He Came. He Spoke. He Conquered. Costa & CABPRA a Night to Remember.
A fun night was had by all at the Avalon Sailing Club last Tuesday when Costa Georgiadis delighted attendees with humorous anecdotes and a few very serious messages on how good ecological balance is a lot more nuanced than sensationalist headlines would have us believe.
No stranger to our area, he urged us all to remember that nature doesn't care about how many square metres we each have as it sets its own boundaries and the more we learn to work with that system and nurture it's natural needs and care for that country, the better equipped we will be to enjoy the wonderful offerings our area has to offer well into the future.
One key take-away for good water retention in these very dry times was to really look after the soil by creating a sponge through composting (a good mix of green and brown matter) and worm farm production as well as vigilant monitoring of your ground with a good old fashion finger in the dirt. Likening healthy soil to a good muesli, Costa claims, 'It's got a bit of everything in it.'
It was a tactile presentation with worms, dirt and even his shiny Logie Award being handed around as well as some great prizes from Costa's own garden for those who could live up to his impromptu quiz.
Winner of Costa's silver trowel is Graham Davis of Refuge Cove.
Andrew Gregory also gave a stunning update on Powerful Owls in the area with a highly detailed presentation on their habitats, mating routines and feeding rituals, all captured on film in a beautifully photographed and edited documentary.
And for the technologically inclined Costa left us with a few good Apps we could add to our phones and use to help provide accurate data to numerous ecology based studies.
Aussie Bird Count - A way to improve the database of birds in your area for science.
ShareWaste - Connects people who wish to recycle their kitchen scraps with those who are already composting.
FrogID - Australia's first national frog identification program.
On behalf of all the residents, CABPRA would like to thank Costa for genuinely taking the time to visit out little patch and share his knowledge, his tales and his friendship. We all thoroughly enjoyed it. You are quite the entertainer.
If anyone has any feedback or questions you might like answered by Costa, feel free to leave a comment below or hit Costa up on his very own Facebook page. He he'd love to hear from you.
By David White
CABPRA Communications Editor

The Clareville and Bilgola Plateau Residents Association (CABRA) aims to encourage residents:
- To encourage residents to take an active interest in their community
- To preserve and enhance the natural beauty of the area including native flora and fauna
- To promote sound environmental planning and management sympathetic with Pittwater’s natural beauty
- To protect and enhance the residential amenity of the area including public reserves, access lanes, footpaths, cycle ways, beaches, wharves and foreshores
- To speak with one voice and represent the interests and quality of life of the CABPRA community when in discussion with council and other relevant government bodies
Website: https://cabpra.wordpress.com/
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/Clareville.and.Bilgola.Plateau.Residents