December 4 - 10, 2016: Issue 292
Warriewood SLSC Hosts Round 3 Of SLS SNB 2016-17 Surf Boat Premiership

Draft Plan For Ingleside Land Development Released To Meet 2021 Completion Dates

On Friday afternoon, December 2nd, NSW State Government Planning Minister and Pittwater MP, the Hon. Rob Stokes announced the release of the draft Ingleside plan which is available for comment until February 28th, 2017.
Community information sessions have been announced to take place from January 31, 2017 until February 28th. The State Planning Department will provide more details about these activities in their next update at You can sign up to be notified.
Of 704.8 hectares slated to comprise this plan, Table 1 from the Ingleside draft land use and infrastructure strategy document shows the land use outcomes identified in the Structure Plan, and states that:
Mona Vale Place Plan Rally

The Greater Sydney Commission draft North District Mona Vale Proposed priorities, for which feedback is invited, are:
- protect and enhance the commercial and retail function of the centre to provide employment growth and maintain high job containment
- ensure sufficient retail and commercial floor space is provided to meet future demand
- leverage the Mona Vale B-Line stop to facilitate intensification of uses in the centre, with an emphasis on the provision of housing affordability to retain 18 to 35 year olds
- explore opportunities to increase residential diversification around the centre
- improve access and linkages to local destinations, such as Mona Vale Hospital, through priority pedestrian networks
- promote walking and cycling to the centre and within it
- retain and protect the industrial precinct to the north of the centre to serve the growing population
- investigate feasibility of existing planning provisions and controls as they relate to mixed-use and residential development within the centre
- prioritise place making initiatives to promote mixed-use activities, urban activation and more diverse housing, and improve connectivity and integration with existing networks.

Neverfail Creek Polluted: Community Finds Council Response Completely Inadequate

Avalon Beach SLSC Youth Program New Zealand Tour 2017

Avalon Beach SLSC continues its reputation as a surf club that encourages innovative approaches to all surf rescue related matters...
The Under 15 age group for surf clubs generally, are in a sort of gap year after completing their Surf Rescue Certificate as Under 14s after moving on from Nippers, but they are too young to do their Bronze Medallion to patrol as senior members of the club.
As a way of keeping the kids interested and involved in the surf club during a time when some members might drift away, particularly young female members, Brian Wetherall came up with a novel approach to encourage a group to continue to be involved and later do their Bronze Medallion as Under 16s and go on to be patrolling members of Avalon Beach SLSC.
In January 2017 a group of enthusiastic Under 15 members will be travelling to New Zealand as a special educational tour group representing the club.
Avalon Beach SLSC members are currently supporting a special fundraising effort to help send the team on its worthwhile mission.
Members of the public who might like to help out with donations or sponsorship are also more than welcome to contact the club for further information at (website: )
60th Anniversary Of Club Palm Beach

Club Palm Beach is going to celebrate the 1957 opening, its 60th anniversary and we would like to get as many people from the past and present as possible to join us in a reunion here at the Club. This includes old friends, relatives, neighbours, local sports clubs, sailing mates, students from local schools, campers from the old camping ground near the Golf course, EVERYONE!
Leading up to the reunion we want to hear your old stories and share your photos from the good old days. Stories from the camping grounds, for example some families lived at the camping grounds while their family homes were built. John Oliver was one, he says the camping ground was a community in itself. Other campers such as the Trainor family loved the camping community so much they moved permanently to Palm Beach.
Camping at Palm Beach, circa 1950 - photo courtesy National Library of Australia
Summer In Pittwater 2016

Local Skaters Give Mona Skate Park A Big Thumbs Up

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Pittwater Online News was selected for preservation by the State Library of New South Wales and National Library of Australia. This title is scheduled to be re-archived regularly.
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