Australia's First Adolescent and Young Adult Hospice Offers Great Comfort To Families: works to commence

December 14, 2021
Major works are due to begin next week on the $19.5 million Adolescent and Young Adult Hospice, marking a significant milestone for the unique facility.
Health Minister Brad Hazzard and Member for Manly James Griffin MP visited the site to inspect progress ahead of the first major concrete pour.
“This incredible project is Australia’s first dedicated hospice caring for young people with life-limiting illness and will provide support to families from all over NSW,” Mr Hazzard said.
“The facility will give young people and their families a tranquil, supportive environment at the most difficult of times by providing respite care, counselling, symptom management and end-of-life care.”
Member for Manly James Griffin said the Adolescent and Young Adult Hospice will work closely with dedicated children’s hospice, Bear Cottage, to assist families to continue to care for young people as they become adults.
“Each year, about a quarter of admissions to Bear Cottage are over the age of 16 and there has been no appropriate place for them to move to,” Mr Griffin said.
“No matter where someone is from in NSW, this beautiful state-of-the-art facility in Manly will be a welcoming place for young adults who are diagnosed with life-limiting conditions.”
NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard and Member for Manly James Griffin tour construction site of Australia’s first $19.5M Adolescent & Young Adult Hospice. Photo: James Griffin per Twitter post
More than $6.5 million has been raised for this project through generous community donations, which has been boosted by an $8 million investment from the NSW Government and $5 million from the Commonwealth Government.
Health Infrastructure is working closely with the Northern Sydney Local Health District and expert clinicians to deliver the hospice.
The service will be for 15 to 24-year-old patients with life-limiting illness and will offer respite care, symptom management and end of life care. Located on the former Manly Hospital site on the North Head headland, the AYAH will provide specialised care for families, including bereavement support and counselling.
The hospice will be surrounded by national parks, bushland and environmental conservation areas, providing a natural and peaceful setting for young people and their families.
Artist Impression of interior
In May 2021 the Member for Manly, James Griffin, took part in a first sod turning ceremony.
“The Manly community has made the development of this vital hospice right here on our beautiful coast possible through their wonderful support and donations,” Mr Griffin said.
The hospice will welcome families from right across NSW, including in rural and regional areas.
The project will:
- deliver specialised care tailored to young people and their unique needs
- provide dedicated and professional support for families
- reduce the need for extensive travel for rural patients
- focus on privacy, respite and recreation
- be a catalyst for further end-of-life care services for young people across Australia.
Updated design
Health Infrastructure is working closely with the Northern Sydney Local Health District and expert clinicians to deliver the hospice.
Following further consultation with key stakeholders, the schematic design for the Manly AYAH has been updated to provide a greater level of care and patient experience tailored for this age group.
The updated design will provide:
- Eight bedrooms for patients, each with an ensuite and outdoor balcony
- Carers lounges adjacent to four of the bedrooms
- Two family accommodation units with two bedrooms each
- On-site dedicated kitchen and dining room
- Breakout spaces including lounge room, games room, media room, multisensory room, quiet room and sitting rooms
- Laundry for families staying overnight
- Outdoor balcony of the lounge room with views over the harbour
- Garden and landscaping areas, including spaces for outdoor activities
- Telehealth consult spaces.
Construction is due for completion late next year.
For further information and to support the Adolescent and Young Adult Hospice, visit
Manly Health and Wellbeing Precinct
On September 8th, 2021 the NSW Government launched an Expressions of Interest (EOI) campaign to secure a delivery partner to help transform the former Manly Hospital site into a vibrant health and wellbeing sanctuary.
Member for Manly, James Griffin, said this was a rare opportunity to work with the Government to deliver a unique precinct in the heart of Sydney’s northern beaches that will serve the community for generations to come.
“This is an exciting opportunity to partner with government to plan and deliver a world-class and innovative health and wellbeing precinct,” Mr Griffin said.
To help realise the government's vision for the site, a planning proposal was granted by Northern Beaches Council to expand the range of uses permitted under the former precinct’s previous health services facility zoning.
The Department of Planning, Industry & Environment and COX Architecture prepared a draft concept master plan for the site. The proposal seeks approval to expand the range of health, wellbeing and related uses permitted on the site under the existing health services facility zoning.
The proposed additional new uses include: a group home, community facility, educational establishment, food and drink premises, centre-based childcare facility, indoor recreational facility, neighbourhood shop, function centre, respite day care centre and seniors housing.
The delivery partner will work with the NSW Government and the community to develop the next iteration of the master plan for the 4.6ha site to meet needs of the people of the Northern Beaches and greater Sydney metropolitan area.
“The successful proponent will partner with us to develop the master plan and a site-specific development control plan (DCP) in line with the vision statement and guiding principles that have been developed in partnership with the community.”
Minister for Water, Property and Housing, Melinda Pavey, said the aim of the EOI process was to ensure the best possible outcomes for the precinct’s heritage elements and the community.
“We are looking for a delivery partner that can demonstrate innovation in design, sustainability and delivery of a world-class adaptive re-use project for this important site and iconic location,” Mrs Pavey said then.
The project will be delivered via a long-term leasehold agreement with the successful proponent, ensuring the site remains in government ownership and custodial control.
Guiding Principles
- The community will have continued access to the site for social/recreation activities and use of public/private services.
- The rainforest area will be permanently reserved.
- The services developed on the site will contribute to the health, wellbeing and care of the community.
- The services provided from the site’s uses will address a defined community need for which there are tangible and ongoing benefits.
- A diverse range of services and partnerships will be pursued which leverage the greatest collective value for the community.
- The services and infrastructure proposals for the site must demonstrate financial sustainability.
In October 2021 the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) announced it has undertaken an Expressions of Interest (EOI) campaign to identify a delivery partner to help transform the former Manly Hospital site into a vibrant health and wellbeing precinct. The delivery partner will work with DPIE and the community to develop a master plan and site-specific Development Control Plan (DCP) to meet needs of the people of the Northern Beaches and the greater Sydney metropolitan area.
It is anticipated the project will be delivered via a long-term leasehold agreement with the successful proponent, ensuring the Site is retained in government ownership.
Shortlisted respondents will be invited to submit a detailed proposal.
More information about the project, please visit Manly Health & Wellbeing Precinct.