Community News: December 2017
December 17, 2017 - January 13, 2018: Issue 342
Articles This Week
Pictures: Pittwater’s 2017: a few of the articles run along with the images from these.
The Rise Of The Cruising Season: A Look At Some Early Australian sailers and Local Visitor Beauties
Aquatics: Frantic Double Back For Club Marine Pittwater To Paradise Regatta by Lisa Ratcliff
Dolls - No 4 In: Really Bad Poetry For Children
Park Bench Philosopher Invitation To Come Play Summer Will Leave Mona Vale Public School Accessible To All
Surf Life Saving Australia’s 2017 National Coastal Safety Report
Windsor Bridge: Planned Destruction Of Historic Link With A Pittwater Connection - Upper House Parliamentary Inquiry into Windsor Bridge replacement program accepting submissions until January 28th
Christmas Cheers From The Critters by Lynleigh Greig
The 2017 Sydney to Hobart: Classics, Supermaxis, an All Women Crew and an Invictus Games 2018 Prelude, the Ashes on Water Test + Some Pittwater Sailors
2017 Reprises (Readers Requests); Avalon Beach North Headland Indian Face 'Falls': An Everchanging Coastline
Pittwater Ocean Swim Series 2017-2018: Newport January 7th, Avalon January 14th, Mona Vale January 21st, The Big Swim January 28th
Profile: Lisa Ratcliff On Course Communications The lady whose sailing articles features every week in specialist sailing magazines, as well as here, in her own hometown news service, has been nominated for sailing awards for her work multiple times and won the 2007 Yachting Australia media award.
The proprietor of On Course Communications (OCC)Lisa is a Freelance event manager and event journalist/PR professional specialised in covering sailing events and classes in Australia and internationally. Lisa Ratcliff is industry recognised and has been awarded for her work covering most of the major Australian regattas and races including the Rolex Sydney Hobart yacht race, Hamilton Island Race Week and World Sailing Series, as well as covering three world championships in different classes.
With over 20 years experience in sailing journalism you could say that saltwater is in her blood - so much so that this year she's sailing the Sydney to Hobart, the legendary race her pen has brought you details of through years past - which is a whole other side of a mainsheet!
This week, that lady who brings you your sailing news every week takes the final turn for 2017 as a Pittwater Online News Profile of the Week.
Artist of the Month: December 2017 - January 2018 Robyn McWilliam's Malevolent Desire - Published by Rob McWilliam on Amazon also available as an e-book. Reviewed by: Pippa Kay; If you are looking for a fast-paced read this book is for you. The reader is drawn into the suspense because the author makes us care about the characters, despite their flaws. Sanderson, the hard-drinking detective, loses his best friend and colleague and blames himself. Initially he doesn’t get on with his new side-kick, Fyurk. Jill, the academic, with her insecurities, is sympathetically drawn, and the victim’s friends and fellow students are an interesting but credible group of university students. Chapter.1 Sample and More available here
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 2/1/2018
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Pittwater’s Heritage

Mona Vale Performance Space: Expression Of Interest For Committee Members
- To develop a feasibility study for the proposed Mona Vale Performance Space to test the viability and achievability of the proposed project.
- To develop a business case for the proposed Mona Vale Performance Space in order to understand the potential cost for construction and future management and operation of the project.
- To initiate a charitable trust that can receive donations for the construction of the centre.
- To actively engage with the community to gauge and garner their support and buy-in for the project.
- To understand costs of the operation and lifecycle of the venue for the future.
- To determine the most suitable location for the Performance Space.
- an auditorium 600 – 1000 seats
- stage size for concert orchestra 15m x 10m
- warm up and rehearsal spaces
- technical attributes – low tech
- funding approximately $20M
- potential retail/ commercial use
- underground carpark
Zonta NB And Avalon Quilters Gifts

Newport Residents Association Christmas Meet

Environment Good Bad Ugly 2017
State Environmental Planning Controls(Draft Environment SEPP):Urban Bushland
- The majority of the provisions of SEPP 19 will be transferred to SEPP (Environment). These provisions will be updated and some will be transferred to a Ministerial Direction.
- Update council names to reflect recent council amalgamations and boundary changes.
- Extend its land application to cover local government areas that are currently partly outside the application of SEPP 19 including parts of Hawkesbury and Central Coast local government areas.
- Transfer plan making provisions in SEPP 19 to a Ministerial Direction.
- A new circular on Urban Bushland is being finalised for consultation. It has been developed to provide further information and detail regarding the application of SEPP 19. This circular will replace planning Circulars No. B13 and No. 114.
Draft Environment SEPP

Pet of the Week

Central Coast Makes Big Progress In First Year Of Regional Plan
- Issuing Gateway Determinations (decisions on planning proposals) with potential for 420 jobs and 800 dwellings;
- the Government Architect tasked to oversee the revitalisation of the Gosford CBD;
- supporting the Gosford Hospital health and wellbeing centre and University of the Newcastle Central Coast Medical School and Research Institute to the tune of $350 million.

Coaches & Managers Invite For 2018

- Leading by example to promote an inclusive, committed and united club culture.
- Raising the skill level of new and existing players.
- All club positions are volunteer appointments; however a small honorarium may be available depending on experience
- Innovative coaches with the ability to plan, design, implement and review training programs consistent to ensure player development and enjoyment.
- Player roster, game day and mid week administration and management duties.
- Working with the committee and players to promote the playing, social and community objectives of the club.
Residents Want 'Welcome To Pittwater' Sign Returned

Call For National Heritage List Nominations
Petition: Save Ingleside From Over-Development
Pittwater Online Christmas New Years Break
Pasadena Progress?

New Truck For Ingleside RFS

Whale Rock Avalon: To Be Or Not To Be?

Ausgrid Energy Reliability Project: Scotland Island And Western Foreshores
Pittwater Camera Club Images Of The Year

ABHS Christmas Party 2017

Planning Proposal - 1-3 Rodborough Road, Frenchs Forest

New Years Eve Fireworks

Avalon Lifeline Sale
Draft Affordable Housing SEPP 70 Review

Sydney Art Space, Mona Vale: Term 1 2018

Florence Foster Jenkins - The Worst Singer In The World

Christmas Cheers From The Critters

Thankfully, however, our community is also overflowing with superhuman beings who pour all their passion, energy, time, money and their very souls into making things better for the wild babies! These are the people we would like to thank profusely.
Concerned members of the public, all wildlife rescue organisations, our Police, our Firefighters and SES, all our educators, our environmental representatives and wildlife advocates in Council, our veterinarians and their staff, our Zoo clinic, our wildlife-trained dogs and their trainers, our bush regeneration teams, our volunteer environmental advocates and groups, our roadkill prevention team and our wonderful media without whom the wildlife would be lost.
Over the Christmas period, temperatures go up, more people will be on the roads and there will be lots of fireworks for celebrations.
Just like our pets, the wildlife will be affected by all these things, too.
In hot weather, you can help immensely by leaving a bowl of fresh water at the bottom of the garden for thirsty little critters. Not a metal bowl as they get too hot. A nice ceramic bowl works best in a shaded area with some tree/bush for cover. Make sure to replenish it daily.
When driving, try to keep alert for wildlife at the edge of the road and slow down if they look like they are attempting to cross. If you see any marsupials (mammals with pouches) that have been hit, call for help as a joey could still be alive in a pouch.
If you see any wildlife in distress or in an odd location during or after the fireworks, please call:
Sydney Wildlife 9413 4300 (24-hour service)
WIRES 1300 094 737
Wishing you all a safe, happy and WILD Christmas and New Year!!!
Lynleigh Greig
Sydney Wildlife
BYRA's Summer: 1957

Northern Beaches People

Policy For Appointing Community & Stakeholder Representatives To Committees
Report Illegal Tree Loppers

Grants For Portable Defibrillators

Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store. Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe. Keep up to date on theirFacebook page
Pittwater Community Groups:
Searching For William John Gibbons
Planning Alerts
Course For A Cause At Avalon

The purpose of - is best defined by the vision of the West Pittwater Community Association.
To be a supportive community, encouraging and promoting civic pride, interest in community affairs and goodwill amongst residents.
To protect local fauna and flora and generally preserve West Pittwater and its environs.
To secure essential facilities including public wharves and reserves and to protect private and public property.
To speak with one voice and represent the interests of the Western Foreshore community when in discussion with Pittwater Council and other relevant government bodies. The WPCA website provides a forum for the better realisation of these objectives. Visit:
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport. We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. For more information at or call John on 9982 5656
Ingleside Precinct Planning Update
- All of the submissions and feedback have been reviewed. Feedback from landowners, Northern Beaches Council, the Ingleside Community Reference Group, state agencies and the community will inform the development of the final Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan.
- A decision will be made regarding the proposed amendment to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 to make Ingleside a Priority Growth Area. An amendment to the policy will help to assist Northern Beaches Council when assessing development applications prior to rezoning. This will ensure that the intended planning outcomes for Ingleside are considered during the assessment of new buildings or projects.
- The final Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan will be released early in 2018, which forms the basis of the formal planning controls and contributions schemes. The Plan will include new material on energy and water conservation measures as well as affordable housing.
- The formal planning controls and contributions schemes will also be placed on exhibition for comment at that time, including:
- Proposed changes to land use zones and associated controls for Ingleside;
- An application for Biodiversity Certification (this is required to be exhibited at the same time as the rezoning proposal). Biodiversity Certification enables areas of high conservation value to be identified upfront and means that landowners, Council and developers don't need to undertake a threatened species assessment during the Development Application stage;
- A Development Control Plan, addressing urban design controls for streetscapes, active travel, other public spaces and controls regarding the built form;
- A Special Infrastructure Contributions determination (section 94EE), funding biodiversity offsets, major infrastructure and potentially affordable housing;
- A Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan (Section 94), funding local infrastructure which will be maintained by Northern Beaches Council.
Red Cross Shop Newport

December 10 - 16, 2017: Issue 341
Articles This Week
Christmas Cheers From The Critters by Lynleigh Greig
NSW Interbranch Championships 2017: SNB Leads after Day 1
B-Line Two Weeks On: Feedback Being Monitored - Newport Residents Update
LGNSW Conference 2017: Overview - Labor Councillors win President, Treasurer and Vice Presidencies, Motions carried: against the State Government takeover of planning powers through IHAP legislation + the requirement that where an amalgamation with one or more councils is proposed there be a binding referendum in each council area asking voters if they want their council to be amalgamated or not. Not discussed: Transfer plan making provisions in SEPP 19 to a Ministerial Direction: Urban Bushland
Pictures: Carols At The Beach 2017
Woolworths Australian Junior Surfing Team Announced
Aquatics: The 2017 Sydney to Hobart: Classics, Supermaxis, an All Women Crew and an Invictus Games 2018 Prelude, the Ashes on Water Test + Some Pittwater Sailors
Reflections by George Repin: SNAPSHOTS OF AMSTERDAM
Farr 40 Newcastle One Design Trophy 2017 by Lisa Ratcliff
Park Bench Philosopher 2017 Reprises (Readers Requests); Avalon Beach North Headland Indian Face 'Falls': An Everchanging Coastline
Pittwater Ocean Swim Series 2017-2018: Bilgola December 10th, Newport January 7th, Avalon January 14th, Mona Vale January 21st, The Big Swim January 28th
Profile: Avalon Beach SLSC’s Surfboat Division - the U23's Women'sAvocados have been chosen as Australian representatives in the Trans Tasman 2018, a role the ABSLSC U23's Mens Pinkies won in 2016. Their Antiques Masters Ladies are World Champions, their Reserves Mens can rung rings around those a quarter their age. Last Issue we shared an insight into one of this surf club's Life Members, Don Imison - this week the dynamic present and future that strives to create one club atmosphere - these boaties should be poster people for how good surf life saving is!
Artist of the Month: December 2017: Mick Glasheen The Art Of Mick Glasheen: Drawing On The Land, Garigal Country -
Mick is holding his first public exhibition of his extraordinary panoramic drawings and paintings of the sandstone plateaus, caves and beaches of Pittwater. Mick brings the landscape to life in a way that few other artists have done.
Running over three weekends in December; 2, 3, 9, 10, 16 & 17 December, 2017, 8am - 5pm
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 9/12/2017 - Issue 1000!
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
A PON Milestone Has Been Reached: Issue 1000 !
Premier's Volunteer Recognition Program

Pittwater Online Christmas - New Years Break
Toys ‘N’ Tucker Christmas Appeal

Christmas Cheers From The Critters

Thankfully, however, our community is also overflowing with superhuman beings who pour all their passion, energy, time, money and their very souls into making things better for the wild babies! These are the people we would like to thank profusely.
Concerned members of the public, all wildlife rescue organisations, our Police, our Firefighters and SES, all our educators, our environmental representatives and wildlife advocates in Council, our veterinarians and their staff, our Zoo clinic, our wildlife-trained dogs and their trainers, our bush regeneration teams, our volunteer environmental advocates and groups, our roadkill prevention team and our wonderful media without whom the wildlife would be lost.
Over the Christmas period, temperatures go up, more people will be on the roads and there will be lots of fireworks for celebrations.
Just like our pets, the wildlife will be affected by all these things, too.
In hot weather, you can help immensely by leaving a bowl of fresh water at the bottom of the garden for thirsty little critters. Not a metal bowl as they get too hot. A nice ceramic bowl works best in a shaded area with some tree/bush for cover. Make sure to replenish it daily.
When driving, try to keep alert for wildlife at the edge of the road and slow down if they look like they are attempting to cross. If you see any marsupials (mammals with pouches) that have been hit, call for help as a joey could still be alive in a pouch.
If you see any wildlife in distress or in an odd location during or after the fireworks, please call:
Sydney Wildlife 9413 4300 (24-hour service)
WIRES 1300 094 737
Wishing you all a safe, happy and WILD Christmas and New Year!!!
Lynleigh Greig
Sydney Wildlife
Political Paradoxes
Northern Beaches People

Policy For Appointing Community & Stakeholder Representatives To Committees
Report Illegal Tree Loppers

Grants For Portable Defibrillators
Australian Government Procurement Contract Reporting
Scotland Island Dog Race
Scotland Island Dog Race 2016
Pet of the Week

Searching For William John Gibbons
Pittwater Carols Afloat 2017

Rotary Carols In The Park - Mona Vale

Have Your Say On Palliative Care In NSW
Ingleside Precinct Planning Update
- All of the submissions and feedback have been reviewed. Feedback from landowners, Northern Beaches Council, the Ingleside Community Reference Group, state agencies and the community will inform the development of the final Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan.
- A decision will be made regarding the proposed amendment to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 to make Ingleside a Priority Growth Area. An amendment to the policy will help to assist Northern Beaches Council when assessing development applications prior to rezoning. This will ensure that the intended planning outcomes for Ingleside are considered during the assessment of new buildings or projects.
- The final Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan will be released early in 2018, which forms the basis of the formal planning controls and contributions schemes. The Plan will include new material on energy and water conservation measures as well as affordable housing.
- The formal planning controls and contributions schemes will also be placed on exhibition for comment at that time, including:
- Proposed changes to land use zones and associated controls for Ingleside;
- An application for Biodiversity Certification (this is required to be exhibited at the same time as the rezoning proposal). Biodiversity Certification enables areas of high conservation value to be identified upfront and means that landowners, Council and developers don't need to undertake a threatened species assessment during the Development Application stage;
- A Development Control Plan, addressing urban design controls for streetscapes, active travel, other public spaces and controls regarding the built form;
- A Special Infrastructure Contributions determination (section 94EE), funding biodiversity offsets, major infrastructure and potentially affordable housing;
- A Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan (Section 94), funding local infrastructure which will be maintained by Northern Beaches Council.
Pasadena Progress?

Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store. Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe. Keep up to date on theirFacebook page
2018 NSW Women Of The Year Awards
Pittwater Community Groups:
GSC: Draft North District Plan
Draft Environment SEPP
State Environmental Planning Controls(Draft Environment SEPP):Urban Bushland
- The majority of the provisions of SEPP 19 will be transferred to SEPP (Environment). These provisions will be updated and some will be transferred to a Ministerial Direction.
- Update council names to reflect recent council amalgamations and boundary changes.
- Extend its land application to cover local government areas that are currently partly outside the application of SEPP 19 including parts of Hawkesbury and Central Coast local government areas.
- Transfer plan making provisions in SEPP 19 to a Ministerial Direction.
- A new circular on Urban Bushland is being finalised for consultation. It has been developed to provide further information and detail regarding the application of SEPP 19. This circular will replace planning Circulars No. B13 and No. 114.

Coaches & Managers Invite For 2018

- Leading by example to promote an inclusive, committed and united club culture.
- Raising the skill level of new and existing players.
- All club positions are volunteer appointments; however a small honorarium may be available depending on experience
- Innovative coaches with the ability to plan, design, implement and review training programs consistent to ensure player development and enjoyment.
- Player roster, game day and mid week administration and management duties.
- Working with the committee and players to promote the playing, social and community objectives of the club.
Residents Want 'Welcome To Pittwater' Sign Returned

Call For National Heritage List Nominations
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade: Proposed Lease Of Lands Prep. Works
Proposed Lease Of Land To Roads And Maritime Services (RMS) - Mona Vale Road

Petition: Save Ingleside From Over-Development
Planning Alerts
Course For A Cause At Avalon

The purpose of - is best defined by the vision of the West Pittwater Community Association.
To be a supportive community, encouraging and promoting civic pride, interest in community affairs and goodwill amongst residents.
To protect local fauna and flora and generally preserve West Pittwater and its environs.
To secure essential facilities including public wharves and reserves and to protect private and public property.
To speak with one voice and represent the interests of the Western Foreshore community when in discussion with Pittwater Council and other relevant government bodies. The WPCA website provides a forum for the better realisation of these objectives. Visit:
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport. We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. For more information at or call John on 9982 5656
Red Cross Shop Newport

December 3 - 9, 2017: Issue 340
Articles This Week
Pittwater High’s Inaugural Surfing Cup by Daniel Burton, Surfing Coordinator
7 Little Ducklings: Just Keep Paddling - Australian Wood Duck family take over local pool by Peta Wise
It’s A Wrap Bush Bound Lifesavers Head Home: Australia's most popular primary aged surf education program has closed the books on another successful season with almost 9000 NSW country students taking part in a lesson on surf safety from our volunteer lifesavers last week. Find out more about FLAGS; F for find the flags, L for look for the signs and read them, A for ask a lifesaver if you’ve got any questions or need help, G for get a friend, always swim with a friend and then S is also being to signal for help so explaining to them what they need to do if they get into trouble. From Surf Life Saving New South Wales
Tyler Wright Wins WSL World Title No 2 In Epic Conditions At Maui Pro by Surfing Australia
Pictures: The Art Of Mick Glasheen: Drawing On The Land, Garigal Country Now Open - The Opening Event - some Social Snaps
Aquatics: 2017 Surf Dive n Ski Australian Junior Surfing Titles at Culburra Beach by Surfing NSW
DIY Ideas: Preparing Al Fresco Areas for Christmas Get-Togethers and Summer Visitors
Take A Wander Down Australian Yachting Memory Lane (Admiral’s Cup 50th anniversary regatta in Sydney this weekend) by Di Pearson
Profile: Don and Beryl Imison: Avalon Beach SLSC’s first 60 Year Service Awards went to Life Members Max Watt, Doug Crane, Ken Davidson, Don Imison and Reg Wood in 2006, 11 years ago.
Don has seen the earliest and newest versions of this clubhouse. He’s also seen Avalon change from horses that take themselves for an amble down roads made of dirt to traffic lights. Beryl has seen days when there were lots of birds, then years when there were none due to all the developments and cutting down of trees, to now, when there are many more again. She served soft drinks at the clubhouse when The Stomp was all the rage. She served cake and tea and coffee to those who came to Avalon Beach SLSC to film that 1963 version of Bandstand.
Artist of the Month: December 2017: Mick Glasheen The Art Of Mick Glasheen: Drawing On The Land, Garigal Country -
Mick is holding his first public exhibition of his extraordinary panoramic drawings and paintings of the sandstone plateaus, caves and beaches of Pittwater. Mick brings the landscape to life in a way that few other artists have done.
Running over three weekends in December; 2, 3, 9, 10, 16 & 17 December, 2017, 8am - 5pm
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/12/2017
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Pittwater Online Christmas - New Years Break
State Environmental Planning Controls(Draft Environment SEPP): Urban Bushland
- The majority of the provisions of SEPP 19 will be transferred to SEPP (Environment). These provisions will be updated and some will be transferred to a Ministerial Direction.
- Update council names to reflect recent council amalgamations and boundary changes.
- Extend its land application to cover local government areas that are currently partly outside the application of SEPP 19 including parts of Hawkesbury and Central Coast local government areas.
- Transfer plan making provisions in SEPP 19 to a Ministerial Direction.
- A new circular on Urban Bushland is being finalised for consultation. It has been developed to provide further information and detail regarding the application of SEPP 19. This circular will replace planning Circulars No. B13 and No. 114.
Draft Environment SEPP
Pittwater Park Palm Beach Parking
- Provide more parking for the community to access nearby businesses through two hour, four hour and eight hour parking spaces
- Increase turnover and manage peak demand, eg during summer holidays, long weekends
- Provide dedicated parking with a new parking permit for Western Offshore residents
- Balance the needs of residents, visitors and commuters
- Promote nearby parking alternatives and public transport, including using the car park of nearby sports grounds Iluka and Woorak Reserve carparks and the 181 space Careel Bay Playing Fields carpark
- Prioritise road safety

Policy For Appointing Community & Stakeholder Representatives To Committees
Report Illegal Tree Loppers

Pittwater’s On-Demand Transport Trial Underway
27 November 2017The NSW Government’s innovative on-demand transport trial is now underway in Pittwater.
The trial, known as Keoride, is being administered by Transport for NSW and allows customers to use a website, phone number or app to book a vehicle that will arrive at their home, or convenient pick up location, and transfer them to the nearest B-Line bus stop.
The on-demand services will be delivered using vehicles with the capacity to carry four passengers, and will particularly assist local residents living in areas that are not easily serviced by traditional buses. Bookings can be made up to one month or a minimum of 30 minutes before a trip.
The launch of the on-demand trial coincides with the start of a new regional bus timetable which includes additional services on key CBD express routes, a new route between Palm Beach and Manly, increased frequency on local shuttle routes and the commencement of B-Line services between Mona Vale and the CBD.
“This is all about customising services and allowing commuters to have more choice on when and how they travel,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Pittwater is among the first areas in NSW to trial this innovative, on-demand transport model.
“There are many areas of our community that are not easily accessible by traditional buses – so this is a flexible and adaptive service that could help people access the B-Line service at a time that best suits their needs.
“This new service could also encourage commuters to leave their cars at home – taking pressure off commuter car parks and our local roads.
“This is not something that’s been trialled before by the NSW Government – so the response and feedback will be really important.
“We want to make it as easy as possible for everyone to access our public transport network and this could be another important component in the service mix,” Rob Stokes said.
The on-demand trial is administered by Transport for NSW and will be run by Keolis Downer, one of Australia’s largest providers of multi-modal public transport.
A one way trip costs $3.10, with concession card holders (including pensioners, seniors, students and apprentices) receiving a 50% discount.
Keoride will operate at the following times:
• Weekdays: 6am-10pm
• Saturday 7am-7pm
• Sunday: 7am-5pm.
Bookings can be made:
• Online at;
• Over the phone by calling 1800 KEO RIDE (1800 536 7433) or
• In coming weeks, commuters will be able to download the ‘Keoride’ app from the Google Play and Apple App Stores.
Upon booking, customers will receive a booking confirmation and an estimated pick up and drop off time.

Grants For Portable Defibrillators
Scotland Island Dog Race
Scotland Island Dog Race 2016
Searching For William John Gibbons
Help The Island Kindy Get A Playground

Larger Signs Or Ranger Patrols Needed At Church Point

Local Government NSW Annual Conference
Study Finds Heatwaves In NSW Cause 10 Per Cent Increase In Deaths
- drink plenty of water, and remember to carry some with you when out and about avoid alcoholic, hot or sugary drinks
- plan your day around the heat, particularly in the middle of the day, and minimise physical activity
- keep the sun out by shading windows with curtains, blinds or closing shutters
- keep windows closed during the day until it cools down and in early morning
- if you don’t have an air-conditioner, try to spend time in an air-conditioned place like a shopping centre, library or cinema
- wear light, loose-fitting clothing
- when outdoors, stay protected from the sun by wearing a hat and sunscreen.
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2017
Have Your Say On Palliative Care In NSW
Ingleside Precinct Planning Update
- All of the submissions and feedback have been reviewed. Feedback from landowners, Northern Beaches Council, the Ingleside Community Reference Group, state agencies and the community will inform the development of the final Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan.
- A decision will be made regarding the proposed amendment to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 to make Ingleside a Priority Growth Area. An amendment to the policy will help to assist Northern Beaches Council when assessing development applications prior to rezoning. This will ensure that the intended planning outcomes for Ingleside are considered during the assessment of new buildings or projects.
- The final Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan will be released early in 2018, which forms the basis of the formal planning controls and contributions schemes. The Plan will include new material on energy and water conservation measures as well as affordable housing.
- The formal planning controls and contributions schemes will also be placed on exhibition for comment at that time, including:
- Proposed changes to land use zones and associated controls for Ingleside;
- An application for Biodiversity Certification (this is required to be exhibited at the same time as the rezoning proposal). Biodiversity Certification enables areas of high conservation value to be identified upfront and means that landowners, Council and developers don't need to undertake a threatened species assessment during the Development Application stage;
- A Development Control Plan, addressing urban design controls for streetscapes, active travel, other public spaces and controls regarding the built form;
- A Special Infrastructure Contributions determination (section 94EE), funding biodiversity offsets, major infrastructure and potentially affordable housing;
- A Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan (Section 94), funding local infrastructure which will be maintained by Northern Beaches Council.
GSC: Draft North District Plan
Pasadena Progress?

Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store. Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe. Keep up to date on their Facebook page
2018 NSW Women Of The Year Awards
Red Cross Shop Newport

Planning Alerts
The purpose of - is best defined by the vision of the West Pittwater Community Association.
To be a supportive community, encouraging and promoting civic pride, interest in community affairs and goodwill amongst residents.
To protect local fauna and flora and generally preserve West Pittwater and its environs.
To secure essential facilities including public wharves and reserves and to protect private and public property.
To speak with one voice and represent the interests of the Western Foreshore community when in discussion with Pittwater Council and other relevant government bodies. The WPCA website provides a forum for the better realisation of these objectives. Visit:
Course For A Cause At Avalon

Avalon Preservation Association's 50th AGM

Pittwater Carols Afloat 2017

Coaches & Managers Invite For 2018

- Leading by example to promote an inclusive, committed and united club culture.
- Raising the skill level of new and existing players.
- All club positions are volunteer appointments; however a small honorarium may be available depending on experience
- Innovative coaches with the ability to plan, design, implement and review training programs consistent to ensure player development and enjoyment.
- Player roster, game day and mid week administration and management duties.
- Working with the committee and players to promote the playing, social and community objectives of the club.
Residents Want 'Welcome To Pittwater' Sign Returned

Call For National Heritage List Nominations
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade: Proposed Lease Of Lands Prep. Works
Proposed Lease Of Land To Roads And Maritime Services (RMS) - Mona Vale Road

Wayne's Award!

Rotary Carols In The Park - Mona Vale

Pets of the Week