August 8 - 14, 2021: Issue 505
The Clareville/Long Beach Reserve: Some History Notes + Current Day Photos
Clareville Beach /Long Beach Reserve
Area (ha): 1.4151
Delecta Avenue, Clareville
Land Titles: PG &RS in DP13291 vol.9491 fol.23, Lots 8&9 DP13291 vol.11150 fol.16
This popular Winter suntrap is designated and described as the foreshore reserve along Clareville Beach, with a car parking area, dinghy storage facilities, BBQs and picnic tables in a lawn setting. The reserve is a very popular picnic spot due to its scenic location while the park has some mature remnant native Eucalypts (E robusta) that provide shade to the picnic area.
In Retracing Governor Phillip's Footsteps Around Pittwater: The Mystery Of The Cove On The East Side - by Roger Sayers and Geoff Searl, 2017, Issue 323, some of the earlier history of this area and its especial significance to our still present original custodians was investigated.
In the Pittwater Streets Have Your Name series, those for Careel Bay, Avalon Beach and Clareville record the name of 'Clareville' possibly stems from a fondness of the original holder of many of these lands as grants, J. J. Therry, for the names and words from his Irish homeland. 'Scorcha' is common to both the Irish and Scottish Gaelic languages, and is derived from a Gaelic word meaning "brightness". In Scotland, Sorcha has traditionally been Anglicised as 'Clara', which retains the name's Gaelic meaning: the English Clara is derived from the Latin clarus, meaning "bright", "famous". The word 'ville' has a definition: ( denoting ) a place, condition, or quality with a character as specified, - a combining form extracted from place names ending in -ville,. In this context 'Clareville' had a meaning of being a 'bright place' and may describe the open brightness of Careel Bay, where an original wharf was built by Rev. Therry for access to this area.
By the 1880's a 'Claraville wharf' was used as a selling point in some earlier advertisements, access by water being easier than that given by the tracks that were available on the land:
PITTWATER ESTATE. TWO VERY CHOICE BLOCKS, being LOTS III. and IV. of the NORTH DIVISION known as KRETCHMANN'S FARM. containing a total area of 193 acres 2 roods 28 perches, two sides of which are fenced with a two-rail fence. THE HOMESTEAD consists of two slab cottages, roofed with Iron, one containing 4 rooms and the other 2 rooms besides which there are various sheds for cattle, pigs, poultry, &c. There are also two paddocks, one of 6 and the other of 8 acres, newly fenced with a 6-barbed wire fence, and cleared ready for cultivation. There is a plentiful supply of water on the property, while the land has a frontage to the main road of 1673 foot by a great depth to the waters of Broken Bay, to which it has also a large frontage. Fine views of the Hawkesbury River and the ocean, at same time well sheltered from adverse winds. The tramway on the Military-road is expected to pass through the farm, and it is only 10 minutes walk from Claraville Pier, Pittwater. Grand block for subdivision purposes. Advertising. (1886, January 11). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
Originally called ‘Farrell’s Beach’ and 'Long Beach' on early maps the original land grant right on Clareville Beach itself was 60 acres promised to John Williams on the 24th of December 1816 and measured by James Meehan April 15th 1821. This acreage was purchased by Thomas Street 14 January 1824 for £40 Measured by James Larmer July 1832 and then purchased by John Farrell prior to 9 April 1835
By the time of the 1828 census, Farrell had probably purchased John Williams’ grant at Clareville from Thomas Street, who had bought it from Williams in 1824. After enquiries made by surveyor Samuel Dalgety August 1841 it was granted to John Farrell 18 May 1843 [LTO SN56/180]. He conveyed to his son Thomas Farrell on the 16th February 1881 [LTO Book 214 No.392]) who conveyed it to his sister Hanna W Martha Malcolm for £1 on 2nd of December 1885 .[LTO Book 327 No.903]) - Profiles of the Pioneers in Manly, Warringah and Pittwater, 2013, by Shelagh Champion OAM and George Champion OAM
John Farrell II married David Foley’s daughter Mary Ann at St Mary’s Church on 8 February 1850, witnesses being Francis Collins and Mary Ann’s sister Joanna Foley, both residents of Pittwater. John and Mary Ann’s first child, Sarah Ann, was born on 23 January 1850, and baptised on 9 February. She later married John Thomas Collins. Other children were John (John Farrell III, often known as Johnny, b.8 June 1851), Hannah Martha (b.24 Oct 1852, married John T. Malcolm 1881), Mary Jane (b.4 Jan 1854, married Sydney A. Malcolm 1881), James (b.1855 or 56), Daniel (b.3 June 1857), and Thomas (b.1858 or 59).
NSW BDMs - marriages and records provides:
MALCOLM — FARRELL. —October 25, at Manly, by special license, by the Rev. Edmund Walsh, Sydney Alexander, second son of the late John G. Malcolm, Esq., of Sydney, to Mary Jane, youngest daughter of John Farrell, Esq., Manly. Family Notices (1881, November 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
The father was a son of John Malcolm and Sydney Malcolm was John Malcolm (?-1842), chemist, was born in Scotland. He served as a surgeon's mate on board HMS Hobart, 1797-1799, and emigrated to Sydney in 1824. His son, John Cleland Malcolm (1832-1867), a seaman and businessman, married Mary Binning of Bowenfels, N.S.W., with whom he had four children: John Thomas (1854-1883); Sydney Alexander (1856-1891); Jean, known as Jenny (1859-?) and Alfred Ashmore (1862-?).
John Thomas and Sydney married sisters Hannah and Mary Jane Farrell. Sydney Alexander Malcolm and Mary Jane, nee Farrell, married at Manly in 1881. They had three children, Jane (1885-1967), Pearl (1888-?) who died in infancy, and Bede Reginald Stanley (1889-1949). Jane married George Augustine Try in 1911, with whom she had four children. The family lived at Brookvale House, Manly.
John T Malcolm and Hannah had one daughter, Cicely, before he died in 1883 - the death registered at Ryde [ NSW BDM’s: MALCOLM JOHN 7174/1883 JOHN MARY registered at RYDE].
An item dated 1883, held by the State Library of NSW in the records of John Thomas Malcolm (1854-1883) being a metal stencil of his name and a metal plaque engraved to Alma Alice Ashmore for her birthday in 1883 (Call No.: MLMSS 6680/1) – State Library of NSW
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
In the estate, goods, chattels, credits, and effects of John Thomas Malcolm, late of Manly, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Esquire, deceased, intestate.
NOTICE is hereby given, that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof in the New South Wales Government Gazette, application will be made to the Supreme Court of New South Wales, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, that letters of administration of all and singular the estate, goods, chattels, credits, and effects of the abovenamed deceased, may be granted to Sydney Alexander Malcolm, of Manly aforesaid, the eldest brother, and one of the next of kin of the said deceased.—Dated at Sydney, this tenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three.
Proctors for the Administrator,
87, Elizabeth-street, Sydney.
7676 6s. 6d ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. (1883, December 11). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 6763. Retrieved from
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
In the estate, goods, chattels, credits, and effects of John Thomas Malcolm, late of Manly, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Esquire, deceased, intestate.
PURSUANT to the "Trust Property Act of 1862": Notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the abovenamed John Thomas Malcolm, who died on or about the 23rd day of August, 1883, and letters of administration of whose estate were on the 9th day of April, 1884, granted to Sydney Alexander Malcolm, of Manly aforesaid, Esquire, are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to Messieurs Daintrey and Jones, of 33, Castlereagh-street, Sydney aforesaid, the solicitors for the said administrator, on or before the 12th day of June next, after which date the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said John Thomas Malcolm, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have then been given.—Dated this 12th day of May, a.d. 1884.
Proctors for the said Administrator, 33, Castlereagh-street, Sydney. ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. (1884, May 13). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 3103. Retrieved from
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
In the estate and effects of John Thomas Malcolm, late of Manly, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Esquire, deceased, intestate.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the accounts of the administrator of the estate and effects of the abovenamed deceased, has this day been filed in my office, Supreme Court-house, King-street, Sydney; and all persons having any claim on the said estate, or being otherwise interested therein, are hereby required to come in before me at my said office, on or before the 11th day of September next, and inspect the same, and if they shall think fit object thereto, otherwise if the said account be not objected to, the same will be examined by the Prothonotary and passed.—Dated this 19th day of August, a.d. 1884.
For the Prothonotary, T. W. GARRETT, Daintrey & Jones, Ecclesiastical Clerk. Proctors for the Administrators, 33, Castlereagh-street, Sydney. ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. (1884, August 22). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 5736. Retrieved from
Hannah passed away in 1934:
MALCOLM. - January 25, 1934, at a private hospital, Manly, Hannah Martha Malcolm, dearly loved mother of Cicely (Mrs Parsonson), and grandmother of Mary and Irene, aged 80 years. R.I.P. Family Notices (1934, January 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
LEFT £23,941
Manly Widow's Estate
The New South Wales estate of the late Hannah Martha Malcolm, widow, of Manly, who died on January 25, 1934, aged 80 years, has been sworn for probate purposes at £23,941. She appointed as her executors and trustees her son-in-law, James Whatmore Parsonson, of Sydney, marine officer, and the Perpetual Trustee Co., Ltd. One-fourth of the net estate is to be held in trust for James Whatmore Parsonson, and the remaining three-fourths, also in trust, in equal shares, for the children of the daughter of the testatrix, Cicely Campbell Anne Parsonson, the wife of James Whatmore Parsonson. The will stated that the testatrix had already made ample provision for her daughter, Cicely Campbell Anne Parsonson. LEFT £23,941 (1934, April 26). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 21 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
In the will of Hannah Martha Malcolm, late of No. 51 Pine-street, Manly, in the State of New South Wales, widow, deceased.
PURSUANT to the provisions of the Wills, Probate and Administration Act, 1898, of the Testator's Family Maintenance and Guardianship of Infants Act, 1916, and of the Trustee Act, 1925: Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claim or demand upon or against the estate or otherwise interested in the property and assets of the abovenamed deceased, who died at Manly, on the 25tli day of January, 1934, and probate of whose will was granted by the Supreme Court of New South Wales, in its Probate Jurisdiction, on the 24th flay of April, 1934, to James Whatmore Parsonson, of No. 1 Pine-street, Manly (clerk), and Perpetual Trustee Company Limited, of 33-39 Hunter-street, Sydney, are hereby required to send, on or before the 21st day of July next, full particulars of their claims and demands upon the said estate or in respect of the said property and assets or any part thereof to Perpetual Trustee Company Limited, 33-39 Hunter-street, Sydney, at the expiration of which time the said James Whatmore Parsonson and the said Perpetual Trustee Company Limited, as executors of the will of the said deceased, intend to proceed to administer the said estate and to convey and distribute the property and assets of the said deceased to and among the parties and persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which they shall then have notice; and the said James Whatmore Parsonson and the said Company will not, in respect of the property and assets or any part thereof so conveyed or distributed, be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not have had notice at the time of such conveyance or distribution.—Dated this 9th day of May, 1934.
For Perpetual Trustee Company Limited,
- Managing Director. Gr. M. Laurence and Son, Proctors. 3190 £1 14s. 6d PROBATE JURISDICTION. (1934, May 18). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1956. Retrieved from
It would appear the 60 acres of land at Clareville was given by her brother so soon after the loss of her husband after they married, and with a baby to feed, so this lady had something. The Historical Land Records Viewer (HLRV) provides:
By 1898-1900, when land was being resumed from the Crowley estate and a wharf being built just near the present day Avalon Sailing Club, both the names 'Clareville' and 'Claraville' were applied to that wharf.
Arthur Jabez Small's first subdivision at current day named Avalon Beach still was named 'Clareville' and 'Clareville Beach' with the recreation reserve alongside Clareville Beach or current day 'Avalon Beach' already in place - this had been bequeathed by Rev J J Therry estate as part of earlier ideals, although the Warringah Shire Council did not make this official until 6 years after its formation:
Warringah Items.
It was unanimously decided to place the seal of the council to a document from the trustees of the late Father Terrey's Estate, dedicating to the council a 20 acre reserve, including the whole of the beach on "Priest's Flat," Barrenjoey Peninsula. This land was left for a reserve some 25 years ago, when the Pittwater Estate was being cut up, but was never dedicated, and the Registrar-General would not recognise it as such. After considerable trouble the dedication was arranged, without expense to the council, and the shire deserves congratulation on the result of their negotiations. Warringah Items. (1912, March 8). The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
Newport- Pittwater.
The Clareville Beach Estate.
Adjoining the CLAREVILLE PUBLIC WHARF, and embracing 1
TITLE WILL BE TORRENS. NOTE THE TERMS: £2 and £5 per Lot Deposit, balance by quarterly payment extending over 5 years. Interest 5 per cent.
Lithographs obtainable from the Auctioneers and Local Agent.
INTENDING PURCHASERS ate requested to take TRAM to NARRABEEN, then MOTOR 'BUSES to NEWPORT or BAY VIEW, and catch the FREE LAUNCHES from both these places on day of sale, and attend the Sale of CLAREVILLE BEACH ESTATE, IN PITTWATER HARBOR.
Anniversary Day, January 26.
— J. WILLIAMS, Bayview, Pittwater, Local Agent. Advertising (1914, January 11). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 9 (SUNDAY EDITION). Retrieved from
Pittwater Clareville Ocean Beach Estate - Central Rd, Barrenjoey roads - A J Small. Item No.: c027560009 [Avalon subdivision plans] - courtesy State Library of New South Wales. And sections from to show residences and name for Avalon Beach.
Mr. Arthur J. Small, of Royston Park, Asquith, takes exception to the statement last week that Palm Beach Estate, Barrenjoey where land brought £4 per foot, ls Inaccessible to the public, and practically can only be reached as a residential area by persons owning their own car. He draws attention to the fact that there is an hourly service of motor cars from the present tram terminus at Narrabeen to Newport, and a regular ferry service thence to Clareville and Palm Beach of two trips each way daily. This service was Inaugurated by the Palm Beach Co. when they first opened up the estate some five or six years ago. REAL ESTATE. NOTES OF THE WEEK. (1917, March 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
Clareville wharf became the responsibility of Warringah Shire Council in 1912:
New South Wales, to wit.
(L.S.) Chelmsford, Governor.
By His Excellency The Right Honourable Fredrick John Napier, Baron Chelmsford, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor of the State of New South Wales and its Dependencies, in the Commonwealth of Australia.
I Frederic John Napier, Baron Chelmsford, the Governor aforesaid, with the advice of the Executive Council, in pursuance of the powers vested in me by the ''Local Government Act, 1906," and Acts Amending the same, by this my Proclamation, apply Ordinance No. 81, regarding the regulation and control of public wharfs and jetties, published in the Government Gazette No. 57 of 14th May, 1908, together with all amendments thereof subsequent to the aforesaid date, to the public wharves named in the Schedule hereto, situated within the Warringah Shire, and vested in the Council of the said Shire: — [1912-1.31-272- 486]
Church Point Wharf, Pittwater. Bayview Wharf, Pittwater. Newport Wharf, Pittwater. Clareville Wharf, Pittwater. Coal and Candle Creek Wharf, Cowan Creek.
Given under my Hand and the Seal of the State, this sixteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twelve, and in the second year of His Majesty's Reign.
By His Excellency's Command,
[4566] GOD SAVE THE KING! PROCLAMATION (1912, January 31). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 590. Retrieved from
A fortnight after the Clareville Beach Estate was first advertised:
Clareville Beach Estate, Newport-Pittwater - Beach Pde, Hilltop Rd, Central Rd, 1914
Two different spellings persist in precursors; this advertorial in a similar form first appears in newspapers on December 28th, 1913:
Messrs. Richardson and Wrench the auctioneers. The same firm will also conduct a sale on the holiday at Newport, Pittwater, where there are sandy beach frontages in the sheltered waters of Pittwater Harbour, opposite Scotland Island, and only 12 minutes walk of the ocean benches. The estate to be offered is the Clareville Beach subdivision, which adjoins the local public wharf, and embraces absolute-beach and water frontages, between Taylor's Point and Clareville wharf; also campers' sites, overlooking the beach. Free launches will run from Bay View and Newport jetties on the day of the sale, and persons wishing to inspect the land on Saturday can go by launch from the Hawkesbury River Railway station on arrival of the morning train from Sydney, returning from Clareville in the evening. HOLIDAY AUCTIONS. (1914, January 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
Messrs. Richardson and Wrench, Ltd., have two important sales in hand, at Balmoral and the Clairville Estate, which, faces Pittwater Harbor. The Balmoral preposition consists of 60 lots in Murphy's Estate, quite close to this popular .beach, and commanding exquisite views of Middle Harbor. Since the Minister for Works has promised to put the Balmoral tram, proposal on his list for immediate attention,, the value of these blocks for residential or investment purposes has improved considerably, but even without such added inducement their admirable situation ensures a brisk demand. The Claireville Estate supplies the opportunity for those looking for cheaper blocks on an equally: attractive beach. Messrs. Richardson and Wrench have made arrangements to cater for their clients at this sale, and motor-launches will meet the motor-cars from Narrabeen at Newport and Bay View and from the Hawkesbury River railway station on the day of sale.
On the opposite side of this narrow neck of land, which is on the road to Barrenjoey, Messrs. Stanton and Son, Ltd., will, about the same time, cater for investors who desire to acquire blocks in the Careel Ocean Beach Estate, which is situated near the Hole in the Wall.
This firm, too, will run free motor-launches to meet the down motor-cars and the train at Hawkesbury from Sydney. Both propositions have considerable future values, and, judging from inquiries which the auctioneers have received, there will be a good attendance of buyers for -blocks in both estates. ACRES AND LOTS. (1914, January 25). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 4. Retrieved from
The Warringah Shire Council meeting held on October 31st, 1921 shows a letter from Chatfield and Brown submitting a plan of Arthur Jabez Small's land fronting 'Clareville Road' where in the council approved of the proposal to rename the roads then known as 'Arnold Road' and 'Clareville Road' as 'Avalon Parade' and that Mr. Small be asked to notify the residents already along this stretch of road. The subdivision was approved, on the proviso that a connecting road between Clareville Road and Central Road be reserved. On November 28th 1921 the council's seal was affixed to this subdivision.


Above: 'Clareville Road' circa 1917 - which will become 'Avalon Parade' in late 1921 per A J Small
'Clareville Road, Pittwater between 1922/1925 and 1930'. My great grandfather's photo Albert Henry Grace. Image shared on local Facebook History pages by and courtesy Helen Grant. This was soon to be renamed 'Avalon Parade' the name is is still now called. Helen's great grandparents bought land and built a place they called 'Gunjulla' - the home is still intact and gave its name to 'Gunjulla Place' off Avalon Parade towards the Clareville end.
Warringah Shire Council records also show that A. J. Small, on 22/8/18, was requesting tree planting on Barrenjoey Road, and on Clareville Beach recreation reserve, and stating willingness to contribute to the cost. By 20/9/18, he was submitting an alternative proposal for tree-planting at Clareville. Council Resolved that the writer be informed that the Council considers it too late to go on with the tree-planting. Mr. A. J. Small, on 16/ 4/19, was requesting construction of a shelter shed at Clareville Wharf, and stating that £7/10/- has already been collected towards cost of same. Council agreed to the proposal, and resolved that the Engineer prepare specifications for the shed.
On February 23rd, 1920 WSC records were report that there are 13 dressing sheds for men and 13 for ladies, on the beaches in the Shire there being one of each on the following beaches, - Freshwater, Curl Curl South, Curl Curl North, Deewhy south, Deewhy North, Collaroy, Narrabeen Park Centre, Waterloo Street Narrabeen, Malcolm Street Narrabeen, Lake Park Narrabeen, Mona Vale, Newport and Clareville. There are six club- rooms for men - viz - on Freshwater, Curl Curl South, Deewhy South, Collaroy, Malcolm Street, and Newport Beaches. There are two club-rooms for ladies, viz - on Collaroy and Newport Beaches. In 1913 the Government advanced £1200 to assist the Council in making additions and extensions to its beach-bathing accommodation. This was made repayable in equal annual instalments extending over a period of 10 years, and free of interest. To that date, £600 had been repaid, leaving a balance of £600. The total value of the various buildings on the beaches, as shown in the Council's books at that present time was £1750.
What these Clareville Beach bathing sheds may have is spoken of in a WSC minute from September 25th, 1921 when the Barrenjoey Company's and the Whale Beach Estate's request for erection of bathing sheds at Whale beach was raised and the Council agreed to the erection of two sheds similar to those proposed to be erected at Palm Beach, at an estimated cost of £75, subject to a contribution in the same proportion as was made to the sheds on Clareville Beach.
On July 11th 1921 Council resolved that the attention of the Proprietors of the Saw Mill at Clareville be drawn to the damage being done to roads by timber getters, and they be notified it must be stopped at once, and all litter on the roads cleared up.
One of the early home owners as shown on the Clareville Beach Estate lithograph, Fred . W. Tyrer, wrote to Council on the 28/6/21, drawing attention to the condition of Central Road, Clareville. A letter from Mr. Small dated July 13th 1921 states the conditions under which he will dedicate land to connect Arnold Road and Clareville Roads. This was read in conjunction with the Extension report, and Council Resolved that the Council accept dedication under the conditions imposed, and that the expenditure of the £150 as agreed previously on such road, be proceeded with.
On August 8th 1921 the lowest tender, that of P. E. Olsen, for £187 was accepted for repairs to and erection of a shelter shed on Clareville wharf. Council wanted their Engineer to make arrangements with the Contractor for fixing landing steps similar to those on Bayview wharf.
Clareville wharf Pittwater near Avalon Beach - Small steam passenger vessel coming in - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, No.:c046220013h - The SS Phoenix Steamer Approaching Clareville wharf, circa 1922 - also visit: Pttwater Reserves: The Green Ways Clareville And Taylor's Point Wharves or Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your name - Clareville
On September 5th 1921 WSC resolved that in regard to Mr. A. J. Smalls proposal for the improvement of the Beach Reserves at Clareville, the Council agree to allow Mr. Small to do the work, as specified in his letter of 16th August, as a contract for £150, subject to such work being done to the Engineer's satisfaction, and to Council making payment therefor in June of next year (contribution) subject to Mr. Small contributing £50 towards the cost of the work. There was also a minute in this meeting from the War Trophies Committee, 26/8/21, intimating that there is no war trophy available for Clareville Beach. Those that were being placed in our area may be read of in the Narrabeen Cenotaph history page.
On the 27th of October 1921 Hardy, Busby, Norman were submitting plans and specifications re proposed subdivision of Dr. Chisholm Ross Lot 12, Hillside Estate, Clareville. Chisholm Avenue in Avalon commemorates this gentleman. An outstanding psychiatrist, Chisholm Ross (1857-1934) was the fifth child of ten children of an Inverell grazier. His funeral was attended by hundreds. There is a biography in Stephen Garton, 'Ross, Chisholm (1857–1934)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, - a few notes from TROVE, National Library of Australia:
DR. CHISHOLM ROSS passed away at his home, Berry-street, North Sydney, at 10 o'clock this morning. Family Notices (1934, October 6). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 3 (CRICKET STUMPS). Retrieved from
The funeral of Dr Chisholm Ross took place yesterday afternoon St Stephen's Church in Phillip-street, was crowded when a memorial service was conducted by the Rev. J. Mcleod. It was attended by his professional colleagues and representatives of official and business life in the city.
The Rev. J Mcleod, in a short address, said Dr Chisholm Ross lived a life for the enrichment of others who would be holding him in grateful remembrance that day. He had been a member of a noble profession, on which he had shed lustre by his brilliant gifts. He would be missed as the friend of every good cause.
The funeral cortege proceeded from the church to the Northern Suburbs Crematorium.
The chief mourners were Dr. Colin Ross, Messrs Rowan Ross, John Ross, and Alan Ross (sons), Mrs. Peters (daughter), and Mr. W. Peters (son-in-law), Messrs Herbert Ross, Colin J. Ross (brothers), N. Shiels (brother-in-law), John Ross, A. F. Ross (cousins), J. Shiels, Gordon Cooper (nephew) Mrs. Colin Ross, Mrs. A. F. Ross, Mr. T. Peters, Mrs. Fitzhardinge, Mrs Conacher.
Among those present were Dr. C. A. Hogg (Inspector General of Mental Hospitals), Dr. J. A. Wallace (superintendent of Callan Park Hospital), Dr. Grey Ewan (medical superintendent of New-castle Mental Hospital),Mr. A. H. Hoskins, (super-intendent) and members of the staff of the Reception House, Messrs H. M. Tarrant (Federal In-dustrial Registrar), A. G. Gilchrist (president State Superannuation Board), S. W. Ebsworth (chief clerk, Mental Hospitals Department), W. J. Kessell (Public Trustee), W. B. Geddes (Under-Secretary For Justice), Colonel G. F. Murphy (sheriff), ......OBITUARY. (1934, October 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from
VALE DR. CHISHOLM ROSS. (1934, October 10). Daily Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1915 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
The Ross Estate Lithograph, courtesy State Library of NSW, contains photographs taken by EB Studios which show us the landscape on the hillsides overlooking Clareville in circa 1921-1922 - although there is some indication that these land sales may have taken longer. Warringah Shire Council records show another Annie Wyatt connection in:
''Tree Lovers' Civic League. Kuring-gai, 14/2/33, inviting attention to a fine tree on the top of the ridge between Pittwater and Avalon on the boundary of Lots 32 and 47, Ross Estate, and inquiring whether' it would be possible for the Council to resume sufficient land to preserve the tree. Council resolved that ''To be informed there is no money available for resumptions.''
The Ross Estate Lithograph:
View of portion of the Estate, lots 17-21
This shows the 'Clareville Road' - just about to become 'Avalon Parade'.
Clareville wharf with the newly installed shelter shed
There are great EB Studios panoramas whereby you may zoom into and look around this area made available by the National Library of Australia - well worth a visit. Listed as:
- EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Taylors Point, Pittwater, New South Wales, 1 Retrieved from
- EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Taylors Point, Pittwater, New South Wales, 2 Retrieved from
- EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Taylors Point, Pittwater, New South Wales, 3 Retrieved from
- EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Taylors Point with real estate sign advertising upcoming land subdivision, Pittwater, New South Wales Retrieved from
Warringah Shire Council minutes of the Meeting held on December 12th, 1921 resolved that notices giving rules for swimming-costumes and prohibiting swimming of dogs in the baths at Clareville be erected, and a notice to indicate the ladies' dressing-sheds. It was further resolved that W J. Snape should be appointed a beach inspector for Clareville Beach, and that such appointment should be under the Seal of the Council. It was also Resolved that two w.c.'s be constructed for the Avalon Beach Reserve.
Pearl of Pittwater Estate, Pittwater - Hudson Parade, Delecta Ave, 1923
The next allotments advertised were sold by Rickards and were further along. First they put in access roads including 'Delecta' Avenue. There was also 30 acres (12 hectares) set aside for a reserve which was originally known as 'Hudson Park' in honour of the gentleman who bequeathed this land and saw having green space being a permanent feature among suburbia as being important - especially since so many koalas once lived there.
Hudson Park was dedicated as a public reserve in 1957. The two reserves were formally known as 'Hudson Park' and 'Angophora Reserve' (area of 18.5 hectares) in 1993. They were referred to under the one title of 'Angophora Reserve' via the Pittwater Council Angophora Reserve Plan of Management adopted on October 21st, 2002. At least his name is still retained in 'Hudson Parade'. Unfortunately the koalas are all gone as that same 2002 POM notes on page 35;
A major problem for the koala population on Barrenjoey Peninsula is attack by dogs, particularly large dogs and dogs working in packs. Dogs appear to be the chief cause of death in this koala colony (Smith & Smith 1990). Dogs should not be allowed to roam free, particularly at night, or where koalas are likely to be on the ground such as where there is a discontinuous tree canopy. More rigorous enforcement of the Companion Animals Act is needed, and frequent evening patrol of the area. However, this should be accompanied by a public education program. It is essential that residents be made aware of the threat posed to koalas by dogs. Cats are less of a threat to koalas being a major predator of smaller animals, such as long-nosed bandicoots and squirrel gliders.
Some information about this on Clareville Beach land sale:
ROAD CONSTRUCTION. Tenders are invited for the Clearing and Forming of about 25 Chains of Roads between Taylor's Point and Clareville, Pittwater, Shire of Warringah. TENDERS CLOSE on WEDNESDAY, 21st instant. No tender necessarily accepted. Plans and Specifications may be inspected at the office of Arthur Rickard and Co., Ltd.. Rickard House.64 Pitt-street. Sydney. Tenders to be addressed; Surveyor, Box 2524, G. P.O., Sydney. Advertising. (1923, March 17). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
View of portion of the Pearl of Pittwater Estate, which is to be auctioned by Arthur Rickard and Co., Ltd., at Pittwater next Saturday. There is a fine selection of land to choose from, and the views from every block are delightful. THE PEARL OF PITTWATER. (1923, November 24). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 10. Retrieved from
Above Pearl of Pittwater Estate, 1922-3, (and enlarged sections from to show detail). Items: c053460106 and c053460107, courtesy State Library of NSW
Geoff Searl OAM, President of the Avalon Beach Historical society states; ''This detail from Arthur Rickard’s ‘Pearl of Pittwater Estate’ subdivision plan shows the view in 1923 from Hudson Parade down Delecta Avenue towards the present-day turning circle and boat launching area adjacent to the car park. The original Clareville Beach store and post office once occupied the site on the left and for some years now has been the Clareville Kiosk.
The National Archives of Australia holds records for Clareville Beach Post Office with dates ranging from 1937 to 1997.
On May 26th 1924 Warringah Shire Council records show that the quote of Arthur Davis of Scotland Island for driving and putting in position-five new piles at Clareville wharf, at £10 per pile, was accepted, and ''the work be put in hand at once''.
The Clareville wharf was falling apart again five years later.
Records from the early 1930's, when many a person made homeless by the Great Depression was camping out anywhere they could, and especially somewhere where they could fish and feed their families, as it was all along the coast, shows people had already been camping at Clareville from the 1920's and during the 1930's the Council tried to prevent this, finally cancelling anyone being able to do this even on private land in 1933, although it's clear people persisted in using the reserve for this purpose:
At Newport village, King - street, leads out to Saltpan along a fairly good track, which opens out views of Pittwater, and will eventually run round the waterfront to Clareville Beach and be one of the most popular parts of the run to Palm Beach. NOW, one must return to Newport and pass on to Avalon before Clareville Beach may be reached, but no one with an eye for beautiful surroundings should miss this branch-off — Clareville Beach, with its shady gums over grassy lawns right on the whitest of sandy beaches, crescent shaped, and edged by the clearest of saltwater. It is an ideal holiday camping spot, and a haven of delight for the kiddies. There is a good road out to Careel Bay and along its southern shore, which branches off the Clareville road just as it reaches the ridge above the beach. This makes a lovely motor run for a mile or two through the trees, with glimpses of Pittwater on the left. C S Harnett Picturesque By-Paths. (1926, December 8). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 55. Retrieved from
Warringah shire Council minutes of the meeting held December 19th 1932 record that an F.L Holmes, in a letter dated 6/12/32, is recommending Mr. H. White for appointment as a camping fees collector on the beach reserve at Clareville Pittwater; and that he be given permission to sell hot water on the reserve; requesting that he be instructed, if appointed collector, to warn campers off private property;- requesting Council to inspect the reserve and, later, to, receive a deputation regarding it. Mr. Arthur Rickard &.Co:, had also peened a letter, dated 16/12/32, on behalf of the-property owners in that locality, protesting against the camping, and pointing out that there are no sanitary conveniences. Council resolved 'That camping be not permitted on the reserves at Clareville. and that Mr. H. White be appointed an honorary ranger as suggested, and he be given permission to sell hot water.
On January 16th 1933 Camping on private land &c at Clareville was officially cancelled. However, years later:
As a frequent visitor to Clareville on Pittwater, I am interested to notice that the local council is trying to prevent the use of this delightful spot as a camping area. For some inexplicable reason this august body is harassing campers and property holders in every direction. Surely it should realise that there is a war on, and any "blitzing" to be done should be directed at the Empire's enemy, instead of respectable British citizens. Neutral Bay. W H GHENT. POINTS FROM LETTERS. (1941, July 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
By the mid 1950's Land Resumptions for this reserve were required - and stated as such in the NSW Government Gazette:
Warringah Shire Council: Proposed Resumption of Land.
HIS Excellency the Governor with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of the Local Government Act,. 1919, has approved of the Warringah Shire Council's causing a notice of resumption of the land described in the Schedule s hereto, together with a description of such laid, to be published in the Government Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area in which the land is located, such land being required by the Warringah Shire Council for the purpose or providing, controlling and managing grounds the public recreation. (S. 55-3$40&)
All that piece or parcel of land containing an area of about 39 perches or thereabouts, being lot 9 in deposited plan No. 13,291, Delecta-avenue, Clareville, in the Shire of Warringah, parish of Narrabeen and county of Cumberland, and being the whole of the land comprised in Certificate of Title, Volume 4,213, folio 104, and said to be in the possession of Esther Lea- also all that piece or parcel of Iand containing an area of about 1 rood 1/4 perch or thereabouts, being lot 8 in deposited plan No. 13, 291, Delecta-avenue, Clareville, in the Shire of Warringah, parish of Narrabeen and county of Cumberland, and being the whole of the land comprised in Certificate of Title, volume 4,530, folio 121, and said to be in the possession of Maurice Levy or Lea, and shown on plan with the Department of Local Government, Sydney.
W. M. GOLLAN, for Minister for Local (Government. Department of Local Government, Sydney, 1st June, 1956. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1919. (1956, June 1). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1499. Retrieved from
The Historical Land Records Viewer (HLRV) provides:
(Ordinance No. 77).—Whereas on the seventh day of June one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four, the Warringah Shire Council (hereinafter called "the Council") resolved, in pursuance of the Local Government Act, 1919, to resume the land described in the Schedule hereto for the purpose of providing, controlling and managing grounds for public recreation; and whereas the Council further resolved to make an application for the approval of the Governor to cause a notice of the resumption of such land, together with a description of such land, to be published in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area in which such land is located; and whereas on the twenty-third day of May, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six, upon the application of the Council His Excellency the Governor with the advice of the Executive Council approved of a notice of the resumption of the land described in the said Schedule for such purpose, together with a description of such land, to be published in the Gazette and a newspaper circulating in the area in which the land is located: Now, therefore, the Council, with the approval of His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council as aforesaid, doth hereby give notice that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby resumed by the Council under the provisions of the Local Government Act, 1919, aforesaid ; and the Council doth hereby also give notice that a plan of such land has been filed in the office of the Warringah Shire Council, at the Council Chambers, Brookvale, and with the Surveyor-General at the Department of Lands, Sydney, which plans are open for public inspection; and the Council doth hereby also give notice that upon the publication of this notice and the description in the Schedule hereto the land therein described becomes for the purposes and subject to the provisions of the said Act, vested in the Council for an estate in fee simple in possession freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, contracts, charges, rates, rights of way, or easements whatsoever.
J. L. FISHER, President.
The Common Seal of the Council of the Shire of Warringah was hereunto affixed this 29th day of June, 1956, in pursuance of a resolution of the Council passed on the 25th day of June, 1956.
J. Morgan, Shire Clerk. Schedule.
All that piece or parcel of land containing an area of about 39 perches* or thereabouts, being lot 9 in deposited plan No. 13,291, Delecta-avenue, Clareville, in the Shire of Warringah, parish of Narrabeen and county of Cumberland, and being the whole of the land comprised in Certificate of Title, volume 4,213, folio 104, and said to be in the possession of Esther Lea; also all that piece or parcel of land containing an area of about 1 rood 1 perch or thereabouts, being lot 8 in deposited plan No. 13291, Delecta-avenue, Clareville, in the Shire of Warringah, parish of Narrabeen and county of Cumberland, and being the whole of the land comprised in Certificate of Title, volume 4,530, folio 121, and said to be in the possession of Maurice Levy or Lea. 35—£4 5s. 6d. NOTICE OF RESUMPTION OF LAND BY WARRINGAH SHIRE COUNCIL.—Local Government Act, 1919.—Form 3 (1956, July 6). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1941. Retrieved from
A Certificate of Title was issued on September 30th, 1969.
Below run photos taken around 1-2pm in the afternoon on July 30th, 2021
Laneway 1 - furthest north - beachside end
Laneway 2 - furthest south - roadside entrance
Beach reserve green area looking south
View over Pittwater estuary with Lion Island in the distance.
Looking north from south end of Clareville Beach