January 28 - February 3, 2018: Issue 345
Australia Day Awards 2018 Recognise Outstanding Community Service of Ken Hughes AFSM, OAM

Ken Hughes AFSM, OAM - Photo by Michael Mannington, Volunteer Photograhy
In the Australian honours system appointments to the Order of Australia confer recognition for outstanding achievement and service.
The Order of Australia is the pre-eminent way Australians recognise the achievements and service of their fellow citizens. Except for Knights and Dames, nominations for awards in the General Division of the Order of Australia come directly from the community.
Once a nomination is submitted, the Australian Honours and Awards Secretariat at Government House in Canberra conducts further research and
contacts referees. Nominations are considered by the Council of the Order of Australia which makes recommendations direct to the Governor-General.
On Friday morning, around 10.30, Pittwater Online News posted on its Facebook platform one of the recipients of a Medal (OAM) in the General Division was Ken Hughes - the news quickly spread, has been seen by 1,835 people as we got to publication, with 28 on-shares, so a fair amount more than that.
Many have posted 'Congratulations Ken!' or 'Congratulations Ken!! An asset to all the organisations you are involved with - and there are lots!!!' and 'Proud of you Kenny! Well deserved and well done!' even at 2a.m. this morning. The man is a Pittwater Legend - and has been so for decades.
The citation for Ken's OAM is a long list of volunteer service stretching back to 1979 in many areas and organisations and through some of the tough battles residents have had to take on as formed groups because if these individuals hadn't stood up something irreplaceable would have been lost.
Pittwater Online News spoke to Ken, in between volunteer work that's still ongoing for this Bilgola Plateau gentleman.
Congratulations on receiving an OAM in the 2018 Australia Day Awards which states this recognition is For service to the community, particularly through emergency response organisations.
Yes, there is that and I have been heavily involved there for a number of years. In 2010 a Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM) was awarded to me in recognition of that service.
I think that some of the other community battles I’ve been involved in have been, quite frankly, every bit as bad as a bushfire.
The Friends of Currawong, where we had a terrific team in that battle and still do, led by Shane Withington, was particularly hard. There were some very nasty elements to that and it was very difficult over an extended period of time.
You have also been part of the Save Mona Vale Hospital community action group since its inception?
Yes. This group is still struggling along. Again we had and have a fantastic team involved in that exercise and again my role was Treasurer. We didn’t win but at least we’ve maintained the site and got some good services on that site now, so, it could have been a whole lot worse.
Threaded through many of what is listed as your Service to the Community is an environmental focus; Friends of Currawong was about saving that place from turning from a beautiful place into something quite ugly in the form of an inappropriate overdevelopment for that site; you are a Founding Member of the Friends of Avalon Dunes, and Founding Member, Plateau Park Bush Care Group and also Treasurer of the Pittwater Natural Heritage Association for five years too.
Why is maintaining and restoring the bush in Pittwater so important to you?
I think it’s because I don’t want to see the unbridled development that we’ve seen in so many other parts of Sydney. If that’s the way you feel then there’s no point sitting there wringing your hands about it and pulling the odd weed out. You have really got to get out there, and quite frankly, in many cases, really take the bad guys on.
It’s not a lot of fun doing that. The Save Currawong fight, the Save Mona Vale Hospital, that wasn’t fun. In both cases there were excellent committees and that certainly was a great support for all of us involved in those battles.
But you have also been a volunteer for Meals on Wheels at Warriewood, for ten years! – you’re everywhere, doing something – how did that begin?
There are a few things I like about Meals on Wheels. I used to do it with my wife Pat. Pat still does this; she’s a very supportive woman, an amazing lady. It was an organisation in which I did the job, turned up per the roster, and that was it.
So much of these other things it’s 24/7. Honestly, as we speak I’m writing a Financial Report for the Cadets Brigade at the Rural Fire Service.
This stuff just doesn’t stop.
The Coal and Candle Rural Fire Brigade is a fair leap from Bilgola Plateau; how did you become involved there?
I knew someone in Coal and Candle Brigade. You know how they say a Volunteer is someone who didn’t hear the question? It wasn’t quite like that, but…
When I joined, 1979, when there was a major fire going on, I rang my friend, Bob McClelland and said,
‘Bob, I’m wondering of you need a hand up there; someone to cut the sandwiches ?’
He said, ‘Oh yeah – got any overalls?’
‘Yeah, I’ll bring them up.’
So I went up and they put me on a truck! I’d never been to a fire in my life.

Coal and Candle Brigade at the Avalon Tattoo

Backburn Howes Swamp fire Oct 2013. KCH

Castle Cres Umina KCH2 Jan 2006

Castle Cres Umina KCH2 Jan 2006
Blue Mountains (Yellow Rock) KCH
So that was it; you were in?
That’s how it was in that day. It’s changed a lot now.
For the last 16 or so years I’ve been much more involved at the District level of the Rural Fire Service. We’ve got 17 Brigades and Units in Warringah and Pittwater and I manage the Donations Funds; one of those mechanisms that helps the whole lot of them. I’ve also managed the Welfare Fund for them for 10 or 12 years or so too.
It’s a more broad picture element and Senior Management Team that I’m involved with these days. I’m still a Member at Coal and Candle but it’s working at looking after the whole district where I’m involved these days.
The Service cited also lists ‘Volunteer, Manly Warringah Choir, for many years’ – does this mean you don’t sing?
No, I’m a not a singer but my wife again, Pat, was President for five years and has been on the committee for a long time. This is the only Classical Choir on the Northern Beaches.
It’s a fantastic choir – Readers write in asking when the next concert is regularly in between Notices.
Yes, it’s very good. When Pat was President I did a lot and still do a bit now but not as much as I did when she was President. She’s a bit the same with me. Really, these awards that you get it’s all cheers and smiles, but the family suffers from your absence while you’re doing these things. Family is who you can always call on for help while doing this work too, and you do. I must say; Pat has done a lot for the RFS, over many years. Equally my daughters have been part of everything too.
So there’s all that; your family life suffers and your private life suffers as you just don’t put as much attention into that as you do into your volunteer work when you have undertaken something.
There’s also the other costs Ken; it costs more than time, and energy – it also costs in financial terms even if it’s just paying for buses to get into Macquarie street so you can stand there and say ‘Hands Off Mona Vale Hospital!’
Why has it been so important to you to put so much into community Ken? Where has it come from?
I’m not sure. I just feel, with so many of these things, that they are too important to let go. If you don’t stand up, if you don’t get a lot of people there and make a fuss, governments will walk all over you. They do; it’s in the papers every day. Whichever party is in they’ll tell you one thing to stay in and then go back on it once they win government on that. They’re all the same.
What’s your proudest achievement amongst all these battles you have been a part of?
I think when we were able to keep Currawong in public hands, that was good. It wasn’t just me – it was Shane, Michael (Mannington) Polly Thompson and Sue Martin, Geoff Bentley, and many others, and Harvey (Rose) – Harvey was great.
I miss that man, I really do.
Battling against all those fires, the ’79, the ’84 fires, the ’94 fires, getting on top of them was good, was great but I’d have to say keeping that site in public hands was the best.
Thank you Ken and congratulations – you’re a legend!

Friends of Currawong members Sue Martin, Geoff Bentley, Ken Hughes, Polly Thompson and Michael Mannington with MP for Pittwater Rob Stokes.

Pittwater Council Mayor Harvey Rose and Shane Withington, Currawong Day
Harvey in full flight outside Macquarie street - photo by Michael Mannington.
Dr Kenneth Charles HUGHES AFSM
Bilgola Plateau
For service to the community, particularly through emergency response organisations.
Service includes:
New South Wales Rural Fire Service:
Northern Beaches District:
Attendance at most of the major bush fires in the Northern Beaches Rural Fire District and elsewhere in New South Wales, 1979-2013.
Treasurer Donated Funds, since 2002.
Member, District Advisory Committee and Senior Management Advisory Committee, since 2002.
Treasurer, Welfare Fund, 2000-2010.
Coal and Candle Rural Fire Brigade:
President, 2001-2002.
Treasurer, 1992-2000.
Secretary, 6 years.
Life Member, 1997.
Member, since 1979.
Founding Member and Treasurer, Save Mona Vale Hospital Community Action Group, since 2000.
Founding Member, Plateau Park Bush Care Group, since 2006.
Treasurer and Member, Friends of Currawong, since 2008.
Volunteer, Manly Warringah Choir, for many years.
Founding Member, Friends of Avalon Dunes, 2000-2010.
Treasurer, Pittwater Natural Heritage Association, 2009-2013 and Member, for many years.
Volunteer, Meals on Wheels (Warriewood Food Services), for 10 years.
Awards and recognition
Recipient, 'Friend of Manly Warringah Choir' award, 2015.
Recipient, Australian Fire Service Medal, 2010.
Recipient, Community Service and Support Award, Pittwater Council, 2009.
Recipient, Environmental Volunteer of the Year, Pittwater Council, 2007.
Recipient, Centenary Medal, for service to the Rural Fire Service', 2003.
Recipient, Citizen of the Year, Pittwater Council, 2002.

The Currawong Cottages - photo by Michael Mannington

Mona Vale Hospital
Australia day Awards 2018: Pittwater and surrounds
Mr John Joseph KINSELLA
Mona Vale
For significant service to the international community through healthcare and educational programs for vulnerable children in Cambodia.
Service includes:
Hope for Cambodian Children (supports vulnerable children and their families in Cambodia through the provision of education, healthcare and shelter):
Founder, 2005.
Past Deputy Chair.
Board Member, until 2016.
Ambassador, Australian Gynaecological Cancer Foundation, current.
Supporter, Good Shepherds Operation Restore Hope, current.
Billbergia (a property and infrastructure construction company):
Managing Director, since 1988.
Founder, 1988.
Mrs Dorothy May ISAKSEN
For significant service to the Parliament of New South Wales, as an advocate for gender equality in politics, as a mentor, and to the community.
Service includes:
Parliament of New South Wales:
Member, Legislative Council, 1978-1988 and 1990-1999.
Legislative Council Whip, 1995-1999.
Past Member, Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety.
Australian Labor Party:
Life Member, since 2002.
President, New South Wales Labor Women's Committee, 1975-1979.
New South Wales Party Office Manager, 1978-1980.
Secretary to Committees, 1972-1978.
Member, New South Wales Labor Administrative Committee, 1976-1979.
Member, New South Wales Central Executive, 1970-1971.
Secretary, Wakehurst State Electorate Council, 1961-1973.
Member, Youth Council, 1957-1959.
Member, since 1955.
Past Director, Manly Warringah Women's Resource Centre.
Legacy Club of Sydney, Northern Beaches:
Executive Member, Rosemary Club, 2004-2017.
Member, since 2003.
Board Member, Royal North Shore Hospital, 1977-1986
Ms Tracey Leigh SPICER
Curl Curl
For significant service to the broadcast media as a journalist and television presenter, and as an ambassador for social welfare and charitable groups.
Mrs Elizabeth Margaret ELLIS AM
NSW (originally from Hawkesbury Netball Association and former North Curl Curl resident)
For distinguished service to netball as an elite player and coach, through support and advocacy for young women, as a contributor to the broadcast and print media industries, and to the community.
Emeritus Professor Russell Duncan LANSBURY AM,
Avalon Beach
For distinguished service to industrial relations education as an academic, researcher and author, through contributions to international arbitration foundations, and as a mentor of young academics.
Service includes:
University of Sydney:
Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business, since 2009.
Vice-Chancellor's Nominee, Review of Health and Medical Research at the University, 2014.
Adjunct Professor in Management, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, since 2010.
Adjunct Professor, Open University of Hong Kong, since 2010.
Life Member, Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand, 2013.
Patron, Industrial Relations Society of Australia, since 2013.
Life Member, Industrial Relations Society of NSW, 2012.
Life Member, Australian Labour and Employment Relations Society, 2010.
International Advisory Board Member, Cambodian Arbitration Foundation, since 2010.
Joint Coordinator, Organisational Review, Wayside Chapel, Sydney, 2016.
Volunteer Guide, Botanic Gardens of NSW, ongoing.
Awards and recognition includes:
Recipient, the Vic Taylor Distinguished Long Term Contribution Award, Association of
Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand.
Mr Angus Donald GORDON
North Narrabeen
For service to environmental management and planning, and to the community.
Service includes:
Member, Coastal Expert Panel, advising the Minister for Planning, Parliament of New South Wales, current.
Chair, New South Wales Coastal Panel, Office of Environment and Heritage, New South Wales Government, 2013-2016.
Chair, Industry Advisory Committee, Water Research Laboratory, University of New South Wales, current.
Former Member, National Committee, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Engineers Australia.
Chief Executive Officer/General Manager, Pittwater Council, 1996-2005.
Founding President, Downs Syndrome Association of New South Wales, 1979-1980.
New South Wales Public Works Department:
Manager, Infrastructure and Executive Support, 1994-1995
Manager, Director General's Office, 1993-1994.
Supervising Engineer Coastal, 1975-1986.
Director, Australian Water and Coastal Studies Pty Ltd, 1986-1992.
Manager, Manly Hydraulics Laboratory, 1986-1992.
Member, National Safety Committee, Sailing Australia, 2012-2016.
Former Vice-President and Member, Advisory Committee, Yachting New South Wales.
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, Newport Beach:
Commodore, 2005-2008.
Board Director, 2003-2008.
Creator, 'Schools Learn to Sail Program' and 'Youth Development Program', 1992-1993.
Member since 1989.
Author of over 70 technical papers on coastal engineering and management and also:
'Racing to Coffs: Memoirs of a Coffs Race Addict', (Sydney, 2010)

Angus Gordon (RPAYC Commodore 2005-2008) with John Allanson (RPAYC Commodore 1990- 1992). A J Guesdon photo.
Completing a Civil Engineering degree in 1969. Angus commenced work on water and coastal projects in 1970. In 1973 he obtained a Master of Engineering Science. For 40 years he has been involved in coastal engineering, coastal zone management and planning projects in all states of Australia and in Brunei, Dubai, Kuwait, Indonesia and Hong Kong.
In 1976 he established the NSW Governments Beach Improvement Program and led the team that, in 1978 produced NSW’s first comprehensive costal investigation and management study the “Byron Bay – Hastings Point Erosion Study". As a direct result of that study Angus then became involved in the drafting and implementation of the 1979 NSW Coastal Protection Act. Angus has 56 technical papers published nationally and internationally on coastal engineering and coastal zone management.
First becoming involved in the issue of climate change in 1976, he was seconded to the Antarctic Division of the Department of Science for a 12 month period. In 1987 he published a paper as a chapter in the CSIRO’s book “Greenhouse 87”; the paper linked sea level rise to coastal erosion at 32 locations in NSW where his team had undertaken studies over the preceding decade. A number of his published papers are concerned with climate change and was the lead author of the Engineers Australia 1991 guidelines for adaption to climate change in the coastal zone.
For 9 years prior to his retiring from the position in 2005 he was General Manager of Pittwater Council. Angus also has served as a committee member of the Warriewood Residents Association
He was a Keynote Speaker at the first Australian Conference on Practical Adaption to Climate Change and is currently Chairman of the Industry Advisory Board to the University of NSW’s Water Research Centre.
Ms Catherine Anne BUTLER
Dee Why
For service to refugees, and to community health.
Service includes:
Volunteer Co-ordinator, Tibetan Senior's Support Group, since 2009.
Co-Founder, Northern Beaches Tibetan Health Fund, since 2014.
Manager, Multicultural Health Service, Northern Sydney Local Health District, since 2000.
Awards and recognition includes:
Recipient, Citizen of the Year, Warringah Council, 2011.
Recipient, Outstanding Community Service Award, Manly Community Centre, 2009.
Mr Peter William CROMBIE
Dee Why
For service to athletics.
Service includes:
Competitor and Medallist, World Masters Athletics, since 1987.
Australian Masters:
Delegate to World Masters Congress, 1980-2000.
Vice-President, for 5 years.
Athletics New South Wales:
Life Member, since 2013.
Member of the Board, for 4 years.
New South Wales Masters:
Life Member, since 2009.
Past Vice-President.
Liaison Officer, for 25 years.
Member, since 1986.
Past Board Member, Australian Athletics Federation (now Athletics Australia).
Founder, Ku-Ring-Gai Athletics Club (now Sydney Pacific Athletics Club), 1985 and Life Member.
Founder, Sprintforce, 1990s.
Awards and recognition includes:
Recipient, Male Athlete of the Year, World Masters Athletics, 2010.
Recipient, Master Sprinter, Athletics New South Wales, 2011 and 2012.
Recipient, Masters Sprinter of the Year, Australian Masters, 2003 and 2006.
Recipient, Award for Best Individual Male Performance, Australian Masters, 2010.
Inductee, Hall of Fame, Australian Masters, 2013.
Mr Patrick (Pat) DALEY
North Manly
For service to community health, and to local government.
Service includes:
Former Member, Australian National Advisory Council on Alcohol and Drugs, 2015-2017.
Former Federal Management Committee Member, National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, for 3 years.
Local Government:
Councillor, Northern Beaches Council, current.
Councillor, Warringah Council, 2012-2016.
Councillor, Manly Council, 2004-2008.
Salvation Army:
Community and Government Relations Adviser, current.
Director of Media, 1994-2009.
Author, 'The Neighbourhood and Small Business Crime Prevention Handbook', Angus and Robertson, 1988.
Dr Kenneth Charles HUGHES AFSM
Bilgola Plateau
For service to the community, particularly through emergency response organisations.
Service includes:
New South Wales Rural Fire Service:
Northern Beaches District:
Attendance at most of the major bush fires in the Northern Beaches Rural Fire District and elsewhere in New South Wales, 1979-2013.
Treasurer Donated Funds, since 2002.
Member, District Advisory Committee and Senior Management Advisory Committee, since 2002.
Treasurer, Welfare Fund, 2000-2010.
Coal and Candle Rural Fire Brigade:
President, 2001-2002.
Treasurer, 1992-2000.
Secretary, 6 years.
Life Member, 1997.
Member, since 1979.
Founding Member and Treasurer, Save Mona Vale Hospital Community Action Group, since 2000.
Founding Member, Plateau Park Bush Care Group, since 2006.
Treasurer and Member, Friends of Currawong, since 2008.
Volunteer, Manly Warringah Choir, for many years.
Founding Member, Friends of Avalon Dunes, 2000-2010.
Treasurer, Pittwater Natural Heritage Association, 2009-2013 and Member, for many years.
Volunteer, Meals on Wheels (Warriewood Food Services), for 10 years.
Awards and recognition
Recipient, 'Friend of Manly Warringah Choir' award, 2015.
Recipient, Australian Fire Service Medal, 2010.
Recipient, Community Service and Support Award, Pittwater Council, 2009.
Recipient, Environmental Volunteer of the Year, Pittwater Council, 2007.
Recipient, Centenary Medal, for service to the Rural Fire Service', 2003.
Recipient, Citizen of the Year, Pittwater Council, 2002.
The Reverend Ivan Alexander ROBERTS,
Mona Vale
For service to the Uniting Church in Australia, and to the Myall Creek Memorial.
Service includes:
Uniting Church in Australia:
Minister, Canberra City; 2008-2015; Strathfield Homebush Parish, 2001-2008; Dee Why
Parish, 1998-2000; Lithgow Parish, 1985-1988.
Convenor, Uniting Church NSW Covenanting Committee, circa 1990s-2008.
Chair, Uniting Church in Australia NSW Multicultural Ministry Reference Group, 1998-2004.
Convenor, Uniting Church in Australia Sydney Presbytery and Sydney North Presbytery Cross Cultural Groups.
Chair, Canberra Region Presbytery of the Uniting Church In Australia, 2013-2014.
Liaison and Resource Co-ordinator (part time), Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress.
Executive Officer and Secretary, Myall Creek Memorial Committee, 2005-2014; Co-Chair,
Friends of Myall Creek Memorial Committee, since 2015; Member since 2005.
Co-Chair, Living In Harmony Project, 2004-2008.
Member, Canberra Interfaith Forum, 2008-2014.
Awards and recognition
Recipient, Citizen of the Year, Strathfield Council, 2004.
Mr Andrew Phillip NICHOLLS
Frenchs Forest
For outstanding public service to transport and insurance policy development and reform in New South Wales.
Australia Day Awards winners announced
January 26th: Media Release - Northern Beaches Council
Community spirit is well and truly alive on the Northern Beaches if our 2018 Australia Day Awards winners are any indication.
Northern Beaches Mayor Michael Regan paid tribute to the award winners who were selected from a record number of nominations across six categories, including the inaugural Senior Citizen of the Year.
“On behalf of the community, I thank our Australia Day Award winners for their outstanding and diverse contributions towards making the Northern Beaches an even better place.
“More than the sum of its beaches, the Northern Beaches is a wonderful area because of the residents who contribute to the social fabric of our community in so many ways,” Mayor Regan said.
The winners are:
Citizen of the Year: Maria Elena Chidzey of Balgowlah for her lifelong dedication to serving others and promoting multiculturalism and diversity by advocating for migrants, refugees and other disadvantaged groups.
Senior Citizen of the Year (new category): Harry Elliffe of Curl Curl for over 30 years of volunteer service with Council and his tireless work regenerating and beautifying South Curl Curl headland.
Young Citizen of the Year: Aiden Baldwin of North Balgowlah for being an outstanding role model and mentor to teenage girls and other youth through her volunteer work with Australian Girl Guides, her involvement with martial arts and her years of volunteer surf lifesaving service.
Sportsperson of the Year: Cameron Malone of Curl Curl for dedication and excellence in his chosen field of gymnastics and his commitment to raising the profile of the sport by inspiring and supporting younger athletes.
Community Event of the Year: Sydney Metropolitan Wildlife Services ‘Go Wild Gala’ black tie ball which raised funds to purchase and equip a much-needed mobile wildlife clinic.
Outstanding Community Service: Robert (Bob) Aitken of Freshwater, Lauren Brincat of Dee Why, Kellie Carroll of Mona Vale, Lorraine Clarke of Narrabeen, David Cowell of Allambie Heights, Eleanor Eakins of Forestville, Kevin Estreich of Manly Vale, Malin Frick of Manly, Tracey Hare-Boyd of Balgowlah, Natalie Harrison of Manly Vale, Heather Milnes of Balgowlah, community organisation Parkrun Curl Curl (director Kim Joss), Sean Rout of Freshwater, Julie Stewart of Manly, Barry Williams of Curl Curl.
The awards were presented at a ceremony at Glen Street Theatre presided over by Northern Beaches Mayor Michael Regan with Australia Day ambassador and Rugby League Great Peter Wynn also in attendance.