June 25 - July 1, 2017: Issue 318
Community Expresses Dissatisfaction With B-Line Newport Proposal - Reduction Of L90

The Executive of the Newport Residents Association met with the B-Line Project Team on Wednesday 14th of June to hear what they had in mind for terminating the buses and turning them around in Newport. The Council and the Newport Surf Club had separate meetings with them on the same day.
The following is a summary of the options laid out for the NRA;
B-Line made a number of suggestions for turning the buses around at Newport
- Take over the Bramley Lane car park with buses entering at the northern end (opposite Coles Pde.) and leaving via Bramley Lane (very narrow) back onto Barrenjoey Rd
- Utilise the northern end of the Surf Club car park an area just less than that currently occupied by the winter Netball teams. The proposal would be to take a right hand turn across Barrenjoey Road into the carpark (nearly opposite the Neptune St intersection) turn the bus around and then queue it up with an area for three busses on the side of Barrenjoey road facing south before the current bus stop.(Unless they construct a roundabout or install traffic lights it is possible that the Neptune Road access to Barrenjoey Road may be closed for safety reasons - meaning Bardo Road would be the only access point to Barrenjoey Road within the Newport shopping precinct).
- Utilise approx. ¼ of the northern end of the surf club car park turning the buses into the surf club car park at new entrance north of the current bus stop, allowing an area to queue three buses on the left hand side of the current car park and then turn left onto Barrenjoey Rd at the northern end opposite Neptune St
Under all scenarios there would have to be provision for toilets to be built for the drivers.
The changes required to put any of the above into place would take longer than the B-Line mandated start date at the end of this year, so the B-Line project team have come up with two interim suggestions (and they don’t rule those out as becoming a permanent one) as follows;
- Turn right at ‘The Boulevard’ off Barrenjoey Road, turn left into Ross St, left again into Bramley Lane and then left onto Barrenjoey – (they would have to probably park the three queuing buses in The Boulevard).
- Turn left from Barrenjoey Road into Burke St the Newport Rugby Park (Porter Reserve) and utilise that area for both commuter parking and turning the buses around etc. (The B-Line people said the response from council was they would need to be out of there by March before the Rugby season).
Option 1 is problematic as it would destroy at least half of the current car spaces in the Bramley lane park and if it was converted for commuter parking then there would be no parking for customers of the shops and even if they didn’t change the current use there would still be a loss of possibly 50%.
The Newport Residents Association (NRA) monthly meeting held on Tuesday 20th of June was expanded to include the Executives of both the Newport Surf Club and the Newport Chamber of Commerce and any other members of those organisations plus any other resident of Newport that our members could contact, as well as members of the executives of the Clareville and Bilgola Plateau Residents Association (CABRA), Avalon Preservation Association and the Palm Beach Whale Beach Association. The meeting room was packed to overflowing, standing room only and heard addresses from each of the three organisations followed by an open forum for the residents to comment.
That this meeting resolves that no B-Line service is extended to terminate in the village of Newport and that it be terminated at the town centre of Mona Vale which is at the junction of major roads to and from Pittwater.
Furthermore, this decision is to be conveyed to all pertinent Members of Parliament, department heads and Council executives who are involved in B-Line terminus decisions and it is to be supported by the reasons for this community’s requirement for this action.
A copy of the letter sent to Hon Rob Stokes, the Administrator of NBC Dick Persson and other politicians following the NRA Meeting can be read by clicking on the following: (B-Line meeting outcome)
Copy of Letter contents:
Re Proposed B-Line extension to Newport
The executive of the Newport Residents Association (NRA) met with the B-Line project team last Wednesday last week 14th June whereby the NRA was informed of various options for terminating and turning 100 buses a day around in Newport. The options included three permanent scenarios each of which would have a significant impact on either the Newport Surf Club car park or on the shopping centre Bramley Lane car park. The project team also informed us of two interim options they were considering to allow the B-Line to commence at the end of this year.
Following this meeting which caused great alarm to the NRA executive we invited the Executives of both the Newport Surf Club and the Newport Chamber of Commerce and any interested members of those two organisation plus the full membership of the NRA and any other interested resident of Newport to our NRA meeting this last Tuesday evening the 20th of June 2017 to discuss the proposals.
The meeting room at the Newport Community Centre was packed to overflowing and standing room only.
At the conclusion of the meeting the following motion was proposed from the floor.
This resolution was carried by all at the meeting with only three abstentions.
The following points were made at the meeting by the President of the Newport Surf Club;
- that the reduction in available car parking after initiating a bus turning circle, layover parking for three buses, associated built facilities that we understand are necessary for the proposal will substantially reduce the capacity and effectiveness of the car park for the community, particularly in summer.
- that proposing such significant bus infrastructure on the absolute beach front land seems completely inappropriate for the local beachside environment and people that use the car park for the coastal walk, visiting the beach, netball training etc.
- that the traffic movement required to turn the volume of buses suggested into the beach car park across Barrenjoey Road will be problematic.
The President of the Chamber of Commerce spoke about the concerns they have for the Surf Club car-park, the amenity of Newport and the effect it may have on their businesses.
The NRA expressed their concerns in a letter to the Northern Beaches Council dated 23 June 2016 covering those concerns, which still remain relevant, for the potential impact on residential streets, the Surf Club, the traffic issues, the impact of a dedicated bus lane (now or in the future) on the businesses of Newport and the current Streetscape of Newport. A copy of that letter is attached.
The information supplied to us from the B-Line project team that the failure to provide 150 commuter parking spots in Mona Vale (the Town Centre and junction of major roads for the area) whereby they only achieved 74 spots and therefore needed to look to the Newport surf club to find the other 76 spots we find as a very inappropriate reason to move the terminus to Newport.
We also have also met with the B-Line project team to discuss the new service timetable and make the following comments;
- The current service proposals have a significant reduction in through services to the city from the villages to the north of Newport, meaning that most services will require changing buses along the route – a backward step not an improvement.
- The community consultation re these services was very poor despite the B-Line project team denials.
- The decision to move much of the bus terminus to Newport was not done at a project level (unsatisfactory finger pointing going on) nor has it factored in the significant aspect of attempting to turn around 100 buses a day in Newport and the effect that would have on the Village.
Whilst having a bus service leaving every 10 minutes (instead of 15 minutes) from Newport can be flagged as an improvement to bus services we don’t believe the permanent impact on the Village of Newport can be justified. There are other options, including increased services, which have not been considered and that would include allowing some of the B-Line buses to replace the current ones from Palm Beach and Avalon.
We request that the Government immediately rethink these proposals for the B-Line to Newport.
The Palm Beach Whale Beach Association have echoed dissatisfaction with the current proposals stating:
The L90 bus service is the longest commuter bus trip in Sydney taking at least one and a half hours to cover the 44 km from Palm Beach to Wynyard.
The proposed introduction of the B-Line Bus will result in a major down grade to the L90 service currently operating to and from Palm Beach causing great inconvenience to residents who will have to change buses at a B-line hub.
The L90 will only operate during the weekday off-peak (9:00am-3:00pm) and weekends (7:00am- 10:00pm), with a service frequency of 60 minutes. The present frequency is 30 minutes on week days and fifteen minutes at weekends. This represents an unacceptable reduction in frequency of the L90 service particularly at weekends. Northern Beaches Council together with the community are currently working on a parking strategy for Palm Beach with an emphasis on encouraging visitors, residents and tourists to use public transport as parking in Palm Beach is extremely limited. Council and the NSW State Government are spending $1.7 million on building a walkway from Palm Beach Wharf to Gov Phillip Park which will be a major visitor drawcard. It is essential that the L90 bus service be maintained not downgraded.
A proposed new route, the 199, will operate as a full time, all-stops service with frequency of 30 minutes between Palm Beach and Manly via Avalon, Newport shops, Newport loop, Mona Vale, Narrabeen, Collaroy, Dee Why and Warringah Mall (Pittwater Road). We welcome the introduction of the new 199 service to Manly but this should not be at the expense of the L90 service to the city.
The proposed changes to the L90 service will make the trip to the city even longer in the morning peak hours as it will be necessary to catch the new 199 Bus from Palm Beach and change to either the E88 at Careel Bay (where it starts) or the B-Line Hub at Newport or Mona Vale. On the return journey from the city in peak hours it will necessary to change to the 199 Bus. This could involve a half hour wait for the bus to come from Manly. This will make the longest trip even longer.
No consideration into extending or beginning E88 buses or B-Line buses from Palm Beach figures in these plans.
There is no guarantee that the B-Line Bus will provide a faster trip to the city.
The Northern Beaches finish at Palm Beach not Newport or Mona Vale. Palm Beach is the end of the line.
The Palm Beach and Whale Beach Association believes that it is essential that a limited stops L90 bus from Palm Beach through to the City continues to operate at all times.
The Association also supports The Newport Residents Association in their opposition to the inappropriate and unacceptable use of the carpark at Newport Beach as a B-Line bus hub. The B-Line hub should be at Mona Vale, preferably at the Mona Vale Bus Depot.
As the NSW Government is spending over $500 million on the B-Line Service we would expect an improved service for ALL residents of the Northern Beaches, this is worse.
The Palm Beach and Whale Beach Association has requested to meet with MP for Pittwater, Rob Stokes but has received no answer as yet.

CABRA have also forwarded a media release in which dissatisfaction figures in black and white:
Commuters North of Mona Vale Reject Transport NSW Solution in Favour of Their Own
Media Release, June 23 2017 - CABRA
Commuters north of Mona Vale this week presented Transport NSW with what they believe is a far quicker, less destructive, simpler, more flexible and less expensive transport solution for the Pittwater area than the one put forward by Transport NSW two weeks ago.
“The solution is simple. Have three routes which extend to where people live, i.e. the suburbs, and then go basically express from Mona Vale with one set-down stop going into the city, one pick-up stop going out of the city at Neutral Bay,” explained David Owen, CABPRA (Clareville and Bilgola Plateau Residents Association) President.
Community groups north of Mona Vale solution:
• Have an “E90”, a bendy bus or a double-decker B-Line bus, which goes around Palm Beach area via Avalon every half-hour all stops into Mona Vale then stopping only at Neutral Bay Junction and the City.
• Have an “E88”, a normal size bus, which goes around Careel Bay area via Avalon every half-hour all stops into Mona Vale then stopping only at Neutral Bay Junction and the City. This route should not go down Central Road but Avalon Pde instead.
• Have an “E89”, a normal size bus, which goes around Clareville/Bilgola area via Avalon every half-hour all stops into Mona Vale then stopping only at Neutral Bay Junction and the City.
CABPRA worked with the Avalon Preservation Association, Newport Residents Association and Palm Beach & Whale Beach Association to come up with this solution. Together they have talked with more than 400 residents.
“You told us you want express buses into the city. You said you don’t want to have to change buses when going such a long distance. You clearly said that lots of buses terminating and turning in our villages will ruin them and create car-parks of our villages. We have listened and believe this solution does cater for what we want,” Mr Owen explained.
With these services there should be no need to have the B-Line coming up to Newport, saving taxpayers quite a lot of money but still giving Newport residents a much better service than they have now and a faster service than offered by the B-Line. Plus no need for a turning circle, no need for toilets for bus drivers, no need for multi-storey carparks in Newport.
Build the B-Line terminus at Mona Vale bus depot, as suggested by members of the Mona Vale Residents Association. Transport NSW can build a carpark there, maybe a coffee shop. There will be toilets. It can ensure the carpark is for users of the B-Line only, if it wants. It will be a secure and safe stop for passengers getting on and off at night. Plus it is right opposite one of the major shopping centres in Mona Vale.
“We believe this solution will also take pressure off the B-Line from Mona Vale. It will make it quicker, less congested. It could also mean less buses on our roads. It will definitely mean less buses terminating and turning in our villages and less need for expensive, ugly car-parks,” said Mr Owen.
“A 199 from Manly to Palm Beach is an interesting route obviously aimed mainly at the tourists. However this route should go three times an hour and go all the way to Palm Beach. Having a route not always going to its destination - that is every second one stopping in Avalon - creates confusion and frustration for travellers,” he added.
Meanwhile, at Warriewood, TfrNSW has issued an update this week, on the B-Line website (click on website, click on Warriewood page - look to right for 'update details'), scheduling some 24 hour works during July:
Construction notification
Warriewood – July 2017
Construction activities
Construction work will continue in the car park at Warriewood (see map).
In July, work will include;
• continued installation of piles, drainage and services
• earthworks and pavement construction
• construction of the car park foundation
Road work will also continue on Pittwater Road at Warriewood (see map) including:
• construction of pavement at the entry to the rugby park
• start of pavement construction in the median on Pittwater Road
• start of service identification and relocation near the entrance to the rugby park

Map from update PDF
Day work
Work will occur at the site located on the map during the following hours:
• 7am to 6pm on Monday to Friday
• 8am to 1pm on Saturday
Night work
Most work will be carried out during the day, however some night work will be required for the safety of workers, pedestrians and road users and to minimise traffic impacts.
Site set up activities will start from 7pm.
Night work is scheduled on:
• Friday 7 to Sunday 9 July (24 hour work)
• Friday 21 to Sunday 23 July (24 hour work)
Dates are weather dependent and subject to change. In the event of a weather disruption, works will be carried out on the weekends immediately following where possible.
Minimising noise impacts
Some of the work will be noisy and we try to reduce the noise when we can. Some ways we do this include;
• talking to residents before the work starts, to let them know what to expect
• using barriers and sound blankets to muffle the noise
• the use of squawkers rather than beepers on vehicles
• only using noisy machinery when we absolutely have to
• doing noisy work early in the evening when possible
• directing the noise and lights away from residents when we can.
Contact us
Phone: 1800 048 751 (available 24/7 for project enquiries and complaints)
For the latest traffic updates
Phone: 132 701
Visit: livetraffic.com
Download: Live Traffic NSW App
For more information about the B-Line project, visit: b-line.transport.nsw.gov.au/

Albion no. 2036 at Palm Beach in 1954, about to leave for the City on route 190, courtesy High Road for Oz Blogspot
Pittwater Bus Services Summary – May 2017
Palm Beach
• New route 199 will operate as a full time, all-stops service between Palm Beach and Manly via Newport loop.
- Operates every 30 mins on weekdays and every 15 mins on weekends (operates at a 15 minute frequency between Avalon Beach and Manly across the week)
- Provides connections to B-line services at B-Line stops between Newport and Brookvale
• Route L90 will continue to operate during the weekday off-peak (9:00am-3:00pm) and weekends
(7:00am-10:00pm), with a service frequency of 60 minutes. For travel to the City outside of these times, catch route 199 and connect to B-Line services at Newport.
• New route 199 will operate as a full time, all-stops service between Palm Beach and Manly via Newport loop.
- Operates every 15 mins across the week
- Provides connections to B-line services at B-Line stops between Newport and Brookvale.
• Route E88 will continue to operate between North Avalon and the City.
- Additional route E88 services will be provided
- Extended operating hours in AM and PM peak periods
- Modified stopping pattern, with services operating all stops to Narrabeen then stopping only at Neutral Bay Junction and the City. On outbound PM trips first set down will be Narrabeen
• Route L90 will continue to operate during the weekday off-peak (9:00am-3:00pm) and weekends (7:00am-10:00pm), with a service frequency of 60 minutes. For travel to the City outside of these times, catch route 199 and connect to B-Line services at Newport.
Bilgola and Clareville
• Routes 191 and 192 will now operate every 30 minutes across the day and route 192 service hours on weekdays will be extended.
• Route E89 will continue to operate between Avalon / Clareville / Bilgola Plateau to the City.
- Modified stopping pattern, with services operating all stops to Narrabeen then stopping only at Neutral Bay Junction and the City. On outbound PM trips first set down will be Narrabeen
• New B-Line services will operate between Newport and the City, providing frequent services all day, seven days a week, stopping only at Newport, Mona Vale, Warriewood, Narrabeen, Collaroy, Dee Why, Brookvale, Manly Vale, Spit Junction, Neutral Bay Junction and the City.
• Route 199 will operate as a full time, all-stops service between Palm Beach and Manly via Newport loop. Operating every 15 minutes across the week.
• Route E88 will continue to operate between North Avalon and the City.
- Additional route E88 services will be provided
- Extended operating hours in AM and PM peak periods
- Modified stopping pattern, with services operating all stops to Narrabeen then stopping only at Neutral Bay Junction and the City. On outbound PM trips first set down will be Narrabeen
• Route E89 will continue to operate between Avalon / Clareville / Bilgola Plateau to the City.
- Modified stopping pattern, with services operating all stops to Narrabeen then stopping only at Neutral Bay Junction and the City. On outbound PM trips first set down will be Narrabeen
• Route L90 will continue to operate during weekday off-peak (9:00am-3:00pm) and weekends (7:00am-10:00pm), with a service frequency of 60 minutes. For travel to the City outside of these times, catch route 199 and connect to B-Line services at Newport, or routes E88 or E89 at any bus
stop along Barrenjoey Road.
• Routes 187 and L87 will no longer operate. For travel to North Sydney and Milsons Point, use B-line services or route 199 to Mona Vale, and connect to frequent route E54 services to North Sydney and Milsons Point during weekday peak periods.
• Route E87 will no longer operate. For travel to the City, catch B-Line services at Newport, or Routes E88 or E89 at any bus stop along Barrenjoey Road.
• Services via the Newport Loop will be provided by routes 199 and L90.
Church Point and Bayview
• Route E86 will no longer operate. For travel to the City, use route 156 and connect to B-Line services at Mona Vale.
• Route 156 will be modified to operate between McCarrs Creek and Mona Vale, with increased frequencies across the day.
- Every 15 minutes during the AM peak
- Every 10 minutes during the PM peak
- Every 30 minutes during weekday off-peak and weekends
• Route 155 will be modified to operate between Bayview Garden Village and Narrabeen only via Narrabeen Peninsula and no longer operate to Manly. For travel to Dee Why, Warringah Mall or Manly, connect to all-stops route 199 at Mona Vale or Narrabeen.
Mona Vale
• New B-Line services will operate between Newport and the City, providing frequent services all day, seven days a week, stopping only at Newport, Mona Vale, Warriewood, Narrabeen, Collaroy, Dee Why, Brookvale, Manly Vale, Spit Junction, Neutral Bay Junction and the City.
• Route E88 will continue to operate between North Avalon and the City.
- Additional route E88 services will be provided
- Extended operating hours in AM and PM peak periods
- Modified stopping pattern, with services operating all stops to Narrabeen then stopping only at Neutral Bay Junction and the City. On outbound PM trips first set down will be Narrabeen
• Route E89 will continue to operate between Avalon / Clareville / Bilgola Plateau to the City.
- Modified stopping pattern, with services operating all stops to Narrabeen then stopping only at Neutral Bay Junction and the City. On outbound PM trips first set down will be Narrabeen
• Route 199 will operate as a full time, all-stops service between Palm Beach and Manly via Newport loop. Operating every 15 minutes across the week.
• New route E54 will operate between Mona Vale and Milsons Point via North Sydney, providing frequent services during weekday peak periods, stopping at Mona Vale, Warriewood, Narrabeen, Collaroy, Dee Why, Brookvale, Manly Vale, Spit Junction, Neutral Bay Junction, and then all stops to North Sydney and Milsons Point.
• Route L60 to Chatswood will be renumbered to route E60, and additional trips will be provided.
• Route 182 will be modified to operate via Samuel Street, Parkland Road and Waratah Street, replacing routes L85/185 in this area.
• Route 185 will be modified to operate between Mona Vale and Warringah Mall (Pittwater Road) only. Route 185 in the Samuel Street, Parkland Road and Waratah Street area will be replaced by route 182 which will be modified to operate in this area.
• Route L85 will no longer operate, replaced by all-stops route 185 to Warringah Mall (Pittwater Road).
For travel to the City connect with B-line services at Narrabeen.
• Route L90 will continue to operate during the weekday off-peak (9:00am-3:00pm) and weekends
(7:00am-10:00pm), with a service frequency of 60 minutes. For travel to the City outside of these times, catch new B-line services or routes E88 or E89.
Warriewood Valley
• Route E85 will continue to operate between Mona Vale and the City via Warriewood Valley
- Additional route E85 services will be provided
- Extended operating hours in AM and PM peak periods
- Modified stopping pattern, with services operating all stops to Dee Why, then stopping only
at Warringah Mall (Pittwater Road), Neutral Bay Junction and the City.
• Route 185 will be modified to operate between Mona Vale and Warringah Mall (Pittwater Road),
replacing daytime route L85 services. For travel to the City, connect to B-Line services at any B-Line
bus stop between Mona Vale and Warringah Mall (Pittwater Road).
• Route L85 will no longer operate, replaced by all-stops route 185 to Warringah Mall (Pittwater Road).
For travel to the City connect with B-line services at Narrabeen.
Elanora Heights
• Route E83 will continue to operate between Elanora Heights and the City.
- Additional route E83 services will be provided
- Extended operating hours in AM and PM peak periods
- Modified stopping pattern, with services operating all stops to Dee Why, then stopping only at Warringah Mall (Pittwater Road), Neutral Bay Junction and the City.
• Route 182 will continue to operate Narrabeen to Mona Vale via Elanora Heights. Services will also operate on Sundays.