March 19 - 25, 2017: Issue 305

Website: bcpra
Prior to 1900 residents of Bayview and Church Point were actively involved in matters of preservation and progress.
In 1893 and 1899 the reference was the Progress Associations of Bayview, Pittwater and Narrabeen in seeking ferry timetabling from Sydney and to have a Constable appointed to the area.
When Bayview wharf was officially opened in 1900, it was recorded "The official party was met at Bayview by the President of the local Progress Association P.T. Taylor."
In the Sydney paper of 1907 it was reported that the residents had formed the Bayview-Church Point Progress Association.
Over the years the Association lobbied for essential services whilst maintaining the natural beauty of the area.
The Bayview Baths were constructed beside the wharf in 1916 which Warringah Council maintained until the early 1990s.
In the 1930s electricity and town water were connected and a regular bus service from Manly to Church Point commenced.
In the 1980s residents and the Association prevented `Planners' infilling all the bays and inlets between Mona Vale and Church Point to build a four lane highway.
In 1993 the Progress Association was incorporated and adopted our Constitution. In accord with changing times the name was changed in 2005 to Bayview-Church Point Residents Assoc Inc.
We worked with the other Residents' Associations of Pittwater under the banner of PRAID `Pittwater Residents Against Inappropriate Development' to support Pittwater Council to put in place sound Planning Rules and Guidelines against over-development and destruction of our beautiful area.
In the 1990s the State Govt assessed the environmental protection required for the foreshores, particularly at Church Point and residents are continuing to try to prevent over-development.
Our main aim as an Association is to be a voice for the residents of the area.
During the Pittwater Council local government time, our Committee members were represented on all Council's Reference Groups, particularly regarding the environment. Representation is continuing with the Northern Beaches Council.
The Committee is elected at our Annual General Meeting in March each year.
The financial year is January to December.
Membership subscriptions are advised prior to the AGM and every endeavour is made to keep them as reasonable as possible.
Membership is $25.00 per year.
We carry Public Risk Insurance for members when involved in Association business.
Bayview Church Point Residents Association AGM
Tuesday March 21st
7.00 p.m. for 7.30
1842 Pittwater Rd,
Speakers – Hon. Rob Stokes
Dick Persson AM
We invite all adult residents of Bayview and Church Point to become members of the Residents Association.
Whether you are a new member or looking to renew your membership with us, please download the Subscription Form below, complete the details and return to us at either or the postal address on the form.
Members socialise at the AGM and if significant matters are to be dealt with during the year, further meetings are called.
We include Guest Speakers at such meetings and include Question and Answer time.
Regular information Updates are emailed and/or posted to members.
Residents' favourite places are their own homes, the natural environment and wildlife, the views and reasonable access to essential services.
Our core ethos/function is to be ever vigilant in preserving the magnificent area in which we are blessed to live, to look after one another without political or religious bias and to generally support good government and their decisions.
Our thanks to Margaret Makin, Hon. Secretary and Public Officer of Bayview-Church Point Residents Association for putting this page together.

Bayview-Church Point Residents Association Committee