July 28 - August 3, 2024: Issue 632


Council to cut time of speeches - ban photography

Residents arriving for February 2023 Council Meeting. Photo supplied.

Northern Beaches Council is proposing to cut the amount of time residents and councillors will be allowed to speak at meetings and to ban photography anywhere near them.

This will be the second time the Northern Beaches Council has sought to limit the Public Forum that opens each Meeting where residents may speak to Motions or Items or present insights into matters directly impacting them and the community.

At the February 27 2018 Meeting the draft Meeting Code proposed abolishing the Public Forum but would still include the Public Address. Then it was proposed that, if the draft Code of Meeting Practice was adopted, the Public Forum would continue as a separate community meeting held five times a year in venues rotating across the region and not be part of the council meetings. 

At that Meeting, amendments moved and seconded by Cr. De Luca and Ferguson meant the Vox populi would persist.

The same idea is again being regurgitated to see if anyone will salute.

Pittwater Residents at the February 2024 Meeting making their views known about state government plans to overrule Pittwater's LEP and DCP. Photo supplied

Some of the residents of Pittwater who attended this month's Council Meeting in support of a demerger poll at the May 2024 Meeting. Photo supplied

Residents attended the NBC Meeting of June 25 2024 to defend Pittwater's trees and two slated for destruction in Ruskin Rowe, Avalon Beach. Photo: Supplied

In speaking on the second amendment, to not abolish the Public Forum, Cr. De Luca said;
“We have heard from our community tonight that they do not want the Public Forum as proposed (in the then current draft)..’
We should not be restricting our community’s right to address us through any avenue available.
We are only sitting a mere 10 times a year. It is not an unfair or unreasonable expectation by our community for them to expect us to listen to them every month.

I commend the Amendment Motion to you and ask you to do what our community wants not what we, as elected representatives, feel is more efficient, to shorten council meetings. 
The perception is, (by the community) is that we are gagging the community for our own benefit."

Cr. Kylie Ferguson also spoke, as seconder, in support of the Motion, stating she had once used such a forum to have her say when no other avenue was open to her.

“It’s important that the community gets to have their say. I once wrote to councillors and to be honest, got no reply. My frustration went through the roof and I thought; what can I do, where can I get to have my say’ and took my three minutes." Cr. Ferguson stated

"I think also, now that we’re online, we’re reaching a greater demographic. We have our loyal favourites that come here every month but we need to get to everyone. This is a great platform now that we have meetings (broadcast online) where people can see ‘hey, they have got the same issue as me’... . ‘they’re going through the same thing’.”

When I spoke and then turned around and everyone cheered me it made me realise ‘I’m not on my own’

“I think the Public Forum is important – it’s 30 minutes of each meeting – I’d extend the meeting by 30 minutes if it meant that everybody got to have their say. It’s so important.
They can listen to us until the cows come home – but it’s them that we really need to know (and hear) – what’s at the base roots, what’s going on, what’s affecting them, what’s making them miserable and what do they need to be championed on.

We’re here to listen and I thank all those (attending) for coming and for bringing to us these issues. We may not know all that is going on and I thank you for bringing these (matters) to us.” Cr. Ferguson said in closing.

“I see the five public forums outside of council meetings as an addition to those now available.” Councillor De Luca further stated.

"I have had a member of the Pittwater community ask that council meetings be held in the former area - I see that those public forums could be in addition to those held outside council, not replace public forums, and there is nothing in my Motion that prevents those five public forums.

" We’ve seen tonight, in the Business paper, the structure of our committees. That document shows that Precinct committees have been abolished.

Then at previous council meetings we’ve seen that section 355 management committees for community centres, parks and other advisory committees have been abolished

This council, in its short time, has done more to abolish community consultation mechanisms than any other council in the history of the northern beaches

So, therefore, we should not be acting to abolish further avenues for our community to actually have their say by way of public forum. 
It is not an unfair or unreasonable expectation of our community to expect us to listen to them every month.

“Restricting Councillors and preventing them from submitting Notices of Motion unless they personally investigate and provide a funding source has been used in the past in some councils to restrict the Motions of independent councillors being submitted. This undermines democracy and grass roots participation. I hope people will have their say by making a submission."

The Amendment to the Item was put, and carried. Those who for were: Crs Amon, Daley, De Luca, Ferguson, Grattan, Harrison, McTaggart, Sprott, Walton, Warren and White.
Those Against rejecting the rejection of hearing the community: Crs Bingham, Heins, Philpott and Regan.

On Saturday July 27 2024 Pittwater Greens Councillor Miranda Korzy said she opposed staff proposals contained in a draft Code of Meeting Practice, to cut speakers’ time during public forums and addresses from three to two minutes.

These had once been 5 minutes but had been reduced under the NBC.

Similarly, all councillors would be limited to speeches of two minutes during the meetings, unless they had proposed a motion, Ms Korzy said.

A ban on photography during meetings would also be extended to before and after, “whilst in the vicinity of the meeting location”, she said.

“Cutting speeches to two minutes might be a great relief for some, but the loss of those 150 words might prevent someone from explaining the intricacies of a complicated issue or describing a particularly pertinent example.

“Meetings often run from 6pm to 11.30pm, with many of us arriving home well after midnight, and I would dearly love to see them shorter. 

“We’re all aware they deteriorate after about 9pm with participants getting tired, niggling at each other across the floor and losing concentration. 

“However, the proposed solution, based on the idea of making meetings more efficient, will add to the slow curtailment of democratic debate.

“The root of the problem is that the council unavoidably has too much business on its agenda, due to its size since the forced amalgamation, and some councillors’ antics delay progress through the agenda.

“The open-ended ban on photography is also an incursion on democracy, and a nonsense when the council itself screens the meetings online. 

“Councillors and members of the community would be prevented from focusing the lens on those attending, even outside the chamber, which would limit anyone snapping photos showing numbers of supporters for any issue.”  

The council will vote on Tuesday to place the draft Code of Meeting Practice on Public exhibition.


Pittwater Greens Councillor calls for review of tree management policy

Residents attended the NBC Meeting of June 25 2024 to defend Pittwater's trees and two slated for destruction in Ruskin Rowe, Avalon Beach. Photo: Supplied

Pittwater Greens Councillor Miranda Korzy is calling on Northern Beaches Council to review its tree management to avoid a repeat of the Ruskin Rowe blockade.

Ms Korzy said she has proposed a motion for the July 30 council meeting for a review of tree assessment, pruning and removal processes.

The motion also calls for examination of the funding needed to ensure trees can remain in place to the end of their useful life, she said.

For this to occur, council will need to implement its Tree Canopy Plan - as amended to protect existing canopy - which was passed at the September 2023 council meeting. 

It must also develop a single tree management policy based on it, she said.

“The Ruskin Rowe blockade has highlighted weaknesses in council’s tree management and this motion is designed to ensure residents never have to take to the streets to protect our canopy again,” Ms Korzy said.

“I hear complaints from the community every week, if not several times a week, about tree removal, and residents’ support for the tree vigil has shown how much they value Pittwater’s tree canopy.

“Local arborists and ecologists are telling me the council has got it wrong on the Ruskin Rowe decision, so both in terms of process and outcome, I believe we must look at what’s led to the situation.

“I’m grateful that council staff are now reviewing the decision, although it has not been rescinded and contractors are currently booked to return to Ruskin Rowe. However, that’s not likely before late August. 

“Pittwater residents love our trees for their natural beauty but they are also important assets, environmentally, socially and economically.” 

Ms Korzy said the tree canopy saves residents and council money by preventing soil erosion and the consequent stormwater runoff - as well as providing habitat for wildlife. 

Urban canopy can also reduce temperatures of the surrounding area by up to 10 degrees Celsius, protecting roads from extreme heat, meaning they deteriorate more slowly and are less costly to maintain.

Trees also absorb carbon dioxide and regulate soil moisture, reducing the presence of various greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Finally, trees improve mental health in the community.

The Notice of Motion reads:

That Council:

1. Undertake an internal review of its tree assessment, pruning and removal processes including: 

a. Frequency of inspections of individual mature trees on public land. 

b. The number of arborists on the relevant Council panel and the criteria used to assess and appoint them. 

c. Standard instructions provided to arborists when undertaking tree assessments. 

d. Consultation with the public regarding potential tree removals.

e. Actions taken to inform the public following identification of a high risk tree and mitigate risk.

f. Protocols for the review of tree removal and pruning decisions including the triggers for when these reviews are undertaken.

2. As part of that review, identify the funding required to: 

a. Inspect and assess mature trees to safely retain them in situ for their useful life expectancy. 

b. Prune, stag or completely remove unsafe mature trees across the LGA on an annual basis. 

c. Maintain existing trees including ongoing watering of tubestock/saplings, fertilising, weeding around them, and mulching as foreshadowed in the Tree Canopy Plan.

3. Create a Tree Management Policy for Northern Beaches Council, consistent with the Tree Canopy Plan as resolved by Council in September 2023.

4. Within six months report to council on the outcome of the reviews in points 1. and 2. as well as the new draft Tree Management Policy.

From CEO in response to motion:

In accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice Clause 4.15(a) I offer the following report on this matter to assist Council in the deliberation of this motion: A high-level review of the listed items could be undertaken within existing resources, noting that a revised tree policy is already in development. A more detailed review of each of these elements would be most appropriately dealt with using Council’s service review framework. Should this approach be preferred, one of the planned service reviews would need to be deferred (such as the Traffic and Transport review).

Photo: Some of the group of tree vigil residents. Photo supplied


Manly Dam's plastic Trail Build: bushland being removed - wallabies pathway to water being blocked sMDCC states

Construction of the new raised plastic boardwalk at Manly Dam has commenced. The REF states the link trail is to be approximately 433 m long and will consist of a raised 1.8m wide fiberglass reinforced plastic boardwalk on galvanised steel pilings traversing bushland to finish at the northern end with a short section of coloured concrete path.

The width of the boardwalk had also previously been reduced from 2.2m wide to 1.8m wide based on feedback received by the Northern Beaches Council from the Manly Warringah War Memorial State Park Advisory Committee.

Council's webpage also states the boardwalk is proposed to be approximately 392m long, with concrete paths added on at end points.

The REF states the works would impact 0.12 ha or 1200 m2 of native vegetation, with 1.8m x 433m =  779.4 m2 of bushland removed in the footprint of the pathway, or 0.0779 of a hectare. 

The project has all the hallmarks of a fait accompli as the announcement of the project took place on March 14, 2021 via the then NSW State Government's Metropolitan Greenspace Program and Council's agreement to a like for like funding

This had been preceded by the 2019-2020 Recommended Council Project Funding of $859,952.00 to the NBC for a Trail and Boardwalk at the site.

North Harbour Reserve received $200k under the same grant system in 2020-21 grants round, $599, 720 for the Bayview shared path which has just been completed in the 2021-22 grants and $450,000.00 for Freshwater Beach playground in 2022-23.

Under the Places to Roam (PTR) aligned program, funded under the aligned $50 million Open Spaces Program for new and improved open spaces to swim, play, roam and ride and connect with nature, Northern Beaches Council received two grants in the 2021-22 successful grant projects; Frenchs Forest, the Pipeline Active Transport Corridor, $2,137,080.00, currently on pause for a re-plan, and for Freshwater, the McKillop Headland Boardwalk and Artwork, $1,550,000.00.

Sydney metropolitan councils can also apply for funding for community garden and bushcare programs under PTR - but so far Warriewood creeks remain choked with weeds and dying.

The MGP is a long running open space grants program, which started in 1983. The 2023-24 objectives are to:
  • improve regionally significant open space, including links between bushland, parks, centres and waterways
  • enable more effective public use of regionally significant open space
  • improve access to a diverse mix of open space opportunities for the community of Greater Sydney and the Central Coast
  • promote partnerships between state and local government
  • support projects that demonstrate a commitment to improved outcomes for health, sustainability, climate change and communities.
  • to provide and improve open space that supports housing supply.
Mentioned again in these objectives is:
Priority will be given to projects that increase and improve open space to support housing supply.

Manly Warringah War Memorial State Park (Manly Dam) is a 375 hectare bushland reserve. A November 2021 Study recorded 1124 species of plants in the study area, including five NSW-listed vulnerable species, two endangered and one critically endangered species. In the animal and insect world, 38 mammals, 172 bird species, including some migratory birds, 11 species of frogs, 43 species of reptiles, 92 species of insects and 15 species of spiders, along with fish, including the Climbing Galaxias, freshwater crustaceans and aquatic macroinvertebrates call this State Park home.

The vision for Manly Warringah War Memorial Park (in Warringah Council the Plan of Management of 2014) is:

A large protected area of bushland and waterways, with a diversity of flora and fauna, high water quality and scenic value, that ensures protection of its natural environment and cultural values, conserves threatened species and communities, provides opportunity for a variety of recreational activities in a low-key natural setting, offers an educational asset and acknowledges its importance as a war memorial park. 

However the first 600 acres, gazetted on December 8 1939 was 'for public recreation' and continued the same as more parcels were added - no mention was ever made of what the site was already home to, or how important this site may now be in the ever-diminishing bushland of the Sydney basin as a place for nature.  

A Community Consultation for the Manly Dam trail via the Northern Beaches Council ran 11 February 2022 to 13 March 2022, almost a year after the March 2021 photo op., and two years after the grant had already been allocated.

Other photos, taken by the Save Manly Dam Bushland on Saturday July 27 2024, show some of the footprint of the works so far:

The Save Manly Dam Bushland posted on social media on the same day:

Northern Beaches Council has the significant responsibility of caring for Manly Warringah War Memorial Park. Which, in recent years, has earned both "State Park" and "NSW Heritage" status because of its rich biodiversity values, as documented in this community initiated project https://manlydambiodiversityproject.org

If you've visited the park recently you will have noticed a large swathe of ugly cleared vegetation (see above photos).  

This previously sensitive intact bushland was where small birds nested in safety, endangered pygmy possums found sanctuary and where wallabies had an unobstructed water source. Now, sadly, the ancient sandstone rocks are being drilled into to create footings for a $1.8 million plastic boardwalk

Some of Australia's top ecologists were involved in documenting  wildlife and plants for the above linked to study. All of them recommended that there should be NO more  fragmentation of bushland for tracks because of the negative impacts it was having on biodiversity. But it appears that yet again our Council would rather spend money on "infrastructure" than conserving this unique natural oasis.  We have many many parks on the Northern Beaches but only one place where the natural bushland was specifically conserved to create Australia's only living war memorial. Imagine how $1.8m could be used to benefit our diminishing threatened species !!

As the Save Manly Dam Catchment Committee we try and campaign to protect nature that cannot speak for itself (see Boardwalk Empire video in comments) and for the humans that love this wonderful wild environment. Sorry we failed you this time.  Australia, not surprisingly, has the world's worst extinction rate.

The project cost has risen since March 2022 and the closing date for Tenders of December 6, 2022. The Disclosure of Class 1 Contract shows the contract, awarded on January 15 2024 to Rare Environmental Pty Ltd of Brookvale, has an estimated amount payable to the contractor under the contract (excluding GST) of $2,189,394.00. With GST the bill is $2,408,333.10. Provisions for Variations to the amount will be allowed. 

If no Variations come in (contractors in other construction formats tell clients to allow around 10% atop quotes for these) the project is costed at $5,561 per metre. 

More in this week's Environment page reports.


Bayview's rejuvenated path + seawall completed

Mayor Sue Heins strolling with Dr. Jenny Rosen of the Bayview Church Point Residents Association along the completed path and seawall works on Tuesday. Photo: Northern Beaches Council

The popular path along the foreshore connecting Bayview and Church Point has received a major boost with the opening on Tuesday July 23rd of a new 200m footpath between Bayview Scout Hall and Bayview Baths after a 5-month construction

The previous footpath had been impacted by coastal erosion which had caused it to become uneven in places and difficult to traverse.

People with prams or young ones on bikes will be able to comfortably share the path with people exercising or going for a stroll. 

And an added bonus is the spectacular view out to Pittwater. 

President of the Bayview Church Point Residents Association Peter Blanchard said he is very pleased that the project is completed.

"There is a twinkle in the eye of the Association to see this project come to fruition. This has been a collaboration between the Association, Council and the State Government. We're so pleased we lobbied the Council and the State Member to see this incredible project finished." Mr Blanchard said. 

This $1.35m project was made possible thanks to a $600,000 grant from the NSW State Government’s Metropolitan Greenspace Program, as announced by former Pittwater MP Rob Stokes in June 2022.

Some mangroves needed to be removed to stabilise the bank. Mangrove seedling replanting will be undertaken at the end of construction with the aim, Council has stated, to replant more than were present prior to the works.

In accordance with Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act), a draft Review of Environmental Factors (REF) has been undertaken. The draft REF outlines potential impacts and mitigation actions for proposed works. The REF is available to view on the Your Say webpage for this project.

Mayor Sue Heins said; “We are grateful to the NSW Government for their contribution via a grant to assist council make this project possible. 

“The widened path now better protects the embankment it sits on from coastal erosion but also means it is more comfortable for people with prams or young ones on bikes to share the path with people exercising or going to a stroll. 

“The existing seawall has also been upgraded to modern engineering standards which will protect the widened footpath and Pittwater Road from erosion,” Mayor Heins said. 

The seawall, comprised of stepped sandstone blocks and sandstone rock toe protection, will protect the bank and provide tidal habitat for fauna, Council has stated. 

Local Member for Pittwater Rory Amon said the upgrades would help improve green open space along the foreshore.

“I am so pleased to see these footpath upgrades completed with funding secured from the State Government,” Mr Amon said.

“I commend the Bayview Church Point Residents Association for their passion in seeing this upgrade realised. Thanks to their efforts, locals and visitors can better enjoy our spectacular Pittwater foreshore.”

Mayor Heins with members of the Bayview Church Point Residents Association (L-R) Stephen Todd, Peter Blanchard and Dr Jenny Rosen


winter in pittwater 

View over Pittwater - from Walk On The Bairne Track In Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park, July 18 2024. Photo by Joe Mills - more in this Issue's Pictorial
View over Pittwater - from Walk On The Bairne Track In Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park, July 18 2024. Photo by Joe Mills - more in this Issue's Pictorial
View over Pittwater - from Walk On The Bairne Track In Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park, July 18 2024. Photo by Kevin Murray - more in this Issue's Pictorial
View over Pittwater - from Walk On The Bairne Track In Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park, July 18 2024. Photo by Kevin Murray - more in this Issue's Pictorial

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