Avalon residents step up to support Pittwater’s tree canopy

Avalon residents have shown their support for Pittwater’s urban forest by stepping up to plant the next generation of canopy trees.
Canopy Keepers coordinator Deb Collins said the group distributed 100 canopy trees plus an extra 80 companion trees to the community at Sunday’s car boot sale in Dunbar Park.
While picking up their trees, members of the community had the opportunity to speak to local horticulturists and bush regenerators about the area’s flora and what’s best to plant where.
“It was so fantastic to be part of an event where we got to meet with the wider community and to talk about the beauty and the concerns that many of us hold for Avalon’s natural environment,” Ms Collins said.
“It was also exciting to meet so many people who want to speak out for the canopy and environment.
“Our canopy supports 40 per cent of our wildlife - from birds to bats to insects, gliders and possums. It also provides critical pathways for wildlife to travel between food sources.
“The trees need community - they need each other.
“Isolated trees are more prone to disease and dangerous than those living in a forest. That’s not to mention the shade, their cooling effect and the beauty that canopy provides us.
“Canopy is our signature in Pittwater and it was so great to see how important it is to so many locals.”
Canopy Keepers members at the December 19, 2021 Avalon Boot sale in Dunbar park. Photo supplied.
Canopy Keepers’ mission is the preservation of existing tall canopy, but the group also sees the need to grow the next generation of canopy trees.
Ms Collins also noted the importance of mid-storey trees and groundcover to the urban forest.
“So if you don’t have a spot for a canopy tree, please plant a tree to support the canopy - such as an acacia which by fixing nitrogen in the soil supports the soil of our gum trees,” she said.
Phase one of the group’s tree planting project was to give canopy trees to residents in 2107 and the next phase will be: “Avalon and beyond - growing the canopy throughout Pittwater”.
“Watch out for the next phase of our activities in March as part of the Avalon Beach 100 centenary celebration,” she said.
Email 100trees@canopykeepers.org.au to order a tree which will be distributed at the March 19 centenary fair in Dunbar Park or to connect with the group.
To find out more see the groups’ website: www.canopykeepers.org.au and on Facebook.
Canopy Keepers is grateful for the support of Northern Beaches Council, Ms Collins said.
Canopy Keepers 2022 Calendar
The Canopy Keepers 2022 Calendar is on sale at the Beachside Bookshop in Avalon. The artworks and quotes were produced by local primary school students, who responded to the challenge to represent 'the hidden life of trees' - during lockdown.