Sydney's first Fauna Overpass to be installed on Mona Vale Road

Another Doe eyed innocent gone

Mona Vale Road upgrade
Mona Vale Road, serving the Northern Beaches and northern suburbs of Sydney, is a corridor of demand within the transport network.
The project
The NSW Government is proposing to upgrade Mona Vale Road from two lanes to four lanes between Terrey Hills and Mona Vale. The upgrades are being planned in stages and are aimed at improving safety and traffic efficiency. The projects include:
Mona Vale Road East upgrade
Upgrade of 3.2 kilometres of Mona Vale Road from two lanes to four lanes between Manor Road, Ingleside and Foley Street, Mona Vale. Roads and Maritime has completed the detailed design for Mona Vale Road East, which included a number of refinements to the road upgrade. The NSW Government has allocated $140m to complete the project, and Roads and Maritime have entered into the tender process with construction anticipated to start late 2018. Full tender details. Tenders are to be lodged in the e-tender prior to the tenders close at 2:30pm on 30 April 2018.
Mona Vale Road West upgrade
Upgrade of 3.4 kilometres of Mona Vale Road from two lanes to four lanes between McCarrs Creek Road, Terrey Hills and Powder Works Road, Ingleside. Roads and Maritime has published a Submissions Report to respond to all feedback received during the display of the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) and the Species Impact Statement (SIS) in February and March 2017. The project was assessed by the Office of Environment and Heritage Project concurrence was receivedin November 2017. The detailed design will now be completed.
March 2018 project update 21.2Mb
Mona Vale Road Upgrade Project update
Roads and Maritime Services | March 2018
Mona Vale Road West Upgrade
Upgrade of 3.4 kilometres of Mona Vale Road between McCarrs Creek Road, Terrey Hills, and Powder Works Road, Ingleside.
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade
Upgrade of 3.2 kilometres of Mona Vale Road between Manor Road, Ingleside, and Foley Street, Mona Vale.
Mona Vale Road East
Mona Vale Road East currently experiences congestion as a result of the steep grade and limited safe vehicle overtaking opportunities which increases travel times.
Key features
The Mona Vale Road East upgrade will provide:
- additional lanes for climbing and descending to improve travel time in both directions
- a truck arrester bed for heavy vehicles
- widened shoulders and median separation to improve safety
- facilities for cyclists and pedestrians
- bus priority measures.
What is happening now?
Roads and Maritime has now completed the detailed design, which has resulted in a number of refinements to the road upgrade.
These refinements include:
- improved fauna connectivity measures
- additional landscaping
- changes to drainage and flood management strategies
- changes to noise management measures
- updated road design
- design changes for utilities.
Roads and Maritime has engaged extensively with affected property owners and stakeholders during the detailed design stage to minimise the impact to property owners wherever possible.
As a result of the changes, Roads and Maritime has prepared an addendum to the Review of Environmental Factors, and this is available on the project website
What happens next?
Roads and Maritime is currently calling for major construction tenders. Construction is expected to start in late 2018 with the program of work determined in consultation with the successful contractor.
What will the construction involve?
During construction, Roads and Maritime and our contractor will aim to minimise the impact on businesses, residents and the community. However, this is a significant project and there will be some disruptions including:
- noise and vibration from rock cutting
- detours and re-routing
- traffic delays and disruption
- some night work
- driveway realignment for several residents on Mona Vale Road.
Given the challenging terrain, and limited space in some sections, it will be necessary to carry out some night work to ensure the safety of motorists and workers and minimise the impact on the road network. The project team will work closely with affected residents throughout construction.

Mona Vale Road West
Key features
The Mona Vale Road West upgrade would provide:
- a new traffic light intersection at Kimbriki Road and Mona Vale Road, including additional dedicated turning lanes and a truck climbing lane
- new and improved fauna connections including a 40 metre wide fauna bridge over Mona Vale Road and two fauna underpasses
- widened shoulders and median separation to improve road safety
- closure of the intersection at Mona Vale Road and Addison Road to general traffic and restricting access to emergency vehicles only
- facilities for cyclists and pedestrians.
What is happening now?
The Review of Environmental Factors and Species Impact Statement were displayed for community comment in February and March 2017.
Roads and Maritime received a total of 87 submissions from stakeholders and the community. The Submissions Report, which responds to all feedback and issues raised, is now available on the project website:
Roads and Maritime also received feedback and comments from Northern Beaches Council and the Office of Environment and Heritage. We have worked closely with these stakeholders to address issues raised.
As a result of the submissions and feedback, Roads and Maritime has refined the design, including:
- investigating moving the alignment of the new Harvey Road extension slightly south, between Mona Vale Road and Addison Road
- the access road into the Baha’i temple will be moved further west. This is to avoid impacting the development potential of parcels of land identified in the draft Structure Plan for Ingleside.
What happens next?
Having received approval Roads and Maritime expect to have the detailed design completed in the second half of 2018. A business case has been prepared seeking State Government funding to progress the project into construction.
Roads and Maritime continues to engage with affected property owners and stakeholders to minimise the impact to property owners wherever possible.
Contact us
If you have any questions please contact the project team.
Phone: 1800 633 332
By Mail: Mona Vale Road Upgrade, PO Box 973, Parramatta, NSW, 2124