Community News: March 2019
March 24 - 30, 2019: Issue 398
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 398 Pittwater Electorate Returns Rob Stokes
2019 Vissla Sydney Surf Pro Goes Off!: Jordy Lawler of Narrabeen WINS!!!
Aquatics: Warriewood SLSC Surf Boats Carnival: End Of Season Pre-Aussies Training - Homage To Legendary Warren Molloy
Pictures: Avalon Bulldogs has an A Grade Team for 2019 Season - Trail Match Vs. Ourimbah Magpies on March 23, April 6th Kickoff
2019 Australian Surfing Awards Finalists Announced - locals listed
Avalon Beach Historical Society March 2019 Meeting: Focus On Trappers Way by Roger Sayers
Park Bench Philosopher Professor Christopher John Brennan: (1870-1932) A Poet Of Newport Beach
Reflections by George Repin: RUSSIAN FAIRY TALE PLATES
CYCA First National Sailing League Entry by Lisa Ratcliff
Australian Multihull Championship Slated For Airlie Beach Race Week 2019 by Di Pearson
Rush Of Entries For Hamilton Island Race Week 2019 by Rob Mundle
New Urban Oasis In The Heart Of Green Square: Dyuralya Square (Launch: Sat. March 30th) + Insight into History of - City of Sydney Council
DIY Ideas: Fruits Of Your Garden: Growing Passionfruit - Autumn Is Also The Time To Plant Strawberries For Spring
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 15/3/2019
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Bayview Development Refused In L&E Court

April School Holidays Issues 401 To 402
World's Greatest Shave Update: Over 23K Raised!
Friends Of Currawong Update: Members Please!

One Eighty Gets Funding Boost
Avalon Boomerang Bags: Tuesdays!

VALE Rudolf Krausmann

VALE Doug Mackie

Proposed Lease Of Road Reserve Adjacent To 1 Queens Parade, Newport
Power Outage Of March 19th, 2019
Stage Set For Barrenjoey High's New Performance Space

Healthscope Sale Approved By FIRB
Related: Is MVH Asbestos Cause For Demolition?
- Steam pipes wrapped in asbestos
- Ceiling cavities that have been sprayed by asbestos
- Hospital grounds
- Fire doors
- Boiler houses
- Laundries
- Underground service tunnels
- Columns that were spray painted with asbestos as a fireproofing method
UFOTB Seeking Prize Donations For 6th Annual Christmas In July Ball
Vandalism At Barrenjoey High School
Please Keep Eye Out For This Leatherback Turtle
- ASRCC if you spot him 0438 862 676 or
- Taronga Zoo 02 9978 4785
- Sydney Wildlife Rescue 02 9413 4300
- ORRCA 02 9415 3333
- WIRES 1300 094 737
- Sydney Sealife Aquarium: 0404109198

Advance Care Planning Info Session At Mona Vale + FONBPC News
In April the second annual Advance Care Planning Week in Australia will take place. The aim is to enable every Australian to make the best choices for their life and health care, based on their values and preferences. If a person was unwell and not able to communicate their preferences to others, how could we know what they’d want? Who would speak for them?2019 Australian Surfing Awards Finalists Announced
Katie Pellew Running For CanToo In Hawkes Bay Marathon 2019

Guns Out For Tombsy Gala Benefit Dinner

7th Annual Maybanke Lecture

Ingleside, Elanora And Warriewood Draft Overland Flow Flood Study
- Mon 11 Mar, 3 - 6pm
- Mon 18 Mar, 1 - 4pm
- Tue 19 Mar, 1 - 4pm
- Sat 23 Mar, 1 - 4pm
Community, Arts & Culture Grants Will Foster A More Inclusive Northern Beaches
Church Point Ferry Service To Trail New Services

Express Yourself 2019 At Manly Art Gallery & Museum
History Fairlight -Balgowlah Request For Info
Mona Vale Hospital Kiosk Looking For Volunteers

Pets of the Week

Pittwater Challenge 2019

ANZAC Day In Pittwater: 2019

ANZAC Commemorations 2019 - Pittwater RSL Sub- Branch

Narrabeen RSL Sub-Branch

Club Palm Beach

Mayors United In Call To Restore Planning Powers To Communities
Did You Live Or Work At Gowrie Hostel?
MADE FOR YOU - Artists And Craftsmen Of Pittwater
- Wednesday 20th – Sunday 24th March
- Opening times – 10am to 4pm each day
- Plus Twilight Viewing until 7pm Thursday

Avalon Surf Swim 2019
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2019

Mums For Mums 50/50 Raffle

Newport Flood Study - Draft
- Tuesday 12 March, 11:30am – 3pm at the Newport Community Centre
- Monday 18 March, 4 – 7pm at the Mona Vale Memorial Hall Meeting Room
- Friday 22 March, 2 – 5pm at the Newport Community Centre
- Saturday 23 March, 9:30am – 1pm at the Newport Community Centre
Ingleside Chase Reserve Biobanking Agreement
- improving habitat value and conservation of threatened flora and fauna species,
- reducing the impact of weeds and feral animal pests, and
- reducing human impacts to improve water quality in the Narrabeen, Fern and Mullet Creek catchments.
- provision of biodiversity offsets that are kept local to the Northern Beaches
- ongoing, in-perpetuity funding for management of the reserve for conservation purposes
- facilitation of the implementation of management actions which have previously been identified within the adopted Plan of Management.
- in-perpetuity management of the reserve’s high conservation values.
March 17 - 23, 2019: Issue 397
Articles This Week
World's Greatest Shave 2019: Mo, Fro and Lanky Locks GO! Over 20k Raised!!
Mona Vale Road Upgrade - Changed Traffic Conditions Reminder - from Office of Rob Stokes, MP for Pittwater
Mona Vale Hospital Construction Works Continuing: March 2019 Update + More Than 370 Mona Vale Hospital Staff Providing Exceptional Service - from Office of Rob Stokes, MP for Pittwater
Save Mona Vale Hospital Committee Calls For Voters To Send Message At State Poll
NSW Government Working To Deliver More Green Space For Newport - from Office of Rob Stokes, MP for Pittwater
News From The Nesting Box - March 2019 by Lesley Stevens & Jude James, Western Shores Pygmy Possum Project - A Rocky Point Bush Care Initiative
MC38 2019 Australian Championship Hosted By The The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club: On Pittwater
Aquatics: Pro Surfing to Descends on Manly - 2019 Key Sun Zinke Sydney Pro Junior on opening weekend of Vissla Sydney Surf Pro. by Surfing NSW
Pictures: 2019 NSW Surf Life Saving Championships: Opens - Newport Wins!! + Gold medals for PBSLSC in Boats ++
Park Bench Philosopher They Will Definitely Be Missed: Australia’s Faunal Extinction Crisis Inquiry
Pittwater Butterfly Notes: For Those Seeing Wings Flitting + Inspirations To Find Your Own Species - Some Do! - for youngsters
This highly illustrated latest 'Australian Backyard' book provides fascinating information that helps explain different aspects of earth science and provides answers to questions like: how old the earth is, what fossils tell us, how mountains were created, what causes earthquakes, what the difference between weather and climate is, why glaciers are melting and many more. The book also includes fun activities that children can try at home for example making fossils and using tree rings to find out about past weather.
The previous books in the series Australian Backyard Astronomy (by Ragbir Bhathal), Australian Backyard Naturalist and Australian Backyard Explorer have all been a popular addition to both school and home libraries for budding explorers and adventurers interested in their natural environment.
Peter is prolific, having penned over 50 books, and he's funny, really funny - an example from his pen;
Peter Macinnis turned to writing after his promising career as a chiaroscuro player was tragically cut short by a caravaggio crash during the Trompe L'Oeil endurance race. He recently did remarkably well in the early rounds of the celebrity underwater cooking program, Moister Chef, but he was disqualified for using dried fruits and desiccated coconut. He has a pet leech named Gladys, which has lived in a container on his desk for the last six months, as part of another book, and he is an expert echidna handler and ant lion wrangler. He wrote both the score and the libretto for the acclaimed opera Manon Troppo.
Sorry, that’s not quite right. I write and sometimes broadcast about science, for young and old. ... I write mainly about science, or consumer history for both adults and children, depending on how the fit takes me on a given morning.
Peter is a frequent visitor to our end of the peninsula - in fact he's been romping through the regions offshore for over 50 years now. This week a small insight into one of our local treasures who is disclosing a lot of other hidden treasures right here and right now - do yourself and your youngsters a favour - get these books!
Narrabeen Lagoon Flooding: Parkway Closed

Mona Vale Road Upgrade - Changed Traffic Conditions
Friday March 15th, 2019
Motorists are being reminded that a 60km/h speed limit has been introduced as part of the Mona Vale Road Upgrade.
Work on the $140 million eastern section of the project is underway with work crews progressing vegetation and rock removal, utility relocation and site establishment works.
The completed project will include the introduction of additional climbing and descending lanes, wider shoulders, median separation, fauna connectivity improvements and a heavy vehicle arrester bed.
“This is an essential project that’s been on our community’s to-do list for decades,” Rob Stokes said.
“There’s an enormous amount of work involved in this project and its scale is now becoming apparent as vegetation is progressively removed.
“With heavy machinery and construction crews onsite - it’s really important that motorists follow directional signage and use extra caution.
“Along with all local residents, I’m really pleased to see this upgrade funded and work underway,” Rob Stokes said.
Further information on the project is available on the Mona Vale Road Upgrade webpage
Below: Mona Vale upgrade has commenced:

Please Keep Eye Out For This Leatherback Turtle
- ASRCC if you spot him 0438 862 676 or
- Taronga Zoo 02 9978 4785
- Sydney Wildlife Rescue 02 9413 4300
- ORRCA 02 9415 3333
- WIRES 1300 094 737
- Sydney Sealife Aquarium: 0404109198

Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches Branch Officials Training

Congratulations Upu!!

Big Crowd Attend Free DeFib Training

Katie Pellew Running For CanToo In Hawkes Bay Marathon 2019

Pittwater Baseball Club Inc 2019 AGM

Guns Out For Tombsy Gala Benefit Dinner

Newport Residents Association Meeting

RPAYC's Soldier On Family Day

Community, Arts & Culture Grants Will Foster A More Inclusive Northern Beaches
Warriewood Valley Community Centre
Hidden Hawkesbury History Cruises

Watch Out, SWAT’s About In Mona Vale
MADE FOR YOU - Artists And Craftsmen Of Pittwater
- Wednesday 20th – Sunday 24th March
- Opening times – 10am to 4pm each day
- Plus Twilight Viewing until 7pm Thursday

Avalon Surf Swim 2019
Mums For Mums 50/50 Raffle

Newport Flood Study - Draft
- Tuesday 12 March, 11:30am – 3pm at the Newport Community Centre
- Monday 18 March, 4 – 7pm at the Mona Vale Memorial Hall Meeting Room
- Friday 22 March, 2 – 5pm at the Newport Community Centre
- Saturday 23 March, 9:30am – 1pm at the Newport Community Centre
Ingleside Chase Reserve Biobanking Agreement
- improving habitat value and conservation of threatened flora and fauna species,
- reducing the impact of weeds and feral animal pests, and
- reducing human impacts to improve water quality in the Narrabeen, Fern and Mullet Creek catchments.
- provision of biodiversity offsets that are kept local to the Northern Beaches
- ongoing, in-perpetuity funding for management of the reserve for conservation purposes
- facilitation of the implementation of management actions which have previously been identified within the adopted Plan of Management.
- in-perpetuity management of the reserve’s high conservation values.

Church Point Ferry Service To Trail New Services

Fox Baiting - Notice To Pet Owners
- - Manly Dam, Manly Vale
- - Allenby Park, Allambie Heights
- - Middle Creek Reserve, Oxford Falls
- - Jamieson Park, Narrabeen
- - Deep Creek, Narrabeen
$40 Million To Support People Living With Dementia
- support primary health care practitioners, including GPs, to improve early diagnosis of dementia;
- reduce stigma about dementia which can exist in the community;
- support people and families at or after the diagnosis of dementia;
- provide culturally appropriate education and information on dementia and support services for people, families and carers from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
- assist people living with dementia to sustain their independence and remain in their own homes for longer;
- improve the quality of life of people living with dementia in both home and residential aged care; and
- support families and carers to develop skills and strategies for caring.
Ingleside, Elanora And Warriewood Draft Overland Flow Flood Study
- Mon 11 Mar, 3 - 6pm
- Mon 18 Mar, 1 - 4pm
- Tue 19 Mar, 1 - 4pm
- Sat 23 Mar, 1 - 4pm
Call Out For Artists And Writers - Art & Words Project
Visual artists and writers are being invited to take part in an exciting new community arts project that could see their work taking pride of place in a special event at the 2019 Manly Arts Festival (6 - 29 September).
In a celebration of community creativity, Northern Beaches Council’s Art & Words Project 2019 is calling on participants to write and create works inspired by the theme ‘Saltwater’.
Entrants will have the chance to have their works published in an anthology with the participating artists creating works directly in response to the text.
Northern Beaches Mayor Michael Regan said a selection from the anthology and the accompanying art will be displayed on a 24-hour digital screen at Manly Art Gallery & Museum and at all Northern Beaches Libraries during the Arts Festival.
“The artworks will illustrate the book alongside the words and the original artworks will be displayed in libraries across the Northern Beaches.
“The Manly Arts Festival attracts over 15,000 visitors annually and our six Northern Beaches Libraries have 177,746 members, together representing a huge audience for any aspiring artist or writer,” said Mayor Regan.
The Art & Words Project is a collaborative project mentored by multiple-award-winning writer Zena Shapter and supported by the Northern Beaches Library Service and the Manly Art Gallery & Museum.
Ms Shapter, who will be providing creative support for the project, is the founder of the Northern Beaches Writers' Group and a Northern Beaches local.
“Community creativity on this scale is truly magical!” she said.
“Entry is open to anyone, regardless of genre or style, so I’m hoping to hear from a diverse range of creatives, a balance of perspectives that will reflect the thrilling yet unspoken truth of our community.”
Applications for the Art & Words Project 2019 will be open from 15 January 2019. To apply and for further information visit
Closing date for entries is Friday 15 March, 5pm, with selected entrants notified by Friday 29 March.
Image: ‘Flying Fish’ by Nettie Lodge
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2019

Mona Vale Hospital Kiosk Looking For Volunteers

NSW Premier’s History Awards 2019 Now Open
- Australian History Prize ($15,000)
- General History Prize ($15,000)
- New South Wales Community and Regional History Prize ($15,000)
- Young People’s History Prize ($15,000)
- Multimedia History Prize ($15,000)
Liz Muir – Artist: Open Studio During March 2019

Express Yourself 2019 At Manly Art Gallery & Museum
City Of Hobart First In Australia To Ban Plastics

2019 NSW State Election
March 10 - 16, 2019: Issue 396
Articles This Week
Palm Beach Ferry Runs Aground at Half Tide Rocks
2019 Pittwater Women Of The Year: The Zonta Club Northern Beaches Volunteers
Independent Environmental Report Shows Station Beach Off Leash Dog Trial Would Be ‘Ill Advised’
Extra $10 Million For Mona Vale Hospital Palliative Care Services from Office of Rob Stokes, MP for Pittwater
Greens Pledge: Will Return Northern Beaches Hospital To Public Hands
Aquatics: 2019 NSW Surf Life Saving Championships: Masters - Results For Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches Branch Clubs by Surf Life Saving NSW
Clean Up Australia Day 2019: Two Hours On Land And In The Water- An All Schools & All Peoples Pittwater Mission! + Congratulations Barrenjoey High School, First Ocean Friendly accredited school cafe in Australia!!
Pictures: Early Autumn 'Weather' in Pittwater 2019: for ex-pats from near and far and for our less mobile Readers - from Narrabeen, Warriewood and to Palm Beach - photos by Readers
Dee Why Rockpool To Become Isa Wye Rockpool: Naming Ceremony of March 9th, 2019
DIY Ideas: Fruits Of Your Garden: Growing Figs - one of the easiest fruit trees to grow (great for getting youngsters involved) and easy to maintain, these produce one of the best and sweetest fruits. They can even be grown in pots. Now is the time to prepare for a little cutting, fertilising and propagation!
Park Bench Philosopher The Fearless Men Of Palm Beach SLSC's Surf Boats First Crews: A Tale of Viking Ships, Butcher Boats and Robert Gow’s Tom Thumb 'Canoe' - originally ran in 2014 - a State Championships 2019 Special!
Volunteer members of the Zonta Club of Northern Beaches were today acknowledged as the first ever joint-recipients of the Pittwater Woman of the Year award.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/3/2019
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Last Chance To Send Mona Vale Hospital Message Before Election
A rally at Mona Vale next Saturday will be the last chance before the NSW state election to send a message to the government that the community wants emergency and other acute services reopened at Mona Vale Hospital, organisers say.
Save Mona Vale Hospital chairman Parry Thomas said the group would not let the government forget the issue in the week before the poll.
“This is the last chance before the state election for the community at large to make their feelings known about the closure of other acute services at Mona Vale Hospital,” Mr Thomas said.
“We will make the message clear to our elected representatives and others standing at the election that we want emergency, surgery, maternity and all other services reopened at Mona Vale and do not want the buildings demolished.
“If we are we to safeguard the buildings and ensure the return of safe and reliable acute services to Pittwater, we must be vocal and united.”
Residents will muster for the Reopen Our Hospital Rally at Mona Vale Village Park, next Saturday March 16 from 2pm to 4pm.
Warriewood Valley Community Centre
Hidden Hawkesbury History Cruises

Extra $10 Million For Mona Vale Hospital Palliative Care Services
Beach-Goers Urged To Be Wary Of Marine Algal Bloom

George Shuttleworth: 60 Years Service To Surf Life Saving

Reopen Our Hospital Rally

Avalon Surf Swim 2019
Mums For Mums 50/50 Raffle

Newport Flood Study - Draft
- Tuesday 12 March, 11:30am – 3pm at the Newport Community Centre
- Monday 18 March, 4 – 7pm at the Mona Vale Memorial Hall Meeting Room
- Friday 22 March, 2 – 5pm at the Newport Community Centre
- Saturday 23 March, 9:30am – 1pm at the Newport Community Centre
Ingleside Chase Reserve Biobanking Agreement
- improving habitat value and conservation of threatened flora and fauna species,
- reducing the impact of weeds and feral animal pests, and
- reducing human impacts to improve water quality in the Narrabeen, Fern and Mullet Creek catchments.
- provision of biodiversity offsets that are kept local to the Northern Beaches
- ongoing, in-perpetuity funding for management of the reserve for conservation purposes
- facilitation of the implementation of management actions which have previously been identified within the adopted Plan of Management.
- in-perpetuity management of the reserve’s high conservation values.
Palm Beach Ferry Runs Aground
Volunteer crews from three Marine Rescue NSW units responded to a Palm Beach ferry that had run aground at Half Tide Rocks at the entrance to Brisbane Water, at 6.20 p.m. on Saturday night, March 9th. The ferry service was on its last run back from Ettalong to Palm Beach.
Rescue vessels Cottage Point 31, Broken Bay 20 and Central Coast 30 were deployed and assisted passengers, ferry staff and Police on the scene.
One hour later a MRNSW Update stated:
'The ferry that earlier ran aground at Half Tide Rocks at the entrance to Brisbane Water is now safely on an emergency mooring and all Marine Rescue NSW vessels have been stood down.
Thirty ferry passengers were safely transferred to shore before NSW Police vessel WP 42 and MRNSW vessel Cottage Point 31 relocated the vessel.
Cottage Point 31 was able to secure a tow line to the ferry's bow and with all passengers removed and a solid 3 knot current, tow the large vessel to deeper water.
All three crews from Marine Rescue Cottage Point, Broken Bay and Central Coast are returning to their bases.'
MR NSW posted; 'Thanks to all our volunteers who responded, particularly the crew members from Broken Bay and Cottage Point, who have been on the water since 5.30-6.00 a.m. to take part in the joint NSW Rural Fire Service - MRNSW training exercise on the Hawkesbury River.'
Photos courtesy MRNSW

NSW State Election 2019: Pittwater Candidates To Speak To Electors
Friendly's Mo To GO Day Approaches. Now At $10K!

Intro To CPR & Use Of A Public Access Defibrillator (AED): Avalon Beach SLSC
Pittwater Baseball Club Inc 2019 AGM

2019 Pittwater Woman Of The Year
Guns Out For Tombsy Gala Benefit Dinner

Mona Vale Public School Upgrade Announced

Probus Club Of Pittwater: March 2019 Meeting

MADE FOR YOU - Artists And Craftsmen Of Pittwater
- Wednesday 20th – Sunday 24th March
- Opening times – 10am to 4pm each day
- Plus Twilight Viewing until 7pm Thursday

Ingleside, Elanora And Warriewood Draft Overland Flow Flood Study
- Mon 11 Mar, 3 - 6pm
- Mon 18 Mar, 1 - 4pm
- Tue 19 Mar, 1 - 4pm
- Sat 23 Mar, 1 - 4pm
Call Out For Artists And Writers - Art & Words Project
Visual artists and writers are being invited to take part in an exciting new community arts project that could see their work taking pride of place in a special event at the 2019 Manly Arts Festival (6 - 29 September).
In a celebration of community creativity, Northern Beaches Council’s Art & Words Project 2019 is calling on participants to write and create works inspired by the theme ‘Saltwater’.
Entrants will have the chance to have their works published in an anthology with the participating artists creating works directly in response to the text.
Northern Beaches Mayor Michael Regan said a selection from the anthology and the accompanying art will be displayed on a 24-hour digital screen at Manly Art Gallery & Museum and at all Northern Beaches Libraries during the Arts Festival.
“The artworks will illustrate the book alongside the words and the original artworks will be displayed in libraries across the Northern Beaches.
“The Manly Arts Festival attracts over 15,000 visitors annually and our six Northern Beaches Libraries have 177,746 members, together representing a huge audience for any aspiring artist or writer,” said Mayor Regan.
The Art & Words Project is a collaborative project mentored by multiple-award-winning writer Zena Shapter and supported by the Northern Beaches Library Service and the Manly Art Gallery & Museum.
Ms Shapter, who will be providing creative support for the project, is the founder of the Northern Beaches Writers' Group and a Northern Beaches local.
“Community creativity on this scale is truly magical!” she said.
“Entry is open to anyone, regardless of genre or style, so I’m hoping to hear from a diverse range of creatives, a balance of perspectives that will reflect the thrilling yet unspoken truth of our community.”
Applications for the Art & Words Project 2019 will be open from 15 January 2019. To apply and for further information visit
Closing date for entries is Friday 15 March, 5pm, with selected entrants notified by Friday 29 March.
Image: ‘Flying Fish’ by Nettie Lodge
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2019

Mona Vale Hospital Kiosk Looking For Volunteers

NSW Premier’s History Awards 2019 Now Open
- Australian History Prize ($15,000)
- General History Prize ($15,000)
- New South Wales Community and Regional History Prize ($15,000)
- Young People’s History Prize ($15,000)
- Multimedia History Prize ($15,000)
Liz Muir – Artist: Open Studio During March 2019

Express Yourself 2019 At Manly Art Gallery & Museum
City Of Hobart First In Australia To Ban Plastics

2019 NSW State Election

Church Point Ferry Service To Trail New Services

Fox Baiting - Notice To Pet Owners
- - Manly Dam, Manly Vale
- - Allenby Park, Allambie Heights
- - Middle Creek Reserve, Oxford Falls
- - Jamieson Park, Narrabeen
- - Deep Creek, Narrabeen
Pets of the Week

History Fairlight -Balgowlah Request For Info
March 3 - 9, 2019: Issue 395
Articles This Week
Protect Pittwater To Provide Lowdown On Council Merger: Forum, Digging for the Truth – The Facts on Council Mergers and how to get Pittwater Council Back - Sunday March 3, from 4pm to 6pm, at Mona Vale Memorial Hall
Pittwater Needs An Olympic Pool Complex/Aquatic Centre by Geoff Ross
Art Deco Inspirations In Palm Beach: The Palladium Dance-Hall, Cafe and Shop, The Surf Pavilion, The Beacon Store (History)
Council Briefs - February 2019: Items Deferred Until March 2019 Meeting, Public Forum; Beeby Park B-Line Problems Persist, Surf Clubs Renewals Progress (Long Reef Surf Life Saving Club potential Construction Commencement April 2020 and Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club programmed to commence construction by mid-2019), Creative Space North to be at Mona Vale with Studios and teaching space for Avalon Golf clubhouse too, Mona Vale Community Performance Space not financially feasible - space at MVPS will happen anyway, Fern Creek Road Warriewood Voluntary Planning Agreement, Rezoning Certain Land In The Vicinity Of “Mermaid Pool” For Public Recreation, Crown Land Reserve Trust Land Categories; staff recommendations finesse every inch of 'Natural Area - Foreshore', A Coastal Art Trail Walk: now on exhibition - Principles of, four curatorial themes, 10 priority sites + further 10 sites ++, Review Of Policy Allowing Development Certificates By Private Certifiers, Avalon's Dunbar Park (East) To Get Some TLC, Boarding House Controls, Fines analysis
Lots of Aquatic Sports News:
A Sea Of Nippers Hit 2019 State Championships by Surf Life Saving NSW
Aquatics: 2019 NSW Surf Life Saving Championships: The 2019 NSW Surf Life Saving Championships proudly supported by Your local club Patrol Competition and Champion Lifesaver has kicked off 10 big days of events at Swansea Belmont SLSC. The 2019 NSW Surf Life Saving Championships continues this weekend with the Juniors and Inclusive events and from 6-10 March with Masters and Opens. You can watch all the action from the event live on SLSNSW Facebook
Sydney Harbour Regatta 2019 - Pittwater yacht Conspiracy wins Boat of the Day by Di Pearson
Pictures: Epic Racing and A Changing Of The Guard At The International 5.5 Metre Australian Championships - hosted by RPAYC - With the impeding 5.5m World Championships to be held in the Palm Beach Circle in January 2020 hosted by the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, Newport, more and more Fives are being bought and renovated and joining the Australian fleet
Vissla and Sisstrevolution Central Coast Pro. runs February 27 – March 4; reports and photos so far by Surfing NSW
2019 Mothernest Great Lakes Pro. by Surfing NSW - Matt Banting and Cooper Chapman on podium
Entries Open For Hamilton Island Race Week 2019 by Rob Mundle
Park Bench Philosopher Balloons Are The Number 1 Marine Debris Risk Of Mortality For Our Seabirds
Food: End Of Summer Fruit: Figs - they've been around since at least 9400–9200 BC and as this year's crop begins to appear in Summer gardens and stores, a few insights and recipes for those who don't eat them all straight from the tree
Artist of the Month: March 2019: Amanda Fuller
A Long and Meandering Journey
Opening Night – Friday 8th March – 5pm to 8pm
March 8– 24 2019
At Be Brave Artspace
5-7 Careel Head road, North Avalon
Since completing my studies at NAS I have explored the Australian landscape as a recurring theme in my painting and am influenced by the connection I feel to my surrounding environment and recent travels.
Absorbing the peace and stillness of nature is a reminder that you are such a small part of the big picture on a somewhat uncharted journey, both exciting but equally unnerving. With wandering thoughts to match my steps I find parallels between my journey as an artist and reflect on the connection I feel to the landscape and the various challenges faced along the way.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/3/2019
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Pittwater Friends Of Soibada AGM And Info Evening

Church Point Ferry Service To Trail New Services

Reopen Our Hospital Rally

Fox Baiting - Notice To Pet Owners
- - Manly Dam, Manly Vale
- - Allenby Park, Allambie Heights
- - Middle Creek Reserve, Oxford Falls
- - Jamieson Park, Narrabeen
- - Deep Creek, Narrabeen
Mona Vale Hospital Kiosk Looking For Volunteers

Liz Muir – Artist: Open Studio During March 2019

History Fairlight -Balgowlah Request For Info
NSW Marine Estate Update
February 28, 2019
The Marine Estate Management Strategy 2018-2028, a statewide Strategy, outlines how we can achieve our vision for a healthy coast and sea, managed for the greatest wellbeing of the community, now and into the future.
Implementation of the NSW Government’s Marine Estate Management Strategy is well underway. The Strategy coordinates and streamlines the management of the State’s entire coastline – 1,750 km – including 826 beaches and 185 estuaries. Developed with input from key stakeholders and the community, it outlines how we will care for our marine estate and the range of community benefits it provides over the next ten years. The Strategy will be delivered through 53 actions under nine initiatives.
Over $45.7 million will be spent during the first two years. Since August 2018 staff have been working closely with industries, key stakeholders, and partner government agencies involved in the delivery of actions, to plan their projects. A range of innovative projects are now underway that will help to:
- reduce water pollution and marine litter
- improve marine and coastal habitats
- protect Aboriginal cultural values
- reduce impacts on marine wildlife
- enhance the social, cultural and economic benefits that everyone derives from the marine estate.
The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) is supporting local governments throughout NSW, to help deliver positive waterway health outcomes using a riskbased approach. The Risk-based Framework for Considering Waterway Health Outcomes in Strategic Land-use Planning Decisions provides a structured approach for decision-makers to help manage the impact of land-use activities on the health of our waterways.
OEH is working with local government to assist them to apply the framework and to strengthen requirements for protecting water quality and waterway health under their local planning instruments. This includes Local Strategic Planning Statements and the ‘LEP Health Check’. The framework will also be used to identify the barriers to improving stormwater management, such as cost-effective delivery of infrastructure.
OEH is also supporting the wider application of the framework by providing data and preparing tools, guidance and practice notes. OEH will be contacting councils in the coming weeks to ensure that these materials and guidelines are developed to meet local needs and expectations.
A key outcome will be a refresh of the NSW Water Quality and River Flow Objectives, which underpin the NSW Government’s policy on water quality.
Pets of the Week

Bayview Golf Club Development Proposal Update: February 2019

Clean Up Australia Day 2019
Business Clean Up Day – Tuesday 26 February 2019
Youth and Schools Clean Up Day – Friday 1 March 2019
Clean Up Australia Day – Sunday 3 March 2019
Local Clean Ups - By Postcode
2108Coasters Retreat, Pittwater
Sunday 03rd March 15:00
Meeting Point: Fire brigade fire shed
Site Supervisor: Wilma Taylor
Kiddies Corner, Palm Beach
Sunday 03rd March 09:00
Meeting Point: On the beach, southern end of Palm Beach off beach road.
Site Supervisor: Carmen Bolton
William Street, Avalon Beach
Sunday 03rd March 08:30 - 11:30
Meeting Point: Eastern end of William St, near track through mangroves.
Site Supervisor: Julie Bennett
Newport beach
Sunday 03rd March 10:30 - 12:00
Meeting Point: Bert Payne Park bear the surf club
Site Supervisor: Matt James
Elvina Bay, Pittwater
Saturday 02nd March 12:00
Meeting Point: Elvina Park
Site Supervisor: Melinda Broughton
Fitzpatrick Avenue, Scotland Island
Sunday 03rd March 09:00 - 13:00
Meeting Point: Cargo Wharf
Site Supervisor: Cass Gye
Lowanna Street, Scotland Island
Sunday 03rd March 09:00 - 13:00
Meeting Point: Eastern Wharf
Site Supervisor: Cass Gye
Harold Avenue, Scotland Island
Sunday 03rd March 09:00 - 13:00
Meeting Point: Carols Wharf
Site Supervisor: Cass Gye
Vivian Street, Scotland Island
Sunday 03rd March 09:00 - 13:00
Meeting Point: Bell Wharf
Site Supervisor: Cass Gye
Elizabeth Park, Scotland Island
Sunday 03rd March 09:00 - 13:00
Meeting Point: Cargo Wharf
Site Supervisor: Cass Gye
Pitt View Street, Scotland Island
Sunday 03rd March 09:00 - 13:00
Meeting Point: Tennis Wharf
Site Supervisor: Cass Gye
Pittwater Road, Church Point
Sunday 03rd March 09:00 - 13:00
Meeting Point: Church Point Ferry Wharf
Site Supervisor: Cass Gye
Bayview Scout Hall and surrounds
Sunday 03rd March 09:00 - 11:00
Meeting Point: Bayview Scout Hall - come inside, sign up and collect a bag and gloves.
Site Supervisor: Jenny Hermann
Mona Vale Beach, Mona Vale
Sunday 03rd March 10:00 - 12:00
Meeting Point: Meet at the northern end of The Basin on the grass area next to beach.
Site Supervisor: Tina Mollema
Warriewood Beach
Sunday 03rd March 09:30 - 10:00
Meeting Point: Meet at the small timber platform next to the power pole, on the beach beside the car park.
Site Supervisor: Bruce Kelly
Sanctuary Island, Wimbledon Avenue, North Narrabeen
Sunday 03rd March 09:00 - 12:00
Meeting Point: Park at end of Wimbledon Avenue
Site Supervisor: Rick Shires
Protect Pittwater To Provide Lowdown On Council Merger
- NSW Labor MP and Local Government spokesman Peter Primrose
- NSW Greens MP and Local Government spokesman David Shoebridge
- Former Pittwater Councillor Sue Young
- Save Our Councils Coalition president Brian Halstead
- Save Our Councils Coalition media officer Will Tuck
- Save Our Councils Coalition spokesman Phil Jenkyn


Respected Journalist Tracey Spicer AM To Speak At International Women’s Day Breakfast
Thursday, 21 February 2019
One of Australia’s most well-renowned journalists, Tracey Spicer AM, will be guest speaker at Northern Beaches Council’s 2019 International Women’s Day Breakfast on Friday 8 March.
International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women – while also encouraging the acceleration of gender parity.
Northern Beaches Mayor Michael Regan said this year’s theme for International Women’s Day 2019 is #BalanceforBetter.
“Northern Beaches Council is a proud supporter of International Women’s Day. It’s no surprise this is a global movement has been embraced for over a century.
“This year, Tracey Spicer is our guest speaker. She is renowned for her convictions, passion for social justice and commitment to equality which is fitting for this year theme.” Mayor Regan said.
The unfortunate fact is that women are still not paid equally to that of their male counterparts, women still are not present in equal numbers in business or politics, and globally women's education, health and the violence against them is worse than that of men; however, great improvements have been made.
“At Council we have seven female Councillors who are well respected and do a fantastic job.
“Let’s make a difference - think globally and act locally and do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women everywhere,” said Mayor Regan.
Tracey Spicer AM is an author, journalist and television presenter who has anchored programs for ABC TV, Network Ten, Channel 9 and Sky News over the past 30 years.
Currently, she works as a columnist for Fairfax, presentation trainer for Outspoken Women and the Australian Film, Television and Radio School, and media trainer at Spicer Communications. She appears regularly as a commentator on ABC TV and Channel 9.
Tracey has also written, produced and presented documentaries for NGOs in Bangladesh, Kenya, Uganda, Papua New Guinea, and India, and the National Breast Cancer Foundation in Australia.
In 2018, Tracey was honoured with an Order of Australia for work in media and as an ambassador for charitable and social welfare groups.
The unstoppable 50-year-old has also published a Best Selling book titled The Good Girl Stripped Bare.
“Come along to our breakfast for an enjoyable start to your day and do your bit to ensure that the future for girls is bright, equal, safe and rewarding. Make every day International Women's Day!” Mayor Regan said.
The Northern Beaches Council International Women’s Day Breakfast will support the Northern Beaches Women’s Shelter and Manly Warringah Resource Centre with proceeds donated to both charities from a special event raffle.
The event will be held on Friday 8 March, 7am - 9am, at Manly Golf Club - 38 Balgowlah Road, Balgowlah.
Tickets are $45 (including all fees) and can be purchased at or call 9976 1624.
7th Annual Maybanke Fund Lecture 2019: April 16, 2019 At 5:30 Pm - 7:30 Pm
Visit the Sydney Community Foundation webpage
About The Maybanke Fund
The Maybanke Fund honours the work of Maybanke Anderson, writer, leader, feminist, early childhood education pioneer and promoter of the rights of women and children in Australia.
The Maybanke Fund connects its community of donors with organisations working to reduce social inequality through education, women’s advocacy and social reform – causes that continue to be as important in the 21st century as they were for Maybanke in 1893.
You can make a difference by donating to The Maybanke Fund. Your donation today helps build the Fund for tomorrow and also provides the Maybanke Anderson Award for Indigenous students in Education, at Macquarie University.
Call Out For Artists And Writers - Art & Words Project
Visual artists and writers are being invited to take part in an exciting new community arts project that could see their work taking pride of place in a special event at the 2019 Manly Arts Festival (6 - 29 September).
In a celebration of community creativity, Northern Beaches Council’s Art & Words Project 2019 is calling on participants to write and create works inspired by the theme ‘Saltwater’.
Entrants will have the chance to have their works published in an anthology with the participating artists creating works directly in response to the text.
Northern Beaches Mayor Michael Regan said a selection from the anthology and the accompanying art will be displayed on a 24-hour digital screen at Manly Art Gallery & Museum and at all Northern Beaches Libraries during the Arts Festival.
“The artworks will illustrate the book alongside the words and the original artworks will be displayed in libraries across the Northern Beaches.
“The Manly Arts Festival attracts over 15,000 visitors annually and our six Northern Beaches Libraries have 177,746 members, together representing a huge audience for any aspiring artist or writer,” said Mayor Regan.
The Art & Words Project is a collaborative project mentored by multiple-award-winning writer Zena Shapter and supported by the Northern Beaches Library Service and the Manly Art Gallery & Museum.
Ms Shapter, who will be providing creative support for the project, is the founder of the Northern Beaches Writers' Group and a Northern Beaches local.
“Community creativity on this scale is truly magical!” she said.
“Entry is open to anyone, regardless of genre or style, so I’m hoping to hear from a diverse range of creatives, a balance of perspectives that will reflect the thrilling yet unspoken truth of our community.”
Applications for the Art & Words Project 2019 will be open from 15 January 2019. To apply and for further information visit
Closing date for entries is Friday 15 March, 5pm, with selected entrants notified by Friday 29 March.
Image: ‘Flying Fish’ by Nettie Lodge
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2019

NSW Premier’s History Awards 2019 Now Open
- Australian History Prize ($15,000)
- General History Prize ($15,000)
- New South Wales Community and Regional History Prize ($15,000)
- Young People’s History Prize ($15,000)
- Multimedia History Prize ($15,000)
Express Yourself 2019 At Manly Art Gallery & Museum
Improved Treatment After Pregnancy Complicated By High Blood Pressure: World-First Study Launched
Speakers Wanted: Rotary Club Of Frenchs Forest

A Survey On Ticks And Wildlife In The Northern Beaches
- Areas where people are encountering ticks more than others (tick 'hotspots'),
- Backyard and landscape features that may influence tick presence, and
- Wildlife using backyards and how this might or might not influence tick occurrence