May 15 -21, 2022: Issue 538
Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan & Budget 2022/2023 Draft open for feedback until May 29 includes adjustments from Quarterly Review December 2021

Council's Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan & Budget 2022/2023 Draft is currently open for comments. The draft budget proposes an increase to rates of 2.4% which equates to an average increase of $48 per year for Pittwater residents. An application to IPART for approval to increase rates by 2.4% has already been made
The first year of the delivery program is the operational plan, including the 2022/23 budget. The operational plan details expected income and expenditure for all planned services and infrastructure as well as ongoing maintenance and depreciation commitments.
Some of what is proposed in the Draft budget has been supported by Grants allocated to the council./
On May 10th 2022 the council announced the re-opening of Cromer Park’s field 1 this week at a cost of 1.3 million dollars. This project received a $814,442 grant from the NSW Government’s Office of Sport Greater Cities Sport Facility Fund 2021.
Cork has been used for the infill, instead of rubber, to reduce the urban heat island effect and provide cooler conditions for players on hot days. There is also more storage for six-a-side goals, an additional pump to recycle water draining from the field and boot scrapers at every entrance to mitigate the infill from leaving the ground.
Part of the project cost includes exporting the old surface to Denmark for recycling.
The first installation of synthetic turf on field 1 was officially opened on July 1st 2012.
In April 2018 the council announced the conversion of field 2 at Cromer Park to a synthetic field at a cost of $1.45 million, which was finished six months later.
There are 122 sportsfields in the LGA. Sportsfields are mowed every week from September to March and as required during the cooler months from April to August.
Councils Operational Expenditure for all Maintenance and Servicing, which would include mowing of these fields, was $5,590, 000 in 2019/2020 was $6,103,00 in 2020/21, is forecast to be $5,158,000 in 2021/22 and has 5,216,000 budgeted for 2022/23.
User Charges and Fees for sportsfields in 2022-2023 is anticipated to be $1,766, 000.
The Sportsfield renewal program has $1,100.000 allocated in the 2022/23 proposed budget.
There are planned upgrades for playgrounds in the 2022/2023 proposed council budget of Jacka Park playground at Freshwater upgrade $100,000, Griffith Park, Manly playground upgrade $100,000, Ashley Parade Reserve, Fairlight - new playground $50,000 and Dee Why Beach Michaela Howie playground upgrade $230,000.
Reserves and parks improvements proposed in the 2022/2023 budget are Freshwater Beach masterplan implementation 1,200, 000, Frenchs Forest Precinct park upgrades 2,162,000 in 2022-23 and 3,704,000 in 2023-24, Lynne Czinner Park 1,600,000, Lionel Watts fitness space $80,000 and Forestville War Memorial Playing Fields fitness station $60,000.
The Foreshores renewal program has $2,480,000 allocated to it in this proposed budget.
At Council's February 2022 Meeting, the first full official Ordinary Meeting held of the newly elected Councillors, Item 9.7, The Quarterly Review December 2021(to present financial and service performance results for the period ended 31 December 2021, and a progress report on the expenditure from the $36.1 million Stronger Communities Fund (SCF) provided by the NSW Government), an Item which was Resolved by Exception, passed Budget increases of $4.4 million including works funded through new grants including:
- IT Infrastructure ‐ New Works 244,805,
- New Traffic Facilities 501,000; Additional grants funding for Black Spot Program (Grandview Drive, Newport) and Safer Roads Program (Pringle Avenue, Belrose), Traffic Facility Delivery ‐ Accelerated 929,000; Additional grants funding for Black Spot Program (North Steyne and Raglan Street) and Safer Roads Program (Manly High Pedestrian Activity Area),
- Queenscliff Headland Access Ramp 747,500 NSW Public Spaces Legacy Grant funding to provide improved access between Manly and Queenscliff through the construction of a continuous ramp suitable for both pedestrians and cyclists,
- Road Resheeting Program 300,000; Additional grants funding for road repairment at Winbourne Road, Brookvale; Fisher Road, Dee Why; and McIntosh Road, Narraweena,
- Clontarf Reserve Tidal Pool 900,000; NSW Public Spaces Legacy Grant funding for the design and construction of Clontarf Reserve Tidal Pool,
- Manly Dam Boardwalk 300,000; NSW Public Spaces Legacy Grant funding for delivery of a boardwalk and connecting trails at Manly Dam,
- Warriewood Beach Foreshore Upgrades 50,000; Additional capital contribution for project design with construction expected to start in early 2022/23,
- Reserves Renewal Program 50,000; Grant funding for North Harbour Reserve upgrade works,
- Terrey Hills Emergency Services Headquarters 66,290; Grants funding obtained for emergency management equipment,
- Currawong Cottages New Cottages, Games Room and Amenities 148,815; Grant funding for restoration of ‘Platypus’ cabin,
- Little Manly Point Amenity 45,000; Additional development contribution funding to replace prior quarter reduction due to COVID,
- Dee Why Town Centre – Construction – Phase 150,000; Additional development contribution funding for construction of Dee Why Town Centre infrastructure, and
- Connecting all Through Play ‐ Active Play 84,400; Additional capital contribution for the construction of sportsfields lighting at Passmore Reserve Manly Vale.
A Decrease in capital works budget for the Coast Walk Art Trail (260,655); to adjust current Financial Year budget to be aligned with Council Resolution of February 2021 item No. 10.2.
Budget rollovers to the 2022/23 financial year of $11.5 million included:
- Church Point Commuter Wharf Expansion (271,900); Project delayed with detailed design postponed due to COVID impact on the progress of feasibility study,
- Jacka Park Playground Upgrade (100,000); Project delayed due to new flood investigation information indicating the Playground will need to moved from its current location, a new concept plan will be prepared and exhibited in the first half of 2022,
- Griffith Park Playground Upgrade (100,000); Project delayed to allow for additional community engagement to further inform the design,
- Fern Creek Bridge and Shared Paths (388,621); Project construction will commence in 2022/23 with the Plan of Management expected to be adopted by Council in February 2022,
- Lynne Czinner Park (268,660); Project construction will commence in 2022/23 with the Plan of Management expected to be adopted by Council in February 2022,
- Currawong Cottages New Cottages, Games Room and Amenities (1,148,815); Project rephased for construction to proceed in off‐season across two financial years,
- Duffys Forest Rural Fire Station (1,000,000); Project rephased pending outcome of grant application,
- Marine Rescue Broken Bay Building (150,000); Project rephased for construction to proceed across two financial years - NB: Pittwater Online News is aware the last day for the MRBB Unit in its current building is May 22nd, they will be working form shipping containers on site past then as demolition works commence -
- Manly Cemetery Columbarium (300,000); Project delayed due to heritage related planning application,
- Porters Reserve Clubhouse Changespace (400,000); Project rephased for construction to proceed across two financial years,
- Connecting Communities ‐ Footpaths Programs (1,112,889); Project rephased pending decision on Newport to Avalon footpaths in March 2022,
- Connecting Communities ‐ Cycleways Program (5,247,464); Project rephased pending decision on Newport to Avalon cycleways in February 2022,
- Narrabeen Lagoon Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge (1,000,000); Project rephased due to COVID impacts on contractor availability and supply chain delays- it should be noted this project has commenced and is delayed due to sourcing materials at present.
Budget funding reallocation (to) / from operating budget in the Dec 2021 Qtr. Report included:
- Library Books Replacement (370,000); Funding transferred to operating project 34411005 eCollection Library Items.
- Budget funding reallocation between projects / funding sources were;
- Bridge Renewal Works 203,244 with Car Park Renewal Works (150,000) and the Road Resheeting Program (53,244) budgets reallocated - Funding was transferred to cover the contingency and staff costs of the Ocean Street Narrabeen Abutment Replacement project,
- Carol's Wharf Renewal 437,860 and the Bells Wharf Renewal 62,140 taken from the Wharves Works Program (500,000) - Funding transferred for additional variations to the project scope,
- Connecting all Through Play ‐ Active Play 50,000 taken from the Headland Fencing and Other Measures (50,000) - Funding transferred for lighting tender that came in 10% exceeding budget,
- Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club; Swap working capital funds for Pittwater SRV funds. 25,941 (25,941),
- Manly Art Gallery 44,426 from PCYC Renewal Works (44,426) - Funding transferred for Manly Art Gallery air conditioner chiller replacement,
- Building Code of Australia Compliance Works (BCA) 30,400 30,400 and Clontarf Reserve Amenities Renewal 29,177 from Multi Storey Car Park Renewal Works (59,577) - Funding transferred for Avalon Bowling Club fire order works and Clontarf Reserve Amenities re‐roofing works.
- Creative Arts Space Avalon Golf Course 11,910 from Creative Arts Space ‐ Mona Vale Design Works (11,910) - Funding transferred for Avalon Golf Course Creative Space acoustic panel installation, and
- Dee Why Town Centre Construction Phase 1 100,000 taken from Dee Why Town Centre Design (100,000) - Funding transferred for construction of Dee Why Town Centre.
The Total budget funding reallocation (to) / from operating budget was (325,000).
These adjustments were stated to be due to the COVID-19 pandemic impact on income streams for the council. The revised forecast impact of the pandemic in the 2021/22 financial year was $16.5 million according to the report, although this was $0.6 million lower than initially expected. The cost of the COVID-19 pandemic to the council since March 2020 was now $45.6 million.
Council's Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan & Budget 2022/2023, currently open for feedback, states Project highlights for 2022/23 are:
- $9.6m resurfacing 10.7km of roads and improving kerb and guttering
- $8.8m stormwater works to reduce flooding and pollution
- $5.9m upgrading footpaths and shared paths including 3.5km of new footpath
- $5.2m on cycleways
- $4.7m to progress Warriewood Valley community centre
- $4.2m improving foreshores at various locations
- $2.1m new playgrounds at Brickpit, Rabbett and Akora Reserves, Frenchs Forest
- $1.8m new boardwalk at Manly Dam
- $1.6m for new playground at Lynne Czinner Park, Warriewood
- $1.3m improving playgrounds at various locations
- $1.2m on wharves at Mackerel and Currawong beaches and repairs to Taylor's Point wharf, Clareville
- $1.2m upgrade to Duffys Forest Rural Fire Station and Marine Rescue Broken Bay, Bayview
- $1.2m upgrading playground and car park at Freshwater Beach
- $1.1m improving sports fields
- $1m completion of pedestrian and cycle bridge works at Narrabeen
- $1m upgrading the tidal pools at Paradise Beach, Avalon and Clontarf Reserve
Pittwater projects proposed in the 2022/23 Draft Budget include;
Avalon to Palm Beach:
- 630m of road resheeting in Avalon Beach
- 396m of road resheeting in Palm Beach
- 1 kerb and gutter renewal project at Avalon Beach
- Paradise Beach tidal pool renewal
- Design and construction of works at Mackerel Beach wharf and Currawong wharf
- 740m of new footpath at Barrenjoey Road, North Avalon
- Relining Avalon skate park
- Replacing the stairs at The Strand, Whale Beach
- Planning for major renewal of Whale Beach rockpool (planning)
- Planning for major renewal of Avalon Beach rockpool (planning)
- Cabin upgrades at Currawong Beach
Clareville, Bilgola and Newport:
- 552m of road resheeting in Bilgola Plateau
- 100m of road resheeting in Newport
- Kerb and gutter renewal projects in Bilgola Plateau and Newport
- Footpath renewal at Coles Parade in Newport
- New kerb and gutter on Serpentine Road at Bilgola Plateau
- Planning for a public art installation at Bert Payne Reserve, Newport (planning)
- 520m of new footpath in Bilgola Plateau (Terama Street and Lower Plateau Road)
- 490m of new footpath at Newport (Bungan Head Road and Crescent Road)
- Taylors Point wharf repairs, Clareville
- Completion of the new changespace at Porters Reserve Clubhouse, Newport
- Coast Walk Newport to Avalon, shared path and footpaths
Bayview, Church Point, Western Foreshore and Mona Vale:
- 560m of road resheeting in Church Point
- 1,121m of road resheeting in Mona Vale
- Kerb and gutter renewal projects in Mona Vale
- Footpath renewal at Pittwater Road Mona Vale
- New kerb and gutter on McCarrs Creek Road, Church Point
- Pedestrian access improvements on Coronation Street, Mona Vale
- Raised pedestrian crossing at Park and Keenan Streets, Mona Vale
- A new performance space at Mona Vale Public School
- Resurfacing Church Point Reserve car park and improving the parking layout
- Artist panel in the new Mona Vale Surf Club
- Public art installation at Robert Dunn Reserve, Mona Vale (planning)
- Planning for new footpaths in Annam Road and Pittwater Roads in Bayview
- Landscape upgrades at Mona Vale Beach
- Seawall works at Bayview
- Planning for renewal of Mona Vale rockpool(planning)
- Landscape and paving improvements at Church Point commercial centre
- Replacing the Marine Rescue Building at Bayview
- Commencement work on a new public amenities at Rowland Reserve, Bayview
- New drainage works at Catherine Park Road, Scotland Island
- Drainage improvement investigations at Minkara/Bakers Roads in Bayview
- Drainage improvements at Park Street in Mona Vale
- Mona Vale Beach outlet renewal
Elanora Heights, Narrabeen, North Narrabeen and Warriewood:
- 724m of road resheeting at Elanora Heights
- 676m of road resheeting at Narrabeen
- 600m of road resheeting at North Narrabeen
- Kerb and gutter renewal projects at Elanora Heights, Narrabeen and North Narrabeen
- New kerb and gutter on St Andrews Gate, Elanora Heights
- 152m of new footpath St Andrews Gate, Elanora Heights
- Completion of the Brands Lane and Macpherson Street roundabout, Warriewood Valley
- Abutment repairs on Ocean Street Bridge, Narrabeen
- A new bridge and shared path along and over Fern Creek, Warriewood
- Playground improvements at Lynne Czinner Park, Warriewood
- Improved access and landscaping at Warriewood Beach
- Renewal of the baseball nets at Boondah Reserve, Warriewood
- Playground upgrade Anana Reserve, Elanora Heights
- Upgrades to Boondah Reserve and Pittwater Park sports amenities, Warriewood
- New training room at South Narrabeen surf life saving club
- Replacement of Nelson Heather Community Centre, Warriewood
- Completion of Narrabeen cycle bridge at Pittwater Road
- New drainage to reducing flooding at Walker Avenue, Narrabeen
- Drainage investigations at Foxall Street, Elanora Heights
- Drainage upgrade at Garden Street, North Narrabeen
Belrose, Cottage Point, Davidson, Duffys Forest, Ingleside, Oxford Falls and Terrey Hills:
- 131m of road resheeting at Belrose
- 275m of road resheeting at Davidson
- 905m of road resheeting at Ingleside
- 595m of road resheeting at Terrey Hills
- 1 kerb and gutter project at Belrose
- Footpath renewal on Glen Street and Ralston Avenue, Belrose
- 600m of new footpath on Sir Thomas Mitchell Drive, Davidson
- Replacing the bridge on Morgan Road at Oxford Falls
- New fitness equipment at Lionel Watts Oval, Belrose
- New Rural Fire Service Building at Duffys Forest
- Energy efficient lighting design for the Mona Vale Road underpass
- Drainage upgrade design for Killawarra Road, Duffy’s Forest
Feedback is open until Sunday May 29th at: