August 19 - 25, 2018: Issue 372
Avalon Beach SLSC boat rowers complete their 24 hour marathon row for one eighty and gocha4Life

AVSLSC President Ashley Cardiff, Ben Wilson*, Leanne Westlake, Rob Stokes*, Beck Lock*, Mel and Nathan Wellings.
*First rowers
On Saturday August 18th, Avalon Beach SLSC boat rowers commenced their 24 hour row (10am Sat to 10am Sun at Avalon Beach Surf Club) to raise awareness and funds for the One Eighty and Gotcha4Life organisations.
One Eighty and Gotcha4Life focus on developing local projects to create awareness and equip teenagers and young adults with skills in emotional, physical and mental healthcare - diet, exercise and writing for example, hosting workshops by professionals, and more.
One Eighty started Open Up a while ago; an opportunity for young people to share with other young people: to learn, be heard, be understood and support each other, runs every second Tuesday at Avalon and Manly.
One Eighty also have what they call 'Shake it Up'; regular talks, workshops and classes held throughout the year... and all for the grand price of $0.
'Shake It Up is about returning to the "community spirit" us northern beaches residents are so g-damn proud of. It's about connecting (or reconnecting) to the people, places, skills, interests, and ideas that make us who we are. ' the One Eighty Shake it Up webpage says.
There's also a great One Eighty Blog where people are sharing stories about their journeys and what has helped them, sometimes lists of what they've done to get back on an even keel are spoken about honestly and openly, and even what to avoid if they're experiencing intense emotional or ideas - not drinking alcohol or taking street drugs pops up there.
What's great about the many author's stories in the blog are they illustrate people aren't alone in their experience of struggling with the many facets of what is a 'mental illness', a general term that refers to a group of illnesses in the same way that heart disease refers to a group of illnesses and disorders affecting the heart. Like all other illnesses, there are treatments.
An illness isn't the person, it's what it's doing to the person. The person can decide to stick up for themselves - to stand up to the illness and look out for their own back. They can even enlist the help of others to safeguard their back too.
Help seeking can identify solutions and ways to cope and prevent problems from getting worse. Help seeking can put you in contact with a plan just for you that can address a way forward – this is actually you looking after you - this is you standing up for you! - and bringing in what else you may need, whether that’s starting with something as simple as making a list of all the positives about you; you like all kinds of music - cool! You can do handstands - brilliant! – or calling in experts to be on your side too.
The 24 Hour Row recognises by its own doing that these struggles are a 24 hour experience but emphasises on the flipside that help is available 24 hours a day too.
The row involved over 40 of the club’s rowers with a 'guest' machine which has had a few visitors - we've been watching them online since the start yesterday. They were joined at the start by Rob Stokes, MP for Pittwater, who didn’t let up during the whole of his hour stint. Rob also gave a Private Members Statement in the Legislative Assembly this week about the row.
One Eighty have a few getting physical and getting the endorphins going events coming up themselves - a Movement Session with Balanced Studios + Beach Clean on August 25th and Groove Therapy on August 29th - Everyone Welcome - Everyone Belongs!
Gus Worland (Gotcha4Life) is scheduled to be there on Sunday for the finish to draw the raffle prizes pledged by local businesses for those who have donated to the row.
Please donate at: – the fundraiser page will stay up all of this week. They're aiming to raise 10k each for these great organisations, 20k in total, and are just over 12k as this Issue comes out.
If you or anyone you know needs help:
Lifeline on 13 11 14
Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800
MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978
Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467
Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36
Headspace on 1800 650 890
QLife on 1800 184 527

Just before the start.