September 3 - 9, 2023: Issue 597
Avalon Beach Ladies Probus Club
Looking For New Members - Spring Into Spring - October 2023 Is Probus Month - Theme This Year: Good Friends, Great Times, New Adventures.

Probus provides retirees with the opportunity to connect socially, which is so important in today’s world.
Membership is open to anyone who is retired or semi-retired, so why not join the tens of thousands of Probus members across Australia and New Zealand and find your local Probus Club today.
Probus Clubs offer a range of activities including trips and outings for members to enjoy, depending on their interests, lifestyle and location. Probus Club members meet monthly, to enjoy the company of like-minded fellow retirees and listen to interesting guest speakers.
You will make new friends, learn a new skill, explore new interests and hobbies - there is so much to choose from when you become a member of your local Probus Club.
In 2021 Probus South Pacific (Australia and New Zealand et al) celebrated the inaugural Probus Day on 1 October 2020 – in line with the United Nations Day of Older Persons, which is recognised worldwide. In 2021 and 2022, Australia and New Zealand celebrations of Probus Day grew, with Probus communities and media recognising the important role Probus serves.
Probus Clubs held a wide range of special events to showcase and rejoice everything their Clubs mean to them. Monthly meetings became a festival of blue and gold, Probus Clubs took to their local parks, stadiums and public spaces for the jubilee. Landmarks across Australia and New Zealand were lit-up in Probus colours of blue and yellow and it has become clear that one day a year is just not enough to celebrate all that Probus does.
With that in mind, 2023 will be the first year we celebrate Probus Month. Clubs now have the entire month of October to celebrate what makes their Clubs amazing.
The 2023 Probus Month Theme
Although the benefits of joining a Probus Club are many, members declare time and time again that the friendships they’ve made, and the social connections forged have had a tremendous positive impact. Staying active and engaged with these like-minded friends, creating cherished memories and embarking on exciting new ventures is what Probus is all about. It only makes sense, then, that the theme of 2023 Probus Month is:
Good Friends, Great Times, New Adventures.
Probus encourages you to not only celebrate the Good Friends, Great Times and New Adventures your Probus Club has given you, but also encourages current members to invite new members to discover them, too. Throwing a Probus Month celebration can be an amazing opportunity to welcome local retirees to see what your Club does best.
Throughout the month of October, Probus Clubs will be celebrating Probus Day with lunches, picnics, BBQs and themed events. Many Clubs also invite members of the local community to their Probus Day celebrations to see what Probus is all about.
Last year, over 70 landmarks donned the Probus colours to celebrate social engagement and this year looks to be even bigger! Probus South Pacific have multiple landmarks signed up across each state and province of Australia and New Zealand, and the list keeps growing. All these will shimmering in blue and yellow, the Probus colours.
Currently Avalon Beach Ladies Probus club is looking for new members - a great opportunity to spring into Spring by meeting up with wonderful local women for fun and friendship.
President Margaret White shares a few insights into this local ladies Probus club.
When was Avalon Beach Ladies Probus Club formed?
The club was chartered in March 1992 with President Laurie Mitchell. Fay Campbell continues her active membership today! Fay was President twice 2006-2007 and 2008-2009. She then became the Greeter until 2018.
Rhonda Wright joined in 2002, was President 2007-2008, Welfare Officer in 2010, Minute Secretary 2014-2015 and vice president 2019-2020, and door committee and social committee as required.
Bev Wilson joined in 2011 - became treasurer and newsletter editor in 2012 and continues these roles! .
Who is it for?
Probus welcomes all retirees with a goal of Friendship, Fellowship and Fun!
When and where do you meet?
Our monthly meeting runs from 10-12 md. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month (except November) at Club Palm Beach
What activities take place at a Meeting?
A business meeting which includes planning social activities is followed by morning tea and a Guest speaker. Topics are varied and include, authors, musicians and local identities .
Members are welcome to stay and share a delicious meal of their choice, and then join the book club for discussion.
Do you have social activities outside of meeting times? And if so, please share some examples?
A monthly outing is planned and includes -a $2.50 bus trip to the city and beyond, a hired bus trip to say Auburn Botanic Gardens or South Coast, lunch at local beaches and cafes. Members are welcome to join Mah-jong group.
June was a $2.50 day to Central Railway and a tour of the new construction site! A Bus, light rail and a ferry trip home made for a wonderful day out !
Christmas in July was held at Han Court Chinese Restaurant, Avalon with a delicious 6 course meal, a fun quiz, lots of laughs and prizes !
The August meeting celebrated Book Month. Members are asked to bring a book for SWAPPING! Book reviews and a quiz was conducted by members!
How ladies join?
We recommend you come to a meeting and enjoy the fellowship and we will follow up with your paperwork
How much is the fee?
Cost is $3 per meeting, a joining fee of $10, and annual fee of $40
Anything else?
What a great recommendation of membership is the long time membership of many members!
A monthly newsletter of advice and offers is received from Probus Admin. Members are welcome to participate in holidays and events.
Contact for further information:
Margaret White
0416 182 393