Have your say on Council’s draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan

Council is committed to making the Northern Beaches a more accessible and inclusive place to live, work and visit.
At the Council Meeting held on April 26 Council endorsed to place on public exhibition the second Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 (DIAP 2022-2026).
The action plan sets priorities and identifies actions for the next four years to ensure there is continual improvement to create a more accessible and inclusive community for all residents and visitors to the Northern Beaches.
Northern Beaches Mayor Michael Regan said the new action plan will build on the success of the first plan.
“Disability inclusion creates a stronger sense of community where everyone can participate, and a diverse range of views and individual perspectives are valued. People living with disability bring a range of individual strengths, interests and knowledge that contribute to the vibrancy and diversity of the Northern Beaches,” he said.
The current Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2021 (DIAP 2017–2021) has delivered several actions that support the vision of universal access and inclusion including:
- new whole of staff learning module on disability awareness developed and implemented
- introduction of an Access and Inclusion Award to recognise inclusive businesses in the Northern Beaches Local Business Awards
- upgrades to a range of parks and facilities including Lionel Watts Reserve, Manly Dam, Narrabeen Lagoon Trail and Beacon Hill Community Centre
- Council website updated to achieve an AA rating under the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and all online forms provided in a range of formats to be more accessible.
Over 250 community members including friends, carers, family and service providers participated in consultation of the draft DIAP 2022 – 2026 during October and November last year.
Actions identified in the draft DIAP 2022-2026 address the following four focus areas in line with the NSW State Disability Inclusion Plan (DIP):
- Positive Community Attitudes and Behaviours - Aim: To build community awareness of the rights and capabilities of people with disability and support the development of positive attitudes and behaviour towards people with disability.
- Creating Liveable Communities - Aim: To increase participation of people with disability in all aspects of community life. Use targeted approaches to address barriers in access to infrastructure, transport, social engagement, housing, learning, transport, health, social and cultural engagement and wellbeing.
- Supporting Access to Meaningful Employment - Aim: To increase the number of people living with disability accessing meaningful employment, enabling people with disability to plan for their future, exercise choice and control, and increase their economic security.
- Improving Access to Mainstream Services through better systems and processes - Aim: To ensure that people with disability can make informed choices about available services and to access mainstream Council services and other opportunities easily and efficiently.
Disability Inclusion Action Plans are a legislative requirement of all Councils in NSW and are required to be implemented every four years. Council is required to have the next DIAP adopted by 30 June 2022.
The community is asked to review the draft action plan on Your Say and contribute their feedback by May 29 2022.
Visit: https://yoursay.northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au/diap-2022-2026