Bayview Walkway and Seawall Set Works to Commence

Council signage has been placed around Bayview last week, signalling the Bayview Walkway and Seawall works are about to commence.
The footpath between the Bayview Sea Scouts Hall and Bayview Baths has been impacted by coastal erosion which has caused it to become uneven in places and difficult to traverse. Council have approved plans to widen the concrete path (from 900mm to 2100mm) and better protect the embankment it sits on from coastal erosion.
A contract has been awarded for the construction works to the Enter Building Group. Works are expected to commence this month, February 2024, weather permitting, and take around 5 months to be completed.
The existing seawall will be upgraded to modern engineering standards which will protect the widened footpath and Pittwater Road from erosion.
The footpath will be closed throughout the construction works with a pedestrian diversion in place. One traffic lane will be closed for the duration of the works. Temporary traffic lights will provide a contra-flow arrangement along the affected section of Pittwater Road.
Access to Bayview Tennis Courts and Bayview Sea Scout Hall will be maintained. It is anticipated that the works will take 5 months to complete.
The proposed seawall will comprise of stepped sandstone blocks and sandstone rock toe protection, which will protect the bank and provide tidal habitat for fauna.
Some mangroves will need to be removed to stabilise the bank. Mangrove seedling replanting will be undertaken at the end of construction with the aim, Council has stated, to replant more than were present prior to the works.
- Establishment of the proposal site and compound site, including erosion and sediment controls
- Clearing of trees on the edge of Pittwater Road to provide access for plant and equipment
- Mobilisation of plant and equipment from landside
- Removal of the existing footpath and retaining wall materials
- Progressive profiling of the existing slope progressively to tie in the new embankment retaining structure. Existing sandstone blockwork would be left in place where possible
- Profiling of the existing foreshore slope, including excavation of existing foreshore sediments to facilitate construction of the proposed footing
- Stockpiling of excavated material onsite and assessment for suitability as foreshore nourishment material. Material considered unsuitable would be trucked to an appropriate disposal or reuse site and may require treatment with lime if found to be potential acid sulfate soils (PASS).
- Use of excavators to place blocks and armour rock along the foreshore. The blocks and armour rock would be delivered throughout the construction from a truck and moved into position using an excavator bucket.
- Removal of erosion and sediment controls, plant and equipment, and materials
- Demobilisation of the proposal site and compound site
- Reinstatement or rehabilitation of the compound site.
- – Up to 0.03 hectares of the Swamp Oak Forest TEC
- – Up to 0.01 hectares of mangroves
- – Up to 0.03 hectares of exotic/non-native vegetation.
a five part Test of Significance under the BC Act was undertaken by Cardno in 2019 for the Swamp Oak Forest TEC, which determined that the removal of up to 0.03 hectares of Swamp Oak Forest is not considered to be significant to the local occurrence of the TEC within and surrounding the proposal site. As such, a Species Impact Statement or entry into the Biodiversity Offset Scheme would not be required for the proposal.
The work will be funded through the Council budget and grant funding. Funding from the NSW State Government’s Metropolitan Greenspace Program, as announced by former Pittwater MP Rob Stokes in June 2022, provided a $599k grant.
Disclosure of Class 1 Contracts: (GIPA: per NBC)
Name of Contract: Bayview Seawall and Path Renewal Works
Successful Tenderer: Enter Building Group, Roseville
Contract Commencement Date: 19 February 2024
Duration of Contract: 5 months program with 12 months defects liability period
Estimated amount payable to the contractor under the contract (exc. gst): $961,856.43
Provisions for Variation to the Amount: Yes
Images: PON Pic from Bayview Baths view north to Lion Island. NBC's Artists Impressions of the works.