Community News: April 2019
April 14 - 27, 2019: Issue 401
Articles This Week
Aquatics: Pittwater's Little Penguin Colony: The Saving Of The Fairies Of Lion Island Commenced 65 Years Ago This Year - these delightful creatures continue to be seen at estuarine and coastal beaches - something to look out for and celebrate this school holidays!

Reflections by George Repin: ORTHODOX EASTER
Park Bench Philosophers: Photographers Of Early Pittwater: David 'Rex' Hazlewood
Collectors Corner: Photographers Of Early Pittwater: Henry King - with so many images taken of Bay View House, then owned by David Scott, also an early colonial photographer, has Mr. King taken any of Mr. Scott? How does Mona Vale's 'Black Swamp' look from Bungan Hill in the 1880's, or the just built Barrenjoey?
Artists of the Month: April 2019: Avalon Craft Cottage - Avalon Craft Cottage members are celebrating the 50th Birthday of the Craft Cottage this year, which is a huge milestone for a local craft group. With their first show for 2019 opening April 1st at Warriewood, a timely insight into a great creative co-op that's still where you can find the best there is by the best crafters around
On Facebook
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/4/2019
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Pantry For Community

Palm Beach Water Dragon
Eastern Water Dragon enjoying the view, watching for prey from a good vantage point, above Palm Beach. April 2019
Photo courtesy Pittwater Natural Heritage Association (PNHA)

April School Holidays Issues 401 To 402
Please note that there will be NO Issue published on Easter Sunday March 21st, 2019.
Issue 401, will published Sunday April 14th. Issue 402, including our Anzac Day coverage, will run Sunday April 28th.
Staff will be back in the office on Wednesday April 24th. We hope you all have a great break.Thank you very much.
Share Our Space
The NSW Government is making our communities greener and more liveable by ensuring more outdoor space is available for the whole community to enjoy.
As part of Share Our Space, playgrounds, ovals and sports courts will reopen during school holidays at participating schools.
Schools are at the heart of our communities, and after a successful first year of the program, Share Our Space will continue this autumn.
Participating schools across regional and metro NSW will open from 8am-6pm, 7 days a week from 13 April – 26 April 2019, including public holidays.
The Department of Education’s School Infrastructure NSW unit manages the program. This involves opening and closing school gates each morning and evening, ensuring the schools are cleaned regularly and arranging security guards to manage and maintain our valuable school assets.
The $30 million Share Our Space program forms part of the NSW Government’s $290 million Open Spaces and Greener Sydney package to make NSW communities greener and more liveable.
Participating SchoolsMona Vale Public School: Waratah Street, next to car park
Narrabeen North Public School:Back entrance, near Warriewood Valley Sports Ground
Bayview Church Point Residents Association 2019 AGM
Bayview Church Point Residents Association (BCPRA), established in 1907, and one of the oldest continuously active community groups on the Northern Beaches, is currently looking to welcome new and current members at its upcoming Annual General Meeting .
President Ken Wallace said the BCPRA community association is committed to preserving the natural beauty of our unique local environment, while balancing this with the need for controlled development. The BCPRA aims to achieve ongoing enjoyment for all local residents and their families.
“We are currently represented by a keen and active committee who are actively engaged in wide range of local issues, and are always looking for fresh ideas,” Mr Wallace said.
The BCPRA Committee meets monthly, and on behalf of members, maintains liaison with Northern Beaches Council and other relevant authorities, and to ensure a coordinated voice on wider local matters, actively liaises with other Pittwater Community Associations.
The BCPRA Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 30 April at Bayview Yacht Racing Association (BYRA) clubhouse, 1842 Pittwater Road, Bayview.
Starting at 7.00pm for refreshments and registration, the brief AGM to commence at 7.30pm will be followed by presentations by our Northern Beaches Council Ward Councillors, a representative of NBC CEO Ray Brownlee (and hopefully, our local member), and finally, a BCPRA Members Question and Answer session.
Membership at an annual cost of $25.00 per family is open to all adult residents of Bayview and Church Point. While it will be possible to enrol at the AGM, it would be appreciated if new and re-enrolling members could use the Membership details on the Bayview Church Point Residents Association website, to sign up.
Any queries, contact the BCPRA via PO Box 348 Church Point 2105, email or contact the Secretary via
Bungaree Inspiration Group
April 11, 2019Would you like to see more fun Creative, Cultural and Educational Programs and Events in your area? Help us to help you by completing this short survey.
We are looking to form a Not For Profit Association for the communities surrounding Broken Bay and Pittwater to Inspire, Support, Network, Incubate, Activate, and Fund Raise for Creative, Cultural and Educational programs and events, facilities and equipment in the local area from Newport to Palm Beach and the Pittwater and Western Foreshore Communities.
We would like to hear whether you would be interested in joining this group and what specific areas of interest you have. Please take the time to complete this short survey if this piques your curiosity?
Sydney Wildlife Carers Course May 2019
Scratchum the Brushtail possum was found in the middle of the day sitting in a puddle outside a petrol station on King st, Newtown.
A lovely person spotted her, scooped her up, kept her warm in their jacket and walked to the vet.
The little one was very dehydrated and cold.
If still in the wild she would be in her mum’s pouch and riding on her back at night. We aren’t sure how they were separated.One of our volunteers soon picked Scratchum up and has been caring for her ever since.
Scratchum is doing very well, she loves her marsupial formula and has started eating solids. In a few months Scratchum will be ready for release!
Our next Rescue & Care course is 18-19 May 2019. If you want to help in the rescue and rehabilitation of our wildlife go to the following link to register:

Warriewood Square Introduces Timed Parking Limits
As of Monday April 8th Warriewood Square are introducing timed parking. Management states there will be no boom gates or tickets and it will still be easy to find a park.
Secure Parking will be issuing $66 breach notices to people that continue to park more than the specified 2 or 3-hour limit. Breach notices will not be issued to customers who are parked in a disabled car space, with their disability sticker displayed. For the first month of the changes, warning notices will be issued
The parking limits are as follows:Ground level 2 hour parking
Level 1 3 hour parking
Level 2 3 hour parking and all day
Level 3 3 hour parking
Ground level 2 hour parking
Level 1 3 hour parking
Level 2 3 hour parking and all day
Level 3 3 hour parking
Avalon Boomerang Bags April Updates
Diary DatesTuesday 16 9am - 5pm Screen printing at Robyn's - Bayview/Church PointWe need more patches and pockets printed, it is such a fun day - the more folk the merrier. There are a variety of parts to the process, cutting, ironing, printing and even sewing if we get lots of you. No experience is needed. Coffee, teas and hot cross buns provided but BYO lunch. We don't expect you to come for the whole day (but please do if you feel like it) it's just easier to keep going once everything is set up.
Please RSVP to this email;
Tuesday 23 9am - 5pm Back up day for Screen printing at Robyn'sIn case we don't get enough made or the weather isn't on our side on the 16th.

Tuesday 16 and 23 April NO workshops at the Recreation Centre - it's school holidays
FRESH AT THE PASADENA IN CHURCH POINTOwner Colin, has come on board and is a keen supporter and is promoting the BYO bag concept. He has a bin that is filled with customers excess enviro bags for others to "borrow" when they forget theirs and of course, "bring back" next time they are in. Colin is also selling our gorgeous handmade ones for $10.
The shop is open 7 days and has all of your everyday commodities, gelato, sweets, great Easter eggs and drinks as well as interesting and useful items like beeswax wraps and handmade straw brooms.
Thanks Colin
Thanks for reading and supporting us - if you can help in any way, please put up your hand, we'd love to hear from you.

Mackellar Climate Election Candidates Forum
Hosted by StopAdani MackellarWednesday, April 17, 2019 at 6:30 PM – 8 PMModus Operandi Brewing Co.14 Harkeith Street, Mona ValeConcern for climate change is at an all time high. That’s why the federal election in May is shaping up to be the #climateelection.
Join Stop Adani Mackellar to find out which Mackellar candidates are ready to step up for climate change . We need to pack out the room, so invite your friends and family as well!
Alice Thompson (Independent), Prudence Wawn (The Greens) and Declan Steele (Labor) are all participating. Jason Falinski, Mackellar’s Liberal MP, is unable to attend due to prior commitments.
Please RSVP on the provided link above (FREE) so we know how many seats we’ll need for the evening.

Communities’ Environment Program Grants
From Jason Falinski, MP for MackellarThere are a number of grants and funding available for the Beaches that are closing soon, apply now so you or an organisation you know doesn't miss out.Grants of up to $20,000 for small-scale, community-led projects for environmental priorities such as:- waste and litter reduction
- protecting native animals, including our threatened species
- addressing weeds and pest animals
- restoring and improving coasts, wetlands, riverbanks and waterways
- greening parks and urban areas.
- waste and litter reduction
- protecting native animals, including our threatened species
- addressing weeds and pest animals
- restoring and improving coasts, wetlands, riverbanks and waterways
- greening parks and urban areas.
Rotary Club Brings A Fun Day Of Golf To The Northern Beaches For A Great Cause
The Rotary Club of Upper Northern Beaches is inviting men and women to sign up for a fun Charity Golf Day at Mona Vale Golf Club (Golf Avenue, Mona Vale) on Friday 24 May, with proceeds going to the charitable projects of the Rotary club.
"Golf experience is entirely optional," said club President Simon Masman. "The event will appeal to the golfing enthusiast as well as the casual player. We're planning a great day out for everyone." The 18-hole event will follow the popular 4-ball Ambrose format, in which each player can participate regardless of skill level. The day begins with golf registration and a light breakfast from 6:30am followed by a shotgun start at 8:00, with the teams starting on different holes. A snack and drinks cart will be available on the course during the morning, as well as optional novelty events. The event wraps up with a hearty two-course lunch at 1:00pm.
This is the fourth annual golf day event organised by the Rotary Club of Upper Northern Beaches.
"We're excited to be able to run this event in our local area," said organiser Annette Baggie. "We're offering golfers a fun day out at beautiful Mona Vale Golf Club and also raising some money for our club's worthy causes."
Players can register as individuals or as foursomes. The full breakfast-golf-and-lunch package costs $160. Or you can register for just golf for $100 or just lunch for $65. Sponsorship packages are available for the event.
Golf Day proceeds will go to Lifeline Northern Beaches, Veterans Centre Sydney Northern Beaches, Be Centre and other projects of Upper Northern Beaches Rotary.
Golf Day information and registration forms are available at the Rotary Club of Upper Northern Beaches website.Visit: .
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2019
Pittwater Place stalls: Feb 2, March 2, April 6, May 4, June 1. Selling sewing, knitting, craft, books 9am to 3pm
Sausage sizzles Bunnings Narrabeen: Feb 9, March 9, April 13, May 11, June 8 All Saturdays 8am to 3pm
Stall outside Mona Vale Library 23rd March (State Election) Baking, sewing, knitting, craft 8am to 3pm

FOTB Seeking Prize Donations For 6th Annual Christmas In July Ball
The 6th annual 'Christmas in July' Charity Ball at Miramare Gardens will be held on July 6th this year. The Fight on the Beaches team are currently seeking input from the local business community to help raise another $250 000.
If you have a business, or work for a business that could donate a prize to help fund Australian cancer research at RNSH and Macquarie Uni Hospital it would be so appreciated.
Please visit the FOTB Help Us Fight for a Cure webpage and click on the Prize Donations link.
For more Visit:
Proposed Lease Of Road Reserve Adjacent To 1 Queens Parade, Newport
Under section 154 of the Roads Act 1993, council are considering a lease for a term of five (5) years to the occupier of 1 Queens Parade, Newport for an area of approximately 23 square metres of road reserve adjacent to 1 Queens Parade, Newport and Lot 1 DP 864721.
The purpose of the proposed lease is for an accessible car parking space with access to the building.
Make a submission in writing to the CEO, Northern Beaches Council, PO BOX 82 Manly 1655 Enquiries: Council’s Property Officer Ph. 1300 434 434Submissions close: Sunday 21st April 2019
Community, Arts & Culture Grants Will Foster A More Inclusive Northern Beaches
Northern Beaches Council is allocating $240,000 to its Community, Arts & Culture Grants Program for the year 2019/20 with a special focus on advancing “social inclusion”.
Northern Beaches Mayor Michael Regan said Council is keen to is keen to foster welcoming villages and neighbourhood centres that are vibrant, accessible and support the health and wellbeing of our community.
Grants of between $2,000 and $10,000 are available to eligible groups and organisations which undertake projects or activities that bring direct benefit to the locals and the community.
“The 2019 - 2020 Community, Arts & Culture Grants Program is directed at groups that share Council’s vision of ‘a safe, inclusive and connected community that lives in balance with our extraordinary coastal and bushland environment’,” he said. The grants will be available for projects that can be implemented between July 2019 and 30 June 2020. To qualify, grant applicants must be incorporated not-for-profit organisations operating within the Northern Beaches local government area.
However, individuals and unincorporated small groups may qualify for a grant so long as they are sponsored to undertake their project by an eligible not-for-profit organisation.
Industry peak bodies and political parties are not eligible for the grants, and there is a specific separate grant program for events.“We receive so many very deserving applications so eligible groups and organisations who are want to apply are strongly urged to attend one of four information sessions on the grants program being held on.” Mayor Michael Regan said.
They will be held on:• Monday 18 March, 6:30 – 8pm at North Narrabeen Community & Tennis Centre• Wednesday 20 March, 10am - 12pm at Mona Vale Memorial Hall• Tuesday 2 April, 10am – 12pm at Dee Why Council Chambers• Thursday 4 April, 6 – 8pm at Dee Why Council Chambers…and one of two general grant writing seminars on:• Monday 25 March, 6:30 – 8pm at North Narrabeen Community & Tennis Centre• Tuesday 26 March, 10am – 12pm at Dee Why Council Chambers
The Community, Arts & Culture Grants funding round will open for applications from 9am Monday 18 March and will close at 3pm, Tuesday 30 April 2019.
“The objective of the Community, Arts & Culture Grants is to support local groups and organisations that work to create a stronger and more connected Northern Beaches community, with an explicit focus on addressing the causes of inequality and disadvantage,” said Mayor Regan.
“A small subsidy can make a real difference to community-based organisations wanting to present projects or activities.”For details, go to Council’s website
Guns Out For Tombsy Gala Benefit Dinner
The Guns Out for Tombsy Gala Benefit Dinner is being held on Friday June 21, at The Star, Sydney. MC for the event is Phil Kearns, Guest speaker Sam Bailey and you’ll hear from Richard himself...with more announcements to come! This will not be your regular rugby dinner - it promises to be a night of entertainment- so invite your partner, colleagues and friends.
A Life, a Family, a Community has been changed. It’s time to get your Guns Out and support your mate Tombsy.
Tables of 10 are now being sold (no single ticket being sold at present). To purchase go to:

Opportunity For Residents To Develop And Select Community Projects
Council To Repair Hall

Northern Beaches Music Festival 2019 Cancelled
EPA Fines Sydney Water $60,000: Local Creek Polluted
- Pymble overflow into an unnamed creek in the Lane Cove River catchment (3 May 2018)
- Faulconbridge overflow into bushland and gully (27 May 2018)
- Forestville overflow into bushland and an unnamed creek in Garigal National Park (25 June 2018)
Peter Loft Marathon

Pets of the Week

Ingleside Chase Reserve Biobanking Agreement
- improving habitat value and conservation of threatened flora and fauna species,
- reducing the impact of weeds and feral animal pests, and
- reducing human impacts to improve water quality in the Narrabeen, Fern and Mullet Creek catchments.
- provision of biodiversity offsets that are kept local to the Northern Beaches
- ongoing, in-perpetuity funding for management of the reserve for conservation purposes
- facilitation of the implementation of management actions which have previously been identified within the adopted Plan of Management.
- in-perpetuity management of the reserve’s high conservation values.
April 7 - 13, 2019: Issue 400
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 400: Barrenjoey High School Students to the Rescue on Avalon Beach
Australian Sailing Team Members Heading To Medal Races At 2019 Princess Sofia Trophy: Gold Medal For Jason Waterhouse and Lisa Darmanin by Di Pearson
Aquatics: SLSA Australian Championships -The Aussies 2019: Masters and Opens!
Pittwater Lady Announced As Max Gardner Award Recipient: Mary Jones, a committee member of Northern Beaches Prostate Cancer Support Group
Grevillea Caleyi Project Secures Funding For Another Five Years At Ingleside But Needs More Bushcare Volunteers by Miranda Korzy
Premier Announces New NSW Cabinet
Reflections by George Repin: ORTHODOX EASTER
Park Bench Philosophers: Photographers Of Early Pittwater: David 'Rex' Hazlewood
Collectors Corner: Photographers Of Early Pittwater: Henry King - with so many images taken of Bay View House, then owned by David Scott, also an early colonial photographer, has Mr. King taken any of Mr. Scott? How does Mona Vale's 'Black Swamp' look from Bungan Hill in the 1880's, or the just built Barrenjoey?
Profile of the Week: Mona Vale Dunes Bushcare and Avalon Dunes Bushcare: after the sand mining of the 1960's and 1970's at these locations, volunteers have gradually reduced invasive weeds and enabled local wildlife to come into these reserves. They're calling for more hands to make lighter work and you can turn once a month or once every second month for an hour or two to help restore and protect these vital natural buffers and places where the fauna and flora of Pittwater may live.
Artists of the Month: April 2019: Avalon Craft Cottage - Avalon Craft Cottage members are celebrating the 50th Birthday of the Craft Cottage this year, which is a huge milestone for a local craft group. With their first show for 2019 opening April 1st at Warriewood, a timely insight into a great creative co-op that's still where you can find the best there is by the best crafters around
On Facebook
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/4/2019
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
April School Holidays Issues 401 To 402
Baha'i Temple Bush Regeneration Morning April 8
Probus Club Of Pittwater: April Meeting

Avalon Surf Swim 2019
Daylight Saving Done!
Breaking News: Rugby Games Sunday

Bayview Church Point Residents Association 2019 AGM
Warringah Rugby Club Kick Off 2019 Season
Barrenjoey High School Students To The Rescue At Avalon Beach

Two students from Barrenjoey High School were heroes on Wednesday this week when they rescued a young boy who got into difficulties in the surf at Avalon Beach.
Five boys from the school were doing their Surf Survival Assessment when they heard cries for help in the water.
Two brothers from Darwin were at the beach with their grandmother. The younger boy, 7, got into trouble about 50m from shore and was in distress, yelling out for help.
Rudy Duke-Yonge fortunately had the rescue tube around him and swam to the boy's aid and held him up until Remy Garner arrived to assist. Remy removed the tube from Rudy and put it around the boy and he was taken safely back to shore.
It certainly turned out to be an eventful day for the boys from Barrenjoey High. Rudy did the course because he just wanted to do something different.
While he was not involved in the rescue, Jacob Cowan told one of the SLS Sydney Northern Beaches instructors Tracey Hare-Boyd that he wants to do the course again in fourth term because he gained so much out of it.
Pittwater Lady Announced As Max Gardner Award Recipient

- Dr Zaklina Kovacevic – Researcher
- Assoc Professor Michael Izard – Radiation Oncologist
- Assoc Professor Celi Vero -Urologist
- Mens’ Night Only
- Speakers on new developments in the treatment of prostate cancer
Midnight Oil Reveal Final 2019 Gigs And Possible Recording Plans

Warriewood Square Introduces Timed Parking Limits
Ground level 2 hour parking
Level 1 3 hour parking
Level 2 3 hour parking and all day
Level 3 3 hour parking
Avalon Boomerang Bags April Updates

Communities’ Environment Program Grants
- waste and litter reduction
- protecting native animals, including our threatened species
- addressing weeds and pest animals
- restoring and improving coasts, wetlands, riverbanks and waterways
- greening parks and urban areas.
Wildlife Rehabilitation Sector Strategy Changes
Pets of the Week

Rotary Club Brings A Fun Day Of Golf To The Northern Beaches For A Great Cause
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2019

Global Positioning System Rollover Week: April 6th 2019
Proposed Lease Of Road Reserve Adjacent To 1 Queens Parade, Newport
FOTB Seeking Prize Donations For 6th Annual Christmas In July Ball
Guns Out For Tombsy Gala Benefit Dinner

Community, Arts & Culture Grants Will Foster A More Inclusive Northern Beaches
7th Annual Maybanke Lecture

Appointment As Parliamentary Secretary For The Environment And Veterans
Mackellar Climate Election Candidates Forum

Peter Loft Marathon

RPAYC Catamaran Invitational 30/31 March
ANZAC Day In Pittwater: 2019
Church Point
Avalon Beach RSL Club

ANZAC Commemorations 2019 - Pittwater RSL Sub- Branch

Narrabeen RSL Sub-Branch

Club Palm Beach

Mums For Mums 50/50 Raffle

Newport Flood Study - Draft
- Tuesday 12 March, 11:30am – 3pm at the Newport Community Centre
- Monday 18 March, 4 – 7pm at the Mona Vale Memorial Hall Meeting Room
- Friday 22 March, 2 – 5pm at the Newport Community Centre
- Saturday 23 March, 9:30am – 1pm at the Newport Community Centre
Ingleside, Elanora And Warriewood Draft Overland Flow Flood Study
- Mon 11 Mar, 3 - 6pm
- Mon 18 Mar, 1 - 4pm
- Tue 19 Mar, 1 - 4pm
- Sat 23 Mar, 1 - 4pm
Ingleside Chase Reserve Biobanking Agreement
- improving habitat value and conservation of threatened flora and fauna species,
- reducing the impact of weeds and feral animal pests, and
- reducing human impacts to improve water quality in the Narrabeen, Fern and Mullet Creek catchments.
- provision of biodiversity offsets that are kept local to the Northern Beaches
- ongoing, in-perpetuity funding for management of the reserve for conservation purposes
- facilitation of the implementation of management actions which have previously been identified within the adopted Plan of Management.
- in-perpetuity management of the reserve’s high conservation values.
March 31 - April 6, 2019: Issue 399
Articles This Week
Youth Sailing In Pittwater: March 2019 Update - What's Been Happening At NLSC, BYRA, RPAYC, ASC and What's Coming Up For Autumn School Holidays
Aquatics: Aussies 2019: Youth Weekend - list of local participants and some results
Northern Beaches Students Challenge School Principal For The Greater Good
Bayview Golf Course Development Refused In Land And Environment Court
Pictures: Marine Rescue Terrey Hills Open Day 2019: Marine Rescue Sydney Radio Base by Michael Mannington and AJG
More Surfers Saving Swimmers Across The State: Surfers Rescue 24/7 funding commitment announced
Australian Sailing Team Prepares For Palma 2019 by Di Pearson
Avalon Craft Cottage members are celebrating the 50th Birthday of the Craft Cottage this year, which is a huge milestone for a local craft group. With their first show for 2019 opening April 1st at Warriewood, a timely insight into a great creative co-op that's still where you can find the best there is by the best crafters around
On Facebook:
Books: April 2019 - D-Day New Guinea By Phillip Bradley, Old Days, Old Ways; Stories From My Radio Days In The Bush By Alex Nicol, Plankton: A Guide To Their Ecology And Monitoring For Water Quality, Second Edition Edited by: Iain Suthers, David Rissik, Anthony Richardson, Wildlife Of The Otways And Shipwreck Coast By Grant Palmer, Australian Backyard Earth Scientist By Peter Macinnis
Old Books: read in full here: online! Autumn 2019: The Dead Heart of Australia: A Journey Around Lake Eyre in the Summer of 1901-1902 by John Walter Gregory Publication date 1906, Australia As It Is: Its Settlements, Farms, And Gold Fields by Francis Lancelott Publication date 1852, An Australian Ramble, Or, A Summer In Australia (1890) written by James Ewing Ritchie
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/4/2019
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
April School Holidays Issues 401 To 402
VALE - Steve 'The Beaver' Reilly

Global Positioning System Rollover Week: April 6th 2019
Mowing Exercise
Avalon Surf Swim 2019
Avalon Off-Leash Dog Area Gets The Green Light
NSW First: Financial Support For Coastal Residents Endorsed
Proposed Lease Of Road Reserve Adjacent To 1 Queens Parade, Newport
FOTB Seeking Prize Donations For 6th Annual Christmas In July Ball
Please Keep Eye Out For This Leatherback Turtle
- ASRCC if you spot him 0438 862 676 or
- Taronga Zoo 02 9978 4785
- Sydney Wildlife Rescue 02 9413 4300
- ORRCA 02 9415 3333
- WIRES 1300 094 737
- Sydney Sealife Aquarium: 0404109198

Advance Care Planning Info Session At Mona Vale + FONBPC News
In April the second annual Advance Care Planning Week in Australia will take place. The aim is to enable every Australian to make the best choices for their life and health care, based on their values and preferences. If a person was unwell and not able to communicate their preferences to others, how could we know what they’d want? Who would speak for them?Australian Sailing Welcomes New CEO

Katie Pellew Running For CanToo In Hawkes Bay Marathon 2019

Guns Out For Tombsy Gala Benefit Dinner

7th Annual Maybanke Lecture

Ingleside, Elanora And Warriewood Draft Overland Flow Flood Study
- Mon 11 Mar, 3 - 6pm
- Mon 18 Mar, 1 - 4pm
- Tue 19 Mar, 1 - 4pm
- Sat 23 Mar, 1 - 4pm
Community, Arts & Culture Grants Will Foster A More Inclusive Northern Beaches
Church Point Ferry Service To Trail New Services

Council Slashes Parking Fees At Rowland Reserve By 40%
Statement From The CEO SLS NSW

Friends Of Currawong Update: Members Please!

Pets of the Week

ANZAC Day In Pittwater: 2019
Church Point
Avalon Beach RSL Club

ANZAC Commemorations 2019 - Pittwater RSL Sub- Branch

Narrabeen RSL Sub-Branch

Club Palm Beach

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2019

Mums For Mums 50/50 Raffle

Newport Flood Study - Draft
- Tuesday 12 March, 11:30am – 3pm at the Newport Community Centre
- Monday 18 March, 4 – 7pm at the Mona Vale Memorial Hall Meeting Room
- Friday 22 March, 2 – 5pm at the Newport Community Centre
- Saturday 23 March, 9:30am – 1pm at the Newport Community Centre
Ingleside Chase Reserve Biobanking Agreement
- improving habitat value and conservation of threatened flora and fauna species,
- reducing the impact of weeds and feral animal pests, and
- reducing human impacts to improve water quality in the Narrabeen, Fern and Mullet Creek catchments.
- provision of biodiversity offsets that are kept local to the Northern Beaches
- ongoing, in-perpetuity funding for management of the reserve for conservation purposes
- facilitation of the implementation of management actions which have previously been identified within the adopted Plan of Management.
- in-perpetuity management of the reserve’s high conservation values.