November 6 - 12, 2022: Issue 561
Bilgola Plateau Probus Club: A New Club Launched For Local Retirees + The Semi-Retired

Probus Is Fun & Friendship In Retirement
Probus provides retirees with the opportunity to connect socially, which is so important in today’s world.
Membership is open to anyone who is retired or semi-retired, so why not join the tens of thousands of Probus members across Australia and New Zealand and find your local Probus Club today.
Probus Clubs offer a range of activities including trips and outings for members to enjoy, depending on their interests, lifestyle and location. Probus Club members meet monthly, to enjoy the company of like-minded fellow retirees and listen to interesting guest speakers.
Make new friends, learn a new skill, explore new interests and hobbies - there is so much to choose from when you become a member of your local Probus Club.
When you retire those friendships that are developed through working life are often lost. Probus is a great way to develop new friendships, to quote a recent Probus Club member “the day I joined my Probus Club, I instantly had 100 new friends”.
As a Probus Club member you have access to exciting benefits:
- Probus publications including Active Retirees and Staying Connected
- Competitions
- Probus Member Benefits Scheme
- Probus National Insurance Program
Plus, there's a dedicated Probus Support Team at your service at Probus South Pacific office.
Looking for new members: Yes
Membership open to: Men and Women
Meetings: 1ST FRIDAY 10:00AM
Location: NEWPORT BOWLING CLUB, 2 Palm Road, Newport Beach
This Issue a few insights into our newest local Probus club.
When and why did the Bilgola Plateau Probus Club begin?
The club was formed on 6 September 2022. It was formed in response to a growing need identified by Probus South Pacific Ltd for another mixed gender club in the upper northern beaches as the nearest mixed gender club (Newport) is full with a long waiting list.
Presentation of membership certificate to Mary Musgrave, Foundation Member of Bilgola Plateau Probus Club, by President, Patricia Ryan
Presentation of membership certificate to Mike Musgrave, Foundation Member of Bilgola Plateau Probus Club, by President, Patricia Ryan
What activities do you undertake – and please provide some examples of past events and those coming up?
Our first activity was a walk around Newport followed by coffee on October 11th; our second walk for October was around Narrabeen Lagoon on October 25th with coffee after - 9 brave souls on a showery day who enjoyed coffee after at the Tramshed café. Walks will be a regular activity.
Our first first lunch was held on October 21st and attended by 26 members and visitors at Avalon RSL. Lunches will also be a regular activity.
Upcoming activities include:
In November, lunch is planned at Ettalong Diggers Club on November 7th after a ferry ride from Palm Beach.
A Walk (Bayview towards Church Point) has also been planned for 1November 16th and Palm Beach for November 29th. Walks currently commence at 10am, followed by coffee on a just turn up basis.
A cinema afternoon is planned for November 11th; “Mrs Harris goes to Paris”, at Warriewood Cinemas 12.20pm. We are likely to make cinema outings a regular event.
The December guest speaker is Rosamund Burton, author of “Whispering Wire”, her story of tracing the Overland Telegraph Line through the heart of Australia.
Our Christmas lunch is scheduled for December 2nd 12.30pm, at The Glasshouse, Pittwater RSL.
Members are advised of activities at meetings, via the newsletter which is distributed in the 4th week of the month and via the minutes of meetings distributed after each month's meeting.
After the November 4th meeting, we hope to have a book club up and running.
An STC theatre outing to ”Do not go gentle” is planned for May 31st 2023, 1pm, Roslyn Packer Theatre.
In 2023 we will be offering an expanded program including city day tours and day tours and some short trips away.
Where do you meet?
We meet on the first Friday of each month at the Newport Bowling Club, 2 Palm Road, Newport at 10am. A highlight of our monthly meeting is a guest speaker.The speaker program features fantastic speakers on a broad range of topics.. Our inaugural speaker on 7 October was Dr July Ford who spoke about "Healthy Aging" and members left with lots of valuable tips. Our November speaker is the crime writer, VM Knox.
How does one join and who is membership for?
Membership is open to retirees and semi retirees who are interested in participating in a social club. Probus ideals are “fun, friendship and fellowship.” Members apply to join by completing an application form and being sponsored by two financial members.
Who do you contact for more information?
Interested retirees can obtain more information by contacting the President, Patricia Ryan on 0438 281 573.
Bilgola Plateau Probus committee (3 persons), Alan, Patricia Ryan President, Mary Musgrove Secretary
Photos: Michael Mannington OAM, Community Photography