Avalon Sailing Club Hosts Pittwater Leg Of Australia Day Regatta 2018

Avalon Sailing Club Hosts Pittwater Leg Of Australia Day Regatta 2018

From the pages of the past:
IT is hereby notified that, Special Leases of the land specified in the annexed Schedule have been granted to the undermentioned persons. The leases are subject to the provisions of the Crown Lands Consolidation Act, 1913, and the Regulations thereunder, and to the special conditions, provisions, exceptions, covenants and reservations set out at the foot of the Schedule.
Any amounts which have been paid in excess will be refunded upon application to the Under Secretary for Lands. If not claimed, the amounts will be appropriated to future charges as they fall due.
Any amount required to complete payment of expenses and rent from the date of the commencement of the lease to 31s£ December, 1957, must be paid by the lessee to the Crown Land Agent of the District or to the Under Secretary for Lands, within two months from this date, otherwise the lease will be liable to forfeiture, and should forfeiture be declared all moneys lodged with the application will become forfeited to the Crown.
For the year 1958 and any subsequent year the rentals and instalments or survey fee (if any) must be paid during the month of December of the preceding year.
ROGER NOTT. Minister for Lands.
Avalon Sailing Club limited, c/o. Robson, Cowlishaw and Macready, Solicitors, 17 O’Connel-street, Sydney. Parish Narrabeen. Portion 223. Title restricted to a depth of 50 feet; plan C 7, 779 – 2030. Area 8 ¼ perches. Erection of Buildings (clubhouse and boatshed). Lease term; 13th of February 1957 to 31st December 1984.
Special Lease 1954-259, Metropolitan. Avalon Sailing Club Ltd.—The lease shall be subject to subsections 2, 4, 5, 7 to 15, 22, 24, 25, 26, 35, 57, and 59 of Regulation No. 106 (notified 22nd April, 1955), and to following special conditions:—(a) For the purpose of appraisement of rent the term of the lease shall be divided into four (4) periods, the first of about six (6) years and the seeond, third and fourth of seven (7) years each. The rent for the seeond, third and fourth periods may be reappraised either upon reference* by the Minister or at the request of the lessee made during the first six (6) months of the affected period, (b) The lessee shall not allow any objectionable matter to be discharged into the water of Pittwater. (c) The lessee shall make suitable arrangements to dispose of nightsoil from the land leased in the manner provided under Ordinance 44 of the Local Government Act, 1919, and in such places as the Health Inspector of the Council approves or directs, (d) The lessee shall not allow any of the club's equipment to occupy adjoining beaches and any boat drawn up for the purpose of rigging on the adjoining beaches shall be kept as far as practicable away from the frontage of any private residence and shall not be permitted to remain on the beach for any longer time than that required for rigging purposes, (e) Access by the public to and fro along the foreshore of Pittwater shall not be interfered with by the lessee, (f) A breach of any of the conditions, the occurrence of any indecent or disorderly conduct or a conviction under the Public Health Act, the Licensing Act or any other statute as the case may be will render the lease liable to forfeiture, (g) The lessee shall not apply for a license under the Liquor Act in connection with this lease, (h) The lessee shall not let the building to any outside bodies.
NOTIFICATION OF GRANTING OF SPECIAL LEASES. (1957, March 1).Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 695. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article220351135
From two days ago: