when it was explained that the Tree Leaguers were not setting themselves up as a critical body, but to establish a friendly link between ratepayers and councils, this attitude changed to one of appreciation.
Further the Councils gradually discovered that among these ratepayers were many personalities qualified to give them expert advice and that this advice was available voluntarily through the League. So confidence was built up.
It became the recognised rule for the members to report immediately destruction, or proposed destruction of trees, to their secretary or the Councils. The outcome of these activities was the Councils themselves introduced a rule — "that no trees be cut down in streets or parks without first consulting the Parks Officer." In this way countless beautiful trees were saved over the years, on Sydney's North Shore line.
"We had our defeats as well as our victories," said Mrs. Wyatt. "We learned to do most unorthodox things — to approach Council workmen about the trees, to point out to builders that trees should be retained, etc. But gradually the spirit of the movement got over to the public."
Meetings of the League are usually held in the home of a member and this saves the cost of hiring a hall. Cost of membership is 2/6 per year.
Tree lovers in any part of the State may join the League. Better still they may, in their own area, form a branch of the League and work as a united body for the salvation of the trees. Further details may be secured from the Secretary, Miss M. Reid, Wellesley Road, Pymble, Sydney. TREES For Beauty and Utility (1951, September 21). The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 18. Retrieved from 

Tree Leagues
MRS. I. B. WYATT who, in 1927, founded the Tree Lovers Civic League on Sydney's North Shore Line, considers there could be no finer compliment paid the Royal visitors or greater tree service rendered the country than by establishing Tree Leagues in country districts—one league to a Shire.
[The main objective of this League is to create a love of trees and, in particular, Australian trees which are unique in the world's flora.] 
"When the Kuringai Tree Lovers' Civic, League was formed," said Mrs. Wyatt, "we realised we could not act efficiently without the help of the Council. We realised, too, there were many ways in which we could help them.
"Thus the League, became the liaison body between the Council and the people. 
"As each new Council was elected, we called on the Mayor and established personal contact with him.
"We also advised him that his electors included people with technical knowledge well able to help his tree-planting schemes."
Another service rendered by this League is centred in the schools. Annual essay competitions on trees and the civic spirit needed to protect them are arranged. Nature study books are awarded as prizes.
In addition, the League seeks permission to address the children on trees and associate subjects. These addresses, limited to ten minutes, are given four to five times a year by well known authorities on trees. Gifts of trees are frequently made to schools.
Lectures on trees, open to the public, are sometimes arranged in public halls.
"A new Tree League at Hunter's Hill is getting great support from the Council and the people," said Mrs. Wyatt.
She added that Country Tree Leagues could achieve a valuable national work in having small areas of trees or wildflowers gazetted as sanctuaries.
"Such sanctuaries could extend over one or several acres," she said.
"On some areas, one species of native plant, shrub or tree may be growing in abundance and providing a picture of floral beauty in the spring.
"Again, on some small acreage may be growing aged or majestic trees.
"Or, yet again, the area may be the habitat of some particular bird or furred species."
Many of these areas are now threatened by the expansion of town and settlement.
Mrs. Wyatt said that in those districts where both Tree Leagues and Ranger Patrols had been established such sanctuaries could be more effectively guarded. 
MR. MERVYN L.  ROBERTS, president, N.S.W. Ranger Patrol, stated this week that the formation of Ranger Patrols in country centres could be still another gesture to honor the Queen's visit to her peoples.
"I regard the preservation of beautiful areas and trees as equally important as the planting of trees." said Mr. Roberts.
"We are always prepared to co-operate with other movements. Where our Patrols were active in the same district as a Tree League we would be glad to collaborate. Country members of the Patrol could assist in policing sanctuaries.
"The small sanctuary preserves for posterity what may be chopped out in the name of progress." he declared.
The small Angophora Reserve at Avalon Sydney, was an excellent illustration of what might be achieved in these spheres,” said Mr. Roberts.
This area of aged and picturesque Angophora trees is now being cared for by the Warringah Shire. Visitors marvel at the trees' rugged forms which, nevertheless, are very beautiful.
In explaining the functions of the Ranger Patrol, Mr. Roberts said that members were Honorary Rangers appointed under the Wildflower and Native Plants Protection Act and the Fauna Protection Act.
Under the Bushfires Act, they were also Bushland Patrol Officers. The organisation was likewise dedicated to the protection of Australian wildlife.
The Patrol concerns itself with all phases of conservation. Its main function is to police the three Acts, under which warrants are held.
Organised Patrols move as far south as Kiama, north to Morrisset and west to Mt. Victoria.
Members also visit Bungonia, Barrington Tops and the Northern Rivers, from time to time.
The Chief Secretary has declared the Patrol a registered charity. The aims and objects of the movement provide for the establishment of autonomous branches throughout the State. Many more country members are desired.
Further details are obtainable from the Secretary, Mr. K. S. Roberts, 3 Richmond Ave., Cremome.
In conclusion, Mr. Roberts stated that it was the policy of the Patrol to encourage as many tree planting schemes as possible, particularly in country districts. The use of Australian species for both utility and beauty was advocated.
"One of our foremost schemes for this year" concluded Mr. Roberts, "is the planting of Queen Elizabeth Trees to mark Her Majesty's visit.
"Although her visit will be relatively short, all trees planted in 1954 could be termed 'Queen Elizabeth Trees' thus marking the year of her visit to this State.” TREE NOTES Country Tree Planting Schemes As Tribute To The Queen (1954, January 15). The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 21. Retrieved from 

Meeting Ivor – a singer of songs and writer

All records found indicate a lot of love in the generation of family that was Isabella's and between Annie and her brothers in their generation. There's also that historical story with the word 'romance' as part of its title.

How did Annie Forsyth Evans meet Ivor Bertie Wyatt? - he was a sailor as part of the Neutral Bay Club from at least 1904 on, and may well have been in Manly sailing at any of the regattas these two clubs held, he was a renowned tenor who won prizes in contests and appeared as part of the original Crow's Nest Musical Society, soon changed to the North Sydney Musical Society, it may even have been during a visit to her father at Fairholme, Rooty Hill, during the Spring of 1910 - if Springtime is when a young man and young lady's heart turns to love... if Music be the food of love, play on... if playing at love in plays and such may lead to.... well, you know the rest. 

The point is, then, as now, men who could sing attracted eyes and ovation and whether this was the first time they met, or a mere incidental and not this at all - what's an added great insight about this item is the comparison between the 'dancing of now' with that of years before it - and how things were better back then!- just proving the more things change the more they stay the same - in tastes of music and dance that is:

Concert at Colyton
Walker's Hall, Colyton, was packed on Saturday night last, the occasion being a dramatic entertainment and concert arranged by Mr and Ms Colless, of Mount Druitt, in aid of the school funds of Colyton Public School. The arrangements were somewhat interfered with by an accident which happened to some of those taking part in the entertainment. The vehicle in which several young ladies were driving to the hall ran over a stamp and capsized, throwing the ladies out, and although none of them were seriously injured they suffered somewhat from the I shock.
The first item was a pianoforte duet by Mrs. Colless and Miss Lindsay, which was very well received. 
The next item was a song by Mr Ivor Wyatt, ‘Three for Jack'. This was a splendid item, and in response to an undeniable encore he sang 'The Little Irish Girl,' another pleasing item. Mr J Wyatt followed with a violin solo, 'Tarantella,' followed by a recitation by Miss Lindsay ; entitled 'Ballad of Splendid Silence,' given with considerable dramatic effect. Mr Ivor Wyatt again pleased the audience greatly with a song,' The Charmed Cap.' ' Miss Palmer followed with a humorous recitation, 'Negro Sermon,' and in response to an encore gave ' The Husband’s Petition,' which tickled the audience immensely. This brought the first part of the programme to a close, several items having to be cut out on account of the artists being too much upset by the accident to sing.
The second half of the programme was 'Cinderella,' and this was the best thing we have seen in Colyton, the characters being:—The Prince, Miss Majorie Colless ; Muley (a page boy), Miss Doris West; Baroness, Miss Lucy Wyatt; Ulrica, Miss Nellie Aston; Charlotte, Miss Dorothy Colless, Cinderella, Miss Alice Thomas; Fairy Godmother, Miss Madeline Wyatt. The first scene was a kitchen, in which Cinderella was sitting in a very dejected attitude. Her bemoaning her hard lot was interrupted by the entrance of her two would-be stylish sisters, who scolded her for her idleness. Cinderella helped her sisters to dress, and was crying because she could not go to the ball, when her Fairy Godmother came in and worked a transformation scene, by which Cinderella was tamed into a very splendidly dressed young lady. The next scene was the ballroom, where the Prince was making himself agreeable to the two sisters when Cinderella came in, after which the Prince had eyes for no one else. A very pretty and graceful dance was then gone through by Misses M and D Colless and A Thomas and L Wyatt.  This was so much appreciated by the audience that it had to be repeated. In watching this stately and graceful dance one was led to compare the dancing of bygone days with the present style of dancing, which seems to lack the gracefulness of these times. Cinderella, having stayed too late, is changed again into a shabby kitchens maid, and is met and roundly abased by Muley. The Prince tries to find his lost love, and issues a proclamation that he will wed the one who can put on the slipper which Cinderella has left behind in her hurried flight. The sisters try to get the shoe on, but fail, while Muley makes caustic remarks. Then Cinderella wishes to try it on, which Muley at first refuses, but afterwards consenting the slipper is found to fit, and Cinderella producing the other one the Prince is satisfied that he has found his lost love. The Fairy Godmother appears, and Cinderella is again transformed into a stylish young lady, to the delight of the Prince and the dismay of her jealous sisters. All those taking part acted very well, perhaps the best being little Doris West, who was presented with a basket of flowers by one of the audience. The piece was directed by Mrs Holland, who deserves great§ credit for the way in which it was carried out, and also Miss Palmer, who taught the young ladies the dance. The dresses were very fine, and quite beyond the power of my pen to describe. The play was revised by Mr Colless, and some of the most effective parts were added by him.
Mr Aston thanked all those who had helped to make the entertainment a success, after which ' God Save the King' brought a most enjoyable function to a close. Concert at Colyton (1910, September 10).Nepean Times (Penrith, NSW : 1882 - 1962), p. 2. Retrieved from

Comedy of Lovers'
On Saturday night next, May 27, an entertainment of a high-class character, will be given in the Temperance Hall, Penrith, in aid of the Nepean Cottage Hospital. The entertainment is in the form of an original comedy, written by Mr H Colless, of Mount Druitt.' The comedy was given at Rooty Hill at the latter end of last year ; and we cannot do better than reprint the report of same, which appeared in our issue of 17th December :—
"When it was first announced that a locally written comedy would be performed at Rooty Hill, in aid of the prize fund of the Colyton Public School, many there were who expected the same old re-hash of some burlesque, or melodrama, that had been before the public for many years. A few only knew the real strength of things. We did not, at any rate, bat special invitations were sent, and on Saturday morning, whilst on our way to Clarendon, Mr and Mrs. H Colless, of Mount Druitt, who were going to Rooty Hill to have a final rehearsal of the girls, again urged on us and we stopped on our road back to see what the comedy was like—and we were never so disappointed in our life, for what we expected to be one of the old-time re-hashes proved to be one of the best comedies of the class we have seen staged. The various characters were letter perfect. The acting and dresses were all that could be desired. Local hits were good —and, in fact, the evening's performance was one of- the best we have attended for many years.
" With the exception of the two King's Minster’s, the performers were all young ladies, from about 10 to 17—the majority being pupils at the school, with relatives of Mr and Mrs Colless from the metropolis. Miss Marjorie Colless, as King of Buraltania, who was perfectly dressed, looked a King and acted as such, ' His ' difficulties in the way of securing a Queen was greatly appreciated. The Duke de Colyton, by Miss Lucy Wyatt, was perfect. He was a peculiar lover, and Showed a wonderful loyalty to his King. The Counsellor (Miss Helen Wyatt), although not having a big part, acted perfectly, The Herald (Miss Nellie Aston) was perfect in every detail her dress was a perfect one, and the character in ever; particular was well sustained. The King's Jester (Miss Doria West) was a perfect one for a mere child his' dress was splendid, and the jokes were good, especially for one so young. Sho suffered, too, from a rather severe cold. The Courier (Miss B Glartys Thomas) was a first-class character. The King's Minstrels (Messrs Ivor Wyatt and I P Wyatt)—the former with a capital vocal item, and the latter with violin selections— were tip-top. … A Comedy of Lovers (1911, May 20).Nepean Times (Penrith, NSW : 1882 - 1962), p. 4. Retrieved from 

One theme recurs through all these joint performances; that they were for the benefit of others - for raising funds for those who needed the Benevolence Society's assistance or for the establishment of places to save lives or recover health:

A new musical society having its headquarters at Crow’s Nest has been established in North Sydney. it aims at giving a series of concerts the proceeds of which are to be devoted to relieving any cases of real distress in the neighbourhood and the supplementing the funds of some charitable institution. Mr G Faunce Allman has been appointed honorary conductor.
His Excellency the Governor, Sir Harry Rawson, has given his patronage, and several leading residents have consented to become vice-presidents. MUSICAL SOCIETY AT NORTH SYDNEY. (1906, August 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from 

The Benevolent Society was one for which concerts were given
The first concert of the Crow's Nest Musical Society was successfully given in Haigh's Hall on Wednesday night, when Pattison's cantata, "Sherwood's Queen," was rendered, with the assistance of Miss Alice Braund and Mr. J. O. White. Other soloists were Miss Dunstan, Miss Moore, Mr. J. Owen, Mr. Ivor Wyatt, Mr. Phillips, Mr. E. H. Hume, Mr. Beaver, and members of the society. Praise is due to the lion, conductor, Mr. G. Faunce Allman, for his control of the chorus, and to Mr. II. Gross for his work as accompanist. CROW'S NEST MUSICAL SOCIETY. (1906, September 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from 

Mr. Ivor .Wyatt, who has been honorary secretary of the North Sydney Musical Society (formerly the Crow's Nest Musical Society) since its formation three years ago, has resigned the position owing to his early departure, for China. At the conclusion of the society's concert on Tuesday evening Mr. Wyatt was presented with a travelling case and a letter of appreciation signed by the members. MEN AND WOMEN. (1908, June 18). The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), p. 4. Retrieved from 

GENTLEMEN'S DUET, 'Excelsior.' First prize, two cold-centre medals; second, certificate. There were only two entries, viz., J. Bate (Granville, tenor, and A. Waddoups (Sydney), bass ; and Ivor Wyatt (Neutral Bay), tenor, and A. K. Jamieson (Burwood), bass. The adjudicator described them as two very fine renditions. The two first-named competitors blended their voices well, both being resonant, rich and powerful. The other two also blended well, but the tenor was not quite so good as his opponent. He declared Messrs. Bate and Waddoups the winners with an aggregate of 91 points, and awarded Messrs. Wyatt and Jamieson 88 points. Fourth Day.—Saturday (1907, October 23). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate(Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 1. Retrieved from 

On Saturday, July 18, Miss O'Shanessy, the well-known singer and voice-cultivator, gave an 'At Home’ at her studio in Paling's Buildings. The number of guests, over one hundred, testified to the high esteem in which the hostess is generally held. The apartment was beautifully decorated by Mr. Wyatt, under the superintendence of Miss O'Shanessy herself. The most appreciated item of the afternoon's proceedings was the song, 'In Old Madrid.' This was rendered charmingly by Miss O'Shanessy, with a banjo and guitar accompaniment. Altogether the gathering was a great success.SYDNEY SOCIAL ITEMS. (1891, August 1).Illustrated Sydney News (NSW : 1881 - 1894), p. 11. Retrieved from 

'Queen of the Earth' (Pinsuti). First prize, gold modal ; second, certificate. There were seven entries. Ivor Wyatt, of Neutral Bay, came first with 90 points, and Ben Davies, of Granville, second with 86. The remainder scored as follows: — S. Haydon 84 points, H. Eddy 79, G.
.Conyngham 76, H. Sambrook 73, and W. Thompson 72. Granville Eisteddfod. (1907, October 23).The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate(Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 1. Retrieved from 

Mr. Ivor Wyatt (winner of the gold medal for the gentlemen's solo), sang admirably 'The charmed cup,' and the duet which followed, 'Ora pro nobis,' sung by Misses Annie Brown and Ruby Hill (both gold medalists twice over at least) was one of the prettiest things of the evening. Eisteddfod Concert. (1907, November 20).The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 3. Retrieved from 

Hon. Conductor. Mr. GEORGE ALLMAN.
First Concert, Second Season.-Cantata, "May Queen," Sir W. Sterndale Bennett, and  miscellaneous programme.
Assisting Artists.-Miss Geraldine Rivers, Miss Ada Middenway, Mr. James Crabtree, Mr. C. A. Rolfe, and others. NEED'S MASONIC HALL, Walker-st, North Svdney, TUESDAY. 25th JUNE, 8 p.m. Proceeds in aid of Royal North Shore Hospital. 2s and 1s.
IVOR WYATT, Hon. Sec.  – c.c. Paling and Co.. city. Advertising (1907, June 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from 

Hon Conductor, Mr. GEORGE ALLMAN.
Miscellaneous Programme, including Selections from the "MESSIAH "
Assisting Artists: Miss Dora Ranclaud, Miss Muriel Casey, Miss Millie Hughes, Messrs. J. E. Owen, and Ivor Wyatt, Master Jack Jones
MASONIC HALL, WALKER-STREET, NORTH SYDNEY, 8 P.M. 2s and 1s. Advertising (1907, December 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from 

Annual meetings are the order of the Bay, or rather, night, and the committees art busy winding up affairs of the old season and preparing for the new.The Neutral Bay Club called their members together on Tuesday evening last, Commodore Sayer presiding. The annual report told that the past season was prosperous. The' club fleet comprised 21 sailing craft and 21 motor launches, while the membership roll totalled 118. A club room has been opened at Folmouth Chambers, Pitt street, and was meeting with good support from the members of the club. The following officers were appointed for the new season. Commodore, Mr. E. E. Sayer ; vice-commodore, Mr. A, E. Starkey, rear-commodore, Mr. Falbert ; captain, Mr. J. Attwater ; committee, A. G. Murphy, T. Coggins, jun-, Ivor Wyatt, E. Gribbeu ; hon. secretary, S. J. Coggins ; hen. treasurer, C. W. Gibson ; hon. measurer, C. W. Moseley ; auditors, J. D. Dunlop', H. Pickford. The hon. secretary and hon. treasurer were each presented by the commodore, on behalf of the members, with a set of ebony-backed hair and clothes brushes. Do the Neutral Bayites wish the energetic secretary and treasurer to keep their brains brushed during the coming season? SAILING. (1904, August 17). Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW : 1900 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from 

Application for Letters Patent for an invention by John Malcolm Ferguson, Keith Forsyth Evans and Ivor Bertie Wyatt titled, An improved combination lock

KUMANO MARU FOR JAPAN. Messrs. Burns, Philp, and Company. Limited, Cmanaglac agents for the Nippon Yusen -^aisha. in .Australasia), state that the J.M-S. Kumano Mara sails for Yokohama at noon to-morrow from the company's wharf, east side Circular Quay, via Queensland ports, Manila, Hongkong; Nagasaki, and Kobe. The following is a. list of her passengers:— Mr. C B. Owen Smyth, I.S.O., Mrs. C. F. Owen Smyth Miss Owen Smyth, Mr. W. A. Eastlake, Mr. Wyatt, Mrs. Wyatt, … SHIPPING. (1910, December 27). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 8. Retrieved from 

The death of Mr. Ninian Miller Thomson, managing director of Mauri Bros, and Thomson, Ltd., occurred early on Monday .morning at his residence, Morung, Wallaroy-crescent, Double Bay. Mr. Thomson's health had not been good for some time, but his death was unexpected.
A brother of the late Mr. Dugald Thomson, he was born in Scotland, and came to Australia 30 years ago. He became a partner of Mauri Bros.
Mr. Thomson is survived by a widow, a son, Allen, three daughters, Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. F. P. Evans, Miss Thomson, and by a brother, Mr. J. B. Thomson.
The funeral took place yesterday at Gore Hill Cemetery, the service being conducted by the Revs. J. L. Copo and Ivor Bertram. The chief mourners were Mr. Allen Thomson, Mr. J. B. Thomson, Mr. F. P. Evans, Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Alex. Turnbull, Mr. Gordon Turnbuul, Mr. W. T. Gillies, and Dr. Sinclair Gillies.
Mauri Bros, and Thomson were represented by Mr. G, W. Pickford, Mr. A. P. Evans (directors), Mr. Colin Smith, Major G. T. Goodsell, and by members of the staff. Mr. J. C. Ridgeway, representing the Melbourne house (Harrison, Son, Mynel, Ltd.), and Mr. A. McNellage, and Mr. A. W. Freeman, the Melbourne Glass Bottle Works.
Others present Included Messrs. Ivor Wyatt, W. J. Blyth (Gollin and Co., Proprietary, Ltd.), C. Stewart (English, Scottish, and Australian Bank), F. McDiarmid, Gray, H. Y. Russell, T. Morland, L Newman, H. Palmer, A. Stephen, R. A. Smith, Dr. Lennox. Teece, and Captain Penfold. OBITUARY. MR. NINIAN M. THOMSON. (1923, July 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from 


A member of the young school of Manly golfers. Ivor Wyatt (whose picture is produced this week) is- one of the younger players at Manly. With practice he ought to do well, for he possesses a sound style. GOLF IS TOO FAST (1924, June 6). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 16. Retrieved from 

This year the Pincombe Cup at Pymble was won by IVOR B. WYATT,  who returned the best three out of five cards. His commencing card at 4 up gave him a good start. He is a prominent and regular player where the wholesale grocers meet. SHORT PUTTS WITH RUBBERCORE (1941, October 12). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 9 (SPORTING SECTION). Retrieved from 

Ivor Wyatt (Gollin and Co Pty Ltd MR. HENRY C. FORREST. (1935, July 17).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from 

Gollin and Co Pty Ltd, general merchants and importers, was established as a company in Adelaide  The Former Gollin and Company Building is of historical significance as an illustration of a successful general merchant and import firm of the late-19th and early 20th centuries. Gollin and Company had a diverse business, handling kerosene and oil distribution and shipment of fruit from Mildura to England, amongst other activities. The substance and impressiveness of this building was a specific expression of the company's prosperity and importance, and a general indication of the revived Victorian economy in the first decade of the 20th century, after the 1890s depression, and of the importance of import companies to an economy with limited industrial capacity.

Ivor's Other Songs - Pre-Marriage

Relatives have related piles of papers in the Wyatt home of all the works Mr. Wyatt undertook and a similar case in he and Annie's son, Ivor Forsyth Wyatt. Many may not know that this gentleman was more than a singer of songs and prize winner who inspired ovations - he was also fairly good with the pen and words. These may be a fair way from our subject matter but it's probably time they saw the light of day again - especially those concerning Timor and China during his overseas trips.

He names his character 'Bertie' in this first whimsy, and Mary, which may indeed been the name of his nurse, was also that of his mother.

Messrs. Spartan and Plowing prided themselves upon being the best Jewellers in Cartwich. They were a very go-ahead Arm; and in their window the latest novelties in watches and clocks could always be seen. Their selection of Jewellery, and of the most offensive modern "charms" (as all sorts of foolish minla: f.iro pigs and pillar-boxes are called), was always up to date. One morning Mr. Plowing, the Junior partner, began to dance round the shop, excitedly pointing at a, parcel which lay open on one of the glass-covered show-cases.
"That will fetch Brlghtman, our rival," he said.
"What have you now?" said Mr. Spartan. "I hope none of those foolish 'novelties' - messes, I call them."
"Oh that's all right, Spartan, it will be sure to sell."
"Mr. Plowing," said the elder man seriously. "If you have been buying any more of that 'stick and umbrella cigar-case' or 'night-light match-box," or those horrid 'beetle-pencilc ases,' I shall be very angry. When I asked you to go to London, I meant you to get sensible things and -"
"It's all right, sir, lt's the phonographic watch," said the Junior partner excitedly; "it will soil like blazes." .
"I have never sold any blazes," said the senior partner with a reproving frown-"let me see those talking 'tickers.' "
Tho partners undid tho wrappers in which some fifteen watches wore encased. They looked very harmless, and had the stupid, overconscientious look of the ordinary watch.
"They are all going," said Mr. Spartan, after he had put each to his ear.
"It ls ten minutes to nine," said Mr. Plowing; ''in ten minutes we shall hear them speak. I believe one contains the voice of Mr. Gladstone, and one a text spoken by Archdeacon Parrar at 11 o'clock, and a sentence from the Archbishop of Canterbury's sermons,"

The partners then arranged tho watches in two rows upon the desk, and anxiously awaited the hour. As the big clock over the shop began to wheeze preparatory to striking, a tiny little voice was heard to proceed from one of the mild-looking watches on the desk.
"Nine. Your father has gone down to breakfast," it said, in the quiet, subdued tones of a trained servant.
"A schoolboy's holiday watch, I suppose," said Mr. Spartan.
Mr. Plowing looked for the words "your father" in the descriptive catalogue.
"Father Christmas, Father Stanton, Father Vaughan, Father your," he read. "No. 942 a young lady's watch," he said.
"Nine. Quite time to get up," said one of the watches brightly. Then the others said, all talking at the same time:
"Nine. Open the letters and take them up stairs."
"Nine. Mustn't forget pencils and a scoring card-also niblick."
"A golfer's watch," said Mr. Plowing. 
"Nine. Remember roll call." 
"In the city by nine."
"Nine o'clock. 'The labor we delight in physics pain," said another, "nine o'clock."
"Nine. . Talk to cook about dinner." 
"A lady's watch that," Interrupted Mr. Spartan.
"It ls quite nine o'clock." 
"It is nine o'clock now." 
"Nine o'clock, I say."' 
"Nine, old chap."
"Nine tailors make a man."

Then no more was heard. Mr. Spartan stood amazed at the experience, while Mr. Plowing looked on with the air of a man who was showing off something of which he had a perfect knowledge.

"I heard the whole batch In London," he said. "They are wonderful little Instruments. The Shakespeare quotation watch ls a little gem."
"Which, was the Gladstone watch?" said Mr. Spartan. 
"In the miniature babel of tongues I did not distinguish it."
"It ls the oratorical sounding one, which said, 'It is quite nine o'olock," said Mr. Plowing. "I'll repeat the message for you." 
He consulted the catalogue, then picked out the watch, and pressed a small pin.
"It ls quite nine o'clock," rang out from the case In perfect imitation of the impressive tones of the Grand Old Man.
"I suppose there are singing watches, and preaching watches, and musical watches?"
"Yes," said Mr. Plowing. "For our first consignment I thought that the speaking watch would be the beet, and as you generally entrust all purchases to me I ordered this lot. I hope I have your approval?"
"Yes, they seem to be a vary good invention."
"Here is the show-card," said Mr. Plowing. "We had better put it in the window, and keep the watches here to 'speak' to the customers."
He placed the show-card In the window. 
On it was written

This watch will tell you the time, instead of leaving you to work it out for yourself. You can have the voice of your dearest friend, favorite politician or preacher, singer or actor. You can have your own voice reproduced on payment of two guineas extra. You can have a 'repeater' to quote texts, dates, poetry, or prose.

is a faithful friend. By pressing a button you can shut off the message for travelling, etc., and dally use; but at the same time the watch will repeat on opening the half-hunter case-when the knob ls turned on automatically -when the message is not turned off.
"Three quotation hours to each watch."

Messrs. Spartan and Plowing went on with their ordinary business until 10 o'clock. At that hour one or two business men stopped to hear the talking watch on their way to the city, for the shop was situated in the main road from tho suburbs to the business part of Cartwich. Three watches spoke, as Mr. Spartan thought it more economical to shut off the others. He kept the "Gladstone watch," which quoted from Horace:
"Ten. Eheu fugaces . . . labuntur anni." 
"Ten. Play up to the hole," said the golfer's watch.
"It is ten o'clock," said the other.
"Very amusing. What do they cost, Mr. Spartan?" said one of the business men.
"Fifteen guineas in gold, sir; any voice you care to choose. Nine pounds in silver."
"Oh," said the business man. "Good-morning. Thank you, I am much obliged. It is very interesting, I am sure."
As he walked on with his friend, he said drily, "I don't think a man ought to keep a gold watch if he can afford a Waterbury."

At midday there was a great crowd assembled to hear the new watches in Messrs. Spartan and Plowing's. Everybody Ired the little wonders, and talked of getting one for someone or other, but said that perhaps another day would do as well when they heard the price. Some made some slight purchases, but no one bought a phonographic watch.

"Why did you get fifteen of them, Plowing?" said Mr. Spartan, when they were arranging the new watches to "speak" at 1 o'clock. "Five would have been quite enough. We shall never be able to get rid of fifteen at this price. There are not enough rich people in Cartwich."
The junior partner was by no means disheartened, for he well knew Mr. Spartan's methods. Spartan used to leave all the purchases to his partner, and then heap all the abuse on his head if an article did not sell well. In this case Mr. Plowing answered bluntly that there wore quite enough rich people in Cartwich to warrant his buying fifteen of those new watches.

"I bet we sell some the first day," he added. 
"Please do not use such expressions during business hours," said Spartan pompously. "You are perfectly well aware that I object to all betting and gambling."
"Ten to one on the field," was the answer  In low tones.
"Mr. Plowing-sir-how dare you, sir?" said Mr. Spartan, red with anger.
"Excuse .me, Spartan," said Mr. Plowing. "Don't get angry; it was the sporting watch which spoke-that ls the voice of Tom Scrapper, the famous 'bookie.' "
"Then put lt away, and turn on Dr. Talmage," said his senior, accepting the explanation.

At five minutes to one Mr. Bunsner came in. He asked to see the new watch. Mr. Bunsner was a very rich manufacturer, and spent his money very freely. Spartan produced the watches and turned them on, while Plowing explained all he knew about their mechanism In order to bridge over the interval until one o'clock should strike. A moment before tho big clock struck the watches began to talk; about ton went off exactly at the same tima, and what they said could not be distinguished. All Mr. Bunsner heard was a recipe for "oaufs a la Norfolk" from one watch, and the excellent advice, "One o'clock. Take your hands out of your pockets,," from another.
"What's that one?" said Mr. Bunsner eagerly. "How much is it?"
"Which, Mr. Bunsner, please?"
"The one that said 'Take your hands out of your pockets.' It will do beautifully for my boy."

"Oh, that's the schoolboy's watch, sir. ' It has a lot of useful precepts. It has alec some football maxims, the chief rules of good behaviour, and some hints upon keeping pets. The whole to conclude with some nice homely advice in a lady's voice for every night at ten. After that, if consulted, it says,'Don't talk,' and 'Go to sleep.' " said Mr. Plowing,-reading from the descriptive catalogue. "I may add, sir, that this watch has gained testimonials from several of the headmasters of public schools. 
Thus, the headmaster of a well-known school wrote: 'The watch which recites the rules of Greek accentuation and of the Latin subjunctive during play hours, only, while recommending its possessor to keep still and quiet and behave like a gentleman during school hours and at meal times, will, in my opinion, prove a valuable factor In the education of young Englishmen in our public schools.' "

Mr. Plowing then adroitly skipped an eloquent description of the Cribber's watch, which could be supplied in nickel for £3 to any member or a sixth form, under cover and secretly packed.
"What is the price of this one, then?" said Mr. Bunsner.
"Nine pounds," said the officious Plowing, pushing his way past Spartan.
"I will take that with me, please," said Mr. Bunsner.

Mr. Bunsner took the watch with him; he did not look at it during luncheon at the Conservative Club-the phonographic apparatus had been turned off, as he did not wish to be surprised by it during business hours. "It might tell me to take my hands out of my pockets, or to go on with my work when one of my clerks was in my room, and that would be annoying," he said to himself, as he turned the button.

In spite of his curiosity about what the watch would say next, he restrained himself from listening to it till a quarter to 6, when he took the watch out of his pocket and held it in his hand as the carriage neared home, when the hands marked 6 the tiny voice said! "Six-change your boots and brush your hair.''' Mr. Bunsner was delighted; he had often scolded Bertie, when he came home at half-past 6, for looking so untidy, and for wearing his boots in the house.

He said nothing of the purchase to his wife, however, as he hoped to surprise Bertie the next morning with the "Conscience watch." .
"I have bought you a watch for your birthday, my boy," he said to Bertie, when the boy came in to say "Good-night." 
"Put it In the watch pocket by your bed; now mind you take care of it."
"Yes, father, I will," said the boy, his eyes brightening at the present; "thank you very much. Good-night, father."
"Good-night, Bertie, my son, don't be afraid of your new watch."
Mrs. Bunsner and Bertie laughed, and the boy went off to bed handling his new possession.

A servant came into the boy's room a few minutes before 8 next morning. She pulled up the blind and called to the sleeper.
"Your bath is ready, Master Bertie; you must get up."
She put his dressing-gown and slippers ready and went out of the room. Bertie turned over and had a long discussion with himself.
"Shall I get up? It will be awfully nice to get up In a few minutes; I haven't had enough sleep. It's very bad for one not to have enough sleep. Another quarter of an hour will do me a lot of good. Well, perhaps a quarter of an hour ls too long. I'll go to sleep for another five minutes. Then I really will get up. It will be quite time enough by then to have my bath."
"Eight. Time to get up now," said somebody.
"Hullo, I'm dreaming. That was a ghost, I suppose," said Bertie.
"Half-past eight. Get out."
"Nine. You have been in bed too long, get up," said somebody."
"What on earth is it?"
"Ten. Don't talk in school."
"Eleven. Hurry up to the other class room."
Something had gone wrong with the watch, and nothing could stop it.
"Twelve. William the Conqueror, 1066." "One. Don't eat too fast at dinner." "Two. Don't run after eating."
Bertie got up, and looked all round the room, under the bed, and in the cupboard.
"Ugh!" he said to himself. "I must be going mad. I keep hearing horrible counting, and people saying things. There it is again!"
"Pour. Get ready for tea."
"Five. Don't speak with your mouth full.'
"Six. Change your boots, and brush your hair."
Bertie screamed for help, and the servant came rushing In.
"Oh, Mary, I'm mad! And there are ghosts saying nasty things all round me. Listen!"
Mary listened attentively, as did the boy.
"Eight. To bed In an hour and a half--" was all they heard.
Mary fainted, and Bertie held his face In his hands, and grovelled on the floor. Suddenly he Jumped up, tore down the watch pocket, and hold it to his ear.
"That's it," he cried. "It's this beast of a watch that papa gave me is mad; not us. It ls talking like Balaam's ass; here goes!" and he dropped the watch, pocket and all, into the jug. "We shan't hear lt there," he said lo himself as he threw the contents of the water jug over the servant, and called for help.
Mr. Bunsner rushed In, and scolded his son for his ingratitude; then sent Mary away, and administered corporal punishment.
As his father left the room, Bertie muttered to himself
"Talking watches are Humbug!"
SHORT STORIES. (1907, March 6).Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 15 (SUPPLEMENT TO THE "TOWN AND COUNTRY JOURNAL"). Retrieved from 

An Australian at Timor
AS we approached the shore we could see the town of Dilly nestling at the foot of the mountains. There is really no harbour, a mere indent in the coast line serving for one. But a large coral reef forms a breakwater, and two buoys mark the narrow channel.

Proceeding to within about 300 yards of the shore we dropped anchor. The ship's boat then took a stern line ashore and made it fast to a large banyan tree on the beach. After leaving good harbours and wharfs, it seemed odd to tie a 4500-ton mail steamer to a tree. 

Presently a boat came out rowed by four dusky natives and flying the Portuguese flag. It contained several uniformed officials, for Timor is a Portuguese colony. We landed at the small iron pier which runs out from the beach. We first made our way to the museum, situated in a grove of brilliant-leaved, tropical plants. Here it behoved one to walk warily, for there were numerous monkeys in the trees, and also some on stands, held captive by long, slender chains. One of these was particularly aggressive, and anything tossed to him was immediately returned with violence. The museum we found to be one large room, containing many interesting curios, a lot of the native handwork, and also a collection of the birds and animals native to the island. Along the main road we passed large numbers of natives, who idled about chewing the beetle nut, its deep-red juice staining their mouths like blood. Striking off to the beach, in a belt of heavy tropical growth we found the native huts, their walls composed of reeds, and the roofs thickly thatched with palm leaves. Here several natives were busy mending their canoes and catamarans. With the white beach sloping to the water, and for a background the triangle of tropical growth, cocoanut palms, banyan, trees, and creepers, the picture was one to which neither pen nor camera could do justice. 

On our return journey we passed the pretty bungalow of a Portuguese resident, situated in a forest of tall cocoanut palms, and surrounded by a four-foot wall, built entirely from lumps of coral. The military barracks is a fine, large white building. Here, under Portuguese officers, are stationed the native troops, most of them being big, well-made men. They are dressed in khaki uniform, but do not wear any boots. At this place the natives crowded about us, offering their wares for sale — small monkeys, parrots, and fruit. The principal exports of the island are sandalwood, coffee, wax, and deerhorns. For on the rich virgin tablelands a few miles from the sea thousands of red deer roam at will. The island is also rich in oil, and a syndicate has recently been formed for the purpose of exploiting it. The natives, of whom there are many thousands, are ruled by about fifty chiefs, and as these are by no means amiably disposed towards one another, small warfare is not infrequent. When they are employed as bearers for a journey inland, they will only act within the boundaries of their own territory, and when when these are reached a fresh arrangement has to be made with the next chiefs. The deep whistle of the steamer called us hurriedly back. The barges had returned, and the natives were busily unloading them. Four of them would wade waist deep into the water and receive the goods upon a frame on the shoulders.




An Australian at Timor. (1910, August 31).The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 34. Retrieved from 


THE traveller who wants to see the real China should at all costs visit the Upper Yangtse River, between Ichang and Chungking. It means weeks of journeying from the coast; but one there sees China without the foreign influence, and is rewarded with the thrilling excitement of shooting foaming rapids, and viewing scenery of striking grandeur.

Leaving Shanghai at midnight, I had a 34 days' run before reaching Hankow. The river here, on its lower reaches, is so wide that in places the shores are lost to sight. The country is absolutely flat, and the banks are broken every 400 or 500 yards by canals, which have been cut inland for purposes of irrigation. The river steamer on which I travelled was most luxurious, being fitted with a large saloon resembling the daintiest of drawing-rooms, with two open fireplaces, with carpets and hangings, lounges and easy chairs, and even a pianola. There was also a splendid little library aboard, and half a dozen 'boys' were in attendance to answer the electric-bells. Until one went on deck it was a little difficult to realise that this was China. Arriving at Hankow, we had a 24 hours' wait, which enabled me to visit the large native city, and also the famous Russian bricktea factories. 

At Hankow I transferred to a smaller river steamer, whose destination was Ichang, which is practically the terminus for steamers on the Yangtse. At Ichang I spent a few days with the Customs officials, and then procured a junk to journey to Chungking. Soon after leaving Ichang we got among the hills, the river narrowing in, and a swifter current running. We travelled on for some days, and when the actual mountains were reached the dangerous and exciting part of the journey began. To ascend the rapids near Chungking necessitates great skill and nerve, and hard work on the part of the crew and trackers, and also great good luck. A short description of the ascent of one of the principal rapids will afford some idea of the risks of travelling on the Upper Yaugtse. As we approached we could hear the rumbling voice of the waters, and all was excitement at the coming fight against Nature's forces. The insurance on any cargo for this journey is 35 per cent., as the company estimates that one in every three junks capsize, or is smashed on the rocks. If the helmsman makes one mistake, or a single rope breaks, it is all over. A little below the rapids there is a depot in calm water, where the junks await their turn to be taken up the rapids by the trackers- Sometimes it means days of waiting, but we were fortunate, as our turn came after only six hours. But they were six hours of feverish excitement. At last


two large ropes of plaited bamboo were made fast, with about 40 men at the shore end of each. This was arranged for by having as many smaller ropes radiating from the large main one, so that each man had his own small rope. Meanwhile our crew of eight had been stationed at either side of the boat, with long bamboo poles to keep her from striking the cruel-looking rocks. As I knew no Chinese, and the crew were unable to speak English, I could not ask questions as to what was before us. So I stood alone in the waist of the junk, and trusted to Providence— and the Chinese. Soon after starting the river commenced to narrow considerably, with high, rugged cliffs rising on either hand. 

Cut in the faces of the cliffs were narrow paths, and along these the trackers slowly made their way, straining at the ropes upon which our lives depended. At times these men would be completely lost to sight round a corner, and then their ropes would rasp against th- rocky walls in grooves worn feet deep by the thousands of ropes which had rasped there before. Mile after mile we crept along thus, the water rushing swifter as we ascended. Just before reaching the actual rapids, I was watching the small whirlpools among the rocks through which we were forcing our way, when I was startled by a shout and a great chattering among the crew. Looking up at the cliffs I saw that which made me shudder. One of our trackers had slipped, and was crashing down to the rocks below. Not for a moment, however, did the rope slacken, nor could we on the junk do anything to help. At all costs they must keep going, for if our boat turned broadside for a moment nothing could be done to. save it. In a moment our boat came abreast of the moving man on the rocks, but there was nothing for it but to pass on. I turned away towards the opposite cliffs, and realised that it was the East, where things are different. That man's fate is the fate of dozens of trackers every year. Describing the incident to a friend on my return to Ichang, he told me the story of a tracker who had fallen over a small cliff, and broken his thigh. He had crawled for 14 , « . - hours over the rocks, and was then taken a
five days' journey in a small junk to a missionary doctor. His leg had to be amputated, and he was eventually set up as a street hawker by the Customs men's subscriptions of 8dols. At last we entered the true rapids. Around and far ahead of us were bubbling waves of white foam. The deep water, being bottled into a narrow channel, was rushing at the rate of 14 miles an hour over numerous rocks. The junk lurched and bobbed, so that the strain upon the men creeping along the cliffs must have been tremendous. At times the foam and water dashed over us, and all the time the helmsman was shrieking out orders. The crew was forward poling our craft off the rocks, while on a narrow track cut in the face of cliffs 800ft high our 80 men struggled to keep our boat just moving. Hour after hour we crept along thus, with the water roaring and foaming past, and the cliffs always towering close on either hand. The river then broadened out to form a deep bay, where, among waterworn rocks, many junks rested at anchor. It had been a journey of thrilling excitement, such as fall to the lot of few European travellers, but I was not sorry to reach this haven, anl neither, I am sure, were the crew or trackers, who took to these little bays for their leisure to rest and eat. For many days afterwards we were towed through similar rapids and gorges, the scenery all along being magnificent, with mountains rising thousands of feet above the river. When the spring rains are late, and the snow waters come down at the same time, the river has been known to rise 70 feet in 24 hours. 

After a few days' rest at Chungking I started back for Ichang. The return journey was accomplished in very quick time compared to what it had taken us to struggle up, and was, if anything, more thrilling. In the rapids we were whirled down stream at the rate of 12 miles an hour, while it required five or six men to manage the large steering oar in the stern.

AN AUSTRALIAN IN CHINA. (1911, March 8). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 35. Retrieved from 
Extras - Notes,  References and Incidentals

Trove – National Library of Australia 
The Mitchell Library, State library of NSW
Australia’s National Trust  work in progress... Article by ROSALIND STIRLING. 2014
National Trust NSW Winter Magazine 2015  Published on May 1, 2015  
Caroline Simpson, 'Wyatt, Annie Forsyth (1885–1961)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, published first in hardcopy 2002
Vale Ivor Forsyth Wyatt OBE – Ku-ring-gai Council Minutes – Mayoral Minute - Meeting held 10 August 2004 
Ivor Wyatt, Ours in Trust: a personal history of The National Trust of Australia (NSW), Willow Bend Press, Sydney, 1987

Brocks Estate - Mona Vale beachfront to Bungan headland lands bought:

E K Mould - (Lots 6)- Vol-Fol: 3314-163 was part of the blocks or lots of land bought by Robert James Forsyth

Robert James Forsyth was the brother of Archibald Forsyth who was grandfather of Annie Wyatt, from the Rickards sales of the former Brocks Estate. Vol- Fol 3011-146 shows how many lots R J Forsyth bought. When he passed away Annie's husband Ivor Bertie Wyatt and solicitor Lionel Staunton Woolcott sold these lots with the sales showing both Annie's mother (Lot 24 Section B Vol-Fol: 3628-106) and herself (Lot 26 Section B Vol-Fol: 3701-226) bought a Lot in the flat and elevated parts of land fronting and rising in the north from Mona Vale beach to Bungan beach.

Vol- Fol 3011-146 shows these lots:

H R Swain; does not appear to be related to Swain family of Bobbin head road Hornsby and son Thomas Reginald Swain who flew in 1930's Pittwater Regattas, serving in WWI as gunner

NSW BDM's birth: SWAIN HARRY R24610/1903 parents: WILLIAM MAY registered at REDFERN - Parents marriage: 6295/1893 SWAIN WILLIAM to  MARTIN MAY registered at REDFERN

H R Swain fathers death:

SWAIN. -May 30 at his residence, William, the beloved husband of May Swain aged 49 years late of Railway Traffic Dept and 17th Reinforcements, 22nd Batt. AIF. Family Notices (1922, June 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from

His War Records show he was 44 years 7 months when enlisted in 1916 - was sent into Ypres, France where he sustained a GSW to the head October 4th, 1917 (entered his body from left and exited near right eye and jaw), as well as gun shot wounds in his left arm and shoulder. After stabilising him he was shipped back to Australia, February 4th, 1918 and discharged August 26th, 1918, with permanent injuries and some fragments still in his body. 

SWAIN WILLIAM 6372/1922 his father's parents: HENRY J ELIZA H PETERSHAM

Will made his widow May Louisa Swain, nee Martin, beneficiary.

Records Fall As Forestry Thrives

November 3rd, 2016: Media Release - Department of Agriculture and Water Resources Australian Government
Australia’s forestry sector is enjoying some of the best conditions in its history, according to a report released today by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES).

The report, Australian forest and wood products statistics: March and June quarters 2016, showed the industry is enjoying its third consecutive year of growth, with volume and value of logs harvested estimated to have reached record levels in 2015–16.

ABARES acting Executive Director, Peter Gooday, said the successive years of growth have coincided with record levels of residential construction activity in Australia, and export demand bolstered by low shipping costs and a weak Australian dollar.

“ABARES estimates that the volume of logs harvested increased by around 8 per cent in 2015–16, to above 29 million cubic metres for the first time,” Mr Gooday said.

“With prices for both hardwood and softwood logs also estimated to have increased, the value of logs harvested in Australia is approaching $2.3 billion.

“Total dwelling commencements in 2015–16 were the highest on record, up by 5.1 per cent to almost 230 000 units. This is the fourth year in a row that residential construction activity has increased, forming the basis for strong domestic demand for wood products.

“Exports of wood products are also stronger than ever, exceeding $3 billion for the first time.

“Growth in exports was driven by large increases in woodchips and roundwood logs to China. The value of forestry exports to China are now worth over $1.3 billion, and accounted for 43 per cent of Australia’s wood product exports in 2015–16.

“However, this report also highlights that activity levels in forestry remain contingent on key markets, in particular housing and international trade. Developments in these sectors will continue to determine the direction of investment and output in Australia’s forestry sector.”

NSW Government Biodiversity Legislation

Initiative NSW - The National Trust - June 2016
The National Trust has joined Stand Up for Nature, an alliance of conservation groups dedicated to improving protection for nature in NSW. The Trust will be lobbying against proposed legislation which, in the Trust’s view, would dramatically increase land clearing in NSW with major adverse impacts on biodiversity conservation and efforts to deal with climate change. 

This is an unusual step for the Trust, but, in the past we have joined with other like-minded groups to oppose sand mining along the NSW coast (1964), to lobby for the creation of Myall Lakes National Park (1968), to oppose rainforest logging (1980s) and more recently to protect Sydney Harbour defence sites and NSW public lands. 

The Trust has many concerns with the proposed legislation and these can be read in detail in the National Trust submission. A recent statement from theWentworth Group of Scientists condemning the draft legislation is also very informing. Some of the Trust’s major concerns are – 
  • the proposed legislation will facilitate the removal of iconic paddock trees such as those depicted in the paintings of Hans Heysen,
  • increasing emissions by removing restrictions on land clearing will directly contradict Australia’s recent signing of the Paris Climate Agreement and undermine Federal Government policy and financial commitments ($1.2 billion has been spent by the federal government on purchasing emissions via avoided clearing and re-vegetation under the national Emissions Reduction Fund.
  • The legislation virtually ignores climate change.  Research has proven that land clearing reduces rainfall, increases the duration of droughts and exacerbates El Niño The draft legislation lists human-caused climate change as a key threatening process for biodiversity but does not deal with this threat with only two references to climate change in the 213 pages of the legislation.
  • Vulnerable ecological communities of vegetation will be less protected and mining will be permitted in areas of high biodiversity value.
  • The role of the Minister for the Environment is diminished. Important decisions on biodiversity should be the role and prerogative of the Minister for the Environment.

They are not oppressed In all countries. In some they are loved, valued, and honoured, but few Australians care about them, although their lovers care very much indeed. Most Australians know nothing about their own trees. Others, of whom I am one, know far too little, but-we feel, with Stevenson's visitor from a neighbouring planet, that "these people seem to have very good manners," and although we are (old that they are only vegetables without the gift of speech we seem to hear them sing.

Is there another country in the world where trees are so despised, neglected, misunderstood, slaughtered as they are here? Of the slaughter I hope to speak later: It may be an unconscious memory of pioneering days which makes us fell trees so recklessly on any pretext or none. There is no such explanation tor the way we despise them. Many of us sweep away trees Indiscriminately In order to tree a view which owed more than half Its beauty to being been through their screen. And our neglect. How few of us think of watering a tree In dry summer weather, or of cleaning away Its dead wood? Even gardeners will, sometimes speak as It trees should be superior to all vegetable needs; as If the magnolia's jaggedly broken branch ought to tidy Itself without help, or tho pittosporum were to blame for requiring to be sprayed when there Is scale about. They do not talk like that about their roses and dahlias.

The way we misunderstand trees wants a paragraph of Its own. We usually know neither their names, their natures, or their birthplaces. I have been assured by Australians, at different times, that the eucalyptus, wattle, pittosporum, flame-tree, kurrajong, blue-berry ash (deutzla), and white cedar are not indigenous to Australia, the reasons given being that the eucalyptus, wattle, and kurrajong had been seen by the speakers In other countries, that the pittosporum "looked as It it grew where oranges did," and that the flame-tree and white cedar shed their leaves. The first reason Is perhaps the oddest; no one has yet attempted to prove that the English oak Is not a European tree because there are specimens of It growing In Sydney. , 1 rather like the second reason ; It at least shows that they had some feeling for the nature of pittosporums. The third reason Is plain Ignorance. .- "

To come back to the first. Since Australian trees are given pride of place In so many lands, It Is strange they should be so little admired by their own people, as a whole, e.en when they get a sort of contemptuous affection. "Of course, I like the old gumtrees, ugly as they are," some one said to me the other day.' ' Ugly! There are pinched and stunted trees, ungraciously shaped, Just as there are ugly horses, but that does not prevent the horse from being a beautiful animal. Some years ago in Paris, Knoblock's play "Kismet" (produced here by Oscar Asche) was beautifully though elaborately staged When the curtain rose on the Sultan's garden-a most lovely scene observed beyond the marble swimming pool, exquisitely silver against a sky of moonlight-blue, one slender sapling bluegum. But when I chuckled to a friend about the anachronism of that particular bit of beauty. In Harun Al-Rashid's garden, a thousand years or so before Australia was discovered (for whether Malay pearl fishers came here In old days or not, no one claims that they Introduced the eucalyptus Into Asia), she only said, "But I've seen bluegums in Ceylon, as well as the South of France." How-ever, she admitted that that bluegum added the last touch of ethereal grace to the Khalife's garden. Had it grown in her's she would quite likely have told a pleased gardener to take the- scraggy thing away. I fear that she was of those who admire the beauty of silver-grey olive trees with their writhen trunks, having read of this in many books, but have no eyes tor the kindred beauty of a tea tree. '

People are so unjust to Australian trees. Even the I-haven't-seen-any-other-country-and-don't-want-to, Australia's-good-enough-for-me type (which, though dull, is less irritating than the snob), is apt to say that Australian foliage is monotonous. So are clouds, if you do not observe their shapes and colours. We can find what we want of either, If only we know where and how to look, but It is no use to ask the scented showers of this peppermint gum for dense shade, or the Moreton Bay fig for feathery plumes. Yet that, in effect, is happening constantly. Generally It is monotony of colour of which people complain, the "uniform bronze-green" (or "blue-green" or "grey" the colour sense of the complainants is apparently weak). They never notice the en-chanting bright green of the apple trees (angophora), or the green beryl colour of the flame-tree leaves, and there are plenty of the latter about, even If apple trees are scarce in town. But most likely they are among those who think that Same trees are foreign because they lose their leaves, A natural mistake, but why some should suppose the blueberry ash is an exotic I cannot Imagine, unless it Is that some of Its leaves turn a splendid orange-crimson Just when the berries, like polished lapis lazuli, are clustered thickest. But the leptospermum has been called a stranger, too, and It has no autumn colouring, only its strong leaves, lettuce-green when they break from the bud, and like Indian jade in their maturity, and Its profusion of lacy white stars. It is true that the stars fall as they fade, and make a soft brown praying-carpet under the boughs; trees have been murdered for less.

But of tree-killing; lawful execution or plain murder, I hope to speak later. TREES. (1925, August 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from

The sun is shining on the bright waters of the Mediterranean, the sky is as clear as the blue sky of Australia, and beyond, inland white houses, green shuttered, rise terrace above terrace to the grey and barren foot- hills of the Martime Alps. A scene almost enchanting, but, although it delights the eye and simulates imagination, one's thoughts, like homing birds, fly on swift wings to the Australian city on the beautiful haven, and, recalling its intimate charm, one asks why have we there no terraces above the shining water, no holders of palm and oleander, no sheltered seats where one could sit at ease, with no owner to say him nay.
Here, on the European side of the great tideless sea, all the foreshore, so far as one may tell, belongs to the people of the nation of which it is the border line Look east and west along the azure coast, from Toulon and Hyeres to the Communal territory of Roquebrune, by the great promenade at Mentone, across the Italian border to Bodighera and everywhere access to the sea is hindered only by nature's own barriers of rocky point or foam swept reef, while sometime by these the charm of their hindering presence is enhanced by a picturesque cutting or a shadowy tunnel which serves to make even usefulness interesting.
The men who made Australia, good men and true, who began their work on one of the great harbour of the earth, were offered a unique opportunity. No invading army had over claimed possession of their world. No pirates threatened them, as here. No quarrelsome nations disputed their rule. They spoke and it was done. Land and Sea were theirs to keep or give away, and they gave land by miles for the asking. For that, there was ample excuse. Their hungry people needed the fruits of the earth and the flesh of the beasts which grazed on It, without their labour, and land had no value, and they gave It so that they and the folk they had in charge might live They were not with-out provision, for they reserved land which might be a garden or a farm, large portions where whaling ships might be careened, and others for purposes of defence When Mrs. Macquarie called their attention to the beauty of one point in the great harbour, they set It apart for her pleasure and thanks to her love of the picturesque, we, the common folk, own that point for over. We are not sure that she drove there, and sat on the chair they made for her, because she delighted In the scene. She may have gone there to escape the people who were beginning to make George-street a crowded thoroughfare. There is a record that a little child playing in a sand hole in the middle of that street had been run over by Mrs. Macquarie’s carriage. We cannot be surprised, therefore, that she preferred the solitude of her "chair" to the bustling crowd of the poor street, and the memories awakened here.
But why did she ask only for that one point? What might have been if she had asked that her drive should start from the little fort her husband had named after himself, and go on and on, by shore and headland, by Darling Point and Rose Bay to Bottle and Glass (now alas almost destroyed), to Watson's Bay, and the Light on the Hill? Why did not she, or some one else, suggest that all the foreshore that she saw on the northern side of the harbour should be reserved forever, so that from Neutral Bay to Middle Harbour, the beach of every cove should posses a road, grass grown and bordered with the native-bush, or terraced above the tide line (in order that no one who called Australia home should ever be kept from the waters of its first harbour)? We may not blame the men and women of a century ago for their lack of foresight. They wore beset by problems pressing for solution, and had not time or power to look too far ahead. But what of to-day? Some of the picturesque points of Port Jackson have gone beyond recall-points that might easily have been kept forever for the people-Long Nose, once green and flowery, its Red Hand cave a reminder of the folk we dispossessed, its rocky shore only a poor perch on which to build comfortable homes. But Its long foreshore offered too great a temptation to those who wanted to be near the water, as well as to the greed of the speculator in land, and it is now almost an eyesore, with a beach that might have been a delight to the many, no more beautiful than many a back yard in the city. Long Nose is an example of what is, and maybe, while it offers us a hint of what might have been. Ballast Point, once a well kept garden, reserved by the foresight of Its owner (remembered only by the few) remains to challenge our desire for opportunity,  if such exists in those who also possess power, and Lane Cove, only saved in part from factories, and pollution, by the shallowness of Its water.
And-and-the bell for vespers is ringing from the old church on the heights, there is a breath of coolness in the all, the fisher boats are coming in on a dull grey sea, the winter sun is sinking In misty gloom behind far off Italian hills, lights are twinkling in the gay shops up on in the narrow streets, the short day closes. A TIDELESS SEA. (1927, February 26).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from 

Premiers' and Forestry Conferences, Adelaide, May, 1916. - The Premiers Conference
Printing below image identifies all the men. Back row: J. C. Morphett (Clerk Premiers' Conference, S.A.), Hon. C. Goode (Commissioner of Crown Lands and Minister for Agriculture, S.A.), Hon. D. R. Hall (Attorney-General, N.S.W.), Hon. J. H. Vaughan (Attorney-General, S.A., Deputy President Forestry Conference), Hon. A. W. Styles (Chief Secretary, S.A.), Alfred Searcy (Assistant Clerk, Premiers' Conference, S.A.). Second row: Hon. T. Livingston (Minister for Forests, Victoria), Hon. W. G. Ashford (Minister for Lands and Forests, N.S.W.), Hon. R. P. Blundell (Minister of Industry, S.A.), Hon. F. Hagelthorn (Minister of Agriculture, Victoria), Hon. H. S. W. Lawson (Attorney-General, Victoria), Sir Elliott Lewis (Treasurer, Tasmania). Front row: Hon. W. H. Lee (Premier, Tasmania), Hon. E. G. Theodore (Acting Premier, Queensland), Hon. W. A. Holman (Premier, N.S.W.), Hon. Crawford Vaughan (Premier, S.A., President Premiers' Conference), Sir Alex. Peacock (Premier, Victoria), Hon. J. Scaddan (Premier, W.A.)
Image No.: 1811287, courtesy State Library of Victoria


Group of delegates to the Forestry Conference, which was opened in Adelaide on Monday morning, May 22, by His Excellency the Governor-General (Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson). Bark Row:—G. G. Martin (Sec. Attorney-General, S.A.) J. P. Morice (Sec. to Conference); R. D. Hay (Director of Forests, N.S.W.); W. Watson (Sec. Forest Dept., N.S.W.); C. E. Lane-Poole (Insp.-Gen. of Forests. W.A.).

Middle Row:—W. Gill (Cons. Forests, S.A.): M. Hannah, M L.A. (Vic.); H. Markay (Cons, of Forests, Vic.): R. A. O'Keefe (Sec. Lands Dept., Vic.); H- Corbin (Asst. Cons, of Forests, S.A.); R. T. Baker (Curator Tech. Museum, N.S.W).

Front Row:—Hon. W. H. Lee (Premier, Tas.): Hon E. O. Theodore (Acting Premier, Qld.); Hon. T. Livingston (Minister of Forests, Vic.); Hon. J. H. Vaughan (Attorney-General and Minister of Forests, S.A.) (President); Hon. W. G. Ashford (Minister of Lands and Forests, N.S.W.): Hon J. Scaddan(Premier, W.A.) THE FORESTRY CONFERENCE. (1916, May 27). Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931), p. 23. Retrieved  from


The trustees of the National Park have just issued their report for 1886, and from it we learn that a number of important improvements at the park have been effected during the year. The formation of the road in the valley of the Port Hacking River to the southernmost boundary of the park has been completed, the total length from the dam near Audley being 8½ miles. Additional beautiful scenery is made accessible, by the completion of this road, from Bola Creek Bridge, and from Palm Creek Bridge ; charming vistas of palm foliage, numerous tree ferns, and fine specimens of the cedar tree existing in these portions of the park. This road has been named Lady Carrington-road, and from it a path-way has been made branching a few yards northerly from a place known as the Curve, about three-quarters of a mile southerly from Bola Creek Bridge, and leading to a very fine forest, consisting principally of gigantic blackbutt trees. The pathway is then continued north-easterly around the north-westerly slopes of "The Island," and across Bola Creek, until it rejoins Lady Carrington-road, near the confluence of the creek with the Port Hacking River. The path has been named the " Forest Path," and it opens for both pedestrians and equestrians another beautiful part of the park. The trees in the vicinity have girth  measurement up to 25 feet at the height of five feet from the ground, and attain in some case a height of nearly 200 feet. About midway between the Bola Creek bridge and the Palm Creek bridge, and a short distance southerly beyond the junction of the "Forest Path," a line for a road, to be named " Waterfalls-road," from Lady Carrington-road to Waterfall railway station, has been marked out, and is being cleared for formation. It will open out some bold and varied scenery, including "the waterfalls" at Waterfall Creek. The lower waterfall has a sheer fall of 111 feet, and the upper—a few yards westerly from the lower—46 feet.

Lady Carrington Drive/road circa 1890-1900 - Photography by Kerry & Co. (85/1284-2700), Kerry & Co. photographs Courtesy the Powerhouse Museum’s ‘Tyrrell Collection’ 

From the summit of the land at the easterly fall an uninterrupted view is obtained of a fine forest in the valley of the creek, which forest extends across the main Port Hacking River. At three-quarters of a mile westerly above "The Falls," and for the whole of its course below, Waterfall Creek is a permanent brook with a succession of fine pools of pure fresh water. One of those pools, about a quarter of a mile above the falls, affords an excellent bathing place with a clear smooth rock bottom and a miniature sandy beach. One mile and a half westerly from the falls this road will join the main Illawarra-road at Waterfall railway-station, at 720 feet above sea level, and about 700 feet above the water level of Port Hacking River, at the crossing of " Waterfalls-road;'

From the immediate vicinity of Waterfall Station an excellent view is obtained of Mount  Westmacott, three quarters of a mile distant westerly, and upon which, at the altitude of 880 feet, is erected a trigonometrical station beacon.

Another road has been made which will sh orten by three miles the access from Audley to Port Hacking Heads to the beautiful, hard white sand beaches of Jibbon and Yarmouth, to the lovely ocean inlet of Wattamolla, and to Marley ocean beach. Towards the construction of this road the directors of the " Yarmouth Estate" contributed £100. The part of the road entirely new branches easterly from the present road, from Audley towards Clifton, at three miles from the dam. At half a-mile from that road the South-west Arm Creek is crossed at a flat rock immediately below the confluence of a small creek. This crossing has "been made thoroughly safe for riding or driving by filling the small holes with concrete. Just below the crossing there is a good bathing place, with fresh water. After crossing South-west Arm Creek the road ascends to the Coast Range by easy grades near the right bank of a line creek, fitly named Cascade Creek, as it falls over two small cascades. Half-a-mile from the crossing-place over South-west Arm Creek the road passes within a few yards of the lower cascade, to which a footpath is made. A second footpath from the road is made to a fine bathing place in the creek, about 200 yards below the lower cascade. Three quarters of a mile easterly from this cascade the road joins the Main Coast Road from Port Hacking to Clifton at about half a mile southerly from " Saddle Trigonometrical Station," 5½ miles southerly from Jibbon Beach, and 2½ miles westerly from Wattamolla Inlet. 

Since the date of the last report (31 August, 1885) the road to the Deer Park, formerly cleared only, has been improved and made easily practicable for vehicular traffic. From this road several very beautiful and extensive views are obtainable of the wide parts of Port Hacking River in the directions of North-west Arm and Gymea Bay. During the year, progress has been made towards construction of the intended masonry dam across Port Hacking River, about a quarter of a mile below the Upper Peach Trees.

This work is intended to conserve a fine sheet of water about a mile and a half in length. The dam at Audley has been strengthened and maintained in a satisfactory condition. The work of clearing and keeping clear Port Hacking river and Kangaroo Creek (both navigable fresh water) of fallen timber, &c., has been continued efficiently by park employees.

Upon the area of 60 acres purchased by the Government as an addition to the park, and referred to in the report of 31st August, 1885, a cottage has been erected as a residence and head-quarters of one of the park rangers. During the current year six of the employees have been appointed special constables, with a view to the preservation of the birds, and the prevention of, removal of, or injury to, the trees and plants, indigenous or otherwise, growing on the park.

Further progress has also been made in the work of under-scrubbing the land easterly from the Illawarra railway line, between Sutherland and Loftus Heights, and south-westerly from the latter, in extension to the area of 230 acres cleared by the trust. This work has been done by men known as " the unemployed," paid by the Government, and working under the  supervision of Government appointees.

Some of the land cleared at Loftus Heights has been stumped and grubbed, preparatory to ploughing, harrowing, sowing with grass seed, and rolling, and shortly there will be ready for the purposes of military encampments and manœuvres about 2000 acres of gently undulating land, at altitudes varying from about 250 feet to about 600 feet above sea level.

Arrangements are in progress for the erection of a commodious and handsome hotel upon an excellent site upon the higher ground near Loftus, station, which will contain upon its completion ample and excellent accommodation for visitors and at reasonable prices. The deer presented by the trustees of the Parramatta Park in 1885 have increased in number, and with their progeny are thriving at the deer park. Five red deer, a very valuable donation from Mr. E. S. Cox, of Fern Hill, were added in November, 1886, and are also doing well.

For convenient reference in illustration of the report, a small guide map drawn to a scale of 1 mile to 1 inch is issued with it. THE NATIONAL PARK. (1887, June 27).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from 

Album 52: Photographs of the Allen family, November 1909 - Digital Order Number: a1373018 courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.


The Inland Water.


I am never quite sure which I like best the excitement of finding a new beauty spot, or the Joy of revisiting an old familiar one. There in always a thrill of adventure in seeing strange and unknown, In meeting new people and fresh flowers, and birds', but there Is a special pleasure In returning to some well-beloved haunt, with a little fear lurking at the back of the mind that time and distance may have enhanced its charm, and then to find that It is even lovelier than one had remembered It In one's dreams.

So I came back, after a long absence, to the Inland water and found it even more enchanting than my memory had painted It. From the verandah of the dear familiar cottage-named so aptly after a kindly saint, and perched on the hillside amongst the trees, I have spent long hours gazing at its loveliness and feeling its spell weave round me peace and contentment. Across the hill behind us Is the sea, beautiful and Invigorating with Its ever moving waters. Us waves breaking ceaselessly on the rosy sands. But not for me the open Bea to-day; after long weeks of strain and stress It Is In the quiet of the Inland water that my tired spirit finds rest and healing.

On the sea side the stunted shrubs and flowers bend ever before the salt breezes, and cling slopingly to the cliffs for support; the summer cottages which face the ocean are built on stout stone foundations well Into the rocks, with never a branch or twig to shelter them from the buffeting breezes. Here, our cottage stands lightly upon piers, and nestles amongst the tall gums and she-oaks which spread a grateful shade on hot days and form a frame of magic tracery for the still water below. Bananas grow amongst the grey rocks, with flannel flowers at their feet; hibiscus and roses and wattles flourish side by side, and the heavy scent of orange-blossom Is lightened by the cool clean tang of the prolanthera.

On the ocean side, where the coast stretches away to north and south, the beaches are wide and deep, and of a gorgeous red-gold hue; along the gentle curves of the Inland harbour, a narrow strip of white stand runs like a fine chain along the broad aquamarine of the shallow water, which, under the midday sun, gradually deepens from turquoise to sapphire till its loses its blueness in the olivine of the further shore. Across the stretch of jewel-hued water are more and more narrow white beaches with the tree-clad hills of the chase rising softly behind them. At midday, when the sun is overhead, the further shore seems to be one long continuous hill, but as the shadows lengthen one sees the outlines of many valleys, which to those who know this kind of country tell of luxuriant little pockets in the sandstone hillsides, where grow palms and ferns and the soft leafed things of the scrub. The music of the ocean is wild and majestic like a full orchestra. It stirs one to action and effort, In spite of oneself. A gentle lullaby croons the inland water, .lapping softly on the fine .white stand, a cradle song that wafts one softly to the land of dreams.

On the ocean beach the gulls are squawking, and out on the deep waters gannets and terns drop with a splash from the heights, spiking their prey as they dive. Over the calm harbour a solitary white albatross is floating with that quiet, effortless movement which only the albatross knows. It circles slowly, then volplanes down to the water and sails peacefully on the surface, as quiet as the little while boats that ride at anchor la the bay. Instead of the hoarse cries of the gulls, the stillness of the day Is broken by' the sweet chorus of the butcher birds, whose music is beloved by all who know this earthly Eden. Every morning they greet the day with a chant of praise which is more beautiful than any bird chorus I have ever heard. At Intervals throughout the day they burst Into song, sometimes a single bird breaking out rapturously, sometimes the whole choir singing in unison, but with less fervour than In their dawn song; and at even-tide they raise their voices once again in thanksgiving for all the good things of the day. The lovely melody gives the touch of perfection to this gentle scene where "peace comes dropping slow." And while its sweetness soothes the weary mind, there is a cheery undercurrent of strength which assures me that after a little spell of dreaming idly by the inland water I shall be ready to climb up over the hill and face the rough cliff paths and any buffeting wind that blows. PALM BEACH. (1927, December 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from 

The death occurred last week at her residence at Stancombe, Addison Road, Manly, of Mrs. Catherine Forssberg, widow of .Mr. Charles Forssberg.
Deceased was born at Mulgrave 64 years ago, and was Miss Handcock, the daughter of a well-known Hawkesbury landowner. She resided in the Hawkesbury district most of her life, and took a keen interest in charitable and social matters in Windsor and Richmond, where she was well known. During the war years she carried out much organising work for patriotic organisations. Some years ago, Mr. Forssberg disposed of the well known "Rosemount" estate at Mulgrave, and since then deceased had lived at Manly. She is survived by six daughters and three sons. MRS. C. FORSSBERG. (1926, January 22). The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from

BRIDE'S JULIET CAP White Satan and Orange Blossoms

BELT of orange blossoms and leaves, and tiny clusters of orange blossoms at the cowl neckline, will be worn with a classical off-white satin wedding gown which Miss Lorna Seldon has chosen for her wedding tonight to Mr. Alan Hewett. The frock is made with a train cut into the skirt. Over it will fall a beautifully hand-embroidered veil which will be arranged with a diamente Juliet cap. The veil was made in Suva, and has been lent for the occasion by Mrs. George Sneddon, an old school friend of the bride. The bride, who is a graduate of Sydney University, is the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Weldon, of Pymble. The bridegroom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hewett, of Crookwell. Mr. Weldon will give his daughter away. The Rev. Dr. C. J. Prescott will officiate at the ceremony at the Methodist Church, Linfield. The bride's sister (Miss Betty Weldon), Miss Rita Dunn, of Condobolin, and Miss Lawrie Oxby will be bridesmaids. They will wear jacaranda-blue georgette over satin, and their frocks have heart-shaped necklines and are draped at the back to form slight trains. Wide silver lame sashes with large bows and silver juliet caps finished with stiffened eye veils of tulle, will complete the bridesmaid's ensembles. They will carry fuchsia-shaded flowers. Mr. L. Smart will be best man, and Messrs. Hugh Robson and H. Seldon groomsmen. The reception will be hold at the Killara Golf Club, where more than 100 guests will be entertained. Mrs. Weldon will wear a coronation-blue embossed lacquered satin frock, made with a train, and a twisted bandeau of the same material of the frock, finished with an eye-veil. The first part of the honeymoon will be spent at Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Weldon's house at Palm Beach, after which the bride and bridegroom intend motoring to Brisbane.BRIDE'S JULIET CAP (1937, April 8). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 35 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from 

Council to Make Another Effort.
The Waverley Council decided last night to ask the Premier (Mr Stevens) to receive a deputation with regard to the proposal to lease portion of Bondi Beach as an amusement park. The Acting Premier (Mr Bruxner) had written stating that he could not meet a deputation on the proposal He said he had discussed the matter with the Minister for Lands (Mr Buttenshaw), who had expressed the opinion that a referendum would not give a true Indication of the feeling of ratepayers particularly those with property near the beach, as it would be possible for people more distant from the beach to carry the proposal Mr Bruxner added that the Government's policy was against the further alienation of the people's preserves. BONDI AMUSEMENT PARK. (1933, August 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from 

By Frank Walker, F.R.A.H.S.

Another landmark of early Sydney Is threatened with destruction. The old Commissariat Stores, which have for the past 130 years reminded citizens of the days of long ago, may have to be demolished to make way for a modern building.

'Shortly after the Bligh Rebellion, the Idea of building commissariat stores was proposed by Lieut.-Governor Foveaux in a letter to Viscount Castlereagh, dated February, 1800. He mentioned arrangements "for commencing the erection of an extensive range of stone warehouses contiguous to the wharf of Sydney."

When Governor Macquarie arrived to take over the reins of office, Foveaux wrote to him on the subject, so that apparently the con-struction of the stores was begun about 1800. The building facing George Street North was completed in 1812, as recorded upon the tab-let let into the front wall. This served for some time as quarters for naval officers.

An inspection of the building to-day will reveal many strange markings on the walls facing the water. These consist oi initials, or symbols, and were made by the convicts engaged on the building, who were ordered to mark every stone they were using in Its construction. Another Interesting feature of the building is that when it was first constructed, it was built on the edge of the water, to facilitate the unloading of stores from boats moored alongside. Since then, reclamation works in front have placed the building some distance from the water's edge.

It seems a pity that this historic edifice must give way to modern progress. As it stands to-day it Is substantial enough to last another hundred years. Gradually, but none the less surely, we are losing one by one the relics of a past age, and very soon one will look in vain for those historic links which bind our Sydney of to-day with the days of long ago. THE OLD COMMISSARIAT STORES, CIRCULAR QUAY. (1938, December 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 21. Retrieved from

The Late Captain Heselton.
On Saturday, the 18th instant, an old identity connected with the early shipping of this port in the person of Captain Thomas Heselton passed away at his late residence, Edith Villa. Ewenton street, Balmain East. The deceased was well known and highly esteemed in shipping and commercial circles, both in Sydney and Melbourne, since 1856, in which year he landed in the Southern capital, and for some time occupied the position of mate to Captain Howard Smith in the steamer Express. He was afterwards appointed to the command the vessel. He was born at Whitby, in Yorkshire, England, in 1831 and was therefore in his 71st year. Apprenticed to the seafaring life at the early age of 13 years, his first voyage was made in connection with the American and Indian trade. Whilst so engaged he visited many interesting scenes of foreign travel, of which he was always pleased to relate many interesting reminiscences. Rising rapidly in his profession, he became successively second and chief officer, serving in both capacities for a number of years. 

At the age of 25 he made his first voyage to the colonies, arriving in Melbourne in 1856. He was subsequently appointed to the command of the Howard Smith liner You Yangs, one of the first vessels of the company's fleet to run between Melbourne and Sydney. After leaving this vessel he went to England for a trip. On his return he settled down and devoted his attention to harbour communication. 

He purchased the old Manly Beach line of ferry steamers, and was prominent in furnishing an up-to-date tug service for the port. For eight or nine years he worked the service successfully, and afterwards sold out to Mr. Carey. He again visited his native land in 1874, and returned in 1876. At the time of his return the Manly ferry service had been formed into a company, known as the Port Jackson Steamship Company, and Captain Heselton was appointed to the position of managing director, which he held for a number of years, having only relinquished the position about four years ago. He was also managing director of the Old Balmain Steam Ferry Company for a number of years. For the last two years the deceased was a confirmed invalid. He suffered a severe fall about two years ago whilst on a visit to the Jenolan Caves, and never thoroughly recovered. At the time of his death he was in his 71st year. He was one of the original founders of the Balmain Bowling Club, and had held the office of president. The deceased left one son and a daughter, Mr. W. E. Heselton and Mrs. A. Kinnnimont, his wife having predeceased him some years. Captain Heselton was a director of the Manly Gas Company since its inception, which position he held up to the time of his death. The funeral took place on the 20th instant, and was very largely attended. Amongst those who were present to pay their last tribute of respect to the memory of the deceased were— Captains T. Webb (Messrs. Huddart, Parker, and Co.), A. Sangster, F. Bracegirdle Petitt, F. Dunn, A. Spain, P. Davis, and J. Hart, Mr. W- Wilks. M.P., Dr. 11. A. Wilson, Dr. P. J. Kelly, Messrs. Henry Hudson (Clyde Engineering Company), J. L. C. Rae (Sydney Harbour Collieries), P. Hunter, S. P. Hogg (president Balmain Bowling Club), Archibald Forsyth, W. H. Moxham, S. Briggs, and G. Boullon (Mort's Dock and Engineering Company), and a large number of others. The Rev. Mervyn Archdall, M.A., officiated at the graveside. The remains were interred in the family vault in the Church of England portion of the Waverley Cemetery. The Late Captain Heselton. (1902, October 29). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 1125. Retrieved from 

The writing name of John Gilmour Lockley, 'Redgum' and President of Ku-ring-gai Shire Council from 7 December 1923 – 5 December 1924 has been made bold as this gentleman had a long affiliation with both gardening and trees and Killara as well as Narrabeen. He wrote numerous articles promoting an area he clearly loved as well as having at least two holiday cottages he rented out during the colder months.

Mr. Lockley wrote several gardening books and, using the pseudonym 'Redgum', wrote about gardening at the Sydney Morning Herald and also had a very popular radio program on gardening up until he passed away. His brother Robert Lockley also had a long association with Narrabeen and Collaroy, as did Robert's son of the same name, being a member of south Narrabeen SLSC.

LOCKLEY.-January 11, at her residence, Lochwin noch, Stuart-street, Narrabeen, the wife of Robert Lockley, of a son (William Edward).Family Notices (1918, January 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from 

LOCKLEY-BROWN.-June 6 1941. at  St. Andrew's Church, Manly, by the Rev. A. M. Stevenson, Albert James Verdun ( Jim ). R.A.A.F., third son of Mr and Mrs Robert Lockley, Collaroy, to Winifred Schiela, younger daughter of the late Captain A A. and of Mrs I M Brown. Manly, formerly of Collaroy. Family Notices (1941, June 21). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from 


The death occurred suddenly on Tuesday from heart failure of Mr. J. G. Lockley, who was widely known and much esteemed. Mr. Lockley, who wrote garden notes under the nom-de-plume of "Redgum," was a lovable character, radiating cheerfulness, and the column he contributed to the Sydney Morning Herald every Saturday had long been one of its popular features. For years he also gave tireless talks weekly on gardening, and had a very large following. He was a brother of Mr. T. Lockley, of Goulburn.

Mr. Lockley, son of the late Mr. John Lockley, a Welshman, was born at Waterloo in 1865. Most of his boyhood was spent at Redfern and Pyrmont, his parents living in the early seventies opposite Hudson's original timber works. He well remembered the old Exhibition, in Prince Alfred Park, and had a fund of stories about the days when there were Chinese market gardens in the neighbourhood of Cleveland Street, and about old times in Sydney generally. He recollected the days when most of Harris Street fronted paddocks. 

Leaving school in 1878, he began work in the bookshop of Mr. William Maddock, in George Street, who at that time conducted a large selling business and the largest of the lending libraries. He stayed there for 17 years, and then joined the book-selling firm of Angus and Robertson. With that firm he remained for some time, and then entered business on his own account, being director for all the years it ran, of the Lockley Library. 

Mr. Lockley, a born writer, drift-ed into journalism more than 30 years ago. At first, and for some years, journalism was a sideline, but eventually it became practically his wholetime profession and few wrote more charmingly or talked more interestingly than he did about flowers and trees. His original contributions were made in the old "Evening News" under the pen-name of "Florist." He contributed to the old "Daily Telegraph" and the "Sun" before he became associated with the "Herald" staff in 1929. 
Mr. Lockley was a member of the Kuringai Shire Council for 12 years, and was its president for one term. He was mainly instrumental in securing the dedication of Davidson Park, along the shores of Middle Harbour, and in getting approval for the bridge across Middle Harbor at Roseville. Mr. Lockley, who married a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mills, of Auburn, is survived by his widow and two sons—Mr. Norman Lockley and Mr. Bruce Lockley.
MR. J. G. LOCKLEY (1937, May 20). Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940), p. 7 (DAILY). Retrieved from

LOCKLEY.-May 18, 1937, at his residence, 6 Stanhope-road, Killara, John Gilmour Lockley ("Redgum"), loved husband of Lilian, and father of Norman and Bruce, aged 72 years.  Family Notices (1937, May 19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from 

MR. J. G. LOCKLEY ("Redgum," of the "Herald"), who died in Sydney this week, was well-known to all local radio people. He gave gardening talks every week, and achieved a wide popularity. Page 2 Mainly about People (1937, May 20). Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from 

Indicative of the popularity and the high regard in which' he was held by practically all sections of the community was the large gathering that 
attended the funeral yesterday afternoon at the Gore Hill Cemetery of Mr. John G. Lockley, better known as "Redgum." Mr. Lockley died suddenly on Tuesday. He was 72 years of age and for the past 30 years had been a writer or gardening notes for several city newspapers. He also spoke on gardening, from the National Broadcasting Stations. 
"He will always be remembered as one of Nature's gentlemen," declared Pastor J. Whelan during a' short service at a Chatswood funeral parlor,. "He loved flowers and the touch of nature all about him became part of his fabric." 
Chief mourners at the funeral were Mrs. Lockley, widow, Messrs. Norman and Bruce Lockley, sons, Messrs. Edward, Thomas, William andRobert Lockley, brothers, Mrs. J. Hamilton, sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. Walters, brother-in-law and sister, Mr. A. McNab, brother-in-law, and M. Walters; and P. Lockley, nephews. MR. J. G. LOCKLEY (1937, May 20). The Labor Daily (Sydney, NSW : 1924 - 1938), p. 6. Retrieved from

John Gilmour Lockley Photo portrait. Image nla.obj-163023678, courtesy National Library of Australia and part of Fairfax archive of glass plate negatives. Fairfax number: 7261 

His Narrabeen songs and connections which underline his wishing to share the beauties of Narrabeen with the wider metropolis:

(By J.G L)
Half an hour on a modern harbor liner, 35 minutes on an electric car, and you are at Narrabeen. , That is the way we do things to-day. Not many weeks since one bad to scramble for a place on a hybrid omnibus, and many a time be content to wait for the most part of an hour until starting time arrived. Then you jogged quietly over the seven odd miles of indifferent road, chatting all the while with your seat mate, wondering every half-mile of the journey on what day. the trams would begin to run, and eventually got off somewhere along the beach road to hump your bundles to the week-end habitation. 

If, there was no coach you trammed it to Brookvale, and footed the three or four miles without a complaint. The walk was always a pleasant one, whether you took it in broad daylight or after dark. Those days are over. They will never return. Electricity and steel rails, with comfortable cars, and competent, careful officials, thrown in, have altered every thing. Merely start for Narrabeen, and you will not be long on the Journey. 

If you know not the place, make up your mind to find it out. And once you have found It, Narrabeen will call you time and time again. Do you ask why? Because she has many, many charms. Her lovelinesses are such that one could spend weeks in the heart of her, and then, go away having missed much. But let me not travel too fast; for there is quite a lot about Narrabeen that is well worth the telling, especially in those-days when, after fully a quarter of a century of waiting, she has been almost brought within' the gates of the city. 

This delightful seaside spot is no new place. Only the rails and trams, and the slugging electricity belong to the present. Every thing else lived a long way back in the past. 

The historical records tell a tale of a journey begun by Governor Phillip on April 15, 1788. He was exploring the country between Manly Cove and Pittwater, when Narrabeen Lake was discovered. Three days were spent getting round the swamp and marshes. That was long enough ago, surely. Hawksworth, one of the old-time authorities, says that the great Captain Cook, thought he had discovered an other harbor, when he first saw the "low, broken land like a bay," in the vicinity of Narrabeen. 

So our beauty spot has "ancestors." But she has charms enough of her own to be able to do without the scanty references found in the early records. Still, it is well to know what though long past reveals. Working among the records of the first quarter of last century for the purpose of gathering something about the original grants, I find the country on which Narrabeen stands to-day was handed over on August 21, 1818, to John Ramsay. The grant was for 410. acres. It begins at the present Salvation Army-boundary, a few chains on the Sydney side of the present tram -terminus, runs westward on to the high plateau now known as Mount Ramsay, strikes north again to a point which make's about halfway up the lagoon, and then follows what was then only a long sandspit to the mouth. 

On this estate the earliest settlement was begun. How long John Ramsay held it I have not yet, been able to discover. There are several stories floating round as to what use the original grantee and his immediate followers put the place. One of these yarns has to do with the origin of the name. Mount Ramsay estate, it is said, was a convict settlement. All the flat land between the foothill and the sand near to the water's edge was under cultivation. The old homestead stood somewhere on the hill where Mr. Haines' "Palm Cottage" now stands. This stone home was built out of the remains of the original structure. 

Rumor says that a Captain Reynolds took over the property in the days when servants were assigned to anyone who had need of them, and devoted his attentions to husbandry. Farming, of any sort could never have been a payable proposition on any of the land within his reach. The country is poor to-day. It could never have been anything else. However, Reynolds found the place to his liking, especially as there was plenty of sport near at hand. Fish and waterfowl with bush vermin, too, were plentiful. Perhaps it was the pleasure of the place, and not the farming, that won the heart of the military owner or lessee. How long Reynolds lived at Mount Ramsay is not recorded. His life was cut short by a band of bushrangers and escaped convicts, led by a vagabond, who was known by the name of Big Mick. This ruffianly company worked south from the Hawkesbury, and caught the home stead napping. Every man and woman on the place, with the exception of a black girl, said to be a daughter of the reigning king, and named Narrabine, was killed. The girl made her way across country to Sydney, and piloted a company of soldiers, who were not long in avenging the murders. Rum and riot, got the better of the convicts, and they in their turn passed out to make room for better company. That, I believe, is the true version of how the village gets Its name. 

Now skip another big slice of time and let me tell you something of the way the young men of 40 years ago made their way into Narrabeen. I have this Information from one who did the journey scores of times. To Folly Point first. After that a trip by pair-oar skiff to Clear Creek, almost at the head of Middle Harbor. Then a clamber over the hillside, along a well-marked footway— 'this is the track Narrabine was supposed to have taken— over some very rough country, until they came down on to the beach somewhere In the vicinity of Collaroy. The travelling must have, been rough enough for anything. I happen to have made a morning tramp over the Ramsay Mountain, from which some of the old route Is visible, and am of opinion that' the old-time lads badly wanted something to do when they chose Narrabeen for a day's outing. Few of our boys would take such expeditions for pleasure. The next generation will probably tram it all the way. 

Today the way is easy and particularly pleasant. From the time the car mounts Farrell's-hill, on the north of Brookvale, until you alight at the water front, the outlook is extremely beautiful. Inland the bush is fine, eastward the sands, the lake, and the sea make pictures that are not easily excelled! The loop by the Salvation Army vegetable patch is on a grant of 200 acres made in August, 1834, to James Jenkins. Lower down the road, between the Deewhy Bridge and the South Creek-road, another grant begins. This one stands in the name of William Cossar, and was for 500 acres. Half of the northern lagoon shore, the- whole of the land up to Long Reef Point, including The Basin and the grass-covered headland, at the beginning of the sands now known as Narrabeen, but properly called Long Reef Beach, comes into this area. Until lately the country was held by the Salvation Army, to whom it was left by Miss Jenkins. 

Lately the Government, knowing how popular the new line would become, resumed 171 acres out of the original 500, making in one act the finest sea side park-lands in the whole of the Common wealth. This resumption begins at the mouth of the Deewhy Lagoon, and takes in every square Inch of the country between the present fence and the rocks at the foot of Long Reef Point. Northward the limit-line starts some where about the middle of The Basin, and comes westward to the roadway. That park makes Narrabeen for all time. It is truly a lovely spot. 
Wait until the summer comes, and see how the people will appreciate it! "'But we are' not yet at Narrabeen proper. Indeed! some say the train is not there yet! That is one of the sore points with the Lagoon enders. There is plenty of time. The century is still! young. And the influence of Narrabeen is only just beginning. No Government can refuse to extend the tram to the bridge. Just half a mile more and the beach is reached, at a spot which must please every man, woman, and child who gets there. 

Is there anything in surf, or shore, in lake or woodland in fern or flower that you are seeking? You will find' it down at the end of the now tramline. Are you looking for peace by the murmuring sea waves? Would you he happy in the heart of .the big bush? Then try Narrabeen. The place is a veritable tonic, a fairyland, where Dame Nature has brought together countless charms for the men and women who know how to enjoy the beauty of their own countryside. For the young folks who like, to romp and revel there are big green swards and lots of tree shade for the tiny toddlers there is plenty of broken waters on the beach; and for the tired city worker In search of peace there is healing In the air, and comfort as well. Putting all political questions aside, and for the time forgetting that there are difficulties over the tram-making, the "coming" of Narrabeen is one of the big good works of to-day that will bring health and pleasure and profit to thousands in need of recreation and rest. NARRABEEN. (1912, August 17). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 14. Retrieved from 

Opening: of the Military-road Electric Tramway. (in full)

On Thursday, the 21st, an event took place which is of special interest to the residents of Mosman and Manly, and, indeed, to the residents of that remarkably picturesque part of the colony lying between Manly and Pittwater, a branch of the far-famed Hawkesbury River. The event we refer to was the opening to public traffic of the recently completed electric tramway running from St. Leonards Reserve to the junction of the Military and Spit roads, Mosman, a length of about two miles.
The present completed section is the first of the line which it is proposed to construct to the Spit at Middle Harbour and thence to Manly. A branch line will be built to connect with the fortifications at Middle Head. The track is a capital one, and in laying the line care has been taken to use sleepers and rails that will be strong enough to carry a light railway and serve not only the necessities of the fortifications but the growing traffic in the district.

I. View near Tram Terminus, looking out to sea. 2 and 3. Views from the Lauderdale Avenue, the new coach road into Manly, overlooking North Harbour. 4. The Lauderdale AvenueOPENING OF THE TRAM TO THE SPIT-ROAD.— VIEWS ON THE OVERLAND TRIP TO MANLY.

The following gentlemen left Manly between 8 and 9 o'clock by one of Mr. Black's coaches to proceed to the tram terminus, where they were to meet the members of the Mosman Council : — Aldermen C. H. Hayes (acting-Mayor), Farmer, Fletcher, Thomas, and Moss : also Messrs. C. B. Austin, T. C. Haylock (council clerk), H. T. Robey (secretary of Manly and Pittwater Railway League), John Woods, E. Ridge, S. Smith, and A. Hilder. 

The route taken was along Lauderdale-avenue, a roadway that was completed some six months ago at a cost of about £2000. Manly looked charming in the morning light, and the coach journey was a delightful one. The air was laden with perfume of wild flowers, which were everywhere in abundance, lending an added charm to the other beauties of the landscape. The picturesqueness of the scenery is so striking that the people of the district look to its becoming a favourite resort of excursionists on that account, and also as favourite residence suburbs, now that the tram service renders the district so accessible to Sydney. The extension of the tram line to Manly is also eagerly looked forward to. The present extension gives residents of that village a double service to Sydney, making them to an extent independent of the steamers during rough or foggy weather, the connection with the present tram terminus being maintained by coach, but the completion of the tram service into Manly is regarded as a desideratum. 

The party from Manly were met at the tram terminus by Mr. J. F. Cullen, M.L.A., and the Mayor and aldermen of Mosman and North Sydney, and a number of officials and prominent citizens. Alderman C. H. Hayes, in the unavoidable absence through illness of the Mayor of Manly (Mr. German), offered his congratulations on the opening of the tramway. The people of Manly were interested with those of Mosman in the work which had been so far accomplished. Mr. Black would with his coach take up the link from the point where they stood and convey passengers to view the beauty spots. He might add that the journey from Manly that morning had been accomplished in 29 minutes, and he hoped that the influx of visitors would lead to such a development of excursion traffic that the public would be enabled to get from the stopping-place, to the beauties beyond Middle Harbour, to beautiful Manly. It was their desire that it might be of such volume as to warrant the Railway Commissioners in extending the line across the Spit to Manly. Anything that could be done towards that end would be done by the members of the Manly Council and the people of Manly. He might safely say that the whole distance from Sydney to Manly would be done for Is, and, as one who had seen most of the picturesque sights of Australia and New Zealand, he had never seen anything the same distance of four miles such an amount of picturesque beauty crowded into such a small compass. The speaker then shook hands with Mayor Harnett, who in reply said that he had much pleasure in welcoming them to the new borough of Mosman. They had met in an informal way to exchange congratulations and shake hands with Manly ; and as they now had the nucleus of a lasting connection between Mosman and Manly, two of Sydney's most picturesque and beautiful marine suburbs, they, as a council at Mosman, hoped that there might be a connecting link over Middle Harbour some day by bridge and tramway, so that the beauties of Middle Harbour may become more appreciated— by being brought within easy reach of the residents of Sydney, North Sydney, and Mosman. It would also lead to the country north of Middle Harbour, as far as Narrabeen and Pittwater, being opened up. Cheers were then given for the Manly Council, the Mosman Council, Mr. Lyne, and the Railway Commissioners, after which all present boarded the tram and proceeded to North Sydney. Several passengers were picked up on the way, amongst them being Sir Joseph Abbott. Upon arriving at Ridge-street a change was made to the cable tram, and the party reached Sydney about 25 minutes to 10 o'clock.

1. D. Y. Lagoon. 2. The coast, looking from hill above Narrabeen. 3. Pittwater Basin. 4. A camping party. 5. Long Reef and Collaroy Beach. 6. At Newport. VIEWS ON THE ROUTE, MANLY TO PITTWATER. Opening of the Military-road Electric Tramway. (1893, September 30). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 699. Retrieved from 

Opening Of The Cross-Country Season.

The opening of the amateur athletic season of 1898 was celebrated at Manly on Saturday by a monster paper chase of all clubs followed by a dinner at Fallon's Steyne Hotel. The rendezvous was at the Public Baths, Manly, where Mr. R. Stennett had made preparations for the reception of his numerous visitors and had bedecked the enclosure with plentiful bunting. The officers in charge of the afternoon's sport were Captain for the day, Mr C. D. Olliffe (Darlinghurst Harrier.) ; committee, Messrs. A. L. Biird (secretary Amateur Athletic Association), W. B. Alexander, S. R. Edwards, and B. Harrison ; and timekeeper, Mr. W. T. Kerr. The clubs and their representatives taking part iu the chase were— Forest Lodge Harriers, 13 members ; St. George's Harriers, 14 ; Sydney Harriers, 7 ; Redfern Harriers. 4 : Darlinghurst Harriers, 12 ; Warringah Harriers, 4 ; Public Schools' Athletic Association (teachers and boys). 7: making a total of G1 runners. At 4.20 p.m. the hares, Mesrs. R. C. Reid, P. H. Crane, and D. H. Munro, went away at speed and laid a trail over a run of about eight miles as follows ; — From the baths, via Lauderdale avenue, across Sydney- road, down to Manly Vale, up by the cemetery to and back along Sydney-road to Lauderdale-avenue. then by their old track to Manly Vale, and so out to the Greendale road and home to the finishing post at the Steyne Hotel, swimming or fording a couple of creeks on the way, and reaching their destination in 60 minutes from the start. The pack allowed 15 minutes law, and they went in pursuit, and very pretty was the spectacle presented by the young athletes as they raced along the village streets, and at full cry picked up the trail, and dashed after their quarry. The whippes-in, Mensrs. M'Cafray, Southwick, and Eccles, kept the hounds as well together as possible, but the run was very long, the trail not too clear, and in Manly Vale bottom they broke, and finished in batches, the first man home being H. Holden (Forest Lodge), with W. Yorke (St. George's) second, and J Fyfe (St. George's) third, arriving about seven minutes after the hares. Several members of the Suburban Bicycle Club, members of the association, brought in the hares, and paced the hounds, and their good fellowship was heartily appreciated. After a swim in the baths the men met at the Steyne Hotel for dinner, to which 80 sat down.

Below THE HARRIERS AT MANLY ON SATURDAY, APRIL 30. OPENING OF THE CROSS-COUNTRY SEASON. Opening of the Cross-country Season. (1898, May 7). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 975. Retrieved from 
Getting Ahead of the Savings Bank 
When the Commissioners watched with pride the new State Government Savings Bank rising in all its granite beauty in Castlereagh-street, Sydney, they thought, may be, how attractive would be the money boxes, made as a facsimile of the building, in which they would encourage the thrifty to place their small change as. a preliminary to their extra 'burglar-proof coffers. But someone else thought of the same'' thing, and, thinking, acted too. He registered the design of the massive building for reproduction on money boxes. So when, the other day, the Government Savings Bank Commissioners ordered a million money-boxes, each a miniature of the bank, they received a polite intimation that the rights in such a box lay with one, George Francis Vernon Cole, of Lauderdale House, Lauderdale-avenue, Manly, and that before the new boxes could be used a satisfactory arrangement must be made with him. That in itself was a bad enough knock, but if the State Bank Commissioners have discovered that George Francis Vernon Cole, is not only of Lauderdale House, Lauderdale-avenue, Manly, but is also an executive member of its Federal big brother, the Commonwealth Bank, their initial surprise is doubtless nothing to that which they are experiencing now. He is, in fact, identical with G. F. V. Cole, manager, Commonwealth Bank of Australia branch, 81-9 Flinders-street. Mr. Cole has shown a keen appreciation of the possibilities of money boxes. The design of the new bank he registered on December 29, 1926, and he has two other registrations in his name. One is of a map of New South Wales— in case that would suit the Commissioners better— and the other, curiously enough, is a design of the Commonwealth Bank. ; : —'Smith's. Puffs, Pars, & Personals (1928, December 20). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 15. Retrieved from 

New member tor Mackellar is Mr. W. C. Wentworth, a descendant of William Charles Wentworth. His small daughter, Georgina, brought him tea in bed yesterday at his home in Lauderdale Avenue, Manly. MEMBER FOR MACKELLAR (1949, December 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from - photo

The funeral of Mr. Clive N Backhouse, principal of the estate and property firm of Blackhouse and Son, and formerly Mayor of Willoughby, took place yesterday afternoon in the Church of England portion of the Manly Cemetery. Prior to the funeral a short service was conducted at the residence in Lauderdale-avenue, Manly, by the Rev. A. R Ebbs, rector of St Matthew's, Manly, who also officiated at the graveside.
The principal mourners were Messrs. Clive A A. Backhouse, Allan N Backhouse, and Alfred N Backhouse (sons), Judge Backhouse and Messrs. Oscar Backhouse and Clarence Backhouse (brothers) and Messrs. Jack Back-house and Eric Backhouse (nephews). Another son, Mr. Noel Backhouse, who is in the country, was unable to attend the funeral.
Others present included Mr L Wellings (representing the Mayor of Manly, Alderman A T Keirle), Alderman R T Forsyth (Willoughby), Dr. Henry, Dr H. Lee, Dr. R. S. Enever Todd, Messrs. H Finlay, A J. Kilgour, A. Tom, B. J Rundel Miles, J. Birnie Jackson, A. L Busby, Cleland, Cathro, V. Lawler, D. H. Allan, S R Wilson W Barîett, Love, J. A Quinlan, H McGuire, R. C. Chapple, S Bros, M. Rothery, W. F. Goyder, C D Goyder, R Orr, J Jarvie, Cook, Coggins, Cowdery, L A. Curtis, E B Forssberg, P J. Robinson, J. Buxton, McKollor. and J. Searle.
MR. C. N. BACKHOUSE. (1928, September 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from - photo

Archibald Forsyth's Rope Factory

A. Forsyth & Co.'s Australian Rope Works, Waterloo

Fifty-three years ago the late Archibald Forsyth commenced the making of twine and ropes in Sydney, To-day a visit to the plant of the Australian Rope Works at Waterloo is overwhelming proof of how the industry ;has expanded, and is a lasting- tribute to his foresight and business capacity. The present site of the works has an area of about six acres and comprises machinery rooms, rope walks, and stores, etc., while the number of hands employed is 260. The manufactures of the company Coir, Russian hemp Cotton, and Italian comprise Manila', New Zealand flax, ?flax ropes, ranging in size from an  inch circumference up to 30 inches. The latter size is exceptional. This particular hawser was supplied for work in connection with the Hawkesbury Bridge. In addition to these commodities, twines 'are also made, while recently the company has undertaken the Making of oakum. . The actual process of the manufacture of twines and ropes is very interesting, as well as instructive. We will take the making of binder twine first. The factory for the manufacture of this article is in a separate building from that used for rope making. The bulk of this line is made from New Zealand flax. In former years, Manila hemp was wholly used in the manufacture of binder twine, but Messrs. Forsyth led the way in introducing twine made from New Zealand flax, until, to-day, 99 per cent, of it is made from this fibre in New South Wales. The well-known brands of Forsyth's 'Reliance' and 'Special' twines have become very popular in N.S.W. and Queensland. The factory also supplies the local . brands of 'Red Star,' 'Bulldog,' 'Imperial' and 'Champion' twines.

The flax used in the manufacture of twine comes from New Zealand in bales. These are' opened up and the flax is then conveyed to- the preparing machines. These machines are driven_ by suction gas and are fitted with numerous 'pins.' The flax is put on the machine and is combed. During this process the raw material passes through 'some six or seven machines before the fibre is fit to be passed on to the jennies. These jennies are also fitted with pins similar to the preparing machines, but of a smaller size. The flax to be spun into twine is passed through the jennies and the various prepared fibres are spun in the thickness of twine required. Attached to these jennies are various bobbins round which the finished articles is woven - The twine is then taken along to the 'balling' machine where it is done up into balls. When this process is completed the balls of twine are conveyed to the packing room, where they are packed in hessian, tied up, and placed in the store there to await delivery or shipment.

In the manufacture of rope, the fibre is prepared 'in the same way as for twine described above.- When the yarn 'comes from the jennies, it is transferred to the rope walks'- of which there are four, each 900 feet long. The various bobbins of yarn are attached to the rope-making machine, and are then joined up to a 'traveller,' which runs the whole length of the walk, and by this treatment converted into strands. These are picked up by the traveller again and twisted into rope, which is completed and coiled on a steam reeler and placed in the delivery room. Manila rope is mainly made for use in shipping, and in this direction sizes Kinging up to 12 inch hawsers, which are used by the local tugs, are frequently manufactured. For many years Forsyth's brown thread rope has maintained a worldwide reputation in shipping circles, and in the old days under Free Trade, this fact alone enabled the local firm to successfully compete with factories in low-waged countries, and the reputation thus gained, has enabled the company to maintain its export business up to the present day. Manila is also becoming a popular substitute for cotton in driving ropes, and has been found to answer equally as well.' There are two spinning rooms attached to the twine factory, and three to the rope factory. Leaving the rope-making department, we come to the flax department, which is mainly occupied in turning out the cheap lines of lashings, cords, clothes lines, gaskets, etc., etc., the N.Z.-made article having come widely into use during the last few years.

Tarred goods, bolt and lanyard ropes, spunyarn, marline and Hambro lines, which are wholly used in connection with shipping, are manufactured in large quantities. The next department visited was that where oakum is made. The fibre is spun as in the case of twine and rope. It is then thoroughly soaked in Russian tar, and passed through a 'teasing' machine, when it is ready for use. This machinery is being fully employed, and it is anticipated that with the ship-building contracts recently' entered into, a much larger demand will be created. At the present time, the company is supplying both local and export orders for this particular line. The machinery used in the factories is driven by suction gas, steam and electricity, but the latter, is now being dispensed with, and a further suction gas plant installed. The total power then in use will be about 500 horsepower. Since the war, it has been found difficult to obtain extra machinery to cope with the increased business. But Messrs. Forsyth and Company, Limited, soon overcame this by making two machines themselves. These are now in full work, and are giving every satisfaction. The products of this firm axe too well and favourably known for any comment. Nearly all, if not all, of the shipping companies controlled in Sydney and Brisbane — at the latter port the firm has a plant at East Brisbane — use Forsyth's ropes, and the fact that every satisfaction is derived from them is eloquent proof of what this go-ahead firm has done, and can do. Being in the hands of capable levelheaded and practical gentlemen, the Australian Rope Works is one of Australia's leading manufacturing establishments, and the position occupied by- it to-day in the industrial world is an everlasting monument to its founder, the late Archibald Forsyth.

The Australian Rope Works has an Honour Roll of 100 names, of whom; seven have made the supreme sacrificeA. Forsyth & Co.'s Australian Rope Works, Waterloo (1918, October 22). Daily Commercial News and Shipping List (Sydney, NSW : 1891 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from 

Messrs. Forsyth and Co.'s Employees' Annual Picnic
Like all the outings that have been annually held for the past nine years by the employees of Messrs. A. Forsyth and Co., Ltd., of the Australian Rope Works, that in which the firm's hands participated yesterday was a very enjoyable affair. Historic Clontarf was the rendezvous this year, and thither a happy, laughing throng of between 300 and 400 was conveyed by special steamer. Besides helping them in a variety of other ways to provide a day's pleasure for themselves every year Messrs. Forsyth and Co. generously give their employees a whole holiday for the occasion, and this always enables them to make an early start for the scene of their merry-making. As usual, therefore, the picnickers assembled at the works in Bourke-street, Waterloo, at 8 o'clock, and boarding several live-horse buses were driven through the city down to Fort Macquarie, where they embarked on the steamer Lady Hampden. 
The excursionists lost no time in entering upon the programme of sports, with which the time was pleasantly passed until 1.30, when lunch was served in Mr. Lane's fine pavilion. Mr. J. T. Bennett presided, and seats at the head table were occupied also by Mr. John Forsyth, Mr. F. Thorpe, Mr. Alex Forsyth, Mr. Grant, and Mr. Howie. 
The toast of "The Firm" was given by the chairman, who thought that after being 24 years in their service he could speak of the Messrs. Forsyths many sterling qualities as employers. "There are six of us here," added Mr. Bennett, "who make up 224 years' service, with the Arm, and, 1 think, that speaks for itself." Mr. 'John Forsyth acknowledged the compliment on behalf of the firm. He said he ' had to apologise for the absence of the senior member of the firm, Mr. Archibald Forsyth, who had always taken a keen interest In these annual gatherings, and who had desired him to deliver the message embodied in the following letter, the reading of which was followed by three cheers for Mr. Forsyth: —
"To the employees of the Australian Ropeworks. "Dear Friends — I am sorry, that I cannot attend your annual picnic to-day, as I have the misfortune to be nearly blind from cataract in my eyes. I however hope that an operation will remove the cataract, and that I will be able to attend your next meeting, with my sight sufficiently restored to recognise all those of you whom I know. Hoping you will have a fine day, and that you and your friends will enjoy yourselves, I remain, yours truly. ARCHIBALD FORSYTH." 
Mr. Forsyth went on to say that his uncle would be 81 years old on the following day, and that letter, he thought, showed the interest he took In the firm's employees. He was extremely gratified to see so many there I that day. No old faces were missing, and he hoped that those there would continue to be seen at every picnic for many years to come. " Responses were made also by Mr. Thorpe and Mr. Alex. Forsyth. Other toasts honoured wore "The La"dies7' "The Visitors" (coupled with the names of Messrs, Grant and Howie), and "The Press." 
Mr. John Forsyth, In proposing "The Press," said he was glad to see representatives present of the oldest morning daily (the "Herald") and the strongest evening daily (the "Star"). The athletic events contested during 'the day -resulted as follow: — I Rope Works Handicap.— H. J, M'MHlan, 1: A. Steel. 2; J. Arhuclde. 3. Youths' Handicap. — L. Kelly, 1; W. Rowe. 2: A. M 'Millen. 3. Boys' Race.— F. Marshall,. 1; C. Bryant, 2; J. M'Millen.'S. Single Ladles' Race.— Miss M. Auld, 1; Miss M. Wenrnan, 2; Miss E. Walsh, 3. . Potato Race.— Steel, 1; G. Kent, 2; C. Buckley; 3. Married 'Ladies' Race.— Mrs, Boyce, 1; Mrs. Woodcock, 2; Mrs. Bridger, 3. Old Buffers' Race,— G. "Boyle, 1; J. Buckley, 2: J. Henri, 3. Tug-of-War, Married v. Single Men. — ThU event resulted -In a- win for the married men, who were captained by J, Gibb. AUSTRALIAN ROPEWORKS (1907, March 10). The Sunday Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1903 - 1910), p. 15. Retrieved from 

The Kangaroo Rope Works were established in 1877 at Lytton-road, East Brisbane, when the surroundings were all bush. From a small beginning, employing eight hands, the factory has gradually increased, and now numbers 70 employees. Care has been taken to keep abreast of the times in the matter of the installation of tip-to-date machinery, and recent additions to the plant enable the firm to manufacture the best quality ropes, cordage, and twines. The manufacturers cater for all shipping requirements, not forgetting the man on the land, for whom are made plough lines, plough reins, halters, pig nets, 4c. There is practically no line of fibre not manufactured by the firm. The newly registered trade mark is the "Kookookaburra," and all packages are thus marked. A FORSYTH & CO., LTD. (1926, August 28).The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 18. Retrieved from 

The Woodstock Cannery At Plumpton: Rooty Hill Fruit


(See illustrations on pages 26 and 27.)
The Woodstock Fruit Canning and Preserving works were started by Mr. Walter Lamb about two years ago. The property is situated about twenty-five miles from Sydney; and the Cannery buildings are
within one mile and a half of the Rooty Hill station, on the western railway line, and are therefore not only convenient to market, but are in the midst of one of the finest fruit-producing districts in the colony. It is the intention of the proprietor to plant with fruit trees a large area of the well-known Wood-stock Estate, the fruit of which will be worked up to the best advantage, whether for market or preserving purposes. Already much has been done in this direction, as there are at present about 100 acres of land planted with fruit trees on the estate, about sixty of whioh are already in bearing. The fruits are principally peaches, apricots, pears, quinces, nectarines, plums, apples, oranges, lemons, &c., all of which, and numbers of other varieties, can be produced in abundance and of excellent quality. There is a young nursery in the property, where trees can be raised by the hundreds of thousands. An improved steam ploughing plant (figure 5), has been procured for the breaking up of the land for planting ; and water is conserved in dams, for irrigation purposes. About 500 acres of land will be planted with fruit trees each year, until about 2000 acres are under crop ; and the cannery can be largely supplied from the company's own orchards.


1. General view of the Woodstock Fruit-canning Works, and the village of Plumpton. 2. The Woodstock stores, boarding-house, &c. 3. Residence of Mr. Walter Lamb, M.L.C. (managing director of the fruit works). 4. St. Alban's Anglican Church, Rooty Hill.
5. The steam plough at work on the estate. 6. The public school, Plumpton. 7. The tin factory, showing the machinery for cutting and stamping the tin for fruit cans. 8. Peeling, cutting, and stoning fruit by machinery. 9. Filling and soldering the fruit cans. 10. Mr. Taylor's hydraulic stump extractor at work on the estate. 11. Mr. Sydney Burdekin's residence, Blacktown. 12. Mr. T. Bowring's residence and workshops, Plumpton. 13. Mr. E. Lamb's residence, Plumpton. 14. Residence of Mr. E. Lister, superintendent of the Canning Works Plumpton. .
The Fruit-preserving Industry.

On approaching Woodstock, the first object which strikes the eye is the extensive and commodious cannery, with the adjacent village of Plumpton. The main cannery buildings are constructed of brick on the double-walled principle, to insure evenness of temperature, dryness, &c. The premises (figure 1), as depicted in our illustration, are situated on a gentle rise, about 200 yards back from the Windsor-road. The adjoining buildings to the right are the machine shops ; while at the back are storeroom, offices, &c. An extensive and healthy young orchard is to the left ; while in the front are a tank and reservoir capable of containing 3,000,000gal of water for the supply of the cannery, or the irrigation of the orchard. Near the cannery building is Plumpton Village, containing the promises of Mr. John Mellor, builder and contractor, and the workpeople's resi-dences. Away to the right, across an expanse of green pasture paddocks, sown with English and native grasses, stands Woodstock homestead (figure 3), the residence of Mr. Walter Lamb, M.L.C. It is situated on a gentle slope, and embowered amid a wealth of ornamental and fruit-bearing trees. The homestead comprises several neat and commodious buildings, consisting of dwelling-house, offices, billiard-room, and out-buildings, and commands a fine view of the surrounding country. There is a neat garden in front, with flower beds, fruit trees, and vines ; and there is every convenience in the shape of water laid on to the premises ; while the sanitary arrangements are complete. In front, scattered along the Windsor road, are several substantial privateresidences and stores. The first in order of progres-sion are Mr. W. C. Yell's capacious brick stores (figure 2), comprising a general store, a butcher's shop, a produce store, a boarding-house for the workmen at the cannery, a concert-hall, the TOWN AND COUNTRY JOURNAL agency, the post-office, and the Savings Bank. The premises front the Windsor road, and have an imposing appearance. Mr. Yell is a young Englishman of only four years' residence in the colony ; but he has already made his mark as an enterprising resident. In addition to his large store business, he is an employer of labor in various capacities. He is about to open a branch store and news agency at Rooty Hill, where travellers will be supplied with the TOWN AND COUNTRY JOURNAL and the EVENING NEWS on the platform. In con-junction with Mr. Robert Lister, he will open a livery stable, and a hay and corn store, at Rooty Hill. Mr. Yell is also the owner of land in the neighborhood. The Anglican Church (St. Alban's, figure 4), which was quite large enough for the distriot at the time of its construction is, owing to the recent large influx of population, much too small. Figure 6 represents a new brick public school building, 46ft by 26Gft in dimen-sions, rendered necessary by the rapidly-increasing population. Adjoining is the fancy goods repository and residence of Mr. James Potter. A little farther along, but a short distance from the road, in a thriving orchard and flower garden, stands the neat cottage (figure 14) of Mr. Robert Lister, chief superintendent of the cannery works ; and near at hand is the handsome brick residence of Mr. E. Lamb (figure 13), situated in a ten acres orchard of fine young trees, chiefly of stone fruits ; while adjoining are the residence and workshops of Mr. T. Bowring, builder and contractor (figure 12). Figure 8 shows the central workroom of the cannery, where the fruits are re-ceived by a host of young women and boys, and cut, peeled, or stoned, as the case may be, placed in the cans, and sent to the boiling-room. This room or large hall presents an animated appearance in the fruit season, when it is full of workers ; but, this being the slack season, there are few people about. Those few, however, are hard at work, at their several avocations of peeling fruit for canning, jam-making, or candying. Cases of fruit are piled around, waiting to be operated upon; and there are cases of empty cans ready to be filled.
Figure 9 shows the boiling-room, and the people at work, where the fruit cans are capped, immersed in the huge boiling vats, after which the cans are soldered, and sent to the cooking-room, where they remain until cool, when they are removed to the packing room, and tested, labelled, and packed. Figure 7 shows the tin shop, where there are at work a Howe chain machine, and a West crimper (by which from 25,000 to 30,000 fruit cans can be turned out per day), bottom presses, for soldering side seams, cutting machines for cutting sides, tops, and bottoms.
The steam plough, as is well known, is one of the greatest devices of the age in agricultural mechanism ; and the apparatus in use at Woodstock is one of the most approved kind manufactured by Fowler, of Leeds (England). The plough consists of two traction engines, each of 14-horse power, and a large double-ended, 7-furrowed plough, cultivator, trencher or ditcher, and harrow. In the same field, adjacent to the steam plough (figure 10), one of Mr. Taylor's hydraulic stump ex-tractors was at work. Of this machine, Mr. Lister speaks most favorably. It will extract, with two men and a horse, from eighteen to twenty stumps in a day, large and small, and do the work well.
The number of people employed about the works during the coming season will be about 250. The average wages paid are about 5s per day, although expert pieceworkers, can earn much more than this amount. Already the product of the Woodstock fac-tory has made a gratifying impression upon the Australian market. This is, no doubt, largely due to the excellent quality of the preserves, which have topped the market wherever known. The output for the past season averaged 150 cases per day. A considerable drawback up to the present time has been the difficulty of procuring fruit of a suitable
class ; but the numerous young orchards coming into bearing in the district will speedily remove this obstacle. A very large increase on last year's output is expected during the coming season. New settlers are constantly arriving in the district, and purchasing land for orchard purposes. At present land is being offered for sale by Mr. Lamb as under : £20 per acre for unimproved land; cleared land, £25 to £30; young planted orchards, £40 to £70; and young bearing orchards, £100 per acre. The land is laid off in blocks to suit purchasers--from two, three, five, and ten acres each--and, of course, situation largely controls the price. There are now it is computed, about 700 inhabitants within a radius of one mile and a half of the Plumpton Village.
Blacktown, the country residence of Mr. Sydney Burdekin, M.L.A. (figure 11), is situated a short distance from Plumpton village, and is one of the ancient landmarks of the Rooty Hill district. The mansion was built about seventy years ago, in connection with a settlement formed for the purpose of affording instruction to the blacks, and for training them to agricultural pursuits. This scheme seemed to succeed for a time, as many of the aborigines settled and owned farms of their own in the neighborhood, given to them as grants by the Government. From the Crown the Blacktown estate first passed into the hands of the well-known Bell family. Eventually, about thirteen years ago, the property was purchased by Mr. Burdekin, since which time extensive additions have been made to the original buildings. It has many advantages as a country residence -proximity to town, healthiness of climate, and its central position with regard to many inland towns ; Parramatta, Windsor, Penrith, and Liverpool being within a radius of about ten miles. The property is surrounded by excellent gravelled roads for driving, and well-grassed tracks for horse exercise. With a good climate, pure atmosphere, well-grassed paddocks for horses, beautiful views, and nearness to town, it makes a pleasant and convenient country house.
Our sketch would scarcely be complete without portraits of the moving spirits in this far-reaching
and expanding enterprise. Mr. Walter Lamb, M.L.C.,

of Woodstock, Plumpton, Rooty Hill, has from an early age spent all his best energies in aiding to de- velop the grand resources of New South Wales. Today he is at the head of an industry--the Woodstock Fruit Cannery--which is destined at no distant date to revolutionise the fruit-growing interests of this colony--an industry the great possibilities of which is as yet imperfectly understood by the people of Australia, and which is calculated to be a great source of wealth to the colony. Mr. Lamb was born in the vicinity of London on January 8, 1825. In the year 1829 he arrived in this colony, and was educated by that well-known teacher, the late Mr. Cape, first in his school, opposite the present courthouse, King-street, and subsequently in the Sydney College. On January 1, 1840, he began his career as a junior clerk in the mercantile house of Lamb, Parbury, and Company; and such was his aptitude for business that, on January 1, 1847, when 22 years of age, he became a partner in that oldestablished firm, taking an active part in the management of the business until the year 1863, when he retired from mercantile pursuits. Since that time Mr. Lamb has devoted his energies to the development of the agricultural and pastoral interestof the country--first at Greystanes, where he was a successful breeder of high-class shorthorn cattle. The celebrated bull, Imperial Purple the 9th, a magnifie-cent animal, and the winner of numerous prizes, was one of his herd. Subsequently, he entered into
grazing pursuits at Merilong, Liverpool Plains, and at Woodstock, his present abode. Mr. Lamb has ever had a keen eye to take advantage of the natural resources by which he was surrounded, and soon saw that much loss of stock could be averted by the judicious saving of the indigenous grasses of the country, as fodder, for dry seasons. He claims to be the first pastoralist who preserved these grasses on a large scale ; and he has now on his estate at Merilong about 2000 tons of
hay ready to meet any emergency which might arise from drought and other causes. He maintains that sufficient fodder can be saved on all runs possessing good soil to tide over a drought ; and he cannot understand why such splendid advantages should be not availed of by pastoralists generally. Mr. Lamb's favorite fodder is ensilage, which he has been very successful in making ; but he also makes large quantities of hay. Two years ago Mr. Lamb paid a visit to America to investigate the process of fruit-canning there, previously to starting an indus-try of a similar character in this colony. In this undertaking he has been eminently successful, although, consequent upon two unfavorable seasons, the absence of suitable fruit has been a drawback. This difficulty will, however, soon be a thing of the past, as Mr. Lamb is now engaged with steam ploughs in cultivating the Woodstock Estate, Rooty Hill.
Mr. Lamb was one of the first directors of the Colonial Sugar Refining Company . He was for some thirty years a director of the Commercial Bank, and now holds a similar position in the English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank. He has also held office in several of our other thriving mercantile and financial institutions. In the early part of his life he was greatly impressed with the horrors of the convict system, and was an active member of the Anti-transportation League. He recently accepted a seat in the Legislative Council. He was more than once previously offered this distinction, but was compelled to decline it for various reasons, one being that his numerous business engagements prevented him from giving the necessary time to legislative duties. In politics Mr. Lamb is a protectionist. He advocates a duty on raw material, and only moderate duties on manufactured goods--just sufficient to give an impulse to the establishment of manufactories without the possibility of prices being increased to the consumer.

Mr. R. Lister, superintendent of the Woodstock Fruit Canning Works, was born in Hamilton, Canada, in 1850. He entered into the canned fruit and preserving business in Oakland, California, in 1874 for the well-known firm of J. Lusk and Company, as foreman and assistant superintendent. Since then Mr. Lister has been constantly in the business, and he has been superintendent of several of the largest works of the kind in California, including the well-known San Jose Fruit Canning and Packing Works, the Colton Fruit Preserving, Drying and Packing Works, and the King Morse Works. Mr. Lister came to Rooty Hill in 1887, as managing superintendent, under contract with Mr. Walter Lamb. Since his arrival in this colony Mr. Lister has assidiously attended to his business, and in a re- markably short space of time has brought into profit-able working operation the large plant at Rooty Hill. The splendid quality of the preserved fruits and the jams turned out by the company, and the great de-mand for them, fully demonstrate Mr. Lister's ability in his particular line. The Fruit-preserving Industry. (1889, September 7). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 26. Retrieved from 

FRUIT CANNING IN NEW SOUTH WALES-THE WOODSTOCK FACTORY AT ROOTY HILL. No title (1889, December 14). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 1318. Retrieved from 

Album 27: Photographs of the Allen family, 11 April 1901 - December 1901- Digital Order Number: a2880035 - Courtesy the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.

Mr. Walter Lamb
The death of Mr. Walter Lamb, at the age of 82, was announced on Tuesday. The deceased was a son of Captain John Lamb, R.N., and was born in England. Entering upon pastoral pursuits as a young man, Mr. Lamb gradually acquired property in various parts of Now South Wales, as well as his beautiful home at Woodstook, Rooty Hill. The late Mr. Lamb was at one time chairman of directors of the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney, president of the Union Club, and a member of the Upper House, from which he resigned. He was married twice, his first wife being a Miss C x, of Mudgee, who left Issue one daughter, still surviving. The second marriage was with Miss Dangar (daughter of Mr Henry Dangar, of Neotfsfield, near Singleton). Mrs Lamb died in England about four years ago, leaving a family of three sons and four daughters. The oldest daughter is married to General Dowding, and resides in England, the Second is the wife of Mr A Wigram Allen. Two other daughters—Misses Marcia and Mildred Lamb—reside in Sydney. Mr. Percy Lamb, the second son, resides at the old family home, Woodstock, which he bought back lately; Mr Hurry Lamb, the eldest son, resides at Argyle, his station property near Glen Innes and Mr Leslie Lamb is engaged in the horse trade with India, and is now on voyage to that country. The late Mr. Walter Lamb, as the squire of Woodstock, was a thorough sportsman and a capital judge of all kinds of stock, especially of a good horse. He was particularly fond of coursing, a sport which he helped to materially advance. Two brothers still survive him—Mr Charles Lamb, of Parramatta, and Mr Howard Lamb, at one time Minister, of Lands in Queensland, who resides in Sydney. The remains were interred at Rookwood on Wednesday, Rev Dixon Hudson officiating at the grave. MR. WALTER LAMB. (1906, November 17). Nepean Times (Penrith, NSW : 1882 - 1962), p. 4. Retrieved from 


Pursuing Its policy of better roads for quicker development, the Warringah Shire Council Is making arrangements for remaking the Newport-Barrenjoey road to Main Roads Board standard. After waiting the customary month for any possible objections from ratepayers (who were unanimously silent) the, council will now submit Its improvement scheme to the Minister for Local Government. This is necessary, as an officer of this department must make an Inquiry Into costs and necessities before the Minister sanctions a loan for road-making purposes. It is anticipated that this consent will be received In about four months, after which tho council will be free to borrow Its money and proceed with the project. 
The Newport-Barrenjoey road Is the worst part of the Manly-Barrenjoey trip, and its Improvement will Increase the tourist (and probably residential) traffic to Palm Bench. This Is part of the scheme to Improve the whole road. Surveyors have been working for five months preparing plans and specifications for the construction of a permanent road (possibly concrete) from Manly to Newport. These plans have to satisfy the stringent Main Roads Board requirements; but the result, when both stretches of road are finally finished, will be a motor drive through magnificent scenery to a beautiful terminus at Palm Beach. 
Already the prospect of this Increased communication with the city has affected the sale of land at Palm Beach; Investors who scent a rising market following these Improvements are buying allotments In the Palm Beach Estate. Messrs. Willmore and Randell, sales agents for this estate, found that holiday tourists were amongst the most eager of these buyers.REAL ESTATE (1926, January 8). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 11 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from 

MAIN ROADS ACT, 1924-1936.
I, the Honourable Sir Phillip Whistler Street,. Lieutenant-Governor of the State of New South Wales in the Commonwealth of Australia, with the advice of the Executive Council, and by virtue of the provisions of the Transport (Division of Functions) Act, 1932, and in pursuance of the provisions of the Main Roads Act, 1924-1936, do by this my Proclamation declare that so much, of the land  hereunder described as is Crown Land is hereby appropriated, and so much thereof as is private property is hereby resumed under the provisions of the Public Works Act, 1912, for the purposes of the Main Roads Act, 1924-1936, and that the land hereunder described is hereby vested in the Commissioner for Main Roads; and I hereby further declare the land hereunder described to be a public road, and, in accordance with a recommendation of the Commissioner for Main Roads, the said, land is hereby placed under the control of the Council of the Shire of Warringah.
Signed and sealed at Sydney, this tenth day of March, 1937.
By His Excellency's Command,

Descriptions of the Land referred to.
All that piece or parcel of land situate in the Shire of Warringah, parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland and State of New South Wales, being part of lots 17c, 18c and 19c, deposited plan 13,374, and part of the land in Certificate of Title, register volume 3,758, folio 71: Commencing at a point on a north-eastern side of Barrenjoey-road being the westernmost corner of lot 17c aforesaid; and bounded thence on the north-east by a marked line bearing 124 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds 408 feet 3 inches to a north-eastern side of Barrenjoey road aforesaid; thence on the south-west by parts of north-eastern sides of that road bearing 300 degrees 30 minutes 285 feet 9§ inches and 312 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds 124 feet 4| inches to the point of commencement,—having an area of 13 7-10th perches or thereabouts, and said to be in the possession of (Miss) E. G. Turnley, (Miss) A. Swain, D. and W. Christian and Palm Beach Lands Limited.
Also all that piece or parcel of land situate in the Shire of Warringah, parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland and State of New South Wales, being parts of lots 7 to 22, inclusive, deposited plan 13,686: Commencing at a point on a north-eastern side of Barrenjoey-road being the westernmost corner of lot 7 aforesaid; and bounded thence on the north-east, north and north-west by marked lines bearing consecutively 155 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds 114 feet 4f inches, 150 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds 46 feet 10 § inches, 137 degrees 50 minutes 50 seconds 62 feet 9f inches, 122 degrees 59 minutes 50 seconds 66 feet 5£ inches, 107 degrees 59 minutes 30 seconds 64 feet 1£ inches, 92 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds 67 feet 8| inches, 77 degrees 18 minutes 20 seconds 67 feet If inches, 62 degrees 66 feet 3f inches, 53 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds 5 feet 8-1 inches, 53 degrees 4 minutes 20 seconds 322 feet 41 inches and 66 degrees 59 minutes 30 seconds 75 feet to a north-western side of Barrenjoey road aforesaid; thence on the south-east, south and southwest by north-western, northern and north-eastern sides of that road bearing consecutively 242 degrees 13 minutes 85 feet, 231 degrees 24 minutes 20 seconds 145 feet 0£ inch, 229 degrees 25 minutes 111 feet 10 inches, 239 degrees 14 minutes 100 feet 10J inches, 251 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds 87 feet 10£ inches, 272 degrees 22 minutes 30 seconds 124 feet 8£ inches, 295 degrees 24 minutes 90 feet 1 inch, 325 degrees 23 minutes 105 feet 1| inches and 342 degrees 3 minutes 136 feet 41 inches to the point of commencement,—having an area of 39 4-10th perches or thereabouts, and said to be in the possession of (Mrs.) M. E. Thompson, (Miss) M. J. McNiven, (Mrs.) J. D. Popplewell, (Mrs.) P. A. Coates and Palm Beach Lands Limited.
Also, all that piece or parcel of land situate in the Shire of Warringah, parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland and State of New South Wales, being part of lots 29, 30 and 31, deposited plan 13,620, and part of a public park adjoining: Commencing at a point on a south-eastern side of Barrenjoey-road bearing and distant 231 degrees 24 minutes 20 seconds 23 feet 1\ inches from the northernmost corner of lot 31 aforesaid; and bounded thence on the north-west, north-east and east by south-eastern, south-western and western sides of that road bearing consecutively 51 degrees 24 minutes 20 seconds 137 feet 7½ inches, 62 degrees 13 minutes 93 feet 10½ inches, 108 "degrees 18 minutes 68 feet 5 inches, 159 degrees 1 minute 30 seconds 94 feet 8£ inches and 174 degrees 19 minutes 86 feet; thence on the south-west and south-east by marked lines bearing consecutively 342 degrees 54 minutes 122 feet 9 inches, 325 degrees 27 minutes 40 seconds 44 feet 1 ½ inches, 290 degrees 35 minutes 44 feet 11& inches, 255 degrees 42 minutes 20 seconds 44 feet 111 inches and 238 degrees 16 minutes 177 feet 3 inches to the point of commencement,— having an area of 23 3-10th perches or thereabouts, and said to be in the possession of F. B. Hutchings and (Miss) A. Swain.
Also, all that piece or parcel of land situate in the Shire of Warringah, parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland and State of New South Wales, being part of lots Sc, 9c and 10c, deposited plan 13,374, and part of lot 71, deposited plan 8,595: Commencing at a point on a north-eastern side of Barrenjoey-road, being the southernmost corner of lot 10c aforesaid; and bounded thence on the south-west by part of north-eastern sides of that road bearing 312 degrees 42 minutes US feet and 34 degrees 50 minutes 111 feet 1^ inches; thence on the north-east by marked lines bearing consecutively 155 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds 54 feet 10! inches, 149 degrees 37 minutes 53 feet inches, 143 degrees 5 minutes 40 seconds 63 feet 111 inches and 136 degrees 48 minuses 51 feet 5$ inches to the point of commencement,—having an area of 5 perches or thereabouts, and said, to be in the possession of S. Dove, W. Crooks, Peter Gorman and Palm Beach Lands Limited.
Also, all that piece or parcel of land situate in the Shire of Warringah, parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland and State of New South Wales, being part of lots 8 to 12, inclusive, deposited plan 7,656: Commencing at a point on a north-western side of Barrenjoey road, being the easternmost corner of lot 32 aforesaid; and bounded thence on the south-east by parts of northwestern sides of Barrenjoey-road aforesaid bearing 248 degrees 15 minutes 232 feet 7f inches and 249 degrees 39 minutes 324 feet 9\ inches; thence on the north-wept by marked lines bearing 61 degrees 59 minutes 30 seconds 141 feet 2$ inches and 71 degrees 27 minutes 30-seconds 417 feet 7} inches to the point of commencement,— having an area of 21 2-lOth perches or thereabouts; and said to be in the possession of W. L. Heather, G. I. Ballard, A. Bowman and W. J. Goddard.
Also, all that piece or parcel of land situate in the Shire of Warringah, parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland and State of New South Wales, being part of lots 13, 15 and 16, deposited plan 7,656, and part of lot A, shown in plan annexed to Dealing B. 140,042: Commencing at a point on a north-western side of Barrenjoey-road, being the easternmost corner of lot 12, deposited plan 7,656 aforesaid; and bounded thence on the north-west and south-west by marked lines bearing consecutively 62 degrees 42 minutes 93 feet 6J inches, 24 degrees 39 minutes 22 feet inches and 346 degrees 36 minutes 251 feet 6£ inches to a south-western side of Barrenjoey-road aforesaid; thence on the north-east by part of that side of that road bearing 164 degrees 21 minutes 238 feet 3J inches; thence on the south-east by 159 feet 5£ inches of the arc of a circle having a radius of 40 feet 7$ inches, the chord of which bears 206 degrees 18 minutes 54 feet 3| inches and whose centre lies towards the north-west; thence again on the southeast -by part of a north-western side of Barrenjoey-road aforesaid bearing 248 degrees 15 minutes 79 feet 11 f inches to the point of commencement,—having an area of 6 8-10th perches or thereabouts, and said to be in the possession of (Mrs.) E. Gonsalves, H. Gonsalves and B. L. Houghton,
Also, all that piece or parcel of land situate in the Shire of Warringah, parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland and State of New South Wales, being part of the land shown on plan annexed to Dealing A. 885,883; Commencing at a point on a north-eastern side of Barenjoey-road, being the north-western corner of lot 3, deposited plan 6,746; and bounded thence on the southwest by part of that side of that road bearing 344 degrees 21 minutes 158 feet 11 inches to the southern side of Beach-road; thence on the north by part of that side of that road bearing 90 degrees 155 feet 9 inches; thence on the south, south-east and north-east by marked lines bearing consecutively 265 degrees 36 minutes 121 feet 6 inches, 249 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds 10 feet 0£ inch, 217 degrees 7 minutes 30 seconds 10 feet 0^ inch, 184 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds 10 feet 0 J inch and 168 degrees 39 minutes 124 feet $ inches to the point of commencement,—having an area of 6 6-10th perches or thereabouts, and said to be in the possession of C. B. Gow and A. A. Oxlade.
Also, all that piece or parcel of land situate in the Shire of .Warringah, parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland and State of New South Wales, being part of E. 56,217 from sale and B. 56,218 from lease generally for Public Recreation, notified 22nd June, 1923 (Governor Phillip Park); Commencing at a point on a northern side of Beach-road bearing 23 degrees 58 minutes and distant 72 feet 2.. inches from the easternmost corner of the seventhly described parcel of land; and bounded thence on the north, north-west and northeast" by marked lines bearing consecutively 87 degrees 41 minutes 50 seconds "7? feet 8 inches, 83 degrees 5 minutes 40 seconds 77 feet 8 inches, 78 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds 77 feet 8 inches, 76 degrees 11 minutes 20 seconds 234 feet 113 inches, 82 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds 60 feet 6| inches, 94 degrees 37 minutes 60 feet 6 inches, 100 degrees 54 minutes 10 seconds 60 feet inches, 119 degrees 11 minutes 20 seconds 60 feet 6^ inches and 131 degrees 28 minutes 30 seconds 60 feet 6 inches to a northern side of Beach-road (road catalogued B. 31,872-1,603 in the Department of "Lands) ; thence on the south by part of that side of that road bearing 270 degrees 51 feet inches; thence on the south-west by part of a north-eastern side of Beach-road aforesaid bearing 296 degrees 18 minutes 148 feet 11£ inches; thence again on the south by part of a northern side of Beach-road aforesaid bearing 270 degrees US feet 3g inches; thence on the south-east by part of a north-western side of Beach-road aforesaid bearing 251 degrees 30 minutes 208 feet; thence again on the south by part of a northern side of that road bearing 270 degrees 238 feet 4| inches to the point of commencement, —having an area of 1 rood 17 perches or thereabouts.
Also, all that piece or parcel of land situate in the Shire of Warringah, parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland and State of New South Wales, being part of portiofc 18, parish aforesaid: Commencing at the intersection of a north-eastern side of Ocean-road with a southern side of Beach-road; and bounded thence on the north by part of the southern side of Beach-road aforesaid bearing 90 degrees 17 feet 9 ½ inches; thence on the north-east by marked lines bearing 159 degrees 8 minutes 52 feet 21 inches and 167 degrees 47 mutates 52 feet 2i inches to a north-eastern side of Ocean-road aforesaid; thence on the south-west by part of that side of that road bearing 334 degrees 35 minutes 110 feet 61 inches to the point of commencement,—having an area of 4 perches or thereabouts.
And also, all that piece or parcel of land situate in the Shire of Warringah, parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland and State of New South Wales, being part of the land in Certificate of Title, register volume 3,758, folio 71: Commencing at an angle point in a northeastern side of Barrenjoey-road, being the intersection of sides of that road, bearing 282 degrees 52 minutes 30 seconds 194 feet 6 inches and 300 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds 130 feet 7§ inches; and bounded thence on the south-west by north-eastern sides of that road bearing consecutively 300 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds 130 feet 7.. inches, 314 degrees 5 minutes 30 seconds 162 feet 6 inches and 330 degrees 8 minutes 131_Jxet 2 inches; thence on the north-east by marked lines bearing consecutively 140 degrees 26 minutes 10 seconds 192 feet 3 inches, 122 degrees 34 minutes 10 seconds 219 feet li inches and 111 degrees 30 minutes 20 seconds .200 feet 4$ inches to the north-eastern side of Barrenjoey road aforesaid; thence on the south-west by part of that side of that road bearing 282 degrees 52 minutes 30 seconds 194 feet 6 inches to the point of commencement, —having an area of 1 rood 39'10th perches or thereabouts, and said to be in the possession of Palm Beach Lands Limited. TRANSPORT (DIVISION OF FUNCTIONS) ACT, 1932. (1937, March 19). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1201. Retrieved from 

NB: After land is compulsorily acquired, any person with a legal interest in the land can lodge a written claim for compensation.
Annie Wyatt Reserve - Pittwater Fields of Dreams II - threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2016