Elanora's Kalang Road - Newport's Robertson Road Permits Approved by Traffic Committee for Plug & Play: Fairlight + Brookvale approved too

Robertson road Newport during the 2022 Newport Spring Festival. Photo; Cr. Miranda Korzy.
as part of the NSW Government's Plug & Play activation of street spaces.
The Permit/Plug/Play Pilot Program is an $8.5 million partnership grant program with 17 pilot councils across NSW.
The Program aims to reduce the cost and complexity of delivering street-based events through an innovative “local problems, local solutions” model.
The Program is a part of the NSW Government’s Vibrant Streets Package, an over $34 million investment in transforming streets into thriving local places to support the community, businesses and the creative sector.
The program aims to:
- Improve council process efficiency and communication about temporary road closures and the street-based events that they enable;
- Reduce the cost of delivering street-based events and temporary road closures for event proponents;
- Focus investment on strategic locations for maximum impact;
- Support collaborative engagement and funding; and
- Deliver enhanced cultural, economic, and social benefits through street-based events.
Pilot councils have been granted up to $500,000 to identify 3-5 streets in their Local Government Area to streamline processes and reduce costs of delivering street-based events.
Two others were approved in the NBC LGA; at Brookvale and Fairlight, subject to approval of a Traffic Management Plan by TfNSW and obtaining a Road Occupancy License from TfNSW.
In Brookvale the TMP is centred around the industrial area. The TMP layout will make use of approximately 200m of Orchard Road, from Mitchell Avenue to Charlton Lane, which will be closed for each event.
The agenda for the meeting states this location will offer a spacious and secure area for large crowds to enjoy a range of street-based events.
The global TMP will facilitate the closure of Orchard Road, from Mitchell Avenue to Charlton Lane, to accommodate events with up to 20,000 attendees between 11:30 am and 5:00 pm. During the event, 44 on-street parking spaces will be affected. However, there are approximately 5200 on and off-street parking spaces within 1 km of the event site, and there are many walking, cycling and public transport options available for travel to Brookvale. The road closure will not impact public bus routes.
The current speed limit on most affected roads will be adequate for posting advance warning signs about the road closures and detour routes.
The suggested detour route is:
- – Mitchell Road – Powells Road – Powells Lane (from the east)
- – Charlton Lane – Sydenham Road – Mitchell Road and Orchard Road (from the west).
With the activation of this TMP, event organisers will no longer be required to create a specific plan for each event, helping to reduce administrative barriers for community-run events, the agenda for the meeting explains.
At Fairlight the global TMP will facilitate the closure of Hilltop Crescent, from Sydney Road to Woods Parade, to accommodate events with up to 500 attendees between 11:30 am and 5:00 pm. During the event, 12 short-term on-street parking spaces will be affected, which will be closed for the duration of the event. However, there are 282 on-street and off-street parking spaces around the event site, and there is many walking, cycling and public transport options available for travel to Fairlight. The road closure will not impact any public bus routes.
The current speed limit of 60 km/h on most affected roads will be adequate for posting advance warning signs about the road closures and detour routes. The suggested detour route is: Turn left at Woods Parade (southbound).
In Elanora the global TMP will facilitate the closure of Kalang Road, from Powderworks Road to St Andrews Gate, to accommodate events with up to 3,000 attendees between 11:30 am and 5:00 pm. During the event, 46 short-term on-street parking spaces will be affected, as well as the Dan Murphy’s carpark, which will be closed for the duration of the event. However, there are 379 on- and offstreet parking spaces within 350m of the event site, and there are many walking, cycling and public transport options available for travel to Elanora. The road closure will impact the 182 public bus which stops on Powderworks Road, adjacent to the event site and on Kalang Road, with a suitable detour route.
The current speed limit of 50 km/h on most affected roads will be adequate for posting advance warning signs about the road closures and detour routes. The suggested detour route is:
- – Powderworks Road - Elanora Road - St Andrews Gate and vice versa.
At Newport the TMP is centred around Robertson Road shopfronts. The TMP layout will make use of Robertson Road, from Barrenjoey Road to Foamcrest Avenue, which will be closed for each event. This location will offer a spacious and secure area for large crowds to enjoy the beautiful surroundings, cafes and a range of street-based events.
The global traffic management plan will facilitate the closure of Robertson Road, from Barrenjoey Road to Foamcrest Avenue, to accommodate events with up to 1,000 attendees between 11:30 am and 5:00 pm. During the event, 11 short-term on-street parking spaces will be affected, as well as properties 351, 353, 357 and the Australia Post carpark, which will be closed for the duration of the event. However, there are 517 on- and off-street parking spaces within 350m of the event site, and there is many walking, cycling and public transport options available for travel to Newport. The road closure will not impact any public bus routes.
The current speed limit of 50 km/h on most affected roads will be adequate for posting advance warning signs about the road closures and detour routes. The suggested detour route is:
- – Barrenjoey Road (eastbound)
- – Turn left at Coles Parade (northbound)
- – Turn left at Foamcrest Avenue (westbound) till the roundabout at Robertson Road.
With the activation of the TMP, event organisers will no longer be required to create a specific plan for each event, helping to reduce administrative barriers for community-run events.
This proposal will result in the following impact(s)and /or benefits to the provision of parking availability:
- Eleven 45-degree angled parking spaces (inclusive of one disabled parking space) and one loading bay on the west side of Robertson Road
- Australia Post - Newport Beach Post Shop car park to the east of Robertson Road
- 351 Barrenjoey Road – The Chelsea Tractor Scotch Eggs and British Street Food, Knap Store and residential properties
- 353 Barrenjoey Road – Bakers Delight, Dependable Butchery, and residential properties
- 357 Barrenjoey Road – Laverty Pathology, Beaches Lash, Newport Wansabai Thai Massage, TiViLi Beaty Spa, Perfect Fit-Fitness Studio and L’eto Bridal shop
Council's Agenda states Notification will be undertaken to residents and/or businesses via a letterbox drop in the local area, through Council’s website, a press release and social media post. The affected Bus Companies will be informed of the event so that bus services can operate around the road closure and its associated times.
Local Police and emergency services will be notified of the event and the temporary road closures.
The proposal will be installed within 12 months of approval.
The Recommendation was that the Traffic Committee supports the Approval of the Global Traffic Management Plan for events on Robertson Road Newport.
Also recommended for approval for all of these Plug&Play spaces was the Implementation of the Global Traffic Management Plan for the next 5 years and noting that the matter would not be resubmitted to the Traffic Committee during this period unless there are significant changes to the event Traffic Management Plan.
If approved by TfNSW, these proposals will be funded from Permit Plug and Play (NSW Government) funding.
The Roberston road approval will bewelcome news to hose who have worked for years to try and reclaim the urban plaza[1.] Robertson road had been designated as under Pittwater Council.
About the Northern Beaches Council Local Traffic Committee
The Northern Beaches Council undertakes some aspects of traffic management on local roads such as the implementation of parking restrictions, traffic control devices and cycling facilities.
Council does not have the authority to introduce a restriction on the movement of traffic without the approval of the State Government. For example, Council needs approval to instigate a one way street, close a road, impose a load limit or prohibit a turn at an intersection.
Council must consider the advice of the Northern Beaches Council Local Traffic Committee when making a decision on traffic management issues. The Northern Beaches Council Local Traffic Committee is a technical advisory committee which provides a recommendation to Council for adoption.
The Committee consists of voting representatives from Council, Roads and Maritime Services, State Member of Parliament and NSW Police. Non voting specialists are invited to provide advice on specific matters. Regular attendees include representatives from the State Transit Authority (Sydney Buses) and Forest Coach Lines. A community cycling representative attends the Committee in an advisory capacity.
The Traffic Committee usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month except January. Under the RMS guidelines for the operation of Local Traffic Committees, the meeting is not open to the public. If your issue has been listed in the Traffic Committee’s agenda, you are welcome to call council to discuss the possibility of addressing the Traffic Committee prior to the members considering the matter.
Any request for traffic facilities should be submitted in writing to the Council and will be reviewed by the Transport Network team.
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