charles john eady - cricketer, footballer, lawyer, politician: pittwater connections - some history

Photograph - Mr C. J. Eady, Tasmanian Exhibition, 1894-5, Season Ticket Holder. Image courtesy State Library of Tasmania.
With so many cases of Covid-19 impacting on our local community, the reasons Charles Eady and his immediate family visited Palm Beach during its earlier heydays may be of interest. Tuberculosis, which was running rampant in Australia and was a major cause of death in Australia in the late 19th century and early 20th century – ranking first among females and second among males - and the reputation of Palm Beach from its earliest land sales as being a place 'to restore health' amid the hotter Summers of New South Wales, was a primary factor in spending 'the Season' at Palm Beach for his wife, daughter and nephew - William Algernon Guesdon, who had lost both his parents to this disease and was raised by his maternal aunt, Florence Guesdon Eady.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious bacterial disease that generally affects the lungs, but can also affect other parts of the body. The classic symptoms of active TB are a chronic cough, fever and weight loss due to the destruction of tissue.
In 1937, NHMRC began the first effective and nationally coordinated effort to map the incidence of TB in Australia. NHMRC also began directly funding research into TB. In 1945, Dr Nancy Atkinson, an NHMRC-funded bacteriologist in Adelaide, produced the first Australian-made vaccine against TB.
Informed by NHMRC-funded research and NHMRC’s recommendations, a 1943 conference of health ministers agreed that a national campaign against TB should be planned. The Australian Parliament passed the Tuberculosis Act 1945, creating the first comprehensive national health campaign to eradicate TB. The campaign ran from 1948 to 1976, providing citizens with free diagnostic chest X-rays, medical care and a Tuberculosis Allowance while being treated.
These clinics were offered locally too, up until 1976:
(L.s.) J. NORTHCOTT, Governor.
If Sir John Northcott, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Lieutenant-General on the Retired List of the Australian Military Forces, Governor of the State of New South Wales and its Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia, in pursuance of the provisions of the Public Health (Amendment) Act, 1952, and with the advice of the Executive Council, do, by this my Proclamation, direct that all persons resident in the Warringah Shire, over the age of fourteen years, who have not had their lungs radiologically examined within twelve months of the date of this Proclamation, shall submit themselves to radiological examination of the lungs within the specified times an£ at one of the places mentioned in the accompanying Schedule, Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays excepted.
Signed and sealed at Sydney, this fifteenth day of December, 1954.
By His Excellency's Command, M. O'SULLIVAN.
Warringah Shire.
PUBLIC HEALTH (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1952.—PROCLAMATION. (1955, January 7). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2. Retrieved from
Charles John Eady (1870-1945), as a cricketer played in and for Tasmania between 1890 and 1908, batting aggressively and bowling quickly with equal effectiveness. In 1895 he became the first Australian to score a century in each innings of a first-class match, when playing for Tasmania against Victoria, and in the next meeting between the teams, took 8/34 and 4/29 with the ball. Though this was rare for a Tasmanian, he was selected for an early Australian tour of England, in 1896, and played two Tests for Australia. He is best remembered for his club score of 566 in an innings in 1902, for the Break o' Day club against Wellington, still an (adult) world record. He represented Tasmania on the national (Cricket) Board of Control, serving as President for one term and which necessitated his frequent visits to the mainland to help choose the Australian team members. He also represented Hobart in the Legislative Council, 1925-46, as an Independent, serving as President there as well.
In fact Charles Eady visited New South Wales in the Winter of 1890 as a 19 year old as part of the Tasmanian Team playing Australian Rules Games against Victorian and then regional NSW and Sydney teams. While here he also played one Rugby Union game according to childhood friend Robert 'Bob' Dawes, working for The Referee after moving to Sydney in 1891 and writing about cricket and football under the pen-name 'Old Timer'. The Tasmanians won of course, being proficient in Australian Rules Football while the New South Welshmen were all caught up in Rugby Union. The Tasmanians who came north also numbered among their members one of Charles' cousins, William Golding Eady:
The following players have been selected to represent Southern Tasmania against the Fitzroy team on Saturday next T. Ryan, J. Hall, G. Vautin, Tankard, W. Eady, Dickens, Webb, S Dunlop, T. Hehir, Gregg, Sibley, Tabart, C. Cherry, Nicholson, A. Stuart, C. Eady, P, Willing, P. Lovett, C. Barlow, R. Dawes ; emergency Adkisson, A. Cook, Moore. FOOTBALL. (1890, May 22). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
Mr. Eadys' continued visits to Sydney were mostly connected with his passion for cricket both as a player and, after he retired from first-class playing in 1908, as a selector:
Early Big Matches as Australian Selector
HON. C. J, EADY M.L.C. has written to the secretary of Board of Control, Mr. W. H. Jeannes, stating that it will not be possible for him to visit the mainland before the middle of December owing to Parliamentary and other duties. He asks that the Board should consider his position as a selector and that in the circumstances he would be prepared to resign if it were considered necessary that he should be in attendance at first-class matches in the various States as set out in the itinerary. Mr. Eady is loath to resign from the committee as he regards his appointment as a compliment to Tasmanian cricket. He intends to place the position before the Tasmanian Association and is hopeful that some arrangement will be made whereby Tasmania will not be deprived of its representation. HON. CHARLES EADY UNABLE TO ATTEND (1930, October 8). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 14. Retrieved from
A few 'notes' from the pen of Bob Dawes:
(By 'OLD-TIMER.') '
No man probably has a better knowledge of the genial Tasmanian giant from his childhood till he reached his 22nd birthday than your humble servant. We attended St. David's Sunday-school together, and I invariably called at his home for him both morning and afternoon. We were in the Cathedral Choir at the same time. Mr. W. J. J. Reynolds, of the Central State School, was choirmaster, and the late Mr. F. A. Parker organist, we were very fond of games, and Charlie, at an early age, showed great partiality for cricket. We played in his backyard at every opportunity, and, in consequence, his mother's glazier's bill was considerably increased. Charlie was educated at Messrs. Norman and Stump's school, at the foot of Harrington-street. He was always prominent at games, as well as being diligent at his studies.
Our muscles were toughened and our general health improved by mountain climbing, of which we were very fond. We knew every inch of the bush about Hobart. Many snake hunts we had as youngsters. On leaving school C.J.E. went to the Post Office, and rapidly gained a good position in the Money Order Department. But thinking there was not much promise of advancement he decided to study the law. Well do I remember when he passed his first examination. As soon as he knew the result he sent me a note containing the good news. Big in every way is Charles John Eady. There is nothing little in his composition — a sportsman to the finger tips, a fine, manly man in all his actions. He played for the Holebrook Football Club, and was captain for a few seasons. He was the greatest player I have ever seen — as good as two ordinary men to a side when playing back. He always defended when Holebrook kicked against the wind, but when the breeze favored the old, Red and Blues he roved. One cannot imagine a more skilful back. He never made the mistake — far too common with defenders— of always trying to bring off a run. Frequently opposing teams worked the ball towards the goal, only to see a gigantic athlete spring into, the air, mark the ball clean from the forwards, and transfer it to midfield. It did not seem to matter how unfairly he was treated, Eady was always able to get the ball. He was 'unstoppable.'
For a big man he was remarkably agile, and could scoop the ball from the ground with adroitness almost equal to that of Tommy Hehir. Yet his best friends could not call him a pretty ' player. But he was so effective and so sure, and invariably did the right thing. His name will always be numbered amongst the game's greatest exponents. I have seen nearly all the crack Victorian players during the past thirty years, yet not one, in my opinion, came up to Eady. Strange to say, one I missed seeing was Fred McGinis ; that is, when he reached his zenith. I saw him as a schoolboy, when his brother George was following well for city.
Tasmanians to whom I have spoken frequently bracket Eady and McGinis. That Fred' was a marvel goes without saying. I often ask old Victorians whom they consider the greatest player seen on their fields, and though the replies are not always the same, McGinis is the man mentioned most frequently as entitled to that distinction.
Writing of this reminds me of an incident that occurred in Sydney a few seasons ago. A car-load of football supporters were returning from Erskineville Oval, after watching one of the Victorian teams play a Sydney combination. I did not know one of the men in the compartment in which I was seated. The talk naturally enough turned on great footballers. Tasmanian players were touched upon, and all were unanimous in declaring that the lads of the isle had sadly deteriorated of late years.
'Why,' said a man sitting beside me, 'the greatest footballer I ever saw was a Tasmanian.' 'I know whom you mean,' interjected - a sturdy, gentleman opposite. ,'
'Who ?"' said the man at my elbow.
'Fred McGinis,' replied the other.
'No,' he said, and, leaning forward to give weight to his words, he went on:
'I've seen football in all the States, but the best I ever saw was that giant Eady. You ought to have seen him. I was over in the island for a little while, and I only saw him in one match. But it was enough for me. I've never seen anybody like him, and I know I never will. He was a champion !'
'You're not far wrong,' I said, speaking for the first time. .
''What, do you, know him ?' he asked.;.
'Yes, pretty well.''
'Then you know; what a bobby dazzler he was.'
He then yarned to me till I left the tram, and, he had evidently seen most of the Australian stars at work.
Those who saw it will never forget the phenomenal kick with which Eady won the premiership for Holebrook in 1890. We had for our opponents the Railway, and the battle was hot to the bitter end. Rain fell, and a cold northerly blew; We were level pegging until two minutes to 'time,' when Charlie marked well out on the top wing— we were kicking towards the northern end, and therefore against the wind. The ball was saturated and as heavy as lead, but the giant managed to get on the right 'spot,' and through the Sticks it went, to the delight of the Red and Blue players and supporters. It was a great, match, fought out in the best possible spirit, not a jarring note, though very strenuous.
When the bell clanged the players had fairly run themselves to a standstill. Deafening were the cheers, and even our opponents were generous enough, to grasp our hands and congratulate us. For several seasons we had been severely drubbed, but, like Oliver Twist, we kept ‘asking for more.' The crowd had evidently not lost sight of that fact, and opened its lungs accordingly. Eady 'was the 'hero of the hour. Everybody was talking of his marvellous kick. He had played remarkably well in all matches, and it was a pity that he was unable to spare the time to make the trip to Sydney that season. He was then at his top, and his defending would have prevented Carlton from scoring so many goals against the Hobartonians on the Sydney Cricket Grounds
To enumerate Eady's many fine achievements would take columns. He was always in first-class trim, and was consistency itself High-marking was his speciality. Like most big men, he was very good-tempered and even the unfair treatment to which he was frequently subjected never made him desire to avenge himself on those who caused it: Eady was — and still is-- very popular. Every lad in Hobart knew him, and thought him greater than a king. At that time, too, he was a dual champion at football and cricket.
Over 20 years ago Charlie- Eady had a very bad attack of typhoid fever, for a time his life being despaired of. However, his magnificent constitution and abstemiousness stood to him, and he pulled through. When the convalescent stage was reached, he came to Sydney for a trip. 'The Referee' office at that time contained a number of splendid athletes.
Their versatility enabled them to play Rugby or Australian Rules, and they succeeded in vanquishing many teams. Charlie Eady was roped in to play with us against a fifteen at Parramatta. Now, the genial giant had never even seen a Rugby game, knew nothing of its rules' and the difficulties of off-side, which is very puzzling to one who has only been accustomed to the Australian game. However, we were short handed, and he decided to play, notwithstanding that he was weak from a long illness and completely out of form. Our captain put him full-back. After we had been going a little while the ball went to Charlie, and to the amusement of our lads and the amazement of our opponents' and-onlookers, he began bouncing the ball as he tore along.
But a funnier incident than this took place. Charlie secured the ball near his goal, and dropped it, and it rolled over the line. He turned his back and walked away, quite unconcernedly, leaving an opponent in full possession of that portion of the field, and the laughter was hilarious when he quietly walked up, put his hand on the ball, and scored a try. Charlie wondered what all the laughter was about. He, of course, thought the ball out of play, but when the cause of it was explained to him, no one laughed more heartily than he. It certainly was funny. But the fun of that match did not end there. As old-time Rugbyites know, occasionally a maul took place. Well one of our men with more weight than strength and condition had a maul with a sturdy fellow from Parramatta. They tugged and tugged again, and while our man's condition remained he gave a good account of himself. The perspiration streamed down his forehead through exertion to which he had not been accustomed, but at last his' athletic opponent won the day. This was a phase of football totally different from' anything Charlie had ever seen, and he enjoyed it immensely. I daresay he often thinks of it now, and has a quiet chuckle.
Charlie Eady went to England with the 1896 Australian Eleven. In a club match at Hobart he made the mammoth score of 566 for the. Break o' Day, and opposed to Victoria he notched a century in each innings. To my mind he was far better at football than cricket, and I think that opinion will be shared by all who saw him play both games. It was possible to pick flaws in his cricket; impossible to do so in his football.
C.J.E. was president of the Tasmanian Football League for a few seasons, and his fairness and honesty were as conspicuous in the legislative side of the game as in play. The people of any country would take deep' interest in all athletic .pastimes' if players would, only show that fine sportsmanship which was an outstanding feature of Charlie Eady’s career on the football and cricket fields. Charlie was in Sydney a few months ago. He was immensely pleased with the Australian Football Ground, and the form of some of our players was a revelation to him. He still takes a keen delight in all kinds of sports, and now occupies the position of judge of the Tasmanian Racing Club. NOTABLE SOUTHERN TASMANIAN FOOTBALLERS OF OTHER DAYS (1914, December 9). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 13. Retrieved from
Sydney has just received a visit from Charles J. Eady, the Tasmanian and ex-Australian Eleven cricketer. He came over on private business, and I was fortunate enough to bump up against him. On the Saturday afternoon we went to the Sydney Cricket Ground, saw Reg. Duff get his chin split open, went for Dr. Windeyer, who was playing lawn tennis, saw a little more of the North Sydney v Waverley game, and then left for Wentworth Park, as Mr. Eady, himself a fast bowler, had expressed a wish to see Albert Cotter bowling. We stood in a line with the wicket for a time, and enjoyed the wit from some of the crowd. I remarked that the Sydney express was not sending the ball along as fast as usual. The words were scarcely uttered when a yorker got past Pite, and smashed the centre stump six inches from the ground. Then we went round to the opposite side of the ground, and, reclining on the turfed mound, talked Australian and English cricket with W. Richardson until the last Sydney wicket fell, almost in the gloaming.
I asked Mr. Eady something about Tasmanian cricket, and whether the bowler so much required— and whose want has been so much discussed — was likely to turn up in the tight little island.
'It is too soon to say that we have not an international bowler over there,' he replied. 'There are some of decided promise, but they have not quite developed yet. Meech is a good right-hand bowler, and very quick off the pitch, and he has a good command over the ball. He was chosen for the North v South match, but could not play. In a match on the previous Saturday he slipped and strained his arm, and, much to his regret, he had to stand down. His club is East Hobart.' I reminded Mr. Eady that it is a left rather than a right hander we want— someone that might fill the place of the late J. J. Ferris. Were there any lefthanders over there?
'Yes,' he said, 'we have Hanson, a left-hander. He has been very successful in club matches, winning the badge given by the association for best average in association fixtures. I ran second to him. He is a good field at point — the best down there! He was not very successful bowling in big matches! but did splendid work in club engagements, averaging five wickets an innings.
'What about your batsmen?'
'Hudson is a good, solid, sterling bat, with capital defence, and, besides, is a good field. R. Hawson and Tabart are our best batsmen, and I might include Dodds— all right-handers. Kenny Burn is batting very well again, he was troubled with rheumatism for a time. Hawson got 90 not out against Victoria. Dodds is a son of the Chief Justice and is full of pluck. Just before the North v South match he was fixing up a motor car, and received a severe injury to his finger. Dodds, besides being a good bat, is a wicketkeeper. South, feeling convinced that he could not possibly play, 'waited to Martin to come up to take the wickets. The match started at 12 o'clock. The earliest Martin could get there was 2 o'clock, and we had to play Dodds. His fingers had been lanced in front and under the nail. With his hand enveloped in a poultice he played a beautiful innings for 90 not out. After a while he took the bandages off his finger, and played with it bare. He is a right-handed, forcing batsman, and a splendid wicketkeeper. He keeps for the South.
'What are your wickets like?'
'Very fine indeed. Peter M'Alister, when he was in Hobart, said that the wicket there was the fastest he had ever played on. The wicket at Launceston is slow. There is not the life in it that there is in other wickets.
'Since we started the district system, the game has gone ahead a good deal. We now have five clubs at Hobart. They have not introduced the district system at Launceston yet. But it has worked wonders at Hobart. There are 250 players in grade games, as compared with 30 or 40 previously. We have two good turf wickets; the others are cement. I am amazed at the standard of cricket in Sydney. What a splendid thing it would be for some of our young players if they could only put in a season or two over here. Look at the players you have and the grounds, and much of the present condition has been brought about by local cricket. Now, if a man like Windsor had lived in Sydney he would, in my opinion, have been an extraordinary bowler.'
Mr. Eady left for his home on Monday evening. C. J. EADY. (1907, April 17). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 1021. Retrieved from
All About Sports
A meeting of the Fitzroy (Junior) Football Club was held last evening, Mr W. B. Gill in the chair. The following officers were elected : - Patron, Hon. Adye Douglas, M.L.C.; president, Capt. J. W. Evans; vice-presidents, Messrs. A Clark, M.H.A., Alf Crisp, M.H.A., W. Guesdon, Dr. H. Scott, E. Meara, K. T. Crisp, L. Rex, C. J. Eady, J. Masterson, G. Barber, G. K. Langridge, E. B. Gawne, H. O'Doherty, Win.' Grubb, Godfrey Fisher, W. Aldred, M. Duggan ; secretary, Mr. J. Fuge ; treasurer, Mr. C. Tedtnan captain Mr. Geo, Main ; vice-captain, Mr. W- H. Gill; General Committee, Messrs. Giblin, Clark. Totham, secretary, captain, and vice-captain ; Match Committee, captain, vice-captain, and Mr. Giblin. It was decided to join the S.T.J.F. A. A hearty vote of thanks to the chairman terminated the proceedings. The Kingston Football Club journey to Richmond to-morrow to play the Richmond club. .... FOOTBALL. (1895, April 26). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
The Early Years
Charles John Eady was born on October 29th 1870 to George Eady (born 1842) and Jane Sarah (nee Williams, born ). His grandfather, Charles Eady, came to Tasmania as a convict. He was convicted at Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds Quarter Sessions for a term of 15 years on July 9th 1844 and was one of almost 270 convicts transported on the William Jardine, 10th August 1844, arriving November 20th in Van Diemen's Land.
The Ships Lists provides:
HOBART TOWN—ARRIVALS. Nov 20—William Jardine, 553 tons, Capt John Gilmore, from London 11th Aug, with 267 male convicts. Passengers—Dr Robertson RN, surgeon superintendent, Capt Denny, Lieut Herbert, 33 rank and file of the 58th regt, 7 women and 10 children, and Mr and Mrs Midland, religious instructors.
Charles Eady was granted his Ticket Of Leave in May 1851 and commenced work as a butcher, among other occupations:
Sir,-In your issue of Thursday last there appeared an article in reference to a memorial presented' by the butchers of this city to the Mayor and Aldermen, requesting that they would cause the rates called hanging fees to be abolished, in consequence of such fees operating as an indirect tax upon them. The writer of that article must have been totally ignorant of the subject he was writing upon, or be must have written it to deceive the public, or why does he say that the hanging fees are paid for the actual slaughtering of the animals, when it is a well known fact that the butchers themselves have to send their own men down there for that purpose.
Again he says,-"If it were not for the hanging charges made by the Municipal body, the butchers would be at liberty to slaughter on their own premises." Surely he must have taken leave of his senses to write such stuff and nonsense ; he must be aware that a Slaughtering Act was passed by our Parliament about two years ago, prohibiting all slaughtering by butchers in the city under very heavy penalties, or if he is not aware of it, he should not have written upon the subject at all.
I will give you an outline of the memorial presented by us to the Mayor and Aldermen, and our reasons for doing so. We discovered from the monthly returns made by the Superintendent to the Municipal Council, that the revenue arising from the Abattoir by far exceeded the expenditure, and that the balance went to the general funds of the Corporation.
The Slaughtering Act was passed for a sanitary, and in consequence a public, benefit, and not for the convenience of the butchers, nor, as we think, to fill the Municipal exchequer.
The slaughter houses have been built with public moneys, towards which the butchers have paid their share the same as the other citizens, and they protest against paying more toward the public revenue because they are butchers than any other class of tradesmen.
The writer of the article before referred to expatiates largely on the amount of accommodation given for so very small a sum. forgetting that many of the butchers had an equal amount of accommodation at their private establishments, and from whence the City Surveyor took his plans for the last lot of slaughterhouses that has been erected.
Now for the low charges for this superb accommodation I will give you some little idea of them. I will not trouble you with the weekly amount for twelve months, but for three successive weeks, from the 19th to the 24th December, 1859, I paid two pounds three shillings and one penny ; the following week I paid one pound seventeen shillings and eleven-pence ; and the week after, ending the 7th January, 1860, one pound seventeen shillings and sevenpence. I have the receipts for the above amounts in my possession, and will show them to any one who may doubt the correctness of my statement. You will see by that I am paying about one hundred pounds per annum for the accommodation afforded me at that public establishment.
I have now to show you how it becomes an indirect tax upon the tradesmen ; the sums charged per head as hanging fees are not sufficient for the butchers to charge one half-penny per pound on the articles supplied to their customers, they cannot charge less as there is no smaller coin in circulation bore, so that they must be the losers, or the public must be the victims.
The butchers are content to pay in the shape of rent for the accommodation they receive to the amount necessary for the efficient working of that establishment, and not one farthing more ; if we must have increased taxes let us have them direct and not by any side wind levied upon any particular elas3 of men.
I have stated here what applies to my-self, and allow me to add that it also affects my fellow-tradesmen to a greater or less degree in proportion to the amount of business they are transacting the principle is the same in all cases.
Will you be good enough to insert this in your widely circulated paper that the public may know how things stand between ourselves and the powers that be, and you will greatly oblige.
Yours, &C&C,
Charles Eady.
69 Elizabeth-street. Hobart Town, 30th Jan., 1860. TO THE EDITOR OF THE MERCURY. (1860, January 31). The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (Tas. : 1858 - 1860), p. 2. Retrieved from
Local. Cattle Stealing. — A charge of cattle stealing was preferred by Charles Eady, a butcher in Liverpool-street, against Lewis Waddle, another butcher in this town, and occupied the attention of our Chief Police Magistrate for a considerable length of time on Friday last. A Mr. Drew was examined, who stated, that he saw in Mr. Waddle's yard, on the day named in the information, a bullock marked TB, which he described as being of the Devonshire breed, " a countryman of his own." An apprentice to Mr. Sherwin, tanner, was examined and said that he saw too bullocks in Mr. Waddle's yard on that day penned up. Mr. Hanson Ladds was brought forward to prove that Mr. Eady had sent to New town 11 head of cattle, on Mr. William Ladds's run ; that three of the cattle were missed, one on the Friday after they were sent, and two on the following Sunday: that six of the cattle were sent on the day named in the information to Mr Sharp, who was united with Mr. Eady in the purchase of the cattle ; and Mr. Eady proved seeing colonial meat in the shop of Mr. Waddell, at a time when from a conversation he had with him he could not have the like. Edmund Twining, the drover of Mr. W. Ladds, was brought forward to prove the receipt of the cattle, and the return of such of them as were not stolen. He denied being in Veteran's Row that day, although Mr. Drew had sworn to a man of his description being there, driving 8 head of cattle. The time of the day mentioned by Mr. Drew, and that mentioned by Mr. Ladds did not correspond. Mr. Knight appeared for Mr. Eady and Mr. Ferry for Waddle. The case was dismissed. Local. (1855, April 23). The Tasmanian Colonist (Hobart Town, Tas. : 1851 - 1855), p. 2. Retrieved from
(Before the Police Magistrate and S. Moses, Esq )
ASSAULTING A CONSTABLE.-Mr. Charles Eady was charged with assaulting Constable Rogers of the Rural Police whilst in the execution of his duty. The defendant pleaded not guilty and requested to have the hearing of the case postponed, in order that he might procure the attendance of Mr. A. B. Jones as a witness. The Bench postponed the case until Wednesday. POLICE OFFICE.—THIS DAY. (1858, November 18). The Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), p. 3. Retrieved from
(Before His Worship the Mayor, and Alderman Murdoch.) i
Thomas J. Eady F Pink.
This was an information by the City Inspector against Messrs. Eady and Pink, butcher, Elizabeth-street, charging them with a breach of the 14th Clause of the Slaughtering Act, in exposing for sale on the 14th instant the unsalted carcase of a calf, which had not been slaughtered at the public Slaughter House, whereby they were liable to a penalty not exceeding £50.
Mr. Pink, who appeared to answer the summons, admitted the charge, and the excuse he had to offer was the want of proper accommodation at the Slaughter house in the matter of sheds. In its present state the Slaughter House was totally unfit for the purposes of the butchers, and he hoped their Worships would be as lenient with him as they could. The government had broken faith with the butchers, us, before the Act was passed they had expressly promised that proper accommodation should be supplied, and had granted the Municipal body an additional portion of land for that purpose ; this was one of the items of the petition which had been presented to the legislature, and he, Mr. Pink, would only ask what every reasonable person would ask, that sufficient accommodation should be provided ; indeed, the butchers were fairly entitled to this as-Borne compensation for giving up their private slaughter houses. He had no wish to evade the law, and was willing to comply with it so soon as the required accommodation was provided ; but, until it was, he should be obliged to slaughter on his own premises.
The Mayor said that no doubt the proper accommodation would be afforded, as the Corporation had adopted means for that purpose. As this was the first case under the new law, the Bench would not impose a heavy penalty. The defendants were then fined 5s., and 7s. 6d. costs. MAYOR'S COURT.—THURSDAY. (1859, May 20). The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (Tas. : 1858 - 1860), p. 3. Retrieved from
Charles Eady died while his children were still young, suffering for two weeks after an accident prior to passing away. Details of that accident:
An inquest was held yesterday at Beaumont’s Family Hotel, Liverpool-street, before A. B. Jones, Esq, coroner, and a respectable jury of which Mr William Ferguson was foreman, to enquire into the death of Mr Charles Eady of Elizabeth-street. The Coroner stated to the jury the circumstances attending the accident, which was supposed to have occasioned the death of the deceased.
The jury then proceeded to view the body and on their return called, Henry Mansfield, who upon being sworn, deposed—I am a butcher, residing in Liverpool-street, I have now in the presence of the coroner and jury seen the body of the late Charles Eady; on last Wednesday fortnight I went with deceased to Melton Mowbray in a vehicle, known 'as the “Despatch” there were 6 other persons in it besides deceased and myself; the vehicle had in it but two horses at the time of the accident; the deceased was driving and I took my seat beside him on the box; the rest were seated in the body of the vehicle; an accident occurred at Bridgewater; I was not then on the vehicle; I was then on horse back and paying my toll at the toll-gate, at Bridgewater; I saw the accident that then occurred; it was the carriage pole that broke; I was behind the vehicle when it passed through the toll-gate; Mr Eady was then driving, the leader swerved on to the gate, and the pole became bent, the vehicle was then taken to a blacksmith’s shop and repaired, and the horses put to again; the deceased was perfectly sober; I go inside of the vehicle after the pole was repaired; nothing further occurred on our way; we left Melton Mowbray about half past 4 o’clock in the evening, and in coming down Constitution Hill, we found the break would not act; when we got to the Crown Inn, at Brighton, Mr Eady and Mr Burbury examined the break, I looked at it also, and none of us could discover what was wrong; we then proceeded on towards Bridgewater; when we got within three hundred yards of Bridgewater, I heard something crack, the vehicle then gave a surge, and I called out to Eady to hold hard getting ahold of the reins myself also; I then heard a noise as if of a lot of glass breaking, which I concluded was the breaking of the hind springs; the vehicle then capsized, and I was thrown out to the off-side, with the reins In my hands; I do not know what became of deceased, it was then quite dark; we had two lamps lighted,' I got up and went to the back of the vehicle, and found one man lying on the road, and some others inside; I tried to pull them out, but failed for want of strength; I did not then see deceased for a minute or two after this; I went to the front of the vehicle to try and lift the hood, but I could not; my attention was then called to a low moan which proceed from under the vehicle; the horses then went on about eight yards; there was some one at the near horse's head, but he could not succeed in stopping them; they were going then at a mere walk; I called to Mr Burbury to stop them, the vehicle being still on its side; when the horses were stopped, I heard a person moaning behind the vehicle, and some persons enquiring “ if he were much hurt;” it was then I went up and found Mr Eady with two men supporting him; he was then about seven yards from the vehicle; I heard him say “ I am much hurt;'’ deceased was then taken to the Derwent Hotel at Bridgewater, and Mr Burbury went on my horse to town for a doctor; about 12 o'clock the same night Dr Coverdale came.
W . L. Crowther, M.D. deposed—That on Thursday morning about 3 o'clock he was called upon to attend at the house of Mr Woods of Bridgewater to see Mr Charles Eady, who had met with an accident late on the preceding evening, 2nd May, saw deceased ; on the following morning visited him again ; at 6 o'clock the next morning had deceased prepared for removal to town by the Monarch steamer; saw him at his own house, and attended him up to his death, which took place a little before 7 o’clock Thursday morning; witness made a post mortem examination of the body on this day, and found the 4th, 5th, and 6th ribs on the right side fractured a short distance from the spine; found a quantity of liquid decomposed blood in the cavity of the plura in that side, the lungs were collapsed to such an extent as to be no longer capable of taking any part in the functions of respiration ; on the left side the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th ribs were broken within an inch or two of the breast bone ; the deceased died from extravasation of blood into the cavity of the chest and pneumo-thorax, the result of decomposition rendering the process of respiration impossible.
John Adcock was next called, his evidence being similar to that of Mr Mansfield as to the nature of the occurrence. The jury stated to the Coroner that they did not desire to call any further evidence they being agreed as to the verdict; Viz.— Accidently killed by the upsetting of a vehicle he was driving at Bridgewater on the 2nd May inst, whereby he received injuries from which he died on the 17th day of the said month. CORONER’S INQUEST. (1866, May 19). Tasmanian Morning Herald (Hobart, Tas. : 1865 - 1866), p. 3. Retrieved from
DEATHS. EADY. -On Thursday, 17th May, aged 49, Mr. Charles Eady (from injuries received by the breaking down of carriage). The funeral will leave his late residence, 69 Elizabeth-street, Hobart Town, on Sunday, the 20th inst., at half-past 8 a.m. Friends will please accept this as an invitation, as no circulars will be issued. Melbourne papers please copy. Family Notices (1866, May 19). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
Two sons and two daughters survived, along with their mother, Elizabeth. Having amassed some assets these were put in trust of Charles' wife until her passing in 1884 and would later help George's children.
Deaths. EADY.—On Monday, August 4, at Naylandville, Glenorchy, Elizabeth, relict of the late Charles Eady, of Hobart. Aged 67. Funeral will leave her late residence at 2 p.m. THIS DAY. Family Notices (1884, August 6). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
George Eady had set himself up as a 'Licenced Victualler' by the time he married, at age 27, and soon after they took possession of the :
EADY-WILLIAMS.—On the 6th of October, by special license, by the Rev. W. Nicolson, D.D., at the residence of the bride's mother, George, youngest son of the late Charles Eady, to Jane Sarah, only daughter of the late John Williams. Family Notices (1869, October 12). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved January from
George and Jane Eady had four children: Charles John (1870-1946), Florence Isabel (1871-1960), Grace Lilian (1874-1936), and Madeline Louise (1876-1877).
Unfortunately George passed away while quite young
Mrs. J. S. Eady's Work for Charities
RARE point and Honiton lace made by the delicate hands of an 89-year-old philanthropist of Hobart, strange as it may seem, is often the source of funds for the provision of the prosaic but necessary vegetable supply for the Hobart Relief Committee's Canteen. This exquisite work is done by Mrs. J. S. Eady, who in June next year will be 90 years of age. She is probably the only person in Australia who does point and Honiton work at the present time, for it is difficult to procure the braid used in the making of the lace.
A LARGE consignment of the braid obtained from a Swedish maker some time ago has enabled Mrs. Eady to continue with her lace-making, and the products of her art, which she learned from her grandmother nearly 80 years ago, are sold by her to raise funds for various philanthropic activities. Her work is widely known for it has been sent all over Australia, and even to London and Paris, for wedding presents and other special gifts.
During the war-time, Mrs. Eady was a prominent worker for the soldiers. She assisted in Lady Nicholls' workroom, and also, one day a week, at St. George's Church, doing similar work. During that period she made and sold 150 point lace tea cosies, and with the money bought flannel to make warm garments for the soldiers. It can well be imagined that such exquisite work found ready sale.
Began Hospital Auxiliary
It was in the anxious war years that the Women's Auxiliary of the Hobart General Hospital first came into existence, and Mrs. Eady was the central figure around whom, some 20 years ago, the beginnings of this extremely valuable organisation were woven. She was invited by Mr. William Brownell to go to the hospital and help the nurses with the mending of the children's clothes, as the nurses had little time outside their ordinary duties to give to this necessary work. And so, this became an additional activity in the busy philanthropic life of Mrs. Eady.
MRS. J. S. EADY Mother of Mr. C. J. Eady, M.L.C., who ls well-known for her charitable work in Hobart.
After three years with the auxiliary, she was forced to give up the work, but a few years ago she rejoined, at the invitation of Mrs. L. Broinowski, who was President at the time. The auxiliary has grown to substantial membership, and Mrs. Eady attends regularly on every second and fourth Wednesday each month, to assist in the sewing and making of garments for the poorer patients of the institution.
Another of her great interests is the Relief' Canteen in Melville St., which she visits regularly every Monday morning with the object of ascertaining -and supplying-the most pressing need of the moment. Sometimes it is vegetables, at other times meat, or buns. With her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Guesdon, and son Mr. C. J. Eady (Mrs. M. P. McLeod is another daughter), she gives a donation to the canteen each week. The more of her lovely lace work she sells, the greater is the extent of her assistance. The canteen feeds 150 children and many families each day; rendering this is a substantial Instance of Mrs. Eady's practical work.
A Sausage Breakfast
A great admirer of the work of St. Joseph's Orphanage, she finds here another outlet for her practical sympathy, which in this instance takes the form of providing what she calls a "sausage breakfast" several times a year for the children. On these occasions 15 to 20 lb. of sausages are received at the orphanage and the breakfasts are most popular among the children.
In spite of Mrs. Eady's advanced age and many years devoted to fine lacemaking, her eyesight is still good, and she continues daily with her work. Apart from private charities, she is a regular supporter of the Benevolent Society and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and visiting the sick is another of her activities. Donations each Christmas to provide toys for the inmates are also made to the Children's Hospital.
"The days are never too long for me," she told a representative of the "Wo-man's Realm." . "What I have to do is always marked out for me each day."
Samples of her lace-making are seen in beautifully made infants'- bonnets mounted on net, a delicate boudoir rap in exquisite design, and "throw-over" cloths of organdie muslin with Inset corners of point and Honiton lace. Her designs are very old, and have to be re-traced from time to time in order to preserve them.
A Familiar Figure
Amazingly active for her age, Mrs. Eady is a familiar figure in the city, in what she terms her "old-fashioned dress." Her black bonnet, long skirts, and capacious muff- have made her a distinctive identity, and a sweet and gracious manner has won for her wide respect and a host of friends.
It is, indeed, rare that anybody of so advanced age should have such a variety of interests, and the capacity for taking such a lively and practical part in them. Her energetic .work for so many charities should be an object lesson to those of the younger generation. LACE MAKER AND PHILANTHROPIST (1936, September 9). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 11 (Woman's Realm). Retrieved from
90th Birthday Anniversary of Mrs. J. S. Eady
MANY residents today will wish Mrs. J. S. Eady, of Hobart, many happy returns of the day on the occasion of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of her birthday. Mrs. Eady, who lives with her daughter, Mrs. H. F. Macleod, 97 Davey St., is in excellent health and has spent her years in truly philosophical living, following Nature's laws.
In an interview yesterday, Mrs. Eady recalled many interesting impressions of early Hobart. Her grandfather, father, uncle, and aunt came to Hobart 100 years ago, when her father was 16 years of age. England then was not the bearable place in which to live in Winter that it is now, and it was thought that there would be better opportunities for the children in Tasmania. Her father, Mr. John Williams, married Miss Ann Dixon, of Penrith, Cumberland. He was for 19 years in the Derwent Bank, and he died young. Mrs. Eady said she was born in a weatherboard cottage in Bathurst St., and lived there 36 years. The house was still standing and was occupied by Miss J. Gruncell. Mrs. Eady was married to Mr. George Eady, who came to Tasmania from Essex, England. She had two daughters, Mrs. W. A. Guesdon, who died last year, and Mrs. Macleod, with whom she is living. Her only son is Mr. C. J. Eady, M.L.C., who has played for Australia in Test cricket. There are four generations— herself, son, grandson, and great-grandson. The last-named is aged 21 years, and is serving with the Union Steam Ship Co.
In her school days, said Mrs. Eady, there was no road to the house in which she lived in Bathurst St. — nothing but huge boulders, and she remembers seeing them broken down to form the street. There was no water supply, not even tanks, which were not thought of. It was very difficult to cart wood and coal, and it used to be conveyed in barrows to the homes. Water was procured from a pump at the corner of Macquarie and Barrack streets, and it was brought to the house in buckets. It was stored in casks encased in iron hoops, and had to be conserved rigidly, for, while in Winter the Hobart Rivulet was a raging torrent, it used to be almost dry in Summer. Travellers often used to call and ask for a glass of water, but it was cheaper to give them milk.
To reach St. John's Church of England, which she attended, it was necessary to carry lanterns and to wear clogs, for there were no streets there, and the mountain stream often was swollen. The lanterns and clogs were left on shelves in the porch of the church, which was nothing more than a weatherboard schoolroom. She and her brother attended a school in Macquarie St., kept by a Mrs. Strutt, and they used to cross the rivulet on planks. There were no bridges. She remembered convicts constructing the roads and buildings. The worst types were clothed in yellow, and those not so bad in grey. She recalls also the whaling industry, which in those days was thriving. Only the principal city streets were formed in her school days. There were no street lights. The first were oil lamps, then kerosene, then gas, and lastly electricity.
"We children used to think nothing of walking to the top of Mt. Wellington and back, and attending a dance at night," she said. "Our only recreation was to run about in the bush and dance." She recalled that an old Mr. Woods kept an ice-house up the mountain, and delivered ice in the city. The Hobart Rivulet at that time was much more subject to flooding than now. She has seen cats, dogs and even horses washed down the stream by the raging torrent. That was before any bridges were built, and no vehicle could cross it. Where the City Hall now stands used to be under water.
Though not many years old at the time, Mrs. Eady remembers the cessation of the transportation of convicts to Tasmania in 1852. The British Government allowed the Government of Tasmania £365,000 for the upkeep of the prisoners, and English migrants began to flock to the colony. She participated with school children in a feast, and medals were presented to them.
There were no nurses in those days, though there were doctors. Only two of them could be relied on, however, as no one knew whether the others would be sober. The first nurse she remembered was a black woman. After that a number of English nurses were sent out, and the training of nurses in Hobart began.
Mrs. Eady is amazed at the revolutionary changes which have taken place in the world since that time. Everything was "staid and proper," and if a girl merely looked behind in the street she was considered very rude indeed. Nowadays they played all kinds of "high jinks."
"I do not think the world has changed for the better," she said. "It is sad to see so many young persons marrying, having children, and then drifting apart. The children have no sacred home training, and a child turned out into the world without a religious education is like a ship without a rudder."
Mrs. Eady has devoted much of her time and substance to philanthropic work in Hobart. The Hobart City Mission and the Relief Canteen are the principal organisations to receive her support. She supplied firewood, meat, and vegetables to the Mission, and foodstuffs to the canteen. She is still able to read, write, sew, and make lace. Making point lace is her principal recreation, and her work is of the finest quality. Much of her lace she sells, and gives the proceeds to the poor. "As long as I live I hope to be of some use to those round about me," she said.
Her recipe for longevity? It is this. Paying every attention to Nature's laws, and not abusing them in any way. "If I am tired, I rest; if I am sleepy, I sleep. I lead a regular, quiet life. I am thankful to God for having given me long life and health, and I hope I shall be able to help to the end." GLIMPSES OF EARLY HOBART (1937, June 17). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
Sarah passed away son afterwards:
Philanthropist and Maker of Rare Lace
Mrs. Jane Sarah Eady, wife of the late George Eady, and mother of Mr. C. J. Eady, M.L.C., died yesterday at the residence of her daughter (Mrs. H. F. Macleod), 97 Davey St., Hobart, in her 91st year.
Mrs. Eady was well-known for the making of rare point and Honiton lace, which she sold for charity. She was probably the only person in Australia who did point and Honiton lace in recent years, as the braid used is difficult to procure these days. Her work was widely known, for it had been sent all over the Commonwealth, and even to London and Paris, for wedding presents and other special gifts. During the Great War Mrs. Eady was a prominent worker for the soldiers. She assisted in Lady Nicholls' workroom, and one day a week at St. George's Church. During that period she made and sold 150 point lace tea cosies and with the money bought flannel to make warm garments for the soldiers.
MRS. J. S. EADY Whose death occurred at Hobart yesterday.
She was the central figure in the beginnings of the Women's Auxiliary of the Hobart General Hospital some 20 years ago. Until recent years she attended the auxiliary and did sewing for the poorer patients at the institution. Another of her interests was the Hobart Relief Canteen, which she was in the habit of visiting regularly to see what urgent needs required supplying. St. Joseph's Orphanage, the Benevolent Society, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and the Children's Hospital were other philanthropic interests which received her practical support. Samples of her lace-making are treasured by many Hobart residents. Her designs were very old and had to be retraced from time to time in order to preserve them.
Mrs. Eady used to be a familiar figure in the city in her black bonnet, long skirts, and capacious muff. She was the daughter of John and Ann Williams, of England, her father having come to Tasmania at the age of 16 years. She married Mr. George Eady, of Essex, England. One daughter was the late Mrs. W. A. Guesdon. The cremation will take place at Cornelian Bay tomorrow at 11 a.m. Family Notices (1938, March 30). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from
Honiton lace is a type of bobbin lace that was traditionally made in Honiton, Devon, in the United Kingdom. Historical Honiton lace designs focused on scrollwork and depictions of natural objects such as flowers and leaves. Its ornate motifs and complex patterns are created separately, before being sewn into a net ground. Common motifs include daisies, roses, shamrocks, ivy leaves, butterflies, lilies, camellias, convolvulus, poppies, briony, antwerp diamonds, trefoils, ferns, and acorns.
A Tradition of Community Service
Those who came to Tasmania as convicts or as colonists seeking a better life and opportunities unavailable to them in the United Kingdom had to look after each other. That instinct you find persists in our rural areas still, to come to the aid of those in trouble without having to be asked and doing what needs to be done quietly and without fuss, and then going away before thanks can be offered was what was required.
Family Summers at Palm Beach
Since the 1850's, when William Andrew Guesdon, who came to Tasmania as a 16 year old in 1833 and set himself up as an auctioneer, had commenced auctioneering cattle and sheep he imported from Port Albert through the Government Slaughter yard, the Eady and Guesdon families had known each other.
The work and recreation activities of both Charles Eady and W A Guesdon would have brought them into close contact with each other.
Florence Isobel Guesdon, born October 17th, 1873 to William Algernon Guesdon (born July 6th 1848 - eldest son of W A Guesdon) and Elizabeth (nee Webb) married Charles John Eady. This had been proceeded by the May 16th, 1895 and third marriage of 'Billy' Guesdon to Charles' sister, Grace Lilian when he was 47 and she was 21.
Tragically the only child recorded from the marriage died.
GUESDON.-On April 8, at "Hartamville," Jack Beresford, youngest child of William Algernon and Grace Lilian Guesdon, aged 9 weeks and 3 days. Family Notices (1897, April 10). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
EADY- GUESDON.- On October 22, 1903, at St. George's Church, Battery Point, Charles John, only son of the late George Eady, to Florence Isobel, eldest daughter of William Algernon Guesdon. Family Notices (1903, November 7). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
Rosemary Guesdon Eady was born April 29th, 1907 at the Weld street home of her parents. Two years later a son was born, and then lost:
EADY.-On October 11, at Highbury Hospital, Charles Guesdon Eady, the beloved only son of Charles John and Florence Isobel Eady, aged 4 years and 6 months. Family Notices (1913, October 13). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
In between then another of William 'Algernon' Guesdon's children would marry:
GUESDON-NICHOLSON.-On October 10, 1908, by Rev. James Barr, Charles Guesdon, eldest son of William Guesdon, to Florence Coralie Nicholson, eldest daughter of James Nicholson. Both of Hobart. Family Notices (1908, December 31). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
Charley, as he was known, was not the eldest son. Frank Algernon, born 1872, was eldest and did not pass away until 1945.
Charles and Florence Guesdon had three daughters and one son; Sheila (also spelled Shelagh), Nancy and Noel (also spelled Noelle – second name Jane) as well as William Algernon Guesdon, born 1916, named after his grandfather. Born on September 8th, 1875, Charles, a Carpenter by profession, passed away from tuberculosis on July 3rd, 1916, aged just 41. Their mother, Florence Coralie, passed away in 1933, also from TB, which she was ill with at the time of her husband's death.
Nancy and William Algernon Guesdon were brought up by Florence and Charles Eady with their daughter Rosemary as a loving sister. Nancy would go on to become a nurse, her sisters teachers.
DEPARTURES. June 29-Westralia, s., 2884 tons, P. Le Neven master, for Sydney. Passengers:-Saloon-Mesdames Guesdon, Eady; Misses Orpwood; Messrs. Guesdon ....DEPARTURES. (1906, June 30). Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954), p. 6 (DAILY.). Retrieved from
Amongst the recent visitors at Scamander were Mr. and Mrs. J. A.Jdhnstone, Mr. and Mrs. T. Fitzgerald and three children, Mrs. and Miss Eady, Master W. Guesdon ... Scamander. (1920, July 14). Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954), p. 6 (DAILY). Retrieved from
The family would take a house in Florida road, Palm Beach each Summer for at least three generations. In the 1920’s William 'Bill' Andrew Guesdon used to come to Palm Beach for the season as a youngster and teenager – later, during late 1940’s – 1950’s, his son William 'Andrew' Guesdon was here too, via Rosemary Guesdon Broadbent, nee Eady, his aunt and daughter of Charles.
BROADBENT-EADY. - On Monday, February 4, 1935, at St. George's Church of England, Battery Point, Horace Henry Broadbent, to Rosemary Eady, only daughter of the Hon. Charles J. Eady, M.L.C., Tasmania. Family Notices (1935, February 8). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
Above: IN GARDEN SETTING.-Lady Clark attends the American Tea, held on Friday last in support of the fund to aid Lance-Corporal Webb, at the Weld St., South Hobart, residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Eady. In the group (left to right), are: Miss Pitt, Mr. Noel Simmonds, Mrs. T. K. Pitt, Lady Clark, Rev. T. K. Pitt, Mrs. J. Broadbent. SCHOOL FOUNTAIN And A GARDEN FETE (1936, December 2). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 12 (Woman's Realm). Retrieved from
FRIENDS of Anne Findlay have heard that since leaving Hobart some three weeks ago she has been having a glorious time travelling about the Mainland. The first two weeks she spent in Melbourne staying with former Hobart girl, Billie Warren. From that metropolis she went on to Parramatta (NSW) to visit the Jack Broadbents (she was the former Mollie Eadie). Anne is now making her home with friends at Rose Bay, Sydney, and hopes to stay there some time before returning. The Mercury Women's Section (1947, April 22). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
Rosemary was, during 1950, – listed as trading at 7 Rohini street Turramurra, NSW and living at 33 Captain Pipers’ road Vaucluse. Her parents had married in 1903.
The author remembers Rosemary Guesdon Eady Broadbent as a very gentle and kind woman on meeting her when still quite young. Auntie Eady was also very tall, even though bent by age by then, easily over six feet. Dad, William Andrew Guesdon (1940-2019) clearly adored her and she him.
The author’s parents remember Charles Eady from their childhoods both having met him through their elders – he too was recalled as being very tall, although they, at 5 years age, would have found anyone over six feet quite tall by reason of their own shortness, and was held in great respect by all.
When we were first moved to Sydney from Hobart a drive to Palm Beach occurred on the first day here, with dad pointing out the small cottage on Florida road, tucked into one of the corners, and a visit to the Palm Beach SLSC, where he and reconnected acquaintances had drinks at The Pacific Club while we played on the sand – the fourth generation to do so. Since then Charles Eadys’ great-great Guesdon nieces have also dipped their toes in the waters of Palm Beach, the fifth generation to do so.
In fact Charles Andrew Guesdon (1852-1906), brother of William Algernon Guesdon, was secretary of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron and may well have sailed here as that club and its members had been want to do since the Basin Regattas of the 1890’s and when plans to set up an auxiliary station at Careel Bay had first been mooted through Dr. James Frederick Elliott who bought acreage on the bay.
A cousin on the maternal side, Errol Flynn, also weighed anchor from Careel Bay when sailing his yacht Sirocco north in 1930 – he had first been in our area when just six months old and his parents were staying at Manly Beach with an anecdote about how a wave rolled over him and he just laughed forming part of family records – but that’s another story, for another Pittwater Summer.
Mr. Chas. A. Guesdon, an old and popular member of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, passed away yesterday morning, at his residence, Karraba-road, Neutral Bay. Mr. Guesdon was well known in yachting circles, and at the time of his death was the secretary of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, the duties of which office he took up upon the resignation of Mr. Armitage. Previously, he was for some years secretary of the Athenaeum Club. Mr. Guesdon was for many years an active member of the yacht squadron, in fact he made yachting his chief source of amusement and recreation. He was the owner of the yacht Midget, and although he was not a racing member, he took the keenest interest in all aquatic contests. His genial temperament and sterling qualities gained him unusual, popularity, and his familiar figure will be missed by all those who had the privilege of knowing him. Mr. Guesdon leaves a widow and three daughters, one of whom is at present on a trip to England. PERSONAL. (1906, May 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
Four Young Men Tackle Perilous Voyage
Four young men set out from Sydney a few days ago in the yacht Sirocco, on an adventurous voyage to New Guinea. The crew comprises Rex Long Innes, son of Mr. Justice Long Innes, Erol Flynn, son of Professor Flynn, of Hobart, T. Adams, a Cambridge man, and C. Burt. The Sirocco is a vessel of 13 tons, built 50 years ago at Circular Quay, of ironbark and kauri. Mr. Flynn is returning to his plantation, 200 miles from Rabaul. The remaining three are in search of gold and adventure. NEW GUINEA BOUND IN YACHT (1930, March 13). Daily Pictorial (Sydney, NSW : 1930 - 1931), p. 11. Retrieved from
Guesdon-Eady-Broadbent family photos circa 1946-1949
Rosemary Guesdon-Eady (then Broadbent) with left to right - Uncle Phillip, Dad (William Andrew Guesdon), Uncles Christopher and Charles at 23 Weld Street Hobart - this was the home and gardens that hosted Royal Hobart Hospital and other fundraisers. Subdivided after Charles J Eady's death in 1945, so pre-then.
Above: IN GARDEN SETTING.-Lady Clark attends the American Tea, held on Friday last in support of the fund to aid Lance-Corporal Webb, at the Weld St., South Hobart, residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Eady. In the group (left to right), are: Miss Pitt, Mr. Noel Simmonds, Mrs. T. K. Pitt, Lady Clark, Rev. T. K. Pitt, Mrs. J. Broadbent. SCHOOL FOUNTAIN And A GARDEN FETE (1936, December 2). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 12 (Woman's Realm). Retrieved from
2. Guesdon-Eady-Broadbent house at Palm Beach circa 1948-49, 47 Florida Road
3. Dad at house at Palm Beach, circa 1948-9, 47 Florida Road
4. Front view of 47 Florida Road when for sale in 2021. Photo courtesy - Located opposite Wilshire Reserve with direct access to the southern end of Palm Beach.
47 Florida Road, Palm Beach - street level view via Google Maps. Same steps, garage present.
References and extras
- Trove - National Library of Australia
- Guesdon - Eady family archives and albums
- Tasmanian State Library
- State Library of NSW
- NSW State Records and Archives
- Wilshire Park, Palm Beach
- Iluka Park, Woorak Park, Pittwater Park, Sand Point Reserve, Snapperman Beach Reserve - Palm Beach: Some History
Warringah Shire Council's need to create a playing field that commenced the filling in of the mangroves at the northern end of Careel Bay playing fields and the leasing of the land for a tip, also to fill in the mangroves.
Warringah Shire Council records on July 3rd, 1933, by Cr. Hitchcock, seconded by Cr. Hughes, that ''in regard to the Palm Beach District Cricket Club's letter handed in to this meeting, submitting several requests; the Club be supplied with metal from Newport quarry for the construction of a wicket on Careel Bay Park, the work to be done under the supervision of the Inspector, and in consideration of the Club doing this work and improving the reserve; it be granted the use of the ground for three years without charge.''
Warringah Shire Council Minutes of the Meeting held on November 6th, 1933 record:
36. Palm Beach District Cricket Club, 26/10/33, (a) inviting Councillors and Officers to attend the opening of the new cricket ground on Careel Bay Park on 11th November at 1.30 p.m; (b) requesting Council to call the reserve at Careel Bay "Hitchcock Park". Resolved, - That the reserve be called Hitchcock Park. .(Crs. Austin, Hughes)
For more on the Palm Beach District Cricket Club visit Iluka Park, Woorak Park, Pittwater Park, Sand Point Reserve, Snapperman Beach Reserve - Palm Beach: Some History
25th of September 1933; That the sand pump at Newport Beach be sent to Careel Bay Park cricket ground and installed there.
Warringah Shire Council minutes of Meetings record, November 20th, 1933: By Cr. Hitchcock - That the preparation of plans for drainage at Wilshire Park and Glenburnie Park be expedited. Careel Park; by Cr. Hitchcock - That plans for dredging Careel Park be prepared as soon as possible.
Worth noting from the same council minutes is how that triangular piece of land where the North Avalon bus stop is was formed:
Main Roads Department, 16/6/37, forwarding for Council's information, copy of plan shoving the portion of Hitchcock Park Careel Bay, resumed for main road purposes. Resolved, Hitchcock' That the Department be asked to beautify the small triangular-cornered piece severed from the park by the deviation of the road. (Crs. Hitchcock, Ross)
On October 28th, 1941 that same Council records: Re Careel Bay Reserves, recommending that the Minister be requested to dedicate or reserve a strip between Hitchcock Park and highwater mark for public recreation purposes, as an addition to Hitchcock Park.
Although the above shows the Warringah Shire Council was calling this area 'Hitchcock Park' by October 1941, it wasn't officially known as Hitchcock reserve an area designated for public recreation and registered as such until November 13th, 1942.
Geoff Searl OAM, President of Avalon Beach Historical Society provides this aerial from 1951 which shows just a cricket pitch on the site of the Careel Bay Tennis Courts (directly opposite Whale Beach Road!).
Geoff says;
There seems to be some activity and an entrance to the mangroves from the entrance to the dairy buildings opposite.
No sign of the tip but I think some locals have begun to use the area for depositing rubbish (dairy mob.?).
No sign of the cricket club building before it was moved to Palm Beach to serve as the surf club for North Palm Beach SLSC. I think it had already been moved - soon after 1946?
The weather last Saturday afternoon was again unfavorable for football, but, notwithstanding, the attendance at the intercolonial match between New South Wales and Tasmania was good. The teams were the pick of the respective colonies. Hedger captained New, South Wales, and Dunlop had charge of the Tasmanians.
Dunlop won the toss for Tasmania, and the ball was kicked off by Arthur, and immediately run down by the Tasmanian end, bat was returned by Hall, Vautin, and Byan. Barlow marked in front, and scored first goal three minutes after the start. Arthur kicked off, . but the ball was again returned, J. Dunlop, Barlow, and Gregg adding behinds. Sullivan marked well on the wing but missed his kick, and Tankard marked to Sibley, who scored fourth behind, Bonnicha secured the ball and added second goal for the islanders. Arthur put the ball in motion and Fitzgerald and Abbott kept it well in the centre. Ryan secured the ball and J. Dunlop marked on the line, but in passing the ball Wilson was awarded a free kick and relieved the goal. Hedger did a run - down . the wing, but lost his kick, Ryan marking to- J. Dunlop, who put up a behind, the fifth. Barlow marked on the wing, and passed to Willing, but Wilson relieved the goal. J. Dunlop again missed his shot, and Sibley secured in front, mulling his kick. Ryan secured, and marked to Gregg, who scored third goal. From the kick Webb marked. Carah did some good work on the wing. Watt marked to Eady, thence to Tabart, Nicholson, and Gregg, and a behind was the result. The ball was1 then sent on to the centre, where Tasmania did a lot of little marks, the ball finally landing in Gregg's hands. By a long fifty yards kick he placed fourth goal to the credit of Tasmania. Kicked off, Sibley got possession, and a behind was the result. New South Wales now got the ball forward, but the forwards were not equal to the Tasmanian backs, and once more the' New South Wales' citadel was attacked, the result being two more behinds. New South Wales were all abroad, and Sibley kicked the fifth goal for Tasmania.
Quarter-time was soon afterwards called, the score then being Tasmania 5 goals 9 behinds, Sydney nothing.
On resuming Tasmania returned to the attack and Bonnicha kicked the sixth goal from the ruck. Again Tasmania was all in front of the New South Wales men and scored another behind. New South Wales now prevailed, and Royal scored the first behind for his side.
At half time the score was-6 goals 12 behinds to 1 behind.
During-the interval the Sydney Harriers ran a mile handicap, and an interesting race resulted, but E. E. Corner, on the 35yds mark had the race well in hand on the third lap, and won very easily ; R. White, on scratch, second, and G. Morgan third. Time, 4min 49 sec.
On resuming the ball was rushed to the Tasmanian end, and Dawes scored the 7th goal. New South Wales then carried the ball forward, and Crisp, from the ruck, scored 1st gaol for N.S.W. The local team had now dropped their tactics of trying to pick up the ball, and rushed the ball along the ground. The result was that the attack on their opponents goal was fairly constant, and their bad kicking was alone responsible ' for their not scoring. Once more Tasmania sent the ball back, but true to their instructions at half-time N.S.W. kicked without trying to pick up and again relieved their goal from danger. The superior marking of the Tasmanians again prevailed, and Sibley added the_8th goal. This was quickly followed by the 9th goal, kicked by Ryan.
When the three-quarter bell rang, the scores were: Tasmania 9 goals 15 behinds to 1 goal 4 behinds.
In the last quarter the New South Wales team improved very much in their play, but Tasmania continued to mark well, and the score of behinds was increased.. However,, the game was much more evenly contested, and toward the close of play Tobin scored second goal for New South Wales. The score at the close of the play was Tasmania 9 goals 19 behinds, New South Wales 2 goals 4 behinds.
Had New South Wales played as well in the first part of the game as in the last the contest would have been very much more interesting. As it was the play caused a considerable amount of enthusiasm, and the spectators' cheers greatly encouraged the players.
For the winners Eady, J. Dunlop, Vautin, D. Watt, Gregg, Byan, Sibley, and Tankard, all played well, Abbott, Tobin, Wilson, Hodges, Butler, Bonnaeville, and Crisp all did good service.
When the West Sydney contracted to play the Tasmanian twenty it was generally felt in football circles that their courage was greater than their discretion, and the players will now probably be inclined' to that way of thinking, as the match was played on July 3 on the Association Ground and resulted in West Sydney getting a most unmistakable dressing down. The early part of the game was all in favor of the visitors, who kicked in the first quarter 5 goals (J. Dunlop 3 and Sibley 2) to 1 goal (Thornton) ; nor did the second quarter result more favorably for the Wests, as they did not score a single point, whilst Sibley, Ryan (2), Greig, and Barlow added 5 goals to the Tasmanian score, leaving the game at half-time 10 goals, 10 behinds to 1 goal. The next quarter was more even, as M'Namara and Thorburn, both of whom played well, added goals to the score, but Sibley, Hehir, Greig, and Dawes responded for the Islanders, making the scoro at third quarter 14 gaols 12 behinds to 3 goals. The last half was the most even of the day ; the ball travelling from end to end very rapidly, the whole forty following ; Sibley, Hall, Tankard, and Bonnitcha adding goals, leaving the score 18 goals 20 behinds to 3 goals 2 behinds. Dr. Watt, of Tasmania, played the best game of the forty ; and was ably backed up by Atkinson, Greig, Dunlop, and Sibley ; while for the West, Macnamara played a good game, with Wilson, Byrnes, Thorburn, Davey, and Hynes ably assisting. Football. (1890, July 12). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), p. 37. Retrieved from