David Hazlewood: Photographer of Avalon Beach SLSC Founders meeting
Mr Small and Mr Wickham and others then became more organised; please note that it should be an 'A' instead of H for Mr. Small's initials:
Avalon Beach SLSC turns 100 in 2025!

Avalon Beach SLSC is celebrating its centenary in 2025 and is currently running a call-out to get in touch with all past members so they may be a part of the year-long celebrations.
The gentleman who photographed the club's founders on the front steps at that initial meeting in the house named 'Avalon', in Bellevue Avenue, Avalon Beach, the weekender and Summer house of Arthur Jabez Small and his family, would have had to wander a whole 100 yards around the corner from his own Pittwater Summer home/camp in Avalon Beach, at today's No. 1 Elouera Avenue, albeit purchased, officially, a few months after that Sunday March 8 1925 meeting.
The dates of an A J Small land sale show Photographer David 'Rex' Hazlewood bought land here after his return from service in World War One and around the years he was photographing scenic and environmental features of the Avalon Beach valley for Mr. Small's various subdivisions. His father, also named 'David' was a real estate agent at this time so that may be the connection.
Mr. Hazlewood bought Lot 143, measuring 66 feet by 330 feet with the Certificate of Title registered on July 15th, 1925 - Vol/Fol: 3754-20, at current day Elouera Avenue, then called 'Seaview Avenue' and from which a view of the sea can indeed be glimpsed.
Elouera is an Aboriginal word that means "pleasant place" or "fine view".
Muriel Annie Hazlewood bought Lot 79, on Avalon Parade with the Certificate of Title registered on August 6th, 1926 - Vol/Fol: 3900-239. Muriel was the wife of his younger brother Hamilton. Their lot was just around the corner from Bellevue Avenue, on the road out to Clareville and shows as 'sold' in the Ocean Beach Estate and Avalon Beach Estates land sales for those lots still available in and around the villages' shops area.
It is worth noting that a covenant, alike other places in Pittwater when lots were sold, required the owners to erect buildings of not less than £300 in value/cost - this was to prevent cheap buildings being erected; sheds and the like.
Panorama of Avalon Beach, New South Wales, ca. 1925-1930 [picture] / EB Studios. PIC P865/212/2 PIC P865 LOC photographs in Hurley Stack 52/4-Enemark collection of panoramic photographs and sections from enlarged - nla.obj-162503612-1. Courtesy National Library of Australia - Enlarged Section from to show Bellevue an Avalon Parade - the A J Small home 'Avalon' can be seen and what looks like a basic box structure on then Seaview, current day Elouera Avenue.
Pittwater Clareville Ocean Beach Estate - Central Rd, Seaview Avenue, Clareville Road, Bellevue Avenue, Barrenjoey road - A J Small. Item No.: c027560009 [Avalon subdivision plans] - courtesy State Library of New South Wales. Worth noting is that Lot 143 is already sold, indicating the Small-Hazlewood association may be earlier than Certificates of Title being registered.
The above is interesting as it shows what we now call 'Avalon Parade' was originally called 'Clareville Road' - as in the road to Clareville. The name swap from 'Seaview' to something more in keeping with the original custodians wasn't the only Seaview to go in 1939 - Elimatta road, at Mona Vale, is an Aboriginal word meaning 'my home':
Names of Roads.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Council has, in accordance with the provisions of section 249 (a), Local Government Act, 1919, and of Ordinance No. 30 thereunder, and with the approval of the Minister for Works and Local Government, given the undermentioned names to the roads described hereunder:—
Situation, Old Name and New Name.
At Careel Bay, Pittwater, parish of Narrabeen—Bayview-road—Cabarita-road.
In Ocean Beach Estate, Avalon (deposited plan No. 9,151), parish of Narrabeen — Seaview-avenue— Elouera-road.
Connecting Ralston-road and Pacific-road, Palm Beach, as shown on deposited plan No. 13,780—Unnamed—Ebor-road.
In Brocks' Estate, Mona Vale, deposited plan 6,195— Rickard-road—Orana-road.
In Warriewood Estate, Warriewood (deposited plan 5,464), parish of Narrabeen—Sea view-street—Elimatta-road.
At Mona Vale, running easterly from Barrenjoey-road (Newport-road) to the Pacific Ocean—Allen-street——Golf-avenue.
At Deewhy West, running north-easterly and northerly from the junction of Fisher-road and Lynwood-avenue along the western boundaries of portions 647, 646, 1,290, 643, 642 and 641, parish Manly Cove —Unnamed—Campbell-avenue.
At Manly Vale, parish Manly Cove, running easterly from Condamine-street to Stuart-road—Dalley-street —Koorala-street. SHIRE OF WARRINGAH. (1939, June 30). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3373. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article225078398

David ‘Rex’ Hazlewood (1886 – 1968) was born in Dulwich Hill in Sydney’s Inner West and grew up in the suburban/orchard areas around Homebush, Chatswood and Epping. At Epping the family built ' Devon Lodge' - laying the foundations in December 1901 - the home was completed by February 1902.

Devon Lodge 22/02/1902 - ON 165/406 - Item No.: c07683_0006_c , courtesy State Library of NSW
CHATSWOOD SUPERIOR PUBLIC SCHOOLOn Friday last there was a large gathering of parents and friends of the pupils to witness the annual distribution of prizes. Among those present were Mr. George Howarth, M.L.A., Dr. Crabbe, Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Dettmann, and Mrs Ludowici (members of the school board), Rev. D, Murphy, Dr. M'Swinney, Mr. Ward, and many others.
The prizes, models, and trophies were presented by Mr. Howarth and Dr. Crabbe. In the course of his remarks Mr. Howarth referred to the growth of the school. The enrolment was, he said, now over 710, and it had been decided to go on with extensive additions. He hoped to see the new buildings opened in six months time. The gold medal presented by Mrs. W. J. Brennan to the dux of the boys was won by Rex Hazlewood, and the gold medal presented by Dr. Crabbe for the cadet who made the best score at the last shooting competition was won by Harold Charlish...CHATSWOOD SUPERIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL (1901, December 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14429550
He first trained as a tailor in a city clothing warehouse, but in 1909 when he was 23, he began training for the Baptist ministry. His father David was the youngest son of another minister who died before he was born, thus the training to be a minister was a part of his family's culture.
Rex Hazlewood’s father, David, was a keen amateur photographer and fostered the same passion in his son. Rex spent two years in country New South Wales as student pastor and took numerous photographs of the areas around Yeoval, Manildra and Molong, where he was based.
He also began taking photographs of churches of his own and other denominations in the suburbs of Concord and Epping. His ministry ended in late 1911 when he began working as a professional photographer.
On his return to Sydney in 1911, he took many photographs of the areas around his family home in Epping – including several series of the new developments in the north western suburbs, government works and the newly-built Central Markets (now Paddy’s Markets) in the city.
His photographs recall the farming days of Sydney’s outer suburbs, including fruit-growing in Epping and timber-hauling in Carlingford. Some time between 1911 and 1916, Rex Hazlewood began to identify himself as a professional photographer and he appears to have gained several contracts to record the progress of large government building projects. He was the first to record the construction of the Commonwealth Government’s first wireless station at Pennant Hills, then the State Brick Works and Timber-Yard, and later many other industrial sites in the Strathfield-Ryde district.
He enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force in 1916 and left for England in 1917. During WWI Rex served in the first AIF. He served at the Western Front, and at the end of 1918 he was appointed an official war photographer until his return to Australia in 1919.
After the War, he recommenced his professional career, setting up a studio at Epping. His subsequent work included over 2,000 colour photos taken on an extended trip to Europe and Britain. When he died in March 1968, his photographic collection passed to his family, who donated over 1,000 of these, mainly glass-plate, negatives to the Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW.
In 1995 his son Laurance published a monograph on Hazelwood, inspired by the many researchers, especially local historians, using his photographs. As well as a biography and the reproduction of a selection of his early photographs, it includes an index to the photographs in the Mitchell Library.

Post war studio portrait of 17317 Sergeant (Sgt) 'Rex' Hazlewood, 1st Division Signals Company, probably taken in Melbourne. A photographer from Epping, NSW prior to enlistment, Sgt Hazlewood embarked with the rank of Sapper with the 26th Reinforcements from Melbourne on HMAT Shropshire on 11 May 1917. After serving in France, he returned to Australia on 23 September 1919.
His marriage to Emma 'Robin' Kendall took place on June 19, 1920 (registered at Kiama) - her father had passed away just a few days prior to this:
MR. R. O. KENDALL. One by one, the old residents of the district, identified personally and as members of a family, with its progress and history, are passing away, leaving but the memory of what they and theirs have done for it. This was borne home on Wednesday when the sad news became known, Mr. R. O. Kendall had passed away toward mid-night the previous evening, at the Kiama Hospital, where he had been taken for an operation. Temporary relief was given, but the trouble was found to be without remedy, and the following day he passed peacefully to his rest.
The late Mr. Kendall was in his 81st year, as he was born in Ulladulla in 1839 and coming to Kiama in early years, spent most of his life in this district. His grandfather was the first Missionary who left England for the Southern Hemisphere and first settled in New Zealand afterward coming to Australia - thus it will be seen the Kendall family is one of the oldest established is the State, and the late Mr. Kendall was the youngest and last remaining son of Thos. Surfleet Kendall (who built and established Barroul Estate) son of this valiant soul inspired by the Missionary spirit and that of adventure. In. those early days travelling the seas between the old world and the new was a different proposition to now when the great islands of the Pacific had a greater savage population than of civilised beings.
After his marriage with Miss Emma Hunt, daughter of the late Mr. George Hunt of Kiama, Mr. R. O. Kendall removed to a farm of his own at Miiton. A few years later he returned to Kiama and started a business as a house land commission and insurance agent, which he carried on successfully until his last illness. He has been a pillar of the Church of England from early man-hood and a church warden for 54 years. In earlier days he often took the church services, and his exemplary life of gentle nature, kind hearted and truly Christian character was in keeping with his church work. Charitable and generous, he was. identified with all that stood for good repute progress, and humanity. He was one of the first to take interest in the establishment of the Kiama Hospital and was one of the trustees.
For several years he was an Alderman and during the year in which the Commonwealth was established was Mayor of Kiama. Be- side his widow, a family of 5 daughters is left to mourn the loss of dearly loved parent, in Mrs. Fleingham, Mrs Stanley Kendall, Mrs. Tress, Misses May and Robin Kendall with them and with the Misses Kendall of "Blake Cottage." his sisters, sincere sympathy is expressed in their bereavement.
Until some months ago, Mr Kendall enjoyed wonderful health for one of his years and road about each day on business affairs his mentality and wonderful memory making his conversation most interesting especially where the tales of earlier days were concerned. Then he had the misfortune to sustain a fractured thigh through a fall but an indomitable spirit brought him through months of inactivity consequent, and he was able to his joy to get about the house again when the trouble manifested itself from which death ensued. The funeral was largely attended on Thursday, and left "Wingelo" his daughter's residence in the afternoon, for the private cemetery of the family at Marsden Hall the funeral service conducted by Rev. B. Tress (son-in-law). As a last token of respect the town flag hung at half mast on the day of his death and funeral.OBITUARY. (1920, June 12). The Kiama Independent, and Shoalhaven Advertiser (NSW : 1863 - 1947), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article104782378
KENDALL.-June 8, 1920, at Kiama, Robert Oscar, beloved husband of Emma Kendall, aged 80 years. Family Notices (1920, June 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15893595

"My mother; my maternal grandfather" Items No.: c07775_0001_c and c07775_0002_c - caption by Laurance Hazlewood, 1992, courtesy State Library of NSW
In early 1921 he is out at Mudgee, his photographs illustrating this article: Pioneers Of Mudgee (1921, March 23). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article159037778
After the birth of his son in 1922, Rex Hazlewood continued to take photographs, probably on a contract basis and for commercial postcards. Some of these postcards were taken with his rotating panoramic camera – 75 examples of panoramic negatives are held in the Mitchell Library’s collection.
Among those Rex Hazlewood took of Avalon is one showing the Avalon Golf Links which dates from when it was first being formed up:
Grass with sign reading Avalon Golf Links in preparation - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, No.:c046220009h and below FL38047, courtesy State Library of NSW

SEASIDE GOLFLinks at AvalonPeople Interested in the attractiveness of seaside resorts are beginning to realise the value of golf links. The latest proposal is to establish a course at Avalon Beach. Avalon is a favorite holiday and week-end resort of the motorist, who enjoys a short run, and when links are in playing order Its popularity, will; increase. The course will be laid out on a sheltered pocket on the Manly side of the beach. The main road to Palm Reach will form its western boundary, so that there will be no question of its accessibility.
The course will be of nine holes to commence with, and a beautiful site has been reserved for the clubhouse, within one minute of the beach and swimming pool. The ground at present is mostly covered with ti-tree, but clearing it will not be expensive or difficult. Patches have already been cleared, and are well grassed, the soil being sandy and most suitable for golf. The work of laying out the course and getting It In order will be taken In hand almost Immediately, and an effort made to get the links in playing order by next summer. SEASIDE GOLF (1923, February 27). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), , p. 5 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article223446089
In 1924 'The Park Estate' Avalon Beach is advertised and in this brochure we recognise many of the Rex Hazlewood photos of an Avalon changing from farm acreage to weekend resort blocks and suburban homes and that the Golf Course is now ready. Most of these subdivisions stemmed from the buying of larger lots by Arthur Jabez Small and subdividing them. His first was pre the name he gave to Avalon Beach, in 'Avalon' and when the beach was still known by the name that harked back to the grant given to Archpriest J J Therry. Mr. Small is listed as bringing more land under the Real Property Act in 1914. He too utilises the proximity and existence of a wharf at Clareville as a means to access the estate.
Newport- Pittwater.
The Clareville Beach Estate.
Adjoining the CLAREVILLE PUBLIC WHARF, and embracing 1
TITLE WILL BE TORRENS. NOTE THE TERMS: £2 and £5 per Lot Deposit, balance by quarterly payment extending over 5 years. Interest 5 per cent.
Lithographs obtainable from the Auctioneers and Local Agent.
INTENDING PURCHASERS ate requested to take TRAM to NARRABEEN, then MOTOR 'BUSES to NEWPORT or BAY VIEW, and catch the FREE LAUNCHES from both these places on day of sale, and attend the Sale of CLAREVILLE BEACH ESTATE, IN PITTWATER HARBOR.
Anniversary Day, January 26.
— J. WILLIAMS, Bayview, Pittwater, Local Agent. Advertising (1914, January 11). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 9 (SUNDAY EDITION). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article221563893
Surfing, Avalon Beach - from album: 'Series 03: Panoramic negatives of Sydney and surrounding suburbs, circa 1919-1925' / photographed by Rex Hazlewood, Item: a1949035h and enlarged sections from to show details, courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales

Mr. Arthur J. Small, of Royston Park, Asquith, takes exception to the statement last week that Palm Beach Estate, Barrenjoey where land brought £4 per foot, ls Inaccessible to the public, and practically can only be reached as a residential area by persons owning their own car. He draws attention to the fact that there is an hourly service of motor cars from the present tram terminus at Narrabeen to Newport, and a regular ferry service thence to Clareville and Palm Beach of two trips each way daily. This service was Inaugurated by the Palm Beach Co. when they first opened up the estate some five or six years ago. REAL ESTATE. NOTES OF THE WEEK. (1917, March 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28101228
In 1921 the first 'Palmgrove Estate' subdivision was made, with an accompanying brochure that had become a theme for the Willbees annual Short Film Festival at Avalon Beach.
Cronulla was, Palm Beach is, and Avalon Beach will be. This is the catch slogan which has been adopted by the vendor of the Palmgrove Estate at Avalon, which is to be sold by Messrs. H. W. Horning and Co., on Boxing Day. Judging by the beautiful panoramic views which appear in an attractive booklet, and which also occupy a conspicuous position in Messrs. Horning and Co.'s windows, Martin-place, the scenery surrounding the estate must be exceptionally beautiful. Avalon is the new seaside resort between Newport and Palm Beach. The Palmgrove Estate is on the main Barrenjoey-road, and is right at the beach.
The owner has evidently had the public good in mind, as the estate has been well planted with Ornamental shade trees, while a section of it known as the Palm Grove, has been presented as a park. This is a remarkable beauty spot, with a wealth of graceful palms, maidenhair, burrawang, and other ferns. The estate is in every respect a most attractive proposition to those looking for week-end and holiday sites. REAL ESTATE NEWS (1921, December 11). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article123241058
Most of this brochure includes the wonderful panoramas taken and made by E B Studios during 1917-1921 - and their photography is spoken of in their brochure. The sales pitch speaks of an pool that has been cut into the rocks, which was only a natural formation in 1917.
A few sections from the Palmgrove Estate 1921 brochure that show image provenance:
Palmgrove Estate, Avalon Beach, new seaside resort between Newport and Palm Beach - December 1921 auction. Item No.: c027560016, [Avalon Subdivision Plans], courtesy State Library of NSW
The 'Park Estate' brochure illustrates more refined dressing sheds on the beach and shows some of the houses that have been built since 1921 - the golf links are finished as well and Refreshment Rooms have been added to Stan Wickham's store. Some of these images are those taken by Rex Hazlewood and others have appeared in sales materials for Clareville. Mr. Hazlewood did take a lot of panoramas himself, many of which can be seen in the State Library of New South Wales, but these are listed in the National Library of Australia as EB Panos:.
Whatley Watson, Ltd., will hold the first seaside subdivision sale of the season on Monday at Avalon Beach, when they will submit about 60 allotments of the Park Estate.All these allotments are handy to the surf, and command magnificent views of the new golf links and ocean. Judging by the demand for lithogriphs a large attendance is anticipated. REAL ESTATE. (1924, October 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 20. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16169775


Park Estate, Avalon Beach 1924 - front page and back pages 1924 Items No.: c027560033h and c027560034h, Subdivision Plans courtesy State Library of NSW - and sections from to show details
Judging by the changes within the images themselves it seems likely Rex made a few trips to Avalon Beach, and his images show those changes within just a few years. He also photographed Clareville and Palm Beach during this period so it is likely these were taken during visits to his land holding or may have been taken during times spent at Avalon Beach. Features in those images date, via newspaper and council records, from the mid-1920's on, so later than the 1921 Avalon Estate land sales or even the earlier from 1914 land sales towards Clareville.
By the late 1920s, Rex was finding it impossible to make photography profitable as a freelance photographer. His brothers owned a nursery in Epping, and Rex worked for them, taking photographs of gardens, plants and animals to illustrate their catalogues and writing articles on plants and garden design. He developed a passion for landscape design and delivered illustrated talks on the topic to interested groups.
In the Winter of 1932 his father passed away:
An Appreciation by Rev. W. Deane, M.A.
On July 20, at Epping, there passed away one whose name recalls fragrant memories in Methodist mission history. The writer refers to David Hazelwood, son of the missionary of the same name, who worked in the early days of cannibal Fiji. The latter was distinguished as the compiler, of the standard dictionary of the Fijian language. Though he died at the early age of 36, he was enabled to accomplish a work that has stood the test of time, and is still the reservoir for all who wish to make themselves proficient in the sonorous Bauan tongue. The debt that we owe to this assiduous missionary the Methodist Church can never repay. The Church will always remember the earnest application which gave Mr. David Hazlewood a good working knowledge of Hebrew and Greek, and of the science of language, preparatory to his making the dictionary. His intimate knowledge of the Fijians also fitted him eminently for his epoch making work. The Fijian Government, in more recent years, invited the late Rev. W. A. Heighway to revise the dictionary, a herculean task which he began, but was not permitted to complete. It is unlikely now that Hazlewood 's work will ever be superseded.
Mr. David Hazlewood, of Epping, was justly proud of his father's reputation. Born in the year of his father's death, viz., February 11, 1855, he grew up in the Methodist Church, honouring his descent from Hazlewood, the missionary,' with a blame less character and reputation.
Giving himself to horticulture, he founded the well-known firm of Hazlewood Bros, at Epping, which extends its operations far beyond this State. The writer frequently visited him, and found him to be a man of remark able generosity, and yet one who would on no account have his name published. He gave systematically to missions in the city, charitable institutions, and the trust funds of the church at Epping, and always with the stipulation that no word was to be said about it. To know him was to give complete respect to one who was above reproach.
Of late years his actual attendance was transferred to another church, but he never forgot the church of his distinguished father, and was always interested in 'its progress. In honouring him, therefore, the Methodist Church honours itself. His family has left its mark on the community in various ways.
Three of the sons were soldiers — Rex (A.I.F.), Arnold (Original Anzac, three times wounded), and Len (killed at Fleurbaix, 1916). A son George is an orchardist at Bathurst, and a daughter Nell (Mrs. E. Ray) is the wife of a well-known orchardist in the same district. Two brothers (George and Harry) carry on the horticulture business at Epping. Dorothy is the wife of Professor W. L. Waterhouse, at Lindfield, and Mary is the wife of Mr. Stan Carr, at Chatswood South, both prominent workers in the Methodist Church. Louise is unmarried, while Curtis died in infancy. Mr. Hazlewood married Miss S. L. Hodgson at Sydney on the 25th February, 1879, and this excellent lady survives him. IN MEMORIAM (1932, August 6). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155292408
HAZLEWOOD—HODGSON.—February 25, by the Rev. J. Walkden Brown, David, son of the late Rev. D. Hazlewood, to Louie, daughter of George Hodgson, of Redfern. Family Notices (1879, March 15). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 405. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article162808428
The Hazlewood Legacy.
The late Mr. David Hazlewood has left a legacy to the Missionary 'Society to perpetuate the memory of the late Rev. and Mrs. David Hazlewood, who rendered such effective service in the early days of our Fiji Mission. The legacy is governed by the following terms:. ''To the Methodist Foreign Missionary Society of New South Wales the sum of fifty pounds (£50) to be invested Dy it in any trustee investment according to the law in force for the time being, and the income arising therefrom to be used! for an annual prize in connection with mission work in Fiji, and I desire such prize to be called 'The David Hazlewood Prize, in memory of Reverend David Hazlewood and his wife, Sarah, of Feejee . The Fiji District has been requested to recommend to the Board regarding the best method of carrying out the testator's wishes. The Hazlewood Legacy. (1933, July 29). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155292704
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
In the matter of the estate of David Hazlewood, late of Epping, in the State of New South Wales, retired estate agent, deceased.
PURSUANT to the Wills, Probate and Administration Act, 1898, the Testator's Family Maintenance and Guardianship of Infants Act, 1916, and the Trustee Act, 1925: Notice is hereby given that every creditor or other person having any debt or claim upon or affecting the estate of the abovenamed deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of July, 1932, and probate of whose will was, on the 28th day of September, 1932, granted by the Supreme Court of New South Wales to the Public Trustee, is hereby required to send in particulars in writing of such debt or claim to the said Public Trustee, on or before the 30th day of December, 1932, at the expiration of which time the said Public Trustee will proceed to convey and distribute the property and assets of the said deceased to or among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts or claims of 1 which he then has notice; and notice is hereby further given that the said Public Trustee will not be'liable, for the property or assets or any part thereof so conveyed or distributed, to any person of whose debt or claim he shall not have had notice at the time of such conveyance or distribution.
St. James Buildings, Public Trustee.
109 Elizabeth-street, Sydney,
12th October, 1932.
Stuart, Osbokne and Simpson,
Proctors for the Executor,
129 Pitt-street, Sydney.
PROBATE JURISDICTION. (1932, October 14). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3828. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article220257661
Rex Hazlewood left his brothers’ nursery in around 1935 and undertook various jobs until the end of the Second World War, when he began a business selling wholesale roses to nurseries.
TAREE PARK SCHEMEPOISONING THE CAMPHORSAt Wednesday night's meeting of the Taree Municipal Council a lengthy letter' was read from Mr. Rex. Hazlewood, who designed a scheme for the beautification of the park. He wrote in reply to objections made to the poisoning of surplus camphors …proposal to grow the bougainvilleas on pyramids inside the park area. He said this would have a serious effect on the design. The camphors would eventually have to be thinned out, as they were planted too closely together. His proposal was to destroy only such of the camphors as were unnecessary and to utilise the trunks and branches as a trellis for the bougainvillea. Ii these plants were placed on pyramids they would have to be at least 20ft.' from the camphors to have a chance of thriving, and this would result in the camphors interfering with the general design in the boundary planting. He suggested that eight camphors be killed each year, and if they were spread over the park the blanks would not be very noticeable. The mayor moved that the suggestion to poison' eight trees be adopted, lie felt that council, having obtained expert advice, should follow it right out. If they were not prepared to do that they should throw - his scheme out altogether. The camphors ultimately must go, if his scheme was to be proceeded with, and so he advised council to get on with the work. He admitted he was a party to the variation made at the last meeting. Ald. Chapman said the camphors would be dead long before the bougainvillea's grew. It was futile to plant anything near the roots of a camphor tree — the ground for yards around would be solid wood. In the Queensland parks the bougainvillea's were all grown on trellises.Motion carried……. TAREE PARK SCHEME (1935, December 14). The Northern Champion (Taree, NSW : 1913 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article162146898
TREE PLANTING LEAGUE. At a meeting of the Tree Planting and Preservation League, held at the Y.M.C.A. building last night, arrangements were made to invite Mr. Rex Hazelwood to give an address on the subject of street, park, and municipal tree planting, and to preservation of trees. It was also proposed to hold an excursion at an early date to an area where members and others interested will have an opportunity to study trees under expert advice. … TREE PLANTING LEAGUE (1936, November 27). Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954), p. 20. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article134677755
GARDEN ADVISER - OFFER TO NURSERYMAN The position of honorary garden adviser to Dundas Council will be offered to the well-known Epping nurseryman, Mr. Rex Hazelwood. Valuable work has recently-been done by Mr. Hazlewood in assisting the council in designing gardens in the municipality, and in advising as to the suitability of planting various flowers, shrubs and trees. . The council last week adopted a layout and specification of trees for Boronia Park, Epping, which, had been supplied by Mr Hazelwood free of charge.
"To make Mr. Hazelwood our honorary adviser," said Alderman Noonan, would be some form of recognition of his services He really shows splendid citizenship, and the manner in which he has designed Boronia Park is excellent." GARDEN ADVISER (1938, March 28). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article104971126
MISS MAY KENDALL A former resident of this district, Miss May Kendall, died at Pennant Hills last week, at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Rex Hazlewood, Miss Kendall was born in Kiama and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. R . Kendall, of Barroul, Kiama. She left this district about 20 years ago to live with her sister. MISS MAY KENDALL (1953, November 18). Kiama Independent (NSW : 1947 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article101650226
His holding at Avalon Beach was sold in August 1945, and bought by Hilary May Rawson, the wife of Claude Cyril Rawson, manufacturer of Sydney.
His last series of photographs recorded a European trip he took with his wife in 1956-57.
But of course, apart from his wonderful photos of Avalon Bach, Clareville and Palm Beach during his time here - the community is most grateful for his photograph of the founders meeting for Avalon Beach SLSC in Bellevue avenue.
Some of his images of Pittwater - many more have been digitised by the State Library of NSW - run below.
David ‘Rex’ Hazlewood (1886 – 1968) was born in Dulwich Hill in Sydney’s Inner West and grew up in the suburban/orchard areas around Homebush, Chatswood and Epping. At Epping the family built ' Devon Lodge' - laying the foundations in December 1901 - the home was completed by February 1902.

He first trained as a tailor in a city clothing warehouse, but in 1909 when he was 23, he began training for the Baptist ministry. His father David was the youngest son of another minister who died before he was born, thus the training to be a minister was a part of his family's culture.
Rex Hazlewood’s father, David, was a keen amateur photographer and fostered the same passion in his son. Rex spent two years in country New South Wales as student pastor and took numerous photographs of the areas around Yeoval, Manildra and Molong, where he was based.
He also began taking photographs of churches of his own and other denominations in the suburbs of Concord and Epping. His ministry ended in late 1911 when he began working as a professional photographer.

Newport- Pittwater.
The Clareville Beach Estate.
Adjoining the CLAREVILLE PUBLIC WHARF, and embracing 1
TITLE WILL BE TORRENS. NOTE THE TERMS: £2 and £5 per Lot Deposit, balance by quarterly payment extending over 5 years. Interest 5 per cent.
Lithographs obtainable from the Auctioneers and Local Agent.
INTENDING PURCHASERS ate requested to take TRAM to NARRABEEN, then MOTOR 'BUSES to NEWPORT or BAY VIEW, and catch the FREE LAUNCHES from both these places on day of sale, and attend the Sale of CLAREVILLE BEACH ESTATE, IN PITTWATER HARBOR.
Anniversary Day, January 26.
— J. WILLIAMS, Bayview, Pittwater, Local Agent. Advertising (1914, January 11). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 9 (SUNDAY EDITION). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article221563893

Mr. Arthur J. Small, of Royston Park, Asquith, takes exception to the statement last week that Palm Beach Estate, Barrenjoey where land brought £4 per foot, ls Inaccessible to the public, and practically can only be reached as a residential area by persons owning their own car. He draws attention to the fact that there is an hourly service of motor cars from the present tram terminus at Narrabeen to Newport, and a regular ferry service thence to Clareville and Palm Beach of two trips each way daily. This service was Inaugurated by the Palm Beach Co. when they first opened up the estate some five or six years ago. REAL ESTATE. NOTES OF THE WEEK. (1917, March 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28101228
In 1921 the first 'Palmgrove Estate' subdivision was made, with an accompanying brochure that had become a theme for the Willbees annual Short Film Festival at Avalon Beach.
Cronulla was, Palm Beach is, and Avalon Beach will be. This is the catch slogan which has been adopted by the vendor of the Palmgrove Estate at Avalon, which is to be sold by Messrs. H. W. Horning and Co., on Boxing Day. Judging by the beautiful panoramic views which appear in an attractive booklet, and which also occupy a conspicuous position in Messrs. Horning and Co.'s windows, Martin-place, the scenery surrounding the estate must be exceptionally beautiful. Avalon is the new seaside resort between Newport and Palm Beach. The Palmgrove Estate is on the main Barrenjoey-road, and is right at the beach.
The owner has evidently had the public good in mind, as the estate has been well planted with Ornamental shade trees, while a section of it known as the Palm Grove, has been presented as a park. This is a remarkable beauty spot, with a wealth of graceful palms, maidenhair, burrawang, and other ferns. The estate is in every respect a most attractive proposition to those looking for week-end and holiday sites. REAL ESTATE NEWS (1921, December 11). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article123241058
Most of this brochure includes the wonderful panoramas taken and made by E B Studios during 1917-1921 - and their photography is spoken of in their brochure. The sales pitch speaks of an pool that has been cut into the rocks, which was only a natural formation in 1917.
A few sections from the Palmgrove Estate 1921 brochure that show image provenance:
Palmgrove Estate, Avalon Beach, new seaside resort between Newport and Palm Beach - December 1921 auction. Item No.: c027560016, [Avalon Subdivision Plans], courtesy State Library of NSW


An Appreciation by Rev. W. Deane, M.A.
On July 20, at Epping, there passed away one whose name recalls fragrant memories in Methodist mission history. The writer refers to David Hazelwood, son of the missionary of the same name, who worked in the early days of cannibal Fiji. The latter was distinguished as the compiler, of the standard dictionary of the Fijian language. Though he died at the early age of 36, he was enabled to accomplish a work that has stood the test of time, and is still the reservoir for all who wish to make themselves proficient in the sonorous Bauan tongue. The debt that we owe to this assiduous missionary the Methodist Church can never repay. The Church will always remember the earnest application which gave Mr. David Hazlewood a good working knowledge of Hebrew and Greek, and of the science of language, preparatory to his making the dictionary. His intimate knowledge of the Fijians also fitted him eminently for his epoch making work. The Fijian Government, in more recent years, invited the late Rev. W. A. Heighway to revise the dictionary, a herculean task which he began, but was not permitted to complete. It is unlikely now that Hazlewood 's work will ever be superseded.
Mr. David Hazlewood, of Epping, was justly proud of his father's reputation. Born in the year of his father's death, viz., February 11, 1855, he grew up in the Methodist Church, honouring his descent from Hazlewood, the missionary,' with a blame less character and reputation.
Giving himself to horticulture, he founded the well-known firm of Hazlewood Bros, at Epping, which extends its operations far beyond this State. The writer frequently visited him, and found him to be a man of remark able generosity, and yet one who would on no account have his name published. He gave systematically to missions in the city, charitable institutions, and the trust funds of the church at Epping, and always with the stipulation that no word was to be said about it. To know him was to give complete respect to one who was above reproach.
Of late years his actual attendance was transferred to another church, but he never forgot the church of his distinguished father, and was always interested in 'its progress. In honouring him, therefore, the Methodist Church honours itself. His family has left its mark on the community in various ways.
Three of the sons were soldiers — Rex (A.I.F.), Arnold (Original Anzac, three times wounded), and Len (killed at Fleurbaix, 1916). A son George is an orchardist at Bathurst, and a daughter Nell (Mrs. E. Ray) is the wife of a well-known orchardist in the same district. Two brothers (George and Harry) carry on the horticulture business at Epping. Dorothy is the wife of Professor W. L. Waterhouse, at Lindfield, and Mary is the wife of Mr. Stan Carr, at Chatswood South, both prominent workers in the Methodist Church. Louise is unmarried, while Curtis died in infancy. Mr. Hazlewood married Miss S. L. Hodgson at Sydney on the 25th February, 1879, and this excellent lady survives him. IN MEMORIAM (1932, August 6). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155292408
HAZLEWOOD—HODGSON.—February 25, by the Rev. J. Walkden Brown, David, son of the late Rev. D. Hazlewood, to Louie, daughter of George Hodgson, of Redfern. Family Notices (1879, March 15). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 405. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article162808428
The Hazlewood Legacy.
The late Mr. David Hazlewood has left a legacy to the Missionary 'Society to perpetuate the memory of the late Rev. and Mrs. David Hazlewood, who rendered such effective service in the early days of our Fiji Mission. The legacy is governed by the following terms:. ''To the Methodist Foreign Missionary Society of New South Wales the sum of fifty pounds (£50) to be invested Dy it in any trustee investment according to the law in force for the time being, and the income arising therefrom to be used! for an annual prize in connection with mission work in Fiji, and I desire such prize to be called 'The David Hazlewood Prize, in memory of Reverend David Hazlewood and his wife, Sarah, of Feejee . The Fiji District has been requested to recommend to the Board regarding the best method of carrying out the testator's wishes. The Hazlewood Legacy. (1933, July 29). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155292704
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
In the matter of the estate of David Hazlewood, late of Epping, in the State of New South Wales, retired estate agent, deceased.
PURSUANT to the Wills, Probate and Administration Act, 1898, the Testator's Family Maintenance and Guardianship of Infants Act, 1916, and the Trustee Act, 1925: Notice is hereby given that every creditor or other person having any debt or claim upon or affecting the estate of the abovenamed deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of July, 1932, and probate of whose will was, on the 28th day of September, 1932, granted by the Supreme Court of New South Wales to the Public Trustee, is hereby required to send in particulars in writing of such debt or claim to the said Public Trustee, on or before the 30th day of December, 1932, at the expiration of which time the said Public Trustee will proceed to convey and distribute the property and assets of the said deceased to or among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts or claims of 1 which he then has notice; and notice is hereby further given that the said Public Trustee will not be'liable, for the property or assets or any part thereof so conveyed or distributed, to any person of whose debt or claim he shall not have had notice at the time of such conveyance or distribution.
St. James Buildings, Public Trustee.
109 Elizabeth-street, Sydney,
12th October, 1932.
Stuart, Osbokne and Simpson,
Proctors for the Executor,
129 Pitt-street, Sydney.
PROBATE JURISDICTION. (1932, October 14). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3828. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article220257661
Album Title: Avalon, Pittwater
CREATOR Rex Hazlewood, 1886-1968. Created ca. 1920-19291. Holiday group on front of house named Avalon - ON 165/12 2. Surfing at Avalon Beach - ON 165/8 3. The palm grove ... Avalon Beach - ON 165/13 4. Nancy Lea Avalon Beach - ON 165/17 5. Avalon Beach - ON 165/6 6. The Stone Woman. Avalon Beach - ON 165/9 7. The bathing pool Avalon Beach - ON 165/7 8. The bathing pool Avalon Beach - ON 165/19 9. West across rock swimming pool and water to timbered ridge with scattered houses - ON 165/10 10. Dumcriefe Avalon Beach - ON 165/15 11. Clareville wharf Pittwater near Avalon Beach - Small steam passenger vessel coming in - ON 165/18 12. Southerly from ridge to beach and park with lone Araucarian pine thence to rocky point - ON 165/11 13. Looking up from road to house with sandstone and wooden rail front fence - ON 165/168. 14. Grass with sign reading Avalon Golf Links in preparationA preliminary listing compiled by Mr Laurance Hazlewood is available in the Mitchell Library Original Materials Reading Room at ON 165
[Avalon II]
CREATOR Rex Hazlewood, 1886-1968
CALL NUMBERON 165/924-930
Photographs - 12 x 16.5 cm.-16.5 x 12 cm. - 7 glass photonegatives
- The Palm Grove, Avalon Beach
- General Store, Avalon Beach
- Swimming Pool, Avalon Beach
- The bathing pool, Avalon Beach
- Bathing pool, Avalon Beach
- The Hole In The Wall, Avalon Beach
- The Hole In The Wall, Avalon Beach

Holiday group on front of house named Avalon - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, No.: c046220007h
Surfing at Avalon Beach - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, No.:c046220003h
The palm grove ... Avalon Beach - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, No.:c046220008h

Nancy Lea Avalon Beach - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, No.:c046220012h
Avalon Beach - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, No.: c046220001h

The Stone Woman. Avalon Beach - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, Item No.:c046220004h

The bathing pool Avalon Beach - photos by Rex Hazlewood, Images Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, Items No.: c046220002h and c046220014h

The Bathing Pool Avalon Beach - photos by Rex Hazlewood, circa 1920-1929 Images Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, Items No.: c07771_0004_c, c07771_0005_c and ' Swimming Pool' c07771_0003_c

Dumcriefe Avalon Beach - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, No.:c046220010hGeoff Searl OAM, President of the Avalon Beach Historical society, states he has - '“Dumcrief” at 61 Avalon Parade and in 1924 owned by Miss (?) Tarrant. It was demolished to make way for the block of units quaintly named "Tree Tops”. Pretty sure she was member of the Avalon Red Cross and St Marks Church. '
A 1930 version, according to NLA dating:

(1930). [House, Avalon, New South Wales, 1930, 4] Retrieved December 4, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-147288534 - from NLA Album: Prospectus photographs of Avalon, 1930

Looking up from road to house with sandstone and wooden rail front fence - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, Item No.:c046220011h
Clareville wharf Pittwater near Avalon Beach - Small steam passenger vessel coming in - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, No.:c046220013h - The SS Phoenix Steamer Approaching Clareville wharf, circa 1922 - also visit: Pttwater Reserves: The Green Ways Clareville And Taylor's Point Wharves or Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your name - Clareville
Palm Beach: West across rock swimming pool and water to timbered ridge with scattered houses - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, Item No.:c046220005h
The December 6, 1926 Meeting records of the Warringah Shire Council records:
A letter from A. J. Hordern, offering £10 towards stopping the leak in Palm Beach Rock Bath, and clearing, out the stones, provided the work be completed by November 1st. Resolved, - Contrib- A. J. Hordern . 3.12.26. drawing attention to the fact that on account of the construction work going on in the vicinity of Gow's Store on the Barrenjoey Rod, vehicular access to Palm Beach is likely to be 'cut off during the Xmas holidays. Left with the Engineer to do what he considers best.
OVERSEER WORKS FOR A. RIDING was read and dealt, with as follows :- 6-. Resolved, - (Crs. Simpson, Hitchcock) That £20 extra be voted for making trafficable that portion of Ocean Road (Vote) outside of Gallagher's Contract. 8. Resolved, - (Crs. Simpson, Hitchcock) That the expenditure of £10 for the destruction of the lantana on Wilshire Park be confirmed.9. Resolved, - (Crs. Simpson, Hope) That £38 be voted for repairs to Clareville Wharf, as recommended in the report, the job to be made an urgent matter. (Vote) 11. Mr. A. J. Hordern's letter of 3.12.26, offering to advance the Council £100 at 4% for the completion of Palm Beach Rock Bath; provided the work be done by Xmas, was read. Resolved, (Crs.. Hope, Simpson) That Mr. Hordern's offer be accepted, he be told of the Engineer's difficulties in the matter, and that an earnest endeavour will be made to have it done by the time mentioned. Alfred James and Caroline Hordern owned Kalua at Palm Beach, alongside current day named Hordern Park - in the corner of Ocean road and directly opposite Kiddies Corner.
In 1927:
A. J. Hordern be informed that the cost of making Palm Beach Rock Bath water-tight is just under £50, and the Council will not require his loan to be of any greater amount.
So this photo of Palm Beach rock pool as it was then is dated around 1926-27 and would have been taken after Mr. Hazlewood had bought the Avalon Beach property and possibly from his and his family's first Summer in Pittwater.
Palm Beach: Southerly from ridge to beach and park with lone Araucarian pine thence to rocky point - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, Item No.:c046220006h
The Palm Grove, Avalon Beach - ON 165/924 Item No.: c07771_0001_c - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW,
Sign reads; 'This Palmgrove Also 10 other Reserves, Are Included to be DEDICATED by the Vendors of the Avalon Beach Estates as Parks for Public Recreation.' -This is A J Small's work, he was the first President of the Parks and Playgrounds Movement, formed after this Subdivision:
Aims of Movement.
"That every child shall have a chance to play and every citizen the opportunity for recreation" was adopted as a chief aim in the constitution of the New South Wales Parks and Playgrounds Movement, which held its first annual meeting at the New South Wales Cricket Association's Chambers on Wednesday. "The normal expansion of Sydneys playing fields should be, at a minimum, from 100to 120 acres of level land every year," says the report of the movement. A report on the whole matter by the Surveyor-General, who was being assisted by a committee of the movement, was expected shortly. "In the meantime, the executive of the movement has taken up (as an Immediate measure) the question of pressing for 'Five More Moore Parks."
The meeting, which was a full one, delegates from 30 bodies being present, was concerned largely with the elimination by the Legislative Council of the parks clauses of the Greater Sydney Bill. 'This meant', said Dr. C. E. W. Bean, honorary secretary of the movement, 'that, although the Greater Sydney authority, if established, could plan parks and playgrounds, It would not be able to acquire them, or even to accept them if given to it-powers which were possessed by greater-city authorities all over the world. '
On the motion of the chairman, Mr. A. J. Small, seconded by Mr. D. G. Stead, the meeting expressed its unanimous disapproval of the elimination of these powers from the bill. The liability of all State school playgrounds to taxation while many private school grounds were exempt was also strongly criticised in the report, a case being cited in which public land lying Idle was heavily rated as soon as it was permitted to be used as a play-ground for State schoolchildren. On the motion of the chairman, seconded by Mr. R.A. Bennett, it was resolved to urge that, in the bill projected by the Government, exemption should be extended to all school play-grounds. A committee was appointed "to co-operate with the city authorities in their task of re-organising the playground system of Sydney," And It was also resolved, on the motion of Mr. Burrows and Mrs. Wyatt, to urge the preservation by some means of the Pymble State forest. Mr. A. J. Small (president of the Town Planning Association) was elected as first president of the Parks and Playgrounds Movement. PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS. (1931, September 25). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16818070

General Store, Avalon Beach - ON 165/925 Item c07771_0002_c - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW

The Hole In The Wall, Avalon Beach - ON 165/929 Item No.: c07771_0006_c - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW

The Hole In The Wall, Avalon Beach - ON 165/929 Item No.: c07771_0007_c - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW
CREATOR Rex Hazlewood, 1886-1968
CALL NUMBERON 165/924-930
Photographs - 12 x 16.5 cm.-16.5 x 12 cm. - 7 glass photonegatives
- The Palm Grove, Avalon Beach
- General Store, Avalon Beach
- Swimming Pool, Avalon Beach
- The bathing pool, Avalon Beach
- Bathing pool, Avalon Beach
- The Hole In The Wall, Avalon Beach
- The Hole In The Wall, Avalon Beach


The Bathing Pool Avalon Beach - photos by Rex Hazlewood, circa 1920-1929 Images Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, Items No.: c07771_0004_c, c07771_0005_c and ' Swimming Pool' c07771_0003_c

(1930). [House, Avalon, New South Wales, 1930, 4] Retrieved December 4, 2024, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-147288534 - from NLA Album: Prospectus photographs of Avalon, 1930

Aims of Movement.
"That every child shall have a chance to play and every citizen the opportunity for recreation" was adopted as a chief aim in the constitution of the New South Wales Parks and Playgrounds Movement, which held its first annual meeting at the New South Wales Cricket Association's Chambers on Wednesday. "The normal expansion of Sydneys playing fields should be, at a minimum, from 100to 120 acres of level land every year," says the report of the movement. A report on the whole matter by the Surveyor-General, who was being assisted by a committee of the movement, was expected shortly. "In the meantime, the executive of the movement has taken up (as an Immediate measure) the question of pressing for 'Five More Moore Parks."
The meeting, which was a full one, delegates from 30 bodies being present, was concerned largely with the elimination by the Legislative Council of the parks clauses of the Greater Sydney Bill. 'This meant', said Dr. C. E. W. Bean, honorary secretary of the movement, 'that, although the Greater Sydney authority, if established, could plan parks and playgrounds, It would not be able to acquire them, or even to accept them if given to it-powers which were possessed by greater-city authorities all over the world. '
On the motion of the chairman, Mr. A. J. Small, seconded by Mr. D. G. Stead, the meeting expressed its unanimous disapproval of the elimination of these powers from the bill. The liability of all State school playgrounds to taxation while many private school grounds were exempt was also strongly criticised in the report, a case being cited in which public land lying Idle was heavily rated as soon as it was permitted to be used as a play-ground for State schoolchildren. On the motion of the chairman, seconded by Mr. R.A. Bennett, it was resolved to urge that, in the bill projected by the Government, exemption should be extended to all school play-grounds. A committee was appointed "to co-operate with the city authorities in their task of re-organising the playground system of Sydney," And It was also resolved, on the motion of Mr. Burrows and Mrs. Wyatt, to urge the preservation by some means of the Pymble State forest. Mr. A. J. Small (president of the Town Planning Association) was elected as first president of the Parks and Playgrounds Movement. PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS. (1931, September 25). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16818070

General Store, Avalon Beach - ON 165/925 Item c07771_0002_c - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW
The Hole In The Wall, Avalon Beach - ON 165/929 Item No.: c07771_0006_c - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW

The Hole In The Wall, Avalon Beach - ON 165/929 Item No.: c07771_0007_c - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW

References - Extras
- TROVE - National Library of Australia
- Biography from and courtesy State Library of New South Wales 2016 and Australian War Memorial
- Hazlewood, L. (1995). Rex Hazlewood, photographer / Laurance Hazlewood. (2nd impression with amendments, April 1995.. ed.). Canberra: Laurance Hazlewood.
- Pittwater Beach Reserves have been dedicated for public use since 1887 - no 1.: Avalon Beach Reserve- Bequeathed by john Therry
- Avalon Beach village Shops: Some History
- Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Avalon Beach
- Photographers Of Early Pittwater: David 'Rex' Hazlewood - 2019 version
- Daniel Gordon Soutar's Influence on Local Golf Courses: Some History Notes
- Avalon's Village Green: Avalon Park Becomes Dunbar Park - Some History + Toongari Reserve and Catalpa Reserve
- Pittwater Summer Houses: Kalua, Palm Beach - the Alfred James and Caroline Hordern place
MUSTON.—January 20, 1945, accidentally drowned at Avalon Beach, Donald Keith, dearly loved son of Dr. Keith Muston (Newtown) and Mrs. G. B. Muston, Norwood Avenue, Lindfield, and dear brother of Bill, aged 18 years. Family Notices (1945, January 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27926626
The Issuing Centres at which the New Ration Cards and Books will be Procurable in the metropolitan area- Saturday, 2nd June, and Sunday, 3rd June, between the hours of 9am and 5pm. For additional information concerning the issuing of Ration Books see also page 13.
WARRINGAH DIVISION. Balgowlah. Friendly Societies' Hall, Condamine Street; Seaforth. Balgowlah Public School; Cammeray, Public School; Cammfiray South, Police Boys and Citizens' Club, 224-228 Falcon Street; Brookvale, Public School; French's Forest Public School; Oxford Falls Public School; Dee Why Public School; Harbord Literary Institute; Manly Vale, Verandah Mrs. Waiter's Residence, Condamine Street; North Curl Curl Surf Life Saving Building; Manly Public School; Manly North. Drill Hall (Pittwater Road entrance); Manly West Public School; Clifton Gardens. Garage, 3 Morella Road. Mosman; Mosman Town Hall; Mosman East Public School; Mosman's Bay, St. Clement's C. of E. Hall, Raglan Street; Narrabeen Public School; Avalon Beach, No. 5 Shop, Avalon Shopping Block; Bay View, Cowell's Tea Rooms; Collaroy Masonic Hall; Mona Vale Public School; Narrabeen North Infants' Public School; Newport Public School; Palm Beach, Howlett's Store; Terrey Hills Public School; Cremorne Girls' Junior High School, Murdoch Street: Neutral Bay Public School .RATION BOOK ISSUING CENTRES (1945, June 1). Daily Mirror (Sydney, NSW : 1941 - 1955), p. 12 (Late Final Extra). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article272464031
Lot 143, measuring 66 feet by 330 feet with the Certificate of Title registered on July 15th, 1925 - Vol/Fol: 3754-20, at current day Elouera Avenue, then called 'Seaview Avenue' and from which a view of the sea can indeed be glimpsed.
Vol/Fol: 3754-20, courtesy Historical Land Records Viewer:
Claud Cyril Rawson was born 1889 in Brisbane, Queensland, a son of George Henry Rawson and Matilda Maude (Doust) Rawson, and brother of George Henry Rawson and Minna Kathleen Rawson.
Claud Cyril Rawson enlisted on 11 October 1915, age 26, occupation Accountant, and served with the Australian Army, 3rd Divisional Train, 22nd-25th Companies Army Service Corps, 1st Reinforcement during World War 1.
He married Hilary May Steele in 1926, with the marriage registered at Chatswood, New South Wales, Australia. They had two children.
Claud Cyril Rawson passed away in February 1985 at Killara New South Wales.
St. Andrew's Church of England, Roseville, was beautifully decorated with choice flowers in rainbow colors last Saturday evening for the wedding of Miss Hilary Steele, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Steele, of Bancroft Avenue, Roseville, to Mr. Claude C. Rawson, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Rawson, of Croydon. Rev. J. H. Roberts officiated. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of mauve georgette, embroidered with crystal beads. The veil and train were of white tulle and silver lace, and a bouquet of white flowers was carried. The bridesmaids were Miss Hazel Steele and Miss Nita M'Shane, who wore frocks of blue and silver lame, with a skirt of silver lace over blue georgette and pink embroidered georgette, trimmed with silver respectively. They each wore a bandeau and veil of tulle and silver, and carried sheaves of gladioli, with streamers of pink tulle and silver ribbon. Mr. Eric Youdale was best man, and Mr. Arthur Rawson groomsman. A reception was held in the Roseville Bowling Club Hall, where about 70 guests were received by the bride's mother, who was smartly frocked in black georgette, embroidered with se quins. A black hat was worn, and a posy of crimson roses and autumn leaves provided a pleasing note of color. The bridegroom's mother wore a black frock, a blue coat, and a black hat with touches of blue, and carried a posy of pale pink roses. The bride travelled in an ensemble suit of fawn crepe de Chine, embroidered in cerise, with felt hat to tone. The honeymoon is being spent at Robertson. WEDDINGS (1926, April 29). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article245757303
Muriel Annie Hazlewood bought Lot 79, on Avalon Parade, measuring 66 feet by 199 feet, with the Certificate of Title registered on August 6th, 1926 - Vol/Fol: 3900-239.
Vol/Fol: 3900-239, courtesy Historical Land Records Viewer:
The above Lot 79 shows a proposed drainage section - much of the valley of Avalon Beach, and right across Pittwater, was threaded with creeks, many of which overflowed during rains. See: Grand Old Tree Of Angophora Reserve Falls Back To The Earth (2022) and Bilgola plateau Parks for the People: Gifted by A. J. Small, N. A. K. Wallis + the green Pittwater pathways to keep people connected to the trees, birds, bees - for children to play (Pittwater creeks series 2024 to ....)
NSW Historical Land Records Viewer Volume 2283 Folio 110:
It can be seen that the wife of A J Small, Jessie, bought three blocks in Bellevue Avenue, and the Hanson land for a weekender was also brought from this acreage holding. Three sons were born to Sydney dentist, Arthur Cecil Hanson and his wife Mildred Blanche Faviell. Arthur George Hanson (known as ‘Tom’ to most) was first born at Hunters Hill in 1911. Geoffrey Faviell Hanson followed in 1914 and Kenneth John Hanson completed the family.
Prior to 1920 Arthur bought a block of land on the corner of Avalon Parade and Ruskin Rowe on which he built a two-room cottage. It consisted of a bedroom and a kitchen/dining room but both were surrounded on 3 sides by a generous open verandah where later children of the families spread their mattresses and camp beds. He called the cottage ‘Keilor’ after the north-west suburb of Melbourne from where Blanche’s family hailed.
The family spent considerable time at ‘Keilor’ travelling down from Hunters Hill and later Killara in Arthur’s bull-nosed Hupmobile.
The 3 boys loved the water and decided to join the surf club. In the photo taken in 1925 of the meeting on the steps of ‘Avalon’ which resulted in the formation of the Avalon Beach SLSC, Dr Hanson is standing on the steps alongside A .J. Small, the owner and developer of Avalon Beach. More in: Avalon Beach SLSC 90th Anniversary Exhibition and Celebrations, 2015
Arthur Jabez Small acquired 35 acres, 2 rood, 20 and 3/4 perches, the bulk of the residue of the estate, on December 10th, 1924. These lots are seen in The Avalon Estate, Avalon Beach lithographs from that same year onwards - NB: not all of these sale sare listed here, just the initial front page of the Certificate of Title of transferring what is left to A J Small to sell - the rest may be look up in Vol/Fol: 3674-35:

Hazlewood family tree
David Hazlewood (father) Born; 11 Feb 1855 at Maitland, New South Wales, Australia. Died; 20 Jul 1932 at Epping, New South Wales, Australia
Father (David Hazlewood Senior's father): David Hazlewood, b. 8 Jan 1820, Fakenham Magna, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 30 Oct 1855, Maitland, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 35 years)
Mother: Sarah Webster, b. 10 Dec 1819, Frome, Somerset, England, United Kingdom Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 9 Sep 1903, Epping, New South Wales (Age 83 years)
Married 9 Jun 1851 Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia
Family - David Hazlewood Senior's wife: Sarah Louise Hodgson, b. 28 Aug 1857, Sunny Corner, New South Wales, Australia, d. 20 Mar 1939, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 81 years)
Married 25 Feb 1879 Redfern, New South Wales, Australia
1. Mary Webster Hazlewood, b. 1 Mar 1880, Sydney, New South Wales, d. 15 Sep 1969, Bowen Mountain, New South Wales, Australia (Age 89 years)
2. George Arthur Hazlewood, b. 7 Oct 1881, Sydney, New South Wales, d. 5 Jun 1960 (Age 78 years)
3. Harry Hodgson Hazlewood, b. 26 Jul 1883, New South Wales, Australia, d. 23 Mar 1959 (Age 75 years)
4. Walter Gordon Hazlewood, b. 23 Feb 1885, Homebush, New South Wales, d. 15 Oct 1980, Broken Hill, New South Wales, (Age 95 years)
5. David 'Rex' Hazlewood, b. 13 Nov 1886, Dulwich Hill, New South Wales, d. 24 Mar 1968, Hornsby, New South Wales, (Age 81 years)
6. Katie Helena Crossman Hazlewood, b. 13 Dec 1888, Homebush, New South Wales, d. 20 Aug 1975, Bathurst, New South Wales, (Age 86 years)
7. Hamilton Arnold Hazlewood, b. 18 Jul 1891, Rockwood, New South Wales, d. 16 Jan 1938, Wau, Papua New Guinea (Age 46 years)
8. Dorothy Blair Hazlewood, b. 12 Aug 1893, Sydney, New South Wales, d. 11 Dec 1983, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (Age 90 years)
9. Leonard Willoughby Hazlewood, b. 17 Aug 1895, Chatswood, New South Wales, d. 12 Aug 1916, Pozières, Hauts-de-France, France (Age 20 years)
10. Louisa Hodgson Hazlewood, b. 25 Apr 1897, Willoughby, New South Wales, Australia d. 26 Nov 1988 (Age 91 years)
11. Curtis O'Reilly Hazlewood, b. 28 Nov 1900, New South Wales, d. 7 Aug 1901, Chatswood, New South Wales, Australia (Age 0 years)
The Williams family, who settled at Bayview and are still present in Pittwater, also had a relative who was a missionary to the islands.
His father's father was:
MARRIAGE. By special license, at Prince-street Chapel, on Thursday last, by the Rev. Mr. McKenny, Mr. David Hazlewood, Wesleyan Missionary to the Feejee Islands, to Jane, fifth daughter of Joseph McIntyre, Esq., Quartermaster, Liverpool. Family Notices (1844, February 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article12419381
Jane McIntyre was born in 1812 in Liverpool and died on February 23rd 1849 in Fiji.
David remarried, his second wife being Sarah Webster. Their ceremony was held on June 9th 1851 in Parramatta, NSW. Sarah Webster was born on December 10th 1819 in Frome, Somerset and died on September 9th 1903 at the family home at Epping.
They returned to Fiji but his failing health brought them back to Sydney, and soon after he passed away:
30.- John Wesley, brig, 237 tons, Captain Ryle, from the Feejee Islands 19th October. Passengers-Rev. R. Young, Rev. N. Turner, Rev. G. R. H. Miller, Rev. D. Hazlewood and family, SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. (1853, December 3). The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article676401
At West Maitland, on the 30th ultimo, the Rev. David Hazlewood, Wesleyan Minister, aged 36 years. Family Notices (1855, November 3). Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (NSW : 1845 - 1860), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article59761026
OBITUARY. - The Reverend David Hazlewood, Wesleyan Minister, died at Maitland, on the 30th October, aged 36, after a lingering illness of a pulmonary character. The deceased was born at Fakenham, in Norfolk, England January 8th, 1820. His father was a gentleman's bailiff. At a very early age the deceased was employed as a shepherd. His mother kept a village school, which afforded young David almost the only means of instruction he ever had.
At the age of fourteen he joined the Methodist Society, and remained a constant member of it until the end of his life. The Methodists are peculiarly distinguished amongst religious bodies by the care they manifest in placing all their available talent in a situation where it may operate to advantage. They accordingly soon perceived that David Hazlewood had talents of a peculiar order, and which qualified him to perform certain duties necessary to the success of missionary enterprise.
About fourteen years ago he arrived in this colony, and became a local preacher among the Methodists. He had previously acquired a knowledge of Latin, Greek, and French, which of course paved the way for the acquirement of other languages. He was finally called to the ministry and sent as a missionary to the Feejee Islands. His province in the missionary field was that of a translator. He studied the Hebrew in Feejee in order that he might comply with the requirements of the Bible Society, and then translated the whole of the Old Testament into Feejeean, and also revised the translation of the New ; he also compiled a Grammar and Dictionary of the Feejeean language. He was engaged for many months past whilst residing in this town, in revising his translation of the Old Testament and had death terminated his valuable life. We cannot allow a great man like this—albeit his virtues were of the quiet order—to pass away from us without passing notice imbued with sorrowful regret. He has accomplished a great work, and future generations of men in the islands of the Pacific will regard him with a veneration.
We understand that the deceased in addition to the languages already mentioned was acquainted with the Tongese and the Maori and that from the shortness of his life and the unremunerative character of the work to which he was devoted, has left but a scanty provision for his family. Should this be the the case it is the duty of the Christian public to see that of the descendants of Mr Hazlewood do not experience want.--Hunter River Journal. NEW SOUTH WALES. (1855, November 30). Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (Vic. : 1842 - 1843; 1854 - 1876), p. 1 (SUPPLEMENT TO THE PORTLAND GUARDIAN.). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71573235
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
In the Will of David Hazlewood, late of Singleton, in the Colony of New South Wales, gentleman, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given, that, after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof, application will be made to this Honorable Court in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, that Probate of the Will of the above-named deceased be granted to Sarah Hazlewood, the Executrix, and to the Rev. William Currcy, the Rev. W. G. W. Powditch, and Robert Blair, the Executors in the said Will named.— Dated this 17th day of November, a.d. 1855.
Proctor for Applicants,
51, Elizabeth-street, Sydney.
2318 4s. 6d. ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. (1855, November 20). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 3065. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article230682487
Mrs. Hazelwood went to Tasmania to sell property her husband owned in order to raise the children, not all of who lived to old age:
Mr. Howe sold last week by private contract, to D. R. Falkiner, Esq., the 500 acre sheep-run near the Nile River, the property of the late Mr. Hazlewood, for £750 cash. - Ibid. NEWS. (1856, March 12). The Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article2500300
HAZLEWOOD— July 3rd, at West Maitland, Joseph, son of the late Rev. David Hazlewood, aged 12 years. Family Notices (1861, July 13). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1860 - 1871), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article166688664
DEATHS. Died, on the 9th August, at Largs, Mary Ann, second daughter of the late Rev. David Hazlewood, aged 20 years. Family Notices (1867, August 10). The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18730478
HAZLEWOOD. — September 9, 1903, at her son's residence, Devon Lodge, Epping, Sarah, widow of the late Rev. David Hazlewood, in her 84th year. Funeral this (Thursday) afternoon, Rookwood. Family Notices (1903, September 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14531831
HAZLEWOOD-RAY. December 3, at Wyrallah, Church-street, Concord, by the Rev. J. A. R. Perkins, B.A.. Harry Hodgson Hazlewood, of Devon Lodge, Epping, to Hannah Ray, of Kooringa, Epping. Family Notices (1913, December 13). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 22. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15489471
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
In the Will of David Hazlewood, late of Singleton, in the Colony of New South Wales, gentleman, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given, that, after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof, application will be made to this Honorable Court in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, that Probate of the Will of the above-named deceased be granted to Sarah Hazlewood, the Executrix, and to the Rev. William Currey, the Rev. W. G. W. Powditch, and Robert Blair, the Executors in the said Will named.—Dated this 17th day of November, a.d. 1855.
Proctor for Applicants,
51, Elizabeth-street, Sydney.
2318. 4s. 6d. ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. (1855, November 20). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 3065. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article230682487
The decease, on the 16th May last, of Miss Sarah Hazlewood, revives missionary history. For Miss Hazlewood was the eldest child of Rev. David Hazlewood, of Fiji fame. Her distinguished father was married on February 8, 1844, to Miss Jane McIntyre, by Rev. J. McKenny, in the old Princes Street Chapel. He was ordained the same day as the late Rev. John Watsford. These two missionaries went to Fiji together, and arrived in Viwa on the 10th August, 1844. Miss Sarah Hazlewood was born on December 22, 1844, at Somo-somo, Fiji.
The Rev. D. Hazlewood made a definite mark on Fiji missions, for it was he who compiled the excellent grammar and dictionary which has been used ever since by Government officials and missionaries alike. No subsequent attempt has ever superseded it. Mr. Hazlewood also was the first to translate the Old Testament (with the exception of Pss. 1-28) into the native tongue. This translation was probably used in the first printed bible, though the latter departed considerably from Mr. Hazlewood 's work. Miss Hazlewood inherited all her father 's missionary zeal. Her ardour displayed itself in wide sympathy for the work of God either abroad or at home. She was well-known as the matron of the C.M.M. Hojne for the Sisters.
On her retirement to Epping she continued to subscribe liberally from her slender resources to Foreign and Home Missions, besides numerous charities. Towards the end of her life she became very frail, but she had much peace of heart. Her decease came suddenly, as she could have wished, at the residence of her half-brother, Mr. D. Hazlewood, who is the last surviving member of the missionary's family. At the grave-side, the Rev. W. Deane (who married a granddaughter of the Rev. John Watsford) committed the remains to the ground. The Revs. J. W. Collier and G. Cranston (Presbyterian) also took part. There were representatives of six missionary families present to pay their last respects to a worthy daughter of a singularly useful and devoted missionary. IN MEMORIAM (1925, June 27). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155276336
HAZLEWOOD.—January 16, at Wau, New Guinea, Hamilton Arnold, dearly loved husband of Muriel, of Wyrallah Avenue, Epping, and father of Edna, Len, and Beth.
HAZLEWOOD.—January 16, at Wau, New Guinea, of pneumonia, Hamilton Arnold, dearly loved son of the late David Hazlewood and Mrs. S. L. Hazlewood, of Carlingford Road, Epping, aged 46. Family Notices (1938, January 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17434543
Vale – Laurance Hazlewood

Above Photo: Kangaroo, wallaby and joey mascots left behind/abandoned (?) in England post WWI, photo by Rex Hazlewood (who would photograph and buy land in Avalon Beach on his return), Item: SLNSW_FL3810650, courtesy State Library of NSW. It's worth noting a 2020 article which states red-necked wallabies are now throughout England and states they were released by zoos and collectors during World War Two - how many of these mascots that survived were left behind as well?.
Photo: Honour Roll of Epping Men who served in war 1914-1919 by Rex Hazlewood - NB: Rex and his brothers Arnold and Leonard Willoughby Hazlewood are listed as all three served. Photo by Rex Hazlewood, Item: SLNSW_FL3806389, courtesy State Library of NSW. The AWM has [Australian War Memorial registry files, first series] "Sydney Mail" - Photographs received by mail through Mr R. Hazlewood presented to AWM in 1920 - the State Library of NSW has an extensive collection of his WWI 1914-1919 photographs taken while he served, from being in camp at Sydney Showgrounds and Kiama, the ship and troops entertaining each other while being transported overseas, to ceremonies held in England at the end of the conflict, including parades of all Commonwealth forces. The first Remembrance Day Service was held on November 11, 1919.