Council briefs - February 2019

Beeby Park Mona Vale in June 2013
The Mayor acknowledged Items 12.9, 12.10, 12.11 and 12.12 would be brought to the Ordinary Council meeting on March 26th, 2019.
Items Deferred until March 2019 Meeting
Item 12.9: Seismic Oil and Gas Testing & Exploration Offshore of the Northern Beaches, submitted by Councillors Natalie Warren and Alex McTaggart was a Motion that Council oppose both offshore exploration and mining activity due to unacceptable environmental impacts, and negative economic impacts on the recreational and commercial fishing and tourism industries. The Minutes for this meeting record that Councillors McTaggart and Warren subsequently withdrew this item with the permission of the Chair.
ITEM 12.10: Supporting Rural Communities in Drought, submitted by Deputy Mayor, Councillor Sue Heins is a Motion that Council staff brief Councillors within 2 months on innovative options to assist our drought stricken rural communities noting that Northern Beaches Council is already trialling alternate water equipment options.
The Deputy Mayor's background information provided -
'Noting Councillor Daley’s earlier Notice of Motion in assisting our rural communities, our Council is already successfully trialling innovative options in producing water through hydro panels at Currawong. Our residents have asked that our Council support drought affected communities such as Walgett and we should also look at the assistance required by our own sister cities of Brewarrina and Gunnedah. Council can offer assistance with water equipment and supporting these communities in becoming self-sustainable. Given Walgett has been specifically mentioned by people in our community, it would be advisable for our Council to contact Walgett’s sister city which I believe is the Central Coast Council to see how we can work together in assisting those communities who can benefit from innovative water technologies.
ITEM 12.1: Dog Water Parks, submitted by Councillor Sue Heins, is a Motion that Council come back with a report within 5 months with options on providing a park with water features for dogs with a range of water supplies from innovative to traditional.
In her Background to this Motion; 'As every coastal council has passionate debates about dogs on beaches up and down the coastline and noting that Northern Beaches Council has 28 dog parks and limited water access at our beaches, it is time to start thinking about the future of water activities for our dogs.
Even though there is a constant call for more access to our beaches for dogs, we are limited to the number of beaches we have. This number will never change and the number of dogs in our LGA is constantly increasing as people welcome more dogs into their families and our local population increases.
However, as Sydney’s population grows, the number of people visiting our beaches each year also increases. This is exceptionally visible during Summer periods when many Sydneysiders and tourists visit our beaches. This seasonal influx further exacerbates the tension between dog owners and those afraid of dogs, those who want to enjoy quiet time at the beach and those who don’t pick up after their dogs.
As an option, it is time that Council investigate the possibility of adding water features to future or existing dog parks. Whether they are as extensive as what is in the US or Spain or something simple as water features that are currently in parks such as Walter Gors in Dee Why or Manly Corso I believe it is time to investigate alternative options and to also start a conversation with our local community.
ITEM 12.12 - Eçonomic and social benefits of Increasing Solar Electricity Production, submitted by Councillor Stuart Sprott, is a Motion that Council conduct a review of its annual expenditure on solar panel installation on Council buildings. Council undertake financial analysis on increasing expenditure on increased solar panel use in council, its effect in reducing operational expenditure on electricity and modelling on pay back times through reduced operational expenditure. Councillors be provided with a briefing on the effect of increased capital expenditure on solar panels upon the budget, prior to the finalisation of the 2019/20 budget.
Councillor Sprott's Background Information states; ' The environment ranks as one of the highest priorities for the residents of the Northern Beaches. We need to protect the natural and built environment from the impacts of climate change and population pressures.
We have an opportunity to reduce the risks of climate change and show real leadership in environmental sustainability. With the increased cost of electricity and council wanting to lead the community in being environmentally aware I am asking for council to lead the way with a look into the economic and social benefits of increasing solar electricity production through roof top and other means of solar installations on council properties.
Public Forum: Beeby Park B-Line Problems persist
As part of the Public Forum David Murray addressed Council in regard to B-Line parking at Mona Vale, specifically at Beeby Park. Mr. Murray spoke about the boom gate access which has now been in place for over six months, stating that the Scout and Guide leaders are reporting that the number plate recognition system for them to access the car park is not working. They have to constantly buzz through to the car park operators and then wait to get out even though their number plates are on the system. The parents are also having problems when dropping their children off and find they are having arguments with the car park operators on the intercom who are demanding payment before they will let them out again.
The difficult access through the boom gates has forced Mona Vale Scouts to store their canoes and trailer at the Newport Scout Hall and as a result are not using these canoes as much as they did previously.
Mr. Murray also stated that the Mona Vale Scout Hall has now become the default bus stop for the Keoride passengers who use the front entrance to wait for their ride. Without a rubbish bin being provided, there is now a large amount of rubbish being left around the hall, while the area behind the hall has been used by commuters as a default toilet, so much so that the Scout Hall users are looking into fencing off this area at their own cost.
Mr. Murray stated community sentiment was 'that Transport for NSW had 'steamrolled its way in with no consideration for community use at what was previously a free community car park' and that council had received money for the car park lease and the Scouts and Guides are collateral damage.
Mr. Murray stated that the net benefit of the car-park seemed minimal - there were only enough spaces to fill one or two buses and these were filled by 6.30 a.m. each morning. On evenings and weekends when the community and scouts need the spaces the car-park sits half empty - 'the boom gates serve no purpose and they should be removed' Mr. Murray said.
Reiterating his suggestion from June 2018 that council must speak to state government about reducing the commuter parking problems at Mona Vale by making the bus depot the public transport interchange, Mr. Murray asked council to please help the Mona vale scouts and Guides resolve this mess they had been placed in and to return Beeby Park to the community.
Mayor Regan remarked that they would make sure they follow up on that as there were similar issues now occurring around the Narrabeen Tram Shed as well.
Surf Clubs Renewals Progress
Two Surf Club Building renewals will go now proceed - Long Reef Surf Life Saving Club, with a potential Construction Commencement April 2020 and Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club, programmed to commence construction by mid-2019.
The Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club project will ''provide a fit for purpose facility that suits the needs of the surf club and the community. The new building will address ongoing storage issues, improve accessibility and safety, and provide commercial activities to generate revenue for Council.
The design team includes for a Coastal Engineer to provide specialist advice with regards to construction of the building in a coastal environment as well as installation of solar panels and rainwater tanks. Matters relating to flooding, inundation and the effects of climate change are also considered in the design process and adjustments made accordingly to ensure they are appropriately managed.
Brendan Donohoe, Surfrider Foundation Northern Beaches President addressed Council speaking against this item as part of the Public Forum opening the meeting, stating Surfrider Foundation Northern Beaches was strongly supportive of a new surf club at Mona Vale but strongly against an 84 person restaurant on the second floor. As “Surfrider believes council is charged with protecting our magnificent coastline, not developing it’’.
''Surfrider believes council's role is to support our surf clubs and not make them share their role/space with retail outlets.'' Mr. Donohue stated, explaining the car-park areas at Mona Vale would be taken by diners when they should be set aside first for residents and beach user access – and citing the SEPP 55 which said the café and restaurant would require an additional 50 car spaces.
MVSLSC Architects Drawing/concept design
For the Long Reef Surf Life Saving Club Council determined to progress with the alternative concept design. Community feedback provided to council during the consultation period, although not specifically requested, showed a large portion of comments received centered on the size and space allocation of the proposed facilities. The issues raised were divided, with some community members (150 comments) supporting a larger facility and others (264 comments) opposed to the facility being any larger than identified in the draft concept design.
The Proposed Alternative Concept:
At the completion of the second stage of community engagement, Long Reef Surf Life Saving Club requested changes to the draft concept including:
- Extend the club pavilion to the east to provide increased storage space
- Extend the function space on Level 1
- Increase the size of the deck on Level 1
- Provide a larger courtyard space suitable for nippers
- Provide a kitchenette/canteen area on Ground Level for nippers
- Relocate the entrance to the public amenities away from the main courtyard space
- Reorient the café pavilion
These have been incorporated into an Alternative Concept by Adriano Pupilli Architects and a revised cost plan has been prepared by the consultant quantity surveyor. The internal layout of this alternative concept still requires further refinement, which will be done in consultation with the Long Reef Surf Life Saving Club should this option be chosen to progress.
The DA Lodgement will be done in May 2019 subject to there being no further changes to the designs.
The Construction Cost Estimate is $5,160,056 - $2.5 million of this was reallocated to Long Reef from the $7.9 million allocated for the Pasadena acquisition that has been abandoned, those funds being part of the Tied Grant Program. An extension request to May 2021 has been submitted to the Office of Local Government.
Creative Space North
The other big items of interest to Pittwater residents are The Creative Space North will now revert to its original proposed centralised location at Mona Vale and be incorporated in the Mona Vale Civic Building, attracting visitors from the south, west and north. Council supports the re-purposing of the Mona Vale Civic Centre into a creative arts space, including exhibition, artists’ studios and teaching space.
This follows on from discussions that commenced in 2011 and were continued into 2013 where a total package Artists Centres then visited, incorporated a cafe for visitors as well as flow on and into green spaces which could be utilised for markets and performances.

March 2013: Lorrie Morgan, President PCA, Belinda Hanrahan Gallery Director Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre, and former Cr. Jacqui Townsend, Mayor of Pittwater - photo by Michael Mannington - Pittwater Community Arts Field Trip To Hazelhurst Gallery
Mona Vale Library has for years been a place to view and celebrate the great artworks made by local students during various annual competitions, as well as being a hub for Arts events like writers festivals. The Mona Vale Memorial Hall allows for that space to be incorporated into festivals and carnivals alike the TedX Pittwater event organised by Selena Griffith and Dale Cohen a few years ago.
Avalon Beach has not missed out entirely and thanks to the efforts of Artists' advocates like Ros Marsh, the Avalon Golf Club House lower ground floor, within the existing footprint, will be converted to include four artist’s studios and a teaching space.
Cost of Mona Vale Civic Centre $3.5 - 4million. Includes: large exhibition area, studios, teaching space, additional toilets, improved connectivity to other facilities (e.g. café), external refurbishment, air conditioning refurbishment (required regardless of future use).
Cost Avalon Golf Club conversion for Studios and Teaching space $260-300k (+additional $165k if a lift is required). Includes: Studios and shared space – downstairs area only.
To date $1million has been allocated from the Merger Savings Fund for the project. It is envisaged that the current budget will be more than sufficient to complete the Avalon Golf Club House refurbishment. The additional cost for the Mona Vale Civic Centre could be partly funded from programmed savings on future works and savings on relocation costs, in the order of $260,000. This would still leave a shortfall of approximately $2.24 – 2.74 million that would need to be identified from other sources such as grants.
Mona Vale Community Performance Space
This project is not financially feasible. If Council were to proceed with the project, the capital funding required for the preferred option is $32.9M. Current funding available is $2.5M (Stronger Communities Fund).
Three options were developed for the Feasibility Study:
- 1000 seat venue = $32.9M including retail
- 800 seat venue = $29.9M including retail
- 600 seat venue = $27.9M including retail
Without $16M of capital funding, the capital borrowing capacity using the operating surplus of the facility will not meet the project cost requirement. Council will be required to use the retail and operations income to enter into loan borrowings to raise the remaining $30.4M for a 20-year period to progress this project. The annual operations of the project will then need to be funded through Council’s Operational budget to an estimated average amount of $1.02M per annum for the period of the loan.
Northern Beaches Council has researched the establishment of a Charitable Trust, for the purpose of receiving tax deductible donations for the construction and operation of the Mona Vale Performance Space. It was proposed that the Trust would assist community funding of the project with potential community members interested in making donations.
Legal advice was sought in relation to establishing the Trust. The legal advice is that the organisation (Trust) would be required to operate the venue and be required to be at arm’s length from Council.
Council noted the NSW Education Minister’s request to release the funds allocated to the Mona Vale performance space from the Stronger Community Fund.
Greg Jones, Principal of Mona Vale Public School, in the Week 5 Term 1, 28 Feb 2019 - Mona Vale Mail - the MVPS Newsletter, provides a silver lining though, and where that 2.5 will now go -
'I’m thrilled to announce that the Minister for Education, Mr Rob Stokes, has announced a major upgrade of Mona Vale Public School. The upgrade will include replacing demountables with air-conditioned classrooms and upgraded core facilities.
In addition, the major upgrade will deliver a new multipurpose performance centre, which will be available for use by the school and wider community. The new centre will provide specialised music rooms, dance studios and a theatre performance space.
I’m pleased to say that the Minister has already allocated $2.5 million to the Northern Beaches Council to kick start the community performance space at Mona Vale Public School.
I wish to thank Rob for his support and commitment to the project from the first time I raised with him the need for such a venue on the Northern Beaches. The school upgrade and new multi-purpose Performance Centre will have enormous benefits for our community for generations to come.
My thanks to staff, the P&C and community members who also helped turn a vision into a reality!'
So Mona Vale's town centre will still have a Community Performance space located at the popular school.
Fern Creek Road Warriewood Voluntary Planning Agreement
To support the incoming residents of the Warriewood Valley Release Area, Pittwater Council identified the need for the creation of a Central Local Park on either side of Fern Creek in Warriewood Valley. To this end, in 2008 Council purchased the land at 9 Fern Creek Road, Warriewood with funds from the Warriewood Valley Contributions Plan. It was recognised at the time that the 9 Fern Creek Road property did not correspond exactly with the desired shape of the future park, however, it was necessary to secure this parcel to ultimately enable the future delivery of the park.
In 2013, the owner of adjoining land parcels 11, 12 & 13 Fern Creek Road presented a land swap proposal to Council to facilitate the achievement of the preferred open space layout for the sector and provide for the development of the owner’s landholdings. A period of consultation followed with adjoining land owners and the Warriewood Valley Residents Association. From this consultation, the Council agreed to a park layout on 18 May 2015, being Council Concept – Sector 8 & 9 Open Space Masterplan (Attachment 1) and authorised the General Manager to commence negotiations with Frasers Property. This was formalised via a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Deed of Agreement (Attachment 2) that was executed following the Council decision on 19 March 2016.
At its meeting of 19 December 2017, Council resolved to progress the Planning Proposal (PP0002/16) by rezoning the subject properties to enable the creation of the southern portion of the planned Central Local Park in the Warriewood Valley release area, and to enable the development of the remaining land in an orderly and economic manner for housing. Commercial negotiations to deliver the Central Local Park resulted in adjustments to the zoning boundaries within 9, 11, 12 and 13 Fern Creek Road and the allocation of an amended dwelling yield to the subject properties. These changes to Pittwater Local Environmental Plan 2014 came into effect on 20 April 2018 and were published on the NSW legislation website.
Recommendation: that Council note the assessment of the draft Voluntary Planning Agreement, and place on public exhibition the draft Voluntary Planning Agreement between Northern Beaches Council and Frasers Property relating to 9, 11, 12 and 13 Fern Creek Road Warriewood including supporting documents in accordance with legislative requirements. And that Council be presented with a further report on the outcomes of the public exhibition of the draft Voluntary Planning Agreement.
This Item was Resolved by Exception - Council can consider and resolve staff reports individually or resolve a number of reports by exception. This is where Council resolves to adopt the recommendations contained within staff reports with no discussion on the matter.
Rezoning certain land in the vicinity of “Mermaid Pool” for Public Recreation
This was to seek Council approval to submit a Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning and Environment to rezone certain land in the vicinity of “Mermaid Pool” from Low Density Residential (R2) to Public Recreation (RE1) under Warringah LEP 2011 and to omit residential development standards and controls that would no longer be relevant for land zoned for Public Recreation.
This Item was Resolved by Exception - Council resolved to rezone two parcels of land in the vicinity of “Mermaid Pool” from Low Density Residential (R2) to Public Recreation (RE1) at its Ordinary Meeting on 27 November 2018:
- Lot 7370 DP1165551 being land adjoining 102 King Street, Manly Vale.
- Lot 7369 DP1165551 Wandella Road, Allambie, south of Jenna Close.
In preparing a Planning Proposal to submit to the Department of Planning and Environment for a Gateway determination, Council identified a further two allotments in the vicinity which should also be rezoned in the same manner:
- Lot 7371 DP1165577 located to the rear of properties south of Blamey St and Bate Avenue, Allambie.
- Part unmade road at the southern end of Wandella Road, King Street, Manly Vale and east of the Manly Water Laboratory (Research Station).
It is also proposed to remove development standards for height and minimum lot size for subdivision for this land given residential development will no longer be permitted. Council’s Environment and Climate Change Division supports the proposal based on the sites’ ecological and scientific values, cultural values (listed Aboriginal Places) and aesthetic and community values. This view is supported by a range of previous studies, investigations and environmental map data. Council’s Local Planning Panel supports the progression of the Planning Proposal to a Gateway Determination.
Crown Land Office staff have acknowledged the merits of the Planning Proposal but have recommended consultation with the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council as the lands are subject to claims under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.
Crown Land Reserve Trust Land Categories
Council unanimously passed the endorsement to notify the Minister for Lands of the Project Steering Group’s recommended land categories for 168 Reserve Trust lands for which Council is becoming Crown Land Manager.
With the introduction of the Crown Land Management Act 2016 (CLM Act), the Northern Beaches Council will become Crown Land Manager of 168 reserves that were previously managed under Reserve Trusts. In line with the CLM Act, land categories need to be assigned to each reserve.
As a general principle, where a Plan of Management (PoM) exists, it was recommended that Council endorse the category or categories that align with the PoM. This is important as the process to alter or add a land category in the future when developing a new or updated PoM will require a public hearing – which in most cases have already occurred.
Given that extensive community consultation has already been undertaken to develop the PoMs (Plans of Management), it was recommended that all relevant categories be assigned to the reserves now. This process does not propose any changes to the use of reserves. Notification to the Minister of Council’s preferred land categories is a non-delegable function and requires a Council resolution.
In line with the CLM Act all Crown land classified as Community land is to be included in a Plan of Management (PoM) that is compliant with both Acts by 31 June 2021. It is a requirement that the PoMs categorise the reserve according to one or more of the following land categories:
· Park
· General Community Use
· Sportsground
· Area of Significant Cultural Significance
· Natural Area:
- Bushland
- Wetland
- Watercourse
- Escarpment, and/or
- Foreshore.
Throughout the development of council PoMs a more considered approach to the use of the reserves has been taken, with comprehensive community consultation having occurred. In many cases, land reserved for the purpose of Public Recreation has instead been categorised as Natural Area, Sportsground or General Community Use – or a combination of these.
There were Alternate land categories for 21 reserves where a change to the proposed guidance land category was recommended. Included here are exampled some of that 21 Alternate identifications of what is really there, and placing that on record, that may inspire you to know this council is allocating 'trust' to every square inch of ground in accurate classifications so naught may go astray or be disregarded in the future:
Council Staff Recommended Category -
Church Point reservation[Natural Area - Bushland In line with PoM], Narrabeen Lake Islands [Natural Area - Bushland In line with PoM], Bilgola Beach Reserve [Natural Area – Bushland (part) in line with PoM, General Community Use (part) in line with PoM, Natural Area – Foreshore (part) in line with PoM and Natural Area – Escarpment (part) in line with PoM], Deep Creek Foreshore Reserve [Natural Area- Bushland In line with adjoining Deep Creek Reserve which is categorised as Natural Area - Bushland, Foreshore, Escarpment, Watercourse, Wetland] Deep Creek Reserve [Lot 7093 Natural Area - Bushland in line with Pittwater Urban Bushlands Vol 2 PoM, Lot 7105 is not in PoM currently but should be consistent with adjacent Lot 7093 as Natural Area, Lot 7087 Park (part) and Natural Area -Bushland (part) in line with Pittwater Parks, Reserves and Playgrounds Inventory- and Pittwater Urban Bushlands], Oxford falls Peace Park [Park (part) In line with PoM Natural Area - Bushland (part) in line with PoM], Alleby Park in Allambie Heights [Area of Cultural Significance (part), Park (part) in line with PoM: Purpose; Preservation Of Aboriginal Carvings And Drawings] Whale Beach rock Baths [Park (part) Natural Area - Foreshore (part) in line with similar coastal PoMs], Hitchcock Park Foreshores [Park (part) in line with PoM Sportsground (part) in line with PoM, Natural Area - Bushland (part) in line with PoM, Natural Area – Watercourse (part) in line with PoM, Natural Area – Wetland (part) in line with PoM], Bayview Park [Park (part) in line with PoM General Community Use (part) in line with PoM], Church Point [Park (part), Natural Area - Bushland (part) In line with PoM], Furlough Park Narrabeen [ Park (part) in line with PoM General Community Use (part) in line with PoM, Natural Area - Foreshore (part) in line with PoM], Jamieson park Narrabeen [Park (part) in line with PoM, Natural Area - Bushland (part) in line with PoM, Natural Area - Wetland (part) in line with PoM, Natural Area - Watercourse (part) in line with PoM, Area of Cultural Significance (part) in line with PoM], Farrells Lagoon Newport [Park (part) in line with PoM, General Community Use (part) in line with PoM, Natural Area - Foreshore (part) in line with PoM] Clareville wharf [Park (part), Natural Area - Bushland (part) In line with PoM], Palm Beach Park [Park (part), Natural Area - Foreshore (part) in line with adjoining land - POM?: No but adjoining Sandy Beach Point Beach Reserve covered by Pittwater Parks and Playgrounds PoM and categorised at Natural Area - Foreshore] ...
Sand Point, Palm Beach
A Coastal Art Trail Walk
The Northern Beaches Coast Walk Public Art Strategic Plan has been exciting queries from readers during recent months. This week council unanimously endorsed the public exhibition of the draft Northern Beaches Coast Walk Public Art Strategic Plan and supporting documents for at least 28 days.
The documents are also available for viewing at Council’s Libraries, main offices and arts venues including Glen Street Theatre, the Curl Curl Creative Space, Manly Art Gallery & Museum and Avalon Recreation Centre.
Both the Strategic Plan and Scoping Study are the culmination of extensive community engagement and collaboration by Council with our local arts, heritage and environmental community groups and organisations. The documents identify themes, concepts, opportunities and key locations for creative outcomes and provide a clear vision, principles and curatorial framework to guide the future planning and delivery of public artworks, integrated design projects, heritage interpretation and cultural programs at various sites along the Coast Walk, stretching from Manly to Palm Beach.
Two million dollars over a four-year period has been allocated to the project from Council’s Merger Savings Fund.
Council are keen to hear your thoughts on the draft Strategic Plan and Scoping Study. Please visit the project page on Your Say to review the documents and to leave feedback. Visit:
Download or read the documents online –
Participants in the consultation identified the following issues for consideration when planning for public art along the Coast Walk:
- The need for art to be sympathetic to the natural setting and context.
- A need and opportunity for Aboriginal heritage to be better integrated along the Coast Walk.
- Art was not always seen as physical and permanent with a desire for temporary and activation based experiences that enhanced the Coast Walk.
- Views and vistas are important and they should be preserved or enhanced.
- Desire for the Coast Walk to be an educational experience.
In delivering the Vision, eight key principles are defined as being the highest priority by the community survey conducted as part of the community engagement. The principles will provide guidance when selecting sites, developing projects, preparing artists’ briefs, commissioning artists work as well as fabricating and installing artworks. They strive to balance the Coast Walk as a landscape corridor and user experience (with its specific context and layers of significance), with the people that live, work and play in the area and the unique culture and values of the Northern Beaches.
The eight principles are:
- Respect and acknowledge Aboriginal cultural heritage
- Celebrate and conserve significant natural and cultural values
- Connect places and people along the coast
- Foster artistic and cultural expression and encourage creative collaboration
- Enrich places through high quality art and design
- Interpret the history and significance of the coast
- Value artistic and cultural diversity and be inclusive
- Create a distinctive and recognisable Northern Beaches Coast Walk identity.
To council Principle 8 is of critical importance, with careful consideration of this principle to be undertaken by the selection panel when selecting artworks at priority sites. These artworks will be assessed as to how they work together to create a distinctive and recognisable identity for the Coast Walk.
Curatorial Framework
A curatorial framework connects public art to the vision and principles for the Coast Walk. The framework establishes an overarching structure based on a high-level analysis of the environment, landscape, history, heritage, themes, character and community. It provides a frame of reference to support the realisation of artworks and cultural programs. All works should contribute to one or more of the key areas identified in the curatorial framework.
The higher level strategic curatorial vision for the Coast Walk is Connection. This can be interpreted through Connection to people, place, headlands, beaches and villages.
The vision is supported by four curatorial themes which draw from the natural, Aboriginal, local and contemporary histories and significant places along the Coast Walk. They provide inspiration for artists in developing place-based responses.
Site Selection - Approach to Sites
There are two recommended approaches to sites:
1. Integrated Artworks
High quality art that integrates with and compliments our urban and natural landscape.
Works will demonstrate:
- Artistic excellence
- Empathy to specific sites
- Functionality such as seating
- Diversity in function and form.
2. Artistic Programming
Cultural programs and art-based activities, which may include; activations and ephemeral art installations, talks, tours, festivals, events and temporary exhibitions.
Stage 1 – 10 Priority Sites
- Manly Corso Beachside (East) Coast Walk Entrance Sign only
- Dee Why Headland
- Long Reef Headland
- Collaroy Beach South
- North Narrabeen Rockpool and surrounds
- Turrimetta Headland Reserve
- Mona Vale South Headland (Robert Dunn Reserve)
- Mona Vale North Headland
- Little Av - South Avalon Headland
- Bangalley Park
- Pittwater Park - Palm Beach.
Stage 2 - Further 10 Priority Sites and Headland Markers
- Observation Point- Palm Beach
- Avalon Beach Reserve
- Newport Beach Reserve
- Bilgola Headland
- Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club
- Warriewood Surf Club Landscape
- Long Reef Surf Life Saving Club
- Dee Why Rock Pool
- Freshwater Beach Reserve
- Queenscliff Headland - Freshwater Park
- Manly Surf Life Saving Club.
Stage 3 – A further 10 Priority sites will be identified (funding permitted).
Time to begin dreaming up your Sculptures Artists - you have your four themes, you have a list of priority sites - listen for the call out for Registering your Interest - Thunderbirds are looking to GO! on this one.
Review of Policy allowing Development Certificates by Private Certifiers
Item 12.4 was a Motion submitted by Councillors Stuart Sprott and David Walton that Council writes to the NSW Government requesting a review of the current policy that allows private accredited certifiers to issue development certificates to confirm they are satisfied with developments and meet legislative requirements. And that this review strongly consider a gradual return of development certificates, construction certificates and complying development certificates returned to Councils and that the principal certifying authority for developments are gradually returned to Council in the relevant Local Government Area.
The councillors lisitng as background that ''In light of the recent defects found in the Opal Tower at Homebush and the devastating effects it has had on the residents and community that Council supports a review of its policy and revert Control of the appointment of certifiers back to local Government.''
A motion will be submitted to the LG NSW Conference 2019 for consideration along these lines - this Motion was carried.
Avalon's Dunbar Park (East) to get some TLC
Councillor Alex McTaggart submitted a Motion that Council upgrade the 'Woolies' car park paying particular attention to filling pot holes and raising surface level where water ponds, replacing the rotten damaged and missing timber wheel stops, revegetating where necessary, replanting missing major trees, fixing damaged pavers and removing damaged concrete slabs, steam cleaning the rear lane way/loading dock, put in place a regular tree trimming schedule for the Canary Island Palms which require regular attention.
Also included was the path leading from the beach alongside the service station to the bridge (??: gone!) over the creek needs some road base or crusher dust to fill in the muddy informal track.
For those wondering if that bridge will ever come back - yes it will! As will the one towards the end of the yellow brick road of Avalon with a replacement expected to be up and bridging that creek gap by May.
Boarding House Controls
The Department of Planning and Environment issued an “Explanation of Intended Effect” (EIE) in late November 2018 which proposed amendments to State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 to limit the number of boarding rooms in a boarding house development to a maximum of twelve (12) boarding rooms in low density residential (R2) zones.
As the deadline for submissions on the EIE was 18 December 2018, Council officers prepared and submitted a response without reporting the matter to Council.
Council’s submission strongly supports the proposed changes but indicated that the proposal did not address overdevelopment of smaller sites nor prevents proliferation of boarding house development in low density residential zones on the Northern Beaches.
Advice was also sought regarding whether Council should make amendments to its Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) to ensure the 12 room limit applied to boarding house development not otherwise subject to the SEPP.
Fines Analysis
A Question submitted by Councillor Vincent De Luca OAM asked ''Since amalgamation, does Council keep a record by category of fines issued, if so, could I please be advised of how many fines were issued and the total amount charged for the following type of fines: Dog related, Parking, Building (failure to comply with consent conditions), Illegal Building works, Commercial/Health/Safety, Environment and Other.
The response was that Council does not keep a record of Penalty Infringement (fine) data by category. The information held specifies the number of fines issued by each offence. Penalty infringement data prior to 1 January 2017 was archived when the three infringement systems that were in operation at the point of amalgamation were consolidated and cannot be reported on.
Infringement data from 1 January 2017 to 30 January 2019 has been analysed to provide the information by the categories requested below.
- Dog Related: 615 infringements issued - $196,765
- Parking: 105,538 infringements issued - $14,503,222
- Building (failure to comply with consent conditions): 513 infringements issued - $288,550
- Illegal Building works: 56 infringements issued - $154,500
- Commercial/Health/Safety: 456 infringements issued - $394,270
- Environment: 35 infringements issued - $153,450
- Other: 407 infringements issued - $185,865.
A further question submitted by Councillor Vincent De Luca OAM, asked, ''Since amalgamation, what is the total cost incurred by Council on legal matters?'
Specifcally a) On how many occasions has Council's in House Lawyers appeared in Court on the record, on behalf of Council?, b) On how many occasions has Council been represented in Court / Tribunals / Commissions /Mediations by Counsel? and c) On how many occasions has Council been represented in Court / Tribunals / Commissions /mediations by external Law Firms?
The response was for a) as at January 2019, $6,930,288. For b) In Courts/Tribunals/Commissions, 27 and c) 26. and d) (?) 177.
A further question submitted by Councillor Vincent De Luca OAM requested the costs involved for the new Organisational Structure, specifcally the expenditure incurred to Derwent Search for the recruitment of new Directors; the Redundancy payments for the existing General Managers who were unsuccessful in gaining positions in the new structure; the Salary costs for each new respective Director (by each Directorate); and Advertising and any other costs in relation to recruitment for the new Structure.
The Minutes does not record any answers to that final question.
There was a lot more work done in this first Meeting for 2019 - best perused in the Agenda - which illustrates just why this meeting went on until the middle of the night and why Items have been deferred to the March 2019 Council Meeting.

Long Reef SLSC - Concept Courtyard and main pavilion