Frenchs Forest Place Strategy Now on Public Exhibition for Feedback until September 3rd 2021

Frenchs Forest Road West Neighbourhood - Artists drawing, NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
The Frenchs Forest Road West Neighbourhood will provide a range of housing and connect to the surrounding low-density residential areas. The new high street of Frenchs Forest Road West will have retail, office and medical uses that support the town centre and hospital.
The area will be characterised by high-quality medium-rise apartment buildings, up to six storeys high, and a busy streetscape. The new high street will be focused on people, with no vehicle access from Frenchs Forest Road West.
A reinvigorated vibrant town centre, 2000 new homes, road upgrades and more public space form a 20-year vision to support the future growth of Frenchs Forest.
Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Rob Stokes released the Frenchs Forest Place Strategy for public consultation on Friday July 23rd, saying it set out what was needed to support a predicted population growth of 39,000 new residents by 2036.
“Frenchs Forest is a popular area which has grown significantly in recent years and this strategy outlines how we can help fast-track approximately 2,000 new homes and provide the infrastructure and services needed,” Mr Stokes said.
“The Frenchs Forest plan is about providing more employment on the beaches so our community doesn’t have to travel vast distances for work. A town centre next to a brand new hospital is an incredible opportunity for more jobs where people live.”
Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell said a key part of the strategy was a new home for The Forest High School at Allambie Heights.
“The new location of The Forest High School is a fantastic result for the local community with the school moving 1.5km into new, state-of-the-art facilities,” Ms Mitchell said.
“The community will be able to provide feedback on the new facilities and I am incredibly excited about opportunities this project will offer current and future students of The Forest High School.”
The draft place strategy will deliver:
- a new town centre with shops, restaurants, cafes and offices;
- 1.5 hectares of new public open space including a 1,665 sqm plaza;
- easier walking and cycling connections, upgrades to local roads, a new bus interchange and direct access to the city through the Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link.
- 2,000 new jobs, mainly in health and education to support the Northern Beaches Hospital; and
- 2,000 new homes (1,000 of these in the town centre; 1,000 in the adjacent residential areas) with a range of housing including townhouses, terraces, apartments and aged care; and homes for key workers such as nurses and paramedics
The Department has provided the Northern Beaches Council with $6.16m funding under the Precinct Support Scheme to upgrade three local parks in Frenchs Forest – Brick Pitt Reserve, Akora Reserve and Rabbett Reserve.
The draft Special Infrastructure Contributions (SIC) supports the strategic objectives of the draft place strategy and will help provide up to $37.3 million to pay for the infrastructure needed for the development of Frenchs Forest.
The Forest High School will be relocated to a new site in a portion of 187 Allambie Road, Allambie Heights. The new site is located within the current intake area of the school. Development of the new town centre will only occur once the new high school opens.
Find out more about the relocation of The Forest High School at the School Infrastructure NSW webpage.
Northern Beaches Council has prepared an amendment of Warringah Development Control Plan to support the Frenchs Forest Place Strategy and placed the draft on public exhibition.
Council's draft Affordable Housing Scheme and Tenancy Guidelines are also open for comment.
You can see these and provide comment on Council’s webpage.
Rezoning of Frenchs Forest will be state-led. The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment are leading the rezoning process to implement a new planning framework that responds to the vision and objectives of Council’s Hospital Precinct Structure Plan and delivers an integrated approach for the sustainable growth of Frenchs Forest.
The draft place strategy includes a vibrant new town centre and will help implement phase one of the Northern Beaches Hospital Precinct Structure Plan.
Find out more about the draft Frenchs Forest Place Strategy by attending an online information session:
You can also book a one-on-one phone briefing with a department planner.
See a map of the precinct and provide your feedback.
To view the draft strategy, technical reports and provide feedback until September 3, visit