Church Point Carpark Reserved Parking Space Scheme now open

Opportunity for offshore residents to secure long term parking at Church Point: EOI’s now open
February 16, 2018: NBC Media Release
Northern Beaches Council will open a new carpark at Church Point in late March and applications are now open for offshore residents to secure a long-term reserved parking space.
The two level carpark located on McCarrs Creek Road will allocate 68 reserved parking spaces on the top level of the carpark to eligible residents through a ballot system for a two year term.
The lower level will be a Pay and Display carpark for the community and visitors to the area and will also be available for Church Point Permit holders overnight.
General Manager Environment and Infrastructure Ben Taylor said the reserved spaces will be issued via an Expression of Interest consisting of up to four rounds.
“Demand for parking is a challenge at many locations across the Northern Beaches and Church Point has been particularly difficult for both local residents and those who live offshore,” Mr Taylor said.
“Too often we hear stories of offshore residents coming home and spending hours trying to park, having to walk kilometres to their car, or even giving up and staying with friends nearby.
“Onshore residents are also impacted by the huge demand for limited spaces.
“Access to this new carpark, along with the car parking spaces at Church Point Reserve and Bothams Beach, will provide additional parking options for offshore residents and help to alleviate parking issues in the area, in particular for those wishing to park overnight.
“After several years of consultation with the local community it is exciting to be offering some certainty to local residents.”
First round applications open on Saturday 17 February with priority given to permanent offshore property owners who reside at Scotland Island, Elvina Bay, Lovett Bay, Morning Bay and Douglas Estate who are existing holders of a Church Point parking permit.
The ballot will be selected from the eligible applications at random by a system under the supervision of the Northern Beaches Office of Integrity and Complaints Resolution.
If not exhausted in the first round ballot, three additional rounds will be conducted until all are allocated. A waiting list will be created if demand exceeds the allocation.
Cost to secure a reserved spot for a two-year term is $4,939 per year and paid quarterly.
Applications will close on Sunday 4 March with the first round of notifications being communicated to residents in the week commencing 12 March 2018.
The costs for the reserved spaces together with Pay and Display on the lower level are contributing to the cost of the carpark. Eligible residents can submit an EOI now at
How to Apply
Or download and complete the PDF form and submit via:
- Email:
- Post: Northern Beaches Council, 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why, NSW, 2099
- Deliver in person: to one of our customer service locations
Church Point Carpark Overview
- New car park with 120 new parking spots
- New seawall with suspended timber pedestrian boardwalk (forming part of the recently upgraded commuter wharf)
- Realignment of McCarrs Creek Road between the Commuter Wharf and Rostrevor Reserve
- Improved landscaping and aesthetics
- Site preparations including geotechnical ground investigations
- Temporary wharf (Rostrevor Reserve) installed to offset commuter boat parking
- Final design concepts
- Local residents and businesses liaison
- Aesthetics Advisory Committee meetings to discuss landscaping and car park façade
- Site establishment including environmental controls, temporary services and establishment of temporary pedestrian, boating and traffic arrangements.
- Temporary works for piling rig
- Piling works for new sea wall
- Removal of temporary piling platform and reclamation works by means of imported material placement – during this period there will be increased truck movements into and out of the site under controlled conditions.
- Service relocations
- New road alignment and walkway construction.
- Existing commuter wharf adjustments
- Site establishment, clearing and demolition of existing infrastructure.
- Filling works
- Service relocations
- Piling works for car park
- Construction of multilevel car park including access and service provisions and tie-ins to new road alignment
- Façade treatments to new car park
- Final landscaping of site extents
- Contractor disestablishment and remediation works
- Realignment of McCarrs Creek Road between the Church Point Ferry Wharf and Rosstrevor Reserve
- Provision of a single deck car park which will provide a total of 120 additional car spaces
- A new pedestrian walkway