September 1-28, 2024: Issue 634


Avalon Beach Golf Links: Some history

Panorama of Avalon Beach, New South Wales, ca. 1925 [picture] / EB Studios. PIC P865/212/2 PIC P865 LOC photographs in Hurley Stack 52/4-Enemark collection of panoramic photographs and sections from enlarged - nla.obj-162503612-1. Courtesy National Library of Australia
The whole of Avalon was given as a land grant to Archpriest John Joseph Therry in 1833. The landscape is described as 'woody hills and scrub during an 1862 visit the priest made to the area.

At the end of 1862 Father Therry contemplated selling the Pittwater Estate and at that time: 

"Mr. Elyard, the Surveyor, recommended that "a sufficient portion may be reserved near the water, and possessing the sea breeze, for Public Gardens and games; and also, sites for a School of Arts, Library, Court of Justice and Christian churches. I trust that the trees near St. Michael's Cave may not be touched, and that that spot may not be interfered with by human hands. ..." The plan of subdivision was eventually drawn up. The district was to be called Josephton, and the township Brighton. "- LIFE AND LETTERS OF ARCHPRIEST JOHN JOSEPH THERRY  FOUNDER OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA O’Brien.1922.P.280

Father Therry passed away a few years after this. 

After the passing away of Archpriest J J Therry his will bequeathed the whole of his Josephton Estate (Avalon Beach valley and surrounds) to the Catholic Church. This holding began to be sold off from April 1879, again in May, 1880 and further parcels in 1882

The site of the future Avalon Golf links became the property of Michael Canty:

Descending to the valley, we crossed the farm purchased by Mr. Canty, which is believed to be carboniferous. Some years ago competent judges gave it as their opinion that coal existed there. A bore of four hundred feet, made in the ground many years ago, when an attempt was made to test it, passed through strata that indicated the immediate vicinity of the black diamond. Mr. Coghlan's diamond drill would soon settle the question whether coal could be struck there. Mr. Collins's farm is situated in the valley, being flanked on the east by St. Michael's Cave and the South Head of Broken Bay, and on the West by Mount St. Mary. After doing full justice to Mr. Collins's hospitality, we sallied forth under his guidance to survey that part of the estate in which we were interested. We directed our steps towards Long Beach, nearly opposite Scotland Island,  Pittwater Harbour. CRUIG BARRY.11th May, 1880. A TRIP TO PITTWATER. (1880, May 22). Freeman's Journal(Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 19. Retrieved from

A gentleman so many associate with Avalon Beach, Arthur Jabez Small, whose father had served as a Councillor at Manly, meaning he spent at least a few years when quite young at Manly, stayed in the valley in late 1912 when he brought his young family here for holidays. 

They holidayed at the Scarr home on the road to Paradise Beach - near where it slopes down from Riverview road (the Scarrs were also Manly Councillors, father and son. This home was recorded as being the retirement home of Herbert Scarr in 1933 - see under Extras below).

Mr. Small then began to appear in the Pittwater area more regularly and began purchasing lots of land at the Clareville end of Avalon Beach to begin with, from 1915 on. Here he is pointing out the place is accessible:

Mr. Arthur J. Small, of Royston Park, Asquith, takes exception to the statement last week that Palm Beach Estate, Barrenjoey where land brought £4 per foot, is inaccessible to the public, and practically can only be reached as a residential area by persons owning their own car. He draws attention to the fact that there is an hourly service of motor cars from the present tram terminus at Narrabeen to Newport, and a regular ferry service thence to Clareville and Palm Beach of two trips each way daily. This service was inaugurated by the Palm Beach Co. when they first opened up the estate some five or six years ago. REAL ESTATE. NOTES OF THE WEEK. (1917, March 31).The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from

The State Records of NSW lists Primary Application - Arthur Jabez Small 60 acres 1 rood 24 perches on Barrenjoey Road and on Pacific Ocean in Shire Warringah Parish Narrabeen County Cumberland Volume 3467 Folio 211 was purchased  and then brought under the Real Property Act. The acres formed what had been known as the Canty farm. 

An agreement was made between A J Small and Mary Canty, widow of Michael, in July 1921 for the purchase. The Canty lands - courtesy of the NSW Historical Land Records Viewer (HRLV), are described as:

Volume 3467 Folio 211;

APPLICATIONS by the undermentioned have been made to bring the lands described under the provisions of the Real Property Act. Caveats may be lodged on or before the respective dates mentioned : 
No. 24,008. Arthur Jabez Small, 60 a. 1 r. 24 p., on Barrenjoey-rd. and Pacific Ocean, pt. block 1, Sth. Div., Pittwater Est. 20th Oct., 1922. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1922, September 15). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 5087. Retrieved  from

Soon afterwards this item appears:

Links at Avalon
People interested in the attractiveness of seaside resorts are beginning to realise the value of golf links. The latest proposal is to establish a course at Avalon Beach. Avalon is a favorite holiday and week-end resort of the motorist, who enjoys a short run, and when links are in playing order Its popularity, will; increase. The course will be laid out on a sheltered pocket on the Manly side of the beach. The main road to Palm Reach will form its western boundary, so that there will be no question of its accessibility. 

The course will be of nine holes to commence with, and a beautiful site has been reserved for the clubhouse, within one minute of the beach and swimming pool. The ground at present is mostly covered with ti-tree, but clearing it will not be expensive or difficult. Patches have already been cleared, and are well grassed, the soil being sandy and most suitable for golf. The work of laying out the course and getting It In order will be taken In hand almost Immediately, and an effort made to get the links in playing order by next summer. SEASIDE GOLF (1923, February 27). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), , p. 5 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from 

Grass with sign reading 'Avalon Golf Links in preparation' - photo by Rex Hazlewood, circa 1920-1929 Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, No.:c046220009h

As can be seen in the first panorama above, and enlarged sections from, there was no road hugging the coast in this Enemark photograph of around 1925 and although the land has been cleared for a golf course, no greens are as yet in place, nor are there any sheds.

Enlarged section of golf course cleared from Panorama of Avalon Beach, New South Wales, ca. 1925 [picture] / EB Studios. PIC P865/212/2 PIC P865 LOC photographs in Hurley Stack 52/4-Enemark 

In 1924 work commenced on clearing the site for the Avalon Golf Course in Pittwater to a design by Daniel Soutar. His likeness, and the fact that he had designed the course, was used in many advertisements for land subdivisions.

Dan Soutar, a Scottish immigrant from Carnoustie, was a resident professional at Manly course during this era and is credited with the design of several Sydney golf courses as well as being instrumental in the formation of the Professional Golfers of N.S.W..

Daniel Soutar was much in demand as a designer of golf courses after his early forays into designing the Wentworth Falls course (opened in 1915) and his redesign at Manly Golf Course. With children to feed and house, the extra money that came with this work was more than welcome. In fact, 1923 was a very busy course design year for him and this article speaks of his work in this field during the months preceding his design for Avalon being announced:

Soutar for North Queensland

D. G. Soutar is a busy man these days. Apart front his work touching the game at Moore Park, his services have been eagerly sought after to lay out new courses. At the beginning of the year the Elsternwick (Victoria) Club prevailed upon him to Inspect the ground and lay-out its new course at Cheltenham. He has also laid-out the new courses at Roseville, Middle Head, Mittagong, and the extension of Wentworth Falls to eighteen holes. The laying-out of the proposed new courses on the Botany water reserve have also been placed in his hands. His fame as a golf architect has travelled to North Queensland, and he leaves for Townsville on Saturday next to Inspect new ground purchased by the North Queensland Club and lay-out the course. Soutar intended visiting Melbourne to defend his title of professional champion of Victoria, but will have to forfeit, he was also too busy to spare the time to go to Adelaide to play in the Australian championship. Although he has made few appearances in big golf this year he is far from being finished as a player. Laying-out golf courses Is remunerative work, and must be done as opportunities arise, while the winning at championships can wait. He hopes to be amongst them next year. LAYING OUT COURSES (1923, October 23). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 5 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from

Fairfax Corporation. (1936). Professional golfer Daniel Souter shaking hands with another player, New South Wales, 12 August 1936 Retrieved from 

Being still considered semi-rural is further underlined in this item by Mr. Small - an investigation into Palm Beach Golf Course found cows could be a problem there too as many were said to have developed an appetite for the round white requirement of the game or general interference:

Sir,-My attention has been drawn to a letter in your columns' under the nom de plume "Spectator," in which, after paying a high compliment to the beauties of this district, inquiry is made both to the ownership of a number of cattle afflicted with "rickets" and also why the S.P.C.A. does not take action in the matter. This is not the first time that the question has been asked in your columns, and for the Information of "Spectator" and others Interested, a little explanation is necessary. 

In the first place the partial paralysis in evidence In the hindquarters, and which gives such a pitiable appearance to these poor beasts, is not a disease communicable from one to another, but is the effect of eating the Zamia Palm, or "Burrawang," as it is more commonly termed. Although predecessors of this particular herd have had the free run of the Barrenjoey peninsula for over half a century, yet It is only within the last 15 years or so, that the disease has made Its appearance, the habit of eating this plant being acquired during a particularly dry season.

As regards ownership, I understand that most of these animals belong to a dairyman at Newport, who has found It difficult to dispose of them on account of their condition. Every winter there are numerous deaths from cold or starvation but as they are always breeding the supply is kept up. It is not possible to impound them, as they cannot be driven, and the nearest pound is at Manly, some 14 miles away. Representations have been made to the shire council from time to time by the S.P.C.A., and others, over this matter, but apparently without result. In the meantime those unfortunate beasts are a distinct danger wandering about on the public roads, as they are unable-to move quickly out of the way of motorists. "Spectator" has done a good service by drawing attention to this matter, and early action should be taken by the responsible authorities to end this deplorable state of affairs, which can well be described as a blot on Warringah Shire. 
I am, etc., A. J. SMALL
Avalon Beach. Jan. 12. AVALON BEACH. (1925, January 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from 

By the Winter of 1926 the course was ready for play:

The nine holes at Avalon Beach (near Newport) are now ready, and interesting golf can be played there. The first player to equal the bogey of the course will receive a box of Sliver King balls, and a trophy will be given each month for a player sending, in the best card on handicap. Play is not restricted at present. The general public are permitted to use the links on payment of 2/6 for half -a day and 4/- a day. The course is beautifully situated on undulating country right on the sea. GOLF (1926, July 21). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), , p. 16. Retrieved from 

Considerable progress has been made with the new course at Avalon Beach, and many players are availing themselves of the opportunity for a game, especially during the weekends. The fairways have all been cleared, ploughed, and planted with couch grass, which is now well established. Given a favorable spring, the fairways will be in good order by Christmas. The greens are on the rough side, but top-dressing will soon remedy that defect once the couch begins to shoot.

Prettily situated in a sheltered hollow the course, although on the short side, will provide an excellent approaching test, the short holes in particular calling for accurate play.

With good roads Avalon Beach will become a favorite resort with golfing motorists. The length of the holes are in yards, 150, 300, 285, 115, 255, 285, 305, 90, 215—2000. The eighth, although only 90 yards is the most sporting on the course, the tee shot being over trees on to a narrow ledge with bunkers at the foot of a slope guarding the green.

From the proposed site for the club house every yard of the course is visible, so that the play can be watched from the first drive to the last putt. Bogey for the course is 33, made up as follows, 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4, and there is a box of balls, awaiting the first player to equal or defeat the "Colonel;". SOUTHERN GOLF (1926, August 9). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 4 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from

Members of the Royal Australian Historical Society on Saturday visited Avalon Beach, between Newport and Barrenjoey, and inspected some of the historic spots in the district. The party was escorted by Mr. Arthur J. Small.

Among the places visited was Bilgola, the beautiful home of Mrs. Maclurcan, which has been erected on the site of the residence of William Bede Dalley, who was prominent in the political life of the State 40 years ago, and who took the initiative in the despatch of the New South Wales contingent to the Soudan. The building is surrounded by tall palms, planted during Mr. Dalley's occupancy of the original cottage.

The site of a coal bore on Avalon golf links was inspected, and St. Michael's Cave, on the Seashore, was viewed by the party. The latter spot was named by Arch priest Thierry, who, it was stated, intended to build a chapel in the cave.

At the conclusion of the visit, Captain J. H. Watson, president of the Royal Australian Historical Society, on behalf of the visitors, thanked Mr. Small for the visit. AVALON BEACH. (1926, August 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 10. Retrieved from - Also visit St Michael's Arch, 1864

By Autumn 1927 a Professionals and Amateurs day took place at Avalon Golf Links, with Mr. Soutar among the players: 

The Professional Golfers of N.S.W. will hold their next monthly outing on Monday, at the Avalon Golf Links, at the Invitation of Mr. A. J. Small, the owner of the course. A handicap stroke round will be played by the professionals during the morning, a cheque being presented by Mr. Small for the best nett score. The afternoon will provide an Interesting event, In the shape of an 18-hole match on handicaps between a team from the golfing members of the Millions Club and the professionals. About 20 professionals have announced their intention of taking part in the event. PRO. GOLFERS (1927, April 8).The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), , p. 11 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from 

The professional golfers of New South Wales are to hold their next monthly outing on Monday at the Avalon Golf Links, at the invitation of Mr. A. J. Small, the owner of the course. A handicap stroke round is to be played by the professionals during the morning, a cheque being donated by Mr. Small for the best nett score. The afternoon is to provide an interesting event in the shape of an 18-hole match on handicaps between a team from the golfing members of the Millions Club and the professionals. The short course should favor the amateurs, but the uncertainty of golf is proverbial and the professionals will take some beating. About 20 professionals have announced their intention of taking part in the event. GOLF (1927, April 9). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 4. Retrieved from

The results from above show some early Mona Vale club members among the players:

Millions Club

Millions Club golfers played at Avalon yesterday. Owing to the weather conditions the match was not played as originally intended. The Professionals played for prizes donated by Mr. A. J. Small. 
Results: — 
A. Downs. 65, plus 3—68: J. Cohen. 66, plus 2 — 68 ; Fred Popplewell, 66, plus 4 — 70: D. G. Soutar, 68 plus 4 — 72 ; W. Corry, 69. Plus 4— 73: W. Thompson, scr., 73. 73: D. M'Donald, 73, plus 1—74; F. Eyre, 71, plus 4—75; D. Spence, 73, plus 3—76: C. Robinson, scr., 77; T. Popplewell. scr., 78: D. Denholm, scr., 77; A. V. Chitty, 77, plus 2 — 79: J. Patterson, 81, plus 1— 82: W. J. Clark 71 plus 4 — 75; L. Toombs, scr., 82. 
A. J. Small. 78, 12—66; H. C. Swain, 89, 20— 69: Tom Lazy, 80, 10—70; J. F. Thomson, 84, 13— 71; A. D. Cuffe, 83, 10—73 : F. D. Fraser, 81, 0 — 75; A. S. Deane, 78, 2, 76 ; A. N. Brown, 77, plus 1—78: W. Coulson, 90. 9 91; W. Perry, 102, 20 — 82; G. Widner, 102, 16—80. 
GOLF (1927, April 12). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 8. Retrieved from

Some of these players may be those featured in the advertisements for Avalon Beach Subdivisions that feature photos of golf being played at Avalon:

FINE GOLF LINKS— The well-known Golfing Professional Mr. D. G. Soutar was chosen to lay out the course, and all his knowledge and experience were brought to bear on making it the finest 9-Hole Seaside Golf Links in New South Wales. That he succeeded is evidenced by increasing popularity.
SPECIAL SITES FOR GOLFERS— Of particular interest to Golfers, are a number of sites on the high ground, right between the links and
the ocean, in line with the proposed Golf House. Already several golfers have bought, and, at no distant date, we fully anticipate that '
these desirable lots will be occupied by the modern bungalows of golfers who find the combination of seaside and golf links particularly
attractive, SAFE SURF BEACH— A fine, sweeping .curve of golden sand, with breakers that make for thrilling, yet safe surfing. It is no wonder
. that the week-ends find hundreds of carloads of enthusiasts at AVALON BEACH. Here all that the sea and beach can offer is theirs — here they find relaxation and enjoyment- under pleasing
SEE AVALON BEACH FOR YOURSELF— That is the surest way to get to know it, and is the only way to fully appreciate what this glorious spot has to offer. It is a delightful motor trip of less than one hour from the city, and we will be pleased to place one of our cars at your disposal. Advise us of the day and time most convenient and our car will call for you at your home. When will you go down?

....Advertising (1928, March 4). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 35. Retrieved from

(1930). [Six unidentified men and women playing golf, Avalon, New South Wales, circa 1928-1930] Retrieved from, courtesy National Library of Australia 

Mr. D. G. Soutar
who designed the new Avalon Golf Links
Avalon Golf Links are credited with being the finest 9-hole seaside course in New South Wales, They are immensely popular with city golfers, and every week-end sees increasing patronage A few beautiful homesites right adjoining the links are still available.
A good example to follow —
Buyers at. Avalon Beach
E. L. SANDERS. Esq., M.L.A.
P. A. B. PETERS. Esq. 
E. B. CARR, Esq. 
R. PARRAN, Esq. 
E. O. HANSEN. Esq.
W. S. BRUTON, Esq.
H. R. EVANS. Esq.
B. E. TYRER, Esq.
R. G. DONALD, Esq. 
And Dozens More. 
What Buyers Say — 
"Public and expert opinion proclaims a brilliant future for the Northern beaches, and beautiful Avalon is assured of a foremost place In the sun."
R. Parran, Esq.
"Avalon Beach Is a beautiful place, and my belief In It is such that, after my Initial purchase, I further increased my holdings."
H. Ruskin Rowe, Esq.
"Avalon Beach must come into its own as one of the most select of Sydney's seaside resorts."
E. Lloyd Sanders, Esq., M.L.A.
"The advancement of Avalon Beach, a place whose natural beauties are so wonderful, cannot be retarded."
Mrs. Ickerson.
... Advertising (1928, August 19). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 29. Retrieved from

Later that year Arthur Jabez Small turned over the subdividing and selling of land:

After 15 years of quietly developing a large tract of land at Avalon Beach, Mr. A. J. Small has disposed of his entire Interest to the Avalon Beach Estates. Ltd.
This new company was formed and registered to exercise the option to purchase, and has now formally taken possession. The area, comprising approximately 180 acres, is situated right at and adjoining the beach, and completely surrounds the golf course which was laid out by the well-known professional golfer Mr. D. G. Soutar, who claims that it is the best nine-hole seaside golf course in the State. Modern town-planning has played an Important part in this new subdivision, and generous allowance has been made for public parks and reserves. The selling agents are Willmore and Randall Ltd. And the first release will probably be offered to the public this week. REAL ESTATE (1927, November 16). The Sun(Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), , p. 23 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from 

The 'new' Barrenjoey Road appears among advertisement for Avalon Beach Land sales towards the end of 1927 and includes those famous panoramas made by EB Studios that show us how the golf links looked then:

Advertising (1927, December 4). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 37. Retrieved from

Panorama of Avalon with Avalon Beach in the background, New South Wales, 1930, 3 PIC/8140/3 LOC Album 1059 Album 1059 from Prospectus photographs of Avalon, 1930. Courtesy National Library of Australia.  nla.obj-147287739-1 and enlarged sections from. 

Mr. Small began shifting his interests later in 1927 - this item details how much he had increased his assets in the valley of Avalon:

After 15 years of quietly developing a large tract of land at Avalon Beach, Mr. A. J. Small has disposed of his entire Interest to the Avalon Beach Estates. Ltd.
This new company was formed and registered to exercise the option to purchase, and has now formally taken possession. The area, comprising approximately 180 acres, is situated right at and adjoining the beach, and completely surrounds the golf course which was laid out by the well-known professional golfer Mr. D. G. Soutar, who claims that it is the best nine-hole seaside golf course in the State. Modern town-planning has played an Important part in this new subdivision, and generous allowance has been made for public parks and reserves. The selling agents are Willmore and Randall Ltd. And the first release will probably be offered to the public this week. REAL ESTATE (1927, November 16). The Sun(Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), , p. 23 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from 

Avalon Beach Subdivision
The Sydney Real Estate Company of Messrs. Willmore and Randall, Limited, have established a branch office at Scottish House, 45 Hunter-street. Newcastle, and are offering for sale at Avalon Bench an attractive and one of the few remaining seaside subdivisions close to Sydney.

Avalon Beach is situated on the Barrenjoey Peninsula, three and a half miles closer to Sydney than Palm Beach. The estate encircles the whole of the well known Avalon golf links, and adjoins the two surfing benches, Avalon and Bilgola, both of which have natural rock baths. From the Palm Grove subdivision at Avalon, It is said by many that the views rival or even excel, those of the famous Bulli Pass. Messrs. Willmore and Randall  Ltd., will be Kind to furnish any Information regarding the above estate upon application to their offices at Scottish House. Avalon Beach Subdivision (1929, January 4). The Newcastle Sun (NSW : 1918 - 1954), , p. 8. Retrieved from 

There were problems by June 1931 with this arrangement when another company claimed to have already bought certain parcels of this land in sub-sales. A similar problem was revisited again in another format from 1941 on for a few years, during a period when Australia was at war and numerous people had bought property in the area as blocks of land but resided elsewhere, when the then Warringah Council in trying to get payments on overdue rates submitted numerous names and descriptions, Mr. Small's Avalon Beach Estates among them, to the Public Trustee demanding payment thereof or the sale of these lands. Some were deceased estates. An example of these runs below to show the extent of absentee ratepayers. This means of collecting overdue rates extended pass the cessation of the conflict that was World War II when those who may have been serving outside of Sydney publications should have been home again - but perhaps too late to keep their piece of green amid salt airs.

Research found during this period for other history pages indicates Warringah Shire Council had a tough war with very little to meet residents needs and a shortage on everything required that extended, as it did for all of Sydney and Australia, past the first year of peace. One item found the collection of steel or wire from fulltime residents for wartime use, among other call outs for scarce materials.

The year 1929 had a few firsts at Avalon Beach Golf links - the first hole in one, and an indication that Mr. Small's passion for good Town Planning extended to genuinely caring for others. People would come from rural areas to Avalon Beach just as they did to Palm Beach:

E. LAWLER is a member of the Bondi Life-Saving Club. He took up golf a short time ago, and having a natural aptitude for all games, a lissome figure and youth on his side, looks like doing well if he sticks to It. Lawler Journeyed to Avalon and played the first hole, 150 yards, with an Iron club of sorts. The ball pitched on the edge of the green and never looked like keeping out of the hole. There is no opportunity at Avalon to pay the usual penalty, but If the swimming club, or any of them, read these notes, they will no doubt be able to exact it to the uttermost farthing. If they know what It is. If they don't read this it will be their own funeral. SOME ROUGH NOTES on GOLF (1929, April 17). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), , p. 3. Retrieved from 


Buyers Interested in the Pride of Avalon Estate, Avalon, will be motored to Inspect It by Messrs. McLaughlin and Co., of 72 Pitt-street, city, the managing agents.

This recently-opened subdivision Is within the shelter of Avalon valley, handily situated to beach, swimming pool, golf course, and the calm waters of Careel Bay, on the other side of the Barrenjoey Peninsular. It is just off the main road, and sheltered from boisterous winds, while its elevation affords fine views across the green plain which stretches from the ocean to Pittwater. This estate is being offered on easy terms, .which allow purchasers five years to pay. IN AVALON'S VALLEY (1929, March 15). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), , p. 3. Retrieved from 


An open golf tournament of a rather novel nature will be held on the Avalon links, Newport, on Saturday, June 29, the total proceeds of which will be given to the T.B. Sailors and Soldiers Association. The links have been donated for the day, together with a handsome trophy for each event by Mr. A. J. Small. All green fees will be suspended, which are ordinarily 4/- for the day, and the following fees will be substituted: 5'- for all day, 3/6 for either morning or afternoon.
The novelty of the tournament lies In the in fact that no restrictions will be placed in the making up of either foursomes or singles, or two men, or they may be mixed. In the same way, In the four ball competition In the afternoon, four ladies may play together, four men or mixed. Both events will be bogey events, and members will play on their club handicap, while associate members will play on their L.O.U. handicap. 
Intending competitors are asked to make up their own parties. Post entries will be received. Luncheons or afternoon tea may be obtained at Mr. Stan Wickham’s restaurant adjoining the links, where at 5.30 Mr. Small has consented to present the winners and runner-ups with trophies.  GOLF (1929, June 15). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), , p. 2. Retrieved from 

Above: Avalon Beach General Store owned by Stan Wickham, on Avalon Parade, New South Wales, circa 1930, Retrieved from - courtesy National Library of Australia

Owing to the heavy rain on Saturday the open golf tournament at Avalon which was to be held on behalf of the T B Sailors and Soldiers Association has been postponed until Saturday July 13 when It is to be hoped that a generous response will be mode to the cause by the golfers The tournament Is of a rather novel nature, Inasmuch that members and associate members are, permitted to make their own parties and play as they please cither mixed or otherwise There will be a single bogey competition In the morning and a Canadian foursomes In the afternoon also a sealed nine holes event. GOLF. (1929, July 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 19. Retrieved from 

Buyers Interested in the Pride of Avalon Estate, Avalon, will be motored to Inspect it by Messrs. McLaughlin and Co., of 72 Pitt-street, city, the managing agents.
This recently-opened subdivision is within the shelter of Avalon valley, handily situated to beach, swimming pool, golf course, and the calm waters of Careel Bay, on the other side of the Barrenjoey Peninsular. It Is just off the main road, and sheltered from boisterous winds, while its elevation affords fine views across the green plain which stretches from the ocean to Pittwater. This estate is being offered on easy terms, which allow purchasers five years to pay. IN AVALON'S VALLEY (1929, March 15). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), , p. 3. Retrieved from 

Above: Motor cars driving along road, Avalon, New South Wales, 1930 Retrieved from - courtesy National Library of Australia - Avalon Public school will be built to the left of this image.

LOOKING around for a way to raise money for needy country folk, members of the Cumberland branch of the Country Women's Association alighted on the idea of a golf gymkhana, and are hoping for plenty of entries for the mixed foursome event at the Avalon Golf Links, which have been, generously given to them for September 5. It is to be an all-day affair, with picnic luncheon. Club women are all "in on" this. Note the committee list: Mrs. George Lee (Pennant Hills Club), Mrs. Hutchinson Smith Cammeray), Mrs. G. Hungerford (Carnarvon), Mrs. Victor Cornfield (The Lakes), and Mrs. Lough (Roseville). SUSAN SAYS (1931, July 12). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), , p. 30. Retrieved from 

This link with the CWA would last, not just in Cadet Pilots being trained in Avalon during the early years of the war but through the women, the mothers and daughters:
Margaret Copeland, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Copeland, of Bandon Street, left Forbes last Saturday evening to spend three weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and family at Avalon Beach. Mrs. Gordon is State President of the Country Women's Association. About People (1951, February 9). The Forbes Advocate (NSW : 1911 - 1954), , p. 2. Retrieved from 

The vision to create a place that took into account having open green spaces, making the most of an environment and ensuring places to play remained part of a community was an ethos Arthur Jabez Small followed and which that led to the formation of the Parks and Playgrounds Movement and becoming part of the Town Planning Association.

Aims of Movement. "That every child shall have a chance to play and every citizen the opportunity for recreation" was adopted as a chief aim in the constitution of the New South Wales Parks and Playgrounds Movement, which held its first annual meeting at the New South Wales Cricket Association's Chambers on Wednesday. 

"The normal expansion of Sydney’s playing fields should be, at a minimum, from 100 to 120 acres of level land every year," says the report of the movement. A report on the whole matter by the Surveyor-General, who was being assisted by a committee of the movement, was expected shortly. "In the meantime, the executive of the movement has taken up (as an Immediate measure) the question of pressing for 'Five More Moore Parks."

The meeting, which was a full one, delegates from 30 bodies being present, was concerned largely with the elimination by the Legislative Council of the parks clauses of the Greater Sydney Bill. 'This meant', said Dr. C. E. W. Bean, honorary secretary of the movement, 'that, although the Greater Sydney authority, if established, could plan parks and playgrounds, It would not be able to acquire them, or even to accept them if given to it-powers which were possessed by greater-city authorities all over the world. '

On the motion of the chairman, Mr. A. J.Small, seconded by Mr. D. G. Stead, the meeting expressed its unanimous disapproval of the elimination of these powers from the bill. The liability of all State school playgrounds to taxation while many private school grounds were exempt was also strongly criticised in the report, a case being cited in which public land lying idle was heavily rated as soon as it was permitted to be used as a play-ground for State schoolchildren. On the motion of the chairman, seconded by Mr. R.A. Bennett, it was resolved to urge that, in the bill projected by the Government, exemption should be extended to all school play-grounds. 

A committee was appointed "to co-operate with the city authorities in their task of re-organising the playground system of Sydney," And it was also resolved, on the motion of Mr. Burrows and Mrs. Wyatt, to urge the preservation by some means of the Pymble State forest. Mr. A. J. Small (president of the Town Planning Association) was elected as first president of the Parks and Playgrounds Movement. PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS. (1931, September 25). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from

Town Planners' Party
When members of the Town Planning Association held their first annual Christmas party at the Arts Club last night, they showed they paid heed to the planning of nature by choosing native flowers for the decorations, so charmingly carried out by Mrs. Bertram Ford, the wife of the honorary secretary. 

THERE were gum tips in profusion, Christmas bells, Christmas bush, from the spot where It grows In its element at Dee Why, and Burrawang palms from the Avalon property of the president (Mr. A. J. Small). Town planning in various parts of the world was described by Mr. Small, who illustrated his talk with cine-kodak pictures of some of the 18 countries in the old and new world, that he visited on his world tour a few years ago. The audience wished that they could have seen the whole of the 10,000 feet of film taken by Mr. Small, but it is understood that it would take 12 nights to view it all. Among the guests, who were further entertained by a musical programme and dancing, were Mrs. A. J. Small, Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Ford. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. W. Bean, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pixley, Dr. and Mrs. J. J. C. Bradfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mackenzie, Mr. and Mrs. David Stead, and Mr. and Mrs. H. JohnsonCOPY NATURE (1931, December 23). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 17 (LAST RACE EDITION). Retrieved from 

Mr. Small, did his utmost to secure his preferred architect for the First Avalon Beach SLSC Clubhouse

Improvements being made at Avalon Beach Include the improvement of a miniature golf course in conjunction with the erection of tea gardens, the main feature of which will be a semi-open air pavilion, Mr. Bertram W. Ford, architect, has accepted the tender of Mr. J. A. Carter, contractor, Manly, for this work. The walls of the pavilion will be lined externally with shingles, and the roof of colour-blended tiles.  AVALON BEACH. (1931, December 29).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 4. Retrieved from 

The photos that run below show a small ticket office was built to begin with, as well as a shed mid-course. Plans of the later building show the ticket booth was incorporated into the clubhouse. 

Just down from this booth a larger structure can be seen in one of the enlarged sections. Records of the links indicate the manager’s residence was at first occupied by Mr Pollard, who worked for Mr Small as a labourer. He helped build Mr Small’s house, ‘Avalon’, in Bellevue Avenue and helped build the golf course. 
Panorama of Avalon with Avalon Beach in the background, New South Wales, 1930, 2 - PIC/8140/2 LOC Album 1059 from Prospectus photographs of Avalon, 1930. Courtesy National Library of Australia. nla.obj-147287084-1 and enlarged sections from. 

Curators - Caretakers

Apart from the obvious 'curatorship' of the design and layout of the course by Daniel Soutar, people employed to look after the course and be on site year round. Records show these earliest caretakers had a connection with gardens and golfing or both:

George Cooper Turns Golfer
ONE time if a golfer sliced into the lilies, Mr. George Cooper would have called out the special police patrol. That was when he filled the office of Superintendent of Parks to the City Council; now that he is curator of the links at Avalon Beach, allowance is made for human frailty. Mr. Cooper is enthusiastic about his nine-hole course, set in an amphitheatre, protected from the sea by natural mounds, and besieged at week-ends by golfers of both sexes. THE TALK OF SYDNEY (1931, August 28). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from

The greenskeepers/managers residence soon after construction in 1930. Photo: ABHS

The original ticket office in early 1930s. Photo: ABHS

In 1932 Edmund Hock ,'Ted',  became Manager and he and his family lived in the Greenkeeper's Cottage. Mr. Hock loved his fishing and he loved his golf, even if he had a few curious accidents and methods:

A "Birdie" Indeed! 
AVALON (N.S.W.), Wednesday. Nominating a "birdie" before he played his shot at the fourth hole (115 yards) on the local golf links E. Hock struck and killed a kingfisher which had perched on the flag stick. The ball and bird were stone dead!  A "Birdie" Indeed! (1935, October 17).Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890 - 1954), p. 7 (DAILY). Retrieved from 
Good jewfish are biting well along the coast. Ted Hock, from Avalon Golf Links, landed two weighing 36 lb and 34lb on a nylon of 15lb breaking strain.  HOOK, LINE and SINKER (1950, April 23).The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 26. Retrieved from 

VAN DYCK. - February 18, 1940, at Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach, Joseph Aloysius Petrus, dearly beloved husband of Nellie and loving father of Mary (Mrs. J, Nleriker), Lottie (Mrs. E. O. Hock), Jules, and grandfather of Robert. Family Notices (1940, February 19). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from 

Ted Hock was a member of the volunteer Avalon Fire Brigade and became such an esteemed member of the community that the lane leading to the Avalon Golf Links was named in his honour

One example from during the 1940's:

Thieves broke into the Red Cross kiosk on the reserve at Avalon Beach late on Saturday night and set fire to the building. At 12.15 a.m. Mr. Ted Hock, of the Avalon Fire Brigade, who was on his way home, saw the fire, which was quickly checked. POLICE WATCH STREETS (1946, August 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from

Avalon Fire Brigade

Standing in their fire-fighting gear in front of the 1936 Dennis Ace are the first seven members of the Avalon Fire Brigade (begun in 1940). From left to right are Captain Ted Hock, Tom Chegwyn, Harry Wright, Lambert-Smith, Ron Edwards, Fred Wilson and Wal Ward. The garage which housed the fire engine stood on the site now occupied by the red-brick Casa Carlos building at 50 Old Barrenjoey Road. In the background is the heritage-listed two-storey ‘Avalon Centre’ on the corner of Avalon Parade and Old Barrenjoey Road. Photo and information courtesy Geoff Searl OAM, President Avalon Beach Historical Society.

Dad's Army Battles On
By Brian Kennedy
Palm Beach Golf Club founded in 1924 is one of the oldest golf clubs in the Sydney metropolitan area and one of its sub-clubs, Dad's Army, will turn 40 next year. As the name suggests it is a club within a club made up of retired men. The name Dad's Army obviously comes from the popular television show of the same name. A glance through Google shows that a number of other golf clubs have their own Dad's Armies. The Palm Beach branch was formed from two groups. The oldest was founded in 1973 by Arthur Stockman. Its members included Ted Hock for whom Edmund Hock Lane in Avalon is named. Visit: 

Avalon Beach SLSC Life Member Ken Davidson – from his Profile - 2014
What was your favourite…the ski, the boats…what did you specialise in when you joined?  
At the time I remember Ted Hock, he ran the Golf Club, he had two boys, one of whom did medicine, and young Ted who wandered, an early “surfy”. We used to get down the beach and we knowing how to manipulate the padlock on the boatshed door; we’d borrow a surfboard, get into the surf. I liked the boards.  
The first surfboat I went out in was named the ‘Miss Queenscliff’.  This came from the Queenscliff club and I’m not sure whether we bought it or they donated it or were just delighted to get rid of it. It had a mind of its own, when on a wave you rode the boat not the wave. Taking it up the beach would require the entire membership and about three recovery breaks.  Visit: 

HOCK WILLIAM JOHN : Service Number - 167570 : Date of birth - 12 Dec 1925 : Place of birth - RANDWICK NSW : Place of enlistment - WOOLLOOLOOMOO : Next of Kin - HOCK EDMUND Contents date range 1939 – 1948- National Archives of Australia

In 1937 'Moonlight Golf' was introduced to the course and a few matches were run:


'Ted' Hock was responsible for a wonderful performance at Avalon links on Sunday night. When playing in the moonlight, he equalled par for the nine holes. The four-ball match in which he took part started at 8 p.m., and finished at 10. Hock's card for the nine holes with a par of 32 read: 2, 4, 4, 5, 4, 3, 4. 3. 3. The yardage was 2080, with the seventh hole the longest at 405 yards, and the eighth (90 yards); the shortest.

 Another of the party, P. J. Small, despite an 8 and a 6, had a score of 41. An astonishing feature was that only one ball was lost by the fourball, but four others were found. There have been other cases of moonlight golf in Australia. Rufus Stewart played an exhibition at Koonyonga course, Adelaide, at night, without losing a ball. He was round in 77. C. Campbell, the former Leura professional, was also in the seventies in a round at night on the Leura course, while more recently the younger professionals, R. Shadforth and A. Keane, met C. Byrne and C. Gaffney, in a moonlight match at the Manly district public course. MOONLIGHT GOLF. (1937, May 26- Wednesday ). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved from 

Golf history made a night series: Cremin and Hock at Avalon, 17th of December 1937 

photographed by Ray Olson – courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales and Courtesy ACP Magazines Ltd.

Panorama of Avalon with Avalon Beach in the background, New South Wales, 1930, 3 PIC/8140/3 LOC Album 1059 Album 1059 from Prospectus photographs of Avalon, 1930. Courtesy National Library of Australia.  nla.obj-147287739-1 and enlarged sections from. 

Avalon Beach Golf Links Clubhouse

During the Depression Arthur Small continued promoting Avalon Beach as a haven for all. The newly opened surf life saving clubhouse, all the new amenities, natural features and during the time of 'motor camps', made the golf links a feature attraction. He struck deals with such auspicious organisations as the N.R.M.A. to accommodate new visitors and keep decorum uppermost as policy for the links:

Day at  Avalon Links
Something unique In the way of motor outings Is being organised by the N.R.M.A, The outing is to take the form of a 'golf day' at Avalon links, Mr. A. J. Small, a member of the association, who owns the links, has Invited golfing members to be his guests for the whole of Saturday, July 21. Free tickets for admission to the links may be obtained from the N.R.M.A. For those who do not play golf an expedition, to St, Michael’s Cave, near Avalon Beach, is being arranged for the same day. This cave, the largest on the New South Wales coast, is known to comparatively few visitors to the district.  UNIQUE OUTING (1934, June 23). The Maitland Daily Mercury (NSW : 1894 - 1939), , p. 10. Retrieved from 

The N.R.M.A. has made arrangements for establishing a summer motor camp at Avalon Beach, 22 miles from Sydney, between Narrabeen and Palm Batch. There is a fine surf beach at Avalon, and a nine-hole golf course, on which members of the Association are entitled to pay at a reduced fee. A tennis court is situated nearby. All stores and petrol supplies may be obtained at Avalon. Full details of th2 camp may be obtained from the N.R.M.A. Touring Department. MOTOR CAMP AT AVALON. (1934, December 3). Moree Gwydir Examiner and General Advertiser (NSW : 1901 - 1940), , p. 1. Retrieved  from 

Avalon Beach, circa 1923-24 - a Rex Hazlewood photo, courtesy State Library of NSW

Truth' Readers Have Their Say
IN last Sunday's 'Truth' a report appeared of a man being fined at the Manly Police Court for driving under the influence of Intoxicant liquor. Your comment stated that a day's golf at Avalon proved expensive for the accused, and his defence as reported would certainly lead anyone to believe that the drink in question was obtained and consumed at the golf course. This I can emphatically deny, there is no bar at Avalon, and if any drinking took place it was after the defendant left the course, and on his way to Manly. In fairness to a strictly-conducted golf course, where no opportunity whatever exists for obtaining intoxicating liquor, I trust you will find space to contradict the false impression created By the report in question. A. J . Small, Proprietor Avalon Golf Links. "Truth" Readers Have Their Say (1937, July 25). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 30. Retrieved from 

Despite the lack of money elsewhere Mr. Small was clearly an optimistic gentleman with a munificent heart. A new clubhouse, opened on Saturday March 16th 1938 was preceded by a gift to the community which Pittwater still holds as one of its great treasures of green space and peace among the rooftops. 

1937 drawing by architect E. Lindsay Thompson showing the outline of the ticket office incorporated into the new 1938 build. Plan: ABHS

The following snippets share a tree, an architect and a builder's name:

Centre of New Reserve.

'Set aside by' the Wild Life Preservation Society of Australia, primarily for the preservation of a giant example of the Sydney red-gum (Angophora lanceolata), the Angophora Reserve, at Avalon, was officially opened on Saturday afternoon by Sir Philip Street. 

The president of the society (Mr. W. G. Kett) said the reserve was a memorial to the line work in the cause of science done by their secretary, Mr. D. G. Stead.

Sir Philip Street said that the society, in preserving this great tree as a natural monument and setting apart the area with its interesting fauna and flora, was rendering a public service. 

The magnificent angophora, on which many axemen must have cast covetous eyes, was. he had been told, about 1,000 years old.

Mr. Kett said that, in the reserve, which contained about six and a half acres, there were many varieties of Australian trees and shrubs, and it was also the rendezvous of some of the most beautiful Australian birds. 

Other speakers were the president of Warringah Shire, Councillor Green, Messrs. R. T. Baker, and D. G. Stead.

The reserve is a fine example of Australian bush land, rising from a small valley to the top of a hill overlooking the coast and Broken Bay. About 150 persons attended Saturday's function. 

After the function, the visitors were entertained at afternoon tea by the society at the Avalon Golf House. 

ANCIENT RED GUM. (1938, March 21).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 9. Retrieved from 

Beautiful, isn't it? 
A magnificent redgum, probably 1000 years old, has been "dedicated" in the six-acre Angophora Reserve at Avalon. We wonder who will sit in the shade of this big tree after another 1000 years? What color will he be, and in what language will they whisper? One thing, will, endure.  The tree is close to the Avalon Golf Links; and whether Redgum lives to be 2000 or 3000 years old; the world will still talk golf. A WINDOW ON THE WORLD (1938, March 22). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 4 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from

Preserving Australia's Fauna

The Angophora Reserve, which is the Wild Life Preservation Society's new Bushland Sanctuary at Avalon, N.S.W., was officially opened and dedicated by the Hon. Sir Phillip Street, K.C.M.G., on Saturday last, March 19th. This reserve had been set aside primarily for the preservation of a giant 'example of the Sydney Red Gum (Angophora lanceolata) as a national monument. Owing to the junction of two great geological forms (Hawkesbury sandstone and Narrabeen shales) at this spot, the trees and shrubs present many features of interest to the botanist, field naturalist and bush lover. 
THE “ANGOPHORA” RESERVE (1938, March 23). Construction and Real Estate Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1930 - 1938), p. 7. Retrieved from 

The Birds Laughed!
A PARTY of our C.P. girls accompanied Cinderella to Avalon on March 19 to attend the official opening of the Angophora Reserve, a forest sanctuary purchased by the Wild Life Preservation Society and dedicated to the conservation of Sydney's largest redgum (Angophora Ianceolata), a giant possibly 1000 years old, but still in his prime. As the different speakers addressed the guests scattered over the grass, on the importance of preserving our beautiful bush and teaching the young generation to reverence such splendid national treasures as our forests contain, loud applause came from an unexpected quarter. A group of kookaburras had accepted the invitation for all forest-lovers to celebrate the day, and shouted their glee from the branches overhead. It was the mast eloquent of all the tributes paid that day to the value of tree-conservation. Who says that birds can't understand?
The Birds Laughed! (1938, March 30). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 63. Retrieved from 

Searle, E. W. Red gum, angophora lanceolata, Avalon, New South Wales, circa. 1935 Retrieved from 


The ceremony took place beneath the giant Angophora (Red Gum) which is estimated to be 1,000 years old. In this native bushland, only one hour's run from the city, flora and fauna will find sanctuary for all time, thanks to the enterprise of Mr. David G. Stead, the Wild Life Preservation Society and Mr. A. J. Small who released the land at a tithe of its value.
THE OPENING CEREMONY, ANGOPHORA PARK, AVALON, 19th MARCH, 1938 (1938, April 6). Construction and Real Estate Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1930 - 1938), p. 8. Retrieved from 

Arthur Jabez Small and the Old Girl, pre-1954 - photos courtesy ABHS - Geoff Searl OAM

Another Contribution by A. J. Small
When the history of Avalon is written, one man's name in particular will be outstanding. It is that of Mr. A. J. Small. Not only has he given headlands and parklands to the people to preserve for them vantage points from which ocean views can be seen for all time, but he is still giving. His last act of graciousness was when he gave an area of seven acres of land at half value in order that the Wild Life Preservation Society could acquire its Angophora Park. Mr. Small also erected the fence and iron gates, made the approach, built the steps, and cleared the paths so that the giant Angophora (sometimes called Red Gum) which is said to be 1,000 years old and of immense girth, may be viewed in its natural surroundings. 

At the time of the opening (by Sir Phillip Street on March 19th) there was an improvised orchestra of birds — butcher birds, soldier birds, warblers, and jackasses, in fact a representative from practically all the feathered families — which came down to look curiously on the people who attended the opening and to contribute, to the scene. Afterwards, 100 invited guests accepted Mr. Small's hospitality to afternoon tea at the New Golf House at Avalon. The fine golf course there has not a club. All visitors can play there on an equal footing, and in this respect it occupies a unique position among the metropolitan golf courses. The new building, illustrated herewith, is of white sandstone with buttressed corners. The internal walls are of brick. In the lower storey are locker and retiring rooms for golfers with hot and cold showers for both sexes. The upper walls are shingled and the roof is covered with semi' glazed brown tiles. It is mainly occupied by a large combined lounge and dining room about 60 feet in length. The flooring is of tallowwood designed for dancing. For log fires in winter, an open fireplace, framed in 9in. x 2in. briquettes, has been provided, with a hearth of 9 feet wide. Manchurian Ash of exceptional figure lines the lounge artistically furnished in autumn tints. The architect for the golf building was E. Lindsay Thompson, and F. C. Fripp, the builder. AVALON (1938, April 6). Construction and Real Estate Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1930 - 1938), , p. 8. Retrieved from 


We illustrate the lounge room of the new Golf House which was opened on Saturday, 19th March. NEW GOLF HOUSE, AVALON (1938, April 6).Construction and Real Estate Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1930 - 1938), , p. 6. Retrieved from 


Architect: E. Lindsay Thompson Builder: F. C. Fripp. NEW GOLF HOUSE, AVALON GOLF COURSE (1938, April 6). Construction and Real Estate Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1930 - 1938), , p. 8. Retrieved from 

The larger clubhouse probably with the original creosote paint job “to blend in with the environment”. Photo: ABHS

AVALON GOLF COURSE circa 1938 . Image No.: a2802001h, courtesy State Library of NSW

A road through the course? - The Land and Course are sold to council

In 1945, perhaps in response to the overdue rates action Warringah Council was taking to apparently sell off lots of his land, Mr. Small began stating publicly that those in charge of the shire kept draining money from the Pittwater end of the peninsula without much return. This was a sentiment echoed by a few in the village, and certainly a song that would recur.

He had some powerful allies and friends when it came to defending the green spaces for public recreation - this following item would re-echo in 1956, after Arthur Small had passed away and discussions were taking place to have the golf course moved to being owned by the council. During those lengthy was and means of figuring out how they could afford it, a few of those on council put forward in meetings, and on the record, that they should simply resume the whole lot, sell off some, while others on council suggested selling off certain sections for housing to fund the purchase.

When others weren't pointing out their objections to certain plans on Mr. Small's, and the community's behalf, Mr. Small would speak. These items prove the history always repeats when taking into account very similar discussions taking place at present about how a community may best use its open green spaces so they remain just that - open green spaces:

Sir,-The playing fields of Sydney are steadily being taken for Governmental and developmental purposes, and no provision is being made for their replacement.
The latest threat is to the golf course at Avalon Beach, through which Warringah Shire Council is contemplating making a road. The closing of this popular 9 hole public course would be a serious loss.
Bonnie Doon and North Brighton courses have been taken for Mascot Aerodrome, and The Lakes, Eastlakes, and Rydalmere links are still threatened.
There is a strong body of opinion against the proposed route, and it is hoped that, before the matter is finally decided, the value of the golf links as a recreation area will be taken into full account.

Hon. Secretary, Parks and Playgrounds Movement of N.S.W. 
AVALON GOLF LINKS (1947, June 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 2. Retrieved from 

Sir,-Owners of land and other interested persons would be well advised to inspect the Cumberland County Council's plans for the future development of the metropolitan area.
These, with detailed plans, may be inspected by the public at C.E.N.E.F., 201 Castlereagh Street, for some months before reaching finality.
They will have such far-reaching effects on the life of the community that the most careful examination is necessary. It can be said that many proposals invite serious criticism from both town planning and economic angles.
At Avalon, over 100 allotments in a well-established subdivision, together with the new tourist hotel site, are earmarked as open or recreation spaces-despite the fact that many homes are already built or being built Thereon, and that the land is logically needed for district residential development.
Further to this extraordinary proposal, another main road deviation is shown on the detail plan which would create a speedway through the centre of the business area. Sound town planning is meant to build up-not to destroy.
There may be many other instances of faulty designing elsewhere, hence the warning to investigate before the tentative plans are adopted.
ARTHUR J SMALL, President, Avalon District Rate-payers' Association. COUNTY COUNCIL PLANNING (1948, March 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from 

Avalon Committee To Protest
Ratepayers and residents of the Avalon district have formed a protest committee to combat features in the Cumberland County Council's master plan which they consider extravagant or unsatisfactory.
The president of the Avalon District Ratepayers' Association, Mr. A. J. Small, said last night that the committee would co-operate with ratepayers in the other two ridings in the Warringah Shire in protesting against the extensive planning proposals for the shire shown on the master plan.
A recent large meeting of rate-payers at Avalon decided that the widespread freezing of land and property under the plan would inflict serious hardship on owners.
"It is a most unscientific method of town-planning," he said.
"We propose to meet the Minister for Local Government, Mr. J. J. Cahill, soon, to see if something cannot be done to remedy the position." MASTER PLAN CRITICISED (1948, April 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from 

Sir,-Mr. F. Clarkson attempts to support Mr. J. Palmer in statements that have already been disproved.
To minimise the Avalon meeting he says that only about 60 persons were present, and that the audience appeared to consist of estate agents and property owners. The answer is that 108 people were counted inside the room, with an overflow outside.
As far as is known, only two persons dealing in real estate were present. For that matter, it may be asked who would better know the effect of the master plan on land and property than experts whose business it is to deal with such matters?
Although all resolutions were carried unanimously, it has never been claimed that this represents the opinion of the whole of the "citizens" of Warringah Shire.
Mr. Clarkson says "the majority of far-sighted citizens are content to leave planning in the hands of experts and their representatives in the council." Heaven help the unfortunate ratepayers if this "open your mouth and shut your eyes" policy is adopted.
The fact is that public criticism has been invited by the County Council of its master plan. The recent meeting at the Sydney Town Hall, when about a thousand persons unanimously condemned the main planning proposals, is an indication of rising resentment against its drastic and unjust provisions, which are only now beginning to be understood.
ARTHUR J. SMALL. Chairman of meetingAVALON PROTEST (1948, May 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from 

IN 1953 Mr. Small, a gentleman who may well be considered another 'Father of Avalon, passed away:

SMALL, Arthur Jabez.-October 5 1953 at his residence Shirley Road, Wollstonecraft and of Avalon loved husband of Jessie and loved father of May Winfred (Mrs W South) Geoffrey and Muriel (Mrs W H Hunt Springwood) Family Notices (1953, October 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 18. Retrieved from 

Sydney Benefactor 
Sir,-By a sad coincidence the death of Mr. John Downes, a pillar of the movement for playgrounds and recreation, has been followed within a fort-night by that of Mr. Arthur Jabez Small, another leader in the same cause.
Mr. Small will probably be remembered by Sydney historians chiefly for his almost singlehanded organisation of the movement by which, despite rebuffs, the Government was eventually induced to extend Martin Place from Castlereagh Street to Macquarie Street.
But Sydney and New South Wales owe to the late Mr. Small's energy many other advantages. In order to fit himself for his work as estate agent he attended university lectures on town planning, public administration, and half a dozen similar subjects. The Town Planning Association was never more vigorous than under his presidency. He was a pioneer of the Parks and Playgrounds Movement and its first president, and on his own property at Avalon the best and most beautiful sites were given as public parks or viewpoints.
His vision and boundless ingenuity were always sighting some opportunity for a recreation ground here or a main road there, and were constant spurs to a temperament which led him into many fights with authority. The community is the richer for many fights that he won, and the poorer for his failure in some that he lost.
E. W. BEAN. Lindfield. Sydney Benefactor (1953, October 14).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from 

After almost a year of wrangling with the Solicitors in charge of Mr. Small's estate on behalf of his wife and family, the August 20th, 1956 Warringah Shire Council Minutes of the Meeting records the original asking price of £38,000 for three parcels comprising the links will be met.

A note also records setting aside part of this for the use of the Avalon Public School, something the state Minister for Eduation had been following and supporting although never offering to help the council secure the purchase of the links.

(L.S.) E. W. WOODWARD, Governor. 12th March, 1958.
ORDINANCE No. 80, as proclaimed in the Government Gazette of 22nd September, 1922, and subsequently amended, is hereby further amended—
(1) in clause 1 by inserting at the end thereof the following new subclause:—
(k) This Ordinance shall apply to the Golf Links at Avalon vested in the Council of the Shire of Warringah as described in Schedule K hereto.
(2) by inserting after Schedule J the following new Schedule:—
Schedule K
Land at Avalon vested in the Shire of Warringah as Golf Links
Commencing at the intersection of The Crescent and Barrenjoey road, Avalon; and bounded thence by that road generally southeasterly and south-westerly to the north-eastern corner of lot 16, d.p. 27,698; by the north-eastern boundary of lots 6 to 16 and the south-eastern boundary of lots 1 to 6 north-westerly and north-easterly; by the north-eastern boundary of lot 1, northwesterly to Old Barrenjoey road; by that road north-easterly to The Crescent; and by The Crescent -generally north-easterly to the point of commencement. (S. 58-1,233)
By His Excellency's Command,
GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1919.—PROCLAMATION (1958, March 28).Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 816. Retrieved from 

1968 - from golf course PRIMARY school on left, part of golf course in foreground. Shops in centre, looking north of course. Photos: Gary Clist

1968 - from golf course - looking northwest

Overview of Avalon, from Plateau Rd. ( I think )1968

Avalon in 1970, distant views this time. Photos; Gary Clist

Avalon in late 1970's - golf course to the right. Hawker family albums

21st Century: Bushcare & Art Space

A team of volunteer Bushcarers have continued to maintain the 
perimeter of the golf links, gradually ridding this area of weeds. This 2019 Profile gives you an insight:

Avalon Golf Course Bushcare by Geoff Searl OAM

Avalon Golf Course, April 2019. Photo:  A J Guesdon

Pittwater Natural Heritage Association (PNHA) announced on December 21, 2019: 
On behalf of Avalon Preservation Association we have just received a very welcome grant of $10 000 for bush regeneration in the bushland of Avalon Golf Course.
Over 120 native species, including some unusual ones in the Pittwater area, grow on this land. The project will be managed in partnership with Northern Beaches Council; work will probably start in early February.
The grant comes from the Communities Environment Program, through the Federal Electorates.

PNHA Photos:  Flannel Flowers and the shrub Jacksonia scoparia, or Dogwood (from its strong odour when burning, not tested by us!!)

Although this had been suspended in recent years due Covid-lockdowns and then to a lack of volunteers, the Spring 2024 Issue 101 of the newsletter of PNHA states:

Grant Application for Avalon Golf Course Bushland
Avalon Golf Course has about 90 species of native plants, but a lot of weeds. We have applied for a $5000 grant from Northern Beaches Council Environment grants program to fund bush regeneration in the central area of the course. If the application is successful PNHA will add $2000 to the project. It includes collecting information about fauna use of the area by using a bat detector, our fauna trap camera, a song meter to detect bird calls, and observations of invertebrates.

What began as a community open green space for all continues. The buildings are listed as Heritage structures. The clubhouse is a favourite place for functions by locals. The view is of today and allows us to glimpse yesterday and what one man's vision gave to the valley of Avalon.

Above:  Pittwater Natural Heritage Association and Pittwater Environmental Foundation Volunteer Bush Regenerators at Avalon Golf Course. 

In 2018 the council put up for feedback a proposal to have a Creative Space for the community at Avalon Beach. 

Just prior to that fateful May 2016 date, Pittwater Community Arts founder Lorrie Morgan had been in discussions with Pittwater Council about a space for artists to work and display works at Mona Vale. 

In late 2018 concept designs for using the Avalon Annexe in Dunbar Park and a space at the bottom of Avalon Golf Clubhouse were put on exhibition. 

Pittwater Online News spoke to Lorrie Morgan, past President and one of the founders of the Pittwater Community Arts (PCA) who has been advocating for years for an permanent Arts Centre in Pittwater and who spoke at the recent Council Meeting.

"I'm glad this is moving forward, after so many meetings and years of working on this." Lorrie said late this week. "I'm sure any perceived problems will be resolved and we will finally have that missing piece long needed in an area that is well known for its dynamic arts community both in the past and in the present. This proposal is an opportunity to ensure the future of Arts and Artists are well supported and have a venue dedicated to showcasing and promoting the many mediums local artists work in."

Ros Marsh, past president of the Avalon-Palm Beach Business Chamber, and one of the dynamos behind the Avalon Arts Carnival that was so successful a few years ago, also has been working hard to ensure a viable project comes to fruition. Pittwater Online spoke with Ros late this week and asked for an overview on what community groups within Avalon had been working towards and proposed.

Ros forwarded the following:

The Avalon Preservation Association would like to thank the Mayor, Michael Regan, and all Councillors NBC for considering our petition to allow the community to engage on the proposal for the Creative Art Space North, as an adaptive re use of the unused/underutilised spaces at the Avalon Golf Club House, presented by Ros Marsh at last Tuesday’s Council Meeting.

The Avalon Beach Arts & Cultural Precinct Group and associates have been considering the potential of the adaptive reuse of sections of the Avalon Golf Club House as a creative art space since the areas, related to the now defunct restaurant, were advertised for public tender in 2014.

In 2016, Sue Boaden, a local cultural planner coordinated a team of local experts to conduct a Cultural Mapping Project of Avalon sponsored by APA. This study identified over 600 tangible and intangible cultural assets locally as well as gaps in provision. The Study identified the need for a creative maker/exhibition space to support the local creative community.

The Avalon Golf Club House, contains sections which are a still vacant/underutilised council resource and could be a perfect fit for our vision for a creative home and incubator space for the peninsula community.

We have suggested space concepts that have no impact on the heritage areas of the building, require minimal cost to adapt the existing vacant basement spaces to creative uses, sensitively link the non-heritage area to proposed new build immediately left of the clubhouse with lift inclusion, realise the potential of underutilised existing infrastructure on site, co-exists harmoniously with current golf member/public usage and within budgets similar to proposals for the Avalon Annexe, could realise 366sq m  to 510 sq m of additional exhibition/maker spaces for the peninsula community. 

Apart from being a building that contains some outstanding heritage features it has magnificent views and substantial space potential to grow into a significant regional art space in the Sydney region.

As well we believe the Creative, Public and Golfing users can co-exist in harmony and that the establishment of the Creative Space will give potential to significantly enhance the amenities for golfers and revenues for maintaining the viability of the golf course.

This should be a space that can adapt and cater to the creative/cultural needs of all ages and abilities in our community.

The designs were:


Avalon Golf Club, Proposed Ground   

Avalon Golf Club, Proposed Basement Plan 





On the 17th of March 2019 the council stated:

We received 214 submissions from the community during the public exhibition period on the two options: Avalon Annexe, Dunbar Park and Avalon Golf Club House.

Following the exhibition period, the submissions were reviewed and further internal investigations of the sites were conducted. It was clear from community feedback that the Annexe was not the preferred option, with the main concern being loss of a multiuse centre to accommodate an exclusive use art space.

The Avalon Golf Clubhouse, whilst considered a suitable option for creation of work through artist studios and teaching space, was not considered as a viable exhibition space with very limited passing traffic.

During the investigation period an opportunity arose from a recent decision regarding the relocation of Council staff, to consider the Mona Vale Civic Centre as another potential site. This location met all the essential location criteria and user requirements established through the Advisory Group workshops.

In addition, the lower ground of Avalon Golf Club House is proposed to be refurbished into artist studios and a teaching space, creating more studio access and learning opportunities whilst activating an underutilised space.

As a result, at a Council meeting on 26 February 2019, Council resolved to support:

  • the refurbishment of the Avalon Golf Club House lower ground floor, within the existing footprint, to include artist’s studios and teaching space
  • the repurposing of the Mona Vale Civic Centre into a creative arts space, including exhibition, artists’ studios and teaching space.

Construction commenced late in 2019 and an Open Weekend for the new facility took place on 6 – 7 March 2021.

The lower ground level of the Avalon Golf Club had been transformed into two multi-use workshops, a studio and a communal kitchen, providing a low-key local creative space for Avalon called the 'Avalon Creative Workshop'.

Avalon Creative Workshop - exterior and interior:

Royal Avalon Golf Club House entrance.

The Avalon Golf Links clubhouse has lent itself to numerous community celebrations over the years, not all of them directly associated with the mens and womens clubs. 

Fundraiser fairs have been held by Avalon Public School, book launches have been a feature, as have family celebrations.

In March 2024 Sue Heins, Mayor Northern Beaches Council shared:

''If you use the golf course at Avalon, you will have noticed a dramatic change to the fairways and greens over the past 18 months. 

Shannon and John have both transformed the golf course into something the whole community are proud of, they regularly break attendance records for golfers and have raised the quality and standard of turf surfaces beyond anything previously seen here.''

Sue Heins, Mayor Northern Beaches Council with Shannon and John

Next time you feel like playing on a 9-hole course, with a few small hills to stretch those back of leg muscles, amid shady straits and birdsong, you could do worse then a visit to what locals call the 'Royal Av'. 

General View, Avalon, from Samuel Wood - postcard photonegatives of Avalon, Bilgola and Newport, ca. 1928, Image No: a1470004, courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.

Royal Avalon Golf Links: Geoff Searl OAM's Presentation - Film By Pittwater Pathways (John Illingsworth) in 2023

Almost 40 locals enjoyed the mid-year 2023 presentation to members of the Avalon Beach Historical Society by Geoff Searl OAM concerning the history of the mighty AVALON GOLF LINKS. 63 photographs comprehensively illustrated the history from Arthur Jabez Small’s purchase of 35 acres from Mary Canty in July 1921 to the present day.

Although he paid £3,300 for the parcel, it was sold after his death in 1953 and a great deal of haggling, to Warringah Shire Council (WSC) for £38,000. The 18 home sites backing onto the course from Old Barrenjoey Road were sold separately. Mention was made of the attempt by WSC in 1947 to push a road through the course from ‘Kamikaze Corner’ to the village.

Extras - Notes

DAN SOUTAR DEAD. Famous Golf Pro.

GOLFERS in all parts of the Commonwealth will learn with regret that Dan Soutar, famous Sydney golf professional, died on Tuesday.

MR. SOUTAR was a product of famous Canoustie course, and his charming manner and knowledge of the etiquette of the game soon made him a warm favorite in golf circles of Australia. He arrived in this country at the top of his form and was for many years a difficult man to beat in the best company. He won a number of first class competitions, and put thousands of players who went to him for instructions on the right track. Mr. Soutar will always be remembered for the prominent part he played in the formation of the Professional Golfers' Association. Among the many titles he won during the 20 years he was a resident of Australia were the Australian championship, 1903, the N.S.W. championship, 1903 and 1904, the Open the following year, the Victorian championship in 1922, and the Dunlop Cup in 1931. He was runner-up in the Open on several occasions. Mr. Soutar will long be remembered as the architect for many leading clubs of New South Wales and other States. For ten years he served as professional at Manly and for some time he had Joe Kirkwood as his assistant. 


THE passing of Dan Soutar is a distinct personal loss to those who knew him well. To them he was more than a noted golfer — one of the greatest figures in Australian golf — he was a man of high principles, with nothing mean in his make-up, one who did much to place the golf professional on the plane he enjoys to-day. 

ONE talk with him would bring home the fact that he was not a "glorified caddie boy," as professionals were once described and treated in Great Britain. A strong personality, he did not demand respect. It went out to him naturally. In his job he did not obtrude his views, giving them only when they were asked for. Then he stuck to them. 

RETAINED by one club as an adviser to the green committee, he clashed with the captain of the club. Neither would give way. The job meant bread and butter to Soutar at the time, but he did not hesitate.

THE prospect of getting another job was not bright— there were not so many golfers as there are to-day — and he resigned, to the amazement and regret of the man with whom he differed. The captain tried to get him back. Soutar remained adamant. 

AS a teacher of golf he had no com- peer in Australia. An illustration: I am sure Colonel Arnott will not mind me telling this story. The Colonel had a long course of instruction from one of Australia's best known professionals, and was still unable to break 100. Regretfully, the pro. told him that he was afraid that taking any more money from him for lessons was an imposition.

ARNOTT went to Soutar, and telling him about his previous experience, asked him if he could do anything. "My trouble," said. Arnott, "is that I have a stiff, left wrist. Is there any way of getting over that?" "I'll let you know in a week," said Soutar.

Later Soutar rang Arnott. "I'll have a go," he said. Under Soutar's tuition Arnott was down to 3 against bogey at Royal Sydney inside a year. THEREAFTER for years Arnott had a round with Soutar once a week at Manly. And at the end of the round Soutar was £1 the richer. 

SOUTAR was thorough, as indicated in this case. To be able to instruct Arnott how to play decently, notwithstanding a stiff wrist, he had placed his own left arm in splints, as if it were broken, and went laboriously through swings for hours on end, so that he could properly instruct, his pupil. WE hope for Dan that the courses are good on the other side.— H.S.T. DAN SOUTAR DEAD (1937, December 2).Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 21. Retrieved from 

Overdue rates. Shire of Warringah. Land to be Sold for default.

THE following persons are required to take notice that the Council of the Shire of Warringah has applied to the Public Trustee to sell the land specified below against their names, of which they appear to be the owners or in which they appear to he interested, for overdue rates amounting to the sums mentioned in each case; an that in default of payment forthwith to the Public Trustee of the said rates and all interest, charges and expenses in connection with the said applications and proceedings by the Public Trustee, the said land will be offered for sale by the Public Trustee at public auction:— 

Frank Lee Alexander, of Granville, John W. Bailey, of North Sidney; overdue rates, £43 IBs. lid.; land^ lot 49, King street, Mona Vale.

Joseph Baker and, Glavinda Baker, both of Newport, George Lea Wilson, estate Mrs. E. C. Baker, of Murwillumbah; overdue rates, £89 5s. 9d.; land, lot 22, Beaconsfield-street Newport.

Estate Samuel B Banfield, of Sydney, Annie Rebecca Cocks, of Randwick; overdue rates, £61 Is, Id*; land, lot part 11, Hillcrest- venue, Bungan Beach, Mona Yale.

George Henry Bartlett, of Seaforth and Camperdown; overdue rates, £35 13s. 9d. land lot 388, Harveystreet, Seaforth.

'Garfield E.. J. Banvicfi, of Sydney; overdue rates, £231 8s. 10cL; land, lot Cf, off Pittwater road, Norlfi Narrabeen.

Richard peters Slundell, 6$ §ydney, Ada B. Slct'ieman, of Strawberry Hill$; overdue rate!) £122 3s. 5cL> land, lots 3S/40, Martin-stJeet, Harbord.

Lilian F. II. Brady of Sydney, estate of A- H. Brady, of North Sydney^ Hugh Raymond G. Poate, of Sydney; overdue rates, £39 18d. 99,; land, tots 12/13, .Oceana-strefet, Dee Why West.

Lilian P. M. Brady, of Sydney, .estate B. Albert J. H. Brady, ,©f North Sydney,. Hugh Raymond 6. Poate, of Sydney; overdue rates, £33^ 15s. 93.; land, lots 76/7Wliaddon-avenue, Dee Why West,

Henry Doidge Braund and Thomas Waft, both lesubdmsion of lots 1 and 13, section 5, Warringah Estate, Queenscliffe-road, North Manly,

William Munay Bufrell, W. H. Berrfell, both of Sidney; overdue rates, £47 5s. 2d.; land, lot 21, tenner street, Seaforth.

William Murray Burrell, W* H-, Burrel, both of Sydney; overdue rates, £60 6s. id.; land, lot 22, Jenner street, Seaforth.

William Munay Burrell. W. H. Burrell both of Sydney; overdue rat^s, £70 166. 9d.; land, lots 50/51, Harvey street, Seaforth.

William Murray BurrqJL W. H. Burrell, both of Sydney, overdue rates, £50 &s. 8d.; land, lot 5, Harveystreet, Seaforth.

William Murray BurreH, W. H. Burrell, both of Sydney  overdue rates, £88 5s. 8cL; land, lots 16/17, Abernetliy-street, Seaforth.

Esca Roy Chambers, of Greenwich, estate Michael ?inn, of Canojvindr overdue rates £62 7s,- 2d;; land,  lot 21, Darley-street, Mona Vale.

Estate William Carnegie Clegg, of Sydney; overdue rates, £38 4s. Id.; land, lot 48, Wyndora-avenue, Harbord. 

Estate Francis Collins, of Bay view; overdue rates, £44 9s. lOd.; land, lot 7, George-street, Careel. Estate Francis Collins, of Bay view; overdue rates, £52 17s. 5d.; land, lots 1/2, George-street, Careel.

Elizabeth J. Cowling, of Darlinghurst, The Mortgage Loan & Finance Company of Australia Limited; overdue rates, £58 4s. 10d.; land, lot 23, Grandview parade, Mona Yale.

Sarah M. Crawley, of Burwood and Darlinghurst, Lilian Tompsitt, of Wollstonecraft, Arthur Charles L. Palmer and Linden Genge Langley, executors of the will of Charles Palmer, deceased; overdue rates, £173 14s, 7d.; land, lots 6/27, McCarrs Creek and Reserve, near Church Point.

Sarah M. Crawley, of Burwood and Darlinghurst, Lilian Tompsitt, of Wollstonecraft, Arthur diaries L. Palmer, and Linden Genge Langley, executors of the will of Charles Palmer, deceased; overdue rates, £85 7s. lOd.; land, lots 28/38, Government-road and Access Reserve, McCarrs Creek, near Church Point.

Boyston Darling, John Jeremiah Leahy, both of Sydney, Norman Cyril Jackson, of Darlinghurst or Sydney; overdue rates, £17 18s. 9d.; land, lot 11, Bix-road, Dee Why West.

Boyston Darling, John Jeremiah Leahy, both of Sydney, Norman Cyril Jackson, of Darlinghurst or Sydney; overdue rates, £12 Os. 3d.; land, lot 17, Bix-road, Dee Why West, 

Walter Doust and Albert Doust, both of Camden, Matilda Ellen Lipscombe, of Pieton; overdue rates, £40 9s. 3d.; land, lots 2/3, South Creek road West, Dee Why West.

Albert Frederick Erickson, Veronica Maud Erickson, of Connells Point and Mongarlowe; overdue rates, £58 16s. 10d.; land, lot 15, Corniche-road, Bayview. 

George Mitchell Gardner, of Bouchel and Camden. Adele Sophie Sullivan, of Sydney; overdue rates, £29 15s. 7d.; land, lots 37/38, Washington-avenue, Dee Why West.

Julius Frederick Grant, Theophilus Leo Grant, both of Manly and Wollongong; overdue rates, £27 17s. 3d.; land, lot 33, Innes-road, Manly Vale.

Henry William Hancock, Leonard Oswald Braund, both of Sydney, Arthur Austin Brunsden; overdue rates, £27 lis. 6d.; land, lot 69, Hudson-parade, Taylor's Point.

Hesseltine Tom Ivey, of Manly, Julius Frederick Grant, of Wollongong; overdue rates, £30 8s. lOd.; land, lot 9, Innes-road, Manly Vale.

William Charles Kerr, of Petersham, estate of Harry B. Kerr, of Vaucluse; overdue rates, £47 12s. 7d.; land, lot 25, Rednal-street, near Newport.

Estate of Charles Joseph Kevin, deceased, E. A. Lewis, of Crows Nest Wilfred A. Dance, of Hunter's Hill; overdue rates, £26 9s. 8d.; land, lot 10, Headland road, formerly Dee Why road, North Curl Curl. 

Estate of Charles Joseph Kevin, deceased, E. A. Lewis, of Crows Nest, Wilfred A. Dance, of Hunter's Hill; overdue rates, £30 19s. 8d.; land, lot 33, Jocelyn street, North Curl Curl.

Estate of Charles Joseph Kevin, deceased, E. A. Lewis, of Crows Nest, Wilfred A. Dance, of Hunter's Hill; overdue rates, £40 lis. 7d.; land, lot 106, Pitt-road, North Curl Curl.

Charles de KQln£, of Sydney; overdue rates, £58 9s. 9d.; land, lot 8 and part lot 4, Irrubel-road, Newport.

Land Investment Company Limited, Christian Petersen, of Rosebery; overdue rates, £34 17s, 9d.; land, lot 14, Lawrence-street, Harbord.

Hilmer Alderton Magnusson, of Gladesville, Mary Johnston, of Paddington; overdue rates, £39 6s. 10d.-u land, lot 41 of resubdivision of lots 346/347, Ian avenue, North Curl Curl.

Valleck Cartwright Mallan, Montague Valney Quirk, both of Sydney, Walter George Hanson; overdue rates, £102 0s. 3d.; land, lots 11/12, Bardo-road, Newport.

Emily Mason, of Sydney, estate T. H. Green, of Manly, William James Bull; overdue rates, £120 15s. lid.; land, lots 1/2, Edgecliffe Boulevarde, Collaroy.

Ruth Muriel Maughan, of Woollahra, John Malbon Maughan, Alec Lloyd Bradshaw Johnson, both of Sydney, Stanley William Hume, Herbert, John ; Cooper, both of Wahroonga, Louis Albert Curtis, Emily Millar Brown, of, Edgecliff, Dudley Young, of Wollstonecraft; overdue rates, £35 9s. 3d,;'land, lot-56, Park-avenue, Avalon.

Laurence Edward Moss, of Sydney, Eleanor Bonarius, of Newcastle; overdue rates, £162 16s. Od.; land, lot 7, Queens-parade, Newport.

George Robert Mclntosh, of Hunter's Hill, Elizabeth Mcintosh, of Marrickville; overdue rates, £129 2s. 9d.; land, lot 13, Malcolm-street, Narrabeen.

Narrabeen Heights Estate Limited (In Liquidation), Leslie George Price, of Manly; overdue rates, £24 13s. 9d.; land, lot 95, Elanora-road, Elanora, North Narrabeen.

Arthur New, of Neutral Bay, Catherine Florence Anderson, of Mosman; overdue rates, £34 2s. 6d.; land, lot 43, Alleyne-avenue, Green Hills, North Narrabeen.

William O'Connor, of Reids Plat road, near Cowra and Pockley; overdue rates, £10 19s. Id.; land, lot 390, Birrima-street, Balgowlah.

Julia O'Neill, of Manly; overdue rates, £36 17s. 3d.; land, part lot 16, May-road, Dee Why.

Estate Henry John Paskin or Henry J. Paskin, of Narrabeen, Kara May Paskin, Sydney William Rodd, Stanley Darval Wynne, of Dulwich Hill; overdue rates, £68 16s. 8d.; land, part of section 26 of Mount Ramsay Estate, Goodwin-street, Narrabeen. Estate Henry John Paskin or Henry J. Paskin, of Narrabeen, Kara May Paskin, Sydney William Rodd, Stanley Darval Wynne, of Dulwich Hill; overdue rates, £38 19s. 9d.; land, part portion 1,217, Goodwin-street, Narrabeen.

John Charles Peat, of Rockdale; overdue rates, £39 9s. 7d.; land, lot 23, Whale Beach road, Whale Beach. Estate Ruby Sylvester Dunn and Ruby Puckeridge, both of Sydney and Edgeeliff, Newport Land Company Limited (in Liquidation); overdue rates, £46 2s. 2d.; land, lots 8/9, King-street, Newport.

John Putre or Putrie, of Paddington and Bondi Beach; overdue rates, £55 8s. Id.; land, lots 1/4, Lynwoodavenue, Dee Why West.

Nellie Crudge Rickard, of Sydney, William A. Ellis, of Naremburn; overdue rates, £26 16s. 6d.; land, part lot 2, Newport-road (Barrenjoey-road), Mona Yale. Susie Ridge, of Harbord, Leslie Arthur Herbert Drinan, of Manly, Stanley Livingstone Ridge, of Harbord; overdue rates, £i44 10s. 10d.; land, portion 554, Lawrence-street, Harbord.

Katherine Mary Roche, of Mosman, May Wicks, of Kingsdale, V. G. Wicks; overdue rates, £44 14s. Od.; land, lots 17/18, Barrenjoey-road, Careel Bay, south of Palm Beach.

William Rummell, of Mosman and Sydney, Howard Melbourne Sheffer; overdue rates, £113 19s. 3d.; land, lot 1 and parts 2/3, Pittwater Waterfront, Pittwater.

Arthur Jabez Small, of Sydney, Avalon Beach Estates Limited, Ada Ireland, of Mosman; overdue rates, £57 13s. lOd. land, lot 78, The Serpentine, Avalon. Arthur Jabez Small, of Sydney, Avalon Beach Estates Limited, Mary Agnes Kenny, of Glebe; overdue rates, £37 18s. Id.; land, lot 126, New Barrenjoey road. Avalon.

Arthur Jabez Small, of Sydney, Avalon Beach Estates Limited, Walter Leonard Viant, of Wollongong; overdue rates, £42 16s. 5d.; land, lots 231/232, The Outlook, Avalon.

Martha Elizabeth Smith, of Sydney and Waverley ; overdue rates, £25 10s. lid.; land, lot 8, Surrey avenue, Dee Why.

Sydney Subdivisions Limited (In Liquidation), Lillie Harris, of Moore Park; overdue rates, £69 3s. lid.; land, lot 66, Soldiers-avenue, Harbord.

Norman Sydney Turner, of Mosman and Manly; overdue rates, £33 19s. 5d.; land, lot 15, Heath-street, Mona Vale.

Leslie Wallace, of Sydney and Blackheath, Elizabeth Jane Rothery, of Sydney; overdue rates, £923 12s. 9d.; land, portions 66/67 and 89, Gordon-road, parish of Narrabeen.

Amy Isabel McEwan Watson, of Middle Harbour, Annie Esther Rutherford, of Castle Hill and Balgowlah; overdue rates,„£46 8s. 2d.; land, lots 10/11, Harveystreet, Seaforth.

Rupert Cecil Westerland, of Naremburn and Crows Nest; overdue rates, £42 7s. 9d.; land, lot 9, Murray-road, Harbord.

Estate Joseph Thomas White, of Randwick and Croydon; overdue rates, £42 12s. 0d.; land, lots 12/13, Harbord-road, Harbord.

Amy Wilhelmina Wilcox, of Mona Vale, Amy Sinclair, of Leura; overdue rates, £61 13s. 6d.; land, part lot 5, Newport-road (Barrenjoey-road), Mona Vale.

W. B. GEDDES, Public Trustee. Savings Bank Building, 21-23, Elizabeth-street, Sydney. OVERDUE RATES. (1941, February 14).Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 687. Retrieved from 


Mr. John Agar Scarr died at his residence, Manly, on Sunday. Mr. Scarr acted as handicapper to the Australian Jockey Club, Tattersall's, Sydney Turf, Hawkesbury, Moorefield, Rosehill, Warwick Farm, and Canterbury Park Clubs for a number of years, and also sat as a steward with most of them, and it is only repeating what everyone knows to say that during his lengthy career he discharged his duties with great ability and perfect honesty. Mr. Scarr  first complained of being very unwell in November last, and after returning from the V.R.C. Spring meeting, stated that the trip by train had shaken, him to such an extent that he considered nothing but a long rest would work the necessary repair.. His resignation as handicapper to the Associated Clubs followed soon after, and subsequently, only temporarily it was thought, he asked to be- relieved of his Hawkesbury and Jockey Club duties. For a long term he filled, the position of Parliamentary shorthand writer in the New South Wales Assembly, and retired a few years ago on a pension. DEATH OF MR J. A. SCARR. (1895, April 6). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 9. Retrieved from 


It was quite a shock to the sporting community when the death was announced on Sunday last of the veteran handicapper, Mr. J. A. Scarr. Although Mr. Scarr was known to be ill, no warning that his end was approaching had been made public, and the sad news was received with profound regret in Sydney. Throughout the country and the other colonies where the deceased gentleman was known, his rather sudden end will be heard of as a sad and regretted event, for, through a long career of honorable work for the racing public, Mr. Scarr earned a name for capacity as a handicapper and high character as a man that will not soon be forgotten. His last trip to Melbourne to witness the racing of the V.R.C. seems to have been responsible for the beginning of an illness which in the end proved fatal. He complained of severe shock from the train journey, but it was expected that rest and treatment would effect a restoration to health. Feeling too unwell to make the Doncaster and Sydney Cup handicaps, Mr. Scarr apprised the A.J.C. Committee of his condition, and the work was given to Mr. F. Wilkinson, who was also engaged to frame the minor handicaps for the coming meeting. But meanwhile, instead of getting better, Mr. Scarr gradually grew worse, and finally developed diabetes, to which his death in attributed. He passed away at his residence, "Kalimua," Manly Beach, on Sunday morning at 5 o'clock, his age being 65 years. Mr. John Agar Scarr was born at Campbelltown in 1830, and entered the New South Wales Civil Service as a lad of 17, eventually taking up a position as Parliamentary shorthand writer, in which he labored for about forty years, until in 1887 he retired on a pension. During those years he was an esteemed worker in his professional sphere of action, and popular with his associates in the public service, a fact testified to by a farewell demonstration made in his honor when he retired. He took a keen interest in racing in the days when the almighty dollar was not such an important factor as it now is, and proved his devotion to the sport by giving his time and talents without pecuniary reward to furthering its interests. He rapidly made his mark as an adjuster of weights, and proved his qualifications as an authority on the sport in many ways, notably through his articles in the Press. He was first (in 1869) one of the handicappears for the A.J.C., his colleagues being Messrs. Stephen Brown and Archibald Thompson ; but in 1881 the sole control of the handicapping was entrusted to him, with what success the sporting community is well aware. The other principal race clubs sought Mr. Scarr's services also to make their handicaps, and he has acted for the Newcastle J. Club, Murrumbidgee J.C., Liverpool, Tattersall's Club, Sydney Turf Club, Hawkesbury R.C., as well as the Rosehill, Canterbury Park, Moorefield, and Warwick Farm Clubs. Quite recently he gave up the work for the four latter, but retained the position of handicapper for the A.J.C. and other clubs racing at Randwick, as well as for the Hawkesbury Club. At times fault has been found with his work, but in the main it was generally agreed that none of the colonies have ever possessed a more masterfull weight adjuster, and therefore when a petition was recently got up by a section of owners, trainers, and others to have him relieved of the handicapping for the proprietary clubs, it will be readily understood that the clubs did not desire to fall in with the request of the petitioners. Mr. Scarr was an active steward—one of the few who did not bet — and he employed his keen insight into the ways of the racing world and his judgment of racing for the benefit of keeping the sport at a proper standard. Slow to form opinions about dishonest running, he was equally slow in giving up an idea when he had reason to form one, and was careful not to allow himself to be made use of by the unscrupulous. His strong point was his honesty of purpose and undoubted integrity, and any errors of under-estimation or overrating of horses was usually forgiven in view of these indelible characteristics. As far back as 1873 Mr. Scarr compiled a useful stud book in association with the late E. K. Cox, and latterly was a member of the Manly Municipal Council. In the latter capacity he was a useful and energetic citizen, and in private life a kindly, respected gentleman, whose record from first to last is singularly unblemished. It may be some time before the sporting community get such a zealous and capable worker for the trusted position of handicapper and steward as the veteran who has just passed out into the great unknown, where, we are taught to believe, "the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest." The remains were interred in the Randwick Cemetery on Monday last, and were followed to the grave by a large number of mourners. DEATH OF MR. J. A. SCARR. (1895, April 3). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 1. Retrieved from 

The Late Mr. J. A. Scarr.

Followers of the Australian turf will read with regret the announcement of the death of Mr. J. A. Scarr, which occurred on March 31, at his residence, Kalimna, Manly Beach. The immediate cause of death was diabetes, but for some time past he had been in falling health. Mr. Scarr was born at Campbelltown, in 1830, and entered the public service in May, 1847. During his career in the .public service he occupied the position of shorthand writer (the art of which he was taught by Mr. Palmer) in Parliament up to May, 1887 (just forty years), when he retired on a well-earned pension. That, during his career in the public service he was held in the highest esteem by his fellow-officers, was shown upon his retirement, by their inviting him to a friendly gathering, at which the best of wishes were expressed by them for his future welfare. It was, however, as a handicapper of racehorses that Mr. Scarr made his name famous. His first effort in this direction was made about 1869, in conjunction with Messrs. Stephen Brown and Archie Thompson. In 1881 he was appointed sole handicapper to the Australian Jockey Club, and adjusted the weights for all the handicaps of the A.J.C. autumn meeting of that year, with the exception of the Sydney Cup, the weights for which were made by the trio. From that time up to the time he fell ill, about a month back, he has been sole handicapper to the Jockey Club, and how well he performed the duties it is only necessary to turn over the pages of the "Turf Register." In addition to the A.J.C, Mr. Scarr for years fixed the weights in connection with the leading handicaps of the Murrumbidgee and Newcastle race clubs, and also for the race meetings held by the Hawkesbury, Rosehill, Warwick Farm, Tattersall's, Canterbury Park, Moorefield, Liverpool, and Sydney Turf Clubs. Failing health a short time back brought about his resignation. from all the clubs except those racing over the Randwick course, but his position to the A.J.C. he retained to the end.

Mr. Scarr first came into notice as an authority on racing matters by writing a series of articles under the pen-name of "Pundit" on the Derby of 1868, when the nominations were yearlings. As a result of his breeding theory, he selected Eli as the winner of that event, and the crack 3-year-old of the year, but the Derby fell to Florence. Eli, whose stable companion Lady Clifton, won the Leger of her year, was a very speedy animal, and such a thorough knowledge did Mr. Scarr show in these articles that he at once took a leading position in the turf world. He was a keen judge of racing. It has been said that he did not believe that horses ran "stiff," but no greater mistake was ever made. Mr. Scarr, however, did not credit every horse with being a non-trier which did not win, but he made a special note of those that he picked out, and rarely was he wrong. Many owners and trainers tried to hoodwink him, but it was of no avail. Another good thing that Mr. Scarr was interested in was the compiling of a Stud Book in conjunction with the late E. K. Cox. That was in 1873, and a useful and reliable work it is.

Since his retirement from the public service Mr. Scarr resided at Manly Beach, and was elected a member of the local borough council. As in the sporting world, he did good work for the municipality, always taking a lively interest in any matter of importance, so that taken all through we have lost the services of a most prominent public man, whose whole life was of a most unblemished character! The Late Mr. J. A. Scarr. (1895, April 6).Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 22. Retrieved from 


By special licence, at Liverpool, on Thursday last, the 18th instant, by the Rev. ROBERT CART-WRIGHT, Assistant Chaplain, Mr. JOHN SCARR, of Agar Cottage, Campbell Town, to Miss ANNE CAMPBELL, of Liverpool. Family Notices (1830, March 23). The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), p. 3. Retrieved from 

In the Old Pioneering Days.—-No. 47. The Master of Marengo: The Story of John Scarr and his Three Sons

By Wonga.

IN three distinct grounds John Scarr can be regarded as one of our pioneer settlers, helping to fulfil the prophecy of our patriot Wentworth, where he says:—

May this—thy last-born infant— then arise,

To glad thy heart, and greet thy parent eyes;

And Australasia float, with flag unfurl'd,

A new Britannia in another world.

Scarr held an official connection with the primitive conditions of the then fashionable town of Campbelltown for sixteen years immediately following his arrival in the Colony about the year 1823. Secondly, he owned the squattage of Marengo (now usually spelt Murringo) for fourteen years. And lastly, on account of sons and daughters having placed the Scarr impress upon so many families of the State to-day in the pastoral, commercial, and professional world.

John Scarr came from a very old Kentish family, descendants of which are traceable in the official and banking world of London, and—in its collateral branches—in the Earl of Normanton's family, the original name of which is Agar, a name that is to-day largely traceable amongst John Scarr's descendants in our metropolis and in the country districts of New South Wales.

The Scarr family-bible—now a valued possession of Herbert Agar Scarr, who lives in retirement at Pittwater —presents fascinating and accurately recorded data of this estimable pioneer-colonist. From it the writer has been privileged to extract particulars that have enabled him to piece together some missing points in a life-history of which he previously had only a general knowledge.

John Scarr was born in London, at Princess' Street Bank, in 1802. Shortly after coming of age he migrated to New South Wales, but evidently with no intention of engaging in pastoral work, as he is recorded as being Clerk to the Bench, Registrar, and Postmaster at Campbelltown in 1824. He occupied these positions until 1840.

In 1830 he had married, at Liverpool, a Miss Anne Campbell, and had become a town land-owner, erecting a home on part, naming it Agar Cottage. During his sixteen years' occupancy of the above official positions, there passed through his hands the records of many stirring criminal events. One of these was the outlawing of the colonial Dick Turpin, convict Jack Donohue, who escaped in 1828 while being escorted to Sydney, arid generally terrorised the district until shot by soldier-sergeant Maggleton in 1830.

Donohue was assisted in his depredations by some ten or twelve desperadoes, and the doggerel-song that subsequently idealised these scoundrels contained the following refrain, still remembered by old hands:—

And as he closed his struggling eyes,

He bid the world adieu! Saying: All good people, Pray for the soul Of Bold Jack Donohue.

On severing his official connection with Campbelltown, John Scarr was presented by the district with silverplate, now in the possession of his grand-daughter, wife of A. P. Cooper, formerly of Cullangrat Station in the Merriwa district, and also Trevallyn, in the Barraba district, and now of Wahroonga.

In 1841 John Scarr bought from Hazelton and McGee their Marengo Station of 40,000 acres on Willewang Creek, in the Young district, and ran cattle and horses, but chiefly sheep, there. He does not appear to have removed his family there—certainly not before the year 1846—as, with one exception, all his nine children are recorded as born at Agar Cottage in Campbelltown down to the year 1845.

Traditional history debits Scarr with misfortunes on Marengo, due chiefly to injudicious management, footrot and scab in his flocks, a serious drought that, on breaking in 1848, was immediately succeeded by devastating floods, all of which circumstances seem to have somewhat crippled him financially, and he died in 1855 at the comparatively early age of 53 years, having sold Marenga in that year to William Broughton, who, in 1856 married John Scarr's second daughter.

Turning now to the third phase of John Scarr's life-history, we cannot review the scions he left unto us without feelings of appreciation and admiration.

Of his nine children, three sons in particular stand out as helping to illumine the time in which they lived.

John Agar Scarr was born at Agar Cottage in Campbelltown in 1830, and had some preparatory schooling in that famous old town before passing to a Sydney college to be finished, when at seventeen years of age he entered the Public Service as a Parliamentary shorthand writer, holding the position until his retirement on a pension in 1887.

The great esteem in which he was held during his 40 years of service was recognised by a presentation-plate still held in the family.

During 1868/9, over the pen-name of Pundit, he contributed to Bell's Life a series of articles on "The Breeding of Thoroughbreds," which attracted considerable attention.

In 1887, in conjunction with E. K. Cox, he compiled an Australian Stud Book, and assisted in the adjustment of race weights for the A.J.C., assuming sole control later, when he also did similar work for all the metropolitan and the larger country race clubs. As a handicapper, John Agar Scarr is credited as being without a peer and his great integrity and ability in this was an outstanding feature in "The Sport of Kings."

He was an alderman of the Municipality of Manly for seven years prior to his death there in March, 1895, and was buried at Randwick within earshot of the sound of the galloping thoroughbred.

Percy Scarr, the third son of the original John, entered upon a career of civil-engineering, and was not in his life in any way associated with dogs, tar, ahd; shear-blades, the rush and rattle of looney-bullocks, nor the music of the thoroughbred's patter on the heath. But he made good in the life he chose, and rose to be principal engineer in the Public Works Department.

Frank Scarr, the youngest child of John, was born at Agar Cottage at Campbelltown in 1845, died at Neutral Bay in 1905, and was buried in St. Thomas' cemetery, North Sydney.

Frank also entered upon a professional career, as an architect and civil engineer, and for some years was prominently connected with railway construction in Queensland, being in turn a Gold, and a Crown Lands Commissioner.

In 1873 the call of the bush sought him out and, representing a syndicate, he set out for the northern part of South Australia to explore for grazing country, eventually settling there on his own account, but later returned to Sydney to live in quiet retirement until his death.

There is, I trust, some joy accruing to readers by my thus delving- into just these delightful things of a past age. From it we obtain a true estimation of our fellow-men and women of the back-beyond—all sorts and conditions—and the love of them. In the Old Pioneering Days.—No.47. The Master of Marengo: The Story of John Scarr and his Three Sons (1933, July 7).The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from 

Avalon Beach Golf Links - Pittwater Fields of Dreams II - threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2016, revised for Spring School Holidays 2024