November 27 - December 3, 2016: Issue 291
Here Comes Summer!

Mistletoe bird at Bayview - photo by A J Guesdon
The first day of Summer 2016-2017 dawns this Thursday and already all the Summer returning birds are feasting on fruits, flowers and most of us are revelling in warm waters beneath blue skies.
This Issue has a lot of poetry from days gone by found in trying to track down which day in September 1895 Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) and J F Archibald strolled to Narrabeen Lagoon for Manly for a spot of fishing, as well as views of the Bayview Baths, past and present, and even an insight into a local spun Summer fruit - the Narrabeen Plum. The Community News page is filled with this year's Christmas notices, we've sailors and sailing, near and far and a rather special Profile on the passion for surf boats hereabouts. There's birds, there's bees, an insight into a new book covering a history of protests and protestors in Australia, and more great books to come.
We're all set for a glorious Summer - and we hope you are too.
A song from 102 years ago - to get you in the mood:
Written by M. Forrest after Viewing the Recent Carnival at Manly.
THEY loosed the sails from fairyland
(They keep a fleet of rose leaves there),
They blew them with a scented kiss
Thro' miles of cloud, thro' seas of air;
They loosed the sails of fairyland,
And ravelled free each silken strand.
THEY loosed the stars in fairyland,
And dropt them down where Manly lies,
To break upon her broken seas,
To loop o'er roadways, lantern-wise,
To flicker in the Corso trees,
To foot a measure in the breeze!
THEY unbound Love in fairyland
(He had slept there for many a year),
A reckless and romantic elf,
Who read 110 Law, and knew no fear; -
They bade him reign on every boat
That like a petal lay afloat.
THE ships came in from Sydney side:
The crowded ships, the gliding- ships.
Light to the gangway vaulted Love,
Red wine of promise on his lips;
He tossed hearts as one flings a ball
On Manly Beach in carnival.
EYES that were once just human eyes
Became a beacon and a fire;
And mouths as pale as tourmalines
Grew red as poppies of desire.
Oh, there was mischief in the hand
That set Love free in fairyland!
AND men forgot their daily pact,
And maids forgot the precept wise;
The fool-thing with his pointed cap
Was dangling baubles for their eyes;
The jester of a jewelled court
Cried, as he gambolled, 'Life is short!'
AND 'Life is short!' the dwarf -backed waves
Kept whimpering by cape and cove:
And 'Life is short!' the pines replied;
'Then fill its golden bowl with Love.'
The rockets swished a whistling song;
'Look! Life is short . . and Death . . how long!'
THE jetty like a finger lay
Across the pulses of the sea;
South Head, a sombre giant, watched
Grey-bearded in his mystery;
And here and there the water's hiss
Was as the echo of a kiss!
THE lantern lights will die ere dawn;
The boats swing slowly to the shore;
Grim Everyday will close the gates
Whose bolts are stiff with 'Nevermore;'
Yet, like a rose, that night will be
Betwixt the leaves of Memory.
SUMMER DAYS IN SYDNEY. (1914, February 4). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 47. Retrieved from

Young Lifesavers Learn To Lead
L to R: Michael Jones (North Curl Curl SLSC), Todd Barber (Avalon Beach SLSC), Floyd Higgins and Lara Boyle (both Whale Beach SLSC)
Surf Life Saving NSW hosted two dozen keen young surf lifesavers gathered in Sydney last week for an exciting and innovative program that improves their leadership skills and helped connect them with like-minded peers from around the state.
The 2016 Development Networking Program is an annual event targeted at young lifesavers in the 18-25 age bracket who have been identified by their clubs and branches as having shown leadership potential.
Program participants came from a diverse range of clubs with Ballina – Lighthouse and Lismore SLSC in the North and Broulee Surfers in the south travelling the greatest distance.
All those selected are heavily involved in all aspects of Surf Lifesaving including actively patrolling beaches (some holding leadership positions in their patrol), serving on club committees, competing in surf sports, and helping out with education and training.
Bayview Baths Centenary Celebration

L to R: Dr. Jenny Rosen AM BCPRA Committee Member, Roberta Conroy BCPRA President, David Williams BCPRA Committee Member, Kylie Ferguson, Northern Beaches Council, Hon. Rob Stokes, MP for Pittwater.
ON Sunday November 20th the Bayview-Church Point Residents Association hosted a Centenary Celebration of the Bayview Baths on site.
Welcomed by Roberta Conroy, BCPRA President, Members of the Association as well as guests and many who had memories of playing at the baths when children, gathered at the small reserve adjacent to baths to the boatshed. A photographic display chronicling the stages of Bayview Baths, some great music provided by three students from the Sydney Conservatorium and reminiscing on days past and days present in glorious sunshine.
Summer In Pittwater 2016

Past Features Archives (pre 2014)
Pittwater Online News was selected for preservation by the State Library of New South Wales and National Library of Australia. This title is scheduled to be re-archived regularly.
Archived Issues (2014 on) may be accessed here: