January 29 - February 4, 2017: Issue 298
Summer In Pittwater: On Pittwater!
2017 Huntingfield Cup and Jubilee Australian Champ[ionships - photo by Stephen Collopy.
In our last Issue for 2016 we ran a small insight into the wonderful Jubilee class of sailing craft: Jubilees Come To Pittwater - The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club in 1938 and Huntingfield Cup of 1946
On Monday, January 23rd, the 2017 Australian Championship for the Jubilees finished in a win for Ballarat Yacht Club’s Charles Weatherly in Scorpion,
just clinching the win by a point from Stephen Wright in Renaissance (CSC), the 2016 winner. Mr. Weatherly has previously won the Huntingfield Jubilee Australian championship in 2012, 2009, 2007 and 2006.
Winning third place was RPAYC Member and 2008 winner of the Huntingfield Jubilee Australian championships, David Bray in Wataworrie.
This weekend the RPAYC is hosting the annual Dicko Cup Marathon and the Couta Boat Pittwater Regatta!
In recent weeks the club has hosted the Etchells 2016-2017 Australian Championship, had members winning events Australia wide, such as the women's 29er position for the 2017 World Sailing Youth Championships being secured by two young ladies who have worked and worked - Natasha Bryant and Annie Wilmot - or ensured Summer happiness On The Water can be enjoyed by many through Soldier On Australia.
During the school holidays they've held fun while learning programs for younger sailors while their school term Tackers programs, commencing on Sunday February 12th, provide a fun, safe and affordable introduction to sailing and the marine environment. Programs are tailored to age groups and conducted in the safety of Pittwater, under the supervision of fully qualified instructors.
And there's more to come - the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club is celebrating its 150th year - so even beyond Summer they will be having great sailing on the estuary.
RPA media gentleman Stephen Collopy shares some snaps from recent events as this week's continued Pictorial focus on what Summer in Pittwater is all about. HERE
World Wetlands Day 2017: the 20th Year

Bayview Mangrove tree - A J Guesdon picture
This coming Thursday is World Wetlands Day. The international theme for World Wetlands Day 2017 is Wetlands for disaster risk reduction. This theme will be reflected in the Australian Government's February 2017 edition of Wetlands Australia.
Wetlands play an important role in helping to provide communities with resilience to natural hazards such as flooding caused by storms, cyclones, storm surges and tsunamis.
Since 1997 and the first WWD Australia has promoted the setting aside and restoration of our wetlands - Australia was also the first to designate the world's first Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention - the Cobourg Peninsula.
In Pittwater we are blessed with wetlands and volunteer bush carers who are determined to restore along the creeks that run into them.
Australia Day Awards 2017: Recognising Outstanding And Long-Term Service

The Australia Day Awards 2017 acknowledged the contributions of Northern Beaches people in the fields of sport, medicine, innovation, tourism, surf life saving and caring for veterans an their dependents – in fact there wasn’t one are of life not touched by this year’s awards.
Although this is a long list of people who have done a lot for many for a long time, it is the inspiration they provide to others that stays with us.
This Issue we run a Profile of the Week reprise of a lady who is empowering women and girls and has been doing so for the whole of her career – Christine Hopton OAM.
Along with the lists of those who are residents of the Northern Beaches, a chat with John McInerney, the current Chair of the Veterans Centre Sydney Northern Beaches, and a Member of Avalon beach RSL sub-Branch and Colour Party member for Vietnam Veterans day (Northern) each year runs HERE.
Renewed Calls To Return Pittwater Council To Pittwater By Pittwater People

The retirement from politics of former NSW Premier Mike Baird and the announcement this week of Health Minister Jillian Skinner’s retirement have renewed calls for local councils to be reinstated along their original boundaries, opponents citing these two seats, which will now go to by-elections, are in areas where the amalgamations have proved to be very unpopular. Those who want their councils back state a loss of these seats of Manly and North Shore by the incumbent government will reduce their majority and be an indication of what the next state election may bring.
Pittwater residents have been vocal in their opposition to Pittwater being amalgamated throughout the process that led to mergers being announced and many have continued after these began.
At a rally called by Save Our Councils Coalition on Sunday 22 January 2017, representatives from NSW communities affected by forced council amalgamations, including Pittwater residents, sent a clear message to the new Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, that they wanted these reversed.
Summer In Pittwater

Whale Beach from Ocean Rock Pool - Photograph by and courtesy Jo Longhurst January 28th, 2017: 'The Ocean is as warm as a bath'
Past Features Archives (pre 2014)
Pittwater Online News was selected for preservation by the State Library of New South Wales and National Library of Australia. This title is scheduled to be re-archived regularly.
Archived Issues (2014 on) may be accessed here: pandora.nla.gov.au/tep/143700