November 28 - December 4, 2021: Issue 520
Avalon Beach Culture Collective Inc.
Avalon Beach Culture Collective Inc
On Facebook:
Some 30 odd dedicated volunteers have been beavering away in the background since Roger Treagus called our first meeting of the Avalon Beach Centenary Committee, way back in June, pre lockdown.
We have been planning events and activities to celebrate both our indigenous and non indigenous history and culture, to showcase our local artists, musicians, performers and creatives, our wonderful volunteer community clubs and support groups, our local businesses and the wonderful natural environment we live in.
We are looking to roll out events from December 2021 to December 2022.
We had planned to kick off on December 4th 2021 in Dunbar Park however Mr Perrottet's date change for removing restrictions for unvaccinated from 1st December to 15th December 2021 would have required us to fence the park to run our event. So we are rolling with the flow and ducking and weaving around the Covid restrictions and have postponed our Dunbar Park Community Celebration Day to March 19th 2022. This will give more time for planning and we hope the four local schools will be able to have greater participation in our events by March 2022. So stay tuned - there is much more.
As our efforts have come from a dedicated group of community volunteers the challenge is always how to fund something wonderful out of nothing.
The Northern Beaches Council have approved our Grant Funding to cover some of our music events and Fee Waivers for the Dunbar Park Event.
Thankfully LJ Hooker Avalon Beach has come on board as our Gold Sponsor and this has allowed us to confirm a large number of event activities.
We are also grateful to Barrenjoey Insurance Brokers, Avalons Organics, Chambers Cellars, Oceana Traders for their sponsorship, Jen Hill at Avalon Art Gallery for the Graphic Design work and in collaboration with Cindy Goode for mounting a wonderful showcase of our local artists, and Barrenjoey Designs for design formatting and support for flag and banner production.
To begin with though, a little about the Avalon Beach Culture Collective.
About the establishment of the Avalon Beach Culture Collective Inc.
As we no longer have a Business Chamber that can easily roll out these events, we have registered the Avalon Beach Culture Collective Inc. as an incorporated not-for-profit association.
Below is the Mission Statement, which we have left as open as possible to cover a wide range of community activities/events. This will give us a legal entity for fund raising, grants and sponsorship to cover some of the Avalon Beach Centenary events.
We tried to have Avalon Beach established as an art precinct back in 2014 under Pittwater Council when we attempted to obtain the lease on the unused sections of Avalon Golf Club for an art space. This didn’t go anywhere due to lack of funds. Too many poor artists!
Jayne Denshire and Ros Marsh kicked this idea around a few times. Both have worked on some very successful art projects through the Chamber to enliven the village but some felt this wasn’t the role of the business chamber.
In trying to organise the Centenary celebrations we were fortunate to have the Board of the Avalon Bowling Club offer to auspice us to obtain grant funding and we thank them. However to take the activities further we really needed a not-for-profit structure that could support a wider range of cultural pursuits.
We now have a legal entity and bank account to enable us to enrol members, obtain sponsorship and grants and allow fundraising - e.g. selling our Centenary T shirts etc.
We have set the initial annual membership fee at $25 pp. This is open to anyone who supports the aims of the association.
Join here:
(Membership form below - click on and 'save as' on your device)
![]() | ABCC membership application_F.pdf Size : 272.115 Kb Type : pdf |
Our initial committee comprises Ros Marsh, Jayne Denshire, Roger Treagus, Janet Forrester, Miranda Korzy and Jen Hill.
Mission Statement – Avalon Beach Culture Collective Inc.
The purposes for which this association is established are:
1. To promote, develop, encourage and support the practice and appreciation of cultural activities across the community. Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, sciences, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation.
2. To maintain and develop an association which will exist, not to serve any personal financial gain or interest of its members, but to work for the encouragement and development of all kinds of cultural and artistic expression.
3. To invite and receive donations or grants to support its Mission.
4. To do all such other lawful things as are incidental to or conducive to the attainment of above.
Our initial focus will be to obtain funding to support the events and projects for the Centenary Celebrations.
After we have this bedded down we have the capacity to offer a structure to set up sub committees to roll out other projects, i.e.; if a group of VERY dedicated volunteers wanted to run Avalon Market Day we could offer them a structure to organise the event.
We have left the definition of Culture open as we want to support people in the community to undertake a wide range of projects.
Avalon Beach 100th – Centenary Celebrations
December 2021 To December 2022

Avalon Centenary Art Exhibition
Avalon Beach Centenary Art Exhibition and Avalon Beach Centenary
Overview - by Ros Marsh, Co-Ordinator
AJ Small launched the Subdivision of Avalon Beach in December 1921 along with the provision of Dunbar Park, Avalon Golf Course, the Public Pathways, Angophora Park and many other reserves as part of his vison for the area.
Both the Avalon Beach Art Exhibition (opening night Friday, 3 December, 2021) and Descendants of AJ Small with author Dr Jan Roberts of Remembering Avalon: Growing up in the 1940’s and 50’s – Avalon Golf Club (Sunday, 5 December, 2021) will be a soft launch opening, followed by many events and interactive activities rolling out over the year December 21 – December 22, celebrating our Centenary, our indigenous history and culture, our local history and culture and showcasing our many talented artists, musicians and performers, and the many volunteer organisations that support our community and environment.
Avalon Beach 100 Facebook page for updates: 100
Centenary logo by Bruce Goold
The Avalon Beach Centenary logo was designed by Bruce Goold, well-known Palm Beach-based artist/printmaker, featuring the Avalon Beach colours of red and green, and in a timely season of Christmas celebrations.
The concept: ‘A Jubilant Cockatoo, Wings Outstretched in Celebration of the Centenary’
“Sulphur Crested Cockatoos are the ‘bird of the moment’ in Avalon, their raucous behaviour and happy demeanour seem ideal for a symbol to celebrate 100 years” Goold is quoted as saying. And truly, who hasn’t gone outside Woollies in the dusk and can’t hear themselves for the cockies in the trees!!
Avalon 100 T-shirts
This is one of our fundraisers for the Centenary events – Pre-paid orders for T- Shirts (Mens, Womens, Youth 8-16) has been extended to November 30th 2021.
Pre-order forms are available at Avalon Art Gallery – Avalon Cinema Arcade – Wed- Sat 10-5 and Sunday 10-2. Order Pick up is now Sunday December 19th at the Avalon Car Boot Sale, Dunbar Park.
An order form is also embedded below the images showing you the Avalon 100 t-shirt options.
You can also pre pay via EFT and email order to us.
Car /deck logo stickers are now on sale at Avalon art Gallery $5

![]() | Avalon Beach Centenary Fundraiser Order Form PDF.pdf Size : 28.884 Kb Type : pdf |
Canopy Keepers Offer 100 Trees For Avalon Beach 100 Celebration
A group of local tree enthusiasts is inviting Avalon Beach residents to celebrate the suburb’s 100th anniversary by planting a tree.
Canopy Keepers convenor Deb Collins said Pittwater residents are surrounded by a unique urban tree canopy covering nearly 60 per cent of the area. However, between 2009 and 2016 the Pittwater Local Government Area lost more canopy than any other in NSW - due to development and the removal of trees from residential land.
“So to celebrate the naming of Avalon Beach 100 years ago, Canopy Keepers will plant at least 100 trees in the 2107 postcode in coming months, Ms Collins said.
“Avalon Beach residents and others in the postcode area are therefore invited to apply for one of these trees at no cost, to plant and care for the next generation of canopy, she said.
“We are looking for 100 recipients - 100 new Canopy Keepers,” Ms Collins said.
“Will you help us grow the future and become a canopy keeper, so that we can ensure our children and grandchildren enjoy the benefits of our wonderful urban forest?” Ms Collins said.
“The radical changes to our environment are not just upsetting residents.
“Forty per cent of all wildlife relies on a connected canopy to nest, raise their young and travel between food and water sources.
“The simple removal of ‘just one tree’ can break a critical link in a canopy pathway and threaten the habitat of wildlife such as Squirrel gliders, Powerful owls, and of course the much loved Koala, now extinct from our area but remembered here by so many of us from our childhood.
“We can do much to prevent our wildlife and trees from suffering the same fate as the Koala.
“But it will take a noisy village to achieve this.
“Please join our growing community and ensure Avalon and Pittwater in 100 years are as beautiful as they are today.”
Residents are asked to fill in the following form before December 10 and Canopy Keepers will offer you a tree that is best suited to where you live. At:
Otherwise please email Canopy Keepers at
Find Canopy Keepers at the Avalon car boot sale, on Sunday December 19, where registered tree recipients will be able to pick up their trees for planting.
Canopy keepers is a local group dedicated to the preservation and regeneration of tree canopy in our local area. We want to link arms with all our neighbours and bring to life the vision of homes amongst the trees not shrubs along the edge. Find out more at:
Avalon 100 Art Exhibition
Art Exhibition Location: Avalon Art Gallery – Avalon Cinema Arcade.
Opening Night: Friday, 3rd December, 2021 5:30-8:30pm Meet the artists and enjoy Ken Lloyd band, in a Covid safe environment supported by our gold sponsor for the Avalon Beach Centenary Celebrations, LJ Hooker-Avalon Beach. Refreshments sponsored by Chambers Cellars Avalon Beach, and supported by Northern Beaches Council.
Exhibition open 4 – 19 December, 2021. Tuesday to Saturday 10am – 5pm and Sunday 10am-2pm
Exhibition Overview: Avalon Beach Centenary Art Exhibition features 22 x 2107 based artists featuring a range of works from ceramic sculptures, wood and bronze sculpture, photography, print, collage, photography and paintings inspired by living in Avalon and what they love about Avalon.
“The artists are beyond excited after a tough few years, but the beautiful community we call home was the strongest source of inspiration, awe and wonder through these times and their works reflect the deep well of the beauty of Avalon Beach, 2107! ” says Jen Hill Owner, Avalon Art Gallery
Artists: Claire Armstrong, Alyson Bell, Gerry Colley, Coco Elder, Cindy Goode Milman, Guy Hawson, Nada Herman, Jennifer Hill, Madi Luschwitz, Helen Mackay, Sally Mayman, Deb Mundell, John Ogden, Michele Petrie, Gilbert Schultz, Katika Schultz, Tim Schultz, Chris Searl, Tim Seaton, Blue Stuart, Cecille Weldon, Katarina Wells.
Biographies of Artists and samples of their works run below.
Dr Jan Roberts of Remembering Avalon: Growing up in the 1940’s and 50’s
Dr Jan Roberts has organised a talk by the descendants of AJ Small and relaunch of her book Remembering Avalon: Growing up in the 1940s and ’50s.
Sunday, 5 December, 2021, 2 – 5pm, Avalon Golf Club.
Numbers are limited and entry is restricted to fully vaccinated participants as per NSW Health Covid Safety Guidelines. Contact for your free ticket.
Late Night Christmas Shopping
A late night Christmas Shopping Event will run on Thursday the 16th of December, 5-8pm. NBC have offered to assist organising, and this would allow more opportunity for muso’s and fun in the Village. Jenny’s painted pots will have a gingerbread person naming competition! Prizes and your winning name in the window! Spot the hidden mini gingerbread man! Competition starts 1st December.
Start planning! Here's a quick list of just some of the businesses helping you be your very best Santa Elf this year:
- Africanologie
- Beachside Bookshop
- Bounce
- Cabana
- Deesse
- Facial Impressions
- Jenny's Painted Pots
- Jimmy Stuart
- Road to Paradise
- Voss Store
And with all our amazing restaurants, including some new ones yet to open, it will be an exciting evening in the Village.
Avalon Flotilla 2021
The Avalon Flotilla is on December 25th 2021 and the team is thinking up some Centenary fun.
Avalon Sailing Club 2022
On February 17th
From smuggling to sheep stations, the panoramic waters of Broken bay have a story to tell. Avalon Sailing Club will host a talk on the history of boats and sailing on Pittwater. Champagne and refreshments will be served.
On Saturday March 12th at 12pm
Hit the water on a classic wooden boat for the 'sail of the century'. Avalon Sailing Club invites members of the public aboard some of their fleet for a day of fun on the water. Dressing up, 1920s style, is encouraged! Bring a picnic or grab a sausage sandwich on the deck.
Memorial Centenary 100 Tree Walk
The Memorial Centenary 100 Tree Walk on Public reserves will be an enduring legacy of our Centenary Year Celebrations. Planting will be happening in March-April 2022. NBC have committed to supplying 100 advanced native Canopy Trees and Conrad Grayson from Sym Studio has volunteered to draft up a landscape plan. We hope the students of our 4 local schools will be able to participate in the planting.
A Day on Avalon’s Village Green
Our Saturday March 19th 2022 Dunbar Park Centenary Celebration
With the support of our Gold Sponsor -LJ Hooker Avalon Beach our Event Grant and fee waiver from Northern Beaches Council, Avalon Beach Bowling and Recreation Club Ltd ‘s support in auspicing this event and Barrenjoey Insurance Brokers sponsorship we have put together a day for our whole community to come out and celebrate what we have.
Starting at 9am with a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony, prior to planting some of our Centenary trees in Dunbar Park, we are planning a fun and informative day showcasing all our community groups, musicians, dancers, performers, and creatives. John Dengate will be sharing his knowledge on the history of our local fauna, Sally Mayman has a fun interactive print project planned, Meredith Rasdall will be running Art in the Park, Neil Evers has arranged some great performers and some fun painting boomerangs, a weaving workshop and some Aboriginal Story Telling. Adriaan Van Der Wallen is organising a surfboard painting competition.
Runs 9am to 5pm.
Let there be Music
We hope to have some Music/singers and performers around the Village over Summer. We are also looking to roll out some music concerts.
More Music: Oscar Browne and Sam Wilkins have been liaising with our local talent and we hope to launch at least 2 concerts in March 2022.
Heroes of Avalon
Miranda Korzy is working on a Heroes of Avalon project with Radio Northern Beaches - stay tuned.
Avalon 100 Quilt
Anna Maria Monticelli and Tamara Sloper Harding, in conjunction with artist Bruce Goold and Neil Evers, Aboriginal Support Group Manly Warringah Pittwater– with sponsorship from Barbara Herman of Avalons Organics, are working on a Centenary Quilt project for permanent display in the Avalon Recreation Centre.
Brighten Up Avalon Spaces
Janet Forrester and Leonie Seaton are marshalling our local knitters/crocheter’s. You may see some Yarn bombing brightening up some corners of the Village.
Historic Business Displays
Roger Treagus is working on a history project with local businesses for window display.
Framing Avalon Beach
Jayne Denshire has been working on a Public Art project called 'Framing Avalon Beach: look, reflect, share', highlighting 16 significant locations around Avalon with a trail map included. We are seeking interested sponsors to roll this out in the New Year. As an example of one view proposed to be ‘framed’ visit; Pittwater Summer Houses: Gunjulla, Avalon Beach-Clareville by Helen and Deborah Grant
Avalon Beach RSL Photo Exhibition
Avalon Beach RSL has offered to host a Best of Kamikaze Corner photo exhibition. We are seeking interested sponsors to cover production costs.
Caring for Country
Sally Mayman has been successful in obtaining an NBC Art Grant and will be launching her Caring for Country Art Project in early 2022.
Avalon Beach Historical Society Centenary Exhibition
The Avalon Beach Historical Society Centenary Photographic Exhibition is scheduled for the June Long Weekend, 11-13, 2022 at the Avalon Recreation Centre. Through fee waivers secured by the Hon. Rob Stokes, MP for Pittwater, Geoff Searl OAM has been working on some truly fantastic themes and features for this 10th Great Historic Photographic Exhibition to celebrate 100 years of Avalon Beach. The accompanying photo shows the reality in June 2018 with 1100 photos illustrating the many eras and areas of interest in our fabulous Avalon Beach and the other far northern beaches areas, along with films, books and artefacts. The ABHS will have 15 new subjects to add to their existing exhibition collection.
Avalon 100 Film Project
The Centenary Film Project Group will be meeting in the next couple of weeks to firm up projects to roll out over year. If you would like to be part of this group please email your interest.
Street Art – Public Pathways – Avalon Camino Passport – Book – The Avalon Stomp - Roaring 20’s and more!
We are still looking at ideas for the Street Art Program, Public Pathways Map, Avalon Beach Camino Passport, Centenary Book, Back to the Avalon Stomp, Back to the Roaring Twenties and more Art Exhibitions, Music and performance. Any offers to volunteer and/or sponsor a project will be gratefully received.
Avalon 100 Art Exhibition: 4 – 19 December 2021
Artists Bios
Claire Armstrong: I’m a painter, sculptor based in Avalon Beach, creating images of our natural world and influenced by the beauty that surrounds us. I’ve exhibited both in the inner city and Northern Beaches. A professional photographer for over 20 years. Student of fine arts at Seaforth and Randwick TAFEs. I’m an active climate and animal rights supporter with hopes of creating a kinder world.
''I love birds all kinds. My yard in Avalon is their paradise. My studio door always open and I am visited everyday by a female cockatoo who stands in the doorway often raising her comb. She is my greatest critic. So, to me Avalon is beach, cafés, meditation, the people and my cockatoo. Put them in a mixing pot and I've painted for you the love I have of living in this wonderful community. Enjoyed so much creating them for you. This is my Avalon.
an example of Claire's work
Alyson Bell: Centering around a connection to place, though often exploring darker interior and transformational themes, Alyson works primarily in installation, digital media, and the moving image. Her artworks have been exhibited over the last few years at numerous galleries and festivals. She is also a finalist in the newly formed Environmental Art & Design Awards currently showing at Manly Art Gallery.
"I love this time of day, 'the twilight hour' where day turns to night and your vision plays tricks on you…"
Gerry Colley: I have been a commercial photographer for the last 40 years, new to sculpture I have found a passion for modelling the portrait in clay. The tactile nature of the medium and the time spent to create is far removed from the instant, digital world that photography has become. Avalon is a beautiful place to create in. A portrait of a young girl in the liminal stage between adolescence and womanhood.
Coco Elder: Coco has been living in Avalon for the past 26 years. Her greatest inspiration has been the Australian bush and surrounding waterways in Ku-ringgai Chase National Park.
''Avalon has a special community feeling and is surrounded by diverse natural habitats that bridges the sand dunes, swamps, woodland areas and tall open forests. I'm particularly drawn to the variety of banksias, eucalypts and angophoras. The Sydney sandstone escarpments and rock formation provide spectacular awe-inspiring patterns and the abundance of nature makes one feel they have escaped the 'rat race' of Sydney life.
New Banksia ericifolia in the Wet- Oil on board carved.
Cindy Goode Milman: has a Diploma of Fine Arts from Northern Beaches TAFE and over 20 years’ experience in exhibiting her expressionist paintings and sculptures, in Australia and Canada with works in Asia, Europe, and USA. Since moving to Avalon Beach 23 years ago, I have been drawn to the ocean pools, capturing the essence of people’s interaction with them for years. This small series of oil on board paintings feature the beach vista from the rock crevices and the creatures within, explored during lockdown.
''The star sea cushions brought me to a space of awe, curiosity and delight and has embedded a strong sense of the importance of leading a simple, colourful and beautiful life under every and all circumstance.
“I collected the debris as I wandered along and sculptural “wild things” appeared and morphed into life, forged from the sea, and human debris.
Guy Hawson: Guy graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Visual Arts) from University of NSW and taught life drawing at Paddington Art School. He works on private and corporate commissions. His work includes both semi-abstraction and representational, inventive and emotive. Themes include Anzacs, Rockpools, Nursery Rhymes, The Fairies, Captain Cook and the Bush and Headland series. Since settling in Avalon, Guy has continued to work as an artist and also teaches at High School. Avalon, that space between the headlands, the sea and sky.
Nada Herman: won her first art prize at ten years old and graduated with a Bachelor in Visual Arts. She is a three generation Avalon Beach artist and descendent of well-known Sali Herman. Her lifelong passion for painting has developed into an expressive, flamboyant style full of texture, colour and depth. Nada has had many solo and joint exhibitions throughout the past 22 years. Her paintings are now in great demand from art collectors and galleries throughout Sydney as well as worldwide. Beaches are full of subject matter with their lovely bathers and the ever-moving waves, seagulls and sailboats. Every day is different and Nada/(I) enjoy(s) painting beach scenes.
Jennifer Hill: paints, draws, prints, photographs, makes things and plays with light, liquid and colour, she also wrangles cats. Jen decided not to complete a Diploma of Fine Arts for what seemed like good reasons at the time. She has had both solo and group shows in London, Zurich and Sydney. She is a curator, gallery owner, writer and executive producer.
''There is something about this place that gets into your heart and soul. For me it’s the Village and its’ people, it’s the water; both turbulent and calm, it’s the creatures in nature and nature itself…. But mostly it’s the beach; beautiful, awe- Page 4 of 7 inspiring and savage all at once. More than anywhere that I’ve lived, this is home and I feel grateful to have found it.
Madi Luschwitz: is a National Art School graduate based in Sydney. Through nature and personal tales, Madi creates a narrative in which her subjects are glorified, and the boundaries of reality and imagination become intertwined. Inspired by the Australian landscape and ancient mythology. The contrasting nature between cultures and religions that ultimately connect us with something larger than ourselves. Using the mediums of paint, thread, ceramic and collage to explore this textural and layered state of mind. The colour and dot making is an ode to the old, the indigenous, the fauvists and the impressionists. To all who are bold enough to see the world through their own tale of creation.
Helen Mackay: started painting in 1991 and attended National Art School between 2002 to 2007. She completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts, majoring in Printmaking. Helen does etchings, linocuts, lithographs, small drawings and paintings. What I love about Avalon. I have lived in Avalon for 30 years this year and I love the intensity of the natural world around me of both bush and coast, and the extraordinary fauna and flora that are here. I love the incredible beauty of this fast-diminishing world and I have become passionate about bush regeneration.
Sally Mayman: continues to enjoy a lifelong passion for photography, working as an artist, commercial photographer and educator. Sally exhibits regularly, her personal work exploring our emotional, spiritual and physical connections we have with our environment and how these are intimately woven with our sense of belonging.
''Avalon Beach and its rock pool community hold special places in my heart. Every dawn during the 2021 winter lockdown I photographed the oceans raw energy and power, as well as her serene beauty. I felt blessed to be there, feeling the rhythms of the sea while observing and capturing people’s interactions with the natural world. These timeless connections are physical but also deeply emotional and spiritual. They are intimately woven with our sense of belonging and wellbeing. Through this time of uncertainty, I loved capturing their joy, sharing a passion for swimming, surfing and being part of something greater than ourselves. In the liminal space between night and day, between land and sea, I found this image.
Debbie Mundell: is a northern beaches-based ceramicist and sculptor whose work is informed by the natural rhythms and forms observed in the coastal landscape in which she's lived for forty years. Deb studies Ceramics and Fine Art at TAFE and currently has a commission-based practice.
"Walks through the bush and on the beaches, bird watching, dolphin and whale watching, bandicoots, bush turkeys, and kookaburras nesting in our garden every year. After 40 years Avalon has etched a special place in my heart"
John Ogden: John "Oggy" Ogden is an Australian photographer, cinematographer, writer and publisher, whose wide ranging career has encompassed producing television commercials, international documentary making, music video production, drama, and fine art photography. His recent coffee table book “WaterProof” Australian Surf Photography since 1858 is depicted.
''I first came to Avalon in the 1970s while working as the Western Australian correspondent for Tracks magazine, which was based in Whale Beach at that time. The visit and the beauty of the area left an indelible mark, and after many twists and turns I moved here in 1996. It is now the longest period I have ever spent in one place and I have no intention of moving. Researching the history of the area for the book Saltwater People of the Broken Bays gave me an appreciation of its rich history and the hard work to preserve its character, something that is now under threat as the developers set their sights on the area. While the village atmosphere has become a little more hectic, I feel blessed to live here among the trees, wildlife, and incredible beaches.
Michele Petrie: With a background in Art Education along with more than 40 years’ experience in clay art practice, I have worked and exhibited in many cities and towns in Australia and USA. Since settling in Avalon Beach 16 years ago, I have had a love affair with our wonderful, local environment and the lifestyle it offers we lucky inhabitants. My sculptures are a whimsical reflection and celebration of this lifestyle.
“I celebrate the many diverse aspects of our beautiful surrounds and the way in which we live with them by depicting some of the colourful characters of all ages that I see as they swim, surf, paddle, walk dogs, sip coffee and socialise. I am especially drawn to activities involving the beach and the water as these are my great loves.”
Gilbert Schultz: I am a local artist. I have worked in many mediums. Sculpture. Wood engraving. Painting in oils, acrylic, watercolour and gouache. We are all artists. Some know it with a natural confidence and some struggle. The old Australian aphorism “Having a go” is always appropriate. Sharing your talents is essential. Don’t hide your light under a bushel. I am 72 years old according to a calendar. Ageless in spirit.
Katika Schultz: is a printmaker interested in psychology, mythology and art’s role as a catalyst. Audience participation and sound clips accompany her traditional skill-based practice. A fascination of textures and surfaces has led her to a multitude of materials. Katika’s portraiture and figurative works lend a thought to magic and the unseen, working from life and memories, layering the complex human image. Katika is a regular at Avalon's life drawing night and can be spotted in Avalon cafes sketching the locals.
Tim Schultz: Schultz has a Doctor of Philosophy from Sydney College of the Arts, The University of Sydney and is represented in Sydney galleries and the collection of Artbank. The artwork for the Centenary is titled “Solitude” and is about the possibilities in the geological remotenesses of Avalon for this sentimental state. Tim’s mind as a painter, leans towards Dali style and his recent paintings are excursions in psychoanalytic structure buried within a labyrinthine visual frame.
Chris Searl: As a photographer Chris has completed national and international campaigns from Levi’s & Corona, shooting motion & stills for the brands, to portraiture subjects include the likes of Beck, Julian Casablancas, Joel Edgerton, Dave Grohl, Kelly Slater & Anthony Kiedis. He is renowned for his ability to capture moments in time that make you wish you were there. There is a perceived ‘realness’ which carries across both Chris’ motion and stills advertising work which makes the viewer feel as through they are not being advertised at but that they are viewing a genuine experience. There are no elaborate or ‘fake’ lighting set ups that could alienate the viewer .. his connection to the talent is the key and this is abundantly clear in his work.
Tim Seaton: “Growing up on the northern beaches, hard not to feel a strong connection to the ocean and natural world and as an environmental educator I am passionate about connecting my community to nature and I see photography as a fantastic mechanism to achieve this.”
The slow-paced lifestyle blending into the natural environment is what inspires me about Avalon Beach. I draw inspiration from the colours, patterns, and simplistic beauty of the natural world. From knowing comes understanding, from understanding comes respect, from respect comes gratitude and from gratitude comes reciprocity.
Blue Stuart: Karen (Blue) has lived in Avalon for 25 years, she completed a Diploma in Ceramics in 2011 at Northern Beaches TAFE in 2011. Her first group exhibition was at Artspace at Avalon Community Centre followed by a group exhibition at Avalon Art Gallery in Avalon. She has been a part of many group exhibitions in the Northern Beaches. Including Manly Art Gallery and other Galleries as well as Kerrie Lowe Gallery in Newtown and The Craft Centre in the Rocks.
Cecille Weldon: is a lino cut artist, fabric designer and maker whose impressionistic style is enjoyed by a passionate clientele who connect with the quirky sense of humour which is a feature of many of her images. “I love to create with a sense of my everyday world around me amongst the trees and sailing boats of Avalon. The kitchen table is still the centre of my creative space whether I’m baking, creating or making.”
Katarina Wells: Austrian born Katarina Wells is a ceramic sculptor who lives and works from her 2107 based studio. She has been involved with ceramics for almost 20 years, exploring different materials from fine porcelain and paper clay to heavily textured stoneware clays. She is drawn to organic sculptural forms, finding inspiration in the natural bounty that surrounds her. Most of her pieces ‘grow’ slowly over a period of up to a week, a process that allows her to step back and observe where a piece intends to go. Raw oxide and porcelain slip are used on many of her works, which allows for the tactile surface to remain.