Church Point, Pittwater: Winter 2023 + Some Photos From The Past
There's something about Church Point, it smells like your childhood - that mixture of salt water and air, fish and fuel from runabouts - along with those great ranging hills all around that turn from dark blue to dark green during Winter as the sun moves across the sky.
No wonder so many of us run to this corner of Pittwater whenever it gets too darn cold on the oceanside, or live there, making the waterways and those quiet offshore idylls our home.

A LARGE BLACK BREAM. On Thursday last a fine specimen of black bream was caught by Mr. J. Booth, of Church Point, Pittwater. The fish was forwarded to Northern's Hotel, North Sydney, where it was viewed by a number of fishing enthusiasts. It was 21 in. long and weighed 5 ½ lb. A LARGE BLACK BREAM. (1896, February 19). The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), p. 3. Retrieved from
Rostrevor circa 1905-1910
Rostrevor in 2014
Carols Wharf in 2023 - See Scotland Island Wharf Upgrades For Bells And Carols Wharves, August 2021
Carols Wharf on September 16, 2015:
July 2023 - in February 2020 the owners of the Pasadena at Church Point submitted plans to extend the footprint of the building into Thomas Stephens Reserve. Council recommended approval to the Northern Beaches Planning Panel of the changes, stating;
'The application seeks consent for a modification of the original development consent A212/63 to allow for the consolidation of the three (3) retail tenancies into (2) two. An ancillary outdoor seating area with awning above is also proposed to the west of the building associated with the general store/deli and the existing keg store / bin area located to the east is proposed to be enclosed.
The application is being referred to the NBLPP as a total of 75 unique submissions have been received (65 in objection 10 in support). The issues raised in the objections relate to concerns about the intensification of use, existing use rights, parking, operational issues and impacts on the public domain the Thomas Stephen Reserve and access to the foreshore. The comments raised in support refer to the general improvement of the area and the enhanced service to the community.
There is no additional floor space proposed and subject to conditions to ensure that the tenancies operate in accordance with the definition of a Neighbourhood Shop there is no intensification of use and the proposal is substantially the same as the original consent. Conditions are also included in the recommendation to ensure that there is no commercial kitchen, no cooking (only food preparation and heating) a restriction in the hours of operation of the retail tenancies and outdoor seating area and standard noise conditions.
The external alterations are minor and there is no impact on the heritage significance of the area.
The proposal will help activate the adjoining reserve and will not unreasonably impact on access to the reserve or the foreshore. As there is no additional floor space or change of use there is no need for additional parking.
In summary, the Panel can be satisfied that the proposal generally complies with the relevant controls contained with the Pittwater LEP and DCP. No objections have been raised from internal experts, subject to conditions. On balance, the proposal is recommended for approval having considered the relevant issues as part the assessment of the plans submitted.''
September 2020
June 2018
New Connection Boardwalk At Church Point
In 2014
In 2018:
McCarrs Creek road in 2012:
With the approach of warmer weather Sydney motorists are making preparations for outings to pleasure resorts near the city. The charms of the Manly and Pittwater districts and one of the most popular spots near Broken Bay is Church Point. MOTORING (1929, August 28). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 45. Retrieved from
Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings records: 22.11.1938 19. The Shire Clerk reported that he had this day received a telephone message from Mr. Brooks, of the Public Works Department, that the new road constructed by the Government as unemployed relief, work from West Head Road via Coal & Candle Creek and McCarr’s Creek to Church Point would be completed in about a week's time, that it was proposed to hold an official opening by the Minister for Works & Local Government, probably on Saturday, 10th December, and the Department would like the Council to participate in the function. Resolved, - That the party be entertained by the Council at "Pasadena", Church Point, at the expense of the Council, and the arrangements be left in the hands of the President. (Crs. Butcher, Nicholas)
McCarrs Creek road circa 1945. Photo taken by Jack Moran's Grandfather. Jack says Our family now runs a charter company operating out of Palm Beach. I might post some more images I find on our Instagram. So if you're interested feel free to give it a follow!
Church Point Commuter Wharf in December 2012

The new Commuter Wharf at Church Point in 2012. Photo: Michael Mannington OAM
Church Point Precinct after 2018 completion of construction of carpark and commuter wharf upgrades
Back to July 2023:
Church Point, c. 31/12/1908, from State Records NSW pictures, Item No.: FL13009

'Church Point, Pittwater'. Digital Order No. a106164 ca. 1900-1927, Sydney & Ashfield : Broadhurst Post Card Publishers. Courtesy State Library of NSW

Geoffrey Myers. Church Point [Boatshed, Pittwater, NSW] 1945. Watercolour, titled, dated “10.11.45” and signed lower left to right, 26.7 x 36.7cm. Slight tears to right edge. Item #CL183-125 Price (AUD): $880.00 from:
Pasadena circa 1945-1950. Photo taken by Jack Moran's Grandfather. Jack says ''Our family now runs a charter company operating out of Palm Beach. I might post some more images I find on our Instagram. So if you're interested feel free to give it a follow!''
Church Point - Pittwater road (then called Bay View Road) and McCarrs Creek junction circa 1945-1950. Photo taken by Jack Moran's Grandfather. Jack says ''Our family now runs a charter company operating out of Palm Beach. I might post some more images I find on our Instagram. So if you're interested feel free to give it a follow!''
Church Point Store circa 1945-1950. Photo taken by Jack Moran's Grandfather. Jack says Our family now runs a charter company operating out of Palm Beach. I might post some more images I find on our Instagram. So if you're interested feel free to give it a follow!
Pasadena waterside restaurant, Church Point (taken for Mr Teasdale-Smith) 1950 - by Sam Hood. Not that there is a boatshed where the current day carpark is. The local residents association began asking for car parking at Church Point in 1928 - which the NRMA backed them up in:
Congestion at Church Point
The popularity of Church Point, on Pittwater, causes the narrow roadway to be heavily congested on fine week-ends, says the N.R.M.A. 'Many cars are parked from early morning to nightfall, the occupants meanwhile engaging in launch tripe. It has been suggested to the N.R..M.A. that the mud flat at the point might be filled in so as to provide an area for their use on which a parking charge could be made. The N.R.M.A. is approaching the Warringah Shire Council in the matter. Congestion at Church Point (1928, November 29). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 22. Retrieved from
By 1930 Item 19 of Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings records: Bayview & Church Point Progress Assoc. 10/5/30. .. . Suggesting that the sandy-mud flat adjoining Wymark's new store at Church Point be reclaimed for the purpose of providing a parking area. Referred to the Works Committee for report.
In 1936 £ were set aside to acquire land and begin infilling near the wharf, most likely that section between the Pasadena and the General Store known today as Thomas Stephens Reserve:
Special Loan, £21,000—"A'' Riding.
WARRING AH Shire Council hereby gives notice, in accordance with the provisions of Local Government Act, 1919, that:—
1. The Council proposes to raise a Special Loan of twenty-one thousand founds (£21,000) for the purpose of carrying but in Biding "A" of the Shire certain public works, the acquisition of certain lands for public recreation purposes, and the acquisition of certain lands for road purposes; and for the purpose of paying expenses incidental to the carrying out of such works and acquisitions.
2. The Council proposes to expend the loan money as follows, but reserves the right to utilise the surplus or saving on any one item in paying the excess cost of any other:—
(a) In Palm Beach-Whale Beach District: £
Public Reserve on shore of Pittwater, Palm Beach — Filling, levelling, and construction of retaining wall 1,000
Ocean Beach Reserve, Palm Beach—Making parking area and constructing pipe-line in southern portion 250
Governor Phillip Park — Erection of public lavatories 500
New Wharf—Construction of, at Palm Beach, Pittwater side 500
Improvements to roads, viz.—Florida-road, £1,000; Pacific-road, £405; Palm Beach road, £500; road from Barrenjoey-road * to Whale Beach, £500; road from Whale Beach to Palm Beach, £500 2,905
(b) In Avalon-Bilgola-Clareville District:
Public rock-bath at Avalon Beach—Enlargement of 250
Avalon Flat Drainage—Construction of concrete culverts 700
Avalon Beach Reserve, Extension, etc.— Acquisition of lot 26, Pittwater Estate, with exception of small portion at south western corner 2,750
Bilgola Beach Reserve—Construction of retaining wall 100
Improvements to roads, viz.—Central-road, £600; George-street, £300
(c) In Newport District:
Newport Ocean Beach Reserve — Levelling sand, and top-dressing, on northern portion 700 Newport Reereation and Sports Ground— Fencing and other improvements 800
Queen's-parade drainage of 300
Improvements to roads, viz.—Ocean-avenue, £400; Foam Crest avenue, £220; Myola-road, £270; Bungan Head road, £400; Beaconsfield-street, £200; Karloo-parade, £200; Robertson-road, £150; Bardo-road, £300; King-street* £150; Queen's-parade and Stuart-street, £250 2,540
(d) In Mona Vale-Warriewood District:
Mona Vale Park—Culvert across park from Park-street to Newport-road 200
Drainage works, Bassett-street, at eastern end 600
Footpath formation—Gravelling footpath on Pittwater-road, Mona Vale 100
Improvements to roads, viz. — Darley-street,£400; Bassett-street, £220; Noble-street, £100; Bungan-street, £320; Allen-street, £160; Rickard-avenue, £100; Mona-street and Waterview-street, £250; Vineyard-street, £150; Seaview-street, £126, Hillcrest-avenue, £200 : 1,826
(e) At Bay View—Church Point:
Bay View Park Construction of pavilion and boat-shed 750
Church Point-—Reclamation and parking area near public wharf 200
(f) In North Narrabeen District:
Lake Park Extension, and new road—Acquisition of land for enlargement of Lake Park and for new road connecting Narrabeen Park parade and Collins-street ... 1,075
Improvements to roads, viz. — Kobado and Elanora Estate roads, £750; Powderworks-road, £200; Deep Creek road, £200;- Warraba-road, £120; Garden-street, £200; Taiyul-road, £200; Collins-avenue and Walsh-street, £250 1,920
(g) Incidental and contingent expenses 634
Total £21,000
3. The Council proposes to carry out most of the abovementioned works under the Government's Emergency Relief Scheme. The proposed allocations to those works as set out above, are consequently allocations of loan money only and do not include the wages of the relief workers payable from grants receivable from the Government.
4. Plans and full details of the works to be carried out and of the lands to be acquired by means of the loan money may be inspected at the Council's office during the ordinary office hours.
5. The rate of interest on the loan will not exceed four per centum (4%) per annum, and the loan will be issued at par.
6. It is proposed to repay the loan over a period of twelve (12) years by 24 equal half-yearly instalments of principal and interest combined. The amount of each such instalment will be £1,110 os. 10d., or thereabouts.
7. For the purpose of repaying the loan and paying the interest on the loan the Council proposes to levy a rate of two-fifths of a penny (2/5d.) in the £ on the unimproved capital value of all ratable lands in the "A'' Biding of the Shire. (Total u.c.v., £1,326,723.) Should the proposed rate not provide sufficient for the purpose the deficiency will be paid from the General Fund of the Shire and charged to "A" Hiding's portion of that fund. (Nom—The loans of £28,200 and £3,500 raised ten years ago or thereabouts for the carrying out of public works in "A" Biding will be entirely repaid this year, and the present loan rate of 4/5d. in the £ levied in respect of them will not be levied after this year, but will be replaced by the proposed rate of 2/5d.).
8. Within one month of the date of the publication of this notice any number not less than twenty-five per centum (25%) of the ratepayers enrolled for "A" Riding may petition the Council to take a poll of the ratepayers, either as to whether the ratepayers approve of the loan or as to whether the loan rate shall be on the unimproved capital value or improved capital value, or on both questions. The number of ratepayers on the Roll of Electors for "A"' Riding is 5,421.
A. H. HUGHES, President. R. G. Jamieson, Shire Clerk.
Shire Hall, Brookvale, 20th July, 1936. 358 £7 10s. SHIRE OF WARRINGAH. (1936, July 24). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3236. Retrieved from
Making the road a little higher than the flood tides was required too:
SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—Road Levels.—Notice is hereby given that the Department of Main Roads, acting on behalf of the Warringah Shire Council, intends to carry out work on Main Road No. 174, Bay view-road, between Bayview and Church Point, necessitating the fixing of levels for this road.
Plans showing the new levels may be inspected during office hours at the Shire Hall, Brookvale. All persons interested may lodge objections or claims in writing (addressed to me) within one month from date hereof. W. U. GORS, Shire Clerk, Council Chambers, Brookvale, 7th October, 1949. 2865—10s. SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—ROAD LEVELS.—Notice is hereby given that the Department of Main Roads, acting on behalf of (1949, October 7). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2998. Retrieved from
As can be seen below, the car parking and reserve area beside the Pasadena was not built at this time - that infilling of the estuary commenced in 1960/1961 and was completed around June 1961.
Pasadena waterside restaurant, Church Point (taken for Mr Teasdale-Smith) 1950 - by Sam Hood
Pasadena waterside restaurant, Church Point (taken for Mr Teasdale-Smith) 1950 - by Sam Hood
Pasadena car park, Church Point, circa 1961, image courtesy Northern Beaches Library Local Studies.
Minutes of Warringah Shire Council
Ordinary Meeting held 1/5/1961. Scotland Island Progress Association addressed to the President, 26/4/61 bringing the-following matters before Council: (1) That Mr..R.-Tonge of Scotland Island be apPointed an Honorary Ranger for Scotland Island. (2) Asking for immediate attention to repairs to Bell-and Tennis wharves, Pointing out there is no lighting on any wharf in the area and if the decking etc. is in-bad condition it creates a serious risk to those using same at night:_.(3) 'Asking for consideration to be given for supplying a life buoy for each wharf;, (4)'-That Catherine Park area, near Tennis Wharf, be placed under the care of the Parks and Recreation Committee (5) The Fire Brigade Captain reports that the undergrowth on roads will have to be cleared again before next Bushfire season. (6.) That Council make some special arrangement to reserve space in the new parking area at the new car park at Church Point be for the cars of residents of Scotland Island and Western Shores - also that Council look after residents' interests in regard to alterations about to be made at Church Point, especially access to the cargo wharf, both by road and water; (7) Requesting that Council consider putting a small crane on the cargo wharf at Church Point, as with the possibility of electricity coming to the area, there will be some heavy equipment to be taken over. .Resolved: That (1) This matter be left in the hands of the Shire Clerk for interview and recommendation; (2) The Engineer be asked to inspect Bell and Tennis Wharves in regard to decking and report thereon; (3) A Life Buoy be installed on each wharf; (4) Owing to limitations of staff etc.,. Council respectfully suggests that residents take a personal interest in this Park and look to Council for some support in the future; (5) This matter be referred to the Engineer; (6) On completion of the parking area an inspection of the car park will be carried out by the Works Committee and a report will be made in due course; and (7) Council it is unable to comply with the request at this stage. (Crs. Brown/Jones).
Report by Shire Engineer - P & R 1 - 8th May, 1967
PROPOSED LAUNCHING RAMP, CHURCH POINT - Department of Lands, granting to Council Permissive Occupancy 1967/107 over site for proposed launching ramp at the south-eastern extremity of the reclaimed car parking area near the Pasadena at Church Point, and requesting (a) signing of the form Permission to Occupy; (b) execution under seal of the form of Bond; and Cc) payment of $14.00, being costs $10.00 and rent to 30.4.68 of $4.00. RECOMMENDATION. That (a) Permission to Occupy form be signed, form of Bond be executed under seal and payment of $14.00 be made.
Item 22: Mooring facilities for private craft at Church Point. Scotland Island Progress Association, addressed to the President, requesting Council to take necessary action to expedite construction of suitable facilities at Church Point for mooring of private craft of residents of West Pittwater and Scotland Island. Resolved, That Scotland Island Progress Association be requested to advise to what extent it is prepared to meet the cost of the required facilities. (Crs. Mayer/Beckman).- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Warringah Shire Council held on'19th October, 1964