DIY: Storm Preparation And Home Protection

Whether you have tiles or tin your roofing will wear out over the decades it is exposed to sun, rain, wind and damaging hail. Many a problem has been caused by not regularly maintaining or repairing cracked or slipped tiles or deteriorated tin sheets while the sun still shone. If you have cracked or slipped tiles, damaged or old flashing, roof valleys that are full of debris, these will funnel water into your roof, onto gyprock that will then break and pour a nice mess into the room beneath it. Even though the cavity between tiles or tin and ceiling is ‘sealed’ dust and leaves can accumulate there too, blown through the smallest of slivers, and these too will come down if your roof is breached and causes the gyprock to break.
If you have terracotta tiles re-pointing involves ensuring the original cement mortar or ‘bedding’, which is what holds roof capping tiles in place, is maintained as it will break down. This will crack over time and Roof Pointing, or repointing is applying a second layer which goes over the top of the bedding, sealing these cracks, to help create a stronger hold for the tiles and re-seals the roof against dust and water. Cement mortar used to be used for roof pointing but has been replaced by flexible pointing compounds. These are fairly easy to apply and even come in a range of colours to match to your original mortar. A brickies trowel and a few hours should get the job done.
First you will need to prepare these areas for repointing; brush away any loose mortar and reapply where it has gone completely. Don’t worry of this re-cracks – the repointing compound will seal it.
Before you climb on the roof you will need to ensure you have the right safety gear;
Right: First Roof Workers Kit $380.00: QUICK OVERVIEW • Ideal for workers required to work on roofs and building edges, the First Roof Workers Kit contains a rope lifeline of 15m with integral shock absorbing lanyard, 1. • 5m round strap and a fall arrest harness, all in a carry bucket for your convenience. See more at:

- ensure that all loose materials around your home are secured, e.g. outdoor furniture and shade sails, children's play equipment etc.
- ensure your emergency kit is up to date
- ensure your pets are in a safe place.
- move your vehicles under cover
- selecting roof materials that are impact resistant (e.g. metal rather than terracotta)
- designing or installing appropriate window protection.
- making sure you have a carport to store a vehicle under where it will have protection from hailstone damage
- designing or installing window protection
- ensuring roofs are well maintained
- creating greater capacity to detain and harvest water from a deluge: Stop Winter Rain Lawn Loss and Soil Erosion on Slopes
- selecting materials that can withstand moisture - Shoring Up an Under House Earth Bank – Installing a Basic Retaining Wall
- ensuring there are drainage cavities in walls: Autumn DIY Jobs: Waterproof Your Home Checklist
- improving the detailing to roof edges, open decks, walls and joinery, retaining walls, floors, balconies, wall−roof junctions and roofs
- ensuring internal and box guttering can withstand a 1-in-100 year rainfall event.
- Close your curtains and blinds and stay inside away from windows
- If caught outside find safe shelter away from trees, powerlines, metal objects, storm water drains,rivers and streams
- If there is lightning, unplug electrical appliances and do not use landline telephones or make sure you have a Safety Switch installed in your meter box

Products advice is available from the trained friendly staff at Narrabeen, Mona Vale and Avalon Johnson Brothers Mitre 10.
Click on logo to visit Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 website
Johnson Bros Mitre 10 - Avalon (02) 9918 3315
Johnson Bros Mitre 10 - Mona Vale (02) 9999 3340
JBH Timber & Building Supplies (02) 9999 0333
JBH Fencing & Landscape Supplies (02) 9970 6333

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