Church Point Commuter Wharf Feasibility Study on public exhibition: feedback closes september 26

The community is invited to review and provide feedback on a feasibility study into a solution for overcrowding at the Church Point commuter wharf.
The Church Point Commuter Wharf Feasibility Study was commissioned to consider a range of options to meet the future needs of both the offshore and community given the rising demand for moorings, and frequent overcrowding at the current wharf which can cause safety and accessibility issues.
Options considered include an extension to the existing facility through the addition of another curved arm and additional structures at Rostrevor Reserve, Church Point Reserve, Rowland Reserve, McCarrs Creek Reserve and Bayview Baths.
The study ranked the creation of an additional structure at Rostrevor Reserve the highest, followed by extending the existing commuter wharf.
Aerial view of the assessed options. Image: NBC
Option 1b includes an additional structure running parallel with the existing facility. Option 1b would provide an additional 119 boat berths, bringing the total available to 230.
Rostrevor, 'Option 2a' (Stage 1), comprises approximately 32 additional boat bays as shown in Figure 3-4 on page 7 of the study. The revised structure would consist of an arrangement of floating pontoons, fingers and piles. Further extension to the structure (Stage 2), if deemed necessary, would provide a further 25 boat bays (total 57). The staged approach has been nominated to enable usage assessment of Stage 1 to determine if Stage 2 is deemed necessary.
The assessment of each option has been based on a multi-criterion ranking that considered environmental impact, planning approvals required, number of additional boat berths, parking, accessibility and transport impacts, security, impacts to coastal processes, indicative cost, and stakeholder response.
A score of 10 represents the highest score achievable with subsequent scores assigned based on comparing each option and each individual criteria. Each assessment criteria has been evaluated differently. For example, looking at boat berths as an assessment criteria, the option providing the most number of additional berths at Church Point was assigned a 10, with alternative options then ranked accordingly.
The study document states that during consultation with Stakeholders, it was recognised by both on and offshore residents that changes to operation and policies relating to the commuter wharf may alleviate some of the issues associated with overcrowding. Examples of these changes to operation and policy are detailed in Section 5.8 and in summary could include time limits, a casual tie up area, survey of current permit holders and use frequency, encourage ferry usage and size limits on vessels. These changes could be implemented prior to any further berths being created to gauge whether overcrowding was still an issue.
Mayor Michael Regan encouraged the community to have a look at the challenges and opportunities with the options considered in the study.
”The Church Point Commuter Wharf functions as a water-based interchange for approximately 700 offshore residents as well as onshore residents, visitors, and businesses.
“It currently can’t keep up with the demand and needs a long-term solution.”
“This is step one in the process to address the issue and we’d love to hear from the community what they think of the options under consideration.”
The feasibility study considers the environmental and social impacts, costs and benefits, coastal environment, navigation channels, impact on swing moorings, marine vegetation and fisheries as well as the impact on public transport, local users, visitors, businesses and residents.
It assesses these in contrast to the impacts and benefits that might be recorded by performing a similar extension to the commuter wharf at nearby location Bayview.
The outcomes of public exhibition of the Church Point Commuter Wharf Feasibility Study will impact parking demand around the Church Point precinct and is being considered in concert with a review of the Church Point parking scheme which is being bought forward.
Council are holding two community drop-in sessions so that residents can talk to them about the project and ask questions.
Drop-in dates:
- Wednesday 7 September from 9 am – 11 am
- Saturday 17 September from 9 am - 12 pm
Both drop-in's will be held in Thomas Stephens Reserve, Church Point.
The community can have their say until Monday 26 September at
Church Point Commuter Wharf in December 2012

The new Commuter Wharf at Church Point in 2012. Photo: Michael Mannington OAM
Church Point Precinct after 2018 completion of construction of carpark and commuter wharf upgrades