March 24-30, 2024: Issue 619
Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan To Facilitate Housing 'Enhanced' - March 18 2024 Update
The NSW State Government stated on Monday March 18 2024 it has delivered on its commitment to strengthen protection for koalas while helping deliver much-needed housing in western and south-western Sydney, by enhancing the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan.
The Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan (CPCP) provides up-front biodiversity approvals, removing the need for individual landholders and developers to seek their own biodiversity approval.
Both the former Coalition Government and the new Labor government state it speeds up planning processes while giving the community certainty about the future of their area.
Under the just announced 'enhanced' plan, the government states $49 million has been committed to deliver the first stage of a new national park in the Gulguer area to provide critical wildlife corridor connections.
A further $31 million will be used to protect and restore small, isolated patches of rare, at-risk native vegetation in areas such as Orchard Hills, that might otherwise degrade over time.
An additional $22 million will be allocated to fast-track the preservation of around 60 ha of critically endangered Cumberland Plain Woodland.
The changes will come into effect over the next 12 months, the statement announces.
The NSW Government states is enhancing protection for Sydney’s only disease-free koala colony by creating a new south-western Sydney koala map, and a requirement to preserve the mapped land.
''These amendments to the Plan strengthen environmental protections while retaining certainty for local residents and allowing business to invest with confidence.'' the statement reads
''The land earmarked for development in the CPCP could provide up to 73,000 new homes, while also protecting native plants and animals and providing green open space for residents. The plan will also help deliver jobs and infrastructure.''
The Government’s enhancements to the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan also include:
- updating planning controls to clarify that CPCP avoided land, such as koala corridors, should be zoned C2 Environment Conservation Zone (or similar) at the planning proposal stage
- publishing koala fencing guidelines so landholders, developers and consent authorities are clear on best-practice design and expected locations of koala exclusion fencing
- providing precinct planning level guidance on protecting native vegetation. This includes the benefits of co-locating green space and parks with existing vegetation to reduce urban heat effects and support more liveable communities
- committing an additional $2.5 million to deliver the new Caring for Country Strategy, which will enable Aboriginal communities to deliver programs to benefit their communities.
The government stated the improvements to the CPCP are in line with the previous advice and recommendations of the NSW Chief Scientist.
The CPCP paves the way for homes to be built across 4 nominated growth areas and transport corridors: Greater Macarthur, Greater Penrith to Eastern Creek, Western Sydney Aerotropolis and Wilton. The total land certified for development in the CPCP area has not changed.

A koala trying to survive in the Appin precinct. Photo courtesy of Sydney Basin Koala Network.
Minister for Climate Change and the Environment Penny Sharpe said:
'Our enhancements to the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan take real and concrete steps to protect koalas in south-western Sydney, and are funded.
'The Plan also gets the balance right between the urgent need for housing and infrastructure in our growing city and conserving and protecting our native habitat and wildlife.
'These improvements will make a big difference. They’re not just good for nature – they will also provide more green open spaces and cooling across south-western Sydney.
'Improving the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan so it’s fit for purpose is a win-win; it will give certainty to households, business and industry while protecting our iconic koala and the precious biodiversity of the Cumberland Plain.'
Minister for Planning Paul Scully said:
'Improvements to the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan will enable the NSW Government to better work with industry to deliver more housing for western and south-western Sydney while providing better safeguards for our valued biodiversity.
'Western Sydney is the third largest economy in Australia, with one of the most rapidly growing populations. Industry needs certainty to be able to deliver homes and jobs for people to live close to their jobs and family.
'Enhancements to the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan will help address our critical housing shortage and support the delivery of jobs and infrastructure, whilst providing western and south-western Sydney residents with more green, liveable and attractive places to live.'
Previous PON reports:
- Saving Sydney's Koalas Requires Scrapping The Cumberland Plain Tree Museum Plan According To 25 Organisations: October 2023 Update
- Ringtail Posse 8: September 2023 - Saving Sydney's Last Koalas; Logging Stopped In Future Koala Park By Minns Government - ''Is There Time To Save Sydney's Last Koalas Too?'' Asks: John Illingsworth, WIRES, Sydney Wildlife Rescue, Save Sydney Koalas, The Sydney Basin Koala Network, The Help Save The Wildlife & Bushlands In Campbelltown Group, Appin Koalas Animal Rescue Service, Patricia and Barry Durham, Sue Gay, Save Mt. Gilead, Paola Torti Of The International Koala Intervention Group
- Local MP's Call For Halt On Habitat Logging In State Forests: Logging Continues Within So-Called 'Great Koala Park' - 20% To Be Destroyed Before Koala Park Even Established Under RFA's That Run Until 2048 In NSW, Meanwhile, More Habitat Of Last Population Of Sydney Koalas To Be Razed For Profit - September 2023
- NSW Government 'Fast-Tracks' Destruction Of Endangered Wildlife, Habitat For Local Species and Community Consultation On Massive New Developments - November 2022
- Finalised Cumberland Plain Plan Released: 'A Developers Plan That Will Facilitate Extinction Of Sydney's Koalas' Locals State - A 'Tree Museum Plan' For Critically Endangered Woodplain - August 2022
- Bayview Koala Sanctuary - August 2012 History page
- Saving Ballina’s Koalas – Will Pittwater’s Mistakes Be Repeated? - March 2015
- Community Calls On Government To Put Koalas Before Developers For Once - June 2016; Mt. Gilead, Appin Road losses
- These Two Koalas Lost Their Mothers To Deforestation - November 2018 + Greater Macarthur 2040 Plan
- Mount Gilead Development Bulldozing Koala Habitat Approved: Resident Turtles To Go Too - The Beginning Of The End Of Campbelltown's Koalas - July 2019
- Summer Creature Features; Koala - Treed - 2012
- Saving Ballina’s Koalas – Will Pittwater’s Mistakes Be Repeated? - March 2015
- Koala Plans Receive Federal Government Approval - Ballina Highway; Update deliberate Destruction of Koalas Chosen - August 2016
- More Than 2.2 Million Hectares Of NSW Koala Habitat Could Be Cleared - October 2016 Pittwater Online Environment News
- Koala Sighted In Kosciuszko National Park for first time in 70 years - December 2016 Pittwater Online Environment News
- Australia: Place Of The Culling Fields, Koala Skins for Profit - August 2017
- Pacific Highway Koala Holocaust: Koala habitat destroyed - October 2017
- Koalas Now Safer Thanks To New Pacific Highway Signs - Ballina Highway upgrade: 110 hectares of koala food trees planted, now they only have to NOT be hungry while they grow - February 2018
- Environment Groups Call On Premier To Halt Logging In Core Koala Habitat; Gladstone State Forest, near Bellingen - February 2018
- Berejiklian Government Allows Open Slather On Wildlife - March 2018
- Old Growth Forest Under Attack As NSW Government Winds Back Environmental Protections - May 2018
- New Analysis Shows Government’s Koala Reserve System Offers The Species Virtually No New Protection - June 2018 Pittwater Online Environment News
- Community Calls On Government To Put Koalas Before Developers For Once - Mount Gilead Development - June 2018
- Destructive Logging Laws Slammed By Government Scientists; 99% of koala habitat at risk from clearing - November 2018 Pittwater Environment News
- These Two Koalas Lost Their Mothers To Deforestation - December 2018 Pittwater Online Environment News
- As The Dust Of The Election Settles, Australia’s Wildlife Still Needs A Pathway For Recovery - May 2019
- A Report Claims Koalas Are ‘Functionally Extinct’ – But What Does That Mean? - May 2019
- Mount Gilead Development Bulldozing Koala Habitat Approved: Resident Turtles To Go Too - The Beginning Of The End Of Campbelltown's Koalas - July 2019 - Pittwater Online Environment News
- Fires Last Straw For Koalas: Extinction Now Imminent Unless You Speak Up - November 2019
- School Strike 4 Climate At Narrabeen: December 13, 2019 - Bushfires - wildlife deaths
- Call For Pittwater Support To Save Sydney's Koalas - August 2020
- Our Koalas Need A Win! - August 2020
- Good News For Koalas This Week From NSW Government: The New Guula Ngurra National Park Has Been Proclaimed + The Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan Is Now Open For Feedback - August 2020
- Koala Extinction In NSW: The Facts And Directions For Action - Community Forum At Warriewood - March 2021
- Pittwater Action To Save Koalas: What You Can Do To Help Prevent Their Extinction - April 2021
- Sydney's Last Koala Population Being Killed As Mount Gilead Development Cuts Down Trees With No Fauna Passes Or Protections In Place: Pittwater Demonstration Falls On Deaf Ears - December 2021 to January 2022
- Koalas Now Listed As Endangered In NSW - Qld - ACT - February 2022
- Residents Rally For Koalas At Manly On Save The Koala Day: Calls To Prioritise Wildlife, Stop Clearing Habitat - October 2022
New Research Shows Koalas In The Sydney Basin Are In Decline: NSW State Government Seeking Feedback On Reviewing The NSW Koala Strategy
New research released by the Sydney Basin Koala Network: State of Koalas in the Sydney Basin, First Annual Assessment shows the area where koalas are found in the Sydney Basin is declining and the areas supporting long standing breeding populations of koalas is also reducing. In the time since koalas were listed as endangered, things have gone from bad to worse with growing threats from development set to push koalas into further decline. The need for protection is becoming ever more urgent.
The research, conducted by koala ecologists Biolink, compared the extent of occurrence, area of occupancy, and areas of generational persistence of koalas in the Sydney Basin Bioregion from 2021-2023. All measures showed a trend of decline in the Sydney Basin. Important populations in Cessnock and Southern Highlands are of particular concern with generational persistence in Cessnock halving and the area occupied by koalas decreasing significantly in both LGAs between 2021-2023. The only relatively stable koala populations are threatened by impending urban sprawl outwards from Sydney, so they won’t stay stable for long.
Policy and legal analysis for SBKN by the Environmental Defenders Office concludes that existing measures are not enough to prevent the extinction of koalas in the Sydney Basin by 2050. There are several key steps available to the Government that would immediately halt this decline and protect koalas. These steps are outlined in the SBKN 2024 Policy Recommendations and Sydney Basin Koala Network states it will use these recommendations to benchmark progress in future reports.
''The NSW government needs to put their foot on the accelerator for Koala protection. The threats are multiplying while effective protections languish. The decline can’t continue and must be reversed; new laws enacted and conservation reserves and migratory corridors protected; and the state’s Koala Strategy made effective.'' Sydney Basin Koala Network stated
Key Scientific Findings (Biolink):
- Overall, the proportional area where koalas are found in the Sydney Basin has slightly declined and there are fewer areas supporting long-standing breeding populations.
- The geographic extent (Extent of Occurrence) of koalas across the Sydney Basin has remained relatively stable from 2021 – 2023, though with a slight overall trend towards decline (0.75%). This represents a decrease of 35,857ha.
- The proportion of this extent which is occupied by koalas (Area of Occupancy) across the Sydney Basin shows a small but significant decline from 12.81% ± 0.18% (2021) to 12.55% ± 0.13% (2023).
- Areas of Generational Persistence (long standing source populations) across the Sydney Basin are dynamic, though there is an overall decrease in the number of cells of Generational Persistence between the time frames 2021 (n = 141) and 2023 (n = 125).
- When considering the six Focal Areas, patterns are variable with some areas showing small increases or relative stability e.g. Hawkesbury LGA and Liverpool LGA respectively, while other areas show significant declines e.g. Cessnock LGA and Wingecarribee LGA.
- The results of this study may be impacted by delays in entering koala sightings records into government databases, though we note that significant decreases in Cessnock occur despite high numbers of records.
Key Legal Findings (EDO): Overall, there has been a lack of specific action by the NSW and Federal governments to implement EDO recommendations during the past 12-month period. In particular:
- The majority of relevant councils still have no Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management (KPoM) in place.
- Disparities in koala protection remain, with progress towards returning to a single State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) for koalas stalled.
- The new Labor government has not detailed its plans for environmental reform, including in relation to its commitments around land clearing and biodiversity offsets, and is still preparing its response to the 5-year statutory reviews of the BC Act and Part 5A of the Local Land Services Act 2013 (NSW) (LLS Act).
- The Commonwealth government continues to work on legislative reform to the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), yet progress is slow and, at this stage, it is still unclear how the reforms will ensure improvements in threatened species conservation, including koalas.
Urgent Policy Reforms Needed (SBKN):
- Finalise the Koala SEPP Guideline - applying a full list of koala habitat trees to rural and urban land.
- Add all LGAs in the Sydney Basin with koala sightings to the Koala SEPP i.e. Sutherland Shire, Penrith, and Hills Shire.
- Give recognised koala corridors legal protection e.g. via relevant SEPP changes, by following Chief Scientist recommendations to protect, restore, and zone appropriately sized corridors as conservation land (C2).
- Reform the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan
- Scrap the Rural Boundary Clearing Code (RBCC) in the Sydney Basin Bioregion, to prevent further fragmentation of koala habitat.
- Urgently adopt interim controls on koala habitat in Areas of Regional Koala Significance (ARKS) to prevent clearing of koala habitat across public, and private land.
By end of 2024:
- Fund councils via NSW Koala Strategy to develop Comprehensive Koala Plans of Management (CKPoM) ensuring all councils have a CKPoM in place.
- Reform the Local Land Services (LLS) Act to end code based clearing and strictly limit allowable activities on koala habitat.
- Reform the Biodiversity Conservation Act (BCA) and Biodiversity Offsets Scheme (BOS) to strengthen protection for koalas (and other species).
- Support Wildlife Rescue Groups to enable timely data to be uploaded to Bionet.
- Incorporate wildlife mitigation measures such as overpasses and underpasses into plans for all new roads and upgrades.
- Undertake a strategic supply plan to reduce ad-hoc quarry development on koala habitat.
On Thursday March 21 2024 the Sydney Basin Koala Network stated: ·
''We finally received our long awaited response from the NSW Roads Ministry to our calls to reduce speed limits in Koala vehicle strike hotspots while mitigation measures are put in place. We have been told that current road speed limits on roads like Appin Road and Heathcote Road are "appropriate". We do not think these figures, compiled by the Southwest Sydney Koala Project, are at all "appropriate".

Reviewing the NSW Koala Strategy
Currently the NSW Government want to hear from residents about what more can be done to help koalas.
The consultation is open until 26 April at