Beaches Link detailed Design Now open for Further community Consultation
Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link take major steps forward
July 26, 2018: RMS Nsw and Transport for NSW Media release
A long-promised road connection has taken a major step forward today with the NSW Government releasing a detailed design for the Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link for further community consultation.
The Western Harbour Tunnel will create a western bypass of the CBD and take pressure off the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Anzac Bridge and Western Distributor. It will also cut a journey from Olympic Park to North Sydney by 13 minutes – or more than two hours a week.
The Beaches Link will, for the first time, provide a motorway link between the Northern Beaches and the rest of Sydney. It will also reduce the travel time from Brookvale to the CBD by 27 minutes and slash a trip from Dee Why to the Airport by 41 minutes.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian said since announcing a preferred route last year the NSW Government has listened to the community and massively improved the locations for the ventilation outlets, reduced the number of properties to be acquired to 37 and sought to minimise construction impacts.
“We know the Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link are important projects that will benefit the wider road network,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“We also know this has been promised over many decades, but only the NSW Liberals & Nationals will deliver it because the strong economic management of this Government means these vital road connections are finally becoming a reality.
“We will continue to listen to the community and we want to stress that even these improved plans are subject to further community consultation and are subject to further change.”
Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight Melinda Pavey said the NSW Government had committed $550 million to the projects in the recent Budget. The final cost will be determined when a final design and financing options from the private sector have been finalised.
“We want to be up front with the community now and say the Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link will be tolled, but as always there will be a free alternative,” Mrs Pavey said.
The detailed design for the Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link will now be subject to extensive community consultation until November, with feedback to be taken on board to refine the design, ahead of the planning assessment phase.
Early works on the projects, expected to start later this year, include initial work around the Warringah Freeway and initial work to allow the Western Harbour Tunnel to connect to the Rozelle Interchange.
Subject to planning approvals and finalised financing and procurement major construction is due to begin in 2020 with the tunnels expected to open to traffic by 2026.
The Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link are part of the NSW Government’s record investment in both public transport and roads, including Sydney Metro Northwest, Sydney Metro City & Southwest, Sydney Metro West, WestConnex and NorthConnex.
More detailed information is available on the Roads and Maritime website:
View or download the Beaches Link update (PDF, 14.3Mb)
Have your say - Beaches Link
Have your say by pinning comments to a specific location on our interactive map. Use our online tool to pin comments to a specific location on our interactive map. You can also see what others in the community have to say about this project.
• Community and stakeholder engagement continues in the second half of 2018
• This will include a series of community feedback sessions, shopping centre displays, workshops and meetings with community groups, including schools and sporting clubs
• Roads and Maritime will work with councils and the community on urban design and final form of spaces used for the project
• Refinement of the design will take into account your feedback. This will include cost estimates to allow the NSW Government to consider its funding options
• Public exhibition of the Environmental Impact Statement based on the refined design
• During the exhibition period, community sessions will be held and formal submissions will be accepted by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.
This engagement program will conclude on Friday 9 November 2018.
Environmental impact assessments
Once Roads and Maritime has received community and stakeholder feedback on the proposed reference design, Roads and Maritime will refine the design and prepare the Environmental Impact Statements (EISs).
There will be two EISs – one for Western Harbour Tunnel and the Warringah Freeway Upgrade and one for Beaches Link (including the Gore Hill Freeway connection). These will include more detailed information on the project such as:
• A detailed description of the project, construction activities and potential construction staging
• A comprehensive assessment of key environmental issues, including a description of the existing environment, assessment of potential direct and indirect impacts associated with the project from construction through to operation, including noise, vibration, traffic and air quality
• A detailed assessment of proposed tunnel ventilation systems
• Description of measures and strategies to be implemented to avoid, minimise, manage, mitigate, offset and or monitor the potential impacts of the project
• Identification and response to issues raised by stakeholders and the community.
The NSW Department of Planning and Environment will conduct the environmental assessments for Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link.
The EISs will be prepared in accordance with the Environmental Protection and Assessment Act 1979 and will address the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) issued in December 2017.
You can view the SEARs by following the link on our project web page or at the Department of Planning and Environment major projects website: www.majorprojects.
During the EIS exhibition period, Roads and Maritime will hold a series of display sessions for the community along the project alignment
The EIS documents will be available on the NSW Department of Planning and Environment website.
You can sign up to our project mailing list to receive project updates by contacting the project team. See contact details below.
You will be able to make formal submissions on any aspect of the project once the EISs are on exhibition. These submissions will be considered in the EIS assessment process.
All submissions will be reviewed by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment and forwarded to Roads and Maritime for response.
A report summarising the submissions and the Roads and Maritime responses will be published after the exhibition period.
Roads and Maritime will continue to engage with the community and stakeholders in the lead up to the EIS exhibition, throughout the exhibition period and after it is completed.
You can provide feedback to the project team at any time.
For more information
RMS Webpage:
Phone: 1800 931 189
Mail: Customer feedback
Roads and Maritime Services
Locked Bag 928, North Sydney NSW 2059