April 9 - 22, 2017: Issue 308
Elsie Track, Scotland Island Reclaimed: Community Engages Next Generation On A Great Way Forward For Little Feet!
Elsie Track
By SIOCS - The Island Kindy
In line with its focus on connecting children with nature, SIOCS (known as The Island Kindy) happily accepted a generous offer from SIRA (Scotland Island Residents Association) to undertake the construction of Elsie Track in exchange for part of a grant.
The Kindy staff, families and other lovely volunteers from our community worked for 145 hours over many Saturdays to complete the task. They cut down
overgrown weeds to build a passage, moved rocks and logs, built and laid down wooden steps to make it an easy walk up the hill. The children joined in during the last stage, helping to plant 200 native seedlings along the track and painting their own footprints on the signs that were posted at both ends.
Next step will be regularly watering the plants so they can follow their growth and keep beautiful memories for life.
The track links the top of the island to Elsie Steps on the Eastern side and although it was virtually impassable, it was on the island's street plan. We'd like to invite everyone to walk the track and check the beautiful work done by our community to protect our environment and improve our island lifestyle.
SIOCS would like to thank all the volunteers who worked hard to make it happen. Special thanks go to Paul Blackband who coordinated the work (and did a lot of it himself!) and to Total Earth Care Pty. Ltd. who generously donated all the building materials and seedlings.
Species planted:
Livistonia australia - Cabbage Tree Palm
Hardenbergia Violacea – False Sarsaparilla
Dianella caerulea – Blue Flax Lilly
Lomandra longifolia – Matrush
Themeda australia – Kangaroo Grass
Syzygium panniculatum – Lilly Pilly
Angophora costata – Sydney Red Gum
Kennedia rubicunda – Coral Pea
Allocasuarina torulosa – Forest Oak
Allocasuarina littoralis – Black She Oak
Acacia decurrens – Sydney Golden Wattle
Dodonaea triquetra – Hop Bush
Doodia aspera – Rasp Fern
Rapanea variabillis – Mutton Wood
by Adriana Labate
SIOCS Eco-projects Coordinator
Preparation Works
These pictures are of the work done to build the track. They show what was there before the bush regeneration and track building features were done, and the results of such efforts.

Children's Signs
Two signs were made to be posted at both ends of the track using the children's footprints. Adriana went to the kindy, outlined the children's feet on paper to make a stencil then they painted their own footprint on the wooden signs. The signs were posted during the planting day.

Planting Day!
These pictures were taken during the planting of seedlings along the track with the children in February.


Scotland Island - Western Foreshores Bush Regeneration Groups
Elizabeth Park, Scotland Island
This group has been meeting for many years and has made a huge difference to significant areas of the park. The group breaks for tea and coffee and biscuits or muffins mid-morning.
Bush Regeneration - Elizabeth Park, Scotland Island
First Saturday of the month, from 9 am – 12 pm Meet at the southwestern end of the park near the council water tank.
Catherine Park, Scotland Island
Catherine Park is a community focal point. Our focus is maintaining the beauty of the surrounding bushland and restoring habitat for wildlife. In Catherine Park we have restored the foreshore edge, controlled invasive weeds and planted local native plants for habitat. Volunteering is an opportunity to learn, contribute and socialise with neighbours.
Bush Regeneration - Catherine Park, Scotland Island
Second Sunday of the month, usually from 9:30 am – 11:30 pm Meet near the telephone box coming up from Tennis Wharf
Pathilda Reserve
This group is clearing the beautiful bayside reserve of Pathilda. There is a lovely beach on the fringe of this reserve and with some work, it will become a favourite for family picnics. Emmie provides a tasty morning tea for a mid-morning break.
Bush Regeneration - Pathilda Reserve
Second Sunday of the month, from 9 am – 12 pm Meet at Pathilda; off Florence Terrace
Catherine Park Kindy group, Scotland Island
This group is working to regenerate the area around the kindy, helping to make it a beautiful place for our community. It is an excellent place to learn about bush regeneration techniques, and morning tea is provided as usual.
Bush Regeneration - Catherine Park Kindy group, Scotland Island
First Monday of the month, from 9 am – 12 pm Meet at the Kindy
Rocky Point, Western Foreshores
The Rocky Point Bushcare group was set up in 2003 by Rocky Point residents and weekenders keen to restore local pockets of degraded public land to their natural state. The group was supported by Council who continue to provide an experienced bush regenerator to work with the group and a full range of tools. In addition Council has provided hundreds of native tube stock to supplement the existing seed bank. They have also partnered Council in two successful applications for state and federal funding, allowing them to take on additional experienced workers and update their tool kit.
Bush Regeneration - Rocky Point, Western Foreshores
First Monday of the month, from 9 am – 12 pm Meet at the Rocky Point entrance, top of Sturdee Lane
Morning Bay, Western Foreshores
This effective group clears weeds around Morning Bay as well as hosting major weekends with mainland bush regenerators, who stay at the Youth Hostel and join them for Asparagus Day Out weeding. This group works under the National Parks and Wildlife Services.
Bush Regeneration - Morning Bay, Western Foreshores
Second Tuesday of each month, from 9 am – 12 pm Meet at Morning Bay
Elvina Bay, Western Foreshores
This group meets in a Tuesday and clears around the beautiful Elvina Bay.
Bush Regeneration - Elvina Bay, Western Foreshores
Second Saturday of each month, from 1 pm – 3 pm Meet at Elvina Bay Lisa Atkins 9997 5466
Coopers Point, Western Foreshores
This group is working to clear the bush around Coopers Point. If you are coming from Church Point, the ferry leaves at 9:30 am.
Bush Regeneration - Coopers Point, Western Foreshores
Second Saturday of each month, from 9:30 am – 1 pm Meet at Coopers Point