July 21 - 27, 2024: Issue 631


Barrenjoey Road - Careel Head Road Corner Creeks Overflow: July 2 2024 - the drains in pittwater are just for rain

The permanent creek which runs from Bangalley Head and down through Burrawong road, has been placed into concrete pipes decades ago, combined with meeting Careel Bay playing fields, reclaimed mangrove wetlands, will reappear when its route is blocked by vegetation in those drains or too much rain too quickly.

The video below, filmed on July 2 2024 by David Holland, records one of the latest recurrences of this.

The problem is being exacerbated by those gardeners employed to maintain properties surrounding this floodplain who blow grass clippings into gutters to be carried away by the rain instead of placing them in green bins, and the streetsweeper being unable to collect leaves that have gathered in gutters as these are filled with parked boats and trailers that are rarely moved and the build-up of refuse around these is running into the same drains and creekline during storm events.

Burrawong road - leaf litter buildup around parked boat - June 19 2024. 

Burrawong road - leaf litter build-up around parked boat - June 19 2024. 

Pittwater Council was one of the councils that ran a permanent 'the drain is just for rain' education program prior to that council being taken away by the previous state government and made part of the NBC.

A resident witnessed a lawnmowing business man blow grass clippings and mowed leaves into the drain outside a home lawn they had just mowed and leave them there on Thursday May 18, 2023 on Burrawong road - the same has been witnessed at Careel Bay shops as well as adjacent properties on numerous occasions in 2023 and 2024  - these incidences were reported to the Northern Beaches Council. 

It’s illegal to contribute to blocking drains in streets, what's more, this street near Careel Bay has drains and a creek that flow into Pittwater, where, what would have taken 5 minutes to complete properly, will now pollute this local waterways and catchment areas.

You can report incidents of deliberate and accidental pollution to council at: https://help.northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au/.../Water-Pollution

Leaves and clippings decay in water, using up oxygen needed by water plants and fish to survive. There are big fines for polluting waterways.

How to reduce stormwater pollution

Here are some ways you can prevent stormwater pollution and help keep our waterways healthy. Local councils control and maintain stormwater systems, but everyone can help stop pollution from entering our waterways.

In the street

  • >stop leaves, litter and sediments from entering gutters and drains – sweep gutters and driveways regularly and put sweepings on the garden, in the compost or bin
  • >pick up litter and put it in a bin – bin your cigarette butts
  • >pick up pet droppings and dispose of them in a rubbish bin, the garden or toilet
  • >limit use of detergent when cleaning outside
  • >wash your car on grass or gravel or take it to a car wash
  • >maintain your car – make sure fuel is burnt ‘cleanly’ and there are no fuel or oil leaks by keeping your car tuned
  • >work on your car in the garage, not on the street or where oil and grease may wash into gutters.

In the garden

  • wash your car on grass or gravel or take it to a car wash
  • reduce use of pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers
  • stop dirt, leaves, grass clipping, etc. from entering gutter and drains – sweep hard paths and driveways regularly and put sweepings on the garden, in the compost or bin
  • stop soil and mulch from being washed or blown off the garden
  • replant areas of disturbed soil
  • use natural alternatives to pest control chemicals.

Video by David Holland, filmed on July 2, 2024

Whale Beach Estate 1918 April 1st c053460074, showing Careel Head Road, Burrowong Road (now spelled Burrawong) and Whale Beach Road- showing creek flow at right. This sections from the above lithograph shows it clearly marked:

Although these creeks were marked on early subdivision lithographs as a selling point in the decades prior to piped water being made available to Pittwater, by the 1950's then residents and developers were calling for them to be placed into concrete pipes to allow the land to be sold and built on and to prevent flooding in the case of those who bought the blocks.

Many of these pipes are now between 65-75 years old and may be deteriorating.

 Lithograph from and courtesy State Library of NSW 'Pittwater Subdivisions folder'.

Careel Bay Shops: No 1 & No 3 Careel Head Road Sold

February 2024 Community News: Careel Bay shopping Centre (1 Careel Head Road) and no 3 Careel Head Road have recently sold. A DA is expected for shop-top housing to be lodged with council soon, although nothing has been made available on council's website as yet. 

The shopping centre was purchased for approximately $11 million and the house behind it for approx. $3 million. 

The Lots are zoned 'B1 Neighbourhood Centre'.

The property adjoins on to an existing mixed use development  (residential & commercial complex no. 5 - 7 Careel Head Road).

North Avalon: Drainage Problems Persist

January 2024 Community News: Recently completed drainage and new footpath works at North Avalon, from Currawong road to Careel Head road, have not fixed the flooding and road hazard that appears with minimal rain on the corner of Careel Head and Barrenjoey roads. 

The corner and main road have been the site of several near misses since early January - the works were completed late December 2023.

Photos; AJG/PON