October 18 - 24, 2020: Issue 470
The Elvina Bay-Lovett Bay Loop
Photos By Kevin Murray And Joe Mills
Part of this October 2020 'tour' encompassed visiting one of the largest indigenous engraving sites in Australia. You will notice in the images that Joe, Glenys and Kevin are careful to not step on this site even though they took some wonderful images. This platform is still a sacred site, even if not in continuous current use by the current relations of these ancestors.
Glenys and Kevin Murray - photo by Joe Mills
In January 2020 Conny Harris, in sharing some news about a site at Cromer, showed everyone with shoes off and a proper 'welcome to country' ceremony by an elder in going near or onto these places.
CSIRO's ATNF has shared some insights into this very special site, well worth reading, here, along with guidelines that also recommend not going onto the rock platforms as this can cause them to deteriorate further.
The Elvina-Lovetts' Loop is around 4.5 kilometres and will take a least three to four hours, depending on how long you pause to smell the wildflowers or enjoy the views. It encompasses Elvina Bay, Fredericks Track and Lovett Bay Falls and pools. Truly a spectacular Pittwater 'verge' that has been photographed for over a century and captured through fresh eyes by Joe and Kevin for you this Spring.
Lovett Bay Falls by Joe Mills
For those who like to do a comparison, a few insights are available in 'Pittwater Summer Houses: 'Rocky Point And Elvina Bay Peninsula - A Place Of Holiday Songs And Operas In Ventnor, Fairhaven, Trincomalee and Maritana' and Flagstaff Hill – Lovett Bay.

Kevin Murray's Photographs