bill goddard shares family insights at Avalon beach historical society's 2022 AGM
The Avalon Beach Historical Society held its 39th Annual General Meeting recently which was attended by 51 enthusiastic locals. We think that the guest speaker had a lot to do with the numbers.
BILL GODDARD has done a wonderful job of collecting and collating his family history.
Of course, that’s the Goddard boat-builders of Palm Beach and previously Berrys Bay, Lavender Bay, and Rose Bay on Sydney Harbour. Bill’s talk kicked off with some great aerial photos showing the residence of William Reuben Goddard overlooking Berrys Bay and the location of the early boat sheds on Sydney Harbour and at Iluka Road, Palm Beach.
William Reuben Goddard’s House and Boat Shed overlooking Berrys Bay. Photo: Bill Goddard
William Joseph Goddard’s Boat Shed Lavender Bay - 1907. Photo: Bill Goddard
Some of the early photos of Palm Beach were fascinating – family members riding horses and their cows roaming around the Waratah Road area and also the area which later became the golf course, their first boat built at Waratah Street, was the ‘W.J.G.’ – the initials of the builder William Joseph Goddard. It had to be hauled down to the water on greased logs using only manpower. Also shown were photos of the house he built after purchasing the land in Waratah Street in 1918 and then transporting building materials from Sydney by launch.
The newly completed launch ‘WJG’ being hauled to the water's edge in Waratah Road, Palm Beach - 1920. Photo: Bill Goddard
It was such an enthralling talk, but we had to call a halt at 9.40 pm to enjoy a delightful supper. Bill said he would return for our December meeting to finish the job.
Geoff Searl OAM
President, Avalon Beach Historical Society
Goddard Family Notes: Bill's presentation at ABHS AGM 2022
The Goddards enjoyed a reputation as some of the best boat builders in Sydney, starting with William Reuben Goddard in the late 1800s at Berry’s Bay and continuing with his eldest son William Joseph Goddard who established a very successful business at Palm Beach in the early 1900s.
William Reuben Goddard was born in Hertfordshire, England in 1847. He arrived in Sydney in 1852 aboard the General Hewitt with his father George (1803-1885), mother Eliza (nee Arthur, 1815-1895) and siblings Henry (1843-1928), John (1845-1896) and Mary (1849-1913). William married Bridget McGrath in Sydney in 1869 and they settled in North Sydney.
William established his boat shed in North Sydney at Berry’s Bay in the late 1800s with a workshop and yards and became well-known in the area for his fine craftsmanship. The boat shed no longer remains but was situated nearby Eaton’s Timber Yard which survived on the Berry’s Bay waterfront until the 1980s. This area is now known as Sawmiller’s Reserve at McMahon’s Point.
William and Bridget had 9 children – William (1870-1944), Henry (1872-1874), Naomi (1875-1939), Herbert (1877-1947), Maude (1878-1953), Percival (1880-1882), Harold (1884-1939, known as Johnno), Horace (1887-1957), Stanley (1888-1914).
William’s obituary stated that he “launched many small craft from his yard in the early days, devoting most of his time to building small boats and skiffs. He was noted for his skiff building” (Sydney Morning Herald, 15 Feb 1916), while the Evening News stated:
An old identity of North Sydney in the person of William Rueben Goddard, died at his residence in West-Street Blues Point, on Saturday, aged 68 years. Mr. Goddard, though a native of England, was brought out to Sydney by his parents when only two years of age, so that he spent 66 years at Blue’s Point.
It was as a boat builder that he became known to the people of North Sydney, and he won a big reputation as a designer of small craft—skiffs, dinghies, butcher boats and model yachts. In fact, he was recognised as an expert in this particular branch of the Industry. After passing through his apprenticeship to the late Mr. W. Dunn, of Lavender Bay, he opened some 40 years ago, his own building shed in Berry’s Bay upon the site now occupied by Mr. J. W. Eaton's timber yards.
Later he erected the present sheds, where for about 20 years he was actively engaged in building skiffs and dinghies for almost every aquatic man on the north side of the harbor, and for the Royal Navy. In addition, he designed and built innumerable flood boats for the country, inland boats for trading purposes, and fishing craft in great variety.
Among his numerous clients were Messrs. T.A. Dibbs, H. H. Massie, R. J. Black, M.L.C., the late W. A. Adams, Geo. Crowley, M'Donald, and the late Robert Moodie and Deltrach.
Mr. Goddard, known to a great many as ‘Billy’ Goddard, had a wide circle of friends and nothing gave him greater pleasure then to see them trying out his skiffs and determining the merits of this or that design. But he was never tempted to build racing skiffs or wager boats, a branch of the trade he was often asked to take up. As a designer and builder of model yachts he was considered the best of his time, and he at all times took a keen Interest in the model yacht contests at Centennial and Moore Parks. He was a great sufferer for two years prior to his death. He left behind him four sons and two daughters, the eldest son, Mr. W. J. Goddard, being the well-known motor launch builder of Rose Bay. Picture: THE LATE MR. GODDARD. BILLY GOODARD. ILLUSTRATED (1916, February 16). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 6. Retrieved from
William 'Billy' Rueben Goddard. Photo: Bill Goddard
Like his father, William Joseph Goddard was a well-known Sydney boat builder. William married Ada D’Arcy in Hurstville in 1897 and they had four children – Walter (1899-1974), Arthur (1901-1960), Marjorie (1905-1998) and Grace (1911-1997).
William bought land in Waratah street at Palm Beach near the southern end of the golf links in 1918, although he was obviously here prior to then and acting for those who had already built properties:
PALM BEACH -Furnished cottages to Let and For Sale. Write W. Gofddard, Palm Beach. Advertising (1917, September 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 18. Retrieved from
Bill's research found the original sales and that this had been placed in his son Walter's name. Interestingly, future Warringah Shire Councillor George William Hitchcock, after whom Hitchcock Park at Careel Bay is named, bought the first of his two Palm Beach lots here in 1914. Bill's research also shows the Gonsalves family lots on Waratah too:

 George Hitchcock Waratah PB 11.jpg?timestamp=1664015274452)

Palm Beach Golf Links Estate Subdivision, 1922. Item: c052700044, courtesy State Library of NSW - Northview road
Warringah Shire Council Minutes of the Meeting held on November 6th, 1933 record:
36. Palm Beach District Cricket Club, 26/10/33, (a) inviting Councillors and Officers to attend the opening of the new cricket ground on Careel Bay Park on 11th November at 1.30 p.m; (b) requesting Council to call the reserve at Careel Bay "Hitchcock Park". Resolved, - That the reserve be called Hitchcock Park. .(Crs. Austin, Hughes)
For more on the Palm Beach District Cricket Club visit Iluka Park, Woorak Park, Pittwater Park, Sand Point Reserve, Snapperman Beach Reserve - Palm Beach: Some History or the Careel Bay playing fields: Careel Bay Playing Fields Reserve - Including Hitchcock Park: Birds, Boots & Beauty
Agnes Ann Young (nee Wolstenholme) was the wife of Richard Alexander Young, who died in 1896. Their eldest surviving son was James. Emma Florence Nolan (nee Kelynack) was the wife of Herbert Russell Nolan who died in 1915. When the Barranjoey Land Company was formally registered in June 1911 the first directors were named as Harry Wolstenholme, E T Jones, John Thompson Ralston, James Young, and Herbert Russell Nolan. Many of these partners were either related, in the case of Harry Wolstenholme and James Young, or students together at Newington College.
More in: Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Palm Beach
Gonsalves family Lot 13, bought July 13, 1917:
Gonsalves also bought the Grimley brothers Lot 14 as well, November 20th, 1924:
William Joseph Goddard bought Lot 12:
William Joseph Goddard constructed a house by transporting all the materials from the city by his launch.
Bill's annotated photos - circa 1930s

From NSW Government Printer series: Palm Beach views, 1925 - from road leading down from Observation Point, courtesy NSW State Records and Archives. Item: FL3838422
Observation Point and view south to Snapperman Beach, Pittwater - showing buildings on Iluka at Palm Beach, circa 1936 - note the double-decker bus and tar on the road now and electricity poles along with refurbished Barrenjoey House over the hill facing Snapperman. Photo: Goddard family photos
Gonsalves family home and cows in Waratah Street, Palm Beach. From Verrills family album, courtesy Peter Verrills.
In 1919 he constructed a boat shed and began boat building. William J. Goddard & Sons were building boats between 1928 and 1939.
A motor launch, to be utilised for passenger service on the Hawkesbury River, for Mr A Deas, has been completed by Mr. W .J. Goddard, of Palm Beach, Pittwater, and was launched on Saturday. The dimensions are length 43ft overall, 12ft beam, and 4ft moulded depth. She is planked with New Zealand kauri, with a spotted gum frame. The cabin is finished in Queensland maple. The vessel has seating accommodation for 74 passengers and is designed for a speed of 10 miles. The launching was somewhat novel as the boat was built a quarter of a mile from the water. MOTOR LAUNCH FOR HAWKESBURY RIVER. (1922, October 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Four Rescued When Launch Wrecked
Three men and a woman were rescued at Palm Beach yesterday afternoon, when the launch Reliance was pounded by heavy seas, and dashed up on Resolute Beach. The launch, which until recently ran the mails from Brooklyn to Wiseman's Ferry, came round West Head shortly after lunch. Buffeted by big waves, she fought her way into Pittwater, but made little headway. Finally she was wrecked. Mr. W. Goddard, boat-builder, put off and rescued the passengers. Daily Pictorial (Sydney, NSW : 1930 - 1931), Sunday 15 February 1931 - Page 3
The Reliance on Resolute Beach. Photo: Bill Goddard
In 1926 he bought two lots of land around in Iluka Road, Palm Beach, facing the estuary, lots 6 and 7 in Iluka road:
After William Joseph Goddard purchased two blocks of land in 1926 he applied for and was granted a Special Lease for a jetty as well as kerbing and guttering through Warringah Shire Council:
September 13th, 1926 Council Meeting: That Mr. Goddard's frontage, Iluka Road, Palm Beach, be kerbed and guttered at an estimated cost of £14/16-, on payment of half cost
On December 6th, 1926; That Mr. Goddard's application to install a septic tank on his property in Iluka Road, Palm Beach, be granted.
W. Goddard and Sons. 29/10/27. Requesting permission to install a petrol pump in Iluka Road, Palm Beach. Referred to Works Committee for report.
Parish Narrabeen, county Cumberland, Special Lease 26-10, Metropolitan, for jetty, slips and skids. Land applied for—about 1 rood 24 perches below high-water mark, fronting lots 6 and 7, section B, d.p. 12,979, Snapperman Beach, Pittwater. Applicant—William Joseph Goddard. Objections may be lodged at Land Board Office, Sydney. APPLICATIONS FOR LEASES FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES. (1940, November 22). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4632. Retrieved from
It was here that Goddards built another boatshed, possibly erected by themselves and the Verrills:
Goddards boat shed Palm Beach with the original general store - behind where Palm Beach Cellars is now. Photo taken in about 1927 when they were installing curb and guttering on Iluka Road. William Joseph Goddard and his family lived upstairs. The building was most likely built by Albert (Bert) Verrills and his crew. Photo: Bill Goddard.
Aerial view of Goddard's Boat Shed at 118 Iluka Road, Palm Beach - 1930s
View from the water of Goddard's Boat Shed at 118 Iluka Road, Palm Beach - About 1940
William Joseph Goddard. Photo: Bill Goddard
In 1932 William commenced a regular ferry service to the western foreshores of Pittwater, running from Palm Beach to Coasters Retreat, The Basin, Stiles’ Wharf at Little Mackerel Beach and Great Mackerel Beach Wharf.
Goddard Built boats at Iluka Road Boatshed:
The Goddard men were renowned in Palm Beach SLSC and were firm friends with the other permanent residents, the Gow, Gonsalves and Verrills families. These were the men called by a succession of Barrenjoey lightkeepers when people were in distress at sea - although in these early years the brother and father of Carl Gow were the lightkeepers at Barrenjoey.
Bert (Albert) Verrills and his building crew in 1920. Back of the photo lists the names of those pictured, from left to right from back to front row, and shows this includes Architect Henry Wilshire (3rd from right), who had so much to do with so many early buildings in Palm Beach, such as Windyridge, atop Sunrise road. Photo: Bill Goddard
In between escapades rowing up the coast to be part of surf boat races in carnivals and rescue efforts, they built yachts, launches and opened a shop.


Men's Struggle To Save Yachts. SYDNEY, Saturday.— In mountainous seas which raged off Palm Beach yesterday and last night gallant work was per formed by W J and A Goddard and S. Gonsalves in rescuing two fine yachts which had broken adrift from their moorings. It was not until after midnight that they completed their job. According to eye witnesses it was often touch and go whether they would meet with disaster themselves. In addition to the two yachts a launch broke its moorings and eventually piled up on the sands,. Several small boats were swamped in the storm. Men's Struggle To Save Yachts. (1934, February 3). The Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1912 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Chapman Pup Engines, in putt putts for hire, indicates what boatsheds were here:
C. F. Wymark, Church Point. Pittwater. Andy Riddle, Church Point, Pittwater. Carl Gow. Palm Beach. H. Hollowoy, Palm Beach. W. Goddard and Sons, Palm Beach. Advertising. (1936, January 25). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
AUXILIARY CRUISER BEING BUILT. Mr. Gower Wilson, of Lord Howe Island, who arrived in Sydney by the Morinda yesterday, said that he was having an auxiliary cruiser constructed for use at Lord Howe Island. The vessel, which is being built at Palm Beach, will be 32 feet in length, and will have a 10-foot beam. Engines will be of 30 horse power. Manned by Messrs. W. Goddard, W. Hammill, Alan Wilson, and Gower Wilson, the cruiser will leave for Lord Howe Island towards the end of October. AUXILIARY CRUISER BEING BUILT. (1936, October 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
NO NEWS OF MISTRAL. Expected to Reach Melbourne To-morrow. SYDNEY, Thursday.-Although the yacht Mistral has not been reported since it left Palm Beach for Melbourne last Sunday, no anxiety is felt for its safety. Mrs. W. Goddard, of Palm Beach, whose husband is one of the crew, said to-day the party intended to keep well out to sea, and approach the coast only in heavy weather. The yacht is expected to reach Melbourne late on Saturday or early on Sunday. NO NEWS OF MISTRAL. (1937, August 6). Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
MISTRAL NOW IN VICTORIA. THE Sydney-built motor yacht,. Mistral II, which was originally owned by the late E. P. Simpson, and sold recently to Mr. W. J. Wallis, of Melbourne, a big-game fisherman, has left for her new -headquarters in the Victorian capital. The craft left Sydney on August 1, made a good trip as far as Bermagui, where she sheltered from rough seas. MR. WALLIS was in command and found Mistral a wonderful sea boat. The craft: was manned by a small crew of experts, Messrs .W.J. Goddard, W. Marshall, and A. Cox. Mistral arrived- safely at – Melbourne last week-end, but will soon be back on the N.S. Wales coast chasing the marlin. MISTRAL NOW IN VICTORIA. (1937, August 12). Referee(Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 24. Retrieved from
W. J. GODDARD and SONS. BUILDERS OF BOAT'S SINCE 1883. A LIFE'S Practical Experience at your service. PALM BEACH, N.S.W. Advertising. (1937, December 18). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
PITTWATER REGATTA. TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME. The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Monday 27 December 1937 p 11 Article ...An all day programme of sailing motor boating, professional rowing and aeroplane events will be provided at the Pittwater regatta to-day. day The aerial ... trophy 2 p m cruiser handicap for W J Goddard trophy
Bank Manager Injured.
SYDNEY, January 9. When an explosion occurred in a large launch alongside a jetty at W. J. Goddard's boatshed at Palm Beach today, a man was seriously Injured and two others were severely burned. The Injured were: John Clarence Folkard (41), manager of the Commonwealth Bank at Woonona; fractured skull, abrasions to legs, body and face" and burns. Admitted to Manly Hospital. Harold Arnott, of Strathfield; burns about arms and face. Walter Goddard (38), of Palm Beach; burns and abrasions. The launch was owned by Mr. Arnott and the explosion occurred when the engine was being started by Goddard, preparatory to the launch being taken to sea. The explosion blew the top off the launch's cabin and part of it fell back on the three men. Folkard was knocked unconscious and Arnott also was dazed. Persons attracted to the jetty by the explosion got the men out of the launch before the main petrol tank caught fire. The launch was burned to the water's edge and extensive fishing tackle and costly interior fittings were reduced to a heap of charred debris. EXPLOSION IN LAUNCH. (1938, January 10). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
PALM BEACH LIQUOR. Licence for Store. Without hearing the address by counsel for the applicant, the full bench of the Licensing Court yesterday granted an application for a spirit merchant’s licence made by William Joseph Goddard, storekeeper, of Iluka and Barrenjoey Roads Palm Beach
Mr Scobie, L.M., said that the Court had heard no opposition to the licence from local residents. The only opposition had come from the police, the licensee of the nearest hotel and from one civilian who was not a resident at Palm Beach.
The Court was inclined to agree with evidence that there was no other place within the metropolitan area of the importance of Palm Beach where the nearest licensed premises were of more then six miles distant.
Evidence was given by Mr. Creswell O’Reilly, Chief Film Censor, who said that he had a week-end cottage at Palm Beach for 18 years and had never heard anybody there complain about the lack of facilities for buying liquor. He considered the normal liquor requirements of Palm Beach residents were met by the regular deliveries of reputable city firms.
To Mr. J W M Laidlaw (for Goddard) Mr. O Reilly denied that he was known throughout the State as an ardent temperance worker. He said he approved of licensed hotels provided they were properly conducted and also of spirit merchant licences in certain circumstances but he did not think such a licence was needed at Palm Beach
Mr. Laidlaw: When did you last have a drink?
Mr. O Reilly: In France during the last war.
The licence granted yesterday will allow Goddard to sell beer, wine and spirits at Palm Beach in quantities of not less than two gallons. PALM REACH LIQUOR. (1941, August 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from
FISHERMEN RESCUED IN HEAVY GALE. ABOVE: Two elderly fishermen, who refused to give their names, photographed in their launch last night, after it had been towed into the shelter of Pittwater from four miles off Palm Beach, where the craft had been caught in a 50-miles-an hour gale. AT RIGHT: Two of the three rescuers, Messrs. Arthur Goddard (left) and Charles Pritchard. FISHERMEN RESCUED IN HEAVY GALE. (1946, July 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from Photo courtesy Peter Verrills.

Lot 6 is where the current day Palm Beach General store is - photo is from the Vietnam Veterans Northern 2016 March and Commemorative Service:
In 1941, as can be seen via the land bought and sold above, W J Goddards sold the business to the Port Jackson & Manly Steamship Company. Included in the sale were a general store with a liquor licence, marine repair facilities and ferries. The general store which could sell alcohol was a first at Palm Beach and was run by William’s wife Ada.
Also included was a small motor launch “Falcon” (which was later known as “Elvina”) built by William in 1928 (and later sold to the Church Point Ferry Service). “Elvina” provided a very important service to the people of Pittwater at the time, delivering supplies and mail. She is the longest serving passenger ferry in NSW and still comes out for service when needed. She is currently moored over near Lovett Bay, owned and run by the Church Point Ferry Service.
the Elvina today. Photo: A J Guesdon
The ferry service then at Church Point closed down on February 2nd, 1946 (per Warringah Council records), possibly why the PJMSC sent another ferry to Pittwater - they now had a monopoly on the ferries running on the estuary:
FERRY FOR BROKEN BAY. The Port Jackson and Manly Steamship Company announced yesterday that the Rover is expected to sail to-morrow from Circular Quay to begin a ferry-boat service at Broken Bay. The vessel will join the three other ferries operating in the Palm Beach, Hawkesbury River, and Pittwater-area. During the war the Rover was used as a patrol boat by the R.A.N. FERRY FOR BROKEN BAY. (1946, May 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Records from the NSW Ship and Boat Builders Register ( record that William J. Goddard (and later William J. Goddard & Sons) was based in Palm Beach and specialised in fishing boats, yachts, launches and ferries. William J. Goddard & Sons built at least 12 boats between 1902 and 1938 including Grace, Gulnare, Beacon, Natoma, Idler, Kimba, Reliance, Venture II, Viking, W.J., W.J.G. and Wongawill.
William’s sons also worked in the family business – eldest son Walter worked as a mechanic and son Arthur carried on the family tradition as a boat builder. Arthur was a popular identity in the Palm Beach community. Arthur married Madeline Gonsalves in 1928. The Gonsalves were also prominent boat builders in Palm Beach, and still operate to this day.
photo of Madge Gonsalves (Married Arthur Goddard) with Custard the Dog and Jack the Horse. Rendezvous Tea Rooms behind. Photo: Bill Goddard
Arthur and Madeline had two sons – Donald and Jimmy. Jimmy also continued on in the business, becoming a boat builder himself and doing maintenance for Palm Beach Ferries at Careel Bay. Peter Verrills owned and ran Palm Beach Ferries, recommencing the trips across to the Central Coast from much earlier days. Jim and Pete were like brothers while growing up - many a tale of mischief achieved all over Palm Beach echoes, like their laughter, through the green hills of Palm Beach still.
Jimmy and Madge Goddard: Jimmy was Arthur's son. Photo courtesy Peter Verrills
The following is a short biography of Jimmy from the Wooden Boat Association of NSW:
“Jimmy Goddard was a larger than life identity in the Palm Beach and Careel Bay community for 83 years. He served his apprenticeship at the family boatshed at Palm Beach with his father Arthur, the family being among the first settlers in the area. Jim was a first class tradesman and in later years restored some noteworthy vessels including the fishing boat ATALANTA which was owned by the famous American game fisherman Zane Grey who used to frequent the Palm Beach area in the 50’s.
Jim was also known for his fishing prowess and operated offshore fishing charters aboard his lovely old trawler CAROLINE H for many years until the Waterways in their wisdom thought Jim should get a proper licence, to which he replied “I think it might be time for me to retire”. Jim survived a heart operation a couple of years ago, but unfortunately they didn’t make the pacemaker out of Spotted Gum. His son Allen carries on his legend in Dover Tasmania”.
Jimmy passed away July 12th, 2012, much missed by many.
Bill is still here too, in Pittwater.
Clearly this is just a small portion of what has been shared so far. For the rest, we would recommend you attend the Avalon Beach Historical Society's December Meeting - which is also when a small Christmas celebration takes place.
On September 18, 2022 a Goddard family reunion took place on the Reliance, that wonderful old ferry and mail boat of Pittwater that had been built by their ancestors. The Reliance has recently been sold and will leave our waters, heading south to Lake Burley Griffin to be of service there.
The Goddards gathered at Careel Bay Wharf, a favourite place of Jimmy Goddard and where the infamous 'Sand Crab Disco' raged in the boathouse of a Friday night. From there they took a tour of the Pittwater before lunching at Palm Beach Golf Club - site of their first home here.
references - extras
- Bill Goddard - Conversations with - ongoing.
- Iluka Park, Woorak Park, Pittwater Park, Sand Point Reserve, Snapperman Beach Reserve - Palm Beach: Some History
- Careel Bay Playing Fields Reserve - Including Hitchcock Park: Birds, Boots & Beauty
- Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Palm Beach
- Harry Wolstenholme, June 21, 1868 - October 14, 1930 - Ornithologist Of Palm Beach, Bird Man Of Wahroonga
- Early Pittwater Launches and Ferries Runs In Pittwater (Goddard Family at Palm Beach)
- Palm Beach Golf Course: Some History
- TROVE - National Library of Australia
- The M.V. Reliance: 100th Year Celebration
- The Fearless Men Of Palm Beach SLSC's Surf Boats First Crews: A Tale of Viking Ships, Butcher Boats and Robert Gow’s Tom Thumb 'Canoe'
- Camping At Palm Beach
- Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club Part I - The Sheds
- Carl Gow And Frank Gonsalves Boatshed, Palm Beach
- Palm Beach Jetty - Gow's Wharf
- Barrenjoey Boatshed History page
- Barrenjoey Boathouse In Governor Phillip Park Has Been Part Of Our Community For 75 Years In 2022: Photos From The Collection Of Russell Walton, Son Of Victor Walton, Pilot + Extras
- Barrenjoey House Celebrates its Centenary in 2022
- Carl Gow’s WWI Service in AIF
- Albert George Verrills 1886-1960
- Peter Verrills - Profile
- Fred Verrills – Builder Of Bridges and Roads Within Australia During WWII – Builder Of Palm Beach Thereafter
- Wilshire Park Palm Beach: Some History
- MV Elvina (Falcon)