December 3 - 9, 2023: Issue 608
Christmas-New Years-Summer Prep.: Outdoor Areas For Summer Celebrations + How To Keep Your Home Cool During A Heatwave Without An Air-Conditioner + DIY Your Own BBQ Kitchen Garden For Gifts That Grow Past That Giving Day
There are other DIY gift ideas below - everything from making dad a surfboard rack to potting up some mini salad gardens for those with smaller spaces, along with hundreds of other ideas are listed.
Preparing Al Fresco Areas for Christmas Get-Togethers and Summer Visitors
During the next month many of us will play host to family and friends over meals and get togethers. While there is still a cool breeze in the shade, readying the areas from the top to base now will mean you can put your feet and enjoy it.
As so many gatherings take place on verandahs, decks and paved areas, a quick clean will ensure no one slips over from slippery green growth that’s accumulated while giving your wooden deck areas a clean will make them attractive places to congregate.
It’s a good idea to discuss what kind of deck cleaner you need with the trained staff at your local Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 store – some deck cleaners contain chlorine bleaches such as calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite. Deck cleaners can also include chlorine bleach to remove mildew from the wood surface, which can damage wood fibres and leave the wood deck with an unnatural white colour.
An application of decking oil after you have cleaned will keep your timbers sun-proof during January and February's heat. Always ensure you wear proper safety equipment when doing this kind of work: a good repository mask and eye covering or safety goggles as well as gloves are essential.
Three easy steps to rejuvenate your timber deck
There's no secret to good timber deck maintenance - repair the deck, clean it and protect it. Learning tricks the pros use can make the job go faster and the results last longer.
Step 1 – check the condition of the timber, and make any repairs.
It is a good idea to inspect a hardwood timber deck at least annually to ensure that it is in good condition. Any loose or damaged boards should be re-secured or replaced, loose nails hammered back in or screws re-fixed.
Step 2 – clean the surface
Every deck should be cleaned annually. To clean the deck, sweep off any loose dirt or garden residue and then clean the deck with a specialised deck cleaning product like Cabot’s Deck Wash. Deck Wash is a timber maintenance wash for use in between resealing applications. It is designed to revitalise and help remove dirt, dust, algae and bird droppings. For more serious stains in the timber you may need to use a product like Intergrain’s TimberStripper or PowerPrep or Cabot’s Deck Clean.
Step 3 - apply an oil or stain
After the cleaning has been completed you may need to lightly sand sections of the deck to remove any splinters, then it is time to either reapply a decking oil or restain your deck to not only rejuvenate it but look after those timbers so they last a lot longer.
Cleaning paved areas + fresh up gutters & downpipes
You don't want Aunt Mildred slipping over on the pavers after a sherry or two this Summer so it's time to get all that green growth and mildew off the hard surfaces outdoors before visitors arrive.
Some may prefer to use a water blaster or gurney gun as an alternative to these cleaners, especially in paved areas. It's always good to check the flatness of these surfaces prior to visitors tripping over a raised edge. Water moving through earth can cause some to drop over time through soil or sand base movement which can be easily remedied by lifting the affected pavers, installing new sand and tamping flat again.
If grime and mildew has built up on gutters and downpipes or board trims a good wash with some sugar soap and two coats of paint to freshen up will keep your place looking great.
Outdoor furniture may need a clean or a little repair - as may outdoor cushions. You don't want those in their summer whites leaving with marks on their clothes from sap.
Keeping it cool in outdoor areas
Apart from a spruce up of outdoor areas, adding some cooling shade where that may be needed to deflect hot sun, such as wide umbrellas over deck areas or shade sails, cleaning out the fountain or adding a water feature for that cooling tinkling sound, sets the scene for a welcoming space.
Add in some nice natives in pots to create leafy alcoves, and you’re ready to put up some sparkling Christmas Lights.
Lawn Care - Garden Care
The lawn may need a trim after recent rain, perhaps even a little roll-out if you're going to have a backyard cricket pitch happening over Summer. Another item you may want to attend to is all that bark that has fallen in recent weeks from eucalypts - this, along with leaf litter, can harbour insects you may not want giving your visitors a nasty surprise. Composting this now will mean you'll have something good to throw in the mix for late-Summer salad and vegetables plantings.
You may need to stock up on extra chairs, for extra visitors, decide whether you need a new drinks cooler. There are also great options to make up cold drinks for picnics or the beach if your get-together is happening on the sand.
Also remember to stock up all you will need for your barbecue and on the citronella candles! With Summer flies and mozzies will be around, especially during your feasts or when you're enjoying a dusk cooling drink.
Mona Vale Johnson Brothers stocks all of these items and more under one large roof and has over 150 car parking spaces - so no Christmas traffic jam there. There's also a great range of gift ideas for all family members and from every budget from the pocket money earned to those with an eye on investing in something to help out with those DIY projects longer term.
How To Keep Your Home Cool During A Heatwave Without An Air-Conditioner
Living beside the sea has its advantages during the hotter weeks of the year. Sea fogs can roll in and sea breezes are cooler than those hot westerlies. Even an umbrella will shield you from blazing sun and provide some solace from heat, while the much better tree will absorb those hot rays and provide shade to keep hot rooves cooler.
If you live in an area with restricted air flow due to surrounding buildings, lots of concrete or other hard surfaces that creates radiant heat, or have a lack of trees or green breaks, the outside temperature may be hotter than that inside and your street may be hotter by as much as 3-4 degrees.
In that case you may be better shutting up your home during the hotter part of the day, drawing curtains and installing ceiling fans to create air movement. However, if your home does not have adequate insulation to keep out heat, and there is no breeze whatsoever, an air-conditioner in one room and closing off the others until a sea breeze occurs is going to be your best option in terms of energy costs. You could also shade outdoor areas around the house with plantings and shade structures to lower the ground temperature and in turn the temperature of incoming air. Even a shade cloth or large market umbrella over hotter areas will reduce the temperature inside your home.
There are also many ways you can cool your home through what is termed passive (non-mechanical) cooling, as well as hybrid approaches which utilise mechanical cooling systems. Passive cooling is the least expensive means of cooling a home in both financial and environmental terms.
Cooling buildings:
- shading windows, walls and roofs from direct solar radiation
- using lighter coloured roofs to reflect heat
- using insulation and buffer zones to minimise conducted and radiated heat gains
- making selective or limited use of thermal mass to avoid storing daytime heat gains.
Evaporative cooling by installing water features
As water evaporates it draws large amounts of heat from surrounding air. Evaporation is therefore an effective passive cooling method, although it works best when relative humidity is lower (70% or less during hottest periods) as the air has a greater capacity to take up water vapour.
Pools, ponds and water features immediately outside windows or in courtyards can pre-cool air entering the house. Carefully located water features can create convective breezes. The surface area of water exposed to moving air is also important. Fountains, mist sprays and waterfalls can increase evaporation rates. A previous DIY Ideas page on how to install water features is archived below.
Open Design to Maximise Natural Ventilation
Heat enters and leaves a home through the roof, walls, windows and floor, collectively referred to as the building envelope. Maximise the indoor−outdoor relationship and provide outdoor living spaces that are screened, shaded and rain protected.
Maximise convective ventilation with high level windows and ceiling or roof space vents.
As those living in Pittwater know that cooling sea breeze is going to run inland from the east and south (southerlies), make sure you have windows facing in those directions that can be opened to allow cool air to replace hot air within a home. Opening a window on the opposite side will allow air to be drawn through the home.
In rooms where it is not possible to place windows in opposite or adjacent walls for cross-ventilation, place projecting fins on the windward side to create positive and negative pressure to draw breezes through the room.
Insulation is critical to passive cooling — particularly to the roof and floor. Windows are often left open to take advantage of natural cooling and walls are easily shaded; roofs, however, are difficult to shade, and floors are a source of constant heat gain through conduction and convection, with only limited cooling contribution to offset it.
In climates that require only cooling or those with limited cooling needs, use multiple layers of reflective foil insulation in the roof instead of bulk insulation to reduce radiant daytime heat gains while maximising night-time heat loss through conduction and convection. This is known as the one-way insulation valve.
Reflective foil insulation is less affected by condensation and is highly suited to cooling climate applications as it reflects unwanted heat out while not re-radiating it in.
Roof space
Well-ventilated roof spaces (and other non-habitable spaces) play a critical role in passive cooling by providing a buffer zone between internal and external spaces in the most difficult area to shade, the roof.
Ventilators can reduce the temperature differential across ceiling insulation, increasing its effectiveness by as much as 100%. The use of foil insulation and light coloured roofing limits radiant heat flow into the roof space.
Hybrid cooling systems
Hybrid cooling systems are whole house cooling solutions that employ a variety of cooling options (including air conditioning) in the most efficient and effective way. They take maximum advantage of passive cooling when available and make efficient use of mechanical cooling systems during extreme periods.
Fans provide reliable air movement for cooling people and supplementing breezes during still periods. At 50% relative humidity, air movement of 0.5m/s creates maximum cooling effect; air speeds up to 1.0m/s can be useful in higher relative humidity, but prolonged air speeds above 1.0m/s cause discomfort.
Standard ceiling fans can create a comfortable environment when temperature and relative humidity levels are within acceptable ranges. In a lightweight building in a warm temperate climate, the installation of fans in bedrooms and all living areas (including kitchens and undercover outdoor areas) significantly reduces cooling energy use.
Fans should be located centrally in each space, one for each grouping of furniture. An extended lounge/dining area needs two fans. In bedrooms, locate the fan close to the centre of the bed. Because air speed decreases with distance from the fan, position fans over the places where people spend the most time.
Before rushing out and loading up with ceiling fans or floor fans or choosing an air-conditioner it would be wise to do some research and decide what your best options are and what will suit your home's needs best.
Of course for residents here, opening the house as much as all your windows and doors will allow from late afternoon to early morning is beneficial if overnight temperatures fall below your homes' inside temperature, especially when that cooling sea breeze is running. As long as you have intact flyscreens to keep out all those wing-borne insects such as mosquitoes and cockroaches, or that eight legged version of garden-house visitor, the optimum is to make use of where you are and invite that salt air inside your home.
NSW Residents Urged To Beat The Heat This Summer

You could even use some of these as a gift idea that will ‘grow’ and bring a smile to the receiver every time their eyes wander across that gift, as so many plants and trees in so many home gardens do already.
This can range from a special purpose built little cupboard to house all those cooking snags tools to a planter box filled with herbs to sprinkle into salads or onto steaks and fish or even just be a single painted creatively pot with a single herb in it.
You could provide some shade, some cushions, a table centrepiece.
If the gift is to your much better half, or you giving to mum and dad, or even creating an old-style Kitchen Garden such as those some of us grew up with as a whole family project, you can go as big or as little as you like.
The layout of a farm kitchen garden was like a mini condensed version of what grew for a whole paddock further 'afield' - it was closer; just outside the kitchen, and had all the seasonal plants, salad items and vegetables used in the kitchen. Alongside the farmhouse you would have another area where fruit trees would be planted, usually just one or two trees of each kind of fruit, and these would bear their plums, berries, stone fruit, apples and pears in seasons too. Some versions had the fruit trees and shrubs as a border for the nucleus of the garden where your root vegetables and herbs were laid out. A few versions from archival records run below for those interested.
To do this in a miniature form in the smaller areas we have today, or even as a courtyard version for those with smaller still outdoor areas, and choose a theme that suits how we also like spending a lot of time in our outdoor areas, is a simple matter of adapting the idea and what you want to 'harvest' each season, to the space you have.
For a BBQ Kitchen Garden a selection of the leaves we toss in salads; fresh mint, basil, some of the smaller varieties of lettuces such as mignonette arranged in a row in one side garden bed that catches the sun (and which you can pick leaf by leaf).
How about some baby carrots, some radishes or just one beanstalk? In fact anything that grows via a trellis can be adapted to grow in a pot; cucumber, zucchini, peas, those long snaky capsicums or bell peppers.
Put in a miniature trellis for cherry tomatoes, pots in the corners for avocado trees or there a lime, over here a lemon, even a pot well set into the centre of that long bench BBQ Table filled with hardy rosemary (which will flower and perfume the air at other times) or a herb that cascades such as oregano. Not only are creating your own BBQ Kitchen Garden in the area you have but are also creating an outdoors space to that's pleasant for all the senses.
Littlies can be included too - buy a basic terracotta pot and get the paints out. Let their imagination run wild in decorating this, seal it (you will want to keep that one) then fill it with what they choose and love to eat; it may be those cherry tomatoes again, or something they're doing 'for dad' - perhaps a wonderfully coloured chilli plant, or 'for mum' - she may like some nice continental parsley please, perfect for pastas and salads, or some colourful nasturtiums for flowers and to sprinkle for a touch of pepper in salads.
Desert; strawberry pots, kumquats, pomegranates, a vine with divine grapes(although you may have to wait a year or two for those). There are a lot of varieties of dwarf fruit trees now available or those that can be adapted to place in a range and mix of colourful pots.
On a shadier side or under a sheltering overhang place your BBQ burner where its heat won't scorch your Kitchen Garden or be out in the elements which make it rust.
Bring in a shade cloth to protect guests from mid-Summer mid luncheon sun, a few citronella candles - maybe fill in some gaps with a planter box filled with those wonderfully scented gardenias for warm Summer nights. How about a row of sunflowers at the back - when they have finished brightening their spot the seeds can be used and a crop of lemongrass put in.
Do you have a cupboard filled with clothes the children have outgrown but can't stand to throw them out? Turn them into cushion covers for those outdoor chairs and bring that colour, and all its memories, into your garden party.
Just make a list, together, and check it twice - work out what each family members thinks is naughty or nice, and away you go. Before you know you will all be sitting down together, with family and friends, and only have to reach out to pick what will be on your plate or on the BBQ, and there long after that meal ends.
Below run some of what you may need this Summer break, along with a few gift suggestions for those looking for something perfect for that perfect someone, although there is much more in the Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 stores - or just get them a gift card and let them choose what they want to themselves - more DIY!
JBH- Mitre 10 Products To Help You Enjoy Your Christmas- New Years Summer Break
Waxworks Citronella Pie Dish Candle: $4.95
20 hour burn time; Terracotta dish; Assorted wax colours. Bring nature's weapon against mosquitoes to your outdoor entertaining area with the Citronella Pie Dish Candle. The fresh, vibrant modern colour assortment adds ambiance to patio and garden parties. Made from quality materials for a cleaner burn, this impressive citronella candle is guaranteed to dazzle.
Rocky Point Premium Indoor Plant Care Pack: $34.50
Keeping your indoor plants healthy and vibrant is easy with the Rocky Point Premium Indoor Plant Care Pack. The perfect care pack for plant lovers. Three things you need to make your plants grow stronger, healthier and grow lush foliage. This pack includes a 500mL Plant Tonic and 500mL Plant Foliage Spray, which will give your plants the balance of nutrients and water they need to flourish, as well as a bonus Plant Watering Meter so you can be sure not to over or underwater.
Includes: 1x 500mL Indoor Plant Tonic – Plant food to boost growth for your plants; 1x 500mL Plant Foliage Spray – the perfect spray for shinier leaves and deterring pests; PLUS, A BONUS Plant Watering Meter – to take the guesswork out of watering your plants
Armor All Essentials Cleaning Bucket - 5 Piece: $35.00
This versatile car wash bucket has it all. Whether you want to remove road film, dirt, or insect splatter, this is the perfect set of genuine cleaning products for your car. Can also be used to protect from UVA and UVB, giving a high shine and wet look finish to your car's paintwork. Includes: 5 Piece gift pack of Car Wash 1L, Windscreen Wash 500ml, Protectant 500ml, Sponge, All Purpose Cloth
Willow Workmate Soft Cooler 18 Can 6L: $25.99
The Willow Workmate Cooler is a stylish, tough and rugged insulated bag that is perfect for work, school or simply on the go. The large capacity makes this ideal for big appetites and will hold up to 19 cans. It features triple-layer cool tech performance insulation designed to keep contents cool for hours when on-the-go.
Includes: The Willow Workmate Cooler features triple-layer cool tech performance insulation designed to keep contents cool for hours when on-the-go; Large capacity for big appetites and holds up to 19 cans; Removable adjustable cross-body strap and an easy-carry padded handle; Exterior pocket to hold keys, phone, wallet, and more with two handy compartments with separate access zips; Made from durable and tough material and an easy clean liner simply wipe with damp cloth; The leak-proof welded cooler bag liner is free of BPA
Willow Celebration Cooler 33L: $62.99
Celebrate the good times with this 33L cooler that holds up to 44 cans of drink and ice for up to 28 hours. The cooler is easy to take on your travels, thanks to its tall design which allows it to be stored upright. With dense insulation designed to keep food and drinks cooler for longer, Willow coolers are made to withstand harsh Aussie summer conditions. The large size of the Celebration Cooler is perfect for family picnics, days at the beach, parties and more.
Includes: 33L capacity, holds up to 44 cans of drink; Retains ice for up to 28 hours; Dense insulation to keep contents cooler for longer; Pivot handle backwards to lock cooler closed, forwards to open; Tall design to allow upright storing.
Greenleaf Marine Cooler 60L: $179.00
The Greenleaf 60 Litre Marine Cooler is made from food grade material and will keep your food and drink cold for up to 3 days making it ideal for camping and fishing trips. It has a strong and durable polyurethane casing with stainless steel clips to lock down the lid. It also features a drain plug to help remove excess liquid.
Karcher K2 Pressure Washer: $239.00
The K2 Pressure Washer with 10m hose reel, is the ideal cleaning solution for occasional use and lighter dirt around the house (e.g. on bicycles, garden tools and garden furniture). Whether for dirty bicycles, caked-on mud on garden tools or dirty garden furniture – the K2 from Kärcher removes lighter dirt around the house in no time. The pressure washer is designed for occasional use.
Includes: 1750 PSI; 10m hose reel; Tidy storage on the hook; Detergent inlet; Includes 1L Car Wash Detergent
Coolaroo Everyday Square Shade Sail in Beech or Graphite 3.6m: $149.00
Coolaroo Everyday Shade Sails are a medium weight, high quality sail designed to provides 90% UV protection for People and Pets. These sails meet Australian Standards (AS 4174:2018) and are endorsed by the Cancer Council.
Includes: Square shape in 3.6m; Provides 90% UV block; 205 gsm HDPE; Fade resistant UV stabilised high quality Coolaroo knitted fabric; Breathes to keep you cooler; Reinforced edges; Mould and mildew resistant; Simple DIY installation; Includes quality Stainless steel D rings on each corner; Includes 5-year warranty against UV degradation; Size: 3.6m, Colour: Beech. Also available in colour Graphite
Coolaroo Shade Sail Commercial Grade Beech or Graphite 5 x 3m: $248.00
Sail shades allow you to live life on your terms without fear of sun damage. When only the best will do, Coolaroo Commercial Grade Shade Sails are heavyweight, high-quality products designed to provide up to 95% UV protection for people and pets. This product provides an excellent shade solution for larger areas in the garden, home and business.
Coolaroo Commercial Grade Shade Sail is rectangular in shape. It has sail corners that are fitted with 316 marine-grade stainless tell 'D' rings. Moreover, this shade sail from Coolaroo meets Australian Standards AS 4174:2018 and are endorsed by the Cancer Council.
Includes: 5 x 3m rectangle shape, 340gsm HDPE commercial grade fabric; Superior dimensional stability with reinforced edges; Fade-resistant UV stabilised fabric with up to 95% UV block; Includes stainless steel D rings on each corner; Mould and mildew resistant; Complies with Australian Standards AS4174 and a Cancer Council endorsed product. Also available in colour Graphite.
Aluminium Market Umbrella Taupe 2.95m: $99.00
For those requiring some small-scale shade or cover, the Aluminium Market Umbrella offers a simple yet elegant-looking answer. Featuring a white, power-coated aluminium frame, the umbrella is ultra-lightweight, and easily stored away when not in use with the crank open/close mechanism. The built-in tilt capabilities together with the UV50+ protection make the canopy a reliable, effective measure against sun and rain. The canopy’s classy taupe finish is stunning and reflects the light away, keeping your area cooler in the heat, especially during summer. The professional-looking structure enhances your outdoor aesthetic, sure to attract attention at the next BBQ or garden party.
White powder coated aluminium frame with 8 ribs; 180g single-layer polyester canopy in taupe; UV50+ canopy provides solid protection; Tilt function increases versatility; Crank open/close system for easy storage; Reliable protection from the sun and rain.
Umbrella Stand Round Polyresin Black 18kg: $49.00
The Round Umbrella Stand is a perfect addition to your garden. It has a wide base and allows for a 2.5-3m market umbrella to be fitted and the stylish black design looks great with any furniture. Round 18.5KG polyresin umbrella base for extended durability; A base suitable for 2.5-3m market umbrella with pole size 38mm - 48mm; Polyresin construction.
Cornwell 2 Seater Steel Bench Black: $119.00
The Cornwell 2 Seater Steel Bench brings a touch of elegance to your garden or patio. Sleek black in colour, this bench stands out with a decorative back rest featuring embossed roses, leaves and swirls which complement the straight horizontal lines on the sitting area. Made from powder coated steel, this furniture is extremely durable and designed to last. This seat can fit up to two people and has a maximum load capacity of 200kg. It has a stackable design which allows you to easily store it away when not in use. A beautiful addition to any home, the Cornwell 2 Seater Steel Bench is quick and easy to assemble for added convenience.
Two-seater bench with a 200kg capacity; Decorative back rest with embossed swirls, roses and leaves; Constructed from durable powder coated steel; Sleek black colour; Easy to assemble and perfect for outdoor use; Dimensions: W1280 x D460 x H850mm.
Rosemore Curve Back Timber Bench: $249.00
The Rosemore Curve Back Timber Bench is a simple yet cosy timber bench, perfect for your backyard. This 2 seater bench is made from FSC acacia timber, delivering a durable design for outdoor use. It has a curved back for extra comfort and back support, making it great for summer afternoons spent in the garden or backyard. This bench has a weight capacity of 200kg and dimensions of W1500 x D600 x H890mm. It is great as an additional seating option when entertaining guests for a dinner or barbecue. You can also enjoy the outdoors with this comfortable bench chair by placing it on your verandah or front porch.
Includes: W1500 x D600 x H890mm; Weight capacity: 200kg; Requires assembly - easy to install. Features FSC acacia timber. Designed with a curved back for comfort
Aiden 7 Piece Steel Dining Setting: $279.00
The Aiden 6 Seater Steel Dining Setting is the best choice for those looking for a modern outdoor dining setting. It has a modern black powder coated steel which is designed to be durable for outdoor use. The 5mm water wave tempered glass tabletop makes cleaning easier than ever, whilst making this dining set look sleek and refined. Each of the 6 chairs includes a black Texteline fabric sling, ensuring comfort and durability, whilst also making the chairs feel breathable, especially during humid weather. The chairs offer a weight capacity of 110kg, ensuring the chairs are sturdy and stable. Perfect for family barbecues, dinners and weekend breakfasts, the Aiden Dining Setting is a great option for your garden or verandah.
Includes: 5mm water wave tempered glass tabletop; Chair weight capacity: 110kg; Black powder coated steel frame with black Texteline fabric sling chairs; Includes 6 chairs and one table.
Terrace 6 Seater Timber Dining Set: $1299.00
The Terrace 6 Seater Timber Dining Set is a beautiful display of rustic elegance. Create the perfect outdoor dining space with the Terrace timber dining setting. Included are 6 timber chairs with arm rests and 30mm seat and back cushions with a large slatted timber table. Each piece is made from FSC Acacia timber with a natural oil finish for durability. Create memories of family gatherings and barbeque dinners on the deck with this stylish outdoor setting.
Includes: FSC certified Acacia timber with natural colour oil finish; Setting includes 6 timber chairs; Light brown 30mm seat and back cushions with white piping; Table dimensions are D1600 x W900 x H750mm; Chair weight capacity is 140kg. Assembly required
Aruba 6 Seater Wicker Dining Setting: $1999.00
The Aruba 6 Seater Wicker Dining Setting is a modern and rustic dining set perfect indoor and outdoor use. The chairs have a weight capacity of 150kg, ensuring that the chairs are sturdy and strong, and can be used for a long period. The solid FSC acacia timber table is both reliable as well as sturdy, and features a whitewash brushed finish, giving a modern flair that makes it easy to stand out, yet easy enough to accommodate into your home. The large comfortable classic-styled chairs also include weather-resistant wicker, which protects them from the elements, ensuring long-term use and protection. The chairs also feature beige 5cm fade resistant olefin seat cushions, ensuring that each chair is comfortable to sit on for long periods, making this setting great for family dinners and celebrations.
Includes 6 seats with a chair weight capacity is 150Kg; Table: H750 x W1600 x D790mm, Chair: H870 x W650 x D600mm; Solid FSC acacia timber table – sturdy and reliable; Whitewash brushed finish provides a modern flair; Weather-resistant wicker; Large comfortable classic-styled chairs with weather-resistant wicker and beige 50mm fade resistant olefin seat cushions
Johnson Brothers Mitre 10: Serving Our Community Since 1955
The Independent Hardware Group has awarded Johnson Bros Mona Vale the best in state Store of the Year at the IHG state awards again in 2023.
Johnson Brothers say; ''Thank you to all of our amazing staff and customers for being awesome!''
IHG is Australia’s largest home improvement wholesaler supplying more than 1,500 stores nationwide. These stores cater to a broad range of Trade and DIY customers and range from large format warehouses to convenience operations and Trade centres, as well as frame and truss sites in two States.
Under the IHG network, there is a clear mandate to support the growth of Independents within the hardware sector in Australia by helping them to be ‘The Best Store in Town’.
The culture of IHG is built on being a low cost and transparent business partner to members, with an unwavering commitment to protect and grow a sustainable independent hardware sector for the long term.

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JBH Design Centre is a tool for builders and DIY'ers to assist in the fit out of houses. It has displays of kitchens, Bathrooms, Doors and Storage as well as knowledgeable staff to assist in making house fit out painless.
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Products advice is available from the trained friendly staff at Narrabeen, Mona Vale and Avalon Johnson Brothers Mitre 10.
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Decking Timbers Caring For Your Deck Decking Finishes Privacy Screens I Privacy Screens II Privacy Screening Hardwoods Autumn Paths and Lawns Insulation Batts Plasterboard Ventilation - Edmond's Ecofan Blackboards for Children and Home Spring Lawn Care Shade Sails & Watering Basic DIY Tools DIY Tools - Power Drills Recycle Your Trampoline into An Air Bed How to Build Your Own Backyard Cricket Pitch Christmas Lights Displays around House and Garden Summer Mildew - Refresh, Renew How to Fix Things That Drip and Bump in the Night Time To Plant Winter Vegetables in a Raised Garden Beds Layout Organsing Your Tool Shed Make Your Own Weathervane Installing A Garden Watering System Decking Oils How To Make Garden Compost How To Winter proof Your Lawn How to create Shabby Chic effect on Timber Furniture How to Build Your Own Raised Garden Bed Growing Your Own Winter Vegies Winter Heating Guide Prepare Your Yard For Winter Eradicating Noxious Weeds From Your Yard How to Fix Furniture Finishes Part I How to Repair Scratches, Dings, and Dents of Furniture Surfaces - Part II Winter Draughts Fix Classic Wooden Tool Carrier Spring Garden Checklist Part I Install Your Own Skylight Retaining Walls for Saving Soil and New Spring Garden Beds Summer Salad Garden Native Plant Garden for A Fairy Arbour Renewing Short Flight of Exterior Stairs Deck Maintenance DIY Summer Tasks You Can Do In Time to Get to the Beach Garden Ponds for Attracting Birdlife, Dragonflies and for the Soothing Sounds of Water Salt Air: Maintenance and Protection Creating an Outdoor Dining Arbour, Gazebo or Patio - Part I Creating an Outdor Dining Arbour, Gazebo or Patio Part II Autumn Garden Tasks Autumn DIY Jobs: Waterproof Your Home Checklist Dealing With Dampness Inside the Home Fixing Your Fence Repairing and Replacing Damaged Decking boards DIY Toy Box and Snow Globes: School Holidays Fun - Winter 2015 DIY Wooden Toy Cars and Perfect Painted Flowerpots: School Holiday Fun - Winter 2015 Shoring Up an Under House Earth Bank – Installing a Basic Retaining Wall DIY One Shelf Sideboard Early Spring 2015 Garden Care Salad Garden For Children Keeping Your Garden and Home Cool in Hot Weather Classic Beach Garden and Camping Chairs 3 Portable Versions Anyone Can Make DIY Outdoor Furniture Mark I: Park Benches for Your Garden Make Your Own Scooter or Skateboard: Summer 2016 Fun How to Install a Solid Core Door and Door Furniture Summer Garden Jobs: Pruning A Hedge How to Make A Swing Chair - With A Frame for Garden Setting Garden Jobs for March to Make A Beautiful and Healthy Spring Keeping Outdoor Nooks Warm During Cooler Months Children’s Step Stool with Storage Stop Winter Rain Lawn Loss and Soil Erosion on Slopes DIY Garden Shed: Part 1 of 4 - Base DIY Garden Shed: Part 2 - Framing Walls DIY Garden Shed: Part 2b - Gable Roof Framing Garden Shed Part 3: Roof Installation DIY Garden Shed: Weather- boards - Door And Window Installation And Paint Finish DIY Coffee Table With Chessboard Inlay Spring Gardening: Feeding Your Soil And Plants - What Works For Each Plant DIY Sandstone Flagging Parking Area - Platform DIY Pre-Summer Checklist For A Safe Home Summer Spruce Up: Interior Paint Tips and Three easy steps to rejuvenate your timber deck The Perfect BBQ Garden Setting DIY Water Wise Garden DIY Side Gates DIY Storm Preparation And Home Protection One To Two Day DIY Weekend Spruce Ups Vegepods For Autumn Planting + Easy To Make Lego Table Or Student Desk That Can Be Dismantled + Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 Online Store Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 Great New Mona Vale Store: Still In Bassett Street - number 73 Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 New Mona Vale Store: The Greenlife Garden Centre Go Outside And Play: Creating Garden Spaces To Connect Children With Nature DIY Plasterboard Repair DIY Dolls House Or Garage Or Boatshed DIY Child's Waggon - or use as a large planter mover DIY Bathroom Refresh: Zing For Spring Tips for Growing a Native Garden FireCrunch, Australian Developed Fire-proof, Sustainable, Durable and Reliable Building Board Now Available at Johnson Bros. at Mona Vale and Narrabeen School Holidays DIY Ideas for Children: Little Vegetables Garden, Swing, Windchimes Bushfire Season Preparation 2017: Home and Outdoor Areas Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 Trade Centre at Mona Vale + Issue No 1 of Mitre 10’s inSITE Magazine for Tradies and Handymen Preparing Al Fresco Areas for Christmas Get-Togethers and Summer Visitors Summer De-bug; Mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and ants - how to keep the outdoors insects where they belong DIY Summer Projects: Install A Fountain Or Water Feature Late Summer and Early Autumn Projects: A Shed For All Storage Solutions + Garden Tasks + Keeping Our Waterways Clean Autumn Plantings for Winter Harvests 2018 Paintback Collection Event: Johnson Bros Mitre 10 Mona Vale Saturday, April 7 Reducing Ticks in Your Garden: Garden care, Plants that Repel, What to Wear Outdoors Attracting Insectivore Birds to Your Garden: DIY Natural Tick Control Mother's Day 2018: DIY Rose Garden Winter Mould & Mildew Inside Your home: How to Keep Air and Surfaces Healthier DIY Traditional Rocking Horse Johnson Brothers Trade Day 2018 DIY Mushrooms and Vege Kits: School Holidays Fun Winter 2018 for Curious Kids Woodworking Projects for Beginners: School Holidays Fun Winter 2018 - Simple Storage Box + Wood Tool Box Spring Garden Prep: Soil Care Spring into Spring + JBH August 2018 Trifecta DIY Backyard Doggie Paradise Garden Care for Heavy Rain Days + Non-Toxic Snail and Slug Debug Ideas Garden Design and Plant Management to Minimise Tick Attacks and Infestations - insights from an essay by Bill Conroy BSc. (Agr) (Syd) + a Tribute to Wilfred Lawrence Conroy CBE by Keith Jackson, PNG and others Make Your Own BBQ Kitchen Garden: Gifts That Grow Past That Giving Day Christmas Lights 2018: Light Up the Night How to Keep Your House Cool During a Heatwave Without Using an Air-Conditioner Mid-Summer Garden Care 2018 Winners Of National Hardware Store Of The Year - Johnson Bros Mitre 10 Mona Vale! + End Of Summer Garden To Do List DIY Fruits of Your Garden: Growing Figs Fruits Of Your Garden: Growing Passionfruit - Autumn Is Also The Time To Plant Strawberries For Spring How To Water Your Plants When Away On Holidays + Some April 2019 School Holidays Fun For Outdoors; A Skateboard Swing Or Indoors; Grow Or Make Pot Plant People Dealing With Autumn Dampness Inside The Home + Mums Day Gifts For 2019 Winter Heating Guide + Get Ready For Winter Specials Keeping Your Garden Dewful During Times Of Water Restrictions and Drought Installing Leaf Stopper Gutter Guard + Trade Day 2019 JBH Mitre 10 Trade Day Guests 2019 An Artfull Garden - for Winter School Holidays 2019 DIY Deck Refurbishment: Turning Wood Into Open Tiled Spaces - Groundworks Father's Day Wish List 2019 + How to Re-stain your Deck timbers and posts for Summer Installing Posts For Decks and Verandahs With Heavier Loads + Installing Membranes For Tiled Decks National Garden Week's 2019 Focus Is On Children(Oct 13-19): Spring School Holiday 2019 Garden Ideas (to get started on) Replacing Balustrades Handrails DIY Tiling Your Verandah: and Choosing Your Simple Or Complex Tile Pattern Reduce Bushfire Risk To Older Homes + Preparing Your Yard For Bushfires Time to Put Up those Christmas Lights and Deck your Gum Trees with rows of Jolly! NSW RFS Bushfire Survival Plan 2020 + Reduce Bushfire Risk To Homes + Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 Great Water Saving Ideas during Level 2 water restrictions + some 'Don't Sweat Summer' Specials The Inaugural Sydney Edible Garden Trail - Learn how to help your garden survive the heat, drought, and water restrictions DIY Flyscreens DIY Privacy Screen In 2 Hours Family Hardware Store Wins Best In Australia Autumn DIY Jobs: Exterior Jobs to Keep Everything Dry and Cosy Inside the Home Autumn Vegepod Garden: Plant Now to Stay Healthy: JBH Response to COVID-19 Restrictions - We're Adapting! Autumn Holidays Projects: Let's Go Fly A Kite + Some handy Painting Tips for Interiors and Sprucing up that Outside Deck - Easter Hours 2020 Pittwater's Noxious Weeds: A Great Time To Get Outdoors and Pull Them Out and Replace With Native Plants Blooming Lovely: Late Autumn Planting For Gardens Full Of Colour, Cheer + Great Food For The Table Dealing With Dampness Inside The Home - June 2020 DIY A Job For Life: Apprentice Carpenter + Commencement Tool List Winter School Holidays 2020: Easy To Do Garden Mosaic Pavers Little Hands Can Create + Home DIYer: Simple Concrete Slab DIY - A Job For Life: Landscape Gardener Apprenticeship DIY Fathers' Day ideas for 2020 + August Garden Jobs DIY Job for Life: Plumber's Apprenticeship Early Spring Garden Care Spring 2020 + Salad Garden For Children A Job For Life: Certificate III In Electrotechnology - From Apprentice To A Business Owner; Jay Turns Up The Voltage On His Career + Spring Garden Specials - seedlings time! Spring is here and wattles are out in bloom: a love letter to our iconic flowers Perfect Tomatoes, Capsicums and Spring Onions - Summer Salad Staples + what to plant now BBQ Season: some tips to keep your New or Old BBQ Clean Christmas Lights Time 2020: Deck Your Home With Rows Of Jolly! Johnson Brothers Avalon Store Renovations & Mona Vale Store: Everything You Need This Summer In Stock How To Keep Your Home Cool During A Heatwave Dealing With Dampness Inside The Home: The Wet Summer Of 2020/2021 +Nothing By Halves, Johnson Bros. Mitre 10, great new video By Community Requests Autumn/February 2021 re-run: Garden Design and Plant Management to Minimise Tick Attacks and Infestations The Bees Knees: what you can plant now to help your garden grow and help the bees Dealing with Storm Events: Flooding inside and around the home - how to Be Prepared Fun Project Ideas for Autumn School Holidays 10 Ways to keep your home warm and save money this Autumn and Winter Mother's Day 2021 Ideas: Grow Her Some Lemons Or Avocadoes Or Get A Pink Step Ladder So She Can Safely Reach The Top Shelf Indoors + JBH Celebrates Upgrade Of Avalon Beach Store These 3 Tips Will Help You Create A Thriving Pollinator-Friendly Garden This Winter 'Generation Restoration' Is The UN's World Environment Day 2021 Theme: How You Can Help Out At Home The Johnson Brothers Trade Day Is Back: Thursday June 17th + How To Build A Nesting Box For Our Local Possums and Birds Winter School Holidays 2021: Fun Projects You Can Do Around The Home - Something For The Young and Even Younger Winter DIY Ideas: Painting A Feature Wall + Outdoor Heating Options For Your Home + Declutter/Organise That Tool Shed Science Week 2021 Food Theme: A Salad Garden For Children Early Spring Chores For Great A Summer Outdoors: Clean and Reseal Your Wooden Deck Area Early Spring Chores For Great A Summer Outdoors: Soil Preparation For Vegetables + Salads + A Few Other Tips To Make Your Garden Ready To Plant Out Spring School Holidays Projects 2021: A Swing Chair and Dolls' House or Toy Garage The Beer Ledge: Done In An Afternoon Projects For The Garden October- November Garden Jobs: Let's Get Busy Planting Out Now + Mow For Your Bros. This Movember Mow For Your Bros. This Movember: Some Lawn Care Tips To Keep Your Grass Greener This Summer - Aerate, Worm Up!, Fertilise, Watering, Mowing Basics Christmas-New Years 2021 Checklists: Preparing The Garden & Home - Entertaining - Gift Ideas For Every Budget DIY Backyard Cricket Pitch DIY Surfboard Rack: Vertical and Horizontal Options Late Summer - Early Autumn Garden Tips: BOM Forecasts Warm Autumn 2022 With Above Average Rainfall Dealing With Dampness Inside The Home March 2022 Maintenance Of Your Home's Outside Areas After Storm Events: Paths, Walls & Windows, Dampness Under The House, Dying Lawns And Plants - The DIY Checklist Fun Project Ideas for Youngsters for Autumn School Holidays: wooden cars, blackboards, bright painted herb pots, grow your own food, make a chessboard Mother's Day 2022: Promise Her An Ever Blooming Native Flowering Plants Garden Retaining Walls Save Your Garden's Soil: DIY Winter Draught Stops To Lessen Your Power Bill Johnson Brothers Trade Day 2022: June 16 At Mona Vale + Winter Garden Jobs For A Flowering Fruitful Spring Winter School Holidays Projects For Youngsters On Rainy Days Dealing With Dampness Inside The Home: Black Mould July 2022 Stop Winter Rain Soil Erosion In Your Garden - Especially On Sloping Blocks Increases In Building Materials Costs Adds Pressure To Fixed Price Contracts - Construction Industry Father's Day 2022 - Some Gift Ideas To Make Dad Feel Special; Some For Those Without A Single Dollar + Some For Those Who Get Pocket Money! Spring 2022: Time To Get In The Garden! What Can Be Done In September - For Youngsters + Oldsters Spring School Holidays 2022: Handmade Toys - For Youngsters + Oldsters Who Want To Lend A Hand Spring Lawn Care: During Mow For Your Bro Month - Movember 2022 Preparing Your Garden and Home For Bushfires 2022 - The Rains Will Cease; Now Is A Good Time To Clean Out Your Gutters + Prep. The Home Preparing Outdoor Areas For Christmas Get-Togethers and Summer Visitors: Wooden Decks, Tiles, Pavers, Outdoor Furniture, Putting Up The Christmas Lights, Garden Spruce Up Summer Garden-House Care: when to water, mow, when and how to harvest that crop, how to keep the ants, ticks and mozzies at bay this season + Christmas Gifts for all budgets and everyone + Johnson Brothers Christmas - New Years Trading Hours End Of Summer Garden To Do List For A Bountiful Indian Summer This Autumn End Of Summer Garden To Do List For The Lawn: How To Combat Armyworm + Small Jobs Boost Winter Resilience - Aerate, Weed, Feed, Patch Bare Spots A Dry Autumn Forecast: How To Look After Your Garden During Low Rain Seasons + What Plants Thrive In Dry Conditions Autumn School Holidays 2023: DIY Project Ideas For Youngsters, Older Youngsters & The Young At Heart: Lava Lamp (60th year of this invention), Wood Building Blocks for Toddlers and Older, Let's go Fly a Kite, Basic Wood Bookshelf, Sundial, Make a rope and wood swing, Making Your Own Windchimes + more It's starting to get Cold: 11 Ways to keep your home warm, safe and save money this Autumn and Winter - what to look for in a heater; the list! Mother's Day 2023 DIY Idea: A Basic Bookshelf You Can Make For All Mum's Books Mould set to rise Inside Your home this Winter: How to Keep Air and Surfaces Healthier A Job For Life as HSC Trial Exams commence: Apprentice Carpenter + Commencement Tool List Pittwater's Noxious Weeds: A Great Time To Get Outdoors, Pull Them Out - Replace With Native Plants DIY Worm Farm: Spring 2023 Garden Prep. + Father's Day 2023 Gift Ideas DIY Father's Day 2023 Gift Ideas: Some For Little Hands + Those Now Grown + The Best Gifts For The Best Dads From JBH Dry Warm Spring Forecast: Time To Prepare Your Home For Bushfire Season - The RFS's List + 6 Easy To Do Extras You Can Do In The Garden + Home To Be Prepared, Get Ready Weekend 2023 Dry Warm Spring Forecast: Put In Drought Tolerant Native Plants + Spring School Holiday Spring Gardening Ideas For Youngsters Because They Like 'Growing Stuff' Too Johnson Brothers' Mona Vale Outlet Wins Store Of The Year Again In 2023: Tradies Breakfast Every Friday - Recycling Of Batteries Available + Spring Garden Care For Your Lawn How To Save Water This Spring-Summer How To Save Water This Spring-Summer: Retaining Water On A Sloping Site + Best Coastal Plants To Retain Soil Christmas Lights Time: Deck Your Home With Rows Of Jolly! + Pittwater MP - Leader Of Opposition Visit Mona Vale Johnson Brothers Store
John and Bob Johnson - The Johnson Brothers Profile John William Alfred Johnson - The Eulogies for those who could not attend Mass
Australia's Prime Minister Visits Mackellar - Informal Afternoon Tea with Hon. Malcolm Turnbull October 2016
JBH Win Awards August 2018 Trifecta - 2018 Free Trade Day supporters, Mitre 10 Heritage Advert features JBH Mona Vale Store, Hardware Australia’s 2018 NSW Hardware Store of the Year over 2500sqm.
Front Page Issue 294: 2018 Winners Of National Hardware Store Of The Year - Johnson Bros Mitre 10 Mona Vale !!!
National Garden Week's 2019 Focus Is On Children(Oct 13-19): School Holiday Garden Ideas (to get started on) & Congratulations Award Winning Johnson Brothers Mitre10 At Mona Vale - 2019 NSW Store Of the Year, 2019 NSW Trade Centre Of the Year and 2019 Village Garden Centre of the Year
Johnson Bros Mitre 10 were awarded as the best Trade Store in the country: February 2020
Family Hardware Store Wins Best In Australia: Johnson Bros Mitre 10 Mona Vale Crowned ‘National Trade Store Of The Year’ - Celebrating 65th Year in 2020
Anzac Day In Pittwater 2020: Candles, Crosses and Online Commemorative Services: Johnson Brothers Family Donates 20 Thousand Candles to Community Light Up The Dawn Initiative
Front Page Issue 447: ANZAC DAY 2020
Front Page Issue 478: Johnson Brothers Avalon Store Renovations & Mona Vale Store: Everything You Need This Summer In Stock
Front Page Issue 492: JBH Celebrates Upgrade Of Avalon Beach Store