Aussie Backyard Bird Count 2017

Aussie Backyard Bird Count 2017
It’s getting very near that time of year when we venture out to see what’s flapping about…
Take part in BirdLife Australia’s Aussie Backyard Bird Count from 23 - 29 October and help Northern Beaches Council discover which birds share our local backyards and outdoor spaces.
Homeowners, renters and visitors, with and without backyards, are encouraged to become citizen scientists for the week and join BirdLife Australia in counting 1.5 million birds in seven days.
Mayor Michael Regan said this was the third time Council had taken part in the program and the data collected helped to track changes in the local bird population and composition.
“The Aussie Backyard Bird Count is a valuable chance for us to learn more about our local feathered friends and enjoy some of the Northern Beaches’ absolutely beautiful bird-watching spots,’ Mayor Regan said.
Mayor Regan with a Corella
Irrawong Reserve, Bangalley Head Reserve, Angophora Reserve, Warriewood Wetland, Long Reef, Jamieson Reserve, Deep Creek Reserve, North Head, Hanging Swamp at North Head and our lagoons are some of the best places to visit and observe local birdlife.
Residents can count anywhere they can see birds — backyards, schoolyards, parks, botanic gardens — at anytime during the week and as many times as they like.
All you need is 20 minutes, the Aussie Bird Count app or website
Once counts have been submitted, locals will be able to see the number of birds and species being counted nearby and right across Australia, with real-time updates on the Aussie Backyard Bird Count app and website.
“It’s wonderful to have the support of Northern Beaches Council for this year’s Aussie Backyard Bird Count. After three years of counting, we are now starting to learn more about local bird populations across Australia,” said Paul Sullivan, Chief Executive Officer of BirdLife Australia.
Last year more than 1.4 million birds, including the colourful Rainbow Lorikeet — which has led the national tally for three consecutive years — were spotted in backyards across the country.
Suggestions for looking at birds around here – apart from sitting in your own backyard:
Shore Birds, for example the Oystercatcher (not sure you have to run or fly too fast to catch an oyster!)
Wetlands birds
Lagoon birds
Escarpment Birds
Heathland birds
Estuary Birds
For a background on how the first Bird Day came about (includes Attracting birds to your backyard – native plants for nectar and seeds and a bird bath, to drink or swim) – visit our 2015 Aussie Back Yard Bird Count page
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