Commendation For Newport Surf Club's President: Fit For Change through the 'Fit To Learn' Surf Program + Region Commanders Certificate of Appreciation for young life saver

In November 2022, NSW Police Force Youth Command partnered with the Newport Surf Life Saving Club to integrate surf awareness, beach safety skills into a ‘Fit to Learn’ program involving at-risk and vulnerable youth from South West and Northern Sydney.
With the invaluable support of Mr. Guyren Smith, President of the Newport Surf Life Saving Club, the program also emphasised positive role modelling, achieved through presentations led by Ironman and Ironwoman athletes and police from the NSW Police Force Youth Command.
This collaborative effort equipped youth with vital life skills and fostered positive connections between police and Surf Life Saving Australia illustrating the power of community partnerships in addressing social challenges. Mr Smith has continued his support of the ‘Fit to Learn’ program, assisting with a total of four programs. Since it’s inception this program has developed so now participants graduate with the SLSNSW Surf Rescue Certificate qualification. The course has resulted in over 30 young graduates from across the entire Sydney Metropolitan area.
On the 11 April 2024, at a Capability, Performance and Youth Command awards ceremony, Mr Smith received a Region Commander’s Commendation for his ongoing commitment, leadership and dependability in the delivery of these programs, and the positive impacts it has on the young people.
Mr. Smith said:
''It was an honour to receive a commendation on behalf of the club from the NSW police.
Thank you to those that have helped out over these programs to deliver lifesaving skills and a great environment to the participants.''
A Region Commanders Certificate of Appreciation was also awarded to Koby Ell in recognition of the bravery he displayed in rescuing a young male from surf conditions on Sunday 21st January 2024 at the NSW Police Force Youth Command Annual Awards Ceremony.
Koby was at North Maroubra Beach when he noticed a young male some distance from the shore who was struggling to keep his head above the water. With no lifeguards or equipment nearby, Koby ran into the water and swam to the aid of the struggling young male.
Koby managed to reach the young male and without the assistance of any equipment, pull him back to shallow water and complete a successful surf recuse. The young boy thanked Koby for his efforts and left the area safe and well.
In December 2023 Koby successfully completed the Fit For Change Surf Program, a partnership initiative between the NSW Police Force PCYC NSW and Surf Life Saving Australia, at Newport Surf Life Saving Club.
Koby received training in beach safety and received a ‘Surf Rescue Certificate’ qualification.
By way of his actions, Koby has demonstrated bravery and the knowledge, skills and training he gained from the Fit to Learn Surf Live Saving program to successfully rescue the young male.
Guyren and Koby with their awards with J. Egbers, NSW Police and Superintendent Sam Crisafulli of the NSW Police Force Youth Command. Photo: NSW Police
About the NSW Police Force Youth Command
NSW Police Force Youth Command seeks to work collaboratively with Police Districts and Police Area Commands, as well as local communities and agencies to reduce the contact of young people with the criminal justice system, as victims and offenders, through coordinated operational and stakeholder engagements.
Police Citizens Youth Clubs NSW's Rise Up Opportunities
Guyren and Koby's Awards have been signed by Gavin Wood APM, Assistant Commissioner of the Police Citizens Youth Clubs NSW.
PCYC NSW is a registered charity, whose mission is to empower young people to reach their potential through Police and community partnerships.
With over 66 clubs across the state, PCYC provides quality activities and programs in a safe, fun and friendly environment.
PCYC's aim is to engage with, and positively influence their 70,000+ youth members through mainstream sport, recreation, education, leadership and cultural programs.
In addition, PCYC work with at-risk youth to break the cycle of disadvantage through crime prevention, vocational education, youth capacity building and social responsibility programs to change the life outcomes of over 7500 youth per year.
PCYC is a unique youth organisation operating in partnership with the NSW Police and community throughout NSW with a focus on early intervention to prevent and disrupt crime. It is a collaborative approach with PCYC NSW and industry leaders to achieve positive outcomes for young people and divert them from the criminal justice system.
RISEUP is a strategy developed by the NSW Police Commissioner, connecting disengaged young people to workplace opportunities.
RISEUP incorporates job ready programs, mentoring and vocational training for at risk youth aged between 15 and 18 to build their engagement with education, employment opportunities and the community. Although our primary focus is to return young people into the education system, it is appreciated that there are youth who are less likely to return and would benefit more from assistance to facilitate them into employment. These young people are the key participants of the RISEUP programs, facilitated by the NSW Police Force and PCYC NSW.
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