October 31 - November 6, 2021: Issue 516


The Bus To Palm Beach: Some History

The fairly recently introduced Keoride system for connecting commuters to the B-Line at Mona Vale may seem like a revolutionary idea but a glance backwards 100 years shows a similar type and size of vehicle was running people to Narrabeen and further south from Palm Beach in the early 1920's.

Today, October 31 2021, the local public transport system reverts to being run by private interests, visit: Keolis Downer Commences As Northern Beaches Bus Operator. A glance backwards may be of interest as our area moves forward under this new system.

A bus taking the journey from Palm Beach to Manly is not only one of the not only longest routes in Sydney but also one of the oldest as, before the Sydney Harbour Bridge opened in 1932, everyone caught a bus to Manly to catch a ferry over the water to the city or used the punt at The Spit to travel to Mosman and North Sydney and catch a ferry from there.

Even then it was a few years after the bridge provided direct access into town from Palm Beach that a service commenced.

The first 'rumour' of a privately-run motor bus for Pittwater came through the Mosman Mail who stated the proprietor of the Rock Lily would be overseeing this wonderful new shift from coaches pulled by horses to machines that would make the horses run and fill the air with a scent quite unlike that of horse hair and hay. This could have been expected by any who knew Leon Houreux, especially since so many accounts of his life in Paris prior to coming to Australia and becoming one of the timber fellers around the Elanora-Ingleside Powder Works state he revelled in being a coach driver with a penchant for haste:


The people all along the route from Manly to Newport were overjoyed at the latest news with reference to the intended instalment of motor 'buses on November 1st next. The line of coaches run by Mr. L. Houreux, of Rock Lily, and his successor, Mr. Massey, of Manly, has always been run in the interests of the people and to the best of the possibilities of the circumstances, but it has been felt for years, and felt in a practical way too, that is, in the pocket, that money was being lost because it was not gained, through the fact that it did not pay the coach proprietors to run more than a certain number of coaches per diem. They did the best that could be done but it was not enough. Travellers for City houses who did not have conveyances of their own had to wait the regular coach at a loss. But things are going to be altogether different—" if nothing happens." Motor omnibuses to carry up to 32 persons are to run from Manly to Rock Lily, and on as far as “The Oaks," the sanatorium of Mr. G. S Brock, near Newport, where very active work is in progress to provide for many paying guests. Practically the Pittwater terminus of the line will be Rock Lily, where Mr. Houreux, who for many years in the past braved all weathers on the Manly coaches as their proprietor and one of their drivers, has a fine hotel and picnic grounds. Here the new style locomotives will stop as at the end of their journey and renew their load for the return journey to Manly. 

This evidence of progress is thing that has been wanted for years. The ********* all along the route have been anxious for the quickest means of transit for the last 4 or 5 years at least. Great efforts have been made to have a tramway system or a line of railway. In THE MAIL, and personally through our representatives while en tour in the Pittwater district we have advocated for not less than three years the feasibility and suitability of a … motor car System. The road is splendid for this purpose. The people for the most part have agreed with us, and there have been at times rumors of companies intending to start motor 'buses. Now it would seem that at last our ideas and those of Mr. G. S. Brock, Mr. L. Houreux, Mr. S. Greig, and other prominent men in those parts are about to see materialisation. Not only will the system be hailed with joy by the private residents, but by commercial travellers, tourists, amateur fishermen, etc., etc. 

The new line will run conveyances more frequently at about the same cost to the public for the trip as the coaches. A man will be able to leave the City in the morning and call at all the places en route for business or pleasure, and get hack the same night. It is at once evident that the values of properties will go up all along the route and everyone will benefit by the coming motor omnibus line. It is expected that the horse coaches will still find plenty to do, as there will be outward branching from the main road at various points towards the Hornsby railway line. A connection must in time be made in this direction, which, until covered by the motor lines, will be open to the horse coaches. 

The junctioning of the Spit tram and motor car system will for a while require a fuller coach service— so that no one will lose and all will gain by this latest local application of the most recent and the most scientific style of travel. We in Mosman want motor cars to run down to Balmoral and down Bradley's Head Road. Alderman W. C. Shipway and others have done something towards the project This is work for our Citizens' League and our Borough Council. A strong and united effort should be made at once. Newport—Manly. (1905, June 3). The Mosman Mail (NSW : 1898 - 1906), p. 4. Retrieved  from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247010516 

Image No.: c071420012 from Album: Glass negatives of Sydney regions, including Clovelly, Coogee, and Manly ca 1890-1910 by William Joseph Macpherson Courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales- and enlargement from.

Despite the hope for November 1905 it was actually February 1906 when the sound of a 'bus first rumbled its way from Manly to Mona Vale and Brocks 'The Oaks' and just weeks before those holding a bank note mortgage on his property were moving to sell it out from under him. 

The two motor buses recently imported from England for the service between Manly, Rocklily, Bayview, Newport, and Pittwater, made their initial trial on Thursday afternoon last. The run was to the residence of Mr. Brock, of Newport, and return to Manly, a distance of 23 miles. The 'buses, which were imported to the order of Messrs. Reid Bros., of Manly, are likely to be handled by a company, known as the Manly-Pittwater Motor Omnibus Company, Limited, with a capital of £8500. It Is the intention of the company to shortly Import a number of similar vehicles, as well as some steam 'buses, to tap the various populated districts at present badly supplied with tram or horse 'bus service. Manly was en fête for the occasion on Thursday, and a big crowd assembled at the Pier Hold to witness the start, which took place at 2.20 p.m.

Amongst those who took part in the trial were Mr. Dugald Thomson, M.P., Dr. Arthur, M.L.A., Mr. F. F. H. McKenzie, M.L.A., Alderman Quirk (Mayor of Manly), Alderman Walker, Alderman T. J. West, Alderman Lear Bioiinth, Alderman Ogilby, Messrs, S. L. Ridge, Charles H. Kerry (director of the Motor Company), E. E. Kennedy (secretary to the company). E. A. Laurence (of Laurence and Laurence, solicitors to the company), John Bennett, Wm. M'Leod, Daniel Farrell, H. T. Roby George Rodda (of Adams and Co.), Alexander Edward (secretary to the. Traffic Commissioners), D. S. K. Millar (Bank of New South Wales), W. J. Bradley, and Mr. Houreaux.

As the buses left Manly for Newport with 16 passengers on board each vehicle there was much enthusiasm, and it was evident that the introduction of the latest form of propelled vehicle was highly appreciated by the residents. Flags were flying from various buildings and arches had been erected at various part's of the road. As the 'buses made their run towards Newport several other petrol vehicles escorted the now service. All were gaily decorated out of compliment to the new Motors. There is little doubt that with a good and quick service many people will soon make the trip. Considering that the buses were shod with solid tyres the run was very smooth throughout.

The first 'bus, with the "Herald" representative on board, reached Mr. Brock's residence at 3.9 p.m., having covered the 11 ¼ miles in 49 minutes. There had been no rushing in the journey, as it was the intention of the owners to allow the party to view the magnificent scenery en route. With the exception of a slight delay at Sheepstation Hill, owing to the fan belt slipping off the pulley, the run made by the first bus was a delightful one, and must be deemed very successful. Unfortunately, the second 'bus had not quite so good a journey, as the carburetor stopped up when near Sheepstation Hill, and a halt had to be made. It took the chauffeur a considerable time before the obstruction in the petrol feed tube was removed. The delay was most vexatious to Messrs. Reid, who had already accomplished several journeys without a stop. It was especially unfortunate that the stoppage should have occurred in the inaugural run, as such things often tend to dishearten enthusiasts. Considering that the buses are as yet practically new, and that they will not be In thorough working order until they have covered at least a couple of hundred miles, the speed and hill-climbing capabilities displayed during Thursday's run must be deemed excellent.

Each bus is fitted with a 22-h.p. Aster engine, 4-cylinder rod, and with the cylinders cast separately. The full power of the motor is got at 1000 revolutions, but the speed may, be brought down very low by the manipulation of the throttle. The engine Is supported In the chassis by two strong channelled steel stays running from one side to the other, thus keeping the motor firm and secure. Elseman high tension magneto with synchronised Ignition is fitted, the accumulator and coil supplied extra being carried as a standby. Each of the four cylinders Is run from one coil by means of a distributor, and the switch fitted on the dashboard enables the chauffeur to turn on or off either Ignition at will. The manipulator of the spark and throttle Is of the latest type, being attached to the steering wheel, so as to allow the driver easy control. The change speed gears being at the driver's right hand allow easy management. As regards the chassis, It Is made of pressed steel, of U section, and narrowed In front, so as to allow a bigger wheel look. The length of the frame is 15ft 7in, and the width 4ft 9in, while the wheel base Is approximately 11ft the latter width being practically that of an Australian waggon track. The weight of the respective models turns out to be a little more than expected for a single-decker, totalling altogether 2 tons 5cwt for chassis and body. There is little doubt that the wood work In the motors is substantial, but had a little less solidity been supplied they might have been bettor. The artillery wheels fitted to the 'buses are strong, and, having solid forged axles, there is little likelihood of any injury to them. The drive is by chain, a stout 3in block chain being fitted on each side. The chain may be tightened when required by means of a substantial radiating rod. The springs of the vehicle,, though apparently strong, proved on the running to be just a trifle weak for the Manly-Newport road, and one could often experience at certain places slight Jars. It would certainly be advisable to have an extra leaf or two of spring put on. 

Each 'bus is fitted with three speeds and reverse. Between the differential and  the  gear box is a strong coupling shaft with two flexible joints. The Panhard system of gearing with direct drive on the top is employed, and the estimated greatest speed is about '20-25 miles an hour. ' As regards the water circulation, this is supplied by means of a powerful pump. Tubular radiators and a large fan driven by bolt off the shaft help to keep cool the engine. The brake work on each chassis is of the external band type. Although for heavy vehicles the Internal expanding system of braking Is to be preferred, those on the new 'buses seemed very effective, and were able to pull up the latter quickly when descending some stiff gradients. The tyres, which are solid, were turned out by the Dunlop Company. It is a pity the company who purpose running the  buses did not see their way to fit twin tyres on the rear wheels, as the wearing qualities of the latter are superior, and there is loss likelihood on the part of the vehicles to skid.

As regards the body part of the respective Cars, the design and finish seem simple, yet neat. In each 'bus there are four cross seats, each vehicle being capable of accommodating about 16 to 18 passengers. A very desirable feature about the seats Is that each of the four rows Is placed on a different level, the back one being the highest. This arrangement enables each back row of passengers to have an equally good view with those In front. There is a canopy, with convex roof, fitted to each car, and supported by tubular Pillars. To protect the driver or passengers in dusty or rainy weather, two folding glass panels can be lowered, as can the folding side blind. The finish of the vehicles is In excellent taste, the cars being upholstered In dark green leather. The woodwork Is painted dark chocolate with yellow lines on one model and dark green with light lines on the other. A luggage carrier is fitted on the top of the canopy. 

When the buses reached Mr. Brock's residence refreshments were served, after which some photographs of the new vehicles with the passengers aboard were taken. Mr. Quirk, Mayor of Manly, occupied the chair, in the course of his remarks he said that every credit  was  due to Messrs. Reid for having had the courage to Import motor 'buses.

Mr. Dugald Thomson, M.P., proposed success to the new venture, and eulogised  the Importers as men of enterprise, who had surmounted great difficulties. He hoped soon to see a regular service of 'buses running between Manly  and Pittwater, and trusted the venture would meet with the success It deserved. 

Dr. Arthur, M.L.A., in supporting the toast, said he was a humble admirer of anything In the shape of enterprise. He thought the Manly-Pittwater buses would be a decided acquisition to the neighbourhood. He characterised Pittwater and the surrounding neighbourhood as one of the loveliest districts in this State, and hoped the present buses would be compared favourably with those at present in Sydney, would always be kept busy.

Mr. M'Kenzie, M.L.A., also spoke, and pointed out the necessity that existed for proper communication, between Manly, Newport, and district. He had no doubt that in a short time many more similar buses would be in use.

Mr. Reid responded and spoke of the initial difficulties in inaugurating the service. He was perfectly satisfied that once the novelty had worn off the present buses they would successfully cater for the demands of the Manly and Pittwater residents. MOTOR OMNIBUSES. (1906, February 10 - Saturday). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14732737

The formation of the Manly-Pittwater Motor Omnibus Company Ltd, with £8500 capital, was announced in February 1906.  The company secretary was Mr E E Kennedy.  The chairman was Charles Henry Kerry, and John Williams was Director.

The following companies have been registered under the Limited Liability Act:— Manly-Pitt-water Motor Omnibus Company, Limited, capital £8500 in £5 shares, to acquire motor omnibuses, etc., from Chas. and Jno. Reid, and W. Adams and company, limited… NEW COMPANIES. (1906, February 20). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article114225827

Advertising (1906, February 11). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126569218 

However, the success of this service was not assured and the venture was liquidated soon afterwards - the tyres didn't do too well on the roads and people had to rely on the horse-drawn coaches still despite articles such as this - the first inference of the failure of a government venture refers to the steam-driven bus from Potts Point to Darlinghurst service that closed within its inaugural year:


The many comments made regarding the unfortunate result at the introduction by the Government of motor buses have to a very large extent biased the opinion of the public in regard to their suitability for passenger traffic (writes Mr. E. E. Kennedy, secretary to the Manly-Pittwater Motor Omnibus Company),but we can state that an altogether different state of affairs exists in connection with the Manly-Pittwater Company's buses, as they have proved a pronounced success since their introduction. This company was formed to acquire from the Messrs. Reid Brothers, of Manly, their petrol motor drags (or charabancs), and have been running to Narrabeen for the past four months, and since the middle of last month the run has been extended to Rocklily and Bayview

The few hitches at the commencement of the running were due entirely to tyre troubles, but that difficulty has been overcome by using wider tyres, which was necessary owing to the rough condition of the roads. The roads in this district are in great need of repair, and are altogether far too rough for ordinary traffic; yet the company's drags run regularly with full passenger loads,and negotiate the famous 'Sheep Station Hill'-with ease, which clearly proves the suitability of these petrol cars, for this class of heavy work.

At the invitation of Mr. John Williams, director of the company, a party of gentlemen, which included Mr. C. H. Kerry (chairman of the company), Messrs. Henry Deane (M. Inst.,C.E.), P. Burrows, E. D. Pike, W. Speechly, Captain Talbot, and T. F. H. Mackenzie, M.L.A., visited Bayview last Thursday in one of the motor drags. The roads were exceptionally heavy, owing to the late rains, but a good run was made to Bayview, where Mr. Williams' launch was in attendance to convey the party over to his private residence, near Scotland Island. After lunch the return trip was commenced, and the run back to Manly was accomplished in 45 minutes. The visitors were highly delighted with the cars. The directors are now making arrangements to place four more motor omnibuses on the route to Narrabeen, Rocklily, Bayview, and Newport, and from Manly to the Spit. MOTOR BUSES. (1906, May 7). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article114318129

Above from: Narrabeen Lakes Estate, 1906 / Arthur Rickard & Co. Ltd Auctioneers. 1906. MAP Folder 114, LFSP 1695 (Copy 1). Part 17. Courtesy National Library of Australia.

The venture did not last and was liquidated in July 1908. In December 1908 a new company appeared as a coach service that closed with the opening of the tram to Brookvale:

Manly District and Balgowlah Coaching Company, Ltd , has been formed, with a capital of £5000 In £1 shares, and 1000 of these shares are Issued as fully paid up, to adopt and carry into effect an agreement between William Todd and Frederick George Carter, and to acquire a license to conduct a coach service between Manly and Balgowlah. The managing director of the company, whose registered office will be at Manly, will be William Todd. NOTES AND COMMENTS. (1908, December 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15014116

The Manly District and Balgowlah Coaching Company, Limited, has gone Into liquidation, Mr. P. Turner having been appointed liquidator. NOTES AND COMMENTS. (1910, August 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15187218

Bottles Buses based at Narrabeen was filling the gap to northern end of the peninsula:

Mona Vale, Pittwater, N.S.W. ; Bottle's car, Pittwater Road, ca. 1900-1927, Sydney & Ashfield : Broadhurst Post Card Publishers, Image No.: a106171h, courtesy State Library of NSW.: 

Transport -  H. C. BOTTLE'S LINE Of Fast, 'Fiat' Motor Char a Bancs' Continuous Service from Tram Terminus. COLLAROY BEACH to PITTWATER, Etc. Mon. to Sat. — to Mona Vale and Newport : 10.25 a.m.,12.25f, 2.25, 3.25t, 6.5 p.m. To Mona Vale,- Bayview and Church Point : 12.25*, 2.25**, 4.25 p.m. For Narrabeen Lakes; Cars meet every Tram. From Newport : 6.45,11.15 a.m., 3, 4f, ! 6.45 p.m. From Bayview : 6.45 sum. (Mon. : only), 1,10, 5.10 p.m.  Optional. *Saturday excepted. 'Saturday only. Phone, 249 Manly; . Advertising. (1913, May 4). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126453094

However a series of accidents and problems for Mr. Bottle accompanied his venture:

A motor waggon belonging to Mr. Charles Bottles of Narrabeen, was destroyed by fire  In Pittwater road, Narrabeen, about half-past 7 on Wednesday night, the damage done being estimated at £450.

The waggon was loaded with wood, and Mr. George Bottles, a brother of the owner, was starting it when it back-fired into the carburettor. A loud explosion followed, and the driver sprang from his seat on to the roadway. When he regained his feet, he saw that a spark had reached the petrol tank, and set alight to the front of the machine. 
Efforts were made to extinguish the flames, but they proved of no avail, the waggon and its load being destroyed. The loss was covered by insurance.   MOTOR BACK-FIRES. (1914, September 3). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article115808250 

Bottles' advertisement from January 11, 1914

Fire at Narrabeen
A large motor garage belonging to Mr. Henry C. Bottle in Pittwater-road, Narrabeen, was burnt out late last night, and two motor 'buses and three motor cars destroyed. The damn ere is estimated at £3500. 
The cause of the fire is unknown. The garage, a large wood and iron, building, was situated at the rear of Mr. Bottle's home, and about 10 minutes to 12. Mrs. Bottle was disturbed, by hearing a crackling noise. She looked out, and on seeing the garage well alight she roused the other members of the family, who, in turn; alarmed the neighbors. The locality being outside the fire brigade area, no firemen attended, and the residents had to. do what they could with buckets of water. After a hard fight they subdued the flames and prevented them reaching an adjoining shed, and also Mr. Bottle's home and the week-end residence of Mr. Shand, K.C., next door. As it was, the garage and its contents were destroyed, but a motor car that was standing in the yard near the building was saved after it had been badly scorched. Mr. Bottle's sons and some of the neighbors dragged it away, and in doing so several of them had their hands slightly burnt. The cars destroyed were insured for £2000. Mr. Bottle still has three cars, and with those he will he able to maintain his passenger services between Narrabeen and Pittwater, with the exception of the Darley-road run, which he has had to cancel. FIRE AT NARRABEEN (1917, April 27).The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 5 (FINAL SPORTING). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article221956563 

SYDNEY, Friday 
A fire occurred at a garage at Narrabeen, and a building with two motor buses and three cars were completely destroyed within half an hour from the outbreak early this morning. The loss Is estimated at £3500. Mr. Bottle, who runs a line of buses from Narrabeen to Newport was the owner;
Mrs. Bottle when she noticed the telephoned the Manly fire brigade, they refused to turn out as it is outside their district. The origin of the fire Is unknown.  FIRE AT NARRABEEN (1917, April 28).Wagga Wagga Express (NSW : 1879 - 1917), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article145336777 

Warringah Shire Council records show that on December 2nd 1918, regarding H..C Bottle and I.P.Hyde - Council Resolved-that Messrs. Bottle and Hyde should be asked to reduce their fares on the Narrabeen-Pittwater motor-'bus services. Run to 9d to the pump at Mona Vale, and 1/- to Shaw's and Bassett Street and that they also be asked to display a "Mona, Vale" sign on their motors, in addition to "Bayview" and " Newport". 90 It was also decided to draw H. C. Bottle's attention to the fact that he is plying for hire between Manly and Narrabeen without a license. Tramway Resolved that the Tramway Department be written to and asked for a reply to the, requests made by recent deputation on the matter of improving the Manly-Narrabeen tram service. 

(Before Mr. Justice Ferguson and jury.)
Shoveller v Bottle. 
The plaintiff, Arthur Russell Shoveller, cab proprietor and driver, of Manly, sued Henry Charles Bottle, motor 'bus proprietor, claiming £750 compensation for injuries caused to him, as he alleged, through the negligence of the defendant's servant. The plaintiff stated that on October 30 last, having taken a passenger home, he was driving a hansom cab down from the direction of Wood-street to the Esplanade at Manly, and while turning a sharp corner at Osborne-street, well in to the kerb on his proper side, he was run down by a motor 'bus, driven by a servant of the defendant, who was cutting the corner fine and attempting to ascend the incline without altering his gear. The 'bus collided with the right wheel of the cab, releasing the horse, and causing the shafts to fall. Shoveller was thrown head first on to the footpath, and received injuries which, he declared, would permanently prevent him from following his calling. A general plea of not guilty was filed, the defendant's contention being that the plaintiff's horse was out of control, and that the cab was coming down on the wrong aide of the road. Mr. Watt and Mr. Mann (Instructed by Mr. W. C. Clegg) appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Markell (instructed by Messrs. Priddle and Gosling) for the defendant.
The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff for the full amount claimed. NO. 1 JURY COURT. (1920, June 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15893544 

Henry Charles Bottle, of Bournewood, Pittwater-road, Narrabeen, motor 'bus proprietor. Mr. C. F. W. Lloyd, official assignee. IN BANKRUPTCY. (1920, July 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15899435 

[Notice of Application for a Certificate of Discharge,]
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
Re Henry Charles Bottle, of Pittwater-road, Narrabeen, motor-bus proprietor.
To the Official Assignee and Creditors.
TAKE NOTICE that I, Henry Charles Bottle, intend to apply to the Court, Supreme Court Buildings, Elizabeth-street, Sydney, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of August, 1921, at 10 a.m., or as soon afterwards as the course of business will admit, that a Certificate of Discharge be granted to me, under and according to the provisions of the "Bankruptcy Act, 1898."—Dated this 7th day of July, 1921.
HENRY CHARLES BOTTLE  IN BANKRUPTCY. (1921, July 8).Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4118. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224619385 

The November 27, 1922 Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings Records show under ‘Palm Beach Motor ‘Bus Service’ that An application from the Pittwater Motor Car Co 23/11/1922 for permission to run a motor service to Palm Beach was read in conjunction with the report. It was Resolved, -  That the right of the road to Palm Beach be granted the Company for a period of twelve months, provided that it does not interfere with the present service to and their attention be drawn to the fact that there is not room on the road at where their present stand is, and that the Inspector will confer with them, with a view to finding a better site. 

March 1923: That the Inspector Public investigate the matter of a large 'bus said to be plying for hire between Manly, and Narrabeen on Sundays without a license from the Council, Resolved, - (Cr; Hewitt, Cmpbl) That, as recommended, - Do - licenses be granted the Pittwater Motor Co,, for six public vehicles and seven drivers; 13, T. Coote's letter, 28/2/23. 

January 4th 1926: H. C. Bottle. 11/1/26. requesting permission to run a motor-'bus service between Manly and Narrabeen, for the purpose of carrying passengers who book their seats, at a fare of 1/- each way : Resolved, -  That as Bottle is the pioneer of ‘bus services in the Shire, the Council raise no objection to his proposal, provided he run the 'bus under the same conditions as were laid down in the case of the other 'bus run by Mr. Inder. 

Mr. Bottle's daughter Eva married one of the Hastie boys from Careel Bay, Jack Lawson Hastie in 1926. Eva was born in 1905 to Henry Charles and Martha E Bottle, her birth is registered at Marrickville. Jack Hastie was sent into France on the 27th of September 1918, attached to the 18th Battalion.  On the 1st of February 1919 Jack was attached to the Australian Graves Detachment and sent into Belgium. He served there until the 24th of March 1919. On the 16th of March 1919 he was attached to the Graves Registration Detachment sent into France. He served there until the 16th of August 1919. 

Above: Members of the Graves Registration Detachment, Australian section, of the Imperial War Graves unit loading bodies from a mass grave to be put in single graves. The bodies are wrapped in groundsheets with ID tags after exhumation and prior to reburial in permanent war cemeteries. Image P04541.001, courtesy Australian War Memorial.

Jack Lawson Hastie Image No.: a871628h, courtesy State Library of NSW

It would be the 18th of December 1919 before Jack embarked to come home, aboard the Kryja Luise. He was discharged on the 1st of March 1920. Jack returned to his chosen vocation as a motor driver on making it home. He had been living in Narrabeen prior to enlistment. Narrabeen was where the Bottle's business was based.

While his father in law went bankrupt and then applied to be discharged from the same another service sprang up:

A motor 'bus containing eight passenger, got out of control near Narrabeen late yesterday afternoon and crashed into a tree.
All the occupants were Injured and three had to be conveyed to the Manly Hospital, where they were admitted in a serious condition. Their names are Stanley Du Rieu, 27, a packer of Barcom-avenue, Darlinghurst, who was suffering from abrasions to the scalp: Eric Du Rieu, 26, of the same address, suffering from abrasions and shock; and Mrs. J. Connelly, of Broughton-boulevard, Bondi, who was suffering from injuries to the knees and abrasions to the face. The remaining five per-sons received minor Injuries, and were treated at the scene of the accident.
At about a quarter past five the 'bus, which, is owned by the Diggers' Motor 'Bus Co., Ltd., of Newport, was travelling along Pitt-water- road from Newport to Narrabeen. When approaching the Powder Works-road, the steering gear unexpectedly refused to work. Before the driver-William Russel, of Newport-could stop the 'bus, it had crashed Into a tree which was close to the road-way. All the passengers were severely jolted, and several were thrown on to the road. The driver escaped injury. The 'bus was badly damaged.
Constable Huckins, of Narrabeen, cycled to the scene of the accident, and had the injured conveyed to the hospital. 'BUS ACCIDENT. (1922, November 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28078946 

Motor 'Bus Runs Into Tree.
A motor *bus, containing eight persons got out of control yesterday afternoon and crashed into a tree. All the occupants were injured, and here had to be conveyed to the manly Hospital, where they were admitted in a serious condition ACCIDENT AT NARRABEEN. (1922, November 10). The Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser (NSW : 1856 - 1861; 1863 - 1889; 1891 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article192029500 

Park Estate, Avalon Beach 1922/24 - front page and back pages 1924 Items No.: c027560033h and c027560034h, Subdivision Plans courtesy State Library of NSW - and sections from to show details

Much damage was caused at Narrabeen by the storm. Shortly after 11 o'clock the roof of Clayton's refreshment shop at the tram terminus was carried away, and. hurtling through the air, crashed into a motor 'bus which was standing In Pittwater Road, fully 60 yards away. The six passengers had lucky escapes from death. The frame, glasswork, and window screen of the car were smashed to fragments. One of the occupants was cut about the face by flying glass. The window of Clayton's shop also was blown in. Other serious damage was done throughout the district.
NARRABEEN SUFFERS (1925, October 13).The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article245052251 

Letters froth H. C. Bottle, 17/11/23, and the Pittwater Motor Co.19/11/ 23, received by the Warringah Shire Council state that both are requesting that the sole right of the road be given to the Pittwater Motor Co. for three years, were received. Council Resolved, - That the Pittwater Motor Co. be granted the sole right of the road for a period of  three years, subject to a proper and adequate service being run to the satisfaction of the Council, and provided fares and time-table be revised annually, and also that the purchase of H. C, Bottle's service takes place, according to the terms of the Company's letter Of 19th November, 1923- An amendment was moved by CR,Campbell, seconded by Cr. McKillop) That the Pittwater Motor Co. must agree not to exceed the speed to 25 miles per hour on any of the run.

The 'Digger' bus could also apply to the son of James Stuart Greig, Lawton Howden Greig, a 'Digger' from Australia, who with Edward Grace Tindale, a 'Digger' born in New Zealand, commenced the Pittwater Motor Company until they dissolved the partnership in 1924. 

J. 'Stuart' Greig was proprietor of the Newport Hotel until his death in 1910, and carried on thereafter by his wife Grace until 1921 when she took over the licence for a hotel in town. This family were at of getting a proper school at Newport, one of the central supporters for the Pittwater Regattas from 1906 on, while their son was one of Sydney's earlier 'bus and cab drivers. This incident at Windsor is the second linking the Greig family to this place. In November 1882 J. Stuart Greig and his brother, Alfred Howden Greig, had to file, as publicans, for bankruptcy even though they were able to discharge the debt of over £800 by early the next year. 

Motor Car Somersaults.
Driver Killed. Another Man Seriously Injured.

A terrible accident happened to a party of motorists bound from Sydney to Hawkesbury races on Saturday afternoon. They were bowling along the narrow part of the road at the foot of Magrath's hill, when, in attempting to pass another car, theirs overturned. The chauffer was killed, and three of the passengers injured. The party, which comprised Kasey Phelps, cabinetmaker, of Liverpool-road, Ashfield; John Bailey, horse-trainer, of Collins-street, Beaconsfield ; Arthur Riddington, of Stuart-street, Manly ; and Stanley Malcolm, of Collingwood-street, Manly, left Sydney shortly before midday in a 30 h.p. Cardillac car, owned and driven by George Nixon, 19 years of age, of 19 Green's-road, Paddington. All went well until they were within half a mile of Windsor. It was about a quarter to 2 o'clock, and the car was travelling at a high rate of speed, and had overtaken one in front. Nixon attempted to pass it, but the road was too narrow, and, in passing, one of the rear wheels slipped down an 18in. embankment. The tyre blew out, and with a bound the car turned completely over, and then somersaulted into an upright position across the road, practically undamaged. The occu pants were dashed violently to the roadway, and the driver of the car was killed. The injured were hurried to the Windsor Hospital. Bailey was admitted suffering from a fractured jaw, a broken collar bone, a fractured right wrist, and injuries to the chest; whilst Phelps and Riddington were able to leave after a number of cuts and abrasions had been treated. Phelps was much cut about the face. Malcolm escaped uninjured. The latter three attended the races later. The body of Young Nixon was taken to the morgue at Windsor Hospital. An eye-witness to the accident, Dr. Jas. C. Hughes, of Kimeree, Lang-road, Centennial Park, describes it. 'We were slowly motoring into Windsor,' he said, 41 when a Wolsley car, which had been at the back of us, slowly crept up and passed us. A few minutes after a Cardillac roared past at, I should say, without exaggeration, 40 miles an hour. Her driver appeared to be letting her out. I commented on the fact to one of my party, and remarked, 'That sort of thing won't do any good ; something, is sure to hap pen.' There was a lot of dust about at the time, and we had not gone more than 20 yards when' it cleared up, and we saw the Cardillac swerved right across the road, and the occupants strewn in all directions. This was just at the bottom of Magrath's-hill, before it rises upward again into Windsor. It appears that the party had attempted to pass the Wolsley in front, but in doing so the rear wheel evidently dipped over the side of the road 'and caused the accident. The driver had apparently been flung through the wind screen. He was barely alive, and expired a few minutes after. The base of the skull was fractured. The others we took into Windsor for treatment.' 


Mr J. B. Johnston, J.P., District Coroner opened an inquest on the body of George Nixon on Sunday morning, at Windsor Hospital. Charles Alfred Nixon, assistant secretary to the Chamber of Commerce, residing at 19 Green's Road, Paddington, deposed : I have viewed the body and identify it as that of my adopted son, George Nixon ; he was about 9 months old when adopted, and never knew he was not our natural son ; last saw deceased alive about 1.30 a.m. on Saturday, 28th inst : he had been out with his car and arrived home at that hour ; he came into my room to let me know he was home, and asked me to give him a call about 8 o'clock, as he was taking a party out to the Hawksbury ; he purchased the car in which he was driving, on Saturday, only a few days before ; he was 19 years of age, and a native of Sydney ; he bad no interests in any property that I know of, and his life is not insured ; cannot say what money he had on him when be left home. Alexander Young Fullerton, duly qualified medical practitioner, residing at Windsor, deposed : I saw the body of deceased at Windsor Hospital between 8 and 4 p.m. on the 28th instant ; blood was flowing from the right ear, and from his appearance I judged that he had suffered a fracture of the base of the skull ; examined the body this morning, and found a fracture of the left collar-bone ; I believe the cause of death was injury to the brain. John James McLeod, constable of police, stationed at Windsor, deposed : From information received while on duty at Hawkesbury races on the 28th instant, I came to Windsor. Hospital ; arrived about 3 p.m. and saw the body of deceased brought to the hospital by the wardsman ; assisted to remove the body to the morgue ; examined it and searched the clothing ; found the papers and books produced, and a sum of sevenpence in money in deceased's pockets ; the papers consist of a receipt for the registration of motor car 6312 in the name of George Nixon, of 19 Green's Road, Paddington, dated 21st September, 1912; also a motor cab driver's license No. 235, in the name of Lawton Howden Greig of Newport Hotel, Newport, dated 4th April, 1912 ;. also a time payment contract card dated 24th September, 1912, in the name of George Nixon, for the purchase of motor car No. 6312 for £562/10/; also a motor traffic book, two memorandum books, a pocket wallet containing papers, a fountain pen, and three keys ; Constable Webber and the wardsman were present when I searched the body ; I went to the scene of the accident, between Magrath's Hill and Windsor, about three quarters of a mile from Windsor ; the wheel tracks of deceased's car were plainly visible, showing that he had got off the road on the left hand or near side, as he approached Windsor ; the tracks showed that he started to turn on to the road again, and the turn appeared to be at a sharp angle; there is an embankment at this spot and the wheels on the left side of the car would be about two feet lower than those on the right ; I examined the car ; the tyre on the back wheel on the left hand side of the oar was off and the inner tube burst ; the glass in front and the steering gear were broken; I also examined car No. 4225 which deceased was passing, and driven by E. C Lusted ; there was no mark or evidence of a collision on it. John Francis Bailey, horse trainer, deposed : I met deceased on Friday, 27th instant, and again on Saturday, when we left for Hawkesbury races ; there were four in the car besides the driver ; I only know one of them (Malcolm), and the others I know as ' Bass' and ''Reid '; we proceeded by car for Hawkesbury races, and when on the Windsor side of Magrath's Hill there was another car in front; deceased went to go on the outside first and then changed for the near side and went over an embankment, and when opposite the other car he turned quickly and the oar skidded and seemed to turn over ; I was in the front of the car, but cannot say at what pace we were travelling ;. I heard a noise, and thought it was a tyre blowing out ; I was much hurt ; a couple of ribs and my jaw are broken, and there is something wrong with my chest ; deceased drove very fast the whole of the road ; we left Ascot about a quarter to 12 ; I cannot say whether deceased had any money on him or not; I heard deceased say be would not take anybody's dust ; he was asked to drive steady; I was afraid of the pace all the way up. Lily Nixon, wife of Charles Alfred Nixon,, deposed; I have seen the body in the morgue ; it is the body of my adopted son, George; last saw him alive on Saturday morning about 9 o'clock, at home ; he said he was going to take a party up to Hawkesbury races ; he left home for the garage about 9 a.m. ; the motor car would have been his when paid for ; I paid a deposit for him and he was ' paying off the balance ; I paid £100 deposit; the balance was to have been paid at £6 per week ; the car was insured ; on the morning that be went away he had about £2/5/- or £2/10/ on him ; he had a sovereign, a half sovereign and the balance was silver ; it was loose in his pocket; he did not have to buy anything; deceased was my sister's child; she is dead, and I took him as an infant. William Arthur Sorrell, manager for John McGrath, Limited, and residing at Coogee, deposed : I know deceased ; the car No. 6312 was purchased from my firm in the name of George Nixon ; we were paid £600 cash for the car ; it is insured with the Oceanic Insurance Company ; deceased borrowed the money to pay for the car from the Mortgage, Loan and Insurance Company ; the car was insured for £600 ; having inspected the oar I am of opinion that the accident was caused by a blowout of a tyre. The inquest was adjourned till 11 a.m. on Thursday. The funeral of the young man, George Nixon, took place on Monday morning, the remains being interred in St. Matthew's Church of England cemetery. Rev. Norman Jenkyn, rector, referred very feelingly to the particularly sad occasion, and expressed sympathy with those who mourned and who had been so suddenly bereaved. Mr J. W. Chandler carried out the mortuary arrangements.  Motor Car Somersaults. (1912, October 5). Windsor and Richmond Gazette (NSW : 1888 - 1961), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article85847728 

Lawton Howden Greig was born in Enmore in 1892, at the 'tram' station - clearly a sign of things to come. His father was from Fifeshire in Scotland originally, his mother's family from Essex, a daughter of Robert Lawton Eames and Mary Sadlier - with a connection to the gentleman who would buy so much land at Careel Bay. A few notices from the pages of the past:

On the 4th of May last, at St Paul's Church, Auckland, by the Rev. J.F. Lloyd, Robert Lawton Eames, Esq., of Takapuna, near Auckland, to Mary, only daughter of Richard Sadlier Esq., J.P., R.N., of Sydney, New South Wales, and grand-daughter of the Rev. Robert Cartwright, one of the senior Chaplains of the said colony. Empire (Sydney) Wed 21 Jun 1854 p. 2

GREIG—EAMES.—May 28, at St. Philip's Church, Sydney, by the Rev. T. Unwin, James Stuart, youngest son of James Greig, of Leven, Fifeshire, Scotland, to E. G. I. (Grace), only daughter of R. L. Eames, Sydney. Family Notices (1887, June 10)The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13650637 

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales.


In the will of William Daniel Eames, late of Oxford-street, Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, chemist, deceased.

NOTICE is hereby given that fourteen days from the publication hereof in the Government Gazette of New South Wales, application will be made to this Honorable Court, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, that letters of administration, with the will annexed, of the estate, goods, chattels, credits, and effects of William Daniel Eames, late of Oxford-street, Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, chemist, deceased, may be granted to John Alexander Rose, the duly appointed syndic of the firm of Elliott Brothers (Limited), of Sydney, wholesale chemists, one of the creditors of the said deceased; Robert Lawson Eames and John Given, the executors and trustees appointed in and by the said will of the said William Daniel Eames, deceased, having by deed poll bearing date the 11th day of July last, duly renounced and disclaimed the trusts of the said will.—Dated this 14th day of August, a.d. 1889.


Proctor for the said J. A. Rose,

93, York-street, Sydney. ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. (1889, August 20). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 5707. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222185878 


GREIG.— August 27, at her residence, Tram Terminus, Enmore, the wife of J. Stuart Greig, of a son. Family Notices (1892, September 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13878816 

Children of the Union - from NSW BDM's:


THE POSITION OF IRELAND. (To THE EDITOR OF THE GLOBE.) Sir,-Could you kindly inform me whether Ireland is now at liberty to establish any manufactures or native industries without hindrance from England? Also, whether she prospered or otherwise under her own Parliament, and the real cause of its failure? Has she always enjoyed the same amount of representation and been treated as favourably by England as Scotland and Wales ? Perhaps some correspondent could kindly furnish me with the name of some good, impartial history of Ireland, where I could read up these matters, as I am in favour of Home Rule being granted her. 

Enmore, May 21.

 J. S. GREIG. 

[Ireland is at liberty to establish manufactures, but excepting in the province of Ulster, where tenant right has always existed, the refusal of ground landlords to grant fair leases and their felonious habit of confiscating all the improvements of their tenants, have made it impossible. Ireland's prosperity during the. short life of her Parliament was extraordinary, but it was not extended to the bulk of the people, who were subjected to every outrage a dominate class could invent, and an ignorant soldiery inflict. There is no complete and impartial history of Ireland extant. Her history has to be traced through many books. Ed. 0.] THE POSITION OF IRELAND. (1886, May 24). Globe (Sydney, NSW : 1885 - 1886), p. 2 (SPECIAL EDITION and EVENING). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article102560044 

Newtown.—A warrant has been issued by the Newtown Bench for the arrest of a man whose name is unknown, but who can be identified, charged with fraudulently obtaining the sum of £1 8s. 1d., and a lady’s hand-bag from Grace Greig, “ Bon Marche,” Enmore Road, Waterloo, on the 13th instant. Offender is about 26 or 28 years of age, 6 feet 7 inches high, medium build, fair complexion, moustache, and Bide whiskers, blue eyes; dressed in blue sac coat and dark hard hat; gentlemanly appearance. Offences not otherwise described. (1890, January 22). New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime (Sydney : 1860 - 1930), p. 26. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article251637054 

When raising funds for all things Newport concerts were held in the local 'hall' (possibly the school hall) with the Greigs singing as a contribution - this item shows this was somewthing long before taking over the licence for the Newport Hotel:


The Christ Church Literary and Debating Society of Enmore last night entertained a very large gathering of friends at a musical evening at the Newtown Town Hall. To a capital programme which was gone through the following were the contributions; - Overture, " Gallop de concert," Mr. Hugh Duff; song, "The Fortune of war," Mr. Geo. Parkes; song, "Twickenham Ferry," Miss A. Goulding ; recitation, comic, Mr. A. J. Lander ; song, " Oat on the rocks," Mrs. Hugh Duff; song, "Bedouin love song," Mr. W. A. Walker ; violin solo, Mr. R. W. Miller; song, "Why must we say good-bye," Mrs, J. Stuart Greig ; reading, Mr. C. E. D, Meares ; Bong, " Good-bye," Mrs. A. Douohar; song, "Trusty as steel," Mr. H. G. J. Howe; flute solo, " Bolero," Mr. George G. Park ; song, "The Garonne," Mr. J. Stuart Greig; song, " The gallants of England," Mr. W. A. Walker; song, "Daddy," Mrs. Hugh Duff ; duet, " How sad It is to say farewell," Mr. and Mrs. Greig ; song, "London Bridge," Mr. F. C. Cowley; duet, "The sailor sighs," Mesdames Duff and Deuchar. During an interval which occurred light refreshments were served to the company, who, at the end of the evening's festivities, were unanimous in the opinion that a mora enjoyable entertainment could not have been provided. STAGE, SONG AND SHOW. (1892, February 4). The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), p. 3 (SPECIAL EDITION). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article229581958 


Emily Crane, 20, was charged at the Newtown Police Court on Friday, before Mr. Whittingdale Johnson, S.M., with stealing two bottles of scent and other articles, the property of James Stuart Greig. The accused went 'to prosecutor's shop in Enmore-road, Newtown. and ordered a Quantity of goods to' be sent to Illawarra-road, Marrickville. She was afterwards arrested by Sergeant Parkinson, who had received information that she had been ordering- goods at a number of shops and giving bogus addresses. When arrested two bottles of scent and other things were found in her possession, and she admitted that she had stolen them from prosecutor's shop while the order she gave was being made up. Mr. Cromwell, who appeared for the girl, stated that she got among a number of disreputable people who plied her with drink, and while in that condition ;she went shoplifting. The articles she took were practically useless to her. Fined JE2,'or'fii days. On a second similar charge she was fined ?10s; or three days. Shoplifting. (1892, May 21). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article112946041 

The Enmore People's Concert.

At the Oddfellows' Hall, Enmore-road, on Thursday, the 17th instant, the first of a series of vocal and instrumental concerts took place, and was a great success. Mayor Migg, of Newtown, took the chair, and the hall was packed with a select and appreciative audience. The originators of these concerts are Professor Croft and Stuart Greig, who have been most energetic and persevering in their efforts to make them a success and boon to Enmore. The programme was an excellent one, and the concert was opened by Miss Lillian Morris (pupil of Mons. Kowa ski), who played the overture in the style of a thorough artist. Miss Cummins then sang "Forgot and Forgive ' (with violin obligato by Professor Croft) ; Mr. J McNamara, " The Village Blacksmith " ; Mrs. Greig " Let Me Dream Again "; Mr. Boxall, clarionet solo. Mr. Stuart Greig sang "The Last Watch"; Mr Alex. Edward, "The King's Champion"; Mr. Herman Newtown, violin selections, and as an encore " Maff's Cavatina"; Professor Croft's piano selection (his own composition), "Sir Robert Duff Mazurka," was well received; Mr. Alex. Edward, "The Skipper" quartette " Come Where my Love Lies Dreaming,' by Mrs. Greig, Miss Cummins, Mr. Greig, and Mr M'Namara. Miss Cummins song " When the Heart is Young," and was well and heartily applauded. Mis Lillian Morris, piano solo "Ventro a Torre," and Mr. and Mrs. Greig, duet " How Sad it is to Say Farewell." After a few happy remarks from the Mayor, and a short address from Mr. Stuart Greig, the concert was brought to a close by the company singing the " National Anthem." Professor Croft was accompanist, and Mr. Stuart Greig musical director. Our Social System. (1893, September 2). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 34. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71188693 

A very pleasant evening was spent at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Greig, at Marion-street, Enmore, on Wednesday, the occasion being the birthday of Mrs. Greig. Some very pretty dresses were noticeable among the guests. Dancing and singing were indulged in until midnight to the excellent playing of Miss A. Vaughan and Mr. Davis on the piano. The company then sat down to supper, when the health of Mrs. Greig was proposed by Mr. Selwyn and responded to by Mr. George Greig, after which dancing was kept up until the small hours of the morning. SOCIAL ITEMS. (1894, November 16 - Friday). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article108879752 - born November 14 .


A fire broke out at about 8 o'clock on Saturday night at the Loyalty-buildings, Enmore-road, occupied by J. S. Greig as a fancy depot, the inmates and a detachment from No, 4 -fire station extinguishing the flames. FIRE AT ENMORE. (1894, December 24). The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article227487904 


The weekly meeting of the Water Licensing Court was held yesterday, Mr. Addison, S.M., presiding, Mr. Giles, S.M., and Mr. Penny, L.M., being also on the bench.

Transfers of licenses were granted: — Thos. H. Hodges to Frederick G. Bradburn, Newport Hotel, Newport; WATER LICENSING COURT. (1895, January 24). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article235997418 


The Water Licensing Bench at its meeting to-day granted transfers of publicans licenses; Frederick Bradburn to J. Stuart Greig, Newport Hotel, Newport LICENSING COURT. (1895, November 21). The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article227273239 



Sir, — I am instructed by the members of the Newport Progress Association, in reply to a statement which appeared in your valuable paper of January 30 last re the unprotected state of the entrance to the Hawkesbury River at Barranjoey, to say they wish attention drawn to the fact that a merchant vessel has been known to enter the heads and to proceed as far as the Railway Bridge (which was then in course of construction), unknown to the Government officials ; and she was in charge of a captain who had no previous knowledge of the harbor. 

In the event of an invasion by an enemy, easy access could be obtained to Sydney by an entrance at Barranjoey, and it is very important that this point should be fortified, as it is one of the first places an enemy would make for. A light tramway is now being agitated for to run from Manly to Newport (distance 12 miles). A large public wharf is shortly to be erected at Newport, so by this means, in the event of a war, our troops could be quickly conveyed from Manly to Newport, thence by steamer from Newport to Barranjoey, entirely hidden from the enemy by the land which divides Broken Bay from the ocean. —

I am, &c., Stuart Greig, Hon. Sec. N.P.A. DEFENCE OF THE HAWKESBURY ENTRANCE. (1898, March 20). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article125521458 

A concert was held on Saturday last at the Newport Hall, Pittwater, in aid of the N.S.W. Patriotic Fund. The hall was crowded, and the entertainment a thorough success. The pupils of the Newport Public School opened the concert with a children's chorus, 'Little Gleaners,' the stage being set as a harvest scene, and later they sang, with Miss Black's assistance, 'Hush, the Bogie Man.' Little Mymie Bramley (aged 3) was heartily applauded for her contribution of 'Children of the Empire,' with a well-rendered chorus. 'Those who gained encores for their contributions wore Miss E. Black ('Absent-Minded Beggar'). Miss Black ('Goodbye'), Mr. A. Wetherall ('The Don' and 'The Grass Widower'), Mr. J. Pearson ('Henry V: Before Harfleur' and 'The Light Brigade'), Mr. C. ; M. Burney ('That's How I Saved My Life' and 'Fosi-: poned. Rather'), and Mr. H. Phillips ('Sleeping : Camp' and 'All Coons Look Alike to Me'), Miss W. Stratton sang 'The Gift of Rest,' and played a couple of piano solos; and Mrs. Brownlow 'The Sleeping Camp'. Other items were rendered by Mr. T. Dudgeon, Mr. A. Simpson, Mrs. Stuart Greig, Mr. W. Eames, and Mr. Geo. Solomon. The accompanists were Misses E. Black and Winifred Stratton. The entertainment was promoted by Mrs. and the Misses Black, and was ably assisted by Mrs. Norris and Mr. Stuart Greig (treasurer). The children in their choruses reflected credit on Miss Black's careful tuition, their contributions being especially well rendered. The sum netted by Miss Ettie Black for her singing of 'The A.M.B.,' amounted to £1 4s 11d. The result of the concert will be the handing over to the fund of a sum of over £7. SOCIAL ITEMS. (1900, May 25). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), , p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article113718246 


The annual meeting of the Newport Progress Association took place on Saturday night at Greig's New-port Hotel. Mr T Waterhouse, the president, occupied the chair. The annual report showed that improvements had been made in the district during the year-dangerous parts of the roads had been fenced and culverts built. In reply to a letter sent to the Works Department asking among other things that the culvert in Gladstone-street should be made wider, the department said the improvements were small, and might well be carried out by those interested. The sub-committee brought up its report upon the establishment of a polling booth at Newport, and it was decided that a petition be presented to Sir John See asking that this might be done. Mr Hanslow gave notice of his intention to propose a motion dealing with a water supply for Newport. The election of officers resulted as follows: -President, Mr Joseph Waterhouse ; vice-president, Mr William Bulfin; hon. secretary and treasurer, Mr. Stuart Greig; council, Messrs H. Bolton, J Baker, F Hanslow, W Bolton. A vote of thanks was passed to the retiring officers and special mention was made of the services rendered by Mr Greig, who had been hon. secretary to the association for the last eight years. NEWPORT PROGRESS ASSOCIATION. (1904, February 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14598711

"Grieg's" Newport Hotel, from album [Scenes of Newport, N.S.W.], ca. 1900-1927, Sydney & Ashfield : Broadhurst Post Card Publishers, courtesy State Library of NSW


A public meeting was held at Newport for the purpose of forming a surf bathing- club. There was a good attendance of residents and visitors. The following officials were elected: — Patron, Dr. Arthur, ML. A.; president, Mr. E. Trevor Jones: vice-presidents. Messrs. A. Quirk, C. D. Paterson, J. Barrett, jun., S. Greig, W. Penfold, Slater, and F. Middows. Mrs. Lewis was elected honorary secretary, and Mrs. Greig honorary treasurer. About 30 members were- enrolled. There is a very fine beach, within 15 minutes walk of the village. The beach has hitherto been only partially equipped with life-saving apparatus, and as the club has already a promise of, a reel and a life-line, surf bathing-may now be enjoyed there with a greater degree of safety.  SURF CLUB AT NEWPORT. (1909, November 6). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 18. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article238222588 

Whether the Greig family always including so much of the community in all they did for the decades they were at Newport contributed to them securing exclusive rights to the road in 1923 or not, an advertisement years after 'Grace' Greig had passed away showed any holdings at Newport were still subject to rates payments. 

This Notice of the partnership between the two ANZACs finishing also shows an early Pittwater Regatta Commodore and sponsor as who Lawton and Edward had oversee the legal matters:

NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between Edward Grace Tindale and Lawton Howden Greig, of Newport, near Sydney, in the State of New South Wales, carrying on business as motor proprietors, under the style or name of The Pittwater Motor Company, has been dissolved by mutual consent, as and from the 23rd day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, so far as concerns the said Edward Grace Tindale, who retires from the said Partnership.

Dated this 23rd day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four.



Witness to both signatures,— Norman H. Murray, Solicitor, Sydney. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore (1924, September 12). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4392. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article220237461 

Queens Parade West with Diggers Bus Depot on right - photo Lorna and Howard Caldecot, from The Newport Story by Guy Jennings, 1987

Newport Wharf, "Take the A.I.F. Cars", from Album ca. 1900-1927, Sydney & Ashfield : Broadhurst Post Card Publishers, courtesy State Library of NSW

Lawton was thrice married and also had his own problems with his transport service, especially when the then state government changed things and seemingly were after everyone's run and bus assets:

Cameron v Greig.

Margaret Cumming Cameron sued to recover £1000 from Lawton Greig who at the relevant time traded as the Pittwater Motor Company for injuries suffered while a passenger on one of the defendant motor buses plying between Newport and Narrabeen on Easter Monday last. Plaintiff stated that the bus was crowded on the holiday and that to steady herself she grasped a stanchion at the back of another passenger. At the bottom of Sheep Station Hill as a motor car was approaching the bus turned wide. The motor car struck and dislodged some luggage at the side of the car and struck Miss Cameron’s left arm Injuring it and fracturing a bone of the hand. Plaintiff alleged that the defendant had been guilty of a lack of care and skill required of a common carrier. Defendant denied the alleged negligence and also that the plaintiff was a passenger as alleged. Mr Halse Rogers K C and Mr Moors (instrusted by Messrs Norton Smith and Co ) appeared for the plaintiff and Mr H B Bignold and Mr Esme Bignold ( instructed by Mr Norman H Mundy) for the defendant. The Jury returned a verdict for the defendant. BANCO JURY CAUSES. (1927, April 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16365931 



Booked by a constable for arriving late at Manly wharf on August 9 on his run from Newport, Lawton Greig, 'bus driver, arrived a few minutes ahead of time next day and was booked again. At Manly Court yesterday he pleaded guilty to charges of being too late and too early, respectively, and informed Mr. Laidlaw, C.S.M., that, as he got into trouble for being late, he tried to make certain of not being caught again, so ran a little ahead of time. He was ordered to pay 15/6 in fines and costs, in each case, in default two days. STRUCK TROUBLE BOTH WAYS (1931, August 28). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article246717367 

James Stuart Greig passed away in 1910, his wife in 1934.

Newport Hotel. Pittwater, Elizabeth Grace Greig (executrix of the will of late James S. Greig). to herself: HOTELS CHANGE HANDS. (1910, April 22). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article115247708 

At the METROPOLITAN LICENSCNING  Court the following applications for the transfer of publicans' licenses were granted- Newport Hotel. Newport, from E Grieg to N A Jones. LICENSING COURT. (1923, April 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16062891


The licensing magistrate, Mr W Le Brun Brown, granted the following applications for transfers of publicans' licences:-Greenwood Tree Hotel, 182 Oxford-street, Paddington, Elizabeth Grace Greig to Austin James Batty; … LICENSING CHANGES. (1932, December 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16937632 

Elizabeth Grace Greig of Newport, and estate of Elizabeth Grace Greig; overdue rates, £43 13s. 4d.; laud, portions 118 to 119. Attunga-road. Newport. OVERDUE RATES.—SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—Land to be Sold (1946, August 23). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1932. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224792137 



Visitors and householders at Palm Beach and Avalon will be given better transportation facilities for the spring and summer. Two new motor 'buses, of de luxe patterns, have just been put on the Manly-Newport route. Here they will link with the older 'buses, which will continue the journey to Avalon and Palm Beach. This latter section is the worst part of the road, at present, but it is soon to be reconstructed and regraded by the Warringah Shire Council. When this work is completed, the new 'buses will run direct from Manly to Palm Beach, giving a much faster and better service, and making the beauty spots of the Barrenjoey peninsula much more accessible. TO PALM BEACH (1926, July 30). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 14 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222720198 

Warringah Shire Council records show; H. C:-- Bottle. 30.10.26. submitting proposal for additional trips-on his motor-thus service between Narrabeen Peninsula and Manly Wharf : 39A Manly-Warringah Tourist and Bus  Co. 4/11/26 (1) submitting a time-table for an half- hourly service between Manly Wharf and Newport; (2) requesting permission to operate a "through" service between Manly, and Palm Beach, and (3.) stating that they contemplate running an hourly service between Mona Vale and Church Point : Resolved, - (Crs, Campbell, Corkery) -. That a Committee be appointed to go into the time-tables of the two parties with the Inspector. Resolved, - (Crs. Corkery, Campbell) That Crs. Simpson, Atkins and Corkery be the Committee. 39B. J. W. Maund- and Kelynack. 29.10.26 applying for the transfer of Public Vehicle Licenses Nos. 87 to 91 and 94 and 95, from the Pittwater Motor Co. to Manly-Warringah Tourist and Bus Co. Ltd. Resolved,-That the transfer-.of the licenses be approved. 


Two motor 'bus companies made application last night to the Warringah Shire Council for permission to run additional 'buses.

One company Intends establishing a half-hourly through service to Newport and Palm Beach, which would obviate the changing-over at Narrabeen, us at present. The same company, with a view of encouraging settlement from Newport northwards is offering free transport to and from Manly for 12 months to every householder who builds his own homo and settles In that area. Council appointed a committee to go into the question of drawing up a timetable. TO PALM BEACH (1926, November 9). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 12 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224125800 


Manly, Warringah Tourist and 'Bus Co., Ltd., was registered this morning with nominal capital of £100,000, In £1 shares.

Objects: To carry on the business of running motor 'bus, and as garage proprietors, &c. First directors: J. A. Gilbert, G. F. Inder, A. G. Parr. Registered office. Sydney.  COMPANIES REGISTERED (1926, September 25). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222721257 


NOTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of the Companies Act of 1899, and Amending Acts, that a General Meeting of the abovenamed Company will be held at the office of the Liquidator, 12 Spring-street, Sydney, oil Friday, the twenty-seventh day of September, 1929, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of having an account laid before them, showing the manner in which the winding-up has been conducted, and the property of the Company disposed of, and of hearing any explanation that may be given by the Liquidator j and also of determining by Extraordinary Resolution the manner in which the books, accounts and documents of the Company and of the Liquidator thereof shall be disposed of. 

Dated this twenty-third day of August, 1929.


Chartered Accountant (Aust.), Liquidator. IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT, AND MANLY-WARRINGAH TOURIST & BUS CO. LTD. (IN LIQUIDATION). (1929, August 23). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3556. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article223084444 

Transport Act 1930

In 1930 the Transport Act to protect the public tram, train and bus network from competition by operators of private buses was introduced by the Lang led government and these were, one by one, ousted from the road. Local councils, which alike Warringah Shire Council had been collecting fees for licences, protested, along with the private operators but as with many things 'announced' the protests fell on deaf ears and for many local private bus operators, particularly those who had returned from WWI and found a way to have the freedom they craved and autonomy through owning a commuter service, the end of such a career was gone.

The railways were restructured and trams placed into a new Department of Road Transport and Tramways in 1932. To add insult to injury for local operators, the first public bus service inaugurated by the new transport department was the 144 from St Leonards to Manly.

The overcrowded and heaving Narrabeen trams running at a high frequency, in competition with growing private motor car and bus use, ended up being blamed for the congestion caused by the latter.  Competition from the private car and unregulated private bus operators created the perception of traffic congestion which begun the gradual closure of lines from the late 1930s, including the run to Narrabeen. The Tramway Traffic Manager reported on January 14, 1932 that the reopening of Bottle's bus service had reduced patronage on the Narrabeen tramway by 36 passengers per trip during business hours. The Narrabeen Peninsula bus service, however, was withdrawn on February 15, 1932.

During March 1932, the northern progress associations requested non-stop accelerated tram services on the inwards journey during the morning peak traffic period. Such an accelerated operation was difficult to provide due to passing loop restrictions on the single track. Any inwards acceleration would result in passengers reaching Manly Wharf early and then be subject to a five minute wait for the ferries.

Two weekday trips for Narrabeen had been timetabled to depart five minutes later in the morning peak period since the private bus services were curtailed. These were the 7.15am and the 7.27am departures. Relief trips left Dee Why Loop ahead of the Narrabeen cars collecting Brookvale and North Manly passengers. - Trolley Wire 

By the end of the year the state government took over the service, but still only as far as Narrabeen and soon, that would lead to the closing of the tram service in 1939.


THE Commissioner for Road Transport, Mr. Maddocks,  announced yesterday, that a further Government-controlled omnibus service would be commenced today between Manly wharf and Narrabeen Peninsula. A 25 minutes service will be maintained, commencing at 7.61 a.m. from Manly Wharf, and 8.23 a.m. from Narrabeen Peninsula. On Saturdays, an additional trip will be run from Manly ; At 10.26 p.m. and from Narrabeen at 11.2 pm. 

On Sundays and holidays the first trip from Manly will be 8.41 a.m., and from Narrabeen 9.13 a.m.. and the last trip 9.36 p.m. and 10,13 p.m. respectively on Sundays, and 10.26 . and 11.3 p.m. on holidays. 

As from next Tuesday, January 3, a regular 30 minutes' service will be in operation on weekdays, commencing at 7.18 a.m.- from Narrabeen and 7,51 a.m. from Manly Wharf, connecting with the ferries. The last trip will be at 10,19 p.m from Manly and 10.41 p.m. from Narrabeen.

Four Sections

There will be four sections, and fares will be; From Manly wharf to Brookvale 6d, to Dee Why 8d., to ColIaroy 10d., and to Narrabeen tram terminus and Narrabeen Peninsula 1/-. Sectional fares are 6d. for one section, 8d. for two sections, and 10d. for three sections. The fare between Narrabeen tram terminus and Narrabeen Peninsula will be 3d. Additional trips will be run on the Manly wharf-Cremorne service on New Year's Eve at 11.52 p.m. and 12.7- a.m. from Cremorne, and 12.22 a.m. and 12.37 a.m. from Manly wharf. STATE 'BUSES FROM MANLY TO NARRABEEN (1932, December 31). The Labor Daily (Sydney, NSW : 1924 - 1938), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article237064164

Fairfax Corporation. (1930). Commissioner of Road Transport and Tramways Mr Maddocks sitting at a desk, New South Wales, 8 August 1930 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-160703399


The Warringah Shire Council has unanimously adopted a resolution protesting against the "exorbitant" bus fares on the recently instituted Manly-Narrabeen service. The council recommends the following charges:—Manly to Hawkesbury-avenue, Deewhy, /6: Manly to tram terminus, Narrabeen, /8: Manly to Narrabeen Peninsula. /10; Hawkesbury-avenue to Terminus, /4; and terminus to Peninsular, /2.

Even these charges are regarded by the council as too high, when compared with the tram charges. Manly to Narrabeen by tram, says the council, costs /6. and during part of the day, /4. The charge between sections is /2. The resolution concluded with a protest against the practice of sending the buses every night to a garage at Willoughby, which, it says, must cost at least £3/5/ a day. The buses, it is suggested, should be garaged at Narrabeen, where Mr Bottle has offered free accommodation, if necessary. COSTLY BUS FARES. (1933, January 20).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16946829 

The Lang Governments' Transport Act in 1930 separated the railways and tramways and empowered the Government to regulate the private bus operators. This legislation was reinforced in 1931 by the State Transport (Co-Ordination) Act which gave the Government powers to tax bus operators regarded as being in competition with Government transport services. Many private operators were unable to pay this tax and ceased operation whilst others were licensed to operate as feeder services to the railways or tramways.

Having put many of the private buses off the road the Government then proceeded to introduce its own motor bus services and almost immediately began to compete with its own tramway services and to a lesser extent with the railways.

The first Government service commenced on Christmas Day, 25th of December, 1932 between Manly Wharf and Cremorne Junction, in competition with the trams, using single deck buses purchased from the White Transit Company which previously operated this route. Initially the service even operated out of the Flat Rock, Willoughby depot of this company. This route became, and remains, route 144 which has been extended to St. Leonards Station. Further Government services, initially in the Manly area then in the eastern and western suburbs, soon appeared.

Most were re-instatements of previously operated private routes but some still operating bus companies were purchased, the largest being the Metropolitan Omnibus Transport Company which had a large depot at Burwood which was included in the purchase and which subsequently became the Government bus workshops for some years. It is incorporated into the present Burwood Depot.

The Flat Rock depot was replaced in 1933 by one in Mosman, later to be supplemented by and eventually replaced by conversion of the Manly Tram Depot.  Extract from - 50 YEARS OF GOVERNMENT BUS SERVICES 1932-1982 by Vic Solomon, Trolley Wire, February 1983, Vol. 24, No. 1, Issue No. 204. 

Soon after changes were announced:

Manly-Narrabeen Fares Altered.

The Commissioner for Road Transport (Mr. Maddocks) said yesterday that from tomorrow the sections and fares on the Manly- Narrabeen service would be altered In accordance with the following scale:-Manly Wharf Brookvale (Chard-street), adults 16, children /3; Brookvale (Chard-street)-Dee Why (South Creek-road), /6, /3; Dee Why (South Creek-road)-Collaroy Beach, /6, /3; Collaroy Beach-Narrabeen tram terminus, /6, /3; Narrabeen tram terminus-Narrabeen Peninsula, /2, /I. Two sections, II, /3; three sections, /8, /4; four sections, /9, /4; through fare, /10, /5.

This Involved a reduction in the through fares from 1/ to /10, together with reductions in the sectional fares after the first. The fare for one section would remain at /6, as at present, except the special section between Narrabeen tram terminus and Narrabeen Peninsula, which would be reduced from /3 to 12. The fare from Manly to Dee Why would be II, from Manly to Collaroy /8, and to Narrabeen tram terminus 19.

Experience had shown, added Mr. Maddocks, that the traffic did not warrant a 15-mlnute service on Sundays on the Concord-York-street service, and from Sunday, the original half-hourly service on Sundays would be reverted to, commencing at 8 a.m. from Concord, and 8.45 a.m. from York-street. BUS SERVICES. (1933, February 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16951669


The Commissioner for Road Transport (Mr. S. A. Maddocks) announced yesterday that tomorrow an omnibus service will be com-menced between Manly wharf and New-street, Balgowlah, and on Monday, May 8, services between Musgrave-street wharf, Mosman, and Medusa-street, and Musgrave-street wharf and Balmoral, will be put Into operation.

A through fare of /4 will be charged on the Manly wharf and New-street, Balgowlah, service. The fare on the first section, Manly to Condamlne-street, will be /3, and the second section, Condamine-street to Newstreet, /2. Children /1 each section; through fare, /2.

The Musgrave-street wharf, Mosman, and Medusa-street service will traverse the main thoroughfares, via the Spit Junction to Medusa-street and Central-avenue. There will be three sections, the first at the comer of Raglan-street and Mllltary-road; the second at Spit Junction, and third at Medusa-street, with a through fare of /4. Intermediate fares will be Medusa-street to Spit Junction, /2; Spit Junction to Raglanstreet, /2; Spit Junction to the wharf, /3; Raglan-street to wharf, /3. Children under 12 years will be charged /1 for one or two sections, or /2 for the through trip. This service will not be operated on Sundays.

The through fare on the Musgrave-street wharf to Balmoral service will be /4. From Balmoral to Spit Junction, /2; Balmoral to Raglan-street and Military-road, /3; Spit Junction to Raglan-street and Military-road, /2; Spit Junction to Musgrave-street wharf, /3. This service will not be operated on Sundays.


Commencing to-morrow, the Manly-Cremorne-St. Leonards service will be diverted from Sydney-road, Balgowlah, to run via Woodlands-street. White-street, and Lauderdale-avenue, to Manly, and, in addition, the time-tables have been adjusted to provide for a half-hourly service, with additional buses during business hours. NEW BUS SERVICES. (1933, May 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16965248

The 'Diggers' operating some of these services were defended by their champions to little or no avail:


Government's Published Policy Not Being Honored

WHILE the Transport Conference is sitting in Melbourne and discussing problems of Commonwealth transport, the operators of feeder bus services in the Metropolitan area of Sydney are wondering just how long it will be before ....Government takes over their runs, paying only a trifle of the value of their vehicles and no compensation for loss of goodwill. These operators — out of a total of 78 there are 51 returned soldiers, many- of whom have been in the business since their return from overseas and invested deferred pay and gratuity in the business— are hanging on to their runs under licenses which, though nominally of two months' duration, may be cancelled at a day or so notice.

s great is the feeling, of indignation! against the present administration that the returned soldier members of the Feeder Bus Operators .' Association addressed the New South Wales branch of the Returned Soldiers' , League . asking that, in their .interest, the League voice a protest, .to the. Government. The executive of - the .league is taking the matter up with , Mr. Bruxner as soon as he returns from Melbourne, where he is attending the Transport Conference. The story of the filching of feeder services from private operators, and the adoption by Government-owned, vehicles dates back to the time when the first Government-owned vehicles were put on the roads in response to the continued protests of U.A:F. members' representing constituencies affected. 

The inequality of valuation of vehicles taken over by the Transport Board was dealt with, in a recent issue of "Smith's Weekly"; and the position according to the operators, has not improved. They are, however, in the unhappy position of either having to accept the amounts offered or have vehicles which have no re-sale value on their hands.

It is contended by the feeder bus Operators that the manner in which the Transport Commissioner is administering the Act is entirely in contravention of the Government policy as laid down by the Premier in December last, when he laid on the table of the House a statement of policy. Under the heading,' "Feeder Services" there appears in the policy the following statement:— 

"Purely feeder services, particularly those conducted by owner-drivers will not be interfered with, subject to satisfactory service being given by them." 

Upon the enunciation of this policy the operators of feeder bus services experienced a greater feeling of security. But owner-operated ' services' have now been eliminated by State-owned services, which have been deviated at points to force the feeders off the road, and which also operate in opposition to tramway services. A' typical instance of this exists at Queenscliff, where the feeder-service was in no way competing with the trams. The Transport Board deviated a through bus service which runs in opposition to the trams between Manly and Narrabeen, to run over the route, and gave the existing operator notice to get off the road. 

Prior to this an operator was running to. Narrabeen in opposition to the trams, and paying £500 a quarter in The and New tax. " He was put off the road, and soon after the Government ran its own buses along the tram track. 

When the first general meeting of the Feeder Bus Operators Association was held in June, 1932, the members were addressed by Mr. S; "A. Maddocks, the present Commissioner for Road Transport, who was - then out of the Government service, and practising as a lawyer. The' meeting affirmed the policy of co-ordination, and in the course of his address, Mr. Maddocks. said:- — . . 

"With regard to the feeder services, you have done a distinguished service by coming in on these services and helping the major services to carry on and help the public to carry on." 

Mr. Maddocks pointed out that the present licenses gave no security to bus operators, and that, in view of the change of administration and the suggestion that the buses be out on the road as before, the feeder bus operators naturally feel a little apprehensive. He stressed the fact that no decent administration could reasonably overlook the essential service feeder bus operators had rendered to the Government and the public in co-operating with the State-owned services. 

". . . . it does seem to me," he said, "that' you have earned the right for- reasonable consideration and protection, and that the new Administration would be- very loath to overlook the services rendered by the feeder bus operators."' ROAD TRANSPORT BOARD SAVAGES RETURNED SOLDIER BUS OPERATORS (1933, June 17). Smith's Weekly (Sydney, NSW : 1919 - 1950), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article235066843 

As at 30 June 1933, 162 buses and 3 chassis had been purchased from private bus operators. Of these 88 had been registered (not in order of purchase ) and the remainder subsequently disposed of. The makes and models of these buses varied greatly and comprised:

  • Single Deck- AEC Albion Brockway Fageol Reo White
  • Double Deck- Leyland TD1

There were 8 double deckers in all and all were put into service as no: 1 to 8, registered numbers 1008 to 1008.

During 1937, a further 77 buses were purchased from private operators, this time in Newcastle as well as Sydney. Most were sold after a short time and it is believed that many never operated in Government service although registered. A further 12 buses were purchased in the 1937/8 financial year but were soon sold. When the Government took over still operating private services they were obliged to purchase vehicles and premises if so requested, hence the quick resale of vehicles which were unsuitable or not required. Visit: Road Transport and Tramway, 1933-34 - Report of The Commissioner for Road Transport and Railways for the Year Ended June 30th 1934


From to-morrow a daily Government bus service will commence on a three months' trial between Manly wharf and Palm Beach, via the existing route to Narrabeen, and thence through Mona Vale, Newport, and Avalon. MANLY-PALM BEACH 'BUS (1935, March 16 - Saturday). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article246699686 

New Type Of Bus

Single-deck 30 seater 'bus with raised section al rear for belter observation and luggage compartment. Two Vehicles of this type will shortly be used by the Department of Road Transport for long-distance runs, probably to Palm Beach and Cronulla. New Type Of 'Bus (1935, July 17). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 20 (LASTRACE EDITION). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231275899 


Two new observation coaches will be placed on the Manly-Palm Beach service from tomorrow. There will be six trips daily between Manly Wharf and Palm Beach, 13 to and from Newport, and three additional trips between Manly and Narrabeen. On Sundays and holidays two return trips between St.. Leonards station and Palm Beach, via Manly, will be provided., Details are advertised. PALM BEACH BUS SERVICE. (1935, October 3 - Thursday). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27993690 

Palm Beach to Wynyard.

About 50 members of public organisations of the North Shore waited as a deputation upon the Minister for Transport (Mr. Bruxner) yesterday to urge the establishment of a bus service between Palm Beach and Wynyard

The deputation vas introduced by Mr A A Reid M L A, who emphasised that the proposed service would promote home building in one of the best and healthiest districts in Australia Thousands of people had bought building blocks in years gone by following the promise of a previous Government that a railway would be built to serve the area The Government owned 2000 acres of land in the district which would bring up to £1800 an acre if an adequate trans-port system direct with the city was provided

Other speakers pointed out that people living in French's Forest had either to walk five or ¡>ix miles or depend upon the courtesy of passing motorists when they desired to go to their places of business School child-ren were particularly handicapped Rate-payers of Warringah Shire had paid £82 000 In taxes for the bridge The statement that a through bus service would cause congestion on the bridge could not be borne out The transport service that the people had to-day was not much better than it was 20 years ago

It was suggested that the route of the service should be via Roseville Bridge and Chatswood.

Mr Bruxner, in reply, said that as a country man he was keenly sympathetic. He had experienced the hardships that arose from lack of transport. He corrected an impression that the Government had launched out on a Government-owned transport system. That system had been decided upon many years ago, and, even so, there were at present 143 private operators of bus services. In 1931 the bus fare from Palm Beach to Manly was 4/6. To-day It was only 2/. The fare from Newport to Manly was 3/ and the present fare 1/3. The time occupied from Palm Beach to Sydney, via the ferry, was 1h 45m, and the estimated time by bus through the suggested route two hours. Practically the only earnings would be the combings from areas that were already served with trams or trains. It had never been suggested by the Government that a bus service would cause congestion on the bridge. The department's view was that a bus service would only serve those areas which were already served with an adequate transport system. The Government was not averse from opening up a service, even if it was not Immediately profitable. There were a number of services including one in the Warringah Shire, that were not profitable, but were run in the interests of the community.

Mr Bruxner said that he would consider the request sympathetically, and also confer with the Minister for Lands regarding the potentialities of the Crown lands. The proposal might be regarded as a combined one.

The Acting Commissioner for Transport (Mr. Neale) said that the fare from Palm Beach to Wynyard would be 4/ and, it was questionable whether a bus service would develop the area as suggested. BUS SERVICE. (1935, November 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17213157 


The Commissioner for Road Transport (Mr. Maddocks) said yesterday that advice had been received from the Warringah Shire Council that, for the purpose of reconstruction, Harbord-road would be closed to traffic from Monday next. This would necessitate the diversion of the bus service operating between Manly Wharf, Narrabeen, Newport, and Palm Beach, via Pittwater-road. The buses would, until further notice, follow the route of the tramline between Manly Wharf and Narrabeen, thence by the existing bus route to Palm Beach. Certain Queenscliffe trips would be extended to Wyndora-avenue during peak periods. PALM BEACH BUS SERVICE. (1936, October 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 23. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17284464 


The Commissioner for Road Transport (Mr. Maddocks) announces that Harbord Road will be closed to traffic from Monday, November 2. This will cause the diversion of the omnibus service operating between Manly Wharf, Narrabeen, Newport, Palm Beach (route No. 142) via Pittwater Road. Until further notice, the omnibuses will follow the route of the tramline between Manly Wharf and Narrabeen, thence the existing omnibus route to Palm Beach. Some Queenscliff trips will be extended to Wyndora Avenue during peak periods. PALM BEACH BUS (1936, October 31). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247210100 

And then, finally, a direct route from Palm Beach to the city - although only one bus in for workers and one back out again after work is announced to begin with:


A DIRECT, bus service from Wynyard Station to Palm Beach Is to commence on October 1, and a move is' afoot to' have fares reduced. Advice has been received by the Warringah Direct Transport League

from the Department of Road Transport. Buses will run one trip daily, except on Saturdays, leaving Palm Beach at 7.25 am., and leaving Wynyard at 5.30 p.m. PALM BEACH BUS ROUTE (1938, September 7). The Labor Daily (Sydney, NSW : 1924 - 1938), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article236420549 


A new bus service between Palm Beach and Wynyard, operating three times daily, will begin on October 4. The Commissioner for Transport (Mr. Neale), announcing this yesterday, said that the single fare would be 3/ for adults, and 1/ for children under 14. Weekly tickets will be available. A special timetable will operate on Saturdays. The general schedule of trips does not apply to Sundays or public holidays. PALM BEACH--CITY, NEW BUS SERVICE (1938, September 21). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247363790 

And the end of the privately owned services:

COMPANIES ACT, 1936 (SECTION 323 (3) ).

NOTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of three months from this date the names of the Companies set out below will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the register and the Companies will be dissolved. The Manly-Pittwater Motor Omnibus Company Limited. COMPANIES ACT, 1936 (SECTION 323 (3)). (1938, December 23). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4877. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article225070241 

On September 30th, 1939:

300 farewell last, MANLY TRAM

LAST tram ever to leave Narrabeen dragged a pair of kerosene tins after it on Saturday night. —

Two boys had tied them on while a crowd of girls souvenired posters from the advertisement racks. Seventy red buses took over all Manly tram runs yesterday morning. Tram services were started to Manly 36 years ago. 

On Footboards 

Crowds at Manly wharf mobbed the last Spit and Harbord trams. Policemen rode on the footboards Iike gold-escorts. On its way to the depot 300 men and women, climbed into The Spit tram and took every, electric light globe. It poked Its tired nose into the shed with a tram-men's wreath hanging over the headlight. Earlier; Sub-inspector O Dwyer, dressed as a deacon, had conducted a party of tram-men to a Manly funeral parlour. They were photographed there, mourning those about to die. 

The tram which made the last run from Manly wharf to Narrabeen and back was packed. A militia soldier took off his boots and lost them to the crush; A solid citizen said: "Struthl! They don't expect us to pay for this, do they?" He gave the conductor all he had; a tote ticket and a penny, 

27 Years 

"Twenty-seven years I've been on this run." Driver Bill McLintock told the Daily News. "I'm a bit sad about leaving. These old trams were like a home to me, "I suppose buses are all right..  "As a matter of fact, I'm learning At Dee Why a shopkeeper handed him a parcel wrapped to paper. -"Little farewell present," said the driver. "You get to know everybody in 27 years. ""Worst thing about this line was the smell of "prawns." , Driver McLintock and his conductor, H. Wright are going to North Sydney tram depot. So are the Manly Inspector,- Mr. A. Bond, and most of his drivers. The conductors will work on the Manly buses. Soon the Narrabeen, Harbord and Spit trams will be used on the North Shore lines. 300 FAREWELL LAST MANLY TRAM (1939, October 2). Daily News (Sydney, NSW : 1938 - 1940), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article236338598

The Last Run 

The Manly-Narrabeen tram on, its last run early on Sunday morning. Driver William McLintock (top), conductor E. Wright (left) and Inspector. A. Bond smile at the ''wreath" above the destination board. All Manly and Warringah trams ceased to run on Saturday night. (Story page 2.) The Last Run (1939, October 2). Daily News (Sydney, NSW : 1938 - 1940), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article236338674

During WWII: 



The Commissioner for Transport, Mr. Neale, announced yesterday that cheaper weekly tickets for the part of the Wynyard-Palm Beach bus service north of North Narrabeen would be introduced soon. They will cost 13/d for six days travel a week. Previously, weekly tickets cost from £ 1/4/6 for Palm Beach to 14/ for Narrabeen. The return daily fare to Newport is ¾. WYNYARD-PALM BEACH BUS FARES (1941, August 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17761003 

 Bus queue, Wynyard Park, 1930s / photographed by Max Dupain. Item: SLNSW_FL19492687, courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales

Sydney, Carrington St, tram, Bank of NSW, camouflaged bus, 1930s-1940s / photographed by Max Dupain, Item: SLNSW_FL19448545, courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales

Palm Beach Bus: 1947

The small upper-deck community of regular travellers on the Palm Beach bus (we have discovered, with a measure of astonishment,) spends one month, of every year getting to and from work. This enforced leisure, according to a report from one of them, produces a variety of reactions. Being the holiday season, we're devoting a bit of space to this report. Some passengers knit, some read, some talk. All of them, from time to time, catch up on the sleep they've lost by getting up early to catch the bus-to work. Our correspondent, who has done nearly three years on the trip, classes himself as a reader, and says his greatest fear is to find himself being talked at. He points out, rather petulantly, that once your neighbor starts talking you've got him for an hour and a half — and even Bernard Shaw would pall a little in that time. Moreover, he says, no one in Bernard Shaw's conversational class travels on the bus. 

Choosing a seat involves a quick appreciation of such factors as light, air, leg-room (there is more on the left-hand side than on the right), vibration (less shaking just for'ard of centre), nearness to or distance from ear-bashers, friends, and enemies. But he has only a couple of seconds to make up his mind and a false move can make or break his evening. It's a matter of cool, clear, and incisive judgment, our correspondent says. He's had talks on dentistry, philosophy, furnishing upholstery, film-making, machinery disposal sales, boat-building, commercial art, wallboard, and a variety of other subjects which he can't remember but is sure were quite engrossing. His best night was when a self-announced mystic read his thoughts all the way, strangely missing the dominant one, which was a tense message of great clarity and couched, he says, in vigorous terms. 

However, through the winter months the commuters develop an intuitive bond of sympathy and loyalty in preparation for the disruption they know will strike them over the summer holidays. At this season of the year strangers dominate the upper deck. No regular encourages them to talk; even the loquacious filmmaker lets his head bump sadly on the window in a deep sleep. Peace on earth and goodwill to all men guides the actions of the bus community as much as any other group, they claim, but the upper deck of a bus is not on earth. You can't have your whole environment shattered by people in floral shirts and picture hats and pretend nothing has happened. The sooner they get their holidays over and leave the regular's to enjoy their jolting, swaying leisure in their own way, the better. That's what our correspondent says. 
SYDNEY DIARY (1947, December 30). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 7 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article230553580 

On May 30th 1949, a bus crash near the approach to the bridge from the Seaforth side killed four people and injured 33, including that of a young Oxford Falls woman who was pregnant with twins and on her way to a final doctor's appointment prior to giving birth. The Inquest, which ran from July until the last day of September, cast some bad light upon the driver, or his inexperience, despite his statements that the brakes had locked - one driver who had had the bus just prior to him claiming he found no fault with it the shift just before. Ultimately 'accidental death' was found and no mention of the road approach among the findings - although the government announced during the hearings that a new four-lane lift bridge would finally replace the old wooden structure and the approaches from the Seaforth side would be improved. Tenders were called for but it was also mentioned that a lack of steel may be an obstacle to commencing.

The tragic 1949 bus crash was followed by another in January 1950  from the Mosman side approach when, fortunately, no one was killed. 

Sydney.—A double-decker bus crowded with passengers crashed through the safety fence near The Spit today and fell 40 feet, landing upside down. Five passengers were killed and at least thirty were injured. Three women were killed instantly. Rescuers said that they were crushed beneath the weight of the bus. The bodies of two were released quickly, but the third was wedged in the wreckage, and it was more than an hour before it was extricated.

As the injured were brought out of the bus, they were laid on the roadway on sheets and blankets provided by the occupants of neighboring houses. The seriously injured were given emergency dressings before being taken to hospital. 

One of the women who were killed instantly was elderly and was accompanied by her husband. Rescuers laid them out alongside each other on the roadway. The man, suffering severe head in-juries, was moaning and calling for his wife, whom he did not know was dead.

The tragedy occurred at 11 a.m. while the bus was on its way to Sydney. The bus was travelling down hill, approaching The Spit bridge, when it got out of control near a hairpin bend. It went right through the safety fence and, toppling over and over, rolled to the roadway beneath. The roof of the bus was smashed in, and persons on the top deck had received the worst injuries.

Bruce Bowers (34), of Manly, who was riding on the upper deck of the bus, said: "It was like a nightmare. We came down from the top of Seaforth and took the left turn to come on to the bridge, but the bus did not pull out of the turn.

"We seemed to drive straight through the railing and over the wall. We somersaulted in mid-air, and glass and people were flying everywhere."

Mr. Bowers said that the bus landed on its roof. Mr. Bowers added that he was too stunned, to move, and lay in the bus until carried out by rescuers. The bus was owned and operated by the New South Wales Transport Department.

The injured, moaning and crying, were lying everywhere. There were not sufficient splints to set broken limbs and householders brought out fruit cases and other boxes, which were quickly broken up and used as splints.

Many people did not know what had happened as they crawled or were assisted from the wreckage, and asked the rescuers where they 
were and what had happened. Some of them suffered complete loss of memory.

The names of the killed are not yet available. One of them was a conductress, but it is thought that she was not on duty at the time as she did not have her bag. Six members of one family were among those injured. The accident is believed to have been caused by the steering gear locking.
5 KILLED; 30 HURT IN BUS CRASH NEAR THE SPIT (1949, May 30). Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW : 1888 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article48594262

Pictures After The Fatal Bus Smash Near The Spit

CRANE : The scene on the Seaforth side of the Spit bridge when a St. Leonards-bound double-decker bus plunged over a 20-ft drop. The crane at the right of the picture is setting the lower portion of the bus on its wheels. DRIVER : Alexander Telford, of Carter Road, Brookvale, the driver of the bus. Telford said the steering wheel locked. DRINK : A rescue-worker giving a drink to a young woman, one of the 32 passengers who were injured. Her young son is seated beside her. INJURED : Ambulance men and volunteers at work preparing injured passengers for the trip up to ambulances waiting on The Spit bridge approach. SEATS : Injured, waiting attention, shown lying on the leather seats of the wrecked bus. The upper deck of the bus was crushed in its 20-ft fall.
Pictures After The Fatal Bus Smash Near The Spit (1949, May 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18117273

ORDERED Tragic Bus Crash
The Acting Minister for Transport, Mr. W. F. Sheahan, said last night that he had called for a "searching inquiry" into the crash of a double-decker bus yesterday morning, north of The Spit bridge, in which four people were killed and 33 injured. The bus, bound from Manly to St. Leonards, had 45 passengers.
Survivors said it swerved suddenly before crashing through a safety fence and dropping on its side 20 feet sheer below the road.
Mr. Sheahan said the coroner had power to make his public inquiry into the four deaths a searching investigation. He would not at present recommend a further public inquiry.
"If, however, public opinion demands an in-dependent review in a public inquiry then I will raise no objection," the Minister added.
The bus left Manly wharf at 10.38 a.m. Most of the passengers were women on the lower deck. Travelling down the Sydney road toward the bridge, and after rounding a bend, it swerved off the road and fell through the air to the bottom of a high stone wall.
Forty ambulances and 55 police arrived within 10 minutes.
One of the first men to reach the tragic scene was a road worker, Clarence Gordon, of King Street, city. He said :—
"When we rushed to the bus the passengers inside were one mass of struggling, bleeding
"Some were moaning, others were screaming.
"I got an axe from our equipment and chopped away window coverings and the steel rear bodywork to get at the passengers.
"One woman who was crushed under another woman, pinned by the leg under a broken seat, said: 'Never mind about me; help this poor girl, as she is pregnant.' "
She was referring to Mrs. Winifred Mary Fuller, 21, whose body had been crushed.
"We lifted Mrs. Fuller out," said Gordon, "but we could see that she was dead."
When the body of Mrs. Fuller was identified police went to Oxford Falls to break the news to her husband, Sydney Fuller, a bus conductor, who had lived with his wife and daughter, Kay, aged 2½, in a garage at Oxford Falls because they were unable to get a house.
Fuller broke down.
"My wife," he said, "had expected to be confined last Saturday. Doctors told her that probably twins would be born. They asked her to report to the Mater Misericordiae today if the babies did not arrive at the week-end.
"She left me and little Kay, bright and happy this morning, on the way to the hospital for a check up by the doctors."
The driver of the bus attributed the accident to the front wheels being jammed by either the mud-guard or the body, pre-venting him from straightening up for the run on to the bridge. The driver, Alexander Telford, 28, of Carter Road, Brookvale, suffered a sprained ankle.
He told Detective Garlick that traffic was light, and the road was in good order, although damp from rain.
"It was the first trip I made on the bus," he said.
"When I applied the brakes at various intervals from Manly I noticed that they were not gripping correctly, causing the bus to drag to the left. It was my intention to report the mechanical defect at the starting box on the other side of The Spit bridge.
"SPEED 8 M.P.H."
"After rounding the last bend towards the bridge, the bus lurched to the right, though the speed was only between eight and 10 miles per hour.
"I felt the bus grip the wheel and hold it firmly.
"I wrestled with the steering wheel but could not release the grip, and, with the wheels turned slightly to the left, as I was rounding the curve, the bus shot across and struck the safety fence.
"It then plunged through the fence over the embankment."
Mrs. R. Woods, who lives in a flat 200 yards uphill from where the bus left the road, said she saw it turn the corner quite slowly.
One of the passengers, Stanley Burley, of Aubreen Road, Collaroy, who, with seven relatives, was injured in the crash, said in hospital :—
"The bus appeared to be taking some of the hairpin bends a bit quickly."
In their investigations on the smash, Inspector Mackie, Detective-Sergeant Gray, with other police and transport officials, last night inspected the bus.
They could find no marks on the tyres to substantiate the statement of the driver that either the mudguard or body had been jammed against the tyre. There were no skid marks on the road. The bus was an old type.
Mr. Sheahan said :—
"I have called for a searching inquiry to be made not only into the cause of the accident, but also into the method of preparing the bus for the road.
"I shall also seek expert advice on the road condition and the safety of the approaches to The Spit bridge for heavy vehicles." 
"SEARCHING INQUIRY" ORDERED Tragic Bus Crash (1949, May 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18117201 


Volunteer rescue workers and injured at the scene of the bus crash on the Seaforth side of The Spit bridge, yesterday. In the foreground are the rear wheels of the overturned bus. SCENE AFTER BUS FELL FROM ROAD (1949, May 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18117199

More changes in the early 1950's when so many young families and working fathers were moving into the area north of the Bilgola Bends:

Ferry-bus plan starts on March 30

The new Warringah ferry-bus transport- plan providing for abolition of some direct bus services to Wynyard will start on Sunday, March 30, transport Director Winsor said today.

Postponement of the Royal Tour had made possible an earlier start than that originally planned, Mr, Winsor said. From March 30, direct services would continue between Wynyard and all points from Dee Why to Palm Beach. All services from points south of Dee Why, however, would go to Manly wharf, where passengers would use ferries to reach Circular Quay. . Areas affected included Brookvale, North Curl Curl, Manly Vale and Condamine St. Mr. Winsor said there would be no increase in fares, and combined bus-ferry tickets would be issued for both daily and five-day weekly trips! 

Most peak-hour services from Narrabeen North to Palm Beach would go to Wynyard, via Wakehurst Parkway through French's Forest. Off-peak services to these areas, as well as the direct services from points south of Narrabeen to Dee Why, would travel via Roseville Rd. through French's Forest. Mr. Winsor said the question of congestion on Manly ferries had been thoroughly examined with the Port Jackson and Manly Steamship Co. He was satisfied, that ample accommodation on the ferries would be available for the additional passengers.

Feeder services 

The Transport Department would provide adequate feeder services to and from Manly wharf. Booklets showing' the new timetables would be available soon at the tourist bureaus on Manly wharf and in Martin Place and also at the Transport Department in Macquarie St. Mr. Winsor' said plans for co-ordinating bus and ferry services in the areas previously served by Sydney Ferries Ltd. would be completed this week. He hoped to discuss the plans at a conference soon afterwards with representatives of North Shore councils and local MLA's. Ferry-bus plan starts on March 30 (1952, February 11). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 3 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231019520 

In August 1953 the number for the Wynyard to Palm Beach route changed to what it would become for almost the next 30 years - a number which will be retained after the December 20, 2020 changes announced by the current state government a few weeks ago:

Wynyard-Palm Beach Changes

The Commissioner for Government Transport, Mr. A. A. Shoebridge, said last night there would be changes in the route numbers of buses operating in the northern district from next Monday.

Separate numbers would be given to buses running to sectional points on the Wynyard-Palm Beach route, he said.

All disc and route indicators at terminals and along the route would be altered, and handbills would be distributed to passengers.

The new numbers, with the old numbers in brackets, are: Route No. 170 (130), destination Clontarf; 171 (147), Balgowlah Heights; 172 (141), Bantry Bay; 173 (141) Narraweena: 174 (150) Wanganella Street, Balgowlah; 175 (150), Brookvale Depot; 177 (150), Deewhy Beach; 178 (150), Deewhy: 179 (150), South Creek Road, Deewhy; 181 (150), Collaroy; 182 (150), Narrabeen; 183 (150), North Narrabeen; 184 (150), Mona Vale; 185 (151), Bayview and Church Point via Warriewood; 186 (159), Bayview and Church Point via Pittwater Road; 187 (150), Newport; 188 (150), Avalon; 189 (158), Taylor's Point; 190 (150), Palm Beach. BUS ROUTE NUMBERS (1953, August 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18381557

Albion no. 2036 at Palm Beach in 1951, about to leave for the City on route 190, courtesy High Road for Oz Blogspot

One of the earlier 190 (pre L90) buses climbing the hill between Palm Beach ferry wharf and Observation Point, Palm Beach - after 1953.

References And Extras

  1. TROVE - National Library of Australia
  2. Various earlier History pages.
  3. B-Line To Operate 24/7 Alongside High Frequency Local Bus Network: The Details Of Route Changes To Commence In December
  4. Sydney Bus Museum Volunteers Helps Mona Vale Bus Depot Celebrate 50th Anniversary Of Opening
  5. Tram Memorabilia - Historic Daylight Run For Sydney Light Rail Begins 80 Years After Last Tram To Narrabeen Closed

Mr Bottle

BOTTLE.-December 17, 1927. at the residence of his father, Pittwater-road, Narrabeen, Albert Eric, beloved husband of Myrtle Avonnia Bottle, aged 26 years.
BOTTLE.-December 17, 1927. at the residence of his father, Pittwater-road, Narrabeen, Albert Eric, beloved second son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Charles Bottle, and loved brother of Eva, Nellie, Ray, and Bertie, aged 26 years. Family Notices (1927, December 19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16427785 

BOTTLE.-February 11, 1928, at a private hospital in Sydney, Martha Elizabeth, beloved wife of Henry Charles Bottle, of Pittwater road, Narrabeen, and loved mother of Eva, Nellie, Bert, Roy, Mrs. Eric Bottle, and the late Eric Bottle. Family Notices (1928, February 14). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16441905 

James Crockard, 21, milk carter, for whom Mr Sproule (of Messrs R D Meagher, Sproule, and Co ) appeared, was charged with having, while armed with a revolver, and in company with another man, assaulted Henry Charles Bottle, a motor omnibus proprietor, at Narrabeen, on December 16, with Intent to rob him.
Mr. Bottle stated that he had been engaged with his daughter up to 12 45 am on December 16 counting up the week's takings. His daughter went to bed, and he went on making up his accounts, when he heard a knocking on the verandah He switched on the lights, and going out he saw a young man in the yard about 20 feet away. The man asked if he had a tin of benzine, and witness told him that he did not supply It The man then asked for a gallon, but witness told him that he wanted all the benzine he had. The man then ran on to the verandah, and when about six feet away pulled out a revolver, and told him to put up his hands, to which witness replied "No, I won't, not to a mongrel like you. " Witness said that he then saw another man come out of the petrol shed, so he called out to his son Eric, and both of the men ran away.
The accused denied that he had been near Narrabeen on the night in question.
The accused was convicted. The police stated that he had borne a good character. He worked In the country, and when there was no work there he tried to get work at Narrabeen.
Mr Sproule asked for leniency, as Mr Bottle had not been robbed His Honor said that the offence was a very serious one, the maxi-mum penalty for which was 14 years Mr Bottle had not been robbed because he had refused to put up his hands He sentenced the prisoner to six months' hard labour, and said that he would recommend his release if work could be found for him Addressing the prisoner, his Honor said "It was a lucky thing for you that Mr. Bottle was a courageous man " QUARTER SESSIONS. (1930, May 10).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16706565 

(Before Judge Edwards.)
Brett v Bottle.
John Brett, of Oaks-avenue, Deewhy, sued H C Bottle, of Pittwater-road, Narrabeen, for £120 damages to a motor car, resulting from a collision between it and a motor bus on July 3 last near the corner of Pittwater-road and Pine-street, Manly Plaintiff alleged that the collision was due to the negligence of defendant's servant. The defence was a denial of negligence and a plea of contributory negligence by plaintiff. Judgment was given for plaintiff for £70 Mr Martin (Instructed by Messrs Fred C Emanuel and Pearce) appeared for plaintiff, and Mr Braddon (instructed by Messrs Minter Simpson and Co ) for defendant. DISTRICT COURT. (1930, October 18).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16723486
Fallen Wire Causes Hold-up MANLY. DISTRICT MISERY
A bitter example of what Mr. Lang's transport monopoly means was given to a busless Manly and district this morning, when a fallen wire cut off the power and trams … causing delays, and long, dreary treks on sodden roads. At Balgowlah at 10 a.m. an electric service wire was blown across the tramway overhead wire at the corner of Sydney-road and Condamine-Street. The whole district at once became a "sleepy hollow." For more than two hours traffic was held up, and people reluctantly set out in drenching rain, or hung dismay about where there was a possibility of getting some protection or a "lift." ' Fear of danger from the wires that had come down with the service "leads" was allayed by the action of Constable Jory, of Manly, who promptly had the power cut off. 
The greatest sufferers were, perhaps, the Saturday morning shoppers, many of whom in the more remote districts faced the prospect of meagre Sunday fare, as the shops were shut when they eventually arrived, damp, disappointed and wrathful, at their destinations. 
"Narrabeen particularly," said Mr. R. Bottles today. "was completely Isolated, and It provides another illustration of the way people must suffer owing to a non-foolproof system of transport." 
The secretary of the Omnibus Proprietors' Association (Mr. Lutton) said the occurrence was "obviously another painful example of legislative in consideration for the real welfare of the people." The 'buses, he said, had several 'times been pressed into the service when the trams had broken down. 'Now," he added, "there are no 'buses, and no service flexible enough to meet such a contingency." NO TRAMS (1931, November 21). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 3 (LAST RACE EDITION). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224284498 

JOHNSON.—The Funeral of the late FREDERICK DANIEL JOHNSON formerly of Concord Road Concord West will leave our Chapel Railway Parade Burwood This (Wednesday) MORNING after service commencing, at 10 o'clock for Methodist Cemetery, Rookwood .
Funeral Directors .
JOHNSON P.A.F. F of A LODGE 182 –The Officers and Brethren of the above Lodge are
invited to attend the Funeral of their Esteemed Member Bro F D JOHNSON For further particulars see Family Notice
H B EVERETT Secretary
Family Notices (1940, January 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17646291 



BOTTLE, Henry Charles -July 4 1949 at the Prince Henry Hospital late of Locknagar Blackheath beloved husband of Ella At rest
BOTTLE Henry Charles -July 4 1949 loved father of Roy, Eric, (deceased) Eva, Nellie, and Bert. Family Notices (1949, July 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18121254 

MRS. ELLA C. BOTTLE, 'Locknagar,' Blackheath, desires to thank all sympathetic friends in her ;sad bereavement in the loss of her dear husband, Henry Charles Bottle. Family Notices (1949, July 22). The Blue Mountains Advertiser (Katoomba, NSW : 1940 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article189916744 


A tram-driver being instructed in the intricacies of a motor bus engine today at the Manly bus depot, when tram drivers and conductors were taught how to Handle buses. The classes are preparatory to the abandonment of trams on the Manly-Narrabeen, Manly-Spit, and Wynyard-Northbridge lines. HE'LL BE DRIVING ONE SOON (1939, May 1). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 3 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article230883218

Stage coach and double-decker bus in procession, Sydney Harbour Bridge Opening Celebrations, 1932, courtesy State Library of New South Wales.
Soon to cease running - the Express bus from Careel Head road to the city. A J Guesdon photos, October 2020
The Bus To Palm Beach: Some History - threads collected by A J Guesdon, 2021