Bike Ride With Aboriginal Peoples 2024

Despite heatwave conditions, a large crowd of cyclists and supporters joined in the Kay-ye-my (Manly) to Garigal (Church Point) Push Bike Ride on 26th of January 2024.
This annual event, which commenced in 2018, a Ride with Aboriginal People - is a friendly ride to show respect for Aboriginal People.
Participants can do the full 24km or join the ride at Dee Why, Narrabeen or Mona Vale. There is a support car so someone is with riders all the way; 'no one is left behind' is one of the mottoes of the organisers.
It is one of the earliest events that happen locally each January 26th. Cyclists and supporters meet at West Esplanade, Manly (Kay-ye-my) at 7.00 am, at the monument between Manly wharf and Manly Museum, where Wil-Le-Me-Ring a Garigal Aboriginal man Speared Governor Captain Arthur Phillip 1778.
Mackellar MP Dr. Sophie Scamps and Pittwater MP Rory Amon met the cyclists and supporters at Robert Dunn Reserve Mona Vale to cheer them on.
By 10.30am the group were welcomed by friends at Church Point, including Garigal man, Uncle Neil Evers. Here they enjoyed a good rest and heard stories about the Aboriginal people who once lived in the area.
Those gathered also joined in singing a beautiful song written by Suze Pratten and Stacy Etal; “Voice”. There was a group of singers that formed as part of the Voice Referendum and are still singing. Some attended the Manly and Church Point parts of the 2024 ride. Suze's YouTube video below shares the original version of that song.
Suze has made some changes to reflect the referendum result, but it will continue to be sung as the conversation continues about recognising our First Australians in our Constitution.
''This is a powerful song which reflects the thoughts of so many.'' the organisers stated
The first sentence was sung in Dharug and the remainder in Australian by those gathering to Ride with Aboriginal Peoples.
This great event allows all to acknowledge and celebrate Aboriginal history and culture, listen to the soulful sound of the didgeridoo, and learn to play the clap sticks.
The Aboriginal Support Group Manly Warringah Pittwater (ASGMWP) said, ''It was great to be a part of the Ride With Aboriginal Peoples bike ride this morning. Thank you for inviting Uncle Neil to give a Welcome to Country and talk. Also for the opportunity to come together to connect with like-minded people who want to show their support for indigenous Australians on 26 January.
Thank you to local councillors and MP's for attending at various points along the way including NBC Mayor Sue Heins and Zali Steggall MP at the start (7.00 am), Rory Amon - Member for Pittwater and Dr Sophie Scamps MP at Robert Dunn Reserve Mona Vale. Also, to the entertainment with the Voice choir singing "Voice, Treaty, Truth" at Manly and Church Point.
Coming together as one. The way it should be!''
A few more photos taken of the 2024 Ride with Aboriginal Peoples, pictures courtesy Peter and Joy Nason and ASGMWP.